July 21, 2013, 3:11 a.m.
July 21, 2013, 3:11 a.m.
“Do you know what time you‘ll back from meeting Kate?” asked Kurt, at 13:30. He, Blaine and Lizzy had had brunch at this lovely, small café-like place. It was their favourite place to have brunch because; not only was it warm and welcoming, but it was conveniently close to Starbucks and not to mention the food was almost as good as Kurts cooking.
“I don‘t know. I probably won‘t be back ‘til at least four. But don‘t be surprised if I don‘t get back ‘til six, because if I know Kate, she‘ll want me to take her to a few places.” explained Blaine.
Kurt nodded “Mmm. But she might not. I mean, she‘s pregnant with twins. She might be too tired to go to loads of places… How pregnant is she now?”
“30 weeks, give or take.” Blaine drank some of his coke “You‘re right. She probably won‘t have the energy.”
“ougsv” Kurt and Blaine turned their attention to Elizabeth, who was currently wiggling in the cafes high chair.
“What‘s wrong, Lizzy?” asked Kurt.
“aaahnvmfs” Lizzy whined, flailing her arms about and banging the high chair.
“Aww, someone‘s getting fussy.” Blaine pouted, playfully.
Lizzy started bouncing in her chair.
“Come here.” Blaine said, reaching forward to pick her up. Lizzy almost immediately settled once in Blaines embrace. “Feel better?” Lizzy hummed loudly in response. “Now, give me a kiss.” Blaine smiled as Lizzy turned her head towards him, and opened her mouth ever so slightly. Blaine then puckered up and briefly pecked Lizzy on the lips. “Mwwah. Thank you, my sweet.” he beamed.
“So,” Kurt started “are you planning on telling Kate about…Lizzy?”
Blaine placed Lizzy on his knee and looked at Kurt “I…honestly don‘t know. Well, I was thinking about it, but I figured we should probably discuss it.” Kurt nodded “I mean, we haven‘t told anyone so far, why is that? ’Cause we don‘t know how everyone will react? ‘Cause it‘s really unusual for two friends to adopt a baby together? In a way, I guess we have no real excuse not to tell anybody. And maybe if we tell Kate, it will give us a rough idea on how everyone else may react.”
Kurt nodded in consideration “You have a good point, but what if it all blows up in our faces? What if she and everyone else thinks this is a bad idea?”
“It‘s a chance we‘re going to have to take. If not now, with Kate, we‘ll end up having to tell someone else later. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather now then later. But, if you’d rather wait…”
Kurt smiled, Blaine, he thought, always putting others before himself. “I think” Kurt grabbed Blaines free hand, which was resting on the table “you should tell her.”
A small wave of shock ran through Blaines eyes “Really? You sure?”
“Yeah, just let me know what her reaction is.” Blaine nodded. Kurt looked at his phone “Hey, it’s 10 to 2, you should get going.”
“Yeah, I’ll go in a sec,” Blaine said upon noticing a familiar smell “I’m going to change Liz’s diaper.” Blaine got up and went into the baby changing rooms.
Blaine walked though the glass Starbucks doors, scanning the room in search of his sister. Smiling, when he saw she was already sitting drinking apple juice, her large pregnant belly visible over the top of the table.
“Kate!” Blaine called, approaching the table.
“Blaine!” she said, putting down her apple juice and attempting to get up to hug him. “Ugh” she growled, when she fell back into her seat.
“Haha” Blaine laughed “you‘re getting big.”
Kate glared at him, playfully. She was about an inch shorter than Blaine, with long black wavy hair that went half way down her back. Her eyes were green with a hazel tinge in the middle and her skin was glowing with her pregnancy.
“Am I? Really?” she said, sarcastically rolling her eyes “Gee, Blaine I never noticed!”
Blaine smiled, he loved his sister. She was always his pride and joy growing up. She was funny, witty and sarcastic. That’s probably why she and Kurt got along so well.
“How are you?” he asked, sitting down on the other side of the table.
“I’m good, a little tired though. These two keep wriggling and kicking, especially this one.” Kate said, rubbing her upper left belly.
“Is that the boy or the girl?”
“I don’t know, but I think they’re both going to be bouncy growing up… I can’t wait!” Kate beamed.
Blaine couldn’t help but be proud of his sister. Kate had grown up so fast in the last 7 months. She was only 21 and already had a fiancé and children on the way. She couldn’t look happier.
“What about you? What’s going on in your life?”
Now’s my chance to tell her “Well…the usual, I guess.” Yeah..usual “You know; work, coffee, hanging out with Kurt…” Kate leaned forward, her eyebrows moving suggestively as she noticed Blaines -now slightly nervous- tone “MeandKurtadoptedababy.”
“What!” Kate choked on a small sip of apple juice, sending her into a small coughing fit “Sorry, wrong pipe.”
Blaine only nodded in response, knowing that Kate would need time to let the information sink in.
Moments later…
“Wow. That’sss” Blaine looked at Kate “awesome.” she finished.
Blaine tilted his head, beckoning Kate to continue.
“Unexpected, but awesome.” Blaine smiled a little “I mean, when were you going to tell me that you and Kurt were together?”
Blaines face fell in realisation, Oh, she thinks…
“W-we aren’t” Blaine said, awkwardly.
“Oh.” Kate said, almost sadly. Then her eyes went wide “Oh! Oh…Oh, that’s eh…that’s a little weird.”
Blaine looked down at the table “Sorry.” he heard his sister say “That sounded mean. I just wasn’t expecting that.”
“It’s okay.” he glanced at her “I know it’s really unusual for two friends to adopt. But we were so desperate and worried that by the time we found any decent guys willing to settle down, we’d be too old to have kids. So we figured ‘Hey, why not have a baby together’.”
Kate had an unreadable expression on her face. “What are you thinking?” asked Blaine.
“Do you have a picture?”
Blaine grinned, took his phone out of his pocket and scrolled through his photos until he came to the one he was looking for.
“Her name is Elizabeth.” Blaine told Kate as he handed her the phone.
In the picture, Lizzy was smiling with an open mouth, showing off her few pearly white teeth. Kurt was behind her, his arm around her waist, holding her tight. His head was lightly leaning on top of hers, his blue eyes shining with laughter and…love. Lizzy’s wrist was gently wrapped in Kurts hand, with Kurt holding up her arm to make it look like Lizzy was waving at the camera.
“She’s beautiful.” whispered Kurt, handing the phone back to her brother.
“I know.”
Kate and Blaine sat in silence while they finished off their drinks
“C-can” Kate eventually spoke, sounding nervous “can I meet her?” she looked at Blaine in an almost begging way. Like she needed to meet her.
Blaine stared at Kate. He wasn’t expecting that. Sure, he’d considered the idea that Kate would want to meet Lizzy one day, but he didn’t expect her to adjust to the news so quickly. Especially since the news was so shocking to her.
“Today?“ Kate nodded “…sure”
The cab ride to the apartment was sat in a comfortable/nervous silence, with only the soft sound of ‘Crazy’ by ‘Gnarls Barkley’ being played in the background radio.
Blaine paid the cab driver and he and Kate took the elevator up to the third floor.
“What time is it?” asked Blaine as they walked down the hallway.
Kate looked at her watch “Half four.”
Blaine nodded. They approached his apartment door.
Blaine opened the door, the first thing he noticed was the faint smell of cooking food. Next he noticed the beautiful sound of Kurt’s voice floating around the apartment.
“I love you, a bushel and a peck. A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck.”
Blaine smiled, recognizing the song from “Guys and Dolls”. He helped Kate out of her coat, doing the same for himself before hanging them up.
“A hug around the neck, and a barrel and a heap. A barrel and a heap, and I‘m talking in my sleep about YOU!”
Blaine and Kate looked at each other, knowingly.
“About you?” they sang.
“Oh! About You!!” Kurt returned.
“My heart is leaping, I‘m having trouble sleeping.”
Kurt walked out of the kitchen, holding Lizzy against his hip.
“Cuz I love you, a bushel and peck, you bet your pretty neck I dooo!” Kurt hugged Blaine, then Kate.
They all sang: “Doodle-oodle ooh do, Doodle-oodle ooh do. Doodle-oodle ooh do. WOO!” they finished.
“Kate! I didn‘t know you were coming!” Kurt cried, giving Blaine Lizzy, and leaning over to hug her again. “Look at you! You‘ve gotten so big!!” he said, feeling her round belly.
“I know I have. And sorry for coming over on such short notice, but when I found out you guys had a baby, I couldn’t not come over.”
“No need to be sorry you‘re always welcome here!” Kurt guided her to the couch, Blaine and Lizzy following behind. “Do you want anything to drink?”
Kate shook her head, “I‘m fine, thank you, Kurt.”
“You sure?” she nodded “Okay. Call me if you need anything, I‘ll be in the kitchen, cooking.” with that, Kurt disappeared back into the kitchen.
“oodufhsjbn” cooed a small voice.
Kate then turned her attention to the baby girl and her brother, who was seated on the other end of the couch.
“Really?” Blaine gasped, mockingly. “Then what did he do.”
“aknufundiva” Lizzy babbled, flailing her arms around, occasionally hitting Blaine, softly, in the chest. Blaine threw his head back in laugher at her, because to him it sounded like she’d said ‘fun diva’. Of course, he knew that it was just the rush of random baby syllables and that she didn’t actually know what she was saying.
“Adorable.” Kate gushed “Absolutely adorable.”
Blaine smiled, coyly, kissing Lizzy on the cheek. “She is.”
“So…” Kate started “How long have you had her?” she gestured to Elizabeth.
“Just less than a week.” Blaine answered.
“Ah.” Kate finished awkwardly.
Elizabeth looked at Kate, and her baby bump, in pure curiosity. Wriggling out of Blaine’s lap, she crawled to other side of the sofa, where Kate was seated, her hand resting on her belly. Lizzy plonked herself next to the large baby bump, and put her hands on it. Fascinated by how hard Kate’s stomach was, she tried to stand herself up to get a closer look, but falling back onto her butt when she couldn’t find a decent source to help pull herself up with.
“Ugh! Neefandoneep.” she whined, trying again, with the same result.
When Lizzy tried a third time, just when Lizzy started to wobble, trying to been her balance, Kate put her hand out for Lizzy to hold on to. Lizzy grabbed a hold of Kate’s hand, and pulled herself into a standing position. Once she had her balance, she let go.
“Ba-doo.” she thanked.
Lizzy leant over the bump, and put her hands on it, feeling all around it until…
“Ahh! Wanaavn.” she squealed, falling back onto the couch. She turned around and looked at Blaine. “Abanujan!” She cried, pointing at Kate’s belly.
Blaine burst out into laughter, along with Kate. “What happened there?” he asked
“One of the babies kicked. She got a shock, bless her.” she replied, still laughing.
“Awwww.” Blaine said, scooping Lizzy up. “Kurt!!” he called.
“What?” Kurt said, walking into the living room. “What‘s so funny?” he asked, noticing the siblings calming still giggling.
“Elizabeth put her hands on my stomach, and one of the babies kicked.” she chuckled. “She wasn‘t expecting that!”
Kurt shook his head, smirking. “Did you get a fright?” he cooed, taking Lizzy off Blaine. “It‘s okay, you know.” Kurt walked over and kneeled down in front of Kate. “Kate, may I…” Kurt pointed to her pregnant belly.
“Yeah, sure.” she said, rolling up her T-shirt.
“Watch, Lizzy.” said Kurt, placing his hand on Kates stomach. Lizzy watched with cautious eyes as the babies inside her stomach started kicking franticly. “It‘s okay, now you try.” Kurt took a hold of Lizzy’s hand and putting it on the bump. When the babies kicked, Lizzy jumped, but didn’t take snatch her hand away. Instead, she giggled and put her other hand on Kates stomach too.
Eventually, Lizzy stopped touching Kate’s belly, turned around, and snuggled into Kurts neck. Kurt hugged her back, kissing the top of her head.
“I just need to do one more thing in the kitchen, then we can catch up,” he said, mostly to Kate. “because I’ll have to leave the food for a couple hours for it to finish cooking.” he paused “Are you staying for dinner. No? Okay then.” he gave Elizabeth to Kate, and ran back into the kitchen.
Wow this is awesome. I've only just this and i have really got into it. Post more soon :)
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