Totally a Good Idea
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Totally a Good Idea: Chapter 17

T - Words: 2,565 - Last Updated: Jul 21, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/19 - Created: Dec 30, 2011 - Updated: Jul 21, 2013
210 0 0 0 1

Author's Notes:

Kurt, Blaine thought as he inhaled the scent that was in front of him in his half-asleep mind. It smells like Kurt in here… Blaine woke up a little more, his eyes still closed, Wait. Why does it smell like Kurt?

Slowly, Blaine lifted his head and groggily opened his eyes, seeing the pale skin and chestnut hair of his best friend before laying his head back on his pillow, memories of the previous day washing over him. Oh, I guess yesterday wasn’t some sort of sick, bad dream.

Blaine collected himself for a moment, giving Kurt a quick, squeezing hug across his chest before rolling over to get out of bed to check on his daughter. But, before he could even unravel himself from the covers, Kurt whined in his sleep and rolled over.

Blaine couldn’t help but smile as he felt Kurts arms slip around his waist and pull him into his chest. Kurt unconsciously nested his chin on Blaine’s shoulder. Blaine happily welcomed the new embrace and looked at the silent baby monitor he was now facing.

5 more minutes couldn’t hurt…

Elizabeth’s laughter echoed loudly off the tiled bathroom walls as she splashed her hands happily in her shallow bathwater. Kurt, his sleeves rolled up, turned his head away, trying to dodge the assaulting drops.

“Gah! Lizzy,” Kurt scrunched his face up as small drops landed on his cheek. “stop it. You‘re splashing me!” Lizzy hit the water harder, “Okay, now you‘re doing it on purpose.” More drops to the face, “You‘re just asking for a fight.” Kurt giggled.

Lizzy slurred something in baby language, picking up a rubber duck and putting it in her mouth with one hand. With the other hand she then swatted harshly at the water, the wave hitting Kurt in the chest.

“Ahh!” he said, shocked “That it, young lady, you asked for it!” Kurt dipped his hands into the bathtub, soaking them with water. He then flicked his fingers outwards, splashing the infant lightly with the droplets.

Lizzy dropped the rubber duck in her haste to shield herself, she gurgled happily and babbled more.

Kurt laughed. “You‘re silly.” he said, stroking her head. “My silly Lizzy.” Kurt gently took a hold of Lizzy’s hand, noticing how her fingers were beginning to shrivel up. “Looks like it‘s time to get out.”

Kurt picked up a soft, dry towel and rested it across his chest and shoulders before lifting the drenched toddler out of the bathtub, putting her over his shoulder and finally wrapping the towel around her miniature body.

“Good girl.” he praised, kissing her. “What are you planning?” asked Kurt, noticing the small gleam of mischief in his daughters eyes.

Just as he said this, Lizzy raised a wet arm and slashed it across the top of Kurts head, messing up his hair and dampening the edges in the process.

“Mmnf.” Kurt smirked, “How did I not see that coming?” he said, soothing his hair down, “Outsmarted by a 7 month old…”

Kurt heard a low pitched chuckle coming from the doorway.

“Blaine,” he said, “how long you been standing there?”

“A while,” Blaine answered, “-long enough to see your little water fight.” Blaine winked.

“What? She started it.” Kurt stood up, “She also finished it.” he rubbed Lizzy’s cheek affectionately, “And, yes, I‘m admitting defeat.”

Blaine laughed, “Since when you admit defeat?”

Kurt scoffed, “Blaine Anderson, I always admit defeat when defeated!”

Riiight.” Blaine nodded, “Of course you do…”

Kurt sighed, “Typical sarcasm.” he rolled his eyes, “Anyway, is there something you wanted?” he said as they both went into the living room, Kurt sitting down on the settee.

Blaines face dropped slightly, “Yeah,” he took a deep breath, “Kurt,” he said, “I‘m going to call the police -tell them what happened yesterday.”

Kurt nodded sadly, rubbing the towel on Lizzy’s body, drying her off. “Okay. Let me know what they say.”

“I will.” Blaine went into his bedroom.

“I‘m sorry we left you with that b- sorry -witch yesterday.” Kurt apologized, laying Lizzy on the diaper matt, that was on the coffee table, “We should have listened to you that morning,” he said, regret evident in his voice as he started to put Lizzy’s diaper on. “I‘m so sorry.”

Lizzy looked at him and smiled, showing off her small, growing teeth and gums. She raised her arms in a request to be picked up.

Kurt smiled back at her, “Does that mean I‘m forgiven?” he picked her up, letting her loop her arms around his neck. He hugged her back, “I love you, Lizzy.” he kissed her and put her back onto the matt.

Tickle-tickle-tickle.” Kurt said quickly, weaving his fingers around Lizzy’s ribcage, causing her to squeal in laughter. He took a deep breath and bent down, placing his lips on Elizabeths stomach.

Lizzy giggled with glee as she received the large, loud raspberry, kicking her legs out in the process.

Kurt laughed along with the infant, steadying her frantic feet and affectionately kissing her toes.

“Okay,” he said, “time to get you dressed.”

With that, Kurt dressed his daughter in a pair of light, baggy jeans and a pink long-sleeved shirt with a flower in the middle and a purple pair of socks.

“-okay. Thank you very much.” Blaine hung up his phone, walking into the living room.

“What did the police say?” Kurt asked, noticing the look on Blaines face.

Blaine then launched into an explanation on what he’d just been told:

Vicky and her boyfriend (Josh, they discovered) had already been arrested for disturbance of the peace.

Apparently, one of Kurt and Blaines neighbours, who chose to remain anonymous, had overheard everything and called the police themselves. The police had caught the lovers on their way out of the building and arrested them because it had not been their first offence.

Vicky, skittish around the police and their questions, had told the police everything. Everything. About her babysitting job; Kurt; Blaine; how she failed to care for the baby properly etc.

Josh had started lying, but gave up, because he knew if he was caught lying after he pleaded ‘not guilty’, the punishment would be worse.

Long story short, Kurt and Blaine could just leave it to the police, and would not have to go to court because, in the end both Josh and Vicky already pleaded ‘guilty.’

Relief etched itself into Kurts features, “So, everything‘s going to fine?”

“Basically, yeah.” Blaine nodded.

Kurt stood up, and tensely walked over to the other man “We…don‘t have to go to court or anything.” he said, making sure he heard that last part right.

“No,” Blaine reassured, “we don‘t have to worry about it, everything‘s sorted.”

“Oh, thank god!” Kurt cried, flinging his arms around Blaine’s neck. In return, Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurts waist and gently nuzzled the crook of his neck.

They stayed like that for moment before Blaine broke the embrace, “Hey, honey,” he turned to the sofa where Lizzy was currently located, “we don‘t have to worry about those bad people anymore.” he said happily, picking Lizzy up.

Kurt walked up behind them, “No, we don‘t.” he confirmed.

“But, Blaine-” Kurt argued back, it had been days since everything with Vicky and Josh had happened and Kurt had to go to work, which he was now going to be late for because of this whole conversation.

“Kurt, stop obsessing and go to work. Lizzy will be fine, I promise. She‘s with me.” Blaine said, calmly. Kurt had only started going back to work two days previous and he wasn’t happy about it. He only went because he knew Blaine didn’t have any work lined up -until today.

“I know, she‘s safe when she‘s with you.” Kurt emphasized, “You’re her dad too. I‘m talking about an hour or two from now when you have to be at work!” he hissed.

“Kurt calm down-”

“I am calm!”

“-I told you I‘ve got a plan for that, just go to work.” Blaine urged.

“And I asked you what this plan was.” Kurt huffed. “You‘re the one refusing to tell me!”

Blaine smiled softly, looking into Kurt’s eyes “Kurt,” he stepped forward, putting his hand on Kurts cheek when Kurt tried to break eye contact, “I know you’re worried, but just trust that I have a plan, okay?” Blaine pulled Kurt in for a hug, “I’m not going to tell you encase it doesn’t work. But I promise,” he pulled away, resting his hands on Kurts shoulders, “if the plan doesn’t work, I won’t call a babysitter; I won’t leave her with a stranger. If worse comes to worse, I’ll stay home with her, okay?”

Reluctantly, Kurt nodded, “Okay.”

Kurt walked out of the apartment, Blaine shut the door behind him.

“Now,” he said, turning to Lizzy. “what are we going to do with you?”

Finally! Kurt’s lunch break had arrived. And what better thing to do other than check on Blaine and Lizzy?

Unfortunately for Kurt, Blaine wasn’t responding to any of his texts or phone calls. Kurt assumed that Blaine just put his phone on silent because he was performing.

Fortunately, Kurt knew where Blaine was performing today; a cosy little coffee shop that was about two blocks away.

Kurt arrived at the coffee shop in record time, walking through the shop doors.

Blaine was sitting behind a large keyboard, talking to the coffee shop audience through a microphone that was on a stand, tilted so that he only had to lean forward slightly in order to talk comfortably. But what caught Kurts attention was what was strapped onto his chest.

Lizzy was inside a dark blue baby strap. Her little legs dangling uselessly as she faced the audience.

Blaine had brought Lizzy to work with him. Kurt smiled, How did we not think of that before?

As Blaine talked to his audience, Lizzy suddenly made a loud babbling noise and kicked her legs out, her foot bouncing off the keys on the keyboard. The music notes echoed off the coffee shop walls. Blaine jumped at the unexpected noise and Kurt and the audience laughed at the scene.

“Sorry.” he apologized, “It looks like someone’s getting a little restless.”

Just as Blaine said this, Lizzy directed her gaze towards the entrance. A large smile broke across her face as she started bouncing. Kurt waved at her mouthing a quick ‘Hi’. Lizzy stretched her arms out towards him as Blaine put a hand on her chest in a small attempt to slow down her excited bounces while he continued to talk to the audience, still not noticing Kurt

Lizzy reached her arms out further, babbling random syllables until she finally seemed to find the one she was looking for-

“Dada!” she practically screamed.

Kurts hand flew over his mouth in happiness, Her first word! he screamed internally. A chorus of ‘aww’ erupted from the audience. Blaine’s head snapped to his daughter in shock. He followed her gaze, smiling when his eyes met Kurts.

“As I live and breathe, it‘s Kurt Hummel.” he said into the microphone, “Come on up here, Kurt; we‘re going to duet!”

Kurt sighed, still smiling, “Do I have any say in this?” he called.

“No,” Blaine replied sharply, causing the audience to chuckle, “no you do not.”

Kurt rolled his eyes fondly, jogging onto the small platform, the audience clapping in light encouragement.

Blaine whispered what song they were going to sing into Kurt’s ear as Kurt complied with Lizzy’s request to be in his arms. Kurt sat down on a wooden stool, just next to Blaine’s keyboard and thanked a member of the shops staff when he handed him a spare microphone.

“Ready?” Kurt nodded.

“Made a wrong turn, Once or twice,
Dug my way out, Blood and fire.
Bad decisions, That‘s alright.
Welcome to my silly life.”

Kurt smiled as he sang the first part of the song, this was the song that he and Blaine used to sing to each other when they were younger; whatever happened between them, they promised that they’d always stick together.

“Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood,
Miss ‘No way, it‘s al good‘, It didn‘t slow me down.
Mistaken, Always second guessing,
Underestimated, Look I‘m still around.”

The two men looked at each other, smiling as Blaine joined in with the chorus.

“Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel
Like your less than, less than perfect.
Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel
Like you‘re nothing,
You are perfect to me.”

They continued the song, their smiles never leaving their faces. Their gazes flicked from each other, to Lizzy throughout the entire song. Because, to them, Lizzy was perfect. She was happy, bouncy and full of joy; pure perfection.

The song ended, applause surrounded them.

“Thank you.” Blaine thanked, “Enjoy your coffee, we‘re going to take a quick break.”

Together, Kurt and Blaine collected coffee, which Blaine paid for, and sat down. Kurt, bouncing Lizzy lightly on his knee.

“So, your big plan was to take the baby to work with you?” Kurt raised his eyebrows.

“I- yeah…” Blaine said, rubbing his neck.

“How‘s that working out?”

“Surprisingly well, actually.” Blaine admitted, “If anything, my audience find her funny and adorable, especially when she babbles, or hits the keyboard. She doesn‘t interrupt when I‘m singing; she‘s no hassle.”

“I‘m glad.” Kurt admitted, “I just- I wish we‘d thought of it before Vicky…” Kurt looked at the table sadly, taking a sip of his coffee.

“Stop it!”


“Blaming yourself.” Blaine explained, “You‘ve been acting off and over protective since that day. Kurt, what happened was not your fault.”

“How can I not blame myself, Blaine!” Kurt cried, “I had an off feeling from the start, and I ignored it!” Kurt said, as if it was some sort of disgusting, offensive crime, “I ignored it! Who knows what would‘ve happened if you hadn‘t showed up.”

“Kurt,” Blaine said gently, taking a hold of Kurt’s hand that was resting on the table, “you were there too, remember. Hell, you were there before me; I ran into you in the elevator. Kurt, you ditched work because you felt uneasy, and then called in sick the next day to make sure Lizzy was okay. Despite how mad your boss was. You told me it wasn’t my fault, now I’m telling you the same thing.”


“Att!” Blaine silenced him, “Parenthood doesn’t come with a rule book and guide, Kurt. Each child, parent and person is different, so it’s impossible to anticipate what’s going to happen every single time.” he squeezed Kurt’s hand, “We learn as we go along. We make mistakes; some big, some little but we’ll never make the same mistake twice.”

“What if we do?”

“Are you ever going to leave Lizzy with a stranger again?”

Kurt shook his head, “No, of course not!”

“Me either. If you feel off about something, or someone, are you going to follow your instincts?”


“There you go!” Blaine smiled, “We’ve both learned our lesson!”

Kurt smiled weakly at him, letting Blaine stroke his thumb across the back of his hand. “Thank you for- just thank you!” he said, hugging Lizzy to chest.

Blaine moved his chair next to Kurts and hugged him, a head now resting on his shoulder. “Your welcome. And thank you, too.”

“For what?”

“Let’s just say you’ve helped me more than you think this week.”

“Your welcome.”

They mutually broke the embrace and finished their coffee. Kurt looked at the time on his phone, “I should go.” he gave Lizzy a cuddle, handing her to Blaine and giving him a hug too.

“I’ll see you back at home. Hey, Lizzy-” Blaine said enthusiastically, “can you say ‘Bye Dada’?” silence, “No? Can you say ‘Dada’, again. Come on, say ‘Dada’, Lizzy!”

Kurt laughed when Lizzy still said nothing and started to suck her thumb. “Nice try, Blaine.” Kurt stroked Lizzy’s hair, “We’ll work on that later.”

“Bye, Kurt.” Blaine called, taking a hold of Lizzy’s wrist and making her wave after Kurt.

Kurt smiled, blowing them both a kiss as he left the coffee shop.

Kurt, Blaine thought as he inhaled the scent that was in front of him in his half-asleep mind. It smells like Kurt in here… Blaine woke up a little more, his eyes still closed, Wait. Why does it smell like Kurt?

Slowly, Blaine lifted his head and groggily opened his eyes, seeing the pale skin and chestnut hair of his best friend before laying his head back on his pillow, memories of the previous day washing over him. Oh, I guess yesterday wasn’t some sort of sick, bad dream.

Blaine collected himself for a moment, giving Kurt a quick, squeezing hug across his chest before rolling over to get out of bed to check on his daughter. But, before he could even unravel himself from the covers, Kurt whined in his sleep and rolled over.

Blaine couldn’t help but smile as he felt Kurts arms slip around his waist and pull him into his chest. Kurt unconsciously nested his chin on Blaine’s shoulder. Blaine happily welcomed the new embrace and looked at the silent baby monitor he was now facing.

5 more minutes couldn’t hurt…

Elizabeth’s laughter echoed loudly off the tiled bathroom walls as she splashed her hands happily in her shallow bathwater. Kurt, his sleeves rolled up, turned his head away, trying to dodge the assaulting drops.

“Gah! Lizzy,” Kurt scrunched his face up as small drops landed on his cheek. “stop it. You‘re splashing me!” Lizzy hit the water harder, “Okay, now you‘re doing it on purpose.” More drops to the face, “You‘re just asking for a fight.” Kurt giggled.

Lizzy slurred something in baby language, picking up a rubber duck and putting it in her mouth with one hand. With the other hand she then swatted harshly at the water, the wave hitting Kurt in the chest.

“Ahh!” he said, shocked “That it, young lady, you asked for it!” Kurt dipped his hands into the bathtub, soaking them with water. He then flicked his fingers outwards, splashing the infant lightly with the droplets.

Lizzy dropped the rubber duck in her haste to shield herself, she gurgled happily and babbled more.

Kurt laughed. “You‘re silly.” he said, stroking her head. “My silly Lizzy.” Kurt gently took a hold of Lizzy’s hand, noticing how her fingers were beginning to shrivel up. “Looks like it‘s time to get out.”

Kurt picked up a soft, dry towel and rested it across his chest and shoulders before lifting the drenched toddler out of the bathtub, putting her over his shoulder and finally wrapping the towel around her miniature body.

“Good girl.” he praised, kissing her. “What are you planning?” asked Kurt, noticing the small gleam of mischief in his daughters eyes.

Just as he said this, Lizzy raised a wet arm and slashed it across the top of Kurts head, messing up his hair and dampening the edges in the process.

“Mmnf.” Kurt smirked, “How did I not see that coming?” he said, soothing his hair down, “Outsmarted by a 7 month old…”

Kurt heard a low pitched chuckle coming from the doorway.

“Blaine,” he said, “how long you been standing there?”

“A while,” Blaine answered, “-long enough to see your little water fight.” Blaine winked.

“What? She started it.” Kurt stood up, “She also finished it.” he rubbed Lizzy’s cheek affectionately, “And, yes, I‘m admitting defeat.”

Blaine laughed, “Since when you admit defeat?”

Kurt scoffed, “Blaine Anderson, I always admit defeat when defeated!”

Riiight.” Blaine nodded, “Of course you do…”

Kurt sighed, “Typical sarcasm.” he rolled his eyes, “Anyway, is there something you wanted?” he said as they both went into the living room, Kurt sitting down on the settee.

Blaines face dropped slightly, “Yeah,” he took a deep breath, “Kurt,” he said, “I‘m going to call the police -tell them what happened yesterday.”

Kurt nodded sadly, rubbing the towel on Lizzy’s body, drying her off. “Okay. Let me know what they say.”

“I will.” Blaine went into his bedroom.

“I‘m sorry we left you with that b- sorry -witch yesterday.” Kurt apologized, laying Lizzy on the diaper matt, that was on the coffee table, “We should have listened to you that morning,” he said, regret evident in his voice as he started to put Lizzy’s diaper on. “I‘m so sorry.”

Lizzy looked at him and smiled, showing off her small, growing teeth and gums. She raised her arms in a request to be picked up.

Kurt smiled back at her, “Does that mean I‘m forgiven?” he picked her up, letting her loop her arms around his neck. He hugged her back, “I love you, Lizzy.” he kissed her and put her back onto the matt.

Tickle-tickle-tickle.” Kurt said quickly, weaving his fingers around Lizzy’s ribcage, causing her to squeal in laughter. He took a deep breath and bent down, placing his lips on Elizabeths stomach.

Lizzy giggled with glee as she received the large, loud raspberry, kicking her legs out in the process.

Kurt laughed along with the infant, steadying her frantic feet and affectionately kissing her toes.

“Okay,” he said, “time to get you dressed.”

With that, Kurt dressed his daughter in a pair of light, baggy jeans and a pink long-sleeved shirt with a flower in the middle and a purple pair of socks.

“-okay. Thank you very much.” Blaine hung up his phone, walking into the living room.

“What did the police say?” Kurt asked, noticing the look on Blaines face.

Blaine then launched into an explanation on what he’d just been told:

Vicky and her boyfriend (Josh, they discovered) had already been arrested for disturbance of the peace.

Apparently, one of Kurt and Blaines neighbours, who chose to remain anonymous, had overheard everything and called the police themselves. The police had caught the lovers on their way out of the building and arrested them because it had not been their first offence.

Vicky, skittish around the police and their questions, had told the police everything. Everything. About her babysitting job; Kurt; Blaine; how she failed to care for the baby properly etc.

Josh had started lying, but gave up, because he knew if he was caught lying after he pleaded ‘not guilty’, the punishment would be worse.

Long story short, Kurt and Blaine could just leave it to the police, and would not have to go to court because, in the end both Josh and Vicky already pleaded ‘guilty.’

Relief etched itself into Kurts features, “So, everything‘s going to fine?”

“Basically, yeah.” Blaine nodded.

Kurt stood up, and tensely walked over to the other man “We…don‘t have to go to court or anything.” he said, making sure he heard that last part right.

“No,” Blaine reassured, “we don‘t have to worry about it, everything‘s sorted.”

“Oh, thank god!” Kurt cried, flinging his arms around Blaine’s neck. In return, Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurts waist and gently nuzzled the crook of his neck.

They stayed like that for moment before Blaine broke the embrace, “Hey, honey,” he turned to the sofa where Lizzy was currently located, “we don‘t have to worry about those bad people anymore.” he said happily, picking Lizzy up.

Kurt walked up behind them, “No, we don‘t.” he confirmed.

“But, Blaine-” Kurt argued back, it had been days since everything with Vicky and Josh had happened and Kurt had to go to work, which he was now going to be late for because of this whole conversation.

“Kurt, stop obsessing and go to work. Lizzy will be fine, I promise. She‘s with me.” Blaine said, calmly. Kurt had only started going back to work two days previous and he wasn’t happy about it. He only went because he knew Blaine didn’t have any work lined up -until today.

“I know, she‘s safe when she‘s with you.” Kurt emphasized, “You’re her dad too. I‘m talking about an hour or two from now when you have to be at work!” he hissed.

“Kurt calm down-”

“I am calm!”

“-I told you I‘ve got a plan for that, just go to work.” Blaine urged.

“And I asked you what this plan was.” Kurt huffed. “You‘re the one refusing to tell me!”

Blaine smiled softly, looking into Kurt’s eyes “Kurt,” he stepped forward, putting his hand on Kurts cheek when Kurt tried to break eye contact, “I know you’re worried, but just trust that I have a plan, okay?” Blaine pulled Kurt in for a hug, “I’m not going to tell you encase it doesn’t work. But I promise,” he pulled away, resting his hands on Kurts shoulders, “if the plan doesn’t work, I won’t call a babysitter; I won’t leave her with a stranger. If worse comes to worse, I’ll stay home with her, okay?”

Reluctantly, Kurt nodded, “Okay.”

Kurt walked out of the apartment, Blaine shut the door behind him.

“Now,” he said, turning to Lizzy. “what are we going to do with you?”

Finally! Kurt’s lunch break had arrived. And what better thing to do other than check on Blaine and Lizzy?

Unfortunately for Kurt, Blaine wasn’t responding to any of his texts or phone calls. Kurt assumed that Blaine just put his phone on silent because he was performing.

Fortunately, Kurt knew where Blaine was performing today; a cosy little coffee shop that was about two blocks away.

Kurt arrived at the coffee shop in record time, walking through the shop doors.

Blaine was sitting behind a large keyboard, talking to the coffee shop audience through a microphone that was on a stand, tilted so that he only had to lean forward slightly in order to talk comfortably. But what caught Kurts attention was what was strapped onto his chest.

Lizzy was inside a dark blue baby strap. Her little legs dangling uselessly as she faced the audience.

Blaine had brought Lizzy to work with him. Kurt smiled, How did we not think of that before?

As Blaine talked to his audience, Lizzy suddenly made a loud babbling noise and kicked her legs out, her foot bouncing off the keys on the keyboard. The music notes echoed off the coffee shop walls. Blaine jumped at the unexpected noise and Kurt and the audience laughed at the scene.

“Sorry.” he apologized, “It looks like someone’s getting a little restless.”

Just as Blaine said this, Lizzy directed her gaze towards the entrance. A large smile broke across her face as she started bouncing. Kurt waved at her mouthing a quick ‘Hi’. Lizzy stretched her arms out towards him as Blaine put a hand on her chest in a small attempt to slow down her excited bounces while he continued to talk to the audience, still not noticing Kurt

Lizzy reached her arms out further, babbling random syllables until she finally seemed to find the one she was looking for-

“Dada!” she practically screamed.

Kurts hand flew over his mouth in happiness, Her first word! he screamed internally. A chorus of ‘aww’ erupted from the audience. Blaine’s head snapped to his daughter in shock. He followed her gaze, smiling when his eyes met Kurts.

“As I live and breathe, it‘s Kurt Hummel.” he said into the microphone, “Come on up here, Kurt; we‘re going to duet!”

Kurt sighed, still smiling, “Do I have any say in this?” he called.

“No,” Blaine replied sharply, causing the audience to chuckle, “no you do not.”

Kurt rolled his eyes fondly, jogging onto the small platform, the audience clapping in light encouragement.

Blaine whispered what song they were going to sing into Kurt’s ear as Kurt complied with Lizzy’s request to be in his arms. Kurt sat down on a wooden stool, just next to Blaine’s keyboard and thanked a member of the shops staff when he handed him a spare microphone.

“Ready?” Kurt nodded.

“Made a wrong turn, Once or twice,
Dug my way out, Blood and fire.
Bad decisions, That‘s alright.
Welcome to my silly life.”

Kurt smiled as he sang the first part of the song, this was the song that he and Blaine used to sing to each other when they were younger; whatever happened between them, they promised that they’d always stick together.

“Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood,
Miss ‘No way, it‘s al good‘, It didn‘t slow me down.
Mistaken, Always second guessing,
Underestimated, Look I‘m still around.”

The two men looked at each other, smiling as Blaine joined in with the chorus.

“Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel
Like your less than, less than perfect.
Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel
Like you‘re nothing,
You are perfect to me.”

They continued the song, their smiles never leaving their faces. Their gazes flicked from each other, to Lizzy throughout the entire song. Because, to them, Lizzy was perfect. She was happy, bouncy and full of joy; pure perfection.

The song ended, applause surrounded them.

“Thank you.” Blaine thanked, “Enjoy your coffee, we‘re going to take a quick break.”

Together, Kurt and Blaine collected coffee, which Blaine paid for, and sat down. Kurt, bouncing Lizzy lightly on his knee.

“So, your big plan was to take the baby to work with you?” Kurt raised his eyebrows.

“I- yeah…” Blaine said, rubbing his neck.

“How‘s that working out?”

“Surprisingly well, actually.” Blaine admitted, “If anything, my audience find her funny and adorable, especially when she babbles, or hits the keyboard. She doesn‘t interrupt when I‘m singing; she‘s no hassle.”

“I‘m glad.” Kurt admitted, “I just- I wish we‘d thought of it before Vicky…” Kurt looked at the table sadly, taking a sip of his coffee.

“Stop it!”


“Blaming yourself.” Blaine explained, “You‘ve been acting off and over protective since that day. Kurt, what happened was not your fault.”

“How can I not blame myself, Blaine!” Kurt cried, “I had an off feeling from the start, and I ignored it!” Kurt said, as if it was some sort of disgusting, offensive crime, “I ignored it! Who knows what would‘ve happened if you hadn‘t showed up.”

“Kurt,” Blaine said gently, taking a hold of Kurt’s hand that was resting on the table, “you were there too, remember. Hell, you were there before me; I ran into you in the elevator. Kurt, you ditched work because you felt uneasy, and then called in sick the next day to make sure Lizzy was okay. Despite how mad your boss was. You told me it wasn’t my fault, now I’m telling you the same thing.”


“Att!” Blaine silenced him, “Parenthood doesn’t come with a rule book and guide, Kurt. Each child, parent and person is different, so it’s impossible to anticipate what’s going to happen every single time.” he squeezed Kurt’s hand, “We learn as we go along. We make mistakes; some big, some little but we’ll never make the same mistake twice.”

“What if we do?”

“Are you ever going to leave Lizzy with a stranger again?”

Kurt shook his head, “No, of course not!”

“Me either. If you feel off about something, or someone, are you going to follow your instincts?”


“There you go!” Blaine smiled, “We’ve both learned our lesson!”

Kurt smiled weakly at him, letting Blaine stroke his thumb across the back of his hand. “Thank you for- just thank you!” he said, hugging Lizzy to chest.

Blaine moved his chair next to Kurts and hugged him, a head now resting on his shoulder. “Your welcome. And thank you, too.”

“For what?”

“Let’s just say you’ve helped me more than you think this week.”

“Your welcome.”

They mutually broke the embrace and finished their coffee. Kurt looked at the time on his phone, “I should go.” he gave Lizzy a cuddle, handing her to Blaine and giving him a hug too.

“I’ll see you back at home. Hey, Lizzy-” Blaine said enthusiastically, “can you say ‘Bye Dada’?” silence, “No? Can you say ‘Dada’, again. Come on, say ‘Dada’, Lizzy!”

Kurt laughed when Lizzy still said nothing and started to suck her thumb. “Nice try, Blaine.” Kurt stroked Lizzy’s hair, “We’ll work on that later.”

“Bye, Kurt.” Blaine called, taking a hold of Lizzy’s wrist and making her wave after Kurt.

Kurt smiled, blowing them both a kiss as he left the coffee shop.


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