Unconventional Prince Charming
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Unconventional Prince Charming: Chapter 2

E - Words: 3,573 - Last Updated: Jun 22, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
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Unconventional Prince Charming

Chapter Two: August 19th

Summary: Kurt receives some an unlikely ally when his relationship troubles come out.

Author's Note: Thanks to everyone who has reviewed, favorite and/or followed my story. I hope to here some more from you after this chapter comes out. Please enjoy this next chapter and as always please review, favorite and/or follow.

Blaine Anderson entered the school building the next morning on a mission. He was anxious and excited last night after receiving that text. He wasn't sure what finally pushed Kurt to this point but he was happy that he was getting the chance to help. He smiled as he turned the corner to find Kurt standing across the hall from his locker. His smile fell however when he noticed that Kurt was glaring at something off in that direction. He followed his line of sight until his eyes fell on the scene in front of Kurt's locker. Jade was apparently waiting for him but in his company was fellow cheerleader, Quinn Fabray. They seemed to be flirting as Jade would whisper in her ear and she would either blush, laugh or hit him, he obviously wasn't whispering things he told Kurt throughout the day. He turned back to Kurt just in time to watch him storm over to them. He watched as he stood in the middle of them, looking up at Jade with a smile on his face as he said something. He then watched as Quinn furiously walked off, Jade's eyes following her until she disappeared around the corner. Jade then turned his attentions to his boyfriend as he wrapped his arms around his stomach and laid his head on his shoulder. He whispered something in his ear before walking off the same way Quinn had just left. He waited until Jade disappeared around the corner before approaching Kurt. Kurt looked up as he approached and rolled his eyes. “Boy, isn't my locker busy this morning?”
“And I see someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.” Blaine retorted as he leaned against the locker next to Kurt's.
“What can I do for you Anderson, I'm not in the mood.”
“I seem to recall someone texting me last night asking for help…”
“Why don't you say that a little louder next time, I don't think they heard you upstairs!” Kurt hissed as he slammed his locker door shut.
“I'm sorry!”
“Look, just meet me in the library after school.” Kurt whispered before walking off down the hall.
“I'll be there.”

Blaine was a nervous wreck for the rest of the day and Kurt didn't seem to be faring any better. Of course he couldn't go and talk to him since his Neanderthal of a boyfriend was constantly at his side. It was during lunch however that he was called on his behavior.
“Dude, what is with you today?”
“Are you still thinking about Porcelain?”
“Porcelain?” Blaine asked not familiar with that particular nickname.
“It's what Coach Sue calls Kurt.”
Blaine frowned at this news as he moved his food around on his plate, not really in the mood to eat.
“Your doing it again. “
Blaine sighed as he threw his fork down. “I'm just worried about him.”
“The boy can take care of himself. I've seen him stand up to more football players than I can count.”
“It's different this time.”
“What are you talking about? If he's getting bullied again, I can kick some ass.”
“Look, it's not my story to tell.”
“You look, the boy has a boyfriend, so you best back off.”
“You don't understand Santana!” Blaine yelled getting frustrated.
“No you don't understand, the boy is unavailable so move on!”
Blaine jumped up from his chair so fast that it caused it to crash to the floor, gaining the whole cafeteria's attention. “You just don't get it Santana!” He yelled before running from the cafeteria. As soon as the door slammed shut behind him the whispers started until the previous silenced cafeteria returned to its regular volume. Kurt took Jade's distraction as an opportunity to sneak away. He left through the same door Blaine had just vacated through, and began searching the halls. He checked classrooms as he went but to no avail. He walked to the parking lot to make sure his bike was still there and was relieved when he found it in his usual parking spot. He then walked around the school until he came across the football field. He walked around a little and was disappointed to not find Blaine. In one last ditch effort to find the boy he looked under the bleachers. He let out the breath he didn't notice he was holding when he found Blaine standing under the bleachers with a cigarette in his mouth. He walked closer until he was to the pole just across from him and leaned on it. As he looked at the boy he said the first thing that popped into his head. “You know those things are bad for you right?”
“So are a lot of things it seems.” Blaine replied taking another puff from the stick.
“Are you okay? You seemed pretty upset in the cafeteria.”
“Just my friends sticking their noses where it doesn't belong.”
“I didn't mean just that. You've seemed upset all day. When I don't catch you staring at me, I catch you glaring at Jade.”
“I'm just worried about you.”
Kurt smiled as he stepped closer to Blaine, placing his hand on his face. “Your sweet. You shouldn't worry so. It's too early for that pretty face of yours to be riddled with wrinkles.”
Blaine's heart was threatening to beat out of his chest at this point and he blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “You think I'm pretty?”
Kurt snorted as if his question was the dumbest that Kurt had ever heard. “Of course silly, the whole school does.”
Blaine smirked as he moved closer to Kurt and placed his hand on Kurt's waist. “I'm only interested in one person feeling that way.”
Kurt cleared his throat as he stepped out of Blaine's embrace so that he could clear his head. “I um, I just, wanted to tell you that, that you shouldn't worry so much about me.” Blaine frowned at this as he moved his arm back to the side of his body. “How can I not when I know what that bastard is doing to you.”
“Just know that your going to be helping me get out of that situation.”
“That's all well and good Kurt but what about in the meantime!”
“Let me handle that.”
“Like you've been handling it so well so far!” Kurt gasped at the harshness in Blaine's voice. He took a step back to take up his position at the pole as Blaine tried to backpedal. “Kurt, I, I didn't mean it.”
“Maybe this was a bad idea.” Kurt said as he began to walk away. “I shouldn't have asked for you help.”
“Kurt please!” But Kurt didn't hear him because he had taken off in a run. “Damnit!” Blaine yelled as he punched the pole in front of him.
“Good job, genius.” A voice said from his right.
“What the hell are you two doing here?”
“We saw Hummel leave the cafeteria.”
“So what are you stalkers now?”
“We wanted to know what was going on between you and Hummel so when we saw him following you, we thought maybe this would be our only chance to find out.”
“You should have kissed him.”
Blaine growled low in his throat as his friends just smiled at him.
“You want some advice?”
“Do I get a choice?”
“You can't save Porcelain by yourself. You need help.”
“And what makes you think he'll accept your help any better than he's accepting mine?”
“Maybe if he knew he had people behind him he would be more willing to go through with whatever plan the two of you have hatched up.”
Blaine sighed in resignation. “I'll talk to him and get back to you.”
“We've always got your back dude, and that includes anyone your interested in as well. Besides, I've been wanting to kick Jade's ass for awhile now.”
“Thanks Puck.” Blaine smiled as Puck threw his arm around him and the three friends headed back to the school.

Blaine was not looking forward to sharing his next class with Jade and Kurt and the scene that greeted him as he rounded the corner did not bode well for him. They were standing at Kurt's locker. Jade had Kurt in his arms as Kurt had his head on Jade's shoulder. He saw Jade whisper something in Kurt's ear and heard Kurt's sweet laughter a moment later. He stalked off down the hall and into the locker room.

Kurt missed Blaine in the next class. He missed the scenery. He would stare at Blaine while Jade whispered disparaging things in his ear so that he could tune him out. Kurt hadn't been so lucky as he thought he had been. Jade had seen him sneak out of the cafeteria after Blaine. When he returned he got an earful from Jade, including a promise that he would get his punishment later. Jade had also come up with the brilliant idea for some pda so that people wouldn't talk about the cafeteria incident. It seemed to have worked since Blaine was nowhere to be found. He needed to talk to Blaine.

Blaine didn't show for any of their afternoon classes so it was with a heavy heart that he proceeded to the library after school just in hopes that Blaine would be there. He peeked through the little window in front of the library. He felt a huge smile light up his face as he saw the familiar mop of hair sitting at a table in the back. He hurried through the door and up to the table that he occupied, sitting in the seat across from him. Blaine started at his appearance, he wasn't expecting him, especially after that display in the hall. “I didn't think you'd show.'
“I had the same doubts about you.”
“I am so sorry about earlier. You know I didn't mean it. Kurt I've been watching you for along time now, and yes I now how creepy that sounds. But Kurt, you are such an amazing person. The way you stood up to your bullies, became the head cheerleader, and didn't let it go to your head. But especially for the way your taking control and asking for help. That takes a lot of courage Kurt, and I admire you so much for it.”
By the end of Blaine's speech Kurt was in tears. No one had ever said such things to him before. “Thank you Blaine, you are forgiven.”
“Thank you so much Kurt. I felt so bad saying those things to you. You know that's not how I really feel.”
“I know Blaine.” Kurt replied wiping the tears from his face. “Because unlike these other idiots at this school, I see the real you. And it's not this bad boy that you like to portray.”
“Your telling me that you don't believe any of the rumors that are going around about me?”
“I like to hear peoples stories from the people themselves. So many times you just get the telephone version.”
Blaine laughed, “That's true. So your telling me that you don't believe any of those rumors?”
“Should I?”
“There are some dark things in my past Kurt.”
“Care to elaborate?”
“Today is for you Kurt. Let's just focus on that.”
“How am I suppose to trust you with my personal stuff if you won't trust me?”
“One day Kurt, we will talk about my ugly past, but for now let's focus on you.”
“Fine, I was thinking about taking up boxing.”
“I know a gym you could use.”
They used the rest of the afternoon to get to know each other. By the time they were kicked out they knew more and had told more about each other than any one before. All in all it had been a pretty successful afternoon. Which was ruined when Kurt got home.

“You invited him for dinner!”
Burt and Finn were sitting in the living room watching football when Kurt had come in and Finn had just informed him that he had invited Jade for dinner so that they would have someone else to watch football with. “Dude, what is your problem, you should be happy your boyfriend is coming for dinner?”
“Whatever, just call me when he gets here.” Kurt said before storming upstairs.
“Are they fighting or something?”
“No, they seemed pretty happy after lunch. Which is odd actually.”
“Why is that odd?”
“You'd think Jade would be mad that Kurt ran after this Blaine guy after he exploded on his friends.”
“Why would Kurt do that?”
“It's no secret at school that Blaine likes Kurt.”
“And does Kurt like this guy?”
“I don't think so, besides Kurt isn't the type of guy to cheat.”
“Maybe Kurt's just trying to be friendly because this guy doesn't have many friends.”
“He has Santana and Puck.”
“That doesn't bode well for the boy.” Burt said recalling some of the stories that his boys had told him about them.
“Yeah, he's kind of the school bad boy.”
“And Kurt's hanging around him!”
“I've heard Jade tell him before to stay away from him because he's bad news. I mean you should hear the stories of why he had to move schools.”
“You can't always believe rumors Finn, unless you want to admit to the one about your mother teaching you how to sew.” Kurt stated angrily as he came back downstairs.
“Kurt what is this that I hear about you hanging out with the school delinquent!”
“Finn, what have you been telling him!”
“The truth! We all know Blaine is bad news. Plus everyone knows he likes you and you won't tell him to back off!”
“I'm his friend Finn! And anyone who has a problem with that can just fu…”
“Watch your mouth Kurt! Tell me the truth, is this boy bad news?”
“Is Jade uncomfortable with you being friends with this boy?”
“Since when is it okay to let people dictate who your friends are?”
“Answer my question kid.”
“Then you need to respect him enough to stay away from this kid. Is being friends with him really worth losing Jade over?”
His mind was screaming yes at him but he rolled his eyes as he answered him. “No.”
“After what Finn has told me, I don't know why you would want to be his friend in the first place.”
“Your going to take Finn's word for it!”
“Listen! You can't just let this guy…”
“You have no idea what this guy has been through dad!”
“Do you?” Burt challenged.
“Well, I, I mean…”
“Kurt, there are bad people out there. You can't just trust everybody.”
“He's a seventeen year old boy dad that has fallen on some bad times.”
“Would you bring him to meet me?”
“Well seeing as Jade doesn't know that I hang out with him, no.”
“Actually Jade does know, and he's not happy about it.” Finn stated.
“Kid, I'm just trying to look out for you. Everyone seems to think that this kid is bad news, including me, seeing as you won't bring him around so that I can meet him. I have no choice but to forbid you from seeing him.”
“Forbid me!”
“Yes Kurt.”
Kurt just laughed humorlessly. “Maybe you should be more considered about the other people in my life.” Before heading into the kitchen to help Carole with dinner.
“What was that supposed to mean?” Burt asked Finn who just shrugged in response.

Jade showed up around seven and Kurt went to answer the door. He received a quick kiss before Jade shoved his jacket at him before pushing past him to the living room. “Come on in.” Kurt muttered as he hung up the jacket and returned to the kitchen. Dinner was actually a pleasant event despite the fact that Kurt was just pushing around food on his plate. Jade was playing off the perfect boyfriend and his family was falling for it. Kurt felt sick at his stomach. After dinner Kurt and Carole cleaned up the kitchen as the boys went into the living room to watch the football game. As soon as they were done cleaning they joined the boys in the living room. Kurt sat between Finn and Jade as Carole sat on the chair they had set up next to Burt's. Kurt grabbed one of his magazines from the coffee table and promptly got lost in it.
He was brought out of his head when the game finished and Jade suggested they head upstairs for a bit. Kurt reluctantly led him to his room while Burt yelled after them the time for curfew. As soon as they got to his room Jade slammed the door shut and pushed Kurt up against it. “Alone at last.”
“Can't you just let me off with a warning this time?”
“Oh this is a warning. If I see you with him again, you'll get much worse.”

As soon as Jade left Kurt stumbled into the bathroom. He drew himself a hot bath as he gingerly took his clothes off. He looked at himself in the mirror and traced the newly forming bruises lightly. He winced at each one. Jade would always hit his stomach, legs and arms because he knew Kurt could hide it. He would never hit him in the face because that would cause too many questions. As of now Kurt had about twenty new bruises. He turned away from the mirror to go to his bath. He turned the water off after testing the water to make sure it was warm enough. He sunk into the water carefully, hissing as the water hit some of the worst bruises. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes as he let the warm water soothe his aching body.
He woke up a little while later because the water had become cold. He let the water out with his foot as he tried to stand up. He stepped out of the bath as soon as he could stand. He stepped up to the mirror, lowering his head to avoid his reflection while he dug around for his cream. He stood up straight as he poured some of the cream out and started to smooth it on his bruises. Afterwards he tried to put on his clothes but it was too difficult so he just grabbed some underwear, and put them on before continuing his nightly routine. He left the bathroom soon after and climbed into his bed, curling up under the covers, falling asleep immediately.

Kurt was awoken a few hours later by the sound of rocks hitting his window. He froze in terror at the thought that it was Jade coming back. But, then the voice that he knew so well by now and brought him comfort was calling out to him. He hurriedly climbed out of the bed, put on some clothes and rushed to the window. He flung it open as soon as he made it over there and then stepped aside so that he could come in. “What are you doing here?”
“I heard that Jade had been over so I came to see if you were okay.”
“You were worried about me again.”
“But of course.”
Kurt's face lit up with a smile at that response.
“So, did he come over?”
“Yeah. Finn invited him to dinner. After dinner and a football game we came upstairs where he beat the living shit out of me.”
“Why did he beat you?”
“Does he have to have a reason?”
“My ex always gave me a reason. He always made sure I knew why I was being punished.”
“He saw me go after you today. When you stormed off after yelling at Puck and Santana. What were you guys fighting about anyway?”
“Their worried about me trying to help you by myself.”
“Do they know about me and Jade?”
“Not exactly.” At Kurt's glare he hastened to explain himself. “They know what I've been through, and I've told them that I want to help you because your going through something similar. They want to help.”
“And how can they help?”
“I don't want Jade to know what I'm planning. I need the element of surprise behind me.”
“What about afterwards?”
“He'll be too humiliated to come after me.”
“Then how about just someone to talk to?”
“I talk to you.”
“It's nice to have friends Kurt.”
Kurt sighed. “I'll think about it.”
“Thank you.”
“Can we go to sleep now?”
“Oh, yeah, uh, sure. I'll just leave now.”
Kurt laughed. “I said we Blaine.”
“Oh! You want me to stay?”
“I could use a friend tonight.”
Kurt grabbed his hand and led him over to the bed. He motioned for him to lay down on the side of the bed that he didn't usually occupy. He walked to the other side of the bed and climbed in gently. He turned his back to Blaine and laid on his side with his eyes open in the dark. He felt Blaine turn to face his body and hover at his back. He smiled in the dark as he scooted backwards. He then reached for Blaine's arm and drew it around him, ignoring his bruises. For the night he just wanted some one who cared for him to be with him. He could feel Blaine smile as he tucked his face into his neck and fall asleep.

Another difference Kurt had found between the two was how he felt in their arms.

Author's note: Tell me what you think. More to come. Hope your enjoying this story as much as I'm enjoying writing it. Don't worry Kurt gets some happiness soon.
AN2: Just doing a quick fixing on some of my chapters.


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