I hope I love you all my life
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I hope I love you all my life: I run to you

E - Words: 3,337 - Last Updated: May 12, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Dec 18, 2012 - Updated: May 12, 2013
112 0 0 0 0

Kurt smiled happily down at Blaine. His boyfriend. They had been dating for a couple of weeks now, although they hadn't told anyone yet. It was still new to them, they were still getting used to it. So basically, they didn't want anyone else to ruin the feeling for them.

Kurt looked away quickly as both Rachel and Blaine turned to look at him. Blaine grinned to himself as he moved his attention from his boyfriend back to his teacher. Rachel, though, stayed staring at Kurt. She had seen Kurt, out of the corner of her eye, looking at Blaine, who happened to be sitting to the left of Kurt, in the front row. Kurt waved her away when she turned a questioning look on him. With a huff, Rachel turned back to listen to Mr. Schue talk about Sectionals.

Kurt sighed when she looked away, turning to look at Mr. Schue for the first time in the last ten minutes. It was at that moment that his phone buzzed, going unnoticed by Mr. Schue, but regaining Rachel's attention, as well as Mercedes'. Ignoring them, Kurt pulled his phone from his pocket and unlocked it, grinning when he noticed that it was a text from Blaine.

To: Kurt Hummel From: Blaine Anderson

That was close, babe ;) Be more subtle with the staring next time.

To: Blaine Anderson From: Kurt Hummel

Shut up! :) Who said there would be a next time, babe? :)

He distinctively heard Blaine chuckle, meaning that he had gotten the text. At least he was smart enough to have his phone on silent, Kurt thought to himself, staring down at his boyfriend again. His phone buzzed again.

To: Kurt Hummel From: Blaine Anderson

Babe, you're staring again ;) It's okay, I know I'm too hot to look away from ;)

Kurt couldn't help but scoff loudly at that, and not bothering to text him back, he aimed a kick at Blaine's chair. This earned him a weird look from Mercedes and a low chuckle from Blaine.

“Kurt?” His teacher's voice made it's way into his head, making Kurt look up.

“Huh?” He asked, confused. Obviously, he had missed something while he had been texting Blaine. At that, Kurt kicked Blaine's chair again. Mr. Schue stared between the two students when Blaine chuckled, before asking again.

“Have you chosen a song for your solo?” He asked, a small smile on his face when he heard Rachel huff again.

“Ah, I have thought of one.” Kurt said as he stood up, still looking down at Mr. Schue. “But I need to ask a favour.”

“Yeah?” Mr. Schue asked. Kurt simply ignored him, making his way down from his seat. He purposely chose to walk past Blaine, and he ran his hand down his arm as he went past him. He quickly walked over to the pianist, Brad, and whispered in his ear, feeling everyone's eyes on his back.

“Hit it!” Kurt said loudly after he had made his way back to stand where Mr. Schue had been standing, who had made his way over to the front row and was now sitting beside Blaine.

I run from hate
I run from prejudice
I run from pessimists
But I run too late

I run my life
Or is it running me?
Run from my past
I run too fast
Or too slow it seems
When lies become the truth
That's when I run to you

Kurt grinned when Blaine finally got the hint and started singing with him, though he stayed firmly in his seat.

This world keeps spinning faster
Into a new disaster so I run to you
I run to you baby
And when it all starts coming undone
Baby you're the only one I run to
I run to you

Everyone was gawking at the two as Blaine stood up from his seat and made his way over to Kurt, happily taking on the next verse.

We run on fumes
Your life and mine
Like the sands of time
Slippin' right on through

Kurt joined him, happily taking his hand for the entire group to see as they sung the rest of the song together, though they only had eyes for each other.

And our love's the only truth
That's why I run to you

This world keeps spinning faster
Into a new disaster so I run to you
I run to you baby
And when it all starts coming undone
Baby you're the only one I run to
I run to you

This world keeps spinning faster
Into a new disaster so I run to you
I run to you baby
And when it all starts coming undone
Baby you're the only one I run to
I run to you
I always run to you
Run to you
Run to you

“So I take it that you want to sing a duet, with Blaine.” Mr. Schue said once they had finished and the small amount of applause had quietened down. Kurt nodded, still looking at Blaine.

“Yeah, Mr-” Kurt started to say before loud and obnoxious Rachel Berry interrupted him.

“I knew it! I knew it. You're dating him, aren't you?” Rachel asked in a rather loud voice.

“Oh shut it, Berry! It's none of your business.” Santana said before Kurt had a chance to say anything, much to both of the boys' surprise.

“Ah, thanks Santana?” Kurt said, coming out as a question as both he and Blaine stared at the two girls glaring at each other. Santana turned to look at him with a smile, a genuine smile.

“Don't mention it, Hummel. Kill me now, but I actually care about you and the hobbit.” Santana said as Blaine tried to bite back a smile. Santana noticed it though, but she chose to ignore it. “Oh god, you have all made me go soft!”

Most of the group chuckled, apart from Rachel, who was still glaring at her feet. As the two boys made their way back to their seats, Kurt pushing Rachel from hers so Blaine could sit next him, Mr. Schue made his way back to his spot in front of the group.

“Okay, so I guess that we have time for the duet and a group number. Now, I have only just heard yesterday that we are going up against a group from a school from Westerville.” Mr. Schue declared as murmured questions were heard all around the room, apart from Blaine, who had gone quiet. Kurt looked over at him, noticing how quiet his boyfriend was, and also noticed that he had gone pale.

“Blaine?” Kurt asked, squeezing the hand he was still holding gently. “What's the matter?”

Blaine looked up then, noticing that he had everyone's attention.

“Umm, they're from my old school.” Blaine said quietly. Mr. Schue looked over at his still rather new student and tried hard to remember what his last school had been. Moving back to the piano, he picked up the piece of paper he hard brought into the room with him. Reading it quickly, he looked back over to Blaine.

“Dalton Academy?” He asked the boy, who shot his head up in the direction of the teacher. “Were you a part of the Warbler's?”

Blaine didn't answer him, all he did was nod. The Warbler's had been his family, a group of boys he had fit in well with. Wes, who had shared his love of climbing on high surfaces, Nick and Jeff, who were obliviously in love with each other but didn't notice, David and Thad, the two other senior console men who were just as nutty as him. He had found a home amongst them. That was until he had met Sebastian, who had tried to steal his position of lead singer right out from under him and then his parents had decided to pull him out and send him to a public school. At least he had a good reason to actually like it at McKinley.

Kurt was gawking at him now, from what he had seen on blogs and youtube, the Warbler's were like rockstars. But now as he actually thought hard about the performances he had seen with Rachel and Mercedes, Blaine did actually look a lot like their lead singer.

“Oh my gaga, you were their lead singer!” Kurt squealed happily in his ear making Blaine wince slightly, no matter how many times he told himself that he was getting used to it, and a few people around them to send Blaine sympathetic looks. They all knew what that was like, whether it was coming from Kurt or Rachel.

With a small smile, Blaine reached a hand over and laid it on Kurt's arm, which was gripping his rather tightly. Kurt stopped a little as he turned to stare at his boyfriend properly.

“Kurt, calm down a little. Okay?” He said in a quiet voice, while staring lovingly at his boyfriend. After a moment, Kurt broke eye contact with his boyfriend and turned to look at Mr. Schue.

“I have the perfect song!” He said in a quieter voice, though he was still thoroughly excited. Mr. Schue nodded, knowing that Kurt would tell him what it was.

“What song?” Blaine asked, when Kurt turned back to look at him. Kurt smiled before he leaned in and whispered in his ear. When Kurt had pulled back, Blaine couldn't help himself. He grabbed Kurt's face between his gentle hands and pulled him back for a passionate, yet closed mouthed kiss.

By the time the lesson had finished, Kurt was growing sick of the stares he and Blaine were getting. By the time the bell rang, the only thing keeping him in his chair, was a tight grip on the edge of it and Blaine's hand in his. But as Finn turned to look at him again, Kurt exploded. Much to the surprise to Blaine, Kurt ripped his hand from his grasp and ran to the front of the room before anyone could leave. An odd look was plastered on Kurt's face, and Blaine couldn't rip his eyes away from his boyfriend. He looked to be in pain, which broke Blaine's heart. He didn't want to see his boyfriend in pain. As he started to get up from his seat, Kurt started speaking. The words he chose to speak made Blaine drop back into his seat, a shocked look on his face.

“Yes! I am dating Blaine!” Kurt all but yelled. Several people gasped, looking between Blaine and Kurt. “Why can't you just give us our privacy?! Like Santana said, it's none of your business! Stop staring at us!”

With that, Kurt spun on his heel and ran from the room. After a moment, Blaine jumped to his feet and, after picking up his and Kurt's bags, followed his boyfriend from the room. Leaving everyone else in shock, apart from Santana, who decided to chastise the room.

“Kurt!” Blaine called to the empty hallways, trying desperately to figure out where exactly his boyfriend had went. On instinct Blaine ran to the auditorium. His decision had been right, because as he entered the large room, he could clearing see Kurt sitting on the stage floor, his shoulders shaking with uncontrollable tears. Blaine's heart broke again as he watched Kurt cry, completely immobile as he watched him, the fact that his boyfriend needed him wasn't getting through to his brain. When a partially louder sob echoed throughout the auditorium, Blaine broke out of the stupor he had been in and ran to his boyfriend.

“They ruin everything!” Kurt said through his sobs as Blaine pulled him into his arms and buried his head in his shoulder. Blaine whispered soothing words of encouragement into his ears, while holding him flush to his chest.

“Who cares what they think Kurt, we still have each other and that is all that matters.” Blaine whispered as Kurt turned to look at him, his cheeks stained with tears. But he was now smiling over at Blaine.

“How did I get so lucky?” He asked, neither of them noticing that most of the glee club had followed them and were now standing near the auditorium door. Blaine smiled back at him and he instantly had the air thrown out of his lungs as Kurt threw himself into his arms.

“I think I'm the lucky one, babe.” Blaine said with a grin as Kurt chuckled against his neck. He shivered as he felt Kurt press his lips against the warm skin of his neck, which grew even warmer as he blushed.

“We're both lucky.” Kurt replied as he pulled back to look Blaine in the eye. There was a new sparkle in Kurt's glasz eyes, one Blaine had never seen before. With a small smile, Blaine carefully held Kurt's chin with gentle fingers and pulled him back for a searing kiss. They still didn't know that they had an audience, but when a someone cleared their throat, both Kurt and Blaine looked up in horror to see Mr. Schue and the glee club watching them. Mr. Schue chose then to walk forward, the rest of the group making their way behind him.

When they had reached the edge of the stage, Mr. Schue started to speak.

“Boys, you have a few people that need to apologize.” Mr. Schue said loudly, glaring slightly at the students

A loud blur of apologies rushed at Kurt and Blaine, though neither of them understood a word that was said. With a tiny shake of his head, Blaine turned his smiling face to look at Kurt, who had utter confusion written all over his face. Blaine laughed a little before he wound his arm around Kurt's shoulder and pulled him flush against him, before pressing a soft kiss his temple. This made Kurt smile, and made Quinn 'aww' at them.

“Okay, I am really sorry about that boys, but you all have class to get to.” Mr. Schue spoke from the in front of them and both of them looked over at him, small smiles on their faces. Blaine's smile grew as he climbed to his feet and politely helped Kurt to his.

“Ever the gentleman.” Kurt said, making everyone laugh and for Blaine to plant another kiss on his lips.

“You love it.” Blaine replied, a blush spreading across Kurt's cheeks. With a little giggle, Kurt pulled Blaine off of the stage and led the way out of the auditorium.

“Yes, yes I do.” Kurt said before they left the auditorium. Blaine chuckled as he followed him.

After French, Blaine hurried to Kurt's locker to wait for him. A smile was already on his face for when Kurt arrived, and it grew as Kurt made his way through the crowd towards him. But the smile quickly fell as he saw Azimio loom over Kurt. His heart almost stopped when he saw a hand fling out and push Kurt into the lockers beside. With all the grace flung from him, Kurt fell to the ground the with a thud. Blaine didn't even hesitate, he ran as fast as he could to Kurt's side. Kurt smiled gently up at him as Blaine fell to his knees beside him, much like the time they had met.

“Are you alright? Anything broken?” Blaine asked in a hurry, his hands moving to rest on his shoulder. Kurt couldn't help but laugh at his frantic boyfriend.

“My pride?” Kurt asked before he was enveloped in a warm hug, tight arms wrapping around his waist and his boyfriend's face buried in his shoulder. Quickly, Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's torso and held him tight.

“I love you, Kurt.” Was whispered into the crook between his shoulder and his neck. Whatever air he had been breathing was suddenly stuck in his throat. Kurt wasn't even sure if he had heard him right. Blaine waited though, a bit shocked himself that he had said that. What felt like an hour later, though it had been hardly thirty seconds, Kurt pushed Blaine back so he could look him in the eye.

“I love you, too.” Kurt replied, his eyes bright and shiny with tears. Blaine face split into a large grin as he stared at his boyfriend.

“You do?” Blaine asked, even more shocked but exceptionally happy. Kurt giggled at that, did he really need to ask?

“Of course I do, Blaine. Of course I do.” Kurt said happily, seemingly making up both of their minds because Blaine lunged in and kissed him on the lips.

“I love you so much.” Blaine said clearly before he buried his head in Kurt's shoulder again. The bell rang then, signalling that the school day was over.

“Come on, we should go practise for our duet.” Kurt said as he tried to get Blaine to move, who seemed to be glued to his side. “Come on, Regionals is in two weeks and if we don't move, we are going to get trampled.”

Blaine chuckled as he jumped to his feet and swiftly helped Kurt to his.

“Thank you kind sir.” Kurt said as he slung his messenger bag over his shoulder and took Blaine's hand in his.

Throughout the song, Kurt couldn't keep his eyes off of Blaine. Every more he made, Kurt's eyes followed him. Before Kurt knew it, they had finished the song and Blaine was staring back at him. With a grin, Blaine walked closer to him and held his face in his gentle hands, and kissed him sweetly on the lips.

“Okay, there is only so many times I can sing that song. Sing another for me?” Blaine asked as he rested his forehead against Kurt's. Kurt smiled back at him.

“Like what?” Kurt asked, already going through a list of songs in his head. Blaine's eyes softened as he looked up at him, his thumb gently tracing his bottom lip.

“Something that screams how talented you are.”

With a large grin, Kurt stepped away from Blaine and made his way to get a chair for Blaine to sit on.

“Everything screams how talented I am.” Kurt teased as he placed the chair at the front of the auditorium stage. “Sit.”

With a small smile, Blaine did as he was told and moved to sit on the chair that was provided for him. He watched Kurt carefully as he moved to stand in front of him, his eyes bright and his small large.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
All your life, you were only waiting for this moment to be free

Blackbird fly
Blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night

Blackbird fly
Blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to arise

While he had been singing, Kurt hadn't missed the look of realisation that came across Blaine's face while he watched. But he was still a little surprised when Blaine got up from his seat and walked over to him, pulling him into a tight hug. When he pulled back, he stared right into Kurt's eyes and didn't break eye contact as he spoke.

“Kurt, there is a moment when you say to yourself, 'Oh, there you are. I have been looking for you forever.' Watching you sing that song just now, was a moment for me, about you. You move me, Kurt. I love you so much, and I always will.” Blaine declared and he waited for a moment as he stayed staring at Kurt. But once Kurt's face lit in a giant grin, Blaine lunged forwards and kissed him. They both got lost in the kiss, neither of them really feeling what was going on around them other than the feel of Blaine's tongue against Kurt's bottom lip and Kurt's hand on Blaine's cheek. A few moments later, they both drew back, breathless.

“I love you, too.” Kurt said, before leaning in and giving Blaine an Eskimo kiss. Blaine smiled at him. Pulling back again, Kurt quickly placed the chair back where it belonged and returned to Blaine's side with a large grin.

“Time for more practising!” Kurt declared and laughed when all that Blaine did was groan.


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