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Cursed: Chapter 6

E - Words: 2,168 - Last Updated: Feb 12, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 11/? - Created: Jan 28, 2014 - Updated: Jan 28, 2014
216 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Kurt shook himself and tried to smooth down his hair, he couldnt stay in the girls bathroom all day and as it was he was already going to be late for his next class. He tugged Quinns shirt down as much as he could and headed out to the hallm ready for the sneers and the teasing.

He is surprised to find though, that people dont react to his appearance the way he thought they would. Either people just ignored him all together or... It seemed like most of the people Kurt meet in the hallway noticed his disheveled appearance and instead of teasing him the bumps and brushes his been receiving all day increase.

He walked pass a group of Cheerios who eyed him up and down  and started giggling, then they were all suddenly in his way, dropping books and being clumsy. One bent over to pick something up at Kurts feet and slowly lifted herself up brushing against him from calf to chest.

"Oh, sorry." She said batting her eyelashes and placing a hand on his shoulder. "I didnt see you there."

Kurt sputtered out a response and backed away only to bump into another Cheerio who squeezed his ass before she smiled and said. "Excuse me!" He felt like each of the girls had their hands on him at one point before he finally extracted himself and rushed to his next class.

He had Home Ec and quickly sat down at a long table in the back that no one else was occupying. He sighed and tried to steady his irregular breathing. His body felt tingly and his cock was still aching in his pants. Someone sat beside him, but he was leaning his head in his hands and didnt bother to look up to see who it was.

The teacher started talking about their project for the day but Kurt didnt hear any of it. He could feel his pulse pumping through him. Through his his fingers and toes, and his cock. The only thing he could constraint on was not coming.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and stiffened. He glanced up to see Santana looking at him with a raise eyebrow.

"You okay?" She asked and Kurt breathed a sigh of relief. Santana was acting normal, maybe what was happening to everyone else around him wasnt happening to her.

"Rough day." Kurt said softly and glanced around to see that is seemed like today in class everyone was working on making cupcakes.

"Well at least there is sugar in this class, and frosting." Santana said and Kurt smiled at her.

Santana had been nicer to him ever since Blaines slushie incident and theyd eventually agreed to give Sebastian the recording Santana had gotten. Kurts blood boiled and his drew in a deep breath just thinking about Sebastian. They should have never let him get away with what he did.

He let Santana take over most of their project, even though he usually would have loved this assignment. When Santana kept scooting closer and closer to him, he didnt really think much of it. They were mixing the batter and she wasnt doing anything weird.

It wasnt until thy got to making the icing that something changed. Kurt was finally thinking about something other than his need to come and his cock was only half-hard. He was adding some more sugar to their bowl when Santana swiped some of the frosting out of the mixer and wiped it on Kurts cheek.

"Hey!" Kurt laughed and was about to clean it off when Santana leaned forward and licked the frosting off of his cheek. Kurt was so stunned that he didnt even move when he felt Santanas hand on his thigh and she swiped another line of frosting on his neck. She bent her head down and mouthed down his neck lapping up the icing and sending shivers down Kurts spine.

"S-Santana? Kurt stuttered out, but she paid him no heed. Instead she scooted impossibly closer and rubbed a frosting covered finger down the exposed part of his chest.

"P-please Santana, dont." Kurt said, his cock growing painfully hard again.

She just smirked at him and turned him to face her a little more before she started kissing and licking the icing off of his chest, Kurt let out a quite moan and tilted his head back. Santana responded with a wide smile. He got some more icing on her finger and then softy and slowly smeared in on Kurts lips.

"Mmmm" She hummed as she leaned in and started lightly licking his lips and then gently nibbling on them. Kurt gripped the edge of the table as he involuntarily parted his lips and let Santana lick into them. She tasted like sugar and strawberries and Kurt groaned into the kiss.

"Santana please." Kurt murmured into her lips and she just smiled as she backed up a little and then smoothed a line of frosting over his belly where Quinns shirt had ridden up a little.

Santana stood up from her stool and then knelt down on the floor. Kurt looked wildly around the room to see if anyone had noticed, but no one was paying attention to them. He felt Santanas hands on either side of his waist and he looked down to see her licking a long strip of frosting off the very sensitive skin of his abdomen.

Kurt shuttered in pleasure before hopping up off of his stool.

"No, no. We cant." Kurt whispered. He didnt wait for Santana to do something more, he just quickly rushed out of the room, ignoring Santanas smirk and his teacher calling his name.

Kurt hurried down the empty hall not knowing where to go. There was just one class period left after Home Ec and then Glee Club. He just needed to make it through the rest of the school day and then... and then what? He still had to hold off until midnight.

Kurt whimpered realizing that was still about nine hours away. The bell rang signaling the end of class and Kurt knew the hallway would be full of students soon and he wasnt prepared to go through that again. Instead he ducked into a nearby supply closet. Deciding to wait it out and get to his next class late enough that he could sit in the back away from everyone.

The closet was big and housed mops and cleaning supplies and paint cans. It was large enough for a couple of rows of selves and Kurt poked around the corner looking for something to sit on as he waited. He found a folding chair and sat down to wait. He heard students in the hallways and then everything got quiet again.

He was about to get up and go to class when he realized that maybe hed be better off just skipping the last of his classes and hiding here for the rest of the day. He settled down in his chair and waited. He been in the supply closet for a while and hadnt even noticed that his hand was unzipping his fly when he sat up in surprise hearing the door and open and close again.

There was some whispering and a soft giggle, Kurt stood up and stepped forward to peek through one of the shelves and see whod come in. At first he couldnt tell who it was, all he could see was tangle of limbs as two people wrapped themselves around each other and passionately started making-out.

He could see the back of a tall, dark-haired guy, but didnt know who is was until he let out a deep moan and a female voice sighed out his name. "Oh Mike."

The couple turned slightly and Kurt could now easily see Mike and Tina mashed up against each other. Kurt groaned. This was embarrassing. He should say something, let them know he was here too, but by now it seemed like hed been watching a little too long and it would be weird to say something.

Besides, even though seeing two of his friends like this would usually gross him out, he found the sounds they were making and they way they moved against each other, was a little provocative. He realized he didnt really want to look away.

Tina grabbed a fistful of Mikes shirt as her leg came up to his waist. He held her thigh in place and buried his other hand in her hair as he started kissing down her neck. She made little moaning noises and Mike started grinding against her.

This was wrong. Kurt was awful. He shouldnt be watching this, and he definitely shouldnt feel so turned on by it. He backed away determined no to watch but accidentally knocked over a paint can in the process.

The can made a ridiculously loud banging nose before rolling away and stopping at Tinas and Mikes feet.

"Crap!" Kurt whispered as Mike and Tina pulled away from each other.

"Oh my god." He heard Tina say. "You dont think its a rat do you?"

Mike grinned and shrugged and started towards where Kurt was hidden. "Ill find out."

Mike turned the corner and stopped. He looked surprised for a moment and then started laughing. "Not a rat!" He called and Tina came over and poked her head around Mike.

"Kurt?" She stared at him for a long moment and Kurt was painfully aware of his tight jeans and too small shirt.

"I... Im sorry." Kurt hurried out. "I was- just, and I didnt mean to watch, it was just that..."

"You were watching?" Tina said in a higher than normal voice.

"Yes. No! I mean, yes... but." Kurt was ready for them to get embarrassed or angry but instead Tina stepped from behind Mike and walked up to Kurt.

"You were watching us make-out?" She asked.

"Kind of?" Kurt answered looking back and forth between Tina and Mike. They were quite for a moment before Mike smiled.

"You dont have to just watch you know." He said stepping forward.

Kurt stood stunned, trying to figure out what Mike was talking about as Mike walked around to Kurts back and then wrapped his arms around his waist. He softly tugged Kurt to him until Kurts back was pressed up against Mikes firm chest.

Tina giggled and then crowded up to Kurt, a hand immediately slipping under his shirt and running up to his chest. She pressed in close and wrapped her other arm around him until he was embraced on either side by Mike and Tina.

"What... what are you going to do?" Kurt said as he felt Mike lean forward and start kissing his jawline.

Tinas fingers were tracing patterns on his chest and his shirt was hiked up high enough that Mikes hands were kneeing into the soft flesh of his stomach. Kurt stood rigid for a moment until he relaxed into their hold.

Between Mikes arms around him and his lips on his jaw, and Tinas fingertips raising goosebumps all over his body he felt like putty in their hands. Tina moved forward and captured his lips as Mike pulled Kurts collar aside to expose his shoulder and started kissing him there.

Kurt let out a little whimper as Mikes finger slipped under the waistband of his jeans. They didnt go far but he started moving them, rubbing lightly across the fine hairs on the skin right above Kurts erection. Tina was kissing him deeply now, moving her tongue against his own. He was trapped between the duel body heat of Mike and Tina and his own body was responding.

Tinas breast were pressed against him and his cock was pressed maddeningly against her hip. She sighed into the next kiss as Mikes hands went down his pants a little further and he continued sucking hickies into the smooth curve between Kurts shoulder and neck.

Kurts knees sagged and Mike held him against his body as Tina brought up a hand to cup Kurts face and deepen their kiss just the way Blaine often did. Kurts cock twitched at the thought of Blaine and then his whole body froze up.

"Stop." Kurt hummed against Tinas lips. "Stop." He said again more forcefully and pushed Tina away as he took a step away from Mike.

Mike and Tina were looking at him with confusion.

"Blaine." Kurt said as an explanation.

Mike shrugged. "He could join us too I guess."

"Oh yes please!" Tina replied with a huge smile.

Kurt pictured it for just a moment before he shook his head to clear the image. "No. No no no."

Kurt didnt make any further explanation before he took one last long look at Tinas kiss-swollen lips and Mikes long fingers before he squeezed his eyes shut and made himself leave the closet.

People were in the hallway again between classes and he glanced at the clock on the wall to see it was already time for Glee club. He tried to maneuver around people as he made his way to the choir room, but he still felt a hand slide across his ass and someone actually quickly cupped his crouch. Kurt realized he wasnt carrying a book anymore and wondered at what point hed lost his things... and his mind!


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