April 5, 2014, 7 p.m.
April 5, 2014, 7 p.m.
Based on a prompt from The-royal-saint Inspired by art from needklainenow and this gif by kendrawcandraw (art NSFW).
Kurt walked across the cold marble floor of his room and stopped by the window. Heavy gold velvet curtains framed the glass, Kurt carefully pushed one to the side as he looked down on the courtyard.
Stone paths lined with rich green grass, brass and marble fountains splashing water and reflecting the light of the sun, leafy trees and bright flowers. It is beautiful.
The entire temple in beautiful inside and out. No expense was spared in designing and building it. It looks more like a palace than a temple.
It feels more like a prison.
Kurt knows he could leave his rooms and walk to the courtyard himself. The temple is his home and he has free reign of it, but he discovered years ago that it brought more pain than relief. The monks, servants and other devotees living in the temple never knew how to act when Kurt was around.
More often than not theyd just fall to their knees or start chanting. Kurt was a god to them after all. He was happy to stay here and bring peace and prosperity to this land. He just hadnt gotten use to being so set apart from everyone else.
Being worshiped, it turns out, is a very lonely affair.
The humans called Kurt, Filakas. It was a title though, not his actual name, it came from an ancient human word meaning "keeper" or "guardian". An apt title really, since Kurts presence among them kept them safe and taken care of.
Kurt missed being called by his name. The humans wouldnt do it, he was too holy in their eyes for them to call him by name. So hed gotten use to the title Filakas.
Kurt had been among the humans for so long now the memories of his home land were faded and worn, like an old book read so many times the pages are thin and the ink has started to disappear. He knows who he is and where he is from, as much as he knows he can never go back, but the memories arent as sharp and clear as they once were.
He was cast out by a enemy who took Kurts rightful place as ruler, he was exciled and now he is suck among the humans. Many of his kind, if they had found themselves in Kurts place, would have punished the humans for something that was not their fault, or at least treated them as slaves. Kurt couldnt do that though, if he could never go home then these humans were as close to being his people as he would ever get.
Kurt had decided to bless them and to protect them. In return they had built him this temple and granted any request he had. He didnt have many. Mostly he wanted to be left alone. Only once a year did he ask from something more, a tribute.
Kurt had been horrified when he first asked for a tribute and realized the humans thought he wanted a human sacrifice. He was even more horrified when many of them seemed willing to get him one. Humans could be such an odd mixture of kind and selfish.
In the end he had made them understand that this tribute would act as more of a companion. Someone for Kurt to share a night with. Someone to hold, to make love too. Someone to dampen the ever present loneliness in Kurts heart, for at least a short time.
He asked only for one person a year. They would spend the night and then were free to leave. He never harmed them. And they always came to him willingly, especially after the first few years. The Filakas reputation for being a passionate and generous lover, plus the prestige of being one of his tributes, made humans volunteer in droves.
He could have a new tribute every night if he wanted, but it hurt too much for Kurt to do that. Tributes staved off the loneliness, but also highlighted it. Once a year he needed the physical contact and tenderness and the pure lust of another, but that was enough.
Kurt continued to look out the window as many of the temples residence enjoyed the warm sun and beautiful day. Kurt sighed as he watched them. It was almost time for the monks to present him with his yearly tribute, but somehow he wasnt looking forward to it as much this year.
Many young men and women had been bought to the temple, to be tested and and trained and of those who were found worthy one would be chosen to give to Kurt as tribute. However this year, Kurt wasnt sure he even wanted one. He was so tired and alone, he didnt think the tributes were lifting his spirits like they use to.
Kurt was about to turn away from the window when a young man and woman walked out into the courtyard. Their arms were linked and they talked and laughed with each other. Soon they found their way to a large fountain and sat down on the edge. They were eating apples and enjoying the sun.
Kurts heart started to beat faster in his chest. From his postilion at the window he had the perfect view of the young man. Tan almost golden skin, dark, shiny curls, bright eyes and a smile that made Kurts stomach feel... odd. In a good way, a way Kurt didnt really understand.
Kurt often saw the young man from the window and around the temple. He had been secretly watching him for months before he heard someone speak his name. "Blaine." Kurt smiled as the name rolled of his tongue. It sounded like music.
Blaine was often him the company of this young woman, she was dark haired as well, but it was straight and glossy and her skin was paler and her eyes different. Kurt thought at first that perhaps they were lovers, a thought that made his stomach fell odd in a bad way, but soon Kurt saw her with another young man, kissing under a tree.
Kurt thought that Blaine and this girl must be friends. He hoped there were only friends. Not that it mattered. Blaine worked in the temples kitchens. He wasnt a perspective tribute, and even if he was it still wouldnt matter. Blaine was human. And the humans loved Kurt as their Filakas, but they never really loved him the way one human loved another.
Kurt blinked away the thought and moved from the window. When did love become a part of his thoughts about Blaine? Kurt had given up on the hope of love as soon as hed been exiled from his home and his people. He wasnt looking for love. Just companionship, and temporary companionship at that.
Kurt rubbed the his head as he walked away from the window, not allowing himself a last glance at the human known as Blaine.
Latter that evening Kurt was occupying himself reading when a servant came in to serve him his dinner. At first he didnt glance up as they started laying his food and things out on a small round table in his room. Eventually though he marked his place in his book and looked up to thank the servant.
His words were trapped in his throat.
He parted his lips and stared before he finally found his voice.
"You." He said as the servant turned toward him.
Blaine folded his hands in front of him and glanced to the floor, not making eye contact. Then he bowed smoothly from the waist in a well-practiced manner. "Your dinner Filakas" He spoke in a rich warm tone.
Kurt would have thought this was something Blaine did every day if it werent for the slight trembling of his clasped hands and the hitch in his voice.
"You... arent Wes." Kurt said.
"No Filakas." Blaine answered. "I hope I do not displease you, and that I set everything up well. Wes is not available this evening and I was told to take his place." Blaines hands were shaking even more now and his skin looked pale.
"Youve done very well!" Kurt assured him quickly. "I was just surprised." Kurt found himself drawn to the young man, he couldnt help but walk to him.
Blaine was somewhat shorter than Kurt and his face was still trained on the floor. Without a thought Kurt lifted his hand to tip Blaines face up, but stopped himself. Blaine seemed scared and he didnt want to spook him more. "Will you look at me?" Kurt asked in a gentle voice.
Blaine glanced up and, to Kurts surprise, looked him straight in the eyes. Something humans rarely did with him. And Blaine eyes... they were beautiful. So much more beautiful close up than Kurt had ever imagined. Wide and like liquid gold, framed with dark long lashes.
Kurts throat felt dry. "Your name is Blaine, correct?"
Blaines eyes widened and he nodded.
"Ive seen you around the temple." Kurt said, and then glanced at the table. "Youve prepared everything perfectly. Thank you."
Blaine opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out, he cleared his throat and tried again. "Thank you Filakas."
Kurt smiled at him and glanced down to Blaines hands, they were still trembling lightly, though not as much at they had been. "You dont need to be afraid of me."
Blaine bit his lip, his beautiful lush red lip, and lifted his dark eyebrows. "I am not afraid of you Filakas." He said in a steady voice.
"No?" Kurt allowed himself to reach forward and brush his fingers over Blaines hands. "You are shaking."
"I... I was afraid of messing up. I was afraid of not pleasing you. But not afraid of you, never of you Filakas."
Kurts heart thudded against his rib cage and his smile grew wider. "Many humans are."
"But they shouldnt be!" Blaine answered quickly. "You have never been anything but good and kind to us. I hate it when people speak of you in fear." Blaine stopped speaking and clamped a hand over his mouth his eyes widening even more. "Sorry." He said behind his hand. "I didnt mean to just..."
Kurt felt tingly all over and a he couldnt help the happy laugh that slipped from his mouth at Blaines outburst. "Dont be sorry. I am glad to know you arent afraid. I never wanted anyone to fear me."
Blaine slowly lowered his hand to reveal a small smile of his own. "I told my friend Tina that once. She wasnt convinced."
Kurt couldnt believe how much Blaine was speaking to him. No one talked this much to Kurt outside of Wes and a handful of the monks, but even then it wasnt this open and honest.
Kurt also couldnt believe how much he was enjoying Blaine company, so he was disappointed when Blaine looked over at the dinner he laid out and told Kurt he should be going so the Filakas could eat while his food was still hot.
Kurt almost asked him to stay and dine with him, but he stopped himself. He watched Blaine leave and sighed, he should have at least asked. But then again, what human would just sit down and eat with the Filakas?