Unconventional Prince Charming
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Unconventional Prince Charming: Chapter 10

E - Words: 4,854 - Last Updated: Jun 22, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 09, 2013 - Updated: Dec 09, 2013
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Unconventional Prince Charming

Chapter Ten: Friday September 3rd Game Day

The say the life span of a rumor is about a week, unless of course it's started on a Friday then it only has the life expectancy of the weekend, this seemed to be the case for the Jade and Quinn rumor. The rumor to replace it was about a student sleeping with a teacher. He still got the few second glances and whispers behind his back, but other than that Kurt's life was back to normal, as normal as it was before anyway. He still strutted down the hallway with his head held high and Santana by his side. Since it was game day the cheerleaders had taken to following him around in hope's of some last minute tips and some clues on who was to replace Quinn on the squad.
In other words he was happy once the time came for them to be called to the gym. Once there they all started working out their routines as Kurt took a moment to himself. He was pretty upset at the fact that since he had cheerleaders following him all day, Blaine couldn't come close so he hadn't really spoken to him all day. He sighed as he checked his phone for the hundredth time that day and he still didn't find a message. He jumped a little and fumbled his phone as it came to life in his hand. A big smile spread across his face as he saw the sender of the message was Blaine. ‘Hey babe, sorry I haven't been around much today but I didn't want the cheerleaders to become suspicious if you were staring at the phone all day with a huge smile on your face, like the one I know your sporting now.'
Kurt quickly clamped his mouth shut after reading the message and sent a reply. ‘I so do not have a goofy grin on my face. I've missed talking to you today but I understand your concern.'
He was smiling once again as his phone vibrated in his hand and he opened the alert. ‘That just proved me right, I never said anything about a goofy grin, I said huge smile. How are the cheerleaders acting towards you since you've had to let one of them go?'
‘Damnit! They've been trying to figure out if she was being replaced. They've asked about the rumors but I don't know what to say so I kept my mouth shut.'
‘Lol. Good, keep it that way, because the more you try to cover it up the more suspicious they'll become.'
‘Won't they be suspicious if I don't say anything at all?'
‘Just tell them as far as you know the rumors are untrue.'
‘Sounds good. I have to go because Santana is currently glaring at me and threatening to take my phone.'
‘I have some information that may cheer you up.'
‘How would you like to meet Nick at the Lima Bean after the game and come to the gym afterwards?'
‘Sounds great! I could definitely use some besties time!'
‘I'll let him know. See you at the game baby. I'll be the guy in the bleachers with drool running down his face as he stares at the head cheerleader doing high kicks.'
Before he could get a reply back his phone was snatched out of his hands and he looked up to find Santana glaring down at him.
“You can text lover boy later, now you need to reinstate your position on this team after the whole rumor mess.”
“Your right, I'm sorry.” He said before getting up and heading towards the cheerleaders.

By the time game time came around the cheerleaders were once again under Kurt's direction. They took his explanation of the rumor, understood that Quinn was gone and he wasn't sure if she was to be replaced but that it didn't change anything and they were expected to perform up to their standards at the game.
They performed great that night and Kurt noticed that Quinn was in the bleachers along with the rest of the fans watching them sadly. He almost felt bad for her.
This feeling of course passed when he noticed that she left with Jade after the game. He shook the bad thoughts away though as he quickly remembered that he was meeting Nick soon and then he had all weekend to spend with Blaine. So with a goofy grin on his face he made his way to the locker room to get washed up. He quickly took a shower, did a mini moisturizing routine and got dressed. He practically ran to his Navigator afterwards and then sped off towards the coffee shop. Once there he met Nick inside and they easily fell into conversation about their days.

Meanwhile Blaine had made it to the gym and found Puck, Jeff, Wes and David already there. He let them all in on his plan and left afterwards. Nick and Kurt were having a great conversation but Kurt was itching to get to Blaine after a whole day without him. Nick took notice and smiled. “You ready to get to Blaine.”
Kurt blushed as Nick said this and it came out as more a statement than a question. “I haven't really talked to him all day and…”
Nick held up his hand to stop his rambling. “I understand. I get the same way if it's been awhile since I've talked to Jeff. Just let me take a quick bathroom break and we'll head out.”
Kurt squealed as he jumped in his seat. “Thank you!”
Nick laughed as he got up and took off to the bathroom. He made it around the corner and out of sight before taking his phone out, sending a quick text and then waiting a minute before heading back. They left soon afterwards.

They made it to the gym within minutes of each other and was surprised to only find one car in the parking lot. Kurt frowned as he noticed that it wasn't Blaine's. They made their way inside and calling out for someone to announce their presence. As they entered the gym area they found Jeff standing there with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face. Kurt stayed back as Nick walked up to him. “Jeff, what's going on?”
“Nicholas, will you do me the honor of accompanying me on a date?” Jeff asked as he produced a bunch of flowers from behind his back.
“Jeff, these are beautiful!” Nick gasped as he stepped forward to claim them from Jeff.
“Is that a yes?” Jeff asked somewhat nervously.
“Yes!” Nick yelled as he threw himself into Jeff's arms. “You have no idea how long I've been dreaming about this day.”
Jeff smiled. “Let's go enjoy it then shall we?”
Nick beamed back at him. “We shall.”

They walked past Kurt who congratulated them and they smiled back. Kurt was surprised to hear Blaine's voice come from the front of the gym and headed that way. He was shocked to find Blaine standing there with a picnic basket and blanket in one hand and flowers in the other. He slowly stepped towards him with a cautious smile on his face. “What's going on?”
“With all of the stress you've endured recently I thought it would do you a world of good to get away for a little while. I planned a candlelight picnic in the park for two, under the stars.”
Kurt's face broke out in a wide smile as he threw his arms around his neck and his body went crashing into his. Blaine laughed as his arms went around him reflexively. “Let's get out of here babe.”

Meanwhile on the other side of town Nick and Jeff had made it back to Jeff's house where he had set up his coffee table with a pizza, two wine glasses filled with coke and some rose petals. He told Nick to take a seat while he grabbed a vase and some plates. He returned a few minutes later with the two plates and Nick's flowers in a vase. He set them on the table as he put a piece of pizza on both plates and took a seat next to Nick, handing him one of the plates. He grabbed the remote from the table and turned on the television and vcr. The previews began playing and Jeff hit menu. He then hit play and soon The Lady and The Tramp began playing, a favorite of both of theirs. Jeff curled into Nick as they watched the movie and Nick smiled in contentment.
Once the movie was over they sat on the couch and talked all night until Jeff took him home around ten. They shared a small kiss at the door and a promise to go out again soon. Nick said he'd set something up and get back to him which Jeff replied with an affirmative. They both went to bed that night with hope for the future.

When they arrived at the park Blaine shut off the engine, sticking the keys in his pocket and opening the door. He then went to the back and grabbed the blanket and basket. He made his way back to the front of the car and opened the passenger door. Kurt came bounding out and Blaine took his hand and started leading him through the park. He took him through the entrance and many trees before he found a hidden spot in the corner of the park where he laid the blanket down, gesturing for Kurt to sit down and started to unpack the picnic basket. He laid out two coffees, two waters, two sandwiches, two apples, a batch of cookies and set up the candles in the corner as he lit them. Kurt picked up one of the sandwiches and started munching on it as Blaine made himself comfortable beside him on the blanket. They ate in companionable silence as they watched the ducks in the water. As they finished eating they threw their stuff in to the basket before laying out on the blanket. Blaine was sprawled out on his back and Kurt curled up next to him with his head on his shoulder. Blaine was running his hand through Kurt's hair as Kurt lay there about half asleep. He was on the brink of sleep when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He ignored it but it continued going off in his pocket so he grabbed it and put it in front of his face so he could read it without moving. He frowned when Quinn's name came up on the caller id. He sat up as he hit the accept call button. “Hello?”
“Kurt, it's Quinn, I need your help.”

Blaine sat up on his elbows as he listened to Kurt's side of the phone conversation with furrowed brows. He didn't know who would be calling him at this time because all of their friends knew they were on a date and were not to be disturbed. Kurt soon hung up with a sigh, placing it back in his pocket. Blaine sat up fully so he could rub Kurt's back as he waited for an explanation. “You'll never believe who that was.”
“Who was it?” Blaine asked curiously.
“Quinn.” Kurt answered.
“What did she want?” Blaine asked angrily.
“She says she needs my help.”
“And you said no of course, right?” Blaine added at the end due to Kurt's nervous smile. “What's going on Kurt?”
“Her parents found out she's pregnant and kicked her out.”
“That's not your problem!”
“We can't just let a pregnant girl live on the streets!”
“Then let Jade take care of her!”
“You know better than that.” Kurt said with an eye roll.
Blaine sighed a he ran his hand through his hair.
“Wouldn't you have wanted someone to take you in when you were kicked out instead of having to stay all alone in that gym?”
“I had my friends.” Blaine said defending himself.
“It's not the same and you know it.”
“It's a low blow Kurt.”
“I just think I should be the bigger person this time and help her out.”
Blaine groaned as he fell back on the blanket. Kurt followed him down, sitting up on his elbow and rubbing his stomach. “It's not her fault that her parents are cruel people who kicked her out of their house. Nor was it your fault when the same happened to you.”
Blaine sighed as he closed his eyes in concentration. Kurt kept up the belly rub as he waited for Blaine's opinion. Blaine finally opened his eyes and placed his hand on Kurt's hand, effectively stopping the movement. “I don't agree with this. But I'm not going to stop you from helping her out because I know that's just the kind of person you are.”
Kurt leaned down with a smile and kissed him softly, whispering thank you against his mouth. He leaned back up and began explaining his plan. “I told her to meet us a the Lima Bean. I'm going to have to tell her about you so that you can continue staying with me and so she doesn't rat us out to dad. We'll have to call Finn in too but I'm not quite ready for him to know everything so you'll have to leave for that.”
Blaine sighed. “Are you sure this is a good idea?”
“She can't do anything when she's under my roof because she'll be too afraid of being kicked out. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer right?”
“I still don't like this.”
Kurt sighed. “I'm very grateful for your support.”
“How grateful?” Blaine asked with a smirk.
Kurt leaned back down and whispered ‘very' against his lips before crashing them together in a heated kiss.
Before they could get very far however Kurt's phone vibrated once more to let him know that Quinn was waiting for them at the Lima Bean. Blaine lay there for a minute trying to catch his breath as Kurt got up and put the rest of their stuff in the picnic basket. He smirked as he picked up one side of the blanket and pulled, causing Blaine to roll off it. Blaine looked up at him with a glare as he busted out laughing. “Laugh it up!”
“I'm sorry!” Kurt gasped out as he tried to catch his breath. “Your face, it's priceless!”
Blaine just shook his head as he got up and dusted him self off as Kurt kept laughing. He grabbed the picnic basket and snatched the blanket out of Kurt's hands as he made his way to the car. Kurt hurried to catch up with him, grabbing his arm when he reached him. “I didn't mean to upset you.”
Blaine turned to him with a smirk on his face as he dropped the things in his hands and attacked Kurt's sides. Kurt started laughing uncontrollably. Blaine only stopped once Kurt started yelling uncle. He let go and stood there with a smile on his face. Kurt looked a sight at the moment, his face was red and his hair and clothes were askew. Blaine especially liked the kiss reddened lips. “Touch�, mister.”

They made it to the Lima Bean about ten minutes after Quinn. They spotted her sitting in the booth at the back of the shop and made their way over. She looked up in surprise as two shadows showed up in front of her. They sat down in front of her and she began talking immediately. “Kurt, thank you so much, I don't know what I would have done without you.”
Kurt held up his hand to quiet her. “Don't thank me just yet. There's some things we need to discuss before I take you to my house. First of all, you know Blaine, he's my friend, but there's a couple of thing s you need to know. He lives with me also because of some things in his past that I'm not at liberty to talk about. My father does not know about this arrangement nor does he know the extent of our friendship. Secondly, Finn doesn't know about anything whatsoever and I'd like to keep it that way. Now we will have to call Finn in and fill him in on your part and come up with an explanation of why I don't just lose him. Now if you have any questions or comments then now would be the time to do so.”
Quinn just sat there staring at him so he continued with his explanation. “Now as long as you promise to keep mine and Blaine's secret and my secret about Jade from my father and everyone, you are more than welcome to go home with me.”
Quinn nodded. “I'll do anything.”
“Great, now I'll call Finn and Blaine you will have to leave before he gets here.” Kurt said.
Blaine just nodded as Kurt got out his phone to text Finn. After receiving the affirmative text from Finn he sat his cell phone on the table and took to staring at Quinn. She shuffled uncomfortably underneath his stare. He finally spoke after a moment.
“How are you doing, the truth?”
Quinn sighed as she lowered her head when a stray tear fell from her eye. “Not good. My whole world is falling apart around me and I have no idea how to stop it. Cheerleading was my life, I already miss my parents whom I love more than anything in this world. And I thought I was in love. Now I have nothing and a stupid baby on the way. This was definitely not who I envisioned my life would turn out.”
Kurt reached across the table, taking her hands in his and squeezing them. “It gets better, I promise.”
Quinn sniffled. “How can you be so sure?”
Kurt turned his head to smile at Blaine as he answered. “Cause it did for me.”
“But you haven't even gotten rid of Jade yet.”
Kurt turned back to Quinn. “I know I'll still have Blaine by my side, no matter what happens.”
Quinn smiled through her tears. “Thank you Kurt. You could never know how grateful I am for you.”
Kurt smiled at the girl as he squeezed her hand. “I think I have an idea.”
Blaine left soon after since Finn would be there at any minute and headed to the house. Just as soon as Blaine left Finn came bounding in and plopped himself down next to Kurt. He looked between the two occupants of the booth before opening his mouth and saying the first thing that came to mind. “I thought you two hated each other.”
Kurt sighed as he released Quinn's hands and returned them to his side of the table. “There's much bigger things happening here than some stupid high school drama.”
“What's going on?” Finn asked confused.
“Quinn was kicked out by her parents because of her predicament.”
“You mean because she's pregnant?”
Kurt sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. “Yes Finn.”
“What am I doing here?”
“You are here to help us out, dad will never let Quinn stay at the house if he knew Jade was the reason she was pregnant, so were just going to say that it was a football player and leave it at that.”
“Burt would let her stay no matter what.”
‘Damn Finn and his smart moments.' Kurt thought.
“We wouldn't want it to be awkward during my stay, so out of courtesy, we just want to keep Jade's name out of this.” Quinn explained.
“Oh, ok.” Finn agreed immediately.
Kurt sighed as he banged his head on the table.
“Hey dude doesn't that hurt? Are you guys hungry, I'm starving? I was in the middle of making a sandwich when you texted.”
Kurt looked to Quinn. “Are you hungry?”
Quinn shrugged. “I could eat.” Just then her stomach growled and all of the occupants at the table began laughing.
“I'll be right back.” Kurt said before getting up and walking to the counter where he ordered two salads and a sandwich for Finn along with three waters. He paid and made his way back to the table where he found Finn and Quinn in the middle of a conversation about some movie they had both seen recently. He retook his seat next to Finn and took to staring out the window as they waited for the food. He let his mind wander to the best date he could ever remember having and the heated make out that had ensued afterwards. He blushed as he remembered how Blaine had snuck his tongue into the equation and the butterflies that resulted as he accepted it into his mouth and began sucking on it. Blaine's answering moan was enough incentive to continue the action. He didn't know how far that make out session would have gone since his phone went off right in the middle, but he was curious to find out. He was astonished by that reaction from himself because of the situation he was currently in, but he just figured it was because of Blaine. Blaine, the boy who made him feel more than any other person in his life. The boy who made him feel more alive than he ever felt. He really did mean what he said to Quinn before about everything becoming better because with Blaine in his life he knew it would. His thoughts were interrupted by the barista calling their order number and he went up to get their food. He brought the tray back, handing everyone their food before taking it back. He took his current moment of solitude to send a quick text to Blaine to let him know that they were getting some food before heading back. Blaine replied back with an okay. Kurt returned to the booth with a smile on his face.

They had an okay time at the little shop, talking companionably about music and movies. It was soon time to go. Kurt and Quinn left in his car that him and Blaine had gone to get before arriving and Finn left in his own car. They arrived at the house about half and hour later after a car ride filled with music and laughter. Kurt got out of the car, going around and opening the door for Quinn who gingerly stepped out and folded her arms across her chest defensively. Kurt smiled at her as he leaned over to whisper in her ear. “A good friend once told me to not let them see you be effected by their attacks.” Quinn nodded her head as she let her arms fall to her sides, held her head high and strutted to the door. Kurt let out a chuckle as he followed behind, Finn already having disappeared into the house.
When they got inside his father called to him from the kitchen and they headed that way. Once there Quinn stood in the doorway with her signature bitch face as Kurt slipped into the room behind her. “Carole, dad, this is Quinn. She's a friend from school. She's in need of a place to stay.”
“What happened?” Burt asked.
“Her parents found out she's pregnant and kicked her out.”
“What about the father?” Burt asked.
“He dumped her after finding out.”
“Of course you can stay here dear, we'll set up the guest room for you.”
Burt nodded. “You can stay here as long as you'd like Quinn, I can't stand the thought of any kid being forced to live on the street.”
“I'll show you your room dear, you must be exhausted after such an emotional day. Are you hungry, I can heat you up some leftovers?”
“Thank you Carole, but we've already had dinner.” Quinn answered.
“We'll just get you set up then, I'll even draw you a bath, a hot bubble bath always seems to relax me.”
“That sounds lovely Carole, thank you.”
The girls left the room together with Finn following behind on his way to his own room. Kurt was just about to follow them so he could get to Blaine when Burt stopped him. “Can I talk to you for a second son?”
Kurt exhaled as he sat down across from Burt. “I thought Quinn was your biggest enemy at that school.”
“Feelings change dad.”
Burt made a noise in the back of his throat. “Jade's the dad isn't he?”
Kurt just looked at him in bewilderment so Burt took that as a sign to continue. “Why are you still with him son if he's cheating on you? Is this why you've decided to get a guy on the side, because two wrongs don't make a right.”
“I don't know for sure if Jade is the father.” Kurt lied. “Neither of them have come clean. As far as Blaine goes, we're just friends.”
Burt sighed. “You teenagers and your unneeded drama.”
Kurt chuckled. “It's the joy of being one dad.”
Burt laughed. “Yeah, I remember those days. Why don't you go upstairs and check on your friend. If I don't know any better Carole's probably talking her ear off about baby stuff and that girl needs some rest, she looked exhausted.”
“Sure thing dad. Night. Love you.” Kurt said getting up and walking towards the door.
“Love you kiddo.”

Kurt made his way upstairs and past his room on his way to the guest room. He knocked on the door before opening it and laughing at the scene in front of him. His dad was right, Carole was currently talking Quinn's ears off as Quinn was smiling at her with a strained face. “Hey Carole, I think my dad wanted you downstairs.”
“Oh, ok. Goodnight Quinn. I hope you have a good nights rest. In the morning I'll make you a big breakfast. Be sure to take that bubble bath, it'll work wonders. Goodnight Kurt.” Carole bid her farewell as she left the room.
“Night Carole!” They called after her.
Quinn sighed in relief once Carole was out of sight. “Thank God, she's a nice woman but she talks too much.”
Kurt laughed. “You'll get used to it.”
Quinn smiled. “I wish my mom could be more like her.”
Kurt didn't have a response so he just gave her a small smile.
Quinn sighed. “I think I'm going to take her advice though and have a bubble bath before bed. They are my favorite after all.”
Kurt smiled. “Be sure to use the vanilla scent. It smells divine.”
“I'll be sure to do that.”
Kurt smiled as he headed to the door and out of the room. He took off across the hall and into his own room where he found Blaine sitting on his bed watching TV. He climbed onto the bed and into Blaine's lap. “Well hello there.”
“Is there a reason you've decided to use my lap as your seat?”
“Yes actually.” Kurt answered drawing circles on Blaine's chest with his finger.
Blaine cleared his throat before replying, “May I know this reason?”
Kurt smirked at him as he forced him backwards with his finger, causing him to be sprawled out on top of him. Blaine just looked up at him with bated breath as Kurt leaned down until his lips were centimeters apart from Blaine's. “I was having fun earlier, before we were disturbed by my phone. I would like to continue our date, if that's alright with you?”
Blaine just nodded his head enthusiastically as Kurt smirked and connected their lips. Blaine's arms came up around Kurt as they kissed and Kurt ran his hands through Blaine's hair. Blaine's hands began moving as he placed one in Kurt's hair and ran the other one across his back. Kurt moaned as Blaine tugged on his hair. Kurt pulled away from Blaine for some air as he began kissing down Blaine's neck. Blaine was beginning to make delicious noises and Kurt was loving every minute of it. Blaine was squirming underneath him as his hand continued to rub his back. They could both feel each other's excitement as they began getting more forceful. When Blaine let out a rather loud moan and bucked his hips Kurt felt like it was time to stop. He removed his lips from Blaine's neck, kissing him softly a few times before rolling off him. They both lay there for a minute trying to catch their breath. Blaine was the first one to semi recover as he rolled onto his side to face Kurt. “That was amazing!”
Kurt smiled in his direction as he rolled over onto his side as well. “It was wasn't it?”
“Where did it come from though?” Blaine asked worriedly. “I thought you were, uncomfortable with that stuff?”
Kurt shrugged. “You make me feel safe, loved. I've never felt that way with someone.”
Blaine took his hands in his and looked into his eyes. “As long as your okay with this, I'm okay. I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing this on you.”
Kurt squeezed his hands. “I'm sure about us. And that's enough for me.”
Blaine leaned forward with a smile and gave him a quick kiss. “I'm so proud of you.”

Nothing more needed to be said between the two because Kurt knew that he meant for more than the events of the day because he could feel the change in himself as well. Gone were the days where he was brought down by Jade or the people around him, and he owed all his thanks to Blaine.
They fell asleep in each other's arms dreaming of the hope for their future.


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