Far From Home
Chapter 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Far From Home: Chapter 2

E - Words: 1,518 - Last Updated: Apr 05, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Mar 16, 2014 - Updated: Mar 16, 2014
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Blaine knocked on Tinas door and could hardly wait for the "come in" before he burst into the room. He flung himself down next to Tina on the bed.

"I met him!" Blaine exclaimed excitedly.

Tina laughed, "Huh? Who did you meet?"

"Him. I met Him I met the Filakas!"

"What?" Tina said as her face deadpanned. "You did not."

"I did. It was time to bring him dinner and Wes wasnt there so they were about to give the duty to someone else when I stepped forward and volunteered! They let me do it!"

"Blaine! This is... amazing. You met Filakas? I mean... Ive lived in the temple nearly my whole life and Ive only even seen him from a distance. Did he talk to you?"

Blaine flopped down on the bed and couldnt contain the huge grin that spread across his face. "He thanked me for sitting up dinner, he was surprised I wasnt Wes and... Tina! I was right. He said he never wanted people to fear him."

Tinas eyes grew round, "What? How did he end up talking about that?"

Blaine covered his face with his hands as he felt his cheeks heating up. "Um... he was worried he had scared me because... well I must have looked so nervous, but I told him I could never be afraid of him and he said he didnt want people to fear him... and oh my god..."

Blaine sat up and looked Tina in the face. "He is so beautiful... so much more so than from afar."

"That must have been intimidating, you can barely breath the few times weve seen just a glance of him around the temple. And did you really tell the Filakas you could never be afraid of him?"

Blaine groaned, "I have no doubt I sounded like an idiot. But he was so kind and lovely and..." Blaine lifted up his hand and looked at it. "He touched my hand."

"What!?" Tina practically shirked. "You were touched by the Filakas?"

"I mean, it was just a brush of the fingertips... my hands were shaking and..." Blaine voice started to wobble. "Tina... I just... I cant believe this happened."

"Blaine. That is amazing. I cant believe it either."

"Ill never get the chance to see him that close ever again, or to talk to him. But at least I have this, right?"

"Its more than most people get." Tina answered.

"He seemed... lonely."

"Oh Blaine." Tina said and rolled her eyes as she settled next to him leaning against the headboard. "Youve said that before, but he is the Filakas, he doesnt get lonely."

"You dont know that. All these years living here alone. With no one else like him. It must be lonely. Anyone would be lonely."

"Anyone human, but Blaine the Filakas isnt human. He has a tribute once a year, it seems to me that is all he needs."

"Then why does he always look so sad every time weve seen him?"

"Only you think he looks sad. Most people think he looks serious and a little... scary."

"He isnt scary." Blaine insisted.

"Yeah, well if he can bless us so easily do you think it would be hard for him to curse us? Maybe he doesnt want to make people afraid, that doesnt mean he isnt fearsome."

Blaine didnt answer her, this is how many of the Filakas devotees thought of him. They loved him and honored him and feared him. And Blaine understood, he wasnt stupid he knew that the Filakas could easily turn on them and they would have no defense, but he also knew... he didnt know how he knew, but he knew the Filakas was good, he wouldnt hurt anyone.

While other followers trusted Filakas Kurts power, Blaine was determined to have faith in his goodness.

Kurt smiled as Wes entered his room the next morning, ignoring the odd pang of disappointment he felt that Blaine wasnt back.

"Good Morning Filakas." Wes said seriously.

"Good Morning Wes." Kurt said. "You werent here last night, I hope everything is alright?"

Kurt was surprised to see a rare smile cross Wes sober face. "My wife gave birth last night Filakas. I wanted to be there to see my daughter enter the world."

"Wes!" Kurt said in excitement "That is wonderful! I am so pleased for you. You should bring your daughter to me, I would be happy to bless her for you."

Wes eyes almost bugged out of his face and Kurt had to turn his laugh into a cough so as to not offend Wes.

"You... would do that for me?" Wes said in awe.

"Of course!" Kurt said, you have been my loyal servant and friend for years. "Once youre wife is feeling up to it, you could bring them both."

"Friend?" Wes breathed and then cleared his throat and schooled his face back to its normal businesslike control. "Thank you Filakas, it is more than I would have ever imagined. I will bring them once Anna is well rested."

Kurt smiled a little sadly as Wes returned to his almost cold manner. He knew Wes meant well by it, it was his way of honoring Kurt, but Kurt didnt want to be honored as much as his wanted someone who would let their walls down around him.

"This morning we have a group of tribute potentials for you to look over." Wes said.

"Potentials?" Kurt said confused, "Youve never had me look over potentials before, the tribute is always chosen for me."

"Which we are happy to do again if that is your wish Filakas." Wes said, "It is just this year you seem... disinterested? A bit? The monks thought maybe picking someone out for yourself might be..." Wes cringed as if he didnt want to say this next part. "Stimulating?"

"The monks think I need to be stimulated?" Kurt said with a smirk. "I seem disinterested?" Really? You think theyve finally realized Ive grown bored of all of this?"

Wes looked worried. "We all only want to please you Filakas, if we arent doing that we... we need you to tell us what you want."

Kurt sighed, "I know, I know... I didnt mean... I understand that all of you have only ever done as I ask and I am grateful. Maybe choosing someone could be... interesting."

Wes nodded and turned to open the door for Kurt. "Shall we?" He asked.

Wes lead Kurt downstairs to a small parlor, one side was curtained off and Kurt could hear voices from the other side. A tall middle aged man stood in the room wearing the reddish-orange cloak of a temple monk.

"Filakas" He said and bowed deeply his hands clasped in front of him. "I am honored by your presence."

Kurt pasted on a smile. "Thank you William." He said.

"Wes has told you about the potentials?" William asked looking down and not meeting Kurts gaze.


"The idea pleases you?" The monk asked.

"I... sure. I mean, yes."

William smiled and gestured towards the curtain. "We have the best of this years potentials on the other side of this curtain. They do not know you are here or that they are being watched."

Kurt nodded and walked towards the curtain, feeling strange like he was choosing who to have for dinner. The thought made him shiver as he remembered William was one of the monks who would have given Kurt a human sacrifice if hed asked for it.

Kurt stood by the wall and pulled the curtain back slightly and looked into a room with around fifteen young potentials in it. All of them mingling and talking not aware that their Filakas was watching them.

Kurt looked at Wes and motioned him to come close. Wes joined him by the curtain. "How does this usually work? How do pick someone?" Kurt whispered to him as he studied the group.

"l dont" Wes answered, "The monks do."

"Yes, but Wes dont pretend, I know you give them advice and they listen to you. Who knows me better than you do?" Kurt glanced back at the group his eyes falling on a tall slender young man with light hair and green eyes.

"He seems like your type." Wes said seeing who Kurt was looking at.

"I suppose..." Kurt said and then stopped short as a couple servants entered the room with refreshments.

Kurt couldnt help but swallow loudly as Blaine came forward with a tray and started serving. A smile continually on his beautiful face.

Wes looked at Kurt and them back into the room. "You are smiling Filakas." Wes said with a little smirk of his own.

Kurt tore his eyes away from Blaine and looked back at Wes letting he curtain fall closed. "I.. yes... well." Kurt said flustered.

"Did someone please you?"

"You can pick as usual." Kurt said. "Choosing for myself isnt something Im interested in... as it turns out."

"Yes Filakas." Wes says with a slight bow.

Kurt nodded to William on his way out and made his way back to him chambers.

Once he was gone William looked at Wes curiously. "What was that? Did we offend him?"

"No." Wes said. "But weve found our tribute." Wes pulled the curtain back a little again as William joined him. Wes pointed to a tan dark haired servant. "Blaine" He said. "I know he is just a servant, but trust me on this one, give the Filakas Blaine."


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