April 5, 2014, 7 p.m.
April 5, 2014, 7 p.m.
Let me know what you think comments make me unbelievably happy. I love hearing from you!
Blaine was curled up next to Kurt, his face scrunched up in a smile as his laughter filled the room.
"That was round one?" Blaine said still grinning ear to ear. "I like the sound of that."
Kurt bite his lip and got up smoothly from the bed. "Wait there." He told Blaine before grabbing a couple of cloths the servants had left out for him. He dipped in in a bowl of water set out for this very purpose and then stuck a finger in the water, warming it with his abilities. He came back to the bed and Blaine wiping himself down on the way and then using a warm second cloth to clean Blaine up as well.
He tossed the towels to the side and got back into bed as Blaine grinned up at him. Kurt scooted in closer and softly traced his fingers down the side of Blaine face. "You have the most beautiful smile I have ever seen."
Blaine face immediately flushed bright red and he glanced away from Kurts eyes, embarrassed. Here they were still panting from the incredible sex they had just had, their naked bodies sweaty and tangled together, but a compliment could still make Blaine blush. It made Kurt want to keep complimenting him to see his rosy cheeks and the red flush that reached his ears.
It was charming.
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blainee back and pulled him in close. He gently kissed his lips and whispered into them. "Hasnt anyone ever told you about your smile Blaine?" He nuzzled their noses together. "Because someone should have, there should be songs written about it."
Blaine laughed again, his face still burning with a blush. "You dont have to say those things just to make me feel good." Blaine said looking back up at Kurt.
"Im not." Kurt said and kissed him again. Kurt was going to pull back from the kiss and try to convince Blaine of the song-worthiness of his smile, but Blaine cupped Kurts face with his warm hands and keep them together, parting his lips and slipping his tongue into Kurts willing mouth.
Anything Kurt was about to say fled his mind with the taste of Blaine on his lips, he moaned into the kiss and let his hands roam down Blaines firm back, kneading his way down until he reached Blaine round, full ass. He squeezed his cheeks and pulled him in closer until he could feel Blaine against him.
Blaine gasped a little and Kurt took the opportunity to move his lips down to Blaines neck, kissing and sucking there and enjoying the sound of Blaine gasping and groaning.
Kurt rolled them over so that Blaine was under him as he continued to move his mouth down Blaines body, licking over his hard nipples and down his rib cage as Blaine whimpered and bucked a little under him.
Kurt got down to Blaines cock which was half-hard again and looked up to see Blaines reaction. Blaine was staring down at him with dark, hooded eyes, his chest rising and falling with his deep breaths. Kurt smirked a little and then went to work on Blaines cock, licking up the side of it and over the tip.
"Oh god! Oh Fuck!" Blaine shouted and jerked up. Kurt moved off of his cock in time not to be impaled and then laid an arm across Blaines hips to keep him from bucking again.
"Sorry, sorry." Blaine said quickly. "I didnt mean..."
"Its okay." Kurt assured him. "Ive got you."
"I should... I could..." Blaine rambled and Kurt waited to see what he was trying to say. "I should be... doing that... for you. T-thats why Im here."
Kurt furrowed his bow and sat up on his knees to look at Blaine. "Thats why your here?" he asked.
Blaine had closed his eyes as he steadied his breath, rubbing a hand over his forehead. "Yeah... you know... um... as your tribute. To, um, make you feel good?"
Kurt sighed and shook his head. "Blaine." He said and waited until Blaine opened his eyes and looked at him. "What if what I want is to make you feel good?"
Blaines face had grown serious, but the edges of his lips tipped up in a smile at that. "Then who I am to stop you?" He said cheekily with a little wink.
God, if Kurt had thought an embarrassed, blushing Blaine was attractive he had no idea how hot a cocky, flirty Blaine could be.
Kurt just smiled and lifted an eyebrow before settling back down between Blaines legs. Ignoring his own hardening cock for the time being, he placed his forearm back across Blaines hips and took Blaine into his mouth. He twisted his tongue around Blaines cock, licking and twirling a while before he started bobbing his head up and down.
Blaine instinctively spread his legs out a little wider before he started to dig his heels into the bed, he let out a uncontrolled shout as Kurt continued to take him in deeper. Kurt was loving the feel of Blaines heavy cock on his tongue, and enjoying Blaine as he kicked his legs a little and moaned and whined.
Kurt knew he was almost there before Blaine shouted out. "Im... Oh god! Im going to come!"
Kurt just hummed around Blaines cock and stayed there as Blaine came in his mouth. Kurt swallowed it down smoothly as Blaine keened and quivered, waiting until Blaine was finished and laying almost still on the bed before pulling off.
Kurt wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as he sat up again and just took a moment to watch Blaine. He was splayed out on the bed, tan body lose, with his arms flung out over his head, his chest rising and falling, and an almost goofy smile on his lips.
He looked perfect.
The humans called Kurt a god, but as he stared at Blaines broad chest and narrow waist, and his gorgeous cock, still slick from where Kurts mouth had been, he couldnt help think that it was Blaine who looked god-like.
Kurt leaned down and placed a quick kiss to Blaine lips and he hummed in response. Kurt then got up from the bed and walked to back to the bowl of water and cloths. He started to clean himself up, he wanted to be a little fresher for whatever they would do next.
He turned to see Blaine sitting up and watching him. Legs hanging over the bed and eyes fixed on every move Kurt made.
"I know people must tell you this all the time." Blaine said. "But you have a truly remarkable ass."
Kurt choked out a surprised laugh, that wasnt at all what he expected Blaine to say.
"Blaine! No... I dont think anyone has ever told me that exactly."
"Hmmm." Blaine said getting up from the bed. "Maybe I should have told you how gorgeous you are. Or how your eyes are so beautiful the are mesmerizing. Or how every time Ive ever seen you around the temple my breath would catch just from how lovely you are."
Blaine had made his way to Kurt and wrapped his arms around him from behind nestling his face in the crook of Kurts neck. "Or maybe I should have told you you smell like lavender, and sugar and I just want to take every part of you in."
Kurt gulped, not able to form a reply as Blained hands move over his hips to his hard cock and slowly started pumping it. Kurts knees grew a little weak and he slumped back into Blaines embrace. Blaine started kissing his shoulders as he moved him towards the wall. Soon he had Kurt turned around, so his back was pressed against the wall and Blaine dropped to his knees to kneel in-front of him.
Blaine circled a gentle fist around the base of Kurts cock as he slid the tip of it between his lips. He started to suck and lick at the head and Kurt just moaned and sagged against the wall, head tilted back and eyes closed.
"Blaine. Oh, oh god Blaine." Kurt curled his fingers into Blaines hair, as Blaine continued to lick up and down Kurts cock, under it and up over the slit, were Kurt knew precum was gathered.
Blaine chuckled a little and the vibrations sent shock waves through Kurts system. He groaned and tightened the hold he had on the back of Blaines head, careful not to force him down deeper, but just hanging on to Blaine as an anchor.
Blaine started twisting his fist a little as he took Kurt in and Kurt knew he wasnt going to last much longer.
"Blaine... you dont have to... Im going too..." Kurt couldnt complete a full thought as his orgasm tightened in his stomach. He hoped Blaine understood what he was saying.
Blaine pulled off for a moment with a slick pop making Kurt whimper.
"Its okay" Blaine said. "Dont hold back." And with that he released the base of Kurts cock and took Kurt in deeply, the heat and moisture of Blaines mouth surrounding his trembling cock.
Blaine moved his head up and down and few times and soon Kurt was pressed flat against the wall, standing on his toes as the heat of his orgasm burst through him. He came hard and fast down Blaines throat, Blaine continued to suck and swallow.
Kurt knew he was shouting, but couldnt make himself stop as Blaine worked him through his orgasm.
Once Kurt was spent Blaine pulled off and worked his way up Kurts body, lips leaving a hot trail across Kurts skin. He got to Kurts nipples and started licking on one of them playfully. Kurts head started to swim as his cock quickly began to get hard again.
"Ohmygodbliainedonotstopdoingthat!" Kurt shouted as Blaine gently bit and tugged at a nipple.
Blaine let go though and laughed. "What?"
"Dont- dont stop, that was... please, no one has ever done that before..." Kurt panted, palms pressed flat against the wall. He watched Blaine from half closed eyes as Blaines own eyes widened in surprise.
"How has no one ever done that before?"
"I..." Kurt swallowed and pushed out a breath. "I dont know. Mostly people just do what I ask... and I guess Ive never thought to ask for that before."
Blaine was quite for a long moment his eyes narrowing as he took in what Kurt had just said. Then his eyebrows shot up in realization.
"You usually tell people what to do? Oh god! Im doing everything wrong arent I?" Blaine hands had found their way to Kurts waist, but they let go now as he backed up.
Kurt had to catch himself, not realizing how much hed been leaning on Blaines support.
"No no no!" Kurt said quickly. "This is different than any other time Ive been with a tribute. It is better, Blaine this is so much better."
Blaine smiled a little and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Youre sure?" He said in a low sultry voice that made Kurt shiver.
Kurt nodded quickly, "Yes. Now would you please get back over here?"
Blaine didnt need to be told twice, he moved quickly back into Kurts space, hands firm on Kurts waist again as he started to curl his tongue around Kurts other nipple. Kurt let out a long whine that made Blaine chuckle.
It took only moments for Kurt to be hard again, he reached down to feel Blaines cock to find him hard as well. That was one thing Kurt knew was different about having sex with "The Filakas" erections came faster than normal.
Hed never had any complaints.
Kurt was just about to ask Blaine for more when Blaine stepped away again. Kurt whined like a needy child.
Kurt watched as Blaine walked over to the bed and grabbed the bottle of oil they used earlier. He rushed towards Kurt, his erection bobbing on the way as he coated his fingers and then his cock with oil before setting the bottle down near the bowl of water. Soon he was back to Kurt, kissing him as he moved a hand behind Kurts back.
"Oh god yes Blaine!" Kurt cried as Blaine fingers started pressing into Kurts entrance.
Blaine moved his mouth to suck on Kurts neck as Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaines back burying one of his hands in the thick curls at the nape of his neck.
Blaine withdrew his fingers from Kurts ass moving his mouth up to Kurts mouth to swallow his protest. They kissed each other passionately, lips tugging at each other and teeth clashing. Kurt felt warm all over and like he couldnt get close enough to Blaine. He hitched up a leg as Blaine pressed him firmly back against the wall. Blaine quickly grabbed onto Kurts strong thigh holding his leg in place and kissing him harder.
Kurt was flat against the wall when Blaine guided his hard cock to Kurts entrance he thrust partially in before grabbing for Kurts other thigh. He hoisted Kurt up with surprising strength, Kurt wrapped his legs around Blaines waist and trembled as he felt Blaines erection sliding deeper into him.
Kurt tilted his head back against the wall and shouted as Blaine filled him and pressed up against just the right spot inside.
"Blaine." Kurt panted out, not having anything to say but his name.
Blaine tightened his grip as he rolled his hips, fucking Kurt up against the wall. Kurt clung to Blaines back as heat and pleasure sparked through him. Nothing he had even done felt like being with Blaine.
Blaine continued to move, thrusting up into Kurt and making him ride up the wall a little with each movement. Blaine was panting and grunting with the effort. His eyes tightly shut while he bit his bottom lip.
Kurt was lost for a moment just staring at him, until one perfect thrust of Blaine hips drove Blaines cock deep into Kurt making him dig is nails into Blaines back and almost double over towards him as the fire pooling at his spine bubbled over and Kurt started to come.
"OH GOD BLAINE!" Kurt shouted and painted Blaines abdomen with warm cum as he clutched Blaine and rode out his orgasm.
Blaine followed soon, gasping almost silently and leaning his forehead heavily against Kurts as Kurt felt the warm, pleasant feel of Blaine cumming inside him.
They both clung to each other for a moment as they came down from their respective climaxes. Neither having the energy to speak. Slowly Kurt unwrapped his legs from around Blaines waist as Blaine slipped out of him and set him down. Neither of them stayed standing long. Kurt slid down the wall to to floor and Blaine followed him down, keeping his arms around him.
After a long moment of just enjoying his post-orgasmic bliss Kurt realized that he and Blaine were huddled together on the floor against the wall, Blaines head resting on Kurts shoulder and his warm breath puffing against Kurts neck.
"Blaine?" Kurt finally spoke up, his voice a little horse.
"Mmmm." Blaine responded and kissed Kurts neck.
Kurt sighed and held Blaine closer to him. There was so much he wanted to say, Thank you, or You are amazing, or I think I might be falling for you, but none of it seemed enough so he just held on to Blaine and enjoyed his closeness.