July 29, 2012, 10:14 a.m.
July 29, 2012, 10:14 a.m.
Chapter 5
As Blaine woke up on Sunday morning, reality hit home, and it hit him hard. His mother had confirmed he would be starting Dalton on Monday, and he'd had to spend all day Saturday packing, ready to move in on Sunday. He'd been trying to imagine that Sunday wouldn't come, but it did come. And it was here. His alarm started beeping, and he rolled out of bed, and turned it off. He pulled on a pair of bright green pants and a tight black polo shirt and his brand new green bow tie. He gelled down his hair, and then proceeded to open his curtains, resulting in him being blinded by the dazzling sunlight. Ironic, he thought to himself. The first good weather they'd had in days, for such a horrible day. Grabbing his green framed sunglasses he headed down stairs to meet his fate.
As he reached the kitchen he saw a note on the counter with his car keys laid on top. He wandered over and picked the note up, pocketing his keys. The note read;
So sorry, but you're going to have to move yourself into Dalton. Your father is still away on business and I've just been called out to attend an urgent meeting in DC. You've done it before so you know what to do. Go to the reception and tell them your name and they'll give you your room number. Sorry I couldn't be there. I and Geoffrey packed your car this morning to give you a head start. See you soon.
Your Mother x
"Typical." He groaned out loud since there was no one there to hear him. "So bloody reliable!"
The coffee pot was still on so he poured himself a mug, downed it, grabbed his jacket and school bag and stumbled out the door.
His neighbour, Geoffrey, who'd helped his mother pack up his car, was sat out in the garden sunning himself.
"Morning Blaine, hope the move goes well!" He called
"Thanks Geoffrey!" Blaine couldn't stand the guy. He swore him and his mother had some twisted shit going on behind his father's back.
He got into his car, and drove to Dalton. This was going to be one of the worst days of his life.
As he pulled up into Dalton's parking lot his phoned beeped. He pulled it out and smiled when he read the words he's been sent.
My Kurt 3 [7:31]
"Gonna miss you so much tomorrow. Hope the move goes well. Stay away from man whore. I love you! 3"
He text back a simple reply;
"I love you more! 3"
Then walked round to the back of the car, to get his suitcases, and then struggled to the front door of the majestic building. He got his room number, and it turned out it was just down the hall from his old room, so he knew exactly where to go. It was a dorm for two, and there was one person already in it, but the woman on reception hadn't known who.
He made his way down the halls and shoved his luggage into the elevator, before clambering in, himself.
He made it to the correct floor and pushed his way to his room. Despite the fact that it was a gorgeous day, and it was a Sunday, he still thought it odd that he hadn't encountered a single person yet.
He stopped outside his old room and sighed. He used to love that room. But none the less he pushed on to his new room. He knocked, and then unlocked the door, to find his new roommate was not in. He put his stuff down and looked to see which bed was free, before collapsing onto it and closing his eyes.
Kurt woke up fairly early that Sunday morning. Saturday he'd just spent shopping with Mercedes, it' had been lovely to spend time with his girl and he'd gotten some lovely new clothes, but he'd missed Blaine. He knew he'd been busy, so he'd left him alone all day.
He'd text him to wish him well with his move, and he was currently watching TV. He thought he might go see Rachel later, and make the most of this beautiful weather. He seriously hoped that Blaine wouldn't run into Sebastian. He hated that guy…
"Well. Isn't this just the best surprise ever?" A familiar voice laughed, dragging Blaine out of his unintentional afternoon nap.
Blaine forced his eyes open as he fought to recall whose voice had disturbed him, before he shot up like a bolt and stared at the figure standing in the open door.
He groaned and flopped back down on the bed. "Of all the damn people in this school!" He cried, exasperatedly.
"Don't be like that," The voice replied with a smirk in its tone, "This is going to be a blast!" Sebastian laughed and moved into the room closing the door behind him. "You want a hand unpacking? I have nothing to do for the rest of the night."
"Uhm, yeah, sure, if you want" Blaine was surprised at his offer, despite the reasons.
They spent the next hour and a half chatting whilst unpacking all of Blaine's things, whilst Blaine tried his utter hardest to not get too flustered. He could not believe his luck. What if Kurt found out? He could hardly keep it a secret. But he couldn't tell him either. He really wished he hadn't been put in a room with Sebastian, but he didn't want to change. He secretly was looking forward to this. Perhaps getting to see Sebastian after he'd just come out of the shower… or whilst he was still in it… Stop it! He thought to himself. Can't let himself think like that. Oh dear. He shook off the feeling and concentrated back on unpacking.
"Finished." Sebastian cried proudly. "Looking forward to sleeping in the same room as me Blaine?" He snickered. "Who knows, we might not need the second bed soon" He winked and strutted into the bathroom.
"Shit." As much as Blaine hated to admit it, he seriously had the hots for a certain Sebastian Smythe.
Sebastian came out of the bathroom half an hour later wearing a pair of grey sweatpants, low around his hips, and nothing else, revealing a line of dark hair just above the hem of his pants, and across his chest, the finest light blonde hair, barely noticeable. His arms stretched behind his head, rubbing his hair dry with a towel.
Time seemed to slow right down as Blaine looked at the beautiful figure walking towards him, he felt his lungs become short of air, and he gasped, before cupping his hand across his mouth. As time caught back up with him, he spun around, trying to look anywhere but at Sebastian. He heard Sebastian chuckle, and say something, but he was too busy trying to find something to look busy with, he didn't acknowledge the sound, until he felt a warm hand on his shoulder. He spun round to try to smile and act normal, only to come face to face with the sexiest face he had ever laid eyes on, that was barely and inch away from his own.
"Boo." Sebastian whispered blowing a small amount of air into Blaine's open mouth as he sucked in another sharp gasp.
Hazel eyes melted into green as their faces became so close, lips almost touching… 'Bzzzzzzzzzzzzz'
Blaine pulled back sharply as he was brought back to reality, grabbing his phone of his desk he answered, a small high pitched squeak of a hello erupted from his mouth, so he shook his head, cleared his throat and tried again. "Hello"
"Blaine, are you okay?" The voice on the line worried.
"Sorry, hey Kurt, yeah I'm fine, what's up?"
Sebastian laughed out loud. Of course. Who else could it have been? Kurt, damn Kurt, always in the way! He was not ready to give up. He could feel Blaine's power fading. He was going to give in soon, perhaps he could even win him back round tonight. He had a brilliant idea that could go two ways. Hopefully the good way.
"Just wanted to check in on you. Checking you'd moved in okay"
"Yeah." Blaine felt his voice falter as Sebastian cocked and eyebrow and smiled his characteristic sexy smirk. He walked towards Blaine stretching as he did so, and all the muscles in his arms and abdomen rippled beneath his skin. Blaine's breath caught in his throat as his fought to speak, and he let out a gasping spluttering sound, and attempted to cover it up with a cough. "Sorry, yeah, my move went fine. My roommate's a bit of an asshole though." He smirked, regaining composure and winking at Sebastian.
"You seem a little distracted, and it's getting late so I'll call you back tomorrow afternoon. I love you! Byee!" Kurt replied.
"Love you too, night." Blaine yawned into the phone to make it sound convincing before hanging up.
"Oh lover boy! Come 'ere Lover boy." Sebastian mimicked the song from Dirty Dancing, before hitting play on his stereo and pulling Blaine towards him and forcing him to dance, Sebastian still only wearing the sweat pants and nothing else. He pulled Blaine in close to his body and pulled him around the room, dancing to the cheesy music.
"Sebastian! What the hell?" Blaine threw his head back and laughed. This was the most fun he's had in days.
Sebastian said nothing, just laughed along with him. The song finished, and Sebastian collapsed onto his bed, pulling Blaine down on top of him. They lay there for a few minutes, panting, and just relaxing. Blaine inhaled the scent of Sebastian, a mix of his body wash, and his natural smell. He smelt amazing. He lay there with his head on Sebastian's bare chest, not ever wanting to move. He felt so at home, everything felt right. Sebastian kissed the top of Blaine's head. The moment was perfect. He never wanted to let Blaine go. He's never felt like this about anyone before. He wanted Blaine so bad. He wanted him to be his. Blaine rolled off Sebastian and lay on his side, next to him, facing him. Sebastian adjusted his position so his nose was touching Blaine's.
"I-I Can't. I Shouldn't. I mean Kurt-" Sebastian cut him off with the softest, most gentle kiss to lips. Panic rushed around Blaine's head, as he tried to decide what to do. His head was telling him this was stupid, foolish. It would get him into trouble. He loved Kurt! He couldn't do this to him! But his heart was telling him this was right. This is what he wanted. He belonged in Sebastian's arms. He thought no more about it, as Sebastian pulled himself on top of Blaine and kissed him again, this time firmer, deeper. Blaine kissed him back, deepening this kiss further. Sebastian slipped his tongue into Blaine's mouth as he opened it just a fraction. His imagination ran wild, as he fumbled with Blaine's bow tie, and ripped off his polo shirt. He smiled at how gorgeous and toned Blaine was, with a slight smother of dark brown curls dotted across his chest, he was looking at perfection. He pulled Blaine's mouth back into his as his ran his hands across his chest rubbing the curls. His plan definitely worked, and it went the good way.
Suddenly it hit Blaine. He had a boyfriend! He was cheating on Kurt, lovely, beautiful Kurt. How this was going to kill him when he found out.
"Stop!" He pushed Sebastian off him, and sat up. Woah. He'd not ever felt like this before. He tried to remember a time when Kurt had ever made him feel so… good, so appreciated. He thought about wishing he was with Kurt right now, and it just didn't seem right. He couldn't imagine making out with his own boyfriend! Maybe this wasn't right. Maybe he shouldn't be with Kurt anymore? Sebastian was hot. Hell, Sebastian was better than hot. Sebastian was sex on a stick, he remembered when Sebastian had used that phrase to describe him and smiled to himself, but Sebastian wasn't reliable. Was he even trustworthy? Did he even really want him? Or did he just want a fuck and that'd be the end of it? Was he worth losing the reliable, trustworthy, safe Kurt over? Sebastian would really have to prove himself.
"What's the matter?" Sebastian asked, already knowing the answer.
"Look, I have a boyfriend, and you know it. I don't know what you want. I don't know whether all you want is to fuck me, then leave. No, let me finish" Blaine cried, waving his arms as Sebastian tried to interject. "I'm with Kurt and I don't know if you're worth losing him over! If you really want me, then you're going to have to prove it! Now I'm going to bed."
"I'll prove it to you then." Sebastian replied.
Blaine turned to look at him, amazed, before dashing to the bathroom to get changed.
When he emerged again, wearing tight boxers and a tight vest, he dropped his belt, so he bent down to retrieve it. Sebastian grinned at the sight of Blaine's ass in his face, but held back any remarks or wolf whistles that were oh so tempting.
Blaine stood back up and turned around, just in time to catch Sebastian checking out his ass.
"We're going to be spending a lot more time together now, so you'll see. By the way, nice ass!" He couldn't help it.
Blaine turned back around and smiled to himself. It wasn't much. But it was something. It was the first Sebastian had really said about what he wanted from Blaine. It could just be hollow words, but regardless, it gave Blaine the tiny bit of hope and reassurance he needed, because despite everything, he knew what was happening. He was falling in love with Sebastian.
omgggg amazing i ship seblaine like crazaaay