Unconventional Prince Charming
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Unconventional Prince Charming: Chapter 14

E - Words: 2,018 - Last Updated: Jun 22, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
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Unconventional Prince Charming
Chapter Fourteen October 7th Thursday

Within the month of Kurt's grounding him and Blaine spent most of their mornings down in the basement boxing. Because of this Kurt had become stronger, gained faster reflexes and was quicker on his feet. Blaine was quite impressed with his progress and new body, which he showed by attacking Kurt with kisses anytime they were alone, and running his hands over his chest. This was the most progress they had made physically. Emotionally they couldn't be stronger. Since Blaine was apart of the house now and they didn't have to hide to be together, they used their time to get to know everything about each other. The whole family became closer, enjoying their new family member.

At school not much had changed although Jade had pulled the golden couple act several times which pissed Blaine off to no end. He had however quit Glee club sitting the need to put in extra time at football practice. Kurt and Blaine were excited by this prospect until he kindly informed Kurt that he had a spy in the choir room.

The night the grounding ended Blaine took him out to dinner to catch up with their friends. They had a great time catching up with them and sooner than Kurt would have liked they were heading home. Blaine didn't want to upset Burt by keeping Kurt out too late on the first night of freedom. When they returned home they escaped to Kurt's room to watch a movie before bed.

They are currently laid out on Kurt's bed in the middle of a movie when Blaine reaches for the remote and stops the movie. Kurt sits up and looks at Blaine confused. “What's up babe?”
“We need to talk.”
“What about?” Kurt asked nervously.
Kurt took a deep breath before asking his next question. “What about Jade?”
It was Blaine's turn to take a deep breath before answering Kurt. “I think it's time Kurt. We've been training all month. You've gotten pretty good. I think you could take him.”
“No! It's too soon. I'm not ready!” Kurt yelled as he moved away from Blaine and sat cross legged at the end of the bed.
“Kurt, listen, I love you and I would wait for you forever. But, I feel it's time for you to take back your life. You deserve to be happy. We deserve to be together, officially, without the secrets.”
“I need more time.” Kurt said as he rocked back and forth in nervousness.
Blaine sighed as he got up and walked to the door , turning around just before he reached it. “You take as long as you need. Just take a minute and think about how your decision affects everyone around you.”
And then he was gone. And Kurt broke down. He started sobbing violently as he heard Blaine walk down the hall to Finn's room.

The next morning the air was filled with tension as Kurt and Blaine were walking on eggshells around each other and avoiding any kind of contact. Kurt caught himself in the middle of making two cups of coffee, pouring one in the sink as he continued to make his own. He noticed as Blaine made the same mistake a few minutes later. He caught himself before he let a small smile escape. Right after breakfast Finn ran upstairs to get ready for school and Kurt and Quinn did the dishes. Blaine left the house. He hopped on his motorcycle and sped off down the street. Kurt hung his head as he felt tears building up in his eyes. He felt a soft hand land on his shoulder a moment later and looked up to find Quinn staring at him in concern. He just shook his head as forced a smile on his face and went back to the dishes. She rubbed his shoulder before going back to drying.

The ride to school was awkward to say the least. Kurt refused to turn on the radio so there was an unsettling silence surrounding the people in the car. They got happy when he finally pulled into the parking lot of the school as they rushed out of the car as soon as it was parked. Kurt sighed as he grabbed his backpack from the back and stepped out of the car. He made his way towards the school with his head held high and bitch face in place.

As he reached his locker he noticed that Santana was standing there. He took a deep breath as he approached with a good morning as he turned the dial of his lock. She placed her hand on her hip to show her disapproval of his aloofness. “I am not impressed Hummel, what's up with you and Blaine?”
“Just let it go Santana. We'll work it out. We always do.”
“You better.” Santana huffed as she stormed off. Kurt sighed as he slammed his locker door shut and stormed off the opposite way.

During first period Kurt sat amongst the cheerleaders with Quinn on his right as Jade sat with his football buddies. Blaine was sitting at a desk in the front row, staring straight ahead and avoiding contact with anyone. Kurt kept stealing glances though in hopes of some sort of contact from him today.

He got a text in between second and third period demanding his presence on the football field. Kurt just erased the message and placed the phone back in his pocket. As he rounded the corner he was grabbed by someone and dragged down the hallway kicking and screaming. Before he knew it he was on the football field standing in front of Blaine. “Very mature Blaine.” Kurt huffed as he straightened his clothes after Santana let him go and stalked off to give them some privacy.
“Oh and ignoring me is mature?” Blaine retorted.
“What do you want Blaine?” Kurt demanded.
“We need to talk.”
“So talk.” Kurt said crossing his arms across his chest.
Blaine sighed. “We need to have a mature conversation about this Kurt.”
“You didn't seem to want to talk last night when you walked out of my room in the middle of our conversation.”
“I needed some space so that I could think, and so did you.”
“No.” Kurt said with a shake of his head. “I needed my boyfriend to be supportive of my decisions.”
“I can't this time Kurt, and it's killing me.” Blaine said with a quiver in his voice.
Kurt nodded his head sadly before walking away, not noticing Blaine bursting into tears behind him.

During lunch Kurt was picking at his food as Jade sat beside him chatting it up with his football buddies. He finally just gave up on trying to eat and pushed his tray away before getting up and leaving the cafeteria. Blaine, who was on the other side of the room, had been watching him and decided to follow him out. He found him sitting on a bench in front of the cafeteria. He looked up as he heard someone approach and scowled when he realized that it was Blaine. “What happened to needing space?”
“I've had enough. We need to talk.”
With those two sentences Kurt finally realized why people feared Blaine. When he got angry his eyes got dark, his lips were set in a straight line and when he talked you could hear the authority in his voice that made you want to do his bidding. It was hot. But Kurt couldn't let himself be pulled in, he had to stand his ground if he was ever going to become Blaine's equal. “Not at school.”
“Why the hell not!” Blaine demanded to know.
“Because people can eavesdrop.” Jade said as he walked up from behind Blaine to stand next to Kurt.
“Jade, I can explain…” Kurt started in a rush.
“I don't want your excuses Kurt. I'm tired of them. I don't give a fuck what you and your little boy toy were fighting over, I do care that you were doing it in the middle of the hallway where anyone could have heard you.” Jade spit out as he glared down at Kurt. “It's time for you to take your leave now Blaine, I need to have a discussion with my boyfriend now.”
“Hell no!” Blaine exploded.
“Leave Blaine. I don't want you here.” Kurt said from the bench.
Blaine's eyes met Kurt's and he could see the determination there but he could also see the fear. “Are you sure?”
Kurt nodded his head once before breaking eye contact and looking down. Blaine shook his head angrily before stalking off.
“You really are stupid aren't you?” Jade spat as soon as Blaine was out of earshot.
Kurt just sat there silently staring at the floor.
“It's not enough that your seeing that delinquent behind my back, but now your trying to make it public knowledge and ruin my reputation.
Kurt still said nothing.
Jade growls in aggravation at Kurt's silence before issuing one more warning and storming off down the hall.
Kurt closed his eyes for a moment to gather his thoughts so that he could finish his day. Soon after the bell rang and Kurt reluctantly left the bench to make his way to his locker.

Kurt and Blaine were miserable for the rest of the day and so it was with heavy hearts that they entered the choir room that afternoon. They sat on opposite sides of the room and instead of Kurt trying to get his attention like that morning, he just ignored him. As soon as Mr. Schuester entered the room following the bell Blaine was on his feet and rushing towards him. Kurt watched curiously as Blaine said something to him quietly. His curiosity was further peaked when the teacher smiled and patted his shoulder before taking a seat on the front row as Blaine went for the guitar in the corner of the room and sitting down on the stool there.

Blaine took a deep breath as he sat on the stool with a guitar in his hand trying to work up the courage to do this. He always felt more powerful with a guitar in his hand so he strummed a chord as he took a deep breath and began to speak, his eyes seeking out Kurt. “I recently had a fight with my best friend and we haven't really talked since, except to yell some more. My heart is breaking , we have so many things we are fighting against that we shouldn't add each other to that list. I'm going to sing you a song now.”

By the time Blaine sang the last note of the song Mad by Neyo the whole room was in tears. They sat through the rest of the class anxiously awaiting the time when they could be alone and talk. By the time the bell rang they were on their feet and out of the room. Telling Finn and Quinn to catch a ride with Puck. As soon as the made it to the house they ran inside and to Kurt's room, where they locked themselves inside and proceeded to make out for half an hour.

Out of breath Kurt finally pulled away. “We should talk.”
Equally out of breath Blaine lay out next to him. “Yes we should.”
Kurt took a deep breath before continuing. “I was thinking that if you give me a couple of more months of lessons I'll be ready.”
Blaine sat up so that he could look at Kurt, grabbing his hands and holding them in his own. “Kurt, I'm not forcing you into anything. I'm so sorry for last night. It is totally your decision.”
Kurt smiled as he squeezed Blaine's hands. “I'm ready, to be with you. I love you. I just need a little more time to get prepared.”
Blaine smiled. “We'll get through this together.”

The rest of the night was spent with their friends and family watching TV and chatting. That night Blaine snuck into Kurt's room and they fell asleep wrapped around each other tightly dreaming of the day when they could finally be a real couple.


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