I hope I love you all my life
How so very apropos Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I hope I love you all my life: How so very apropos

E - Words: 2,649 - Last Updated: May 12, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Dec 18, 2012 - Updated: May 12, 2013
115 0 0 0 0

“Has anyone ever literally died on stage?” Kurt asked as Blaine walked up to them. They were finally at Regionals, hopefully all the practise they had put into their song would pay off. Blaine turned to look at him with a cheeky smile.

“Are you nervous?” Blaine asked as Kurt turned to look at him.

“Please don't judge me.” Kurt said as he turned away again. “This is the first time I've had a solo in front of a competition audience. I've had this nightmare that I'm going to forget the lyrics... or I'm going to sing and nothing is gonna come out.”

Kurt watched as Blaine moved around him to stand on the other side of him. Taking back his words, Kurt turned to look at him with a nervous chuckle, “Okay, you can judge me.”

Blaine looked back at him with a cute smile.

“I think it's adorable. I think you're adorable.” Blaine said, his hand resting on Kurt's arm as Kurt watched him. “And the only people that are gonna be dying tonight are the people in that audience... because you and I are gonna kill this thing.”

Kurt stared out at the stage they would be singing on as Blaine moved to rub at his shoulders. Kurt smiled as he rested back against Blaine.

“Come on.” Blaine said as he moved away from Kurt and walked off. Kurt watched as he went, and listened as the announcement for them to go on stage came across the speaks.

“And now, from Lima, Ohio... the New Directions!”

Kurt walked on stage from the opposite side to Blaine and stopped at the edge as the rest of group, apart from Blaine, had already formed in the centre. Kurt watched the other side of the stage, and waited 'till he could see Blaine, before he started to sing.

Say, wasn't that a funny day?
Gee, you had a funny way- a way about you.
A kind of glow of something new.

Blaine smiled across at his boyfriend as he walked onto the stage. As Kurt made his way to the centre and finished singing, Blaine took his cue and made his way forward.

Sure- I'll admit that I'm the same.
Another sucker for a game kids like to play.
And the rules they like to use.

As Blaine met up in the middle of the stage, everyone sang the chorus.

Don't you want the way I feel?
Don't you want the way I feel?
Don't you want the way I feel for you?

Blaine grinned out at the audience as he took up the next verse.

The sun: telling me the night is done.
Well I refuse to let it stop our fun.
Close your eyes- we'll make it dark again.
And kiss; there's a thought, so how 'bout this?
Let's pretend that both our lips are made of candy.
After all, we need treats every now and then.

Kurt smiled as Blaine turned back to look at him as Kurt and the rest of the New Directions joined back in for the chorus.

Don't you want the way I feel?
Don't you want the way I feel?
Don't you want the way I feel for you?

Kurt continued as Blaine stepped back to join in with the rest of the group.

He we are: two strangers in a very different place.
Who knows what could happen to us next?
Here we are with nothing but this little spark.
It's too cold outside to lay this fire to rest.

As Kurt moved closer to the audience, Blaine stepped back up into Kurt's vacant spot and sang the next part as they crowd stood up and started to cheer for them.

Go? How so very apropos:
A goodbye just as I said “Hello”
Well alright, I'll see you later
It's true: it's just a fantasy for two.
But what's the difference if it all could have been true?
I guess this is better.

The crowd continued to clap and cheer as the entire group sang the last chorus.

Don't you want the way I feel?
Don't you want the way I feel?
Don't you want the way I feel?
Oh, don't you want the way I feel?
Don't you want the way I feel?
Don't you want the way I for you?
Don't you want the way that I feel for you?

With a large grin, Kurt ran to hug Blaine as soon as they had finished singing. Blaine grinned right back at him as everyone but Rachel walked off of the stage. They all watched from backstage as Rachel sang her own original song, Get it right, as Finn watched on in wonder. Kurt couldn't help but laugh at the glares Quinn was sending Rachel, because it was obvious that Rachel was singing to Finn.

Loser like me went by so fast that Kurt couldn't really remember much other than his and Blaine's lines.

Hit me with the worst you got and knock me down
Baby I don't care

Keep it up and soon enough you'll figure out
You wanna be
You wanna be a loser like me

By the end of it, they were all out of breath, but very proud of each other. Just as Blaine was about to lead Kurt from backstage, they were met by the one person Blaine hadn't wanted to see.

'Well, well, well. If it isn't Blaine Anderson, sex on a stick and sings like a dream.” Sebastian Smythe said from where he had stopped in front of them, blocking them from leaving. Blaine could hear several of the New Directioner's come to a stop behind them, stuck themselves, as he growled at the tall boy in front of him. This just seemed to egg Sebastian on.

“Aww, don't be like that, Blainey.” Sebastian cooed in irritatingly childish voice. Kurt's eyes narrowed at this before he turned to look at Blaine.

“Who is this, Blaine?” Kurt asked. Puck came up beside him then and glared at Sebastian.

“Yeah, Blaine. Who is it? So I can bash his head in!” Puck exclaimed as Blaine rested a hand against Kurt's arm, trying his best to ignore Sebastian, who was way to close for Blaine's comfort, or Kurt's.

“No-one important, Kurt. Just someone who couldn't take no for an answer.” Blaine said, staring at Kurt. Kurt just looked confused.

“What do you mean, Blaine?” Kurt asked, his own hand coming up to rest on Blaine's. Blaine frowned, remembering how Sebastian had pissed him off.

“You know how you are always bullied at school?” Blaine asked as Kurt nodded. “Well, I was bullied in a different way. Sebastian seemed to think we were going out, so on every occasion he had he would try to kiss me, touch me and press up against me. I don't know how many times I had to tell him no. The one time he actually almost kissed me, it was the closest he got, I slapped him.” Blaine said. Kurt had moved his gaze from him and was glaring at Sebastian. Blaine couldn't help but smile at that. Kurt was almost like Medusa, he was actually almost surprised to see that Sebastian hadn't turned to stone.

“You are a jerk!” Kurt exclaimed as he continued to glare at Sebastian, who was now smirking at him with a smug face.

“Wow, Blaine, you really picked a good one, didn't you? Very stereotypical gay. Is he as much a prude as you were?” Sebastian asked with the same smug look. Kurt was about to slap him, but Puck bet him to it. Both Kurt and Blaine were surprised to see him punch Sebastian. Sebastian quickly raised his hand to rest against his cheek where Puck had hit him.

“No-one picks on Kurt!” Puck said rather loudly as Sebastian hooted in pain. Blaine grinned at that before pulling Kurt to his side and kissed him on the cheek. He watched him for a moment before turning back to look at Sebastian.

“Nope. Not a prude. Come on, babe.” Blaine said quickly as he pulled Kurt back towards the audience, the rest of the group following them.
Once they were in their seats, they watched as the group of navy blazer clad Warblers formed on stage, Both Kurt and Blaine were glad to see that Sebastian wasn't the lead singer. Blaine grinned as two boys stepped forward.

“Nick and Jeff.” Blaine said to Kurt as he pointed to brunette and the blonde. “Most of us thought they were straight. We always thought they were just best friends, until Jeff came out and told us that he was gay. Nick came out about a week later. They've sort of been a couple ever since.

Blaine couldn't stop grinning as the couple sang Animals and then then an Asian, Wes, Blaine pointed out, sang Raise your glass. They were all standing and clapping along by the time the group had finished singing. Blaine had a large smile on his face, but Kurt could tell that he was still bothered by Sebastian. With a small sigh, Kurt reached over and slipped his hand into Blaine's, intertwining their fingers. Blaine looked over with a small smile, as though he was happy that Kurt was there, holding his hand. Keeping him grounded.

“Come on, sit for a moment before we have to go back up there.” Kurt said as Blaine tightened his grip. Blaine nodded as Kurt pulled him down in his seat. Kurt got a little confused when Blaine shook his head.

“What?” Kurt asked as Blaine smiled a little. Blaine patted his knee then as he looked over him, his eyes expectant. With a roll of his eyes, Kurt jumped up from his seat and sat gracefully down on Blaine's lap. With a chuckle, Blaine wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him back against his chest.

“I love you, Kurt.” Blaine said as he rested his chin against his shoulder. Kurt giggled as he rested his own head back against Blaine's shoulder and closed his eyes.

“Hmm, I love you too.” Kurt said in a quiet, but clear voice. “More than anything.”

“More the Barbra?” Blaine asked in a shocked voice, making Kurt giggle.

“Who do I look like? Rachel?” Kurt asked as he turned his head slightly to look at Blaine. “Do you love me more that Katy Perry?”

“Well, lets see. She is a girl and you are a boy. I think you win.” Blaine said as he smiled at his boyfriend. “You mean the world to me, Kurt.”

“Okay, boys. Come on.” Mr. Schue called to them, making Kurt shot up out of Blaine's arms. Both Blaine and Mr. Schue chuckled at that.

“Its okay, Kurt. I'm not going to send you to hell from sitting with your boyfriend.” Mr. Schue said with a smile, making Kurt blush.

“I knew that.” Kurt muttered as Blaine got up out of the seat and took his hand again.

“Come on, before you embarrass yourself even more.” Blaine said with a chuckle as they walked back to the stage. Kurt rolled his eyes at that, even though his blush was still there.

“And now to announce our winner... Lieutenant Governor Stevens' wife, Carla Turlington Stevens.”

“My husband is verbally abusive and I have been drinking since noon.” The blonde haired woman said as the three groups stood behind her, looking at each other as she swayed slightly on her feet. “I'm bored. Let's just see who won, huh?”

“The New Direction's, you're going to nationals in New York.”

The New Direction's started to yell and cheer as their trophy was brought over to them. They were going to Nationals! Everything seemed to run in slow motion as they hefted their trophy in the air, Blaine already wrapped up in Kurt's arms. Their celebrations were cut short though as Sue slowly made her way past them to Carla and punched her, sending the poor drunken woman to the ground. Blaine stood there for a moment, shocked, before hugging Kurt before he decided to jump up and down again.

“I have a few people I'd like you to meet.” Blaine said into Kurt's ear, who nodded as Blaine dragged him over to the Warblers. Kurt was quickly introduced to Wes Montgomery, David Thompson, Thad Harwood, Jeff S. Sterling, Nick Duval, Nicholas Hudson and Trent Nixon. Kurt couldn't help but give Nicholas a high-five and quickly called Finn over. Blaine quickly became confused, but laughed when Kurt told him that they had the same last name. Maybe the were related.

Kurt couldn't help but notice that they all kept their distance from Sebastian.

“What is his deal?” Kurt asked Wes as he once again looked over at Sebastian, and the rather large red mark Puck had left on his face.

“He's an arse. What happened to his face?” Wes asked as he too looked over at Sebastian, who was currently glaring at the ground, or Kurt.

“He called me a prude. I was about to slap him, but my friend Noah got there first.” Kurt said and grinned when he felt Blaine wrap his arms around his waist from behind. Wes grinned at the two of them as Blaine rested his chin against Kurt's shoulder and rubbed his nose against the skin under his ear.

“What are you two talking about?” He asked as he opened his eyes, only to close them again due to the fact that they happened to be pointed in Sebastian's direction.

“Just the fact that Sebastian is the worlds biggest jerk.” Kurt said, making both Wes and Blaine nod.

“Couldn't agree more. None of us have really liked him since what he did to Blaine.” Wes said as David came over to them. Mr. Schue also made his way over then as well.

“Sorry to break this up, boys. But we have to head back to school. Sorry about your loss boys.” Mr. Schue said as he looked over at Wes and David.

“That's alright sir, we came second after all. We might not be going to Nationals, but there's always next year.” Wes said as Mr. Schue smiled.

“Wouldn't count on it.” Blaine muttered, making Kurt laugh and both Wes and David to reach out and whack him repeatedly on the arms. Kurt couldn't help but watch and laugh. Every now and then, Blaine would peek out from under Wes and David and would try to reach out for Kurt. Kurt was having none of that though and stepped out of his reach.

“Kuuurrtt! Save me!” Blaine whined as he tried to escaped. Kurt laughed as he left him hanging from a moment before reaching forward and taking a grip on his hand and pulling him to safety, right into his open arms. Blaine mumbled something as he buried his head in Kurt's shoulder.

“What was that, honey?” Kurt asked as Blaine pulled back.

“I said: My night in shining armour.” Blaine said as he grinned up at Kurt. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Kurt replied, ignoring Wes and David, who were making kissing noise. “Come on, we have to go before Mr. Schue decides to kill us.”

Blaine laughed as he quickly hugged his friends, who also made Kurt hug them, and they were out the door.

“You miss them.” Kurt stated as they climbed onto the bus and found their seats. Blaine smiled over at him and took his hand in his.

“I do, but I have you now. That's all I need. As long as I get to see them on weekends.” Blaine said with a cheeky smile. Kurt rolled his eyes and whacked him on the arm, making Blaine wince slightly.

“Ooh, sorry baby, are you sore?” Kurt cooed as he rubbed Blaine's arm gently.

“A little. But I know something that will make me feel better.” Blaine said as he smiled at Kurt, leaning closer slightly.

“What?” Kurt asked, already seeing that Blaine was inching his was closer to him.

“This.” He said as he quickly lunged closer and pecked him on the lips. Kurt chuckled as he wrapped his arms around him and held him close, even after the kiss ended. They were a couple hours away from Lima, and as Blaine started to hum in his ear, Kurt slowly drifted of to sleep. His dreams filled with Blaine and going to Nationals.


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