April 5, 2014, 7 p.m.
April 5, 2014, 7 p.m.
Blaine shuffled back towards his room, heart heavy. He knew hed received more than he had ever truly hoped for, a whole night with the Filakas. Talking, touching, making love. And it had been wonderful, magical, but it left him feeling lost.
Now that he knew Kurt, he felt his life was never going to be the same. He knew Kurts laugh and his smile. Knew how his skin felt under him, knew the little sighs and whimpers he made, knew how he shouted when he came. He knew the cadence of his voice, knew his arched eyebrows, and sly smirk. Everything Blaine know understood about Kurt just left him wanting to know more.
He wanted to learn more about Kurts sense of humor, and where he was from, and what his favorite music was. Yes, the sex had been amazing and Blaine had to admit he wanted more of that too, but more importantly he just wanted more of Kurt.
How was he going to keep working in the temple, seeing Kurt from afar, and act like his heart wasnt bursting inside of him? And what about next year when Kurt took another tribute? Was Blaine going to be able to stand aside and just be happy for Kurt?
Blaine groaned and leaned up against a wall. How could something so perfect make him so miserable?
He didnt hear someone approaching, but when he opened his eyes a man was standing in front of him. He looked familiar, but Blaine didnt know him.
"May I help you?" Blaine asked standing up straight and smiling politely his training as servant kicking in.
"Youre Blaine." The man said. "You were this years tribute."
Oh god, Blaine hadnt counted on that. People were always wanting to meet tributes and ask them about Filakas. Was Blaine going to be cursed for the rest of his life to talk about the man he loved but couldnt have?
"Yes." Blaine said. "But... Im sorry, Im tired and on my way to my room..." Blaine trailed off as the mans eyes narrowed and his face slipped from the congenial mask it had been wearing to something much more dark and sinister.
Without warning the man pushed Blaine up against the wall.
"What... what are you doing?" Blaine asked in surprise as the man crowded close and trapped Blaine between the wall and his body.
"How dare you." The man said. "It was my year, everyone knew it was my year!"
Blaine realized why this man was familiar, he was one of the tribute potentials staying in the temple.
"I didnt mean..." Blaine started, but stopped as the man pushed him hard up against the wall his hands flat on his chest as he leaned in intimidatingly.
"Ive been a potential three years in a row." He said face inches from Blaines "And the monks would have picked me."
Blaine was struggling to think of something to say when someone else rounded the corner. Blaine was relived for a moment thinking this guy would help, but he soon realized he was wrong.
"Hunter." The guy said. "Just make your point so we can go."
The man, Hunter, pressed against Blaine and smirked not taking his gaze off of him. "You are just a lowly little servant and you think you can steal what was rightfully mine?"
"I didnt steal anything!" Blaine said angrily. "Ku- the Filakas wanted me."
Hunter let out a long calm breath, but something in his eyes ignited with Blaines words. Finally he removed his hands from Blaines chest and backed up a little
"Come on!" the other guy said clearly frustrated with Hunter, "I thought you were going to beat him up or something?"
"No." Hunter said, his eyes locked onto Blaines. "He isnt worth it. Besides, look at how pathetic he is." Hunter let out a cruel laugh. "He thinks the Filakas wanted him. Him. God, no. Not possible. You probably think the night you two had was special that you have a connection with him?" Hunter said condescendingly.
"You dont know anything about my time with the Filakas." Blaine answered, clenching his fist.
"Oh yes I do!" Hunter said, his voice sounding so calm and reasonable "So many tributes think that their night with the Filakas was special, that it mattered to him, that he cares. But I know it isnt true. Ive seen too many tributes after their one night stand. The Filakas wont even remember your name in a few weeks. In month or two? He probably wont even recognize you walking down the hall."
Blaine heart felt like lead as he opened his mouth to protest. What Hunter was saying wasnt true. It couldnt be, right? But before he could think of anything to say Hunter continued.
"You may have had a life altering night, but the Filakas just had a good fuck. And now he tossed you to the side like the garbage you are."
"No." Blaine said, but his voice came out small and unsure.
Hunter grinned. "He doesnt love you. He doesnt want you. The Filakas will never think of you again."
Blaine closed his eyes as the truth of that statement washed over him. Maybe Kurt didnt think of him as garbage, but Hunter was right, did Kurt ever think of any of his tributes again? Blaine bit back a whimper and moved to walk away from Hunter.
He turned and then froze in his spot, Kurt was right there standing in front of him.
Kurt ran his fingers over his perfectly coiffed hair one more time, looking at his reflection. He looked good. He wore a pair of light linen pants and white tunic tight around his chest, sleeveless to show off his toned arms, the v in the front diving low to show off his muscular chest.
He knew the humans found him attractive, and he felt attractive right now. Mostly though, he was just overcome with nerves. He had gotten cleaned up and ate a quick breakfast, now he was ready to go find Blaine and confess how he felt about him. But what in the world was he suppose to say?
"Youre the Filakas." Wes said confused. "How are you nervous about this?"
"I may be the Filakas." Kurt answered. "But Im also just a guy about to tell someone he loves them with no idea what their response is going to be."
"Ah." Wes said. "Yeah, when I first told Sarah I had feeling for her I thought I might throw up."
"Thanks Wes, thats a help." Kurt said dryly.
"But I didnt!" Wes said with a laugh. "And weve been married three years now and we have a daughter. So it worked out alright. And things will work out with Blaine too."
"And if it doesnt I get to blame you, right?"
We paled a little and didnt answer.
"Im joking Wes." Kurt said and then turned to the doors. "I guess this is it!" He said heading out into the temple to find Blaine.
He still wasnt sure what he was going to say to Blaine. Should he just confess how he felt? Or maybe ask Blaine if he wants to spend more time together? Not for sex... well, okay some sex would be nice, but just to spend time together. Yeah, that would probably be better than walking up to him and blurting out "I love you!"
Though he almost did exactly that last night.
When Blaine had shouted Kurts name, Kurt heart had nearly stopped in his chest. It had been so long since anyone had called him by his real name and to hear it from Blaines lips, was like... like a drug, or a balm. He almost said "I love you" right then, but had held back.
He wasnt going to hold back from much longer though. Soon he wanted to tell Blaine exactly how he felt.
Wes was leading them to the servants quarters when he stopped and then motioned for Kurt to come nearer, Wes was peaking around a corner. Kurt, not sure what it was Wes was spying on, quietly joined him.
Near by two potential tributes seemed to have someone blocked against the wall. One of them, tall with sandy hair seemed to be yelling at whoever was pinned there.
"The Filakas wont even remember your name in a few weeks. In month or two? He probably wont even recognize you walking down the hall."
Kurt heard the words drift down the hall to him and he stepped forward a little to see that is was Blaine being cornered by these mean.
"What did he just say?" Kurt asked Wes through gritted teeth. "Who the hell does he think..."
"Shhh." Wes said wanting to hear more of the conversation. Kurt didnt feel like he needed to hear anymore, but Wes lifted a hand and motioned for him to stay still.
"... tossed you to the side like the garbage you are."
Kurt let out a sound that surprised even him, it almost sounded like a hiss.
When he heard Blaine let out a tiny, hoarse "No" Kurt started moving, striding towards the men who were harassing Blaine. His Blaine.
"He doesnt love you. He doesnt want you. The Filakas will never think of you again." The stupid, bully of a potential said.
Kurt saw Blaines eyes snap close at the color drain from his face and Kurts heart broke in two, even as anger boiled in his veins. How dare anyone make Blaine look so hopeless.
Blaine made to move away from the two men taunting him just as Kurt got to them. Blaine froze in surprise, he eyes growing wide at the sight of Kurt.
Kurt had so many emotions running through him, he didnt know where to start. No, that wasnt true, looking into Blaines heart-broken eyes he knew just where to start.
He stepped up to Blaine,cupping the back of his neck with his hand and wrapping an arm around the waist. Without a word or a thought, he drew Blaine to him and then kissed him hard and long on the lips. Blaine quickly melted into the kiss bringing his arms around Kurt and holding him tight.
Kurt felt like he was on fire, like he was more alive that he had been in years. This wasnt him kissing a tribute in some yearly ritual, this was him kissing Blaine for no other reason but to show anyone who cared to watch that he cared about him.
Once he finally ended the kiss and pulled their swollen lips apart he looked around at stunned faces. Wes looked surprised, but also a little smug, while the two potentials just looked shocked.
"Wes." Kurt said, still holding Blaine. "Would you have these two promptly escorted off of temple grounds, I never want them allowed back here."
"Yes, Filakas." Wes said with a smile and grabbed both of the stunned men by their arms and started walking them away.
Kurt then turned back to Blaine whose face was flushed and his eyes damp.
"I..." Blaine started and then looked down and Kurt couldnt see his eyes, just his long lashes fanning his dark skin. "Thank you... for that, but you didnt have too. I know our night is over and you-"
"I know I didnt have to Blaine." Kurt interrupted. "I wanted to. I wanted to show those two neanderthals that they had no idea what they were talking about."
Blaine glanced back up. "So you... did it just for them?"
"No." Kurt felt nervous all of a sudden and took a step back, rubbing a hand over his forehead. "I... I also wanted you to know they were wrong. I do think of you, I will remember you... You are not garbage Blaine. What we had was precocious to me."
Blaine blushed and smiled. "It is precocious to me too."
"Is." Kurt said, correcting his earlier statement.
"I said what we has was precious to me. I meant is precious to me. You Blaine... you are..." Kurt closed his eyes and sighed, it looked like he was going with the declarations of love route after all. "You are precocious to me Blaine. Kind and funny and gorgeous and I... you arent just another tribute to me. I came here to find you, to tell you... no, to ask you..." Kurt trailed off his throat feeling dry.
"To tell me?" Blaine said in a whisper.
"That I love you." Kurt blurted out in a rush. "Not that you have to feel the same way! I mean, I dont want you to think of me as the FIlakas right now, or yourself as a servant, if you dont feel anything then thats okay. No, not okay. I mean youll break my heart, but I dont want you to feel obligated or-"
Blaine pulled Kurt forward, stopping his words with a kiss. He buried his hands in Kurts hair and held him close, tongue sliding against Kurts lips and then against his tongue as Kurt allowed him access. By the time they pulled apart Kurt felt hot and flustered and so so happy.
"Kurt." Blaine said seriously, though his lips twitched in a smile. Kurts heart leaped at hearing his name from those lips. "I love you too. I love you Kurt. Not the Filakas, you."
Kurt let out an uncontrolled joyful laugh and leaned his forehead against Blaines, both of them clinging to each other.
"Maybe... we could spend the day together?" Kurt asked.
"Okay." Blaine said simply, pressing his lips against Kurts again.