April 5, 2014, 7 p.m.
April 5, 2014, 7 p.m.
gif by kendrawcandraw
Blaine didnt know how long they would have stayed tangled together against the wall if his stomach hadnt started growling. He was somewhere between awake and asleep, blissfully content in Kurts arms when it rumbled and then rumbled louder.
Kurt must have heard it because he let out a laugh. "Are you hungry Blaine?" He asked his voice high and happy and musical.
"I may have worked up an appetite." Blaine said lifting his face from Kurts neck where it had been resting. He yawned and looked up into Kurts crystal blue eyes, feeling something warm and giddy pull on his heart.
"Mmmhmm." Kurt hummed and kissed his nose. "Theres food."
Blaine scrunched up his nose a little after the peck, as his stomach swooped. Not from hunger but from the delight that small gesture gave him. Blaine knew that they had done so much more than little pecks, but somehow that kiss to his nose felt intimate in a different way.
Like something youd do to a boyfriend.
Blaine quickly pushed that thought out of his head. He wasnt going to spoil these perfect moments with Kurt by wishing for something he couldnt have.
Kurt was starting to stand meaning that Blaine had to unwrap himself from around him. He stood as well and watched as Kurt grabbed a clean towel and dipped it in the bowl of water, walking over to Blaine and gently wiping his chest and belly.
Kurts movements were slow and almost reverent, and Blaine thought how funny it was that Kurt would do this for him instead of the other way around. Once Blaine was cleaned up Kurt started to clean himself as well. Blaine stilled his hands though, and looked him in the eyes.
"Let me." He said and took the towel, quietly smoothing it over Kurts perfect porcelain skin cleaning up the mess they had made. He cleaned Kurt until he was, hopefully, more comfortable. Kurt watched him the whole time, eyes bright and dancing.
"Thank you." He said when Blaine was finished.
Blaine smiled and sat the towel down and then looked around the room. Food was set up on a nearby table. Fruits and sweets and cheese. Wine and water and juices. There were chairs at the table, but it felt weird to sit and eat right now. He glanced at the bed, with its sheets twisted and dirty from earlier.
Blaine made a quick decision and went to the bed, grabbing pillows and blankets that were still clean and dumping them on the floor. He then grabbed more pillows and blankets from the couches and chairs in the room and started building a comfortable bed-like pile of pillows and quilts on the floor..
He turned back to Kurt who was still watching him, an eyebrow arched and a smile twitching at his lips.
"What is this?" Kurt asked.
"A picnic." Blaine answered and then walked to Kurt, taking his hand and leading him to the soft pillows on the ground. Kurt sat and Blaine then turned to the table grabbing plates and filling them with food. He delivered them to Kurt and then started filling up goblets with wine.
"Just water please." Kurt said.
Blaine poured two goblets of water and brought them over. He settled down on the pile of pillows next to Kurt as he popped a grape into his mouth. Kurt smiled at him and started to eat as well.
They were both quiet for a little while, neither of them realizing how hungry they were until they started eating. Eventually Blaine interrupted the comfortable silence.
"Is it weird that were still naked?"
Kurt almost choked on what he was eating as he started to laugh. "Blaine, I dont know how that mind of yours works."
"Ive just never had a naked picnic before."
"Neither have I, but I like it."
"I do too. It should be something people do. Naked picnicking."
Kurt shook is his head and smiled. "Maybe in private only. I mean I wouldnt want to be walking around the gardens and come upon someone naked picnicking."
Blaine chuckled as he ate a slice of cheese. "Not that you ever go out into the gardens." He said without thought.
Kurt paused and looked at him. "I... I go out."
Blaine finished his bite, his mind racing. Why had he even said that? He didnt want to offend The Fiakas, but also, this was going to be his only chance to really talk to him too.
"You do go out..." Blaine said slowly. "I mean sometimes I see you around the temple. Mostly with the monks, or when you are coming or going to the Supplication Room where you meet with the people. But..."
"But what?" Kurt asked putting his plate and cup down.
"I just..." Oh god, what was he doing? Blaine wished he hadnt even started down this road, but now it was too late to turn back. "For a place that was built for you, you dont seem to... get around it very much." Blaine continued. "I for one have never seen you in the gardens. Sometimes I wonder... why you spend so much time on youre own?"
Kurt just blinked at Blaine and didnt answer. Blaine mentally kicked himself for saying anything. Everything had been so perfect why did Blaine have to mess it up?
"Never mind." Blaine said in a rush. "I dont know what Im talking about. Ill be quite. It doesnt matter what I think."
"Dont say that." Kurt answered quickly. "What you think matters. Its just that Im surprised youve noticed really. That anyone would notice or care... If do spend a lot of time in my rooms, alone. Its because..." Kurt paused and chewed on his lip a little, making Blaine feel nervous.
"We dont have to talk about this." Blaine said softly.
"No, it really is okay." Kurt said and smiled reassuringly. "I guess I keep to myself because it gets tiring having people trip over themselves for you... or grovel over you, or be too afraid to really talk to you. That sounds ungrateful and I dont mean to be. In the end... its just lonely and I guess being by myself helps me ignore that every one treats me like I am so very different from them." Kurt ended with a little shrug as if to say it wasnt a big deal.
Blaines heart sank at Kurts words. He had always thought that The Filakas might be lonely, but hearing it from his own lips made Blaines heart crumble a little bit.
Blaine wanted to tell him how sorry he was, but he didnt want Kurt to think he pitied him. He wanted to tell Kurt that if it were up to him, Kurt would never be lonely again, but that seemed too presumptuous.
Blaine reached for Kurts plate and cup and then his own, setting them aside and out of the pile of blankets and pillows he had built. He then leaned forward and grabbed Kurts hands kissing his fingers and then his palms and his wrist. He then worked his way up, kissing his arms and shoulders and neck.
Kurt sighed contentedly and tilted his head to give Blaine better access as Blaine continue to kiss until he got to Kurts lips. He paused before he kissed them. Blaine couldnt fix everything, he couldnt really fix anything for Kurt, but he could try his best not to let him feel lonely right now.
"Blaine?" Kurt whispered as Blaine hovered near his lips.
Blaine closed the distance, bringing their lips and bodies together. Trailing a hand down Kurts spine as he pressed their chest together and kissed him deeply.
Kurt clutched at him and held on as they continue to kiss, lips sliding together. Soon they were both grunting and panting, Kurt on his back in a bed of pillows, Blaine over him, rutting against him and letting their hot and heavy cocks slide against each other.
"God Blaine." Kurt panted. "You feel so... good... amazing. You feel amazing."
Blaine kissed the words from his lips and kept rolling their hips together until they were both hard and gasping. "You... are... perfect." Blaine said between kisses.
Kurt half laughed half gasped as the friction of their cocks became almost too much.
"Oil." He said and twisted away from Blaine, he was back within moments thrusting the bottle into Blaines hands.
It didnt take long for Blaine to have himself and his fingers lubed up. He went to stretch Kurt, but found he was still prepped from their earlier bouts. So Blaine sat up and spread his legs wide, grasping Kurts hips and pulling him forward and into his lap. Kurt moved easily, settling himself between Blaines legs and bending his knees on either side of Blaines waist.
Blaine fisted his own cock and started directing it to Kurts willing entrance. Kurt just scooted in closer, his erection pressed against Blaines stomach as he lifted his ass and let Blaine slide his cock deep inside.
Blaine moaned at the tight feel of Kurt around him and Kurt rolled and bucked his hips, riding Blaines cock and sending sparks and tremors of pleasure through Blaines whole body. Blaine moved his head down and started sucking on the pulse point of Kurts neck, knowing he was leaving a mark there, but feeling good about it.
This was all going to be over much too soon, and this way Kurt would have something to make him think of Blaine. At least for the next few days.
Blaine continued sucking and licking and gently nipping at Kurts skin until he got to Kurts nipples. Remembering the enthusiastic response hed gotten from Kurt before, he quickly circled his tongue around Kurts nipple feeling it harden and peak under the attention. Kurt rewarded Blaines effort with a gasp followed by a long wanton mewl.
Blaine glanced up to see him throw his head back, the sight made Blaine feel almost dizzy with desire. Blaine started to thrust his hips in time with Kurt. Soon they had a rhythm, Blaine moving his hips up as Kurt rolled his gracefully down.
The movement caused Blaine to impale him deeply, as Kurts cock pressed and rode against Blaines abdomen. Blaines cock was twitching and pulsing inside of Kurt and he knew hed hit the right place when Kurts moans turned into shouts.
Kurt parted his lips as he cried out, again it was a string of foreign words mixed with Blaines name. Blaine started to lap at Kurts other nipple and thrust up, hitting Kurt in the right spot again and again until he felt like he couldnt hold off much longer and Kurt became a babbling, trembling, wreck.
Blaine increased his movements speeding up and clutching at Kurt as Kurt rode Blaines cock, he clenched down around him and with a gasp Blaine was coming. Blaine felt his climax move through his lower spine and belly and then he was bursting with it. Covering Kurts inner walls as Blaine clung to him.
"Kurt!" Blaine shouted as he came. He realized while Kurt had given him permission to use his name this was the first time hed said it outloud, the sound tasted like honey on his lips.
Soon Kurt was following. His own lovely pink cock quivering and then Blaine was again covered in Kurts cum. Blaines mind was dizzy and full of light. His body felt spent but peaceful. He pulled Kurt to him has he fell backwards onto the pillows. Kurts body like putty as it covered Blaines.
Blaine pulled out and grabbed for a near by blanket as he clumsily wiped off Kurt and slid the blanket between them, as much as he could with Kurt latched onto him. He tossed the blanket aside knowing that would have to do for now, before pulling another blanket over their naked, sweaty, still panting bodies.
Blaine held Kurt tight, not caring about Kurts weight on top of him. He kept one hand grasping his shoulder and one hand tangled in his hair. Kurt seemed to be close to sleep already as he nuzzled into Blaines hold.
The lamps in the room flickered and danced and Blaine looked toward the window and knew that the lamps wouldnt be needed much longer. The sun was just poking its head out from behind the hills.
Morning was coming.
Blaines time with Kurt was almost over.
Blaine swallowed down what felt like a sob and held Kurt closer. He wanted to stay awake and savor every last moment he had with the man he was falling in love with, but his body was too tired and soon he drifted off to sleep.