Unconventional Prince Charming
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Unconventional Prince Charming: Chapter 20

E - Words: 4,182 - Last Updated: Jun 22, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
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Chapter 20 November 19th Friday

The Hummel- Hudson family welcomed Blaine back with open arms and they soon became a big happy family once more. For once in Kurt's life things were going pretty well. He had the love of his life living with him, the best step brother a boy could ask for, the best parents and the greatest group of friends. He hadn't heard from Jade since the fight. And to top it all off, school was about to be out for 10 days for Thanksgiving. Kurt was feeling on top of the world.

He looked up as he was standing at his locker trying to stuff all of his books inside while his ‘cute as could be' boyfriend skipped up to him, literally. He had a huge smile on his face which made Kurt suspicious. He returned the smile as he greeted him. “What's got you so excited?”
Blaine squealed as he grabbed Kurt's arm and squeezed. “I heard some exciting news!”
“Even more exciting than school being out for 10 days?” Kurt asked skeptically.
“Don't keep me hanging on here.” Kurt exclaimed when Blaine didn't answer.
“What would you say to spending four of those days with your friends, at Jeff's house?”
“I'd say, let's hit the road! But my dad would never agree to something like that.”
“What if I told you he already did?” Blaine asked with a smile.
“How?” Kurt asked as he was rendered speechless.
“He says along as we are there on Thanksgiving day, he didn't mind if we spent a few days with our friends.”
Kurt squealed as he jumped in Blaine's arms and squeezed with all his might while Blaine laughed at Kurt's excitement. He soon let go, clapping his hands together in happiness. “I have so much planning to do. When do we leave?”
“Now?” Kurt asked disbelieving. “I can't possibly…”
“I have your bags packed in the car and the others are meeting us at the Lima Bean for a quick stop off before heading to Jeff's place.” Blaine answered.
“How did you know what to pack?”
“I have been observing you for awhile now and I think you will quite approve of my choices.”
“How about we make this interesting?”
“What did you have in mind?” Blaine asked curiously.
“If I don't like what you packed for me, you have to take me to the mall and buy me a new outfit, scarf included.”
“And when you like the clothes I picked, with love I might add, what happens?”
Kurt laughed. “I will buy you a new bowtie.”
“You've got a deal Hummel.” Blaine said grabbing his hand and shaking it before they both dissolved into giggles.

“What's got you two giggling like two hyenas in heat?” Santana asked as she walked up to them with Brittany by her side.
“Nothing Santana.” Kurt said through his giggles.
“We better get a move on Hummel, every ones already waiting for us at the Lima Bean.”
“Lead on Satan.” Kurt stated as he looped his arm through Blaine's as they took off down the hall.

When they made it to the Lima Bean every one was already there with coffees in hand. They waved to them as they got in line. As soon as they were out of the line they made a bee line for the table. Once there Kurt went to sit with Nick as Blaine sat with Wes. Brittany and Santana sat at the end of the table with Finn and Rachel.

They stayed at the Lima Bean for hours before heading to Jeff's house. It was a quiet ride as Blaine took over the driving as Kurt snuggled up against him with his head on his shoulder and dozed, the car soothing him. Blaine had the radio turned down low and was singing along softly which was just making Kurt more drowsy. Blaine smiled as the next time he looked down at Kurt he was snoring softly against his shoulder. He squeezed his arm softly in affection.

Blaine reluctantly woke him once they reached Jeff's house an hour later. Kurt yawned and stretched as Blaine stepped out of the car and made his way to the back of the car. Kurt scooted over and left the car the same way just as Blaine was coming back with two bags in hand. Kurt smiled at him as they made their way towards the house. When they made it inside they noticed that all of their friends were already there. Apparently Jeff was laying down some house rules as groans of annoyance were heard from all around the room.
“Now first of all, do not destroy my families house! Second, the only room in this house that is off limits is my parents. Third, the only place you are allowed to have sex is in the room you are assigned! And fourth, just have fun. I have a workout room and a basketball court on the east side of the house and a huge ass indoor heated pool on the west. Do not pee in my pool!” He stated as he glared at Puck who threw his hands up in surrender.

“One time and I'm branded for life!” Puck muttered as the occupants of the room burst into laughter.

“Now all of the rooms are upstairs. There are three sets of bedrooms that are joined together by a bathroom. These are full size bedrooms with king sized beds and a huge ass television hooked up to cable in each one. Now if you would follow Wes upstairs, he would be happy to show you to your rooms. Me and Nick will be in the kitchen ordering pizza when you get ready to join us.” Nick said as he and Nick disappeared to the kitchen.

“Alright folks, follow me! Remember to keep your hands and feet inside the car at al times, and to yourself because frankly no ones wants to see that!”
“Just take us upstairs Wes!” Blaine yelled.
“Right.” Wes muttered as he continued upstairs.

Once they made it upstairs the couples all chose a room giving Wes a whole side of the hall to himself.
Kurt shut the door to their bedroom as Blaine jumped onto the bed and buried his face into the pillows. Kurt giggled as he laid the bags on top of the bed and flipped his open to search through it. By this time Blaine had flipped over and was watching him through half closed eyes. Eventually Kurt looked up with a smile on his face. “Well mister, I guess I owe you a bowtie.”
Blaine laughed. “I've had my eyes on this beauty at the mall for weeks now.”
Kurt smiled as he walked over to the side of the bed and bent down whispering against his lips. “It's yours.” Before connection their lips.

Before they could get too far there was a knock on the bathroom door and soon it was opening and Finn was stepping through. “Oh cool, the door leads to another room.”
Blaine groaned as he threw his head back on the pillow and Kurt rolled his eyes. “Is there a reason you came barging into our room Finn?”
“Rachel sent me to tell you that we're heading downstairs.”
“We'll be there in a moment.”
“You'll have time for that later boys, it's family time!” Rachel stated coming into the room with her hands on her hips.
Kurt and Blaine groaned as they headed to the door with Finn and Rachel behind them.

They all met up in the kitchen and gathered around the huge table. They ate pizza between conversations with each other. As soon as they were done eating all of the boys, minus Kurt, disappeared to the basketball court while the girls went upstairs to watch movies. Kurt sighed as Nick gave him a look from across the table that made him want to spill his guts. “So how are you doing?”
“Care to elaborate?”
Kurt smiled at the acknowledgement of Nick knowing him so well. “When I first woke up in the hospital I knew what had happened. My mind started playing flashbacks for me that I tried to push away. My dad was there everyday, all day, which helped to keep my mind off things.”
Tears sprang to his eyes as he continued his story. “And then I found out that my dad blamed Blaine for everything. And in that moment I knew that I had lost Blaine. That was also the first time in my life I had hateful thoughts of my father.”
“As you know me and my dad have an awesome relationship, which I knew Blaine didn't want to get in between. That night after he left I contacted Blaine, only to get my suspicions confirmed.”
Kurt choked on a sob as the feelings of Blaine's rejection hit him again. Nick grabbed his hand and held them between both of his to let him know that he was there. Kurt cleared his throat before continuing. “That was the first night I had the nightmare, that I had every night until we got back together. It would start out at the school, in first period. I would be sitting down next to Jade in class and he would be whispering horrible things in my ear, but I would just be staring straight ahead at the black board with a blank look on my face. But then the dream would change.”
Kurt took a deep breath to ward away the bad memories this talk was bringing up. “It would soon turn into Blaine telling me that I wasn't good enough for him. That he would never love me again. That he found somebody better than me.”
By this time Kurt had tears streaming down his face and Nick gathered him to him in a giant hug as he cried on his shoulder. He sniffled as he quietly told the rest of his story. “And instead of just sitting there with a blank look, I had tears streaming down my face. Then the bell would ring and he would get up and walk away with a smirk on his face, leaving me screaming after him. That's how I would wake up every night, screaming his name. My poor father would run into the room and try to calm me down. Of course I would calm myself down for his sake, but I didn't get any more sleep that night. It got to where I was averaging a hour or two of sleep a night.”
Kurt pulled back with a smile on his face as he wiped at his eyes. “But everything's better now. Better than ever actually.”
“I'm so proud of you Kurt.” Nick said grinning with pride.
Kurt laughed. “You know you're the only one I've told that story to. And now that I've told you I feel like this huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. How do you always do that?”
Nick shrugged. “Sometimes you just need someone to talk to who would just listen and react.”
“I love you!” Kurt said as he surged forward and wrapped his arms around Nick who burst into laughter as he caught him. “I love you too.”

“Should we be concerned?”
Kurt and Nick looked up at the same time to find Blaine and Jeff standing in the doorway with smiles on their faces that they thought was hiding their jealousy and concern. They both laughed as they pulled apart and walked over to their boyfriends, kissing them on their cheeks before wrapping them in a hug. Blaine and Jeff held their boyfriends closely to them as they led them down the hall and to the pool where they all changed into swimsuits in the pool house.

They played around for a bit before Kurt and Blaine escaped to the other side of the pool where Blaine sat on the top step while Kurt sat on the second step between his legs and laid his head on his chest. Blaine wrapped his arms around him and kissed him on top of the head. “So, what were you and Nick talking about?”
Kurt hummed. “I love it when you get jealous.”
“I am not jealous!” Blaine scoffed.
“Sure sweetie.”
After a moments silence he re asked the question.
“We were talking about what happened after my fight with Jade.”
“You looked like you had been crying.” Blaine said concerned.
“There were a few tears shed.” Kurt said with a nod.
“Did talking to him make you feel better?”
“Yes. But only because I knew it wasn't going to upset him as it would have you to hear it.”
Blaine squeezed him in a hug and placed a kiss to the top of his head. “All that matters is you feel better.”
“I do.”
They sat there in silence just basking in each other's presence.

When Jeff and Nick looked over there a few minutes later they were both asleep on a couple of beach towels set up on the side of the pool. A smirk appeared on their faces as they swam towards them with the couple none the wiser. As they reached them they quietly swam closer until they were right on the edge of the pool. They stopped for a moment as Kurt groaned and moved in his sleep before settling back down. Once Kurt was settled they counted down from three before making a huge splash with their hands and dousing Kurt and Blaine awake.

Nick and Jeff burst into laughter as Kurt and Blaine jumped up and started yelling profanities at them. At that moment the rest of the gang joined them and were standing there looking at them curiously. “What's going on?”
Nick and Jeff were too busy laughing so Blaine decided to answer. “These two assholes threw water on us when we were sleeping!”
“Why were you sleeping?” Finn asked.
“That is not the point Finn!” Kurt yelled.
“Dudes, you're at the pool, you should be expected to get wet.”
“We were sleeping!”
“Dudes! You should have seen your faces!” Nick shouted through his laughter.

Kurt rolled his eyes at his two friends as Puck jumped into the pool with the boys following quickly behind as the girls went to sit along the edge of the pool.

As soon as they returned to the room Kurt hopped into the shower as Blaine flipped through the channels. About halfway through the show he was watching Kurt emerged from the bathroom. They smiled at each other as Blaine walked past him and disappeared into the bathroom. Kurt sat his bottles up as he heard the shower turn on and Blaine start singing at the top of his lungs.

Just as the water turned off he had finished with his last bottle. He wiped his hands off before walking to the bed and climbing in. A few minutes later the bathroom door opened and Blaine emerged from the bathroom with smoke billowing after him. “How hot did you have that water?”
Blaine smirked. “I like my water like I like my men, scalding.”
Kurt burst into laughter. “You are so corny.”
Blaine smiled as he made his way over to the bed and climbed in. he scooted over until he was laying next to Kurt. “You love it.”
“I do.”
Blaine hummed as he leaned over and pressed a kiss to his mouth. A kiss that was meant to be sweet and simple but soon turned to hot and heavy. Blaine scooted closer to Kurt to where he was pressed up against his side as he let his hand wander down to his stomach and then a little further until he was at the hem of his shirt. “Is this okay?”
Kurt nodded quickly before reattaching their lips while Blaine took the opportunity to lift Kurt's shirt up and trail his hand across his chest to flick his nipple. Kurt gasped against his mouth so he took his nipple between both fingers this time and rubbed them together. This caused Kurt to moan and writhe on the bed. Blaine took a few moments more on this before moving his hand over and doing the same to the other, causing an almost violent reaction from Kurt, who started writhing on the bed uncontrollably.
Blaine then took a moment to take his shirt off before attacking his nipple with his tongue causing Kurt to moan loudly. Blaine looked up at him through his lashes as he asked him if this was okay.
Kurt nodded his head before forcing Blaine to come back up and kiss him. Blaine surged forward and hungrily attacked his lips as he let his hand travel further down his body and to the front of his pajama pants. He began stroking him through his pants as Kurt moaned into his mouth.
Kurt let the hand that was trapped between them move forward tentatively and touch Blaine through his pants. At Blaine's encouraging moans Kurt pressed down a little harder. As Blaine was hit with the overwhelming feelings of Kurt touching him he let his head fall forward onto Kurt's shoulder, where he started peppering kisses everywhere. Kurt moaned appreciatively as he started rubbing a little more forcefully. Blaine moaned as he started sucking on Kurt's shoulder.

Kurt moaned loudly at the sensation. He was close but he wanted Blaine to come at the same time so he started rubbing a little faster. It did the trick as a few minutes later Kurt could feel the warm wetness leaking onto Blaine's pants as he bit down on Kurt's shoulder causing him to moan loudly and spill into his pants.

They lay there for a moment trying to catch their breath before what he had just done hit Blaine. He gasped when he looked over at Kurt's shoulder and found a huge bite mark. “Oh Kurt, I'm so sorry!”
Kurt just smiled as he grabbed Blaine's face and planted a big kiss on his lips. “I enjoyed it baby, everything, but now I need to go to the bathroom and wash up.”
“Be sure to put some ointment on that bite!” Blaine shouted after him. “Also, I'll be changing in here, so unless you want a peek at the goods knock before you enter.”

They met up a few minutes later, cuddling in bed and watching a movie until they fell asleep.

The next morning they were the first ones up as they got dressed and headed downstairs. They went to the kitchen and grabbed some breakfast before going back upstairs where they climbed back into bed and put on a movie.
Just as Blaine had started kissing his way down Kurt's neck the door burst open and soon nine sets of eyes were staring at them.
“Ever heard of knocking!” Blaine growled out as he moved away from Kurt.
“Dude, it's two in the afternoon, what are you still doing in bed?”
“Finn, you stay in bed until three on the weekends!”
“But you never do!”
“We were watching movies.” Blaine explained.
“Not what it looked like when I walked in.” Puck said with a smirk.
“Oooh! What are you guys watching!” Rachel screamed out as she jumped onto the bed between the two.
Kurt huffed as Blaine quickly exited the bed as the rest of the girls piled on.
“How about we leave the girls to their movie and go play some basketball?” Wes suggested.
“I would love to!” Kurt exclaimed.
“Oh, well, if you play Kurt, we'll have an uneven number.” Wes answered in a stutter.
Kurt's face fell but he quickly covered it with a smile . “Oh, that's ok. I'd rather stay here and watch movies and gossip with the girls anyway.”
“Cool, see you later.” Wes called as he exited the room with all of the guys.
Blaine looked at Kurt searchingly but he just smiled encouragingly at him before engrossing himself in a conversation with Rachel, Blaine leaving with a sigh. Kurt quickly excused himself from the girls to make popcorn as soon as he knew Blaine was gone. He made it to the hall bathroom before he lost it and tears started streaming down his face. That was so humiliating! He can't believe that he still wasn't accepted by the guys after everything he had been through. He thought these boys were different.

He quickly gathered himself when he heard a knock on the door. “Yes?”
“Let me in.”
Kurt scrambled for the door, opening it quickly as he pulled Blaine in with him and then shut it behind him. When he turned around Blaine was there. He reached up a hand to wipe at his eye. “You've been crying.”
Kurt just shrugged as he leaned into the touch.
“Wes is such an ass! I'm going to give him a piece of my mind!”
“No!” Kurt burst out.
Blaine looked at him in surprise. “Why the hell not?”
“I don't want them to include me because my boyfriend told them to.”
“Please. Look, in their eyes I'm already a girl, if they find out I was in the bathroom crying because they didn't include me in their little game, they'll lose all their respect for me. Besides.” Kurt said with a smirk as he moved closer to Blaine and threw his arms around his neck. “The only person I'm worried about seeing me as a man is you.”
Blaine hummed. “You are more man than they ever thought of being.” He said as he surged forward and captured his lips with his own.

After a quick make out session in the bathroom they went to the kitchen and made popcorn. Then they snuck to the theatre and popped in a movie before sitting in the very back and proceeding to make out through the whole movie. The others didn't find them until half way through the second movie. As the other took seats around the theatre Wes walked up to the couple in the back. He cleared his throat as the two of them looked up at him with slight anger in their eyes. “May we help you Wesley?”
“Um, I feel as if I owe Kurt an apology.”
Kurt shook his head. “If your only doing this because Blaine is your leader and your afraid of backlash, don't worry about it. I don't let other people fight my battles for me.”
Wes cleared his throat again. “No, uh, I'm here because I'm your friend and I owe you this. I should have realized that shut because you're a little on the feminine side, that it doesn't mean that your not a guy. Not just because it's the wrong way to look at people but because you're my friend and I shouldn't judge you. I hope that you can accept my apology and maybe join us in a game tomorrow.”
“I would love to. And thank you for apologizing. It means a lot.”
Wes nodded as he left the couple and went to sit next to David, who was throwing popcorn at the back of Nick and Jeff's head who were currently in a lip lock.

The rest of the weekend went by smoothly and before they knew it was Monday morning and they were heading back to Lima after promises to meet up again soon and before school started. Kurt, Blaine, Finn and Rachel gathered into Kurt's car for the ride back to Lima. Rachel chatted at Finn through the whole ride as Finn stared blankly out the window. Blaine had the radio down low and was holding Kurt close as he sat by his side with his head on his shoulder.

As soon as they reached the house Carol and Burt were at the front door with huge smiles on their faces. The teenagers shook their heads as they exited the car, grabbed their bags and made their way to the adults. They each took turns getting hugs from each of the adults before they made their way inside. That night they ended up ordering pizza and watching movies. Carole and Kurt decided to start Thanksgiving prep the next day while the guys watched the football game. Rachel was being picked up early the next morning as her and her family were heading out of town for the holidays.

Thanksgiving day was one of the best Kurt ever had. It was filled with food, football, laughter, games, and most importantly love. Kurt forgot how great Holidays could be with a bunch of loved ones around. He was used to it being just him and his dad, which was great don't get him wrong, but it was nice having so many loved ones near. As they went around the table saying their thanks Kurt realized he actually had a lot to be thankful for this year. The fact that he is dating the love of his life. The fact that he has a dad that loves him no matter what. The fact that he has a loving step mom and step brother that accept him for being him. The fact that he actually has a group of people he can call friends. And most importantly the fact that he got out of horrible relationship and for once in his life is actually feeling pretty good about himself. For the first time in years Kurt felt as if his life was on the right track.


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