The Coffee Shop Incident
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The Coffee Shop Incident: Chapter 2

E - Words: 1,392 - Last Updated: Jul 29, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Apr 16, 2012 - Updated: Jul 29, 2012
184 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

AN- Okay, this story probably isn't going to be very popular. I know this is also quite short, and I said it would be longer, but I couldn't make it any longer. However, the next chapter WILL be longer. Thank you so much for reading. I have a basic story line in mind, but other than that, this could go anywhere, so I'd appreciate suggestions. Also, I hope you like my artist choice. :D Sorry for any errors by the way. I try to eliminate them, but I sometimes miss them!

Disclaimer - I do not own Glee or anything about it. But them again, If i did, i wouldn't be writing FanFiction about it... haha.


Sebastian walked into the Warblers common room with a huge grin on his face. He looked smug about something. He took a deep breath and looked around the room. Every single Warbler had stopped talking and was looking right at him. He smiled even wider, and sighed. Today was gonna be a good day. He sauntered over and stood in front of the guys, who were sat on the couches.

"Sectionals!" He grinned.

"What about it?" Jeff replied, suspicious at Sebastian's good mood. He's was up to something.

"It's in two weeks, and I think, Adam Lambert is the way forward." He shot back at Jeff, and the other guys.

"That's a brilliant idea!" Came a cry from one of the guys Sebastian didn't know the name of.

"Yeah, perhaps." Thad agreed.

A mutual agreement rippled through the boys, and it seemed settled.

"Wait. Don't you think, Adam's a bit… Safe." Wes spoke up.

The whole room looked at Wes in utter shock.

Sebastian pulled his phone out of his pocket without saying a single word, scrolled through his song list, until he found the song he was looking for, and hit play. 'Better Than I Know Myself' started playing through the tiny tinny speaker, and he winced, walking over to the stereo system, and plugged his phone in. He smiled as it reached the chorus, just as it started playing through the expensive, powerful surround sound.

The way Adam's voice hit the high notes, sent shivers down Sebastian's spine. Adam Lambert was his idol. He was the one person he actually would kill to meet. He truly worshipped everything about that man. Plus, he was super hot! What he'd do to get in his pants… He swallowed the thought, before his imagination began to run away with him. That wouldn't be good, standing here in front of the entire Warblers, he knew how vivid his thoughts could be, especially when they were about Adam Lambert, and he knew what that could quite easily result in. He'd save those thoughts for tonight, when he was alone.

"Hmm, safe huh?" He said sarcastically. "Come on, you know he's amazing, what's the real issue with doing him?" Sebastian fought back the urge to make some joke out of the double meaning of what he'd just said, but he'd already told himself off once for thinking like that in the past 5 minutes.

"It's just… Eurgh, please don't hate me; I just think… it's too… Gay." Wes replied, cringing. He liked Adam Lambert and all, he's a good singer and he most certainly had nothing against gays. Half his best friends were gay. He just knew Ohio's opinion on gays… It wasn't good. If they got up on stage singing Adam's music, the judges and crowd would not be at all impressed and mark them down, even with Sebastian on lead vocals, he just knew it.

"Fuck you." Sebastian spat, "Who's with me?"

The whole of the Warblers cheered, minus Wes.

"So it's settled." He glared at Wes. "Adam's gonna win us Sectionals!"

He smiled, turned on his heal, and walked straight back out the door.

"Sebastian, where the hell do you-" Was all he heard as he dashed out the door laughing, as he ran along the corridor, and burst out the main entrance into the morning sun. It was a lovely sunny spring day in Westerville. He couldn't be bothered with school or Warbler practice today, but he knew where he was going instead, even if it was kind of early.


"Look, Kurt it'll be fine. No one is even going to bat an eyelid. You've been through so much more than this. It'll be okay." Blaine comforted Kurt, in the car on the way to school. He felt bad for him, and sure, it must be embarrassing and all, but he knew the truth, even if no one else did. He held back a chuckle at that thought.

"I-I know I have, but that was horrible. There is only one person that would do something like this to me!" Kurt sobbed.

"Who? Wha-NO! I know he doesn't like you, but no way would Sebastian stoop that low!" Blaine cried, in utter shock, when he realised who Kurt was talking about. He couldn't believe Kurt would think such a thing. Sure, Sebastian was a manipulative jerk, but he wouldn't hurt Kurt like that. Besides, he was gay himself, so he was hardly gonna make a sick joke like that.

"What, you're siding with him now?"

"No, I just, he wouldn't. I know him better than you Kurt. I'm sure he wouldn't do that."

"Whatever." Kurt was such a diva sometimes. He hated being wrong. Blaine loved him none the less. He knew Kurt wouldn't hold a grudge for long, so he let him get on with it.

The rest of the car ride continued in an awkward silence, but as they pulled up into McKinley's parking lot, Kurt forgot about their earlier argument, and grabbed Blaine's hand.

"Oh my god, Blaine, I can't, I-I-I, oh my god!" Kurt panicked. Fear overcame him and he just wanted to go back home, he couldn't face people, he just couldn't!

"Hey, hey, hey, shhhh. No one is gonna even look at you. If they do I'll ensure they won't do it again, believe me, it's gonna be okay." He hugged Kurt to his chest and kissed the top of his head, and then got out of the car and walked round to open Kurt's door. He took Kurt's hand and eased him out of the car. He looked into up into Kurt's eyes and smiled reassuringly and whispered the one word that he knew would get Kurt through the entire day, without worrying. "Courage."

Kurt smiled in gratitude and gave Blaine a hug. They walked into school hand in hand. They wouldn't normally show affection in public, especially not in school, but Kurt didn't care, today, he just needed someone to comfort him.

A couple of people looked at them and giggled, but no one really bothered them. The picture had been obviously edited, so people didn't actually care that much about it. It was old knew now. Kurt began to relax as he realised Blaine had been right. No one even cared. Kurt was just over reacting. The bell rang for first period, he smiled at Blaine and thanked him for being there and dashed off to his first class.

Blaine smiled after him. He was in no rush to go to Calculus, so he stood there watching as Kurt disappeared round the corner and let himself drift off into deep thought. He was so proud of him. Despite everything he had been through, and still had to go through every single day, he was the strongest guy he'd ever met. He was so glad to be his boyfriend, his life was perfect, and couldn't get any better. Suddenly he felt a hand on his chest and he was slammed into the locked behind him. Gasping for air he looked up at the person holding him by his throat.

"You stupid faggot. You are so full of yourself you arrogant son of a bitch. You think you own this school, walking in here with your hands all over your faggot boyfriend. Who do you think you are? It's sick, you're sick. Fuck off back to your own gay pansy school, you don't belong here, and hey, take the other faggot back with you, or I'll personally see to it that you both leave." The butch football player hissed, before shoving him harder into the locker then dropping him to the ground, and walking off.

Gasping for air, holding his tender throat, he sat there for a few mins, before getting up and running to his next class.


Azimio laughed to himself as he walked off, reminiscing in the fear on Blaine's face. Pathetic fags, he thought to himself. As fun as it was having them around so he could scare them shitless, and bully them till they cried, he had to get rid of them. They were a disgrace to William McKinley High. He missed his partner in crime, but he left. He didn't even give him an explanation or anything. He's started hanging around with the pussy's and then he disappeared. Maybe he was a fag too. Eurgh. Too many fags. They'll all go to hell. Anyway, if that picture he'd sent around wasn't enough to scare them off then his next idea certainly would be.


End Notes: AN-I hope you like cliff hangers. Two of them in here. That's why I couldn't make it any longer. Sorry. But if you give me reviews, I'll write the next chapter. You'll get to find out where Sebastian went, and the song choices, both for New Directions and for The Warblers for Sectionals. Also, Azimio. You'll get to see whats up with him! Reviews mean the world to me. Thank you again for reading. Btw, I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST GAYS. I LOVE THEM TO BITS. Like, I adore them. I support and respect them in every single way! All that stuff was just for the story. I hate people like that!


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