Far From Home
Chapter 7 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Far From Home: Chapter 7

E - Words: 2,711 - Last Updated: Apr 05, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Mar 16, 2014 - Updated: Mar 16, 2014
178 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Thank you to everyone reading this! Hope you enjoyed the chapter even though there was no smut. xx

When Blaine woke up the morning sun was shining in through the window, casting soft light over their little pile of blankets and pillows. Kurt was still pressed warmly on top of him, breathing evenly in his sleep.

Blaine felt heavy and relaxed, even though the heat of both Kurts body and the blankets over him was a little too hot and he was fairly sure one of his arms and a foot was asleep. He smiled looking down at the top of Kurts head as he snuggled into Blaine chest. Then Blaine heard a noise and realized why hed woken up. He wasnt alone.

Wes was standing near the doorway, he coughed lightly into his hand to get Blaines attention. Behind him a few servants seemed to be standing ready. They would come in and clean up. Set out fresh food for the Filakas and make sure everything was in order for when Kurt woke up.

Wes nodded to the servants and walked into the room. They quickly, and with amazing quietness, started cleaning up the area. Wes moved to the bundle of blankets Blaine and Kurt were tangled in and held a pile of clothes out to Blaine.

"Its time to go." He said so softly Blaine mostly knew what he was saying by watching his mouth move.

Blaine shut his eyes for a moment and his body went cold with disappointment.

So it was over then.

Blaine nodded and rolled himself and Kurt to their sides. Kurt murmured some in his sleep and reached out for Blaine as he pulled away. Blaine bit back a whimper and put a soft pillow in Kurts arms for him to hold. He didnt want to wake the Filakas.

He reached for the lose fitting pants and tunic Wes handed him and quickly slipped them on. No one was watching him anyway, but still his temporary nudity didnt bother him now.

Wes smiled at him once he was dressed and tilted his head towards the door. Blaine looked back down at Kurt, curled up around the pillow, still sleeping soundly. He was breathtaking. His hair a mess and his skin a little flushed from the warmth of the blankets, a small smattering of marks on his neck and collarbone that Blaine knew hed left there.

Blaine wrapped his arms around his stomach and held onto his elbows to keep himself from shaking. He had to go, no matter how perfect Kurt looked. He followed Wes out to the hallway where the big double doors to Kurts rooms shut behind them.

Blaine stood and stared at the closed doors, glaring at them, as if they were the problem, and not the fact that Blaine had foolishly allowed himself to have feelings for the Filakas.

"Rachel and Puck will help you clean up." Wes said. "And help with anything else you need. If youre hungry or anything at all please let us know. Also, the monks would like to thank you for your service and tell you to take the next couple days off before returning to your duties around the temple."

Blaine turned to see Puck and Rachel standing nearby. Rachel with a serious look of what he suspected was dutiful concentration and Puck with a smirk on his lips.

"Right." Blaine said and turned back to Wes. "I dont know... what to say. Or if there is a message I am meant to send back to the monks... I..."

"Ill let them know you are proud and honored to serve the Filaks, if you like."

"Yes. Yeah, that. Of course."

Wes smiled again before motioning towards Rachel and Puck and then he turned back and entered Kurts rooms. Blaine walked to Puck and Rachel who started leading him down the hall. He thought they might just do their jobs silently, something hed be fine with, not wanting to really talk, but as soon as they turned the corner Puck spoke up.

"Well, man? What was it like?"

"Puck!" Rachel scolded but Puck ignored her.

"No seriously. Ive heard that fucking the FIlakas is like nothing else. Is it true he stays hard the whole time and that his dick is like... 12 inches long?"

"We didnt fuck." Blaine said quickly, his cheeks feeling warm.

"What? Then you didnt even do your job!" Puck said in shock. They were heading towards the baths again, and Blaine was relived. He hoped they would leave him to just soak on his own for a while.

"What do you mean Blaine?" Rachel asked a little indignantly. "You didnt have sex with our Filakas?"

"No... I mean we did...uh, yeah, several times." Blaine said as his face heated and his heart hammered at the memory. He wondered if it was traditional for the tribute to talk about his night with the Filakas. He supposed it depended on the tribute.

"It just didnt seem like fucking. It was.... beautiful and... the Filakas is so, prefect..." Blaine trailed off blushing and not knowing what else to say.

"Oh youre one of those." Puck said as they entered the baths.

"One of those?"

Puck nodded. "There are basically four kinds of tributes." Puck said knowingly.

Rachel rolled her eyes and started taking off Blaines shirt.

"One." Puck said holding up a finger. "The Holier Than Thou. This is the moron that thinks because they were tribute they now have some extra wonderful coating of holiness over them. They would never talk about their time with Filakas because we lowly people couldnt understand."

Blaine stepped out of his pants as Rachel and lead him into the warm waters of the baths. Puck following behind.

"If by some god-awful twist of fate Rachel were ever to become tribute, she would be one of those." Puck said.

"Hey!" Rachel responded, letting her professional manner drop for a second to splash water in Pucks face.

"Puck would be number two." Rachel said smugly looking at Blaine. "The Braggart." This person cant shut up about how great the sex was. About how amazing Filakas is at making someone come and how they were also pretty much incredible. They go on and on about their own sexual prowess, even if it isnt all true."

"If I was the tribute, itd be true." Puck said with a wink.

Blaine was sitting on a ledge on the wall of the pool they were in, warm water up to his shoulders as his heart thudded in his chest. He knew Puck and Rachel didnt mean anything by it, but their descriptions were eating away at Blaine. He wasnt the only tribute to have been with Kurt, he knew that... but somehow had hope that... it had been something special non-the-less.

"What are the other two types?" Blaine asked, his throat feeling dry.

"Three." Rachel said. "The Mystic, or The Devote This person doesnt talk about the sex much at all or if they do it is more in line with the spiritual high they were on. How being with Filakas has given them a new outlook on life and spirituality. For them it is a truly religious experience."

"Of course, these types mix together sometime. The Mystic Holier Than Thou is just awful." Puck added.

"Right." Blaine said shortly, feeling a little sick, as Rachel grabbed some soap and a cloth from the edge of the pool and started to wash him. "And the fourth kind?"

"Thats you." Puck said as his poured something that smelled really good into his hands and started washing Blaines hair. "The Lover. This is the person who thinks they are in love with the Filakas, thinks that this was life changing for both them and Filakas. They get all doey eyed and rosy cheeked when they talk about it. Of course, it is no surprise that you went that way."

Blaines heart sank down to his toes and he felt chilly even in the warm water. "That happens a lot?"

Puck shrugged. "This is my forth year helping the tribute, youre the first Ive seen. But yeah, it has happened before, it is one of the types for a reason."

Rachel glanced at Puck and gave him a look before she turned to Blaine. "It will be okay Blaine." She said. "In a few days youll realize that you did just what I knew you would do. Your job. And that you did it well and that you pleased and honored the Filakas. That is an honor in itself for you. Dont be too sad. I mean you just had the opportunity of a life time!"

"Yeah, especially for a lowly servant like us." Puck added teasingly.

"Some people would be very jealous of your position." Rachel agreed.

Blaine closed his eyes tight, keeping back his the tears that wanted to fall. "Right." He said again, before submerging himself under the water washing off the soap on his skin and in his hair. He stood back up again and water dripped off of him.

"I can finish off from here." He said. "Thank you both."

Rachel and Puck looked at each other worriedly before Puck nodded. "There is lotion and towels and dry clothing for you over there." He said pointing to a nearby bench. Well have some food brought to you room, okay?"

"Great. Thanks." Blaine said automatically. He just wanted them to go.

The walked out of the pool and left the baths, leaving Blaine to float in the pool and struggle with his thoughts.

What he had with Kurt was special. Wasnt it? Kurt even said that it was different than any time hed had a tribute. He said it was better!

But maybe Kurt just found the good in every tribute. Kurt seemed like he would be kind and gracious like that. And even if by some miracle it had been better for Kurt than any other time, that didnt mean Kurt had feelings for him.

Blaine on the other hand knew he had strong feelings for Kurt.

He ducked under the water again, keeping his eyes open and looking out at the designs in the blue and teal tiles of the pool. Everything was quite and muted under the water and Blaine was left with his musings .

He didnt just have feeling for Kurt he was in love with him, he knew he was. Hed been half in love with him before he was even chosen as tribute.

Blaine stood, bursting out of the water and filling his lungs with air before he emptied them again letting out a long shout of frustration. Fine, if Blaine was type he was a type. But he knew his feelings for Kurt were real, even if he wasnt the first to feel them. Even though Kurt didnt feel the same way.

He loved Kurt. And he could never have him. And that was just something he was going to have to bear.

At least Rachel was right. Hed had the opportunity of a life time, and he didnt regret one moment he spent with Kurt. Even if his heart was breaking because of it.

He got out of the bath got dressed and headed back to his rooms, not seeing the person following him and watching him with clenched fist and scowl on their lips.

Kurt woke slowly, feeling groggy and happy. He clutched a pillow that was in his arms tightly and hummed a little in contentment before letting go of the pillow and reaching out for Blaine. But his hands only met with more pillows and blankets. He blinked his eyes open and looked around. Blaine was no where to be found.

He sat up and scanned the room. Everything was cleaned up and put back to how it was before his night with the tribute. His bed was freshly made and a soft robe laid near him. Kurt quickly grabbed the robe and pulled it on as he stood. He saw Wes standing near the table which had been set with breakfast.

"Wheres Blaine?" Kurt asked immediately.

"The servants came to fetch him." Wes said. "They will make sure the tribute is well taken care of." He turned towards the table. "Would you like to eat breakfast or get cleaned up fist Filakas?"

"I..." Kurt wanted to say I want Blaine but stopped himself. "He just left? Blaine just... left?"

Wes looked puzzled, his eyebrows knitting. "Yes. As usual, the tribute is collected when the sun comes up."

"He didnt say goodbye."

"Weve never really woken you up before, I didnt know you wanted to speak with the tribute this morning."

"Stop." Kurt said rubbing his forehead. "Please stop calling him The Tribute. His name is Blaine."

"Yes Filakas. As you please."

"Just stop!" Kurt all but shouted, not knowing why he felt so frustrated with Wes. "Could you not treat me like the FIlakas for just one moment and talk to me like... like a friend? I need a friend right now Wes!"

Wes looked worried as he stepped closer. "Whats wrong?" He asked placing a hand on Kurts shoulder. "Did things not go well last night? Did Blaine do... something... he didnt hurt you or-"

"What? No!" Kurt quickly interrupted him. "He didnt do anything wrong. Last night was... was perfect Wes."

Wes sighed in relief. "Alright." He motioned to a chair waiting a moment before Kurt finally sat down. He surprised Kurt by sitting down in a chair next to him "Then tell me what is wrong." Wes said patiently.

Kurt let out a long breath, "I dont know. I wanted him to be here when I woke up. I wasnt ready for it to be over."

"It is always just one night that you ask for." Wes said. "Though if one night a year isnt enough anymore, people would understand. Im sure the monks could have a tribute ready for you more often."

Kurt groaned and slumped forward, holding his head in his hands. He knew Wes was truly trying to understand and help, but he was missing the point entirely.

"I dont want another tribute." Kurt sighed. "I just want Blaine."


"Wes, not as a tribute. I dont want him like that, I just..." He couldnt finish, he didnt know how.

Wes looked at him seriously for a long moment before his eyes widened. "Oh my god, you have feelings for him!"

Kurt couldnt deny it, he didnt want to. "I think I might... be falling in love with him." He admitted. He expected Wes to be exasperated and tell him how he was the Filakas and he couldnt fall for someone, but instead a huge grin spread over his face.

"Oh thank god!" Wes said and looked like he would jump right out of his chair. "You know how hard it is to serve you year, after year and see you so miserable? To watch tributes come and go, hoping that maybe one day youd find someone to connect with?" He laughed. "You are one hard egg to crack!"

"What the hell? Wes, you hoped Id fall for a tribute?"

"I hoped you would open up to someone and stop being so alone. Ive noticed for months how you get all dreamy and quite whenever Blaine is in sight. Why do you think I made sure he served the refreshments to the potentials? I wanted to gauge your reaction. Oh. My. God. It worked!"

Kurt stared at his friend slack jawed, seeing a side of him hed never seen before. "You devious little trickster!" He said, but there was no malice in his words. He had too much to thank Wes for.

But then his pounding heart skidded to a stop in his chest. "But what if he doesnt feel the same about me?" Kurt asked, the idea making his stomach drop.

"That kid is head-over-heels crazy for you. Trust me." Wes said.

"Then why did he go?"

"Because I told him too and he is use to doing what he is told."

"Well why did you tell him too!"

Wes laughed, "Because I didnt know how you felt!"

Kurt shot up from the chair and started rushing around his room trying to find some proper clothes to wear. "I have to go to him, I have to let him know how I feel. I almost told him last night... I... I..."

"Kurt wait." Wes said evenly as his eyes squinted in a smile. "Eat and get cleaned up. Then you can go find him. It isnt like he is going anywhere."

"But-" Kurt started and then cought a glimpse of his disheveled reflection in a mirror. "Fine. Eat. Get presentable. Find Blaine."

"Whoooo!" Wes shouted to Kurts surprise. Before he schooled his features and mannerism back to the old Wes. "Yes Filakas." He said seriously.


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