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Birdwatching: Chapter 2

T - Words: 1,922 - Last Updated: Jan 07, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 2/? - Created: Dec 30, 2013 - Updated: Dec 30, 2013
168 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Please let me know what you think. I dont know if Ill continue after this though, if you want me to, please let me know and post some ideas for me to write.

Thank you.

Mercedes cackles echoed off her bedroom walls. She rolled onto her back, clutching her stomach and gasping for breath, nearly hitting her head off her head board. She was laughing so hard that Kurt would have thought she was drunk or high or something if he hadn't been the reason she was laughing so hard in the first place.

Why was Mercedes laughing, you ask?

Well, as you know, Kurt had recently got into a rather… unhealthy habit; he was watching his neighbour across the street lift weights and flex. What's worse then that is that he got caught. And how did his neighbour let Kurt know that he knew? Simple! He left a note on his window saying:

Sorry, I'm out tonight - Blaine

It's safe to say that Kurt Hummel had not been more embarrassed in his entire life. And that was saying something since he'd once threw up on the guidance counsellor who had OCD. He was the guy who had set his dad up with a single mother because he had a crush on her son - that said mother was now his step-mother and her son was his step-brother. Needless to say, his crush died. Quickly.

Kurt watched his friend slowly regain control of her breathing. His face was bright red and probably twice as large because of how much blood had rushed to his head in humiliation. Before five minutes ago Mercedes didn't know a single thing about his little…obsession with Blaine. She didn't know he'd bought binoculars just to look at his body as he worked out.

Mercedes sat up. She wiped a tear out of her eye and smiled. “You-” she managed to get out before being reduced back to a hyena.

“Stop it,” Kurt pleaded, “it‘s not funny,” he hid his face in his hands.

“You‘re right,” she breathed, “it‘s not funny, it‘s hilarious! I can‘t breath,” she gasped. Kurt groaned. “Aww, honey,” she leant forward and ribbed his arm, “I‘m not laughing at you, I‘m laughing at what he did. It‘s was just so unexpected. I thought you were gonna tell me that he‘d come over to your house with a restraining order or something.” Mercedes giggled. “I‘ll tell you this; Blaine must have some sense of humour, or he wouldn‘t have done that.”

Kurt shook his head in defeat. “Mercedes, I don‘t know what I‘m going to do.” He looked at her. “What the hell am I suppose to do? I should apologize and throw out my binoculars. That would be the right to do. But I can‘t just knock on his door and say ‘Sorry for perving on you this last week. Here, have some more brownies. Please don‘t beat me up.' It‘d be too awkward.”

“Kurt, I don‘t think there is a way you can apologize without it being awkward,” she said sympathetically. “And I don‘t think he‘ll beat you up. If he‘s known since Thursday, he would have at least glared at you or threatened you when he saw you at the mall if he‘d planned on doing anything like that.”

Kurt shrugged, “Maybe…” But that didn't do much to comfort Kurt. He was still anxious and worried. “Can I stay over here tonight?” he asked.

“Well, considering you didn‘t get here ‘til, like, eleven, I already assumed you were staying over.” Mercedes smiled.

“Thank you.” Kurt sighed, “Do you think it‘ll be more awkward if Blaine‘s straight or gay?”

“That is an excellent question and it deserves an answer.”

“And your answer is…” Kurt encouraged.

“I think you‘re fucked either way,” she chuckled, doing her best to dodge the pillow Kurt swung her way.

“Blaine, that was horrible!” Wes exclaimed, though he was laughing. “The poor guy must be mortified.”

Blaine was in Westerville, visiting his two best friends: Wes and David. He'd only just told them about they really cute boy who lived across the street, who he'd recently discovered watched him workout and how he - Blaine - put a little note on his window before driving out tonight.

“Oh, my God. I can‘t believe you did that!” David laughed. “I feel bad for him. But, in a way, he was asking for it. How long do you think he was watching you?”

“I don‘t know,” Blaine replied, smiling with a blush on his face, “probably since about Tuesday or Wednesday; around the time I saw him buy the binoculars.”

Wait!” Wes' jaw dropped, “You were there when he was buying the binoculars? Oh, my god! What did you think he was buying them for?”

“…bird watching…” Blaine dropped his head in his hands, knowing what was coming.

“Birdwatching? Fucking bird watching?” shouted Wes, more then a little amused, “What teenager in this day and age watches birds in their free time? Blaine are you really that oblivious.”

“Apparently, yes.” Blaine smirked at himself, “I should‘ve figured it out when Kurt mentioned pigeons and penguins.”

“Penguins? He won't find them in Ohio.” Wesley stated.

“Hey,” David started, “maybe Kurt was just confused,” he reasoned smirking. “Were you wearing your gel? Maybe he thought your hair was a birds nest!”

Wes and David leant against each other, trying not to fall off the bed in their laughter, while Blaine shook his head at the obvious joke; when around Wes and David, if a joke wasn't about how much gel he put in his hair, it was about how curly it was without it. He couldn't win.

Eventually, the laughter subsided.

“But, seriously, what are you going to do about him,” asked David.

“Yeah, Blaine, I think you deserve an apology,” nodded Wes.

“If I‘m being totally honest,” said Blaine, “I‘m actually not that freaked out. I probably should be, but I‘m not. He‘s really nice and I don‘t think he meant me any harm. It's Lima, it‘s a lot less accepting of gays then Dalton, I‘m sure. I can‘t bring myself to be angry or embarrassed because he‘s going to be more embarrassed than me; if anything, I‘m flattered.” Both Wes and David gave him an odd look. “What?”

“I just don‘t understand why you‘re flattered by-”

“OH MY GOD!” Wes yelled. “You like him, don‘t you?” the blush that highlighted Blaine's face was enough answer for him. “Haha, no wonder you‘re not angry. You like the fact that he thinks you‘re hot!

“That explains it.” David agreed. “So, what are you going to do?”

“I -”

I think,” Wes interrupted, “you should use his embarrassment to your advantage,” he grinned mischievously.

“What do you mean?”

Kurt paced around his room on Sunday afternoon. Should he go over to Blaine's? Should he wait a day or two to calm himself down? How the hell was he going to apologize when he barely keep his head on straight?

Kurt was home alone. His dad was at work and Carole was dropping Finn at Pucks house before going to her friends house for a coffee. It was perfect. It gave Kurt space and time to think without being interrupted.

Knock knock. Knock knock.

Kurt sighed, going downstairs and wondering who would be at the door. Maybe it was Rachel coming over to see if Finn was home…

Kurt's eyes went wide when he opened the door and saw who was there. He would have slammed the door in horror if he could move, but the sight of the boy standing there rendered him paralyzed.

“Blaine!” his face flushed a deep red colour, causing Blaine to let out a light chuckle.

“Hey, Kurt,” he smiled. “May I come in?”

Part of Kurt wanted to say no because he felt so awkward, but instead Kurt nodded and stepped aside. He owed Blaine an apology and this way he didn't have to go over to his. The only problem was, now he had to try and stay calm while he did this.

“Erm,” Kurt coughed, scratching the back of his neck, “my room‘s upstairs, second door to the left. I‘ll meet you there in a second.”

“Thank you,” said Blaine as he went up the stairs.

Kurt went into the kitchen. He took deep breaths as he collected a tray, poured two glasses of milk and put a plate of mini muffins on the tray.

Slowly, Kurt walked up the stairs. His heart was pounding in his chest and his hands shook slightly. This was it. The confrontation that will probably render him speechless with any boys he found attractive in the next decade or two.

Why, Kurt thought, why did I think I would get away with it?

He pushed open his bedroom door and saw Blaine sitting by his window and looking through his binoculars.

Kurt cleared his throat, announcing his presence. Blaine put the binoculars down and smiled politely at Kurt. They both sat on the bed.

“Thank you,” Blaine said as Kurt handed him a glass of milk. He grabbed a mini muffin and popped it in his mouth.

They sat in a slightly awkward silence for a while; Kurt was trying to think of the best way toward his apology and still be able to leave the conversation with a shred of dignity left. He opened his mouth - but Blaine spoke first.

“I‘m not angry, you know.” Kurt looked at Blaine, giving him a sceptical look that caused Blaine to chuckle. “Really, Kurt, I‘m not.”

“Why? You literally just moved in across the street, it‘s been just over a week and you‘re standing in your neighbours' house, when you know full well what he‘s been doing with his binoculars all week.”

“Yeah, about that,” said Blaine, “what exactly did you…see?”

Kurt gulped shyly, “I saw you lift your weights and flex your arms and you were…topless.”

Blaine nodded and flushed a light pink as he asked his next question, “Did you see anything else?” he said, unintentionally glancing to his crotch.

“No, no,” Kurt answered quickly, “I promise. I only watched you when you worked out…which isn‘t much better.” Kurt cleared his throat. “Blaine, I‘m really, really sorry I invaded your privacy like that. It‘s not something I normally do,” Blaine smiled, encouraging Kurt to continue, “I promise, I'll get rid of my binoculars and…” Kurt sighed, “I totally understand if you want to beat me up for-”

“Why would I want to beat you up? I already told you: I‘m not angry. If anything,” Blaine gently placed his hand on Kurt's shoulder, “I‘m flattered.” Kurt bit his lip and tried not to smile. “But you did invade my privacy,” Kurt stopped almost smiling, feeling guilty again, “and I‘m really glad you apologized, but, I'm not sure that sorry is going to entirely make up for it.”

Kurt's stomach dropped. I've really messed up, he thought.

“But I‘ve thought of a couple ways you can make it up to me;” Blaine smirked, finally letting Wes' plan take full effect.

“Anything,” Kurt said, eager to know what he could do.

“Option number one,” Blaine said, looking forward to Kurt's reaction, “you can take your shirt off and let me look a you for a while.”

“Oh, my god.” Kurt laughed awkwardly as his whole face went scarlet. “So you‘re-”

“Gay? Yes.”

“Well, that option is only fair, I guess…”

“Yeah, but personally, I‘d rather you‘d take option number two.” Blaine gathered up his courage and prepared himself for his next line.

“Which is?” Kurt enquired.

“You can go on a date with me.”

Kurt bit his lips and covered his mouth to hold in his scream. Never, in his whole life had he been asked out on a date. His heart was beating so fast, Kurt wouldn't be surprised if it exploded right there. He couldn't believe it! Blaine wanted to go on a date with him.

Blaine, wanted to go on a date with him.

“Yes,” he barely whispered. “Yes,” he beamed, saying it loud enough for Blaine to hear it.

Blaine grinned back, showing his teeth. “I‘ll call you.”


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