May 30, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 30, 2014, 7 p.m.
Blaine crawled out into the open mall, he automatically looked around checking to make sure that there wasnt any gunmen around. They reached the other side of the mall, crawling around a large wall that would hide them from anyone that may walk by.
"Where do you want to go?" Blaine said sitting against the wall.
"I dont know, I think that we should go somewhere where there are loads of places to hide, like a furniture store or something," Kurt suggested almost below a whisper.
Blaine nodded. "Yeah, good idea," he said looking around the corner again. He brought his head back quickly and his eyes widened.
"Simon, that guy, he walking back towards the coffee store," he said peaking around the wall again so that he could see Simon walking to the coffee shop door, but not enough that he would be caught if he were to look this way.
He watched as he pushed the coffee shop door open and walked inside.
He didnt know how he was going to react when he found out that they werent in there but he was about to find out.
Simon came storming back out of the coffee shop looking left and right. He probably didnt expect that they would run.
Then he ran back the way that he had come from, he took his chance turning to Kurt.
"I think a furniture store is a good idea, do you know where the closest one is?" he said quickly.
Kurt nodded his head. "There one on the second floor, just up those stairs," Kurt pointed to a set of stairs that he hadnt noticed before.
He walked toward them making sure that Kurt stayed a fair way apart from him, so that if he got caught it would give him the chance to escape.
He reached the stair case, slowly stepping up the steps and advancing to the top slowly.
Once he had reached the top he put out is hand, signalling for Kurt to stop moving. He stuck his head out in to the second floor open corridor; he took a deep breath and walked out into the open.
There wasnt anyone there; he looked at Kurt gesturing for him to follow him.
"Where is it?" Blaine asked looking around to see if he could see it.
"Just there," Kurt said pointing to a rather large store on the opposite side if the second floor.
"Ok lets go," Blaine walked slowly with his back facing the wall; he didnt want anyone sneaking up on them.
They surprisingly made it to the furniture store without a hitch.
Kurt walked in front of him and pushed the door to the furniture store, it didnt budge.
"Shit, they must have closed before they took over this place," Kurt said moving so that he was next to Blaine.
"Damn it!" Blaine whispered strongly.
"Where do we go now? We could go back," Kurt suggested and Blaine shook his head.
"No that place doesnt have enough places to hide, if they go back in there then we will be found quickly," Blaine panicked looking around frantically. "Isnt there another entrance to this place?" He asked.
He watched as Kurt thought about it. "No but I think that we should try to break in here, its got a traditional lock it will be easy to break or pick," he said going into his pockets.
Blaine did the same he knew that Kurt was looking for something to pick the lock of the door. He pulled out a couple of hair pins.
"What about these?" He said handing them to Kurt and he bends down by the door and started to pick the lock.
"Why do you have hair pins Blaine?" Kurt asked quietly.
"Theyre my mums, she asked me to hold them and I forgot to give them back, its good thing that I forgot".
After a while, just as Blaine was about to give up and tell Kurt to stop, the door gave a satisfying click and Kurt pushed the door making it swing open.
Kurt looked at him and his eyebrow rose. "Where did you learn to do that?" He asked as they both entered the store shutting the door behind them slowly so that it didnt make a sound.
"Just thought that it would come in handy one day to know how to do it," Kurt smirked looking proud of what he had just done.
Blaine smiled; he thought that it was cute.
"Lets find somewhere comfortable," Blaine said still smiling walking further into the store with Kurt just behind him this time. Hopefully they wont get caught in here.
They waked straight to the bed section.
"You want to hide out under a bed?" Blaine giggled looking at all of the different beds.
"Yeah, you want separate beds or do you want to hide under the same one?" Kurt asked and he turned to look at him.
"Under the same one of course," Blaine winked and watched as Kurt turned red.
Blaine laughed. "No, it just so that if they come in, we know where each other are and its easier to protect each other that way".
Kurt nodded waking along all of the different beds.
"So, which one?" Kurt asked. "You can choose," Blaine replied following him.
"What about this one?" Kurt said sitting on a big double bed, with a large oak back board.
Blaine nodded. "Nice, unlucky that we cant sleep on top of it," Blaine said walking across the other side of the room and grabbing two pillow off of another bed.
He walked back and handed one to Kurt before dropping to his knees.
"Cool, theres plenty of room for both of us under there," he said laying down in his front and shuffling under the bed, followed by Kurt who did the same.
For a while they just laid there on their backs facing the bottom of the bed, in silence.
They kept hearing voices go past the furniture store, so they thought it would be better to stay silent for a while.
He wanted to know if anything was happening on the outside. Like are the police doing anything to get them out? Or do they even know yet? He assumed they did but he wasnt sure how long it was going to take, especially if they knew guns were involved.
Blaine sighed and turned to Kurt, taking his hand, he didnt pull away.
At least Im not alone, he thought.