Loving Him Is Red
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Loving Him Is Red: Chapter 1

K - Words: 1,336 - Last Updated: Nov 11, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Oct 31, 2012 - Updated: Nov 11, 2012
527 0 8 0 0

"Yeah, hang on. My break's in 5 minutes." Kurt shouted through to one of his co-workers at . It had been 4 months since he'd spoken to Blaine; the other boy had called and texted obsessively until a few weeks ago and it seemed he had given up. He felt bad for ignoring him for so long but he still wasn't sure whether he could deal with what had happened yet. His Blaine had promised to be with him forever; he'd promised him. This coming from the guy who flipped out because I was texting one guy.

Kurt smoothed down his new black military jacket and smiled, it was Christmas break soon and Finn would finally be able to come and see him although neither of them had mentioned Kurt's roommate who Finn was very estranged with.
"Kurt, there's a guy at the door and he's really cute." One of his new best friends at Vogue shouted; Jay. He'd quickly learned that Jay was also gay and had a thing for someone at their workplace whose name was still a mystery.
"Hilarious Jay." He scowled at his friend then got up, usually the hottie was their creepy mailman or the strange perverted photographer who seemed to have taken to Kurt a little too kindly. The older man gave Kurt a wink then smirked as he got back to his column.

The "guy" in question was sat patiently in the lavish reception area, a letter clutched in his hands along with a single red rose. The man looked very boyish in the way that his posture was compromised, his usually gelled hair was curly and unkempt and he looked like he hadn't slept for weeks. Kurt took one look at the man and raised a hand to his mouth in shock. He wasn't supposed to turn up here. He hurt him and Kurt was supposed to be the one in control of what happened now.
"Kurt. I wrote a letter incase you didn't want to listen." The man finally said and confirmed his suspicions. He stood and looked at Kurt, in that way. The way he used to when he'd forgotten to pick up Kurt's coffee, or he couldn't come to see Kurt from Dalton in the earlier days. He held out the letter to him and seemed slightly happier when the pale boy took it and put it in his pocket.
"I'm on a break. There's a coffee shop nearby." Was all Kurt said as he wrung his hands together, something he'd developed when he was stressed. "How have you been?" Kurt finally began quietly after they'd got their coffees and were sat at a private booth near the window.
"Alright, I suppose, I've been busy with Grease and Sectionals. Other than that then yeah, I've been busy." Blaine said, stopping occasionally to take sips of his drink. Kurt did notice that he wouldn't look at him though.
"Me too, I've been working on my music video thing and it's been really manic."
"That's really good, Kurt. I'm really glad you're getting where you want to be." He said and finally looked at the love of his life. He reached forward to place a hand on his, remembering how they'd done so many times before. "I came here to talk to you because I really hope we can still be friends. I know I was an idiot and I've never been sorrier in my entire life. My parents are away for the Christmas holiday and I wondered whether I could spend some time here with you and Rachel?"
"That's really up to Rachel." Kurt shrugged and checked his phone for any new messages. "I have this weekend off so I finish work in a few hours, Rachel's at the apartment how about you stay the weekend and we can talk it over?" he asked once he'd put his phone back in his pocket with an exasperated sigh. He thought he hated Blaine for what he did, but seeing him in the flesh was making his resolve crumble.

Blaine ended up taking a taxi to Rachel and Kurt's apartment, smiling briefly as Rachel welcomed him happily with open arms before frowning. He should of known that Rachel was his friend, but she was foremost Kurt's best friend and he was the guy that had broken her best friend's heart.
"I'm sorry. How bad was it?" he asked, embarrassed as he looked at her and then down at the floor.
"2 weeks of solid crying and a small amount of drinking, nothing we couldn't handle." She said curtly and went back to preparing what looked like spaghetti Bolognese. He wondered how she had taken the break up with Finn, seeing him back at McKinley was a shock; even more so when he'd found out the nature of his visit.
"I still love him, Rach. I tried to make this thing with Eli work but it turned out I was just another notch on his bedpost which I really should have seen coming." He began again once he'd thought about what he wanted to say after a long silence. "I need to have him back. I need him. I didn't think it'd be this bad but I haven't eaten in days, I haven't had a proper night's sleep in what feels like months and I just can't stand being in Ohio, thinking that maybe he's moved on to someone closer, someone who won't break his heart the second he's out the door." Rachel finally turned around and embraced her friend, stroking his unruly curls while he sobbed into her shoulder. She needed to think of a way of helping Blaine, that wouldn't upset Kurt and make him feel betrayed.

Kurt walked into the apartment, a half hour after he was supposed to have finished and collapsed on their sofa. He'd almost forgotten about Blaine until he saw him come from their bathroom, hair damp and curly; he looked slightly healthier which was the main thing.
"Rachel and I made spaghetti." He said simply and looked in the oven to remove the large saucepan. He separated out the portions and called Rachel back from her bedroom where she was trying to give the pair some space. She walked in and hugged Kurt like she did every day when he came back from work.

"Blaine was telling me that he'd love to stay here over Christmas break and that he's applied to NYU for a Music Performance course. I think it'd be nice for him to experience New York before he hopefully moves here in 6 months." Rachel said when they'd all finished eating and were sat there in an awkward silence.
"I've applied for early admissions so I might be here sooner, but we'll have to see where that goes." He explained and was surprised when Rachel left the room again for her bedroom.
"I've got a date type thing with Brody tonight so it'll just be you guys tonight." She informed them whilst looking for her shoes. She was ready and out of the apartment just half an hour later and Kurt and Blaine had just finished putting the things away from dinner. Blaine leant over Kurt to put away the clean plates and Kurt held his breath, he could smell the essence of what was purely Blaine and it was always something he had loved. He looked down at Blaine just as he too had turned his attention to Kurt. Blaine's eyes softened as he looked at him, resisting the urge to touch the alabaster silk skin that he used to be able to caress whenever he felt the need to.

"Do you think we could go on a date Kurt, even if you hate it and it's our last date ever? I just want to leave things on a happy note with you." Blaine said, his eyes silently pleading the other boy. He could see that Kurt was torn in his decision and waited with baited breath. Kurt took a deep breath and thought over the pro's and con's quickly. He was the love of my life; but he broke my heart. He broke everything.

End Notes:

So guys, after the hideous Break Up episode (hideous in it's events not writing) I thought I would write my idea of what happened/ should happen next. Not sure how much I'll do with this story or how often. It kind of depends on the response I get.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas.




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OMG WHAT DID KURT SAY OMG.AHHHH.BUT OMG I LOVED IT!!I like the stories that are really real, and you can imagine it acctually happen <3so thankss xx

Thank you VERY MUCH, personally as a writer of fan fiction i feel that someone saying that the story has realism is the biggest compliment!You'll see what he says soon enough ;)KBxo

Thank you!More coming very soon!KBxo

Great start. I would love to read more of this.

Poor boys. Bet the gay guy where Kurt works likes him =P But he hasn't said so. Not bad so far. Would love to read more. =^-^= I love drama so the longer it takes for them to get together and the more bumps in the road the better. lol

Yeah, in the past i've been one to limit the drama because i'm a big fan of happy Klaine. Haha.Keep an eye out, second chapter should be up today ;)KBxo

I really like this and I like that Rachel is being supportive of both Kurt and Blaine. I would definitely read future chapters if you chose to write them. I know what you mean about the episode, it was well written but I hate that they had Blaine hurt him the way he did. I still believe that they belong together and I hope that the writers will make them happy again soon.

Me too! I can't believe after the rant about Kurt texting Chandler that Blaine would do something like that!2nd & 3rd chapters are on their way!Thanks for your thoughts.KBxo