Unconventional Prince Charming
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Unconventional Prince Charming: Chapter 21

E - Words: 5,049 - Last Updated: Jun 22, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
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Unconventional Prince Charming

Chapter 21 December 16th Wednesday

The school was buzzing that Wednesday afternoon and it wasn't just because the got off early for Christmas but because of the new rumor that was circulating the school. Apparently Jade had hit his newest boyfriend and the guys parents got involved and Jade was arrested. Kurt was just happy that he finally got what was coming to him. He was brought out of his inner ramblings by his boyfriend approaching. “Have you heard?”
Kurt shut his locker softly before turning to face Blaine. “Yes.”
“Do you need to talk about it?” Blaine asked concernedly.
Kurt smiled. “No. You know what I do need though?”
“What?” Blaine asked confused.
“A weekend with my friends.”
“I can arrange that.” Blaine said with a smile.
“You're the best.” Kurt exclaimed as he tackled Blaine with a hug.
Blaine laughed as he caught him and held onto him tightly. “Let's get to class.”

It ended up being a pretty stressful day for Kurt. Everyone kept coming up to him and asking questions about Jade. They were scared off however when Blaine would throw his arm around Kurt and glare. By the end of the day Kurt was emotionally exhausted and ready to go home. He gave the keys to Finn so that he could ride home with Blaine because he didn't feel like waiting around for Rachel.
As soon as they got home they threw their bags on the floor and Kurt dragged Blaine to the couch. He threw Blaine on it and then climbed on top of him, laying his head on his chest. Blaine laughed as he carded his hand through Kurt's hair as he laid there with his eyes closed. “All of those people asking questions today. It just brought back all of those memories. Will I ever get away from him?”
Kurt looked up sharply.
“And I don't think you should be. The whole incident taught you so many things. It made you stronger, smarter, and more courageous. And I don't think that's something that should be forgotten.
Kurt surged forward and kissed him. “I love you.”
“I love you. Now get some sleep before loud mouth Berry gets here.”
Kurt laughed as he readjusted himself on top of Blaine.

What seemed like only two minutes but was actually thirty, Finn and Rachel came through the door with Rachel babbling about something or another.
Kurt and Blaine yelled out at the same time as Finn and Rachel took a seat on the love seat by the couch.
“So now that your up, me and Finn were making plans for the holiday season.”
“Me and Kurt are planning a weekend with the friends.”
“That's great because me and Finn were thinking about holding a Christmas Eve party.”
“Rachel, let me sleep!”
“So Kurt, you and me will have to go to the mall one day to get gifts for everybody.”
“Sleep Rachel, please!”
“And of course we have to get party supplies.”
“Sleep Rachel.”
“We should have the party here, since it's a neutral place.”
“And we have to talk about Blaine because I don't really know him all that well and seeing as your dating him you should be able to tell me what he likes.”
“Condoms.” Blaine answered with a smirk.
“Oh my gawd!” Kurt proclaimed as he got off the couch and disappeared down the hall.
“You mean you two have…”
“Several times.”
“Would you stop lying to her!” Kurt shouted at them from down the hall.
“Dude! That's my brother.”
“Relax Finn, he was lying.” Kurt said as he came back into the room and sat on the couch next to Blaine.
“Anyway, what are we going to do tonight? I was thinking maybe we could rent a movie and make some popcorn.”
“Good idea. You and Finn go out and get some of that stuff and we'll all meet back here.”
What will you two be doing?”
“Thinking of plans for the weekend of course.” Kurt answered.
“Shouldn't we all do that?”
“We'll give you the details when you get back.”
“Fine.” Rachel huffed as she stormed out of the house with Finn on her heels.
“Finally!” Kurt exclaimed.
“Why did you want them out of here so bad?” Blaine asked.
Kurt smirked before launching himself at Blaine and attaching their lips.

When Finn and Rachel returned Kurt and Blaine were lounging on the couch, with Blaine laid out and Kurt laying on his side, with their hands joined between them talking quietly.
“You two look comfy.” Rachel said with a smirk as she entered the room.
“That's because we are.” Blaine replied.
“So, did you guys talk about the weekend while we were gone?”
“We didn't get around to it.” Blaine replied with a smirk.
“I was thinking about having a horror movie weekend.” Kurt answered.
“That sounds awesome!” Finn exclaimed.
“You just came up with that!” Rachel accused.
“I've actually been thinking about it all afternoon after ‘someone‘ promised me a great weekend.” Kurt explained.
“I thought we were off to a pretty good start myself.”
“Must I hit you?” Kurt asked with a glare.
“Sorry babe, I'm just happy because I just… Ow!”
“If you two are quite finished I would like to talk about Glee club today and how it was unfair that Mr. Schue…”
Kurt sighed as he tuned her out so he could start planning the weekend. He needed to call Nick for some ideas. He wasn't that big of a fan of the horror movie genre but he knew that Blaine and his crew were. He had to make this weekend perfect. He sent a quick text to Nick asking him to meet him at the Lima Bean in the morning before settling down for a night with his friends.

The next morning found Nick and Kurt sitting at the Lima Bean drinking coffee and discussing plans for the weekend while Blaine headed to the gym to hang with the rest of the boys. They were currently sitting at a table by the window with a tablet out in front of them.
“So I was thinking that maybe you could bring by some movies. I will take care of the decorations and I figured that all of us could go in on the food. We can start at 10 pm on Friday and into Saturday until 10 pm, when we'll go to sleep and then everyone leaves on Sunday.”
“That sounds great Kurt. I propose we all go out to eat on Friday, my treat, and then afterwards we can raid the grocery store for junk food.”
“Okay. So we can have dinner at seven, be at the store by 8, and home by ten.”
“That sounds awesome! Also I need you to go to the mall with me one day because I need help picking out a present for Jeff.”
“Sure, I'll have to get back to you on that though because Rachel is already planning a day for the two of us to go.”
“No problem.”
“I need to head to the store and pick up a few things. You want to come with?”

After a fun filled time at the store they made it back just in time for Blaine to pick Kurt up. After a quick goodbye Kurt and Blaine left for home. When they got there they settled on the couch as Kurt explained all of his plans for the weekend. As they were sitting there Finn and Rachel came in and joined them. Rachel sat on the end of the couch while Finn sat in Burt's chair and took over the television. Blaine sighed as Rachel's attempts to steer Kurt's attention her way finally worked as Kurt was now talking to her. He turned his attention to the television.

About halfway through the game they were watching Blaine felt a weight on his shoulder and an arm go through his as a body settled against his. He looked down with a smile to find Kurt curled up next to him. He kissed his head before scooting back on the couch so they could both be more comfortable.
“What happened to Rachel?”
“Are you having a good time hanging out with her?”
“That girl wears me out.” Kurt replied with a yawn.
Blaine laughed in response. “Would you like to sneak upstairs? I'm sure they would like some time alone as well, Finn anyway.”
“Yes please.”
They got up to leave just as Rachel was heading back into the room. “Where do you two think your going?”
“Upstairs. Don't follow us!” Kurt replied as he dragged Blaine upstairs.
As soon as they reached the bedroom Kurt threw Blaine inside before shutting and locking the door.
“You want me to put the dresser in front of it too?” Blaine asked teasingly.
Kurt smiled. “If I hadn't done that she would just come barging through the door. Finn doesn't entertain her as well as he thinks he does.”
“That's kind of a tall order don't you think?”
“Definitely. Now let's continue our talk about this weekend. I got some supplies today that I'll be putting up tomorrow for decoration. We're going to dinner tomorrow at seven, Nick's treat. And then we're going to the store afterwards so you guys can pick out some junk food, while me and Rachel pick out healthy snacks. And Nick's bringing the movies.”
“Why are you having a scary movie weekend anyway? I thought you hated scary movies?”
“For you. I can never repay you for everything you've done for me, because you have no idea how much you've helped me. So, I thought that if I did small things for you here and there that it could be a start.”
“You don't owe me anything Kurt.”
“I know. Which makes it ten times better, because I know I don't, and yet I want to be able to pay you back anyway, and make you happy.”
“I am happy Kurt, you make me happy.”
Kurt stepped forward and embraced Blaine before placing a kiss on his lips. “I'm happier than I've ever been.”

They stayed in the room until Burt and Carole came home. They then returned downstairs where Kurt went to help Carole in the kitchen while Burt, Blaine and Finn watched the game. Kurt asked Carole about the weekend and she thought it was a great idea that Burt would definitely get behind. Once dinner was made they were all called in to the kitchen where they sat at the table and ate. Come to find out Burt was definitely for the plan, in fact he decided to make some of his own plans to take Carole out of town that weekend. But they promised to be back early Sunday and Burt was sure to lay down some rules for the weekend.

After dinner the guys did the dishes while Kurt, Carole and Rachel went to pick out a movie. When the guys came back some kind of musical was on, West Side Story, Blaine supplied. They just shrugged as they went to sit with their significant others. Burt sat on his chair with Carole in his lap while Finn sat on the end of the couch with Rachel in his lap. And Blaine laid his head in Kurt's lap and threw his feet across the back of the couch. They ended up watching movies until midnight before calling it a night.

Kurt got up the next morning around six. He snuck out the bedroom door as he left Blaine sleeping in bed. He tip toed downstairs and into the kitchen where he started a pot of coffee. He let out a yawn as he walked to the living room and grabbed his bags from the day before and started sorting through them. He started going through plans in his head where to put everything. He got up a moment later to fix a cup of coffee. He returned to the living room with his coffee cup in hand and sat down on the couch. Just as he was about to put the cup to mouth he heard someone coming down the stairs.
“What are you doing up so early?” Blaine asked as he descended the stairs and proceeded to throw himself over the side of the couch and into Kurt's lap. “Why did you leave me?”
Kurt smiled down at him as he combed his hand through his hair. “I have to get this house ready for our guests tonight.”
“Kurt, our weekends are supposed to be spent staying up late and then sleeping in late, you got the first part right.”
“You know how I like perfection Blaine.”
“Yes, that's why your dating me.”
Kurt snickered. “I thought it was because I fell for you bad boy act?”
“That was the other reason.”
Kurt groaned as he grabbed a pillow and placed it on Blaine's head. “You are so arrogant!”
“You love it!” Blaine yells out from under the pillow.
Kurt laughs as he smashes the pillow further.
“This is abuse on your perfect boyfriend!”
“You mean my conceded boyfriend!”
“Your right. My boyfriend is the perfect one.”
“You're just saying that to get the pillow off your face.”
“You want to take that chance?”
Kurt slowly removed the pillow from his face. As soon as it was off Blaine surged upwards and connected their lips. They kissed for several minutes before Kurt eventually pulled away to catch his breath. “You are perfect.”
“Mhm. Are you going to help me put up these decorations or are you going to sleep?”
Blaine leaned up to kiss him once more before answering the question. “I think I'm going to catch some more shut eye. I'll help you make snacks later.”
“That sounds great honey.” Kurt said with a smile as he got up and started digging through bags once more as Blaine made himself comfortable on the couch. When Kurt turned around a few minutes later Blaine was snoring softly and a little bit of drool was hanging on his lip. Kurt smile softly as he grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and put it on him before wiping his mouth with the sleeve of Blaine's shirt.

Kurt spent the next few hours decorating the living room while Blaine snored away on the couch.

Blaine woke up around ten to find the living room completely transformed. There was black and white garland around the ceiling and ghost and bats flying around. He also had black balloons blown up in the corner. A few seconds later Kurt came skipping in to the living room, letting out a squeal when he found Blaine awake. “What do you think?”
“How long did I sleep?”
“Just a few hours.” Kurt answered confusedly.
“Oh good, because I thought Halloween had already come around again.”
“You mean you don't like it?” Kurt asked upset.
After hearing the hurt in his voice Blaine was off the couch in a second and holding Kurt in his arms. “I love it baby.”
“No you don't.” Kurt replied with a shake of his head.
“You did a great job. It looks fantastic.”
“It's okay if you don't like it you know. You don't always have to like the things I do just because I do them.”
“It may not be my style to go all out on decorating, but I really do think it looks great.”
“Thank you. Why don't you come into the kitchen, I've just started breakfast a few minutes ago.”
“Now your cooking is something I can really get behind.”
Kurt laughed as he pushed Blaine into the kitchen.

By the times the other came down they were halfway through breakfast. Burt and Finn joined them at the table as Carole went to the stove and started making some eggs. As Burt, Finn and Blaine started talking football Kurt got up from the table to help Carole. He grabbed his plate and hopped up on the counter next to Carole. “Good morning kiddo.”
“Good morning Carole!”
“Someone's excited for their movie night.”
“I always enjoy hanging out with the guys. It's not something I've really gotten to do before. I find myself having fun doing some of the guy things.”
“You better watch out or soon you'll be sitting on the couch day in and day out watching football like the three overgrown boys at the table.” Carole said teasingly as Kurt just glared at her playfully.

They were soon sitting at the table with the others discussing the days plans. Kurt said that him and Blaine were planning on making snacks all day and then taking a nap before heading to dinner, while Finn and Rachel informed them that they were heading to the mall and would meet them at the restaurant later. So after finishing breakfast they all went their separate ways, with Burt and Carole going out for the day and renting a hotel room that night.

After they left Kurt got busy gathering ingredients for the snacks while Blaine cleared the table and did the dishes. Kurt was about halfway through making one of his snacks by the time Blaine joined him. “What is that?”
“It's called a fruit and vegetable tray Blaine.”
“Where's the ranch?”
“The ranch makes it unhealthy so it doesn't belong on my tray.”
“Are you kidding me!”
“How about we make a deal?”
“What kind of deal?”
“Tonight, you have to eat one healthy snack, while I eat one of your unhealthy snacks.”
“Deal!” Blaine said with a smile as he grabbed a carrot stick and took a bite of it. Kurt just shook his head with a laugh as he continued cutting up food for the tray.

They finished the snacks and cleaning up the kitchen around one so they decided to just kick back in the living room. Kurt set up his ipod on the table to play music softly while Blaine laid back on the couch with his cell phone. Kurt decided to curl up on the end of the couch with Blaine's feet on his lap.

A few minutes later Blaine grabbed Kurt and settled him against his side before returning to his phone. Kurt watched him for a little while before laying his head on his shoulder. “Who have you been texting all day?”
“Ah.” Kurt said as he grabbed his book and started reading again.
Blaine put down his phone a moment later with a laugh before grabbing Kurt's book from his hand and setting it on the table as well. He gathered Kurt close and buried his face in his neck with a sigh. “The guys are excited about tonight.”
“So am I.”
“Is it time for our nap?” Blaine asked with a yawn.
Kurt just laughed as he snuggled down into Blaine and shut his eyes.

Finn and Rachel returned around three to find Kurt and Blaine snoring on the couch. They decided to let them sleep for one more hour before they had to get up and get ready to meet the rest of their friends for dinner. Their effort was futile however since Kurt was awoken a moment later by his phone going off. He groaned as he reached for it where it was sitting on the table. He yawned as he put it to his face to read his new message. He smiled when he realized it was from Nick. “I got all the movies together. There's about ten of them.”
“Great. Dinner at six?”
“Can't wait! Lima Bean?”
“As planned. And then of course your raid of the store. By the by me and Blaine made snacks for the night also.”
“We're teenage boys Kurt, it will all get eaten.”
“Lol. How could I think any different?”
“Lol. See you in a bit.”
“Can't wait!”
Kurt set the phone back down on the table before rolling over to face Blaine who had woken sometime during Kurt's phone conversation. He smiled as he wrapped his arms around him and kissed him on the nose. Kurt giggled as he snuggled closer. “That was Nick. He's excited for our movie night.”
“Is it time to get up already?”
“But I'm so comfortable.” Blaine whined as he pulled Kurt closer.
Kurt just laughed as he was rolled on top of Blaine. Kurt looked down and their eyes locked. “Hi.” Blaine said with a smirk.
“Hi.” Kurt breathed back.
Their little moment was interrupted however by Rachel and Finn coming into the room.
“You're awake!”
They both groaned as Kurt rolled off of Blaine and stood up. “I'm going to go get ready.”
Blaine just grunted as he rolled back over to face the couch.

They left the house about an hour later to head to the Lima Bean. While Finn and Rachel were busy making out in the backseat Blaine turned up the music as he pulled Kurt to his side.

As soon as they were parked in the Lima Bean parking lot Kurt and Blaine were out of the car while Finn and Rachel continued to make out in the backseat. Once inside they spotted their friends in the corner booth and made their way over with Blaine leaving after a quick hello to grab him and Kurt a sandwich. Kurt took a seat next to Nick as Puck followed Blaine to the counter. “Where's Finn and Rachel?”
“Oh they couldn't get their tongues out of each other's mouths long enough to join us for dinner.”
“Ugh. I don't understand why people have to do that kind of stuff in public? You two are together, we get it!”
The others laughed as conversation continued to flow smoothly between them as always. Eventually Finn and Rachel did join htem, each adorning a new hickey on their necks.
“It's about damn time, we're almost done with our dinners here!” Blaine shouted as they came through the door.
They had the decency to blush as they took a seat at the table. Kurt just rolled his eyes as he went back to his conversation with Nick as Blaine sat beside him with his arm thrown across the back of his chair talking with Puck. “If you two want any dinner you better hurry. If we want to stay on schedule we have to leave in twenty minutes. And we're not delaying a night that everyone's been looking forward to because you two couldn't keep in your pants for five minutes.”
“Hey! It's not like you and Kurt have never done it! Oh I'm sorry, you haven't. So you have no idea what it's like to have so much love for a person that you must declare it right then and there.”
Blaine chuckled darkly. “It may be true that me and Kurt haven't gotten to that part of our relationship quite yet, but we know each other on a more personal level than you two can even fathom. Now, if you ever make the mistake again of speaking against mine and Kurt's relationship, you will be kicked out of this group faster than you can say broadway. Do I make myself clear?”
Rachel gulped as she nodded quickly.
“Great. Now eat your dinner. We leave in ten.”
Rachel quickly grabbed her sandwich and started chowing down as Finn sat beside her in shock. He had never seen Blaine in action before, but now he knew where his reputation came from.
Kurt silently grabbed Blaine's hand under the table and squeezed lightly as he sent a small smile his way. Blaine just winked as he continued his conversation with Puck.

They left the diner ten minutes later just as Blaine had ordered. Finn and Rachel quietly climbed into the backseat as Kurt and Blaine took their positions in the front. As soon as they made it to the store Finn and Rachel were out of the car and inside with Kurt and Blaine following slowly behind. Once inside they all split up with Kurt going with Nick and Blaine going with the rest of the gang. As Kurt and Nick were wandering down the aisles with Nick putting several things into the buggy at the same time, Kurt was unusually quiet. “He scared you didn't he?”
Kurt looked up quickly in confusion. “Who?”
“Blaine, when he pulled his ‘leader of the gang' act.”
Kurt quickly shook his head. “Not at all. I mean, that was the first time I've ever seen him in action, but it didn't scare me.”
“Then why the silence?”
“I'm just mulling some things over in my head.”
Nick smirked. “It turned you on didn't it?”
“Shut up.”

Jeff, Wes and David had run off down the aisle leaving Puck and Blaine to trail behind.
“Yo man, I hope you didn't scare Kurt with all of that alpha male crap in the restaurant.”
Blaine frowned. “He didn't act scared. Do you think he was?”
“I don't know. Maybe you should talk to him.”
Puck laughed, “It's been awhile since I've seen you go off on someone like that, I've missed it.”
Blaine smiled. “Me too.”

They left the store about an hour later to head home. Once there they all piled into the living room as Nick started the first movie after turning out all the lights. Blaine announced that him and Kurt were going to make some popcorn before dragging Kurt in to the kitchen where he placed him on the counter as he gathered all of the stuff to make the popcorn. Kurt watching him silently all the while. As the popcorn started popping in the bowl Blaine walked over to stand between Kurt's legs. Kurt threw his arms around his neck with a smile. Blaine smiled back softly as he laid his head on his arm. Kurt frowned as he looked down at him. “What's wrong sweetheart?”
Blaine sighed as he grabbed both of Kurt's hands and held them between his own. “Kurt, I have a duty as the leader of our friends, but most of all as your boyfriend, to protect you. But it has come to my attention that this position may not be the best for you to be in considering your past. What you saw at the restaurant was just a little taste of what I'm capable of when someone I love is being talked against. You must understand though, that were it someone talking against Finn or Rachel, I would have come to their aid as well. That being said, I didn't mean to frighten you at the restaurant.”
Kurt just let out a little laugh as he pulled Blaine closer and kissed him. He deepened the kiss before letting go with a final soft kiss to his lips. “You silly boy. Your little stunt at the restaurant didn't scare me one bit. It actually turned me on.” Kurt finished quietly.
Blaine smirked. “Really?”
“Yeah, having you take up for me, is a real turn on.” Kurt said as he reattached their lips.
They were interrupted a moment later with calls from the other room. They broke the kiss with a gasp. “We'll continue this later.” Blaine said with a growl.
“Promises. Promises.” Kurt said with a smirk as he hopped off the counter and finished the popcorn.

As the holidays grew nearer the house became abuzz with activity. Kurt and Rachel had already taken two trips to the mall and had planned one for next week, along with Kurt's trip with Nick. Blaine and Kurt spent a couple of days in the kitchen baking goods, as well as Blaine spending some of his days at the gym with the guys. Finn and Rachel had spent almost everyday day together and Finn was rather grateful for the days she went to the mall with Kurt.
The movie night was such a success that the gang wanted to do it again before school began again, so they planned for one the weekend before school started. They were also looking forward to the New Years Eve party that Rachel and Kurt had planned.

Puck and Rachel had become permanent fixtures in the house over the holiday, so it wasn't uncommon to find everybody in Kurt's room in the morning asleep on the floor. So it was no surprise that on Christmas morning they arrived at the house a little after ten, after spending the morning with their families. They made it just in time for the huge breakfast that Kurt and Carole made on Christmas morning.
After breakfast all of the teenagers pitched in with the cleaning while Burt and Carole went upstairs to get cleaned up for the day. As they disappeared upstairs Blaine took Kurt by the hand and dragged him up to his room, where he shut the door behind them.
“What's going on?”
“Just, please, sit on the bed, and let me talk.”
Kurt silently walked to the bed, sitting down on the edge and looking up at Blaine expectantly.
Blaine took a deep breath. “Kurt, I know that we're really young, but I don't think that I'm going to feel this way about anyone else. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. I always watched those stupid romantic movies and when it talked about the instant connection of the eyes, and the spark you feel when ‘the one' touches you, I always laughed. I have never believed in ‘happily ever after', until I met you. With you, I feel all of the things that I'm supposed to feel, and that scares me. But, I know that you feel the same, so I can deal with it.”
“Blaine, what's going on here?”
“Just, just, let me finish.” Blaine said taking another deep breath. “I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You make me so happy, and I never thought I would find that again, after everything that's happened in my life. But you erase it all, with one smile you make me feel like it doesn't matter, that I can still be whoever I want to be, or love whoever I want to love. So, please, take this token of my love.” Blaine said as he held out a opened velvet box towards Kurt. “It's just a promise ring, for now. When we get older, maybe after finishing college like we planned, it will be an engagement ring.”
Kurt squealed as he jumped towards Blaine, causing him to fall on the floor laughing. “I'll take that as a yes.”
“Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!”

The rest of the morning was spent fawning over Kurt's ring as Burt took Blaine in to the next room, while the rest of the afternoon was spent enjoying presents. They had a great big dinner that night and afterwards they watched Christmas movies.

New Years came pretty quickly after that. The party was once again a success. Kurt was just happy that he finally had someone to kiss at midnight.


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