Unconventional Prince Charming
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Unconventional Prince Charming: Chapter 19

E - Words: 2,546 - Last Updated: Jun 22, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
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Unconventional Prince Charming
Chapter 20 November 8th Monday

Despite the pretty weekend Kurt spent most of it on the couch drifting between states of awake and sleep since he had been having nightmares every night since he came home. His family was very worried as they tried to do some of his favorite activities and he refused to join in. Burt and Carole had a conversation about him going back to school on Monday as they both thought it would be a good idea for Kurt to be around his friends and to get back to his daily routine. Kurt thought this was a good idea because then he'd be able to talk to Blaine and get this whole thing straightened out.

That Sunday he went to bed early in hopes of actually getting some sleep that night. He took a long hot shower and had a glass of warm milk to help him relax. He curled up under his blankets afterwards and was asleep minutes after his head hit the pillow. Unfortunately he was awake again a couple of hours later as he woke up with a scream in his throat. He lay there panting for a moment before he was falling back to sleep due to his exhaustion.

After the fourth time of waking up around four he got up with a sigh and made his way to the bathroom. He came back out a few minutes later. He shuffled over to his desk and sat down in the chair with a yawn. He turned his desk lamp on as he gathered some paper together and a pencil. He began jotting down some ideas of what he would say to Blaine the next day when he saw him.

He got so lost in his notes that he didn't notice the sun coming up outside until it was burning bright right outside his window. With a sigh Kurt put his pencil down. Even with all of his note taking he didn't feel like he was prepared for his talk with Blaine.

After getting dressed he headed downstairs where he went straight to the kitchen. Once there he poured himself a cup of coffee and made himself a bowl of cereal. He was sitting at the table with his bowl half empty when Burt came in. He stood in the doorway in shock at the image of his son sitting at the table with a bowl of cereal in front of him that was half eaten. He smiled and continued into the kitchen with a good morning as he made his way to the coffee pot. After pouring himself a cup he went and sat at the table, stealing the sports section of the paper from Kurt. Within the next ten minutes they were joined by the rest of the family. Soon they were all sitting at the table talking excitedly together. They were happy to see Kurt finally in a good mood and Burt and Carole patted themselves on the back for the successful plan they came up with.

Once it came time to head to school the butterflies in Kurt's stomach began acting up. All the way to school he was a nervous wreck so he let Finn and Quinn carry the conversation. As he pulled into the school parking lot he could feel them erupt into a frenzy. They all sat in the car for a moment as Kurt leaned his head back, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Eventually he felt calm enough to open his eyes and step out of the car. He grabbed his bag from the back seat as Finn came around the car to stand beside him. He had promised Burt and himself that he would look after Kurt today. Kurt began walking towards the school with Finn and Quinn right behind him. He froze as a young boy who he shared French class with came running up to him. He watched as the boys face lit up with a smile as he grabbed Kurt's hand. He heard Finn growl from behind him and almost immediately he felt the boy drop his hand. The boys cheeks turned red as he ducked his head and started mumbling something Kurt couldn't make out. Kurt frowned as he tried listening to the boy. He finally grew tired of trying to decipher what he was hearing and he snapped. “Speak up kid!”
The boy looked up with wide eyes before he started rambling. “I just wanted to say that you're a hero to most of the people around here for what you did to Jade. He is a real asshole and he deserves everything he has coming to him.”
Kurt scoffed. “I didn't do it for your benefit or to become a hero. I did it for myself. So if you excuse me, I have places I need to be right now.” And with those words Kurt walked past the boy and continued on his way to the school.
On the way there he was stopped by a dozen more people who claimed him as their hero for what he did to Jade. As soon as he reached the door and saw a certain curly haired boy standing at his locker everything else seemed to melt away.

He stood there for several minutes just gazing upon the boy whom he hadn't seen or talked to in what felt like forever. As he stared at the boy all of the notes that he had taken that morning disappeared from his brain and was replaced by gibberish. He noticed that he looked about as tired as Kurt felt. The usually well put together boy wore clothes with creases in them, hair that looked like it hadn't been brushed in days and stubble on his face. He pushed through the people crowding around him and walked the rest of the way towards Blaine. He cautiously stepped up to him and after a deep breath he muttered a shy greeting. Blaine however acted like no one had just approached him, slamming his locker door shut and taking off down the hall. Kurt choked on a sob as he fell against the locker behind him. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to find Santana smiling at him. “He's just trying to get through this the only way he knows how.”
“By pushing people away!” Kurt asked angrily.
“He's hurting too Kurt, maybe you should take that in consideration.”
“Why don't you just butt out Santana because you have no idea what your talking about!” Kurt exploded as he took off down the hall. Santana just sighed as she followed behind him. He turned around as she caught up to him with fire in his eyes. “Why the hell are you following me?”
“You need my protection!”
Kurt laughed mockingly at the girl before replying. “Did you forget what happened at that party, the reason I was in the hospital for a week? I got rid of Jade. He won't be bothering me anymore. Go. Away!” He yelled as he continued down the hall.

He made it to his first period class just before the bell and sat down at a seat in the back with a sigh. He took a quick look around the room as Quinn sat beside him. He noticed that Jade was sitting amongst his football buddies but wasn't joining in on the conversation. He just shrugged as his eyes continued to take in the room. He found Blaine sitting at the front of the room with his legs propped up on the desk, his arms folded across his chest as he leaned back in his chair with his eyes closed. He heaved a sigh as he laid his head down on his arms on his own desk and closed his eyes. He hummed and leaned into the touch as he felt Quinn card her hand through his hair. He looked up as he grabbed her hand and holding into her own as he swiped his thumb back and forth on it. They smiled at each other as the teacher came into the room and gathered everyone's attention.

Kurt tried a few more times during the day to get Blaine to talk to him but every tine Blaine would just walk away taking a piece of his heart each time. His friends tried to comfort him but he just pushed them away. He knew this would happen. His nightmares had come true. Blaine left him. He was pissed.

Blaine was called to the office in the middle of fourth period and didn't even wait for the teacher to dismiss him before he was out of the door. He took his time walking to the office. He couldn't remember doing anything today. As he approached the office he noticed a man in flannel and a baseball cap standing near the doorway. He picked up his pace and was soon opening the door to the office. “Is something wrong? Kurt?”
“Wow, calm down buddy!” Burt laughed as he held up his hands in surrender. “Why don't you take a seat, we need to talk.” He replied as he pointed him to a chair.

Blaine just stood there with his arms crossed against his chest as he glared at him. “Not until you tell me if there's something wrong with Kurt.”
“Nothing is wrong with Kurt.”
Blaine let out a sigh of relief as he sat down in the chair Burt directed him to. Burt took his hat off his head as he rubbed it in contemplation before speaking. “I love my kid. He is my whole world. Always has been.” He started as he sat in a chair across from Blaine.
“He feels the same way sir.” Blaine stated.
Burt smiled before continuing. “When I heard that my son was in the hospital my heart stopped. I felt as if my whole world was caving in. And when I got there, and found out what happened, I was pissed. And I needed someone to blame. Come to find out, I was blaming the wrong person.”
Burt shifted in his chair as Blaine stared at him fixedly.
“When I first heard of you, I knew my kid was in love, long before he even knew it. Then I was told that you were the bad boy type and that completely threw me for a loop. For one thing my kid was in a relationship and I didn't think he was the type to go behind someone's back like that, on the other hand you were a trouble maker and I was terrified. So of course I fought him. I told him to get his act together and choose. When I came home that day and you were there, up in my kids room, I was furious. But you came down, you introduced yourself and you proceeded to change all of my preconceptions of you. And then you were around all the time and I got to know you and let me tell you, you are one amazing, smart, sweet and supportive friend. I watched you and my son together and soon realized that he wasn't the only one in love. But this Jade kid was still around.”
Burt took a deep breath before continuing. “I should have fought him more. I should have made him open up to me and this would have never happened. But that's something that I have to deal with, not you. My kid is hurting right now Blaine and from the looks of it you aren't faring much better. I was wrong to blame everything on you when it was not your fault. You were the only one there for my son in his time of need and I will be forever grateful for that fact. You are more than enough for my son. All that I could ask for in a partner for my son. I give you two my blessing to date.”
By this time Blaine was in tears and trying to discretely wipe them away. “Thank you sir, but I don't know if Kurt will take me back after that way I treated him today.”
“You never know until you try.”
Blaine nodded his head. “Thank you for coming to talk to me sir.”
Burt shook his hand. “I'll see you again real soon.”
And with that he was gone and Blaine was left with his head reeling. He had to come up with a plan to win Kurt back. And then it hit him and he was rushing out of the door and towards the choir room.

Kurt didn't see Blaine for the rest of the afternoon so it was with a heavy heart that he entered the choir room. As he entered the room he was engulfed in a huge group hug as apologies were passed around. He assured everyone he was okay as he broke out of the group and made his way to the bleachers. He wasn't surprised to find as the bell rang that Blaine hadn't come. He sighed in sadness as the teacher came waltzing in talking about some new song he had found for them to sing.

The whole room looked up a moment later as they heard the sound of a guitar playing coming from the hall. They all gasped in shock as Blaine came through the door with a smile on his face. As he sang ‘Gee I'm Glad It's Raining' the whole room was captivated, especially Kurt, who was hoping this song meant that he finally wanted to talk to him. Kurt got more hopeful as the song continued on and Blaine stared at him the entire time. He was wiping tears from his eyes as the song came to an end and the room filled with applause. Blaine smiled as he placed the guitar against the wall and made his way up the bleachers to take a seat as the teacher returned to the center of the room.

Kurt was antsy through the rest of the lesson just waiting to be able to talk to Blaine. As soon as the bell rang he was out of his seat and heading to the parking lot. When Blaine made it out of the school it was to find Kurt leaning against his motorcycle. He smirked as he approached him and stood to his side as he placed his hand on the seat behind Kurt. “Hey you.”
“Hey yourself.”
“To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”
“Well I was actually hoping that you could explain that song.”
“Your dad came to talk to me today. Told me he didn't blame me for what happened. He gave us his blessing to start dating again.”
Kurt smiled as he leaned towards Blaine and placed a hand on his face. His smile grew wider as Blaine leaned into the touch. “You were never to blame honey. This is all Jade's fault. You are a wonderful friend and an amazing boyfriend that I would love to have back.”
Blaine caught him in a kiss that lasted for several wonderful minutes before they had to come up for air. They stayed close as Kurt whispered against his lips. “I love you.”
Blaine smiled against his lips as he repeated the sentiment before catching his lips in a kiss again.


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