Dec. 19, 2012, 12:37 a.m.
Dec. 19, 2012, 12:37 a.m.
. Finn felt slightly sorry for Blaine, knowing for sure that he wouldn't do that to Kurt on purpose, but there was still that part of him that was angry at him for hurting his brother. But when the back-up music started, all those thoughts emptied from his mind as he quickly pulled his phone from his pocket and dialled a number, the phone picking up on the other end just as Blaine started his song.
Guess mine is not the first heart broken,
My eyes are the first to cry.
I'm not the first to know, there's just no gettin' over you.
“Finn? Is that you, oh-” A voice erupted from Finn's phone, and Finn didn't even have to tell him to be quiet, because Kurt quickly silenced his own voice as the voice singing registered in his brain. Blaine.
I know I'm just a fool who's willing to sit around and wait for you,
But baby can't you see, there's nothin' else for me to do.
I'm hopelessly devoted to you.
But now there's nowhere to hide, since you pushed my love aside,
I'm not in my head, hopelessly devoted to you.
Hopelessly devoted to you, hopelessly devoted to you.
My head is saying “fool forget him”, my heart is saying “don't let go!”,
Hold on to the end, that's what I intend to do.
I'm hopelessly devoted to you.
But now there's nowhere to hide, since you pushed my love aside,
I'm not in my head, hopelessly devoted to you.
Hopelessly devoted to you, hopelessly devoted to you.
Kurt listened as Blaine quickly declined the role of Danny, stating that it was just too romantic for him just then, and that he would rather play the role of the teenage guardian angel. Kurt knew that Artie and Finn were shocked, because so was Kurt. Since when would Blaine decline a lead in a musical, no matter what he was feeling. But Kurt wasn't there to see the tears running down Blaine's cheeks or the way his honey-hazel eyes shone with pain and sorrow as he belted out a song to a person who couldn't hear him, or so he thought. Kurt huffed quietly as his own tears started to stream down his face, quickly raising his hands so he could remove any proof that they were there. He didn't want to cry any more, but that didn't hide the fact that he was hurting just as much as Blaine was. He was just like Rachel, he heard her tears when she thought he was asleep, but he was crying just as much, though he kept his silent. He didn't want to seem weak, even though that's all he felt like. His heart ached for Blaine, because he was just as broken hearted as him, he still longed to feel his arms around him. To listen to the slow beating of his heart as the fell asleep in each other's arms. At that moment, he wanted his boyfriend.
“Finn?” Kurt called again, hearing a sudden gasp proving that Finn had forgotten that he had called his brother.
“Yeah, dude?” Finn asked as he blushed, watching Blaine as he stared down at his feet.
“Thanks for calling me, I really needed to hear that. And don't call me dude, I'll see you tomorrow.” Kurt said as he secretly scowled at his brother for calling him that, seriously how many times did he have to tell him? He scrubbed at his face as he waited for his brother to answer.
“Oh yeah, I forgot you were coming.” Finn replied after a moment of staring at Blaine's sad face, it was breaking Finn's heart. “And you know that no matter how many times you tell me not to, I'm gonna keep calling you that. I call everyone dude. Anyway, love you Kurt.”
Blaine looked up in shock at the mention of Kurt's name, and he realised that Finn was on the phone. How long had he been talking to Kurt? Had Kurt heard what he had just sung? And seriously, how many times would it take for Finn to get that Kurt hated being called dude? And knowing Kurt, he would have just yelled at Finn for it. Blaine smiled as he waved at the two boys and ran from the stage.
Kurt heard the echoing footsteps, and he knew for certain that it was Blaine, seen as he would have heard Finn get up and Artie couldn't walk.
“Yeah, love you too, Finn. See you tomorrow.” Kurt said as he heard Artie yell a goodbye before he hung up. Kurt frowned as he once again brushed at his face, tears still slowly falling down his cheeks.
“Rachel? Have you finished packing yet?” Kurt called out to his room mate and best friend, knowing how long it took her to pack. A muffled answer came from her curtained part of the apartment making Kurt smile as he looked down at the open suitcase at his feet. Groaning, he threw a pair of pants into it and dropped back to lay against his bed, pulling one of his pillows to his chest and burying his nose into it. Kurt hadn't slept on or washed the pillow since Blaine had slept on it and more tears formed in Kurt's eyes as the faint smell of his boyfriend filled his nose.
“Kurt? Kurt!” Rachel yelled before she burst through his curtain and a look of sorrow showed on her face as she looked at her best friend. “Oh, Kurt. You miss him, don't you?”
Kurt sighed as he drew in a deep breath through his nose, his senses filling with Blaine before he sat up, still holding the pillow close.
“Yeah.” He said with a nod, not bothering to wipe his tears as the now coursed down his cheeks. “I just heard him sing. He sung hopelessly devoted to you, for me. I miss him so much, it hurts to be without him. But it still aches when I remember what he did.”
“Kurt, I realise what I did was a mistake. Blaine did the same thing I did, and Finn was almost willing to forgive me. I called it off, but you don't have to. I know you still love him, or else you wouldn't be clutching that pillow, or smelling it like it was a drug that your addicted to.”
“But, Rachel, can't you see. I am addicted to it, everything that has to do with him has every part of my body on fire. Nothing can extinguish that flame, apart from him. I need him.” Kurt said as he finally let the pillow drop down beside him, his hands scrubbing his face clear of any tears.
“Okay, Rachel. I may be sad, and you may be sad. But if you don't hurry up and pack, I will kick you up the arse. And I'd rather not do that, because I'd rather not ruin my new shoes.” Kurt said with the best bitch face he could come up with. Rachel just laughed as she quickly hugged him.
“I love you, Kurt. Even if you are a major fashion drama queen.” Rachel said as she stood up. Kurt smiled, he couldn't help it. He was gay, and he happened to like clothes.
“And I love you, Rachel. Even if you are a normal drama queen.” He replied as he quickly pulled the cover of the pillow and tossed it into his suitcase. Rachel stared down at it for a moment before she turned away with a smile and went to continue on with her own packing.
Kurt groaned at he finally closed his suitcase and laid back on his bed, pulling the pillow close. It still smelled of Blaine, just not as strong without the pillowcase. This made Kurt sigh as he called a goodnight to Rachel before he climbed under his covers and turned his lamp off, not quite knowing if he was ready for what could happen the next day. Kurt's eyes finally closed and he dreamt of Blaine, a smile lingering on his face as he slept.