Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Cursed: Chapter 8

E - Words: 2,671 - Last Updated: Feb 12, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 11/? - Created: Jan 28, 2014 - Updated: Jan 28, 2014
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Author's Notes:

I love Cooper. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, Ive been looking forward to writing it since I started this fill. Almost at the end now. Let me know what you think! xx

Neither Kurt or Blaine spoke during the ride to Blaine house, Blaine kept glancing over at Kurt trying to catch his eye, but Kurt just leaned against the door putting as much space between him and Blaine as possible. He focused on not thinking about how much he wanted to crush Blaines lips with his own, or pull his polo right off of him, or how great Blaines hands felt on his body.

Once they finally got to Blaines house Kurt hopped out of the car and walked stiffly into Blaines house. He was still sporting an erection that was barely concealed by the sweatpants Blaine had loaned him, but he didnt really know what to do to hide it.

"You sure this is okay?" Blaine said, biting his lip."Ill take you home if thats what you want."

Kurt was staring at Blaines lip where hed been working it in worry, it was red and a little wet and Kurt felt himself leaning in towards Blaine.


Kurt blinked his eyes and realized that Blaine had been talking to him.

"Do you want me to bring you home?" Blaine repeated.

"No." Kurt said shaking his head. "I cant be there right now. I really cant."

"Is everything okay at-" Blaine started but was interrupted by Kurt grabbing his hand and rubbing his thumb down the side of it.

"Fine. Everythings fine." Kurt said with a weak smile taking a step closer to Blaine. "Are youre parents home yet? We should go find your parents."

"Yeah, sure." Blaine said and placed a quick peak on Kurts lips. "Sorry." He said bashfully. "I just had too."

Kurts eyes grew round and before he knew it, he was slamming his body in to Blaines. He wrapped his arms around Blaines back and pressed his lips to Blaines cherry ones. Blaine stumbled back a few steps until he hit the wall.

Kurt moved his lips against Blaines licking and nipping at them until Blaine parted his mouth with a contented sigh. Kurt slipped his tongue into Blaines mouth and deepened the kiss flattening his body against Blaines until his cock was pressed firmly against Blaines crotch.

"Kurt." Blaine moaned between kisses. "Are you... are you h-hard?"

Kurt rolled his eyes a little and thrust up against Blaine so he could feel the answer to that question. Of course he was hard, how had Blaine not noticed that?

"Oh god." Blaine whimpered and Kurts lips moved down to Blaines jaw and then his neck. Kurt was breathing heavy and gripping Blaine as tight as he could, mashing their bodies together, but it wasnt close enough. He wanted them closer, he wanted to feel Blaines skin on his own.

Kurt was working his hand up underneath Blaines shirt when he heard someone clearing their throat nearby. Kurt ignored it, but Blaine didnt.

"Mom! Dad!" He yelped and gently pushed Kurt off of him.

Kurt turned to see Mr. and Mrs. Anderson standing in the foyer, stern looks on their faces.

"I... sorry." Blaine said. "We were, just..."

"My fault." Kurt jumped in. "We didnt mean to, um... get distracted." Kurt said sheepishly.

The Andersons were fairly accepting of Blaines sexuality and had never been anything but polite to Kurt, but they werent fond of the boys public displays of affection. Which was one of the reasons Kurt had wanted them around this evening in the first place.

They dismissed the boys apologies. "Kurt, it is so nice to have you over for dinner this evening." Mrs. Anderson said her voice and smile pleasant but her eyes looking Kurt up and down, no doubt disapproving Kurts appearance.

"Do you two have homework you need to start before dinner?" Blaines father asked.

"No." Kurt answered quickly, not liking the idea of being alone with Blaine in his room. "I mean, I could help with dinner?"

Mrs. Anderson put on a more sincere smile. "That would be lovely actually." She said. "Its almost ready, you could make a salad?"

"Of course." Kurt said his hands folding in front of him, hopefully covering the issue he was still having.

"And Blaine, you could set the table."

Blaine nodded and went to the dinning room as Kurt followed Mrs. Anderson to the kitchen.

Kurt washed and chopped vegetables while Mrs. Anderson asked questions about school and Glee club. Kurt tried to pay attention and answer the question, but he kept having to stop himself from grinding up against the counter or excusing himself to go find Blaine. So he was cought off guard when Blaines mom changed the subject.

"You know I understand what it is like to be young and full of... hormones." She said. "I remember that."

Kurt stopped what he was doing and looked at her with wide eyes.

"And you are a very..." She glanced at Kurt and gave him a sly smile. "A very attractive young man. I get what Blaine sees in you."

Kurts mouth feel open. Hed never heard Mrs. Anderson talk about anything more than school, her job, or other trivial things. She walked up to him and stood very close. She was a little shorter than Kurt and tipped his face down to look at her, her hand lingering on his cheek.

"I remember what its like to want someone so badly you cant hardly stand it." She whispered, her faces barely and inch away from Kurts and he knew she was about to kiss him. All he had to do was take a step backwards to get away from her, and he wanted too... mostly. Instead he stood still and let her place a hand on his waist.

She was just closing her eyes and leaning in when they heard a voice from the other room.

"Im just going to check on dinner!"

Mrs. Anderson immediately took a step back and cleared her throat, she pulled on some ovenmits and was pulling dinner from the oven when Cooper walked in.

Kurt was still standing frozen in place.

"Kurt!" Cooper called, a huge smile on his face. He looked devilishly handsome with a light blue button down shirt open at the neck and tucked into a pair of black slacks that fit him perfectly. He walked right up to Kurt and gave him a tight hug. Kurt knew his erection had to be pressing against Coopers leg, but he didnt say anything.

He released Kurt, but then squeezed his ass quickly before backing up. Kurt let out an involuntary squeak and Cooper winked at him before turning to his mother.

"Dinner ready?" He asked, "Can I help bring it to the table?"

The three of them brought in the meal and then everyone sat down to eat. Kurt somehow ended up sitting between Cooper and Mrs. Anderson. Blaine and Mr. Anderson opposite of him. Blaine he kept smiling at Kurt and then blushing and looking down at his plate. If Blaines thoughts were anything like Kurts he understood the blush.

Kurt didnt pay attention to the conversation at all. His mind was too focused on keeping his hand away from his pants and playing footsie with Blaine under the table. Blaines foot keep moving higher and higher up Kurts leg until Kurt had to bite his tongue to keep in a moan.

Kurt slumped down lower in his chair to give Blaines foot better access, it reached his crotch and Kurt whimpered a little under his breath, Cooper gave him a look, but no one else seemed to notice.

"Blaine honey." Mrs. Anderson said. "Will you go get dessert from the refrigerator?"

Blaine agreed and got up from the table. The foot between Kurts legs remained, making little circles and driving Kurt insane. Kurt gasped and glanced under the table only to discover that throughout the meal it had been Blaines father playing footsie with him and making Kurt melt.

Kurt glanced up and looked at Mr. Anderson who was chatting with his wife and acting normal, he glanced quickly over to Kurt and made eye contact and Kurts whole face flushed red. Mr. Anderson pressed a little harder against Kurts erection and Kurt couldnt hold back the groan that left his lips.

"Is everything alright Kurt?" Mrs. Anderson asked. And Kurt immediately sat back up and closed his legs. Mr. Anderson backed off.

"Fine! Fine!" Kurt said and became extremely interested in his food.

Kurt crossed his legs and didnt talk or make eye-contact with anyone until the meal was over.

Once dinner was done Kurt offered to help clear the table. "No, dont worry about it." Blaine said. "Tonights my evening to clean up. Want to get started on homework and Ill met you upstairs?"

Kurt was more than ready to be away from Blaines family so he quickly agreed and went to Blaines bedroom. He flopped down on Blaines bed and focused on his breathing. His skin was hot and felt tingly all over, his nerves where wound tight and he ached, his cock hard and needy. Kurt stifled a sob and tried to calm himself down.

His hand rubbed over his stomach in soothing circles, slowly moving downward. He closed his eyes as his hand moved down and slipped his under his sweatpants, he brushed his fingertips over his cock and groaned loudly bucking up on the bed and arching his back. He gripped the head of his cock and was just about to start pumping, his tongue licking his own lips, when he forced himself to sit up. He snatched his hand out of his pants.

"Fuck!" He yelled. "Fuck. Fuck Fuck!" He glanced at the clock to see it was 7:30pm. He just had to last 4 1/2 more hours! "Fuck." He repeated again for good measure and left Blaines room. He would just go downstairs and help with the dishes or something.

He paused in the hallway outside of the guestroom when he heard a strange noise. It was quiet a moment and Kurt thought he must of imagined it when he heard it again. It sounded like someone was crying out in pain. Kurts heart started to beat faster and then he heard his name.

"Kurt!" Someone cried and Kurt flung open the door to the guest room.

Kurts whole body felt like it was hit by a train. He stood planted to the ground as his cock pressed harshly against the fabric of his pants and his skin flushed and prickled with sweat. Just feet in front of him, spread deliciously on the bed, was Cooper Anderson; Completely naked and his erection fisted in his own hand. Coopers legs were parted and his head thrown back, his cheeks pink and his cock hard and matching his rosey cheeks.

"Oh my god." The words tumbled from Kurts lips hoarsely and Cooper froze his movements and lifted his head to look up at Kurt. He looked surprised for a moment and then a small smile tipped up the corners of his mouth. He didnt seem embarrassed to be caught like this at all.

"Kurt." He said in a low gravely voice.

"I thought. It sounded like... I should just. I... should go." Kurt breathed out, his eyes roaming Coopers muscular tan body.

"No, Kurt. Please come in." Cooper said.

"I really shouldnt." Kurt answered even as he shut the door behind him and took a few steps forward.

Cooper smiled showing a row of perfect white teeth. "Id hate for you to go." Cooper said and Kurt couldnt stop himself from stepping closer.

Cooper sat up a bit and scooted so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed. Kurt noticed a pile of his clothes haphazardly discarded nearby, but mostly he couldnt keep his eyes off of Coopers body.

Kurt stopped a few feet from the bed and Cooper held out his hand and motioned him forward. "Comere." He said and Kurt obeyed. Once he was close enough, Cooper grabbed his hand and pulled him in closer til he was standing right at the edge of the bed, between Coopers knees.

Cooper kept Kurts hand in his own. "You know what I was just thinking about?" Cooper asked.

Kurt shook his head no.

"You." Cooper said and brought Kurts hand to his lips and brushed a light kiss over his palm. Kurt gulped and stood still as Cooper pressed Kurts hand against his cheek and then slid it down his neck to his chest. Kurt took in a shuttering breath as Cooper moved Kurts hand down his firm chest to his soft stomach and then didnt stop there.

"Having you here is so much better than imagining it." Cooper said softly as he deftly wrapped Kurts hand around his cock. Cooper was hard and already slicked up with lube. Kurt could barely catch his breath feeling the weight of Cooper erection in his hand.

"Cooper." Kurt said softly not knowing what else he meant to say. Cooper just wrapped his hand over Kurts and started to move it back and forth until Kurt was pumping Coopers cock.

"Fuck." Kurt said, he always swore when he was turned on.

Cooper smiled. "I know." He said, his hand let go of Kurts, but Kurt kept pumping. Cooper moved his hands to Kurts waist and then up his body. He easily slipped the tank top off of Kurt, Kurt only stopping working Coopers erection long enough to shrug off the shirt.

Then Coopers hands moved back down until he was cupping Kurts ass, he drew him in closer and closer until Kurts knees were on the bed, on either side of Coopers legs and he was practically sitting in Coopers lap.

"Oh my god." Cooper moaned and bucked his hips a little. He leaned his head down to Kurts chest and started licking and nipping at Kurts nipples. Kurt whimpered and moaned. Cooper slid his hands under Kurts pants, pressing his fingers into Kurts flesh and sliding Kurts pants down until they rested under the curve of his ass and moved down in the front til they were just barely covering Kurts own erection. Kurt made some kind of undignified grunting sound as Cooper squeezed his ass.

Kurt felt dizzy and like he was in some kind of trance. His cock was hot and hard and Coopers body felt so good against his own. Cooper used his grip on Kurts ass to roll him forward so that Kurts cock rubbed up against Coopers through the thin cloth of the pants. He did it again and Kurt mewled as he tilted his head back and Cooper bit one of his hard peaked nipples.

Kurt cried out in pain and pleasure, his hand sliding easily through the lube and pre-cum on Coopers cock. Cooper licked Kurts chest and rolled Kurt forward again. Kurts hand tugged on Cooper and twisted a little around the head of his cock just as their cocks brushed together again.

"OH GOD KURT!" Cooper yelled as he started to come. He collapsed backwards on the bed bringing Kurt down on top of him as he thrust against Kurt a few last times and splattered cum all over his and Kurts stomach. "Oh god." Cooper moaned as he came down from his high.

Kurt was panting and babbling, sweat trickling down his back. He tried to catch his breath when Cooper stopped him from breathing all together by locking their lips together. Heat filled Kurts belly and his cock twitched.

"No." Kurt mumbled and then pulled his lips away from Coopers. "No." He said again. He wasnt going to go like this. He wasnt going to die panting and sweaty and pressed against the naked body of his boyfriends brother.

Cooper was lax and giddy and had loosened his grip on Kurt. Kurt used this brief moment of clarity to sit up on his arms over Cooper and then pull himself off of the bed. He stumbled backwards and hissed as his ass hit the floor.

"No no no, god no!" Kurt said even as his cock pulsed and his blood boiled.

Kurt scrambled to his feet and pulled up his pants. He took one last long at Cooper laid out on the bed, skin slick and eyes half closed, before he turned around and sprinted back to Blaines room.

He slammed the door behind him and grabbed a box of tissues from Blaines nightstand and started wiping Coopers cum off of him even as hot, frustrated tears rolled filled his eyes.


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