June 28, 2013, 11:51 a.m.
June 28, 2013, 11:51 a.m.
It was the month after Kurt had graduated from Parsons with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. His internship at an up and coming fashion company had led to a full time job soon after graduation. Blaine was currently in his last year studying Music Education at NYU.
They were sitting at the dining table in the kitchen of their small rented apartment. There was a box full of wedding magazines on the floor. They were planning the day that instead of being Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson they would be Kurt and Blaine Hummel.
Whilst flicking through the magazines looking for ideas of how they wanted their wedding cake to be designed, Kurt couldn't help but think back to the day 6 months before, when Blaine had proposed.
They had decided they deserved a treat after midterms and had gone to see Wicked on Broadway. People always asked Kurt how he could still love Broadway with everything that happened with NYADA. He always told them he had new dreams now but didn’t believe Broadway would ever lose its magic. As they headed to the Gershwin theatre, Kurt was just waiting for Blaine to comment on how many times they had seen this musical. Kurt did have to admit he had probably seen it too many times for his own good, however he really didn’t mind.
After the show they went to an Italian restaurant that they had been promising they would try ever since he mentioned it to Blaine over a year ago. Whilst they were still careful on how much affection they showed in public, Kurt loved the fact he could sit here and feed Blaine food from his plate without anyone batting an eyelid. This is why Kurt loved New York – he could be himself.
It was a fairly warm evening so Blaine suggested they take a walk through Central Park. They walked out of the restaurant after Blaine insisted on paying. "You paid last time we went out it's my turn. Whether we are coming out for a joint treat after midterms or not we are not halving the bill."
Kurt felt Blaine take hold of his left hand and slowly guide them towards Central Park. It amazed Kurt that no matter how many times he visited Central Park, especially with Blaine, he never grew tired of it. Central Park was just so beautiful.
After they had been walking around for about an hour, hands still linked tightly together, Blaine led them on the path that would lead to the Bow Bridge. Kurt always went there when he visited the park and he was pleased Blaine seemed to have remembered this.
When they arrived in the centre of the bridge Kurt gently removed his hand from Blaine's, placed his elbows on the side of the bridge and rested his chin delicately on top of them. He loved just being about to stand there and listen to the world passing him by. Even in the middle of the big city everything seemed so quiet. The silence was broken by Blaine gently saying his name.
He slowly turned towards Blaine and felt himself freeze with shock. The sight before him was not one he had expected. Blaine was down on one knee holding a black velvet box carefully in his hands.
"Kurt Hummel, remember back in your senior year of high school? It was coming up to Christmas break and I brought you a red box and you couldn't help but think I was proposing. Well back then I promised 'To always love you. To defend you even if I know you’re wrong; to surprise you, to always pick up your phone call no matter what I'm doing. To bake you cookies at least twice a year, and to kiss you wherever and whenever you want. But mostly just to make sure that you remember just how perfectly imperfect you are.' Well today I want to add another promise to that list. I want to promise to spend the rest of my life with you, and to every day be able to call you my husband. Kurt Hummel, will you marry me?" As Blaine finished he opened the box to reveal a platinum ring with a very subtle pattern on either edge.
Kurt just stood for a moment letting the words sink in. Before he even realised it a single tear slipped down his cheek. "Yes. Yes, Blaine Anderson I will marry you." Before Kurt knew what was happening Blaine rose to his feet and handed him the ring allowing him to get a proper look at what was inscribed on the inside. Kurt couldn’t help but gasp, even after all this time Blaine still remembered those three special words he had said to him - Never saying goodbye.
"It's beautiful," were the only words he could say. Ever since the day Blaine had given him his promise ring he had been waiting for this day, but never in his wildest dreams did he think it would be this magical.
As soon as the words left his mouth, Kurt felt Blaine take the ring back, and gently slid the ring onto his left ring finger. He admired it for a second before Blaine intertwined their hands and took them to his lips to kiss the ring on his finger.
Kurt was unable to speak. Nothing he could have said would have been enough to convey all the emotions he was feeling. He was glad when Blaine lowered their hands leaving them intertwined and leaned in for a kiss. It allowed Kurt to get across all the emotion he couldn’t put into words.
Kurt was brought out of his memories by the sound of his phone ringing from underneath the pile of wedding magazines. "Excuse me sweetie, I best get that in case it's someone from work. I'm sure that half of the staff there are incompetent and that's coming from someone who has only had a proper job there for 4 weeks and 5 days." Kurt did know how briefly he had been working there, but some of the staff really didn’t have a clue.
"Hello, Kurt Hummel speaking."
"Hello Mr. Hummel, it’s Sergeant Black from the Lima Police Department here."
Wait. What the hell, he only knew two people in Lima--his dad and Carole.
"Please tell me you are not calling about my dad Burt Hummel or his wife Carole Hudson-Hummel."
"No, I am not calling about either of them. I am sorry but this is the kind of thing that just cannot be discussed on the phone. We need you to come to Lima police station and speak to myself or my officers."
None of this made sense. He hadn't been in Lima for over six months, what was he meant to have done?
"Sorry Sergeant, but I don't follow. I live in New York. I don't understand what you think I may have done wrong, which I haven't, that couldn't be dealt with here in New York."
"No, Mr. Hummel. We don't think you did anything wrong, but I really cannot say more until you are at the station. We understand you live in New York. If we arrange your flights are you going to be able to fly out early tomorrow morning?"
"Wait, is it really that urgent? I have a job and a fiancé here in New York you know."
"Believe me sir, we wouldn't be paying for your flight if it wasn't this important."
"Okay, I will try and make arrangements with work. Please give me a few hours, and contact me with the flight arrangements."
"Thank you very much for your time sir, and I will be in touch soon. Goodbye."
Kurt knew Blaine had heard the whole conversation. He didn’t mind because they never hid anything from each other. His fiancé gave him a worried look, and he could only guess he was sporting a similar look himself.
"Oh god Blaine, what can be so important they need me back tomorrow? What if it is my dad and Carole and they just won't tell me on the phone?" Kurt knew he was panicking but he couldn’t help himself. He was glad when Blaine stepped close.
"Kurt you need to calm down, call your dad to help put your mind at rest then ring work and explain there’s been an emergency. I will ring in to college and explain what's going on. I am up to date on all my assignments and I have no tests or anything. I can afford a few days off. After all it’s Friday tomorrow, so I should only miss one day, as I'm sure it's all just a big misunderstanding.
"Thank you honey," Kurt said, still awfully worried.
"Oh come here," Blaine said, pulling Kurt on to his lap and enveloping him in a hug. Kurt couldn’t help but sigh with relief. He felt like in these arms nothing could ever go wrong.
I want a proposal like that, and someone like Blaine, or Kurt.. or both. I hope you don't make this too angsty :( I'll be waiting the next update!
I know i wish my proposal would have been like that. And it's pretty angsty but lots of comfort in there too. Glad you liked
Thank you very much, glad you are enjoying the story will update again soon.
Great story so far ;) Looking forward to more!!
Omg! I can not wait for more. what's going to happen to the them and the kid. Please update soon.
Thank you so much, I will be putting a new chapter up later today :D
I really want to see the ring :( you don't have a link
I really hope this works for you http://www.tiffany.co.uk/Shopping/item.aspx?cid=288222&mcat=148204&selectedsku=12796153&search_params=s+5-p+1-c+288222-r+-x+-n+6-ri+-ni+1-t&sku=GRP00377