Dec. 19, 2012, 12:57 a.m.
Dec. 19, 2012, 12:57 a.m.
“Sorry.” Blaine muttered, starring down at his hands as he also blushed. Kurt suddenly found something to do with his hands and he reached across and pulled one of Blaine's away from the styrofoam cup, holding it in his own. Blaine's gaze flicked to Kurt's hand, noticing how soft it felt in his. Looking back up at Kurt, Blaine suddenly wanted to see if something else felt soft, his gaze momentarily flicking to Kurt's lips. Blaine blushed again when Kurt noticed him staring, but that didn't stem Blaine's need. His need to kiss this boy senseless.
Kurt smiled at him, noticing how shy he seemed to be.
“So, what school are you from?” Kurt asked, hoping to get the boy to talk and not look so nervous. Blaine sent Kurt a small smile, and Kurt felt his heart swell.
“Ah, I used to go to Dalton, I was a part of their glee club.” Blaine replied, his smile still there as Kurt looked shocked.
“You were a part of the Warblers?” Kurt asked, his grip tightening on Blaine's hand. Blaine nodded, his smile growing.
“Yeah, I was their lead singer.” Blaine said, watching Kurt's face change. Kurt gulped, this boy was a legend. No one on the team had seen anyone better than Blaine Anderson.
“I... I... Wow!” Kurt replied, blinking quickly. “I was almost tempted to come spy on you last year.”
Blaine laughed gently, still staring at Kurt, his heart beating rapidly. The need to kiss him was still there. And it was getting bigger.
“We would have caught you. Knowing you, you would have dressed in something fashionable that resembled the Dalton uniform, am I right?” Blaine asked, a cheeky grin on his face as he lent his chin against his spare hand and stared back at Kurt. Kurt blushed even brighter and quickly nodded, before he hid his face from view.
“Hey, don't hide. I think you look adorable when you blush.” Blaine said quickly. Kurt shot his head up quickly, his eyes shining with happiness.
“You do?” Kurt asked quickly, before he blushed again. Blaine simply smiled back at him.
Their first date was getting easier. They found it really easy to talk to each other, now that they were actually talking.
“Okay, I think twenty questions is in great need right now. What do you think?” Kurt asked, smiling gently, glad his blush was gone. This boy was making him feel things he had never felt before. Blaine nodded at him, a smile still on his face. “Okay then, I'll go first. What's your favourite movie?”
“Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone. Though I would watch all of them.” Blaine replied quickly. Kurt grinned at that, he loved the Harry Potter universe.
“Really, a Harry Potter fan? It seems we may have a lot in common. Your turn.” Kurt said happily, raising his cup to his lips. Blaine sighed inwardly. He really wanted to be able to kiss those lips someday in the near future.
“Do you happen to like watching Doctor Who?” Blaine asked, a hopeful expression on his face. Kurt almost choked on his coffee, there was no way he liked Doctor Who! That was two things they have in common.
“Like? I love Doctor Who! I always thought David Tennant was rather attractive, he has a nice smile.” Kurt said, his eyes finding Blaine's again. In his head, Blaine cursed the Doctor for indeed having a nice smile. “I like your smile as well.”
Blaine blushed before he smiled, had Kurt really just said that. Kurt didn't blush though, he meant what he said. He loved Blaine's smile and the way his hazel eyes lit up every time he smiled.
“Thank you. I like yours too.” Blaine replied, his smile growing as Kurt squeezed his hand. “Next question?”
“Who is your idol?” Kurt asked, rather intrigued. Blaine didn't even have to think before he answered.
“Katy Perry.” Blaine replied, his smile huge as he looked back at Kurt. Kurt was now gently rubbing his thumb across Blaine's knuckles without even thinking about it.
“Well, I should have guessed. I mean, you did sing Teenage Dream for your audition song. Though I must say, I liked your version better.” Kurt said, and Blaine blushed again, noting the seductive sound to Kurt's voice.
“Umm, thanks. Who is your favourite singer?” Blaine asked, now trying to hide his blush. Kurt reached across and lifted his chin back up, so he could continue to look into Blaine's eyes.
“Simple. Gaga!” Kurt said, his glasz eyes alight with laughter as Blaine smiled back at him.
“Now I should have guessed.” Blaine said, happily teasing the taller boy. Kurt pouted as he reached over and whacked Blaine on the arm. Blaine looked up at him with large, puppy-dog eyes.
“Don't mock the Gaga. Anyway, who was your first kiss?” Kurt asked, hoping that wasn't crossing the line. Blaine blushed and looked down at the table.
“I've never kissed anyone.”
Kurt looked at the boy, not being able to see anything other then his overly-gelled black hair.
“There's nothing wrong with that, I've never kissed anyone either.” Kurt said, hoping to cheer Blaine up. Blaine looked back up at him, his frown replaced with a small smile.
“Oh. Okay, Who annoys you the most?”
Kurt laughed, “The person that annoys everyone, Rachel Berry.”
Blaine looked at him for a moment.
“Really? She seemed nice.”
“Wait 'til you get her talking. You'll never get her to shut up again.” Kurt replied, laughing as Blaine shuddered.
“Promise me that you'll save me?” Blaine asked, puppy-dog eyes shining through again.
“I promise. Hey, that was a question! Which means I get two.” Kurt said, looking offended but laughing as Blaine looked sheepish and nodded. Blaine was secretly screaming in his head. Kurt would save him!
“Okay, what's the name of your best friend?” Kurt asked, hoping he didn't say it was him, because Kurt suddenly wanted to be much more than a friend for Blaine. Blaine smiled before he answered.
“Wesley, though we all call him Wes. He is a complete nut.” Blaine replied, his smile instantly turning into a grin as he remembered his Asian friend. He also didn't notice when Kurt sighed and let out the lungful of air he had been holding in.
“I should really meet this Wes. Have you ever been bullied?” Kurt asked, and instantly regretted it. Blaine noticeably winced and looked away from Kurt.
“Hey, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that. Me being gay as well, I should know what it must have been like for you. I spent years getting pushed into lockers and called hateful names. Even now, even though I'm on the cheerios, I still get a slushy facial at least two or three times a week. Mind you, watch out for Jocks carrying around plastic cups. No one ever drinks those things, so you should see it coming.” Kurt said and Blaine finally looked back up at him, giving him a grateful smile.
“Yes.” He said in a tiny voice. Kurt looked at him in confusion.
“Sorry, what?”
“Yes, I was bullied. I got beat up two years ago at a Sadie Hawkins dance my old school threw. I asked my friend, the only other openly gay guy, if he wanted to go with me. A couple of guys beat us up while we were waiting for his dad.” Blaine said quickly, tears welling up in his eyes. Kurt quickly got up from his seat and moved around the table towards Blaine. Blaine watched him as he came closer, not really sure what he was going to do. What Blaine didn't expect was for Kurt to hug him.
But hug him, he did. Kurt quickly wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck and buried his head into the shorter boy's shoulder. Blaine was even more shocked when Kurt dropped down to sit on his lap. On instinct, Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist.
“I'm so sorry, Blaine.” Kurt said, his voice thick and muffled and Blaine suddenly realised that Kurt was crying. When Kurt pulled back, Blaine reached forward and wiped his tears away. They were really close, and they both suddenly found it really hard to breath.
“Your turn.” Kurt said quietly, voice still thick, but in a different way, staring back into Blaine's honey-hazel orbs. Blaine stared back, not really able to find his voice, he just wanted to be able to stay this way with Kurt sitting on his lap and his arms around Kurt's waist. Kurt's eyes widened slightly as he felt Blaine tug him closer.
“Can I kiss you?”
Both of them were shocked when Blaine asked that question, but it was what they had both wanted since their date started. Kurt nodded gently at Blaine, and moments later, Blaine's lips were on his. Kurt gasped as fireworks erupted as he closer his eyes and moved his lips with Blaine's. This was what he had always wanted for his first kiss. And Kurt had Blaine to thank for that.
Blaine was egged on when Kurt gasped, sending Blaine into a frenzy as he moved his lips along with him. Kurt was kissing him back! Blaine felt light-headed, but that wasn't due to the lack of oxygen, it was due to the fireworks that erupted as Blaine deepened the kissed by poking his tongue forward and swiping it across Kurt's bottom lip. Blaine didn't expect Kurt to open his lips for him, so he was shocked when Kurt's lips feel open for him and Kurt's tongue was suddenly in his mouth. Blaine couldn't help but moan, and they were both glad that they were hidden in the very far corner of the Lima Bean.
Kurt moaned quietly as well, as he gently probed Blaine's tongue with his own. That set Blaine off and moments later, they were both fighting for dominance. Hands were suddenly going everywhere, tangling in hair and clothes as the boys explored the warmth of each other's mouths.
Kurt was the first one to pull back, and not because he wanted to, but because apparently one needed to breath. Blaine smiled shyly up at him, but it turned into a happy smile when Kurt didn't move from his lap.
“Wow... that was...”
“Fantastic!” Blaine finished for him before gripping his face in his hands and pulling him back for another kiss. Kurt was breathless when Blaine pulled back.
“I think I'm going to make a habit of doing that with you.” Kurt said, a content smile on his face.
“Doing what?” Blaine asked, looking innocent.
“You know exactly what.” Kurt said before kissing him again. Blaine smiled back at him when Kurt pulled back.
“Oh that. Only if you agree to let me take you on another date.” Blaine said, happily that Kurt was smiling down at him. Kurt quickly pecked his lips again before laying his head down on his shoulder.
“I'd love to.” Kurt said before he moved closer and lightly kissed Blaine's shoulder. Blaine shivered, suddenly coming to the realisation that they should move this to the car.
“So, we're technically dating?” Blaine asked, looking down at Kurt and loving the way his lips felt on his skin. Kurt smiled up him.
“I guess so, if you want to?” Kurt said, looking a little scared at the possibility that Blaine might say no.
“Of course I do. So, does that mean that I'm your boyfriend?” Blaine asked, hoping the answer was yes. Kurt smiled, he liked the idea of Blaine being his boyfriend.
“Only if you want to. Boyfriend?” Kurt asked, and smiled as Blaine leaned down and kissed him. “I take that as a yes.”
Blaine laughed as he kissed him again and again before they both needed to breath again.
“Its a yes.”