April 5, 2014, 7 p.m.
April 5, 2014, 7 p.m.
Blaine wasnt in a good mood as he finished his work day and went back to his room in the temple. Not that the euphoria of meeting Filakas had worn off, his heart still flip-flopped every time he thought about it, but another emotion besides joy was raging war within him. Blaine knew what it was, even though he hated to admit it; Jealousy.
That afternoon he had helped serve refreshments to a group of tribute potentials. It was torture.
Blaine had often wished that somehow the stars would have aligned differently and he would have been born in the right place, to the right family to be a tribute potential, but in all his days of wishing he had never felt like this. That afternoon as he saw the potentials talking and drinking and enjoying themselves, Blaine had for the first time felt overcome with jealousy.
These people had a chance to not only meet the Filakas, but to spend a night with him. To get to know him and see him on a level most couldnt even imagine. Blaine had to plaster a smile on his face and just keep moving as unreasonable envy had pumped through his veins. He had no good reason to be angry at the potentials, they were given an opportunity and they were taking it, how could he blame them for that? Still, the thought of any of them with Fillaks was making Blaine feel a little crazy.
So Blaine had forgone the invitation of his friends Tina, Mike and Sam to go into the city that night, and chose instead to go back to his room and mope. He knew he was being childish, but he was going to indulge himself non the less.
He was surprised when he arrived to his room and people where there waiting for him. A couple monks and some of their servants to be exact. Standing in Blaines room as if it was just a public space.
"Um..." Blaine froze at his doorway and looked at the group in his room. "Hello?"
William, one of the head monks, stepped forward. "Good evening Blaine." He said with a smile. "I am so glad you are here, I was just about to send someone to find you."
Blaines heart thudded in his chest. Was he in trouble? What had he done wrong? Did the monks find out he had spoken to the Filakas? Was that something that was punishable? Did they somehow know Blaine had been dreaming of being the Filakas tribute himself?
"Did I do something wrong?" Blaine asked in a rush. "I didnt mean to... really, I follow the rules and-"
"No no!" Will am laughed and looked at the another monk shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head as if to say, silly servants, arent they excitable. Blaine didnt really like William.
"You arent in trouble." William continued. "On the contrary, you have been selected for a great honor. You know this time each year we present the Filakas with his tribute?"
"Yes..." Blaine said slowly as his stomach plummeted. They were going to ask him to be one of the servants who helped prepare the tribute for the Filakas. Which was indeed an honor for any servant. But not an honor Blaine thought he could bare.
"Well." Williams smile was huge. "We are here to inform you that this year we are doing things a little differently. And you, young man, have been chosen as the Filakas tribute."
Blaine was trying to decided if he could politely turn down the offer to help prepare the tribute of if he should say yes and just do his duty to the best of his ability for the sake of... wait, what?
"What?" Blaine asked. Williams statement ringing in his ears. "I... I dont understand what you just... I mean... could you please repeat yourself?"
William smiled at him a little condescendingly. "We have chosen you." He said slowly like he was speaking to a young child. "To be the Filakas tribute."
"I..." Blaine opened his mouth to say more, but instead found himself staring back and forth between the two monks his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide. His knees felt a little weak and he had to lean on the door frame for support.
"Im not a potential." He finally said and then wanted to smack himself. Why would he say anything that may change their minds?
The other monk spoke up this time. "And yet, you have been chosen." He said with a smile that looked infinitely more genuine than Williams. He gestured towards the pair of servants in the room with them. "These two will prepare you for the Filakas before we present you to him."
Blaine was still in shock, not fully understanding the magnitude of what he was being told, but he looked at the servants, people he knew, and just nodded.
"Very good." William said and clapped his hands together, "Bring him to us when you are done!" He ordered and then he and the other monk left Blaines room.
Blaine glanced at his fellow servants as the monks left, thinking they would perhaps shed some light on what was going on or share his confusion, but instead they were both business-like, as if they were working with a real potential and not someone they had served along side with in the temple.
"Come." A short dark-haired servant, that Blaine knew, but not very well said. "We will take you to the baths."
"Rachel... I.. what is..." Blaine stuttered out, but she made no reply, instead she opened the door and the second servant, a tall muscular young man Blaine thought was called Puck, lead him out of the room.
They walked in silence to the baths. A large building built over some hot springs that servants were never allowed to actually use. The whole way there Blaine expected someone to come and stop them and tell them a mistake had been made. But nothing happened.
Once they reached the baths Rachel started undressing him. Blaine knew he shouldnt feel embarrassed, this is just what they did for all tributes, but Blaine still felt a little shy under their gaze as he stepped naked into one of the warm pools. Rachel and Puck followed him in, still wearing the tan toga-like uniforms of a servant. Not unlike the outfit Blaine had just had taken off of him.
Wordlessly Puck and Rachel started scrubbing every inch of his body. Even places that made Blaine blush and Puck smirk a little, though he quickly controlled his face again, so maybe Blaine imagined it? Rachel was completely professional, and thorough, leaving his skin a bright pink from scrubbing it so hard.
They cleaned his fingernails and behind his ears and lathered up his hair. Once he was clean and rinsed off they lead him out of the bath and sat him on a bench as Puck started trimming his hair and Rachel began rubbing some kind of lotion into the skin of his feet.
"Um... could I maybe put some cloths on for this part?" Blaine asked.
"No." Rachel said matter-of-factly. "This lotion goes all over."
Blaine blushed again.
"Besides, no reason to dress you until we put you in the tributes clothes."
"Listen man." Puck spoke up for the first time. "You are going to have to get over this modestly issue fast. You do know what a tribute does, right?"
"I..." Blaine cleared his throat, his heartbeat starting to speed up. "Yes. I know."
Puck laughed. "We just want to make sure you look your best. Be grateful."
"Right." Blaine said a little hoarsely.
Puck finished with his hair and Rachel finished moisturizing his whole body, ending with dabbing a little rose oil behind his ears and on his wrist. Rachel grabbed a pair of dark red underpants and made to start putting them on Blaine.
"I can do that!" Blaine said quickly, taking the garment and pulling them on. Puck then retrieved a heavy silk golden robe and draped it on Blaines shoulders, clasping it at his neck
"All done." Rachel declared. They walked him over to look in a mirror.
Blaine stared for a moment. He looked mostly like himself, but his skin seemed to almost glow, what was in that lotion Rachel had used? And his hair was shorter and less unruly, though styled still to show some waves. What struck him the most was seeing himself in the tributes robes. This was actually happening. Blaine was this years tribute. His heart jumped landing in his throat.
Blaine closed his eyes and took a deep, calming breath, he hopped this wasnt just a dream that he was going to wake up from at any moment.
"Lets go." Rachel said and they started walking Blaine out of the baths.
They were quiet almost the whole way to the Filakas rooms. Blaines heart thudding so loud he was sure Rachel and Puck could hear it. His mind growing dizzy as they got closer. They were about to turn the corner and meet the monks outside of the Filakas rooms, Blaine thought he might pass out.
"Whoa there." Puck said putting a supporting hand around Blaines arm. They stopped right out of the monks sight.
"Listen man." Puck said. "I get that this is unexpected and out of your... I dont know, area of expertise? But you need to buck up. This is the Filakas! And this is the one thing he asks for year after year. This is important. Dont screw it up!"
Blaine looked at Puck, his eyes widening and his throat feeling dry.
"Puck! Youre not helping." Rachel said. "Blaine, look at me."
Blaine turned to look at Rachel.
"Ive seen you around the temple." She said. "And know I dont know you well... but you always seemed very... devoted. One of those servants who does a good job, not because it is their job, but because it is for the Filakas. Right?"
Blaine nodded.
"Okay, then this is just another job... I mean... it is not just another job, but it is something you do for the Filakas. Okay? Ive helped a few tributes through the years, before and after being with Filakas Kurt, and you have nothing to fear."
"Im not afraid of him." Blaine said.
"Well there you go!" Puck smiled and clapped Blaine on the back.
"Im afraid of failing him." Blaine added.
Rachel sighed as if she was very put upon. "Blaine, no. Trust the monks, they chose you, of all people, for a reason. Just go do your job. You always do a great job, Ive been jealous of your work ethic in the past. You wont fail if you just do this for our Filakas, the way you do everything else. Got it?"
"Yes." Blaine said still anxious but actually feeling a little better.
Puck and Rachel lead him to the monks who looked him up and down before nodding their approval. They opened the double doors to the Filakas chambers and motioned inside. Blaine walked in as William announced.
"The Filakas tribute!"
Then the doors closed behind him and Blaine was left in the Filakas chambers.
Kurt had prepared for his tribute like he did every year. And then he had watched as the servants set up plates of fruit and bottles of wine, they made his bed with new linens and set out all the supplies he would need.
Kurt let them. Of course he let them, it was their job. But he found he wasnt excited like he usually was each year.
Now he was waiting alone in his rooms for the monks to bring him his tribute. He felt listless and a little bored. He almost wished he called everything off this year.
He heard the doors open and Williams voice ring out.
"The Filakas tribute!"
The doors closed again and Kurt sighed as he turned around. Expecting perhaps the tall young man with the green eyes. Instead, who stood before him was something out of Kurts wildest dreams.
Blaine was there, hair a little shorter and more tame. Skin scrubbed and looking even more golden than ever, almost matching the rich gold robe his wore. Blaine was looking down at the ground, his hands clasped in front of him, a deep blush growing on his cheeks and neck.
"Blaine?" Kurt said in a whisper. When Blaine didnt move or answer Kurt repeated himself with a little more confidence. "Blaine?"
Blaine seemed to snap out of whatever trance hed been in and quickly bowed. "Filakas." He said in a hushed voice. "I... I am here to..." His words stumbled off, as if he didnt know what to say.
Kurt smiled. Usually at this point his tribute was rattling off their lines about being honored to be chosen and their hopes of pleasing their Filakas. Kurt wondered if Blaine had even ever heard the speech before.
"Blaine." Kurt said again and walked towards him, his skin almost buzzing with excitement. But first he had to make sure this wasnt some kind of... mistake. "Are you my tribute?" Kurt asked, his heart in his throat.
"Yes Filakas." Blaine answered so soft Kurt could hardly hear him.
Kurt lifted his hand and tipped Blaines chin up the way he had wanted to when Blaine had served him dinner. Kurt moved his hand to cup Blaine cheek as he looked him in the eyes. Blaine looked back.
"You are my tribute?" Kurt calmly asked again to clarify, even as his heart wanted to burst from his chest.
Blaines face seemed to suddenly drain of color and he took a tiny step backwards. "I... I dont please you do I? I knew... I knew this was a mistake." Blaine said. "I... am so so sorry Filakas I didnt mean..."
Blaine whole body was trembling as he tripped over his words. Kurt realized that his question could have been taken as disapproval and kicked himself for his oversight.
"No! No Blaine! Wait." Kurt said stepping forward again and placing his hands on Blaines shoulders. "You... please me very much. I... In fact Blaine." Kurt said almost shyly. "You being my tribute is so much better than I could have ever hoped for."
Blaines eyes widened as the color returned full force to his face. "Really?" He said in awe.
Kurt moved his hands to claps behind Blaines neck as he scooted even closer. "Really." He said with a smile. He wanted to kiss Blaine where he stood, but there was something else he had to clear up first. Kurt closed his eyes for a moment bracing himself for this next question, fearful of the answer. "Blaine, it is very important you are honest with me here." He said opening his eyes again.
"Of course Filakas." Blaine said his forehead scrunching in confusion.
"Did the monks, or anyone, ask you if you wanted to do this?" Kurt bit his lip and looked Blaine in the eyes again waiting for an answer.
Blaine looked puzzled for a moment, tilting his head adorably to the side before answering. "No Filakas, no one asked."
Kurts heart dropped, 50 feet straight through the ground. "Oh." He glanced down not meeting Blaines eyes.
"Filakas." Blaine whispered the title reverently. "You could ask me."
Kurts eyes fluttered up to Blaines face again and he realized Blaine had moved in closer, his face just inches away from Kurts.
"Oh." Kurt repeated and then licked his lips nervously, noticing Blaines eyes following the movement. "Blaine, do you want to be my tribute? Before you answer please know that there are no consequence for saying you dont."
Kurts arms were still looped around Blaines neck and Blaine moved so his hands were resting on Kurts hips.
"I have never wanted anything more than I want to be your tribute." Blaine answered.
Kurts heart fluttered like it had wings as a huge smile spread across his face. "Good." Kurt said relieved. "I am so glad."
He stepped back a little and unclasped the robe around Blaine neck. Blaine rolled his shoulders letting the heavy garment fall to the floor.
Blaine stood in front of Kurt with nothing on but a pair of red underpants. Kurt couldnt keep his eyes off of him, he was beautiful.
Kurt cleared his throat and then started pulling his pure white toga off of his body. He turned around as the fabric came off. He walked to he bed and climbed on it. Laying down on his stomach and propping himself up on his folded arms. He looked up at Blaine who had gone a little pale again and was staring at him transfixed.
Kurt smiled and crooked a finger towards Blaine motioning him to come forward. Blaine walked to the bed and stopped right in front of it. Blaine grabbed on to one of the bed post as if to steady himself and lifted a hand to rub the back of his neck shyly.
Kurt couldnt help but smile even more, his cheeks almost hurting from the strength of it. He tried to school his expression and look at least a little seductive.
"Come here." Kurt breathed.