In an Alternate Galaxy
The Empire Strikes Back Part 1 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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June 1, 2012, 2:39 p.m.

In an Alternate Galaxy: The Empire Strikes Back Part 1

T - Words: 10,243 - Last Updated: Jun 01, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 6/? - Created: Nov 25, 2011 - Updated: Jun 01, 2012
843 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Sorry for the wait!!Star Wars/Glee crossover/fusion Story 2 Part 1Star Wars belongs to George Lucas, Glee and its characters belong to RIB and Fox. The rest of this weirdness belong to my brain.Unbeta'd and most likely full of tense errors...because I have no beta. :/ I apologize in advance for nonsensicalness and I encourage you to call me out on any errors you may find. This chapter is the first installment of The Empire Strikes Back
Despite their victory, the Rebels weren't out of the dark yet. Right after the celebration they had to quickly pack up and flee, for the Empire was already on their tail. The Rebels split up and fled to various safe settlements scattered throughout the galaxy. Although Kurt and Rory needed to leave, they somehow ended up traveling with both Rachel and Blaine on their Rebel missions. With the pressure of bounty hunters and the Empire, Kurt and Rory never got their chance to pay their debts. After months of running, the Rebels set up a new base on Hoth, a remote, barely inhabited, snow covered planet. Everything was finally settled and Kurt thought this would be the perfect time to leave. Little did they know, Lady Corcoran had sent thousands of remote probes out in space in order to find the Rebels' new base as well as the newest young Jedi.


One of the Imperial probes finally made its way to Hoth, landing like a small meteorite. A small robot emerged, sensors out, as it scanned the planet’s surface.


Rachel and Kurt, bundled up for the snow, rode around the icy terrain, each on their own Tauntauns, large, biped, snow lizards. Rachel had a knee length white coat, a fur lined hat, warm khaki pants and knee high white boots. Kurt wore a dark, fitted, fur-lined, hooded winter coat, grey pants, with light boots over them.

After a long patrol Rachel stopped at the sight of smoke. She removed her goggles and replaced them with electrobinoculars. She traced the smoke to where the probe had just landed. Rachel pushed her sleeve up so she could talk into her comlink.

“Star to Porcelain, Star to Porcelain. Do you read me?”

“Just because General Sylvester calls me that, doesn’t mean you get to.” Kurt grumbled through his own comlink.”

Rachel ignored him. “I said, do you read me?”

Kurt rolled his eyes. “Loud and clear as usual. Finish your patrol?”

“Yeah...I didn’t pick up any life readings” Rachel kept starring at the smoke in the distance.

“Of course not. What could possibly survive on his ice cube of a planet.”

“I though you liked snow?”

“Snow, yes. Running around in temperatures way below freezing, not so much. I’ve finished with my patrol and I am going back to base.”

“Okay...I think a meteorite struck nearby. I’m gonna check it out before I head in.”

“Suit yourself.”

Rachel shut off the comlink and pulled her sleeve back down. Her Tauntaun started to get uneasy.

“Whoa there, girl. You alright?” Rachel patted the snow lizard’s head.

Before Rachel could pull her goggles back on, a creature snuck up behind her, casting a huge shadow. Rachel gasped and grabbed for her pistol, but the monster was faster and knocked her out with a single blow. The monster was at least eleven feet tall, furry, and white. It grabbed Rachel’s ankle and dragged off in the opposite direction of the base.


Kurt rode back into the base into the hanger that held all the rebel ships including his own, Pav. Rebel troopers ran about the hanger unloading supplies and tending to the ships. Kurt jumped the Tauntaun with grace as one of the Rebels took its reigns and led it away. He pulled off his hood and goggles, shook his head, letting his hair fluff a little. He walked towards his ship, taking off his long gloves and dodged several more Rebel troopers and droids as they ran around. He stopped in front of the Millennium Warbler, where Rory was busy welding.

“Hey Rore, How’s it going?” Kurt looked up at him.

Rory pulled off his hood, lifted his face mask and looked down at him. “Could use some help. You done with all that patrollin’?”

“Yeah. I’ll be back in a minute.” Kurt walked off towards the main command center.

Rory rolled his eyes. “Yeah sure...” and he went back to work.

The command center was even more crowded filled with commanders, droids, equipment, several military personal, and Prince Blaine. He was dressed in white, as usual, a hooded, down vest over a long sleeved jacket, with white pants, and almost silver, grey winter boots. Kurt didn’t make eye contact, but Blaine watched him subtly as he walked straight over to General Sylvester.

“Porcelain?” She glanced up from her console.

Kurt ignored the name. “Scans were negative, General, but all the sensors are in place. They should tell us if anything living is even out there.”

“What about Skywalker?”

Kurt shook his head. “Negative, last I heard she went to check out some meteor near her.”

“Mmm...” Sylvester agreed and pointed at the radar screen. “Look at all this meteor activity. It’s gonna be damn near impossible to spot any ships.”

“I have to leave.” Kurt blurts before he can stop himself.

General Sylvester looked up. “I’m sorry to hear that, Porcelain. Nothing I can do to change your mind?”

Blaine moved closer to hear the conversation better.

“Look,” Kurt sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “It’s not that I don’t want to stay...I mean I told you about the price on my head. I’ve got to pay off Jabba before one of his lackeys kills me.”

Blaine’s face fell and he turned away.

General Sylvester put an arm on Kurt’s shoulder. “I wish I could help, but a death mark’s not something I can do much about. You’re talented Porcelain. I hate to lose you.”

Kurt forced a half smile. “Thanks, General Sylvester.”

Becky walked over to their console. “General? You’re needed.”

“Be there in a sec, Becky.” She nodded to Kurt, glanced at Blaine and followed Becky away from them.

Kurt closed his eyes and took a breath, he would have to walk past Blaine on his way out. He had tried to have this conversation so many times over the past few months, but they never had a chance to finish it properly. He walked to where Blaine was sitting with his back turned, half expecting Kurt not to say goodbye.

“I guess this is it, eh, Eyebrows?” Kurt put his hands in his pockets and looked at his feet.

Blaine turned around in his chair, and Kurt looked up only to be greeted with the hurt in Blaine’s eyes.

“I guess so.” Blaine tried hard to keep emotion out of his voice and he came off as cold and distant forcing Kurt’s walls back up.

“Don’t get all sentimental on my account.” Kurt turned to leave. “So long, Blaine.” Kurt muttered and quickly left the command center.

Blaine groaned in frustration and ran after him. “Kurt!” Emotion was back in his voice and Kurt could hear the worry.

Kurt stared at the ceiling, his fists clenching at his sides as he forced the tears away. He turned around, sarcastic barrier up and ready. “Yes, your highness?” Kurt half-bowed.

Blaine ignored his tone. “I thought you were going to stay?”

Kurt rolled his eyes. “I thought I told you about the price on my head or did the bounty hunters we ran into slip your mind?”

“You can’t just leave Kurt. I...we need you here.”

“We?” Kurt swallowed hoping for a sign of something more from Blaine.

Blaine thought for a moment, but nodded. “Yes. We. You’re a talented fighter and leader. The Rebels could use a man like you.” It wasn’t a lie, Blaine told himself, but it wasn’t the whole truth either.

“The Rebels could use...” Kurt shook his head and let out a dry laugh. “Well you tell your Rebels that they’ll be down two men.” Kurt turned around and practically ran down the corridor towards the main hanger.


F1NN and Q were walking down another corridor towards the main hanger in a heated discussion.

Q beeped furiously. “I told you not to touch the temperature gauge! In fact, I told you not to touch any buttons on the thermal heater whatsoever, but do you listen? No.”

“I was just trying to help. Prince Blaine’s chamber was freezing.”

“We are on an ice planet , it’s supposed to be freezing!” Q was practically glowing red.

“Okay, okay! I’m sorry!” F1NN put his hands up in surrender.

“Ugh F1NN, come on!”


A few minutes later, they entered the main hanger to find Kurt running around like a mad man, arguing with Rory.

“Rore! We are trying to leave, why are to taking this apart?” Kurt pointed at Rory’s work and steam hissed out.

“You know what the cold does to the ship, it’s not like we have to leave right this second. I figured you’d want to stay with...everyone a bit longer.”

Kurt glared at him.

F1NN tried to get Kurt’s attention, “Hey, um Kurt?”

Kurt was right next to Rory and whispered angrily in his ear. “I know what you are up to Rory. Do not try and play matchmaker.” He raised his voice back to a normal level. “And put him back together. Now.”

“Umm Kurt. Hey! Uh I...can we talk to you for a sec?” F1NN stood in Kurt’s path.

“What?” It came out harsher and angrier than Kurt intended. “Sorry, what do you want?”

“Well umm Blaine’s been trying to get a hold of you on the com-”

“I turned it off.” Kurt crossed his arms. “He’s just going to try and convince me to stay, and I, for one, am quite sick of it.”

Q nudged F1NN. “Just tell him.”

“Oh uh right, well Blaine’s been wondering about Rachel, actually we’re all kind of worried. She hasn’t come back yet.” F1NN looked to Kurt expectantly.

“What? I don’t know where she is.” Kurt shrugged.

“That’s the one does.” F1NN said solemnly.

“No one?” Kurt repeated. He glanced towards the entrance, it was getting dark and fast. Kurt anger and annoyance had now faded to worry and he ran over to a short officer with large curly hair. It took Kurt a minute to remember his name. “Hey! uh Jacob?”

F1NN followed Kurt, still trying to talk to him. “Hey wait what is--” Q reached out with her retractable arm and covered F1NN’s mouth.

Jacob turned to Kurt, surprised. “Yes?”

“Have you seen Rachel?”

Jacob’s eyes widened. “Rachel? as in Rachel Skywalker?”

Kurt rolled his eyes. “No the other Rachel. Of course Rachel Skywalker!”

Jacob jumped back and shook his head. “No I haven’t.” At the of Kurt’s anger Jacob offered another answer. “She might have come through a different entrance though.”

Kurt groaned. “Is there any way you can check? It’s almost nightfall and she could still be out there.”

F1NN finally managed to pull Q’s arm away. “Kurt! Wait what’s going on?”

Kurt was already running off towards the main entryway.

Q beeped at F1NN. “I think Rachel’s in trouble, F1NN. Come on we’ve got to do something.” They followed after him


Jacob ran over to Kurt as soon as he entered the main tunnel.

“Rachel hasn’t come through any of the entrances, but she could have forgotten to check in.”

Kurt shook his head, “Rachel? Forget to check in? Not very likely.” Kurt glanced around, F1NN and Q were walking towards him. “Are any of the speeders ready?”

Jacob shook his head. “They aren’t exactly meant for this kind of weather.”

“Great. Guess I’ll be going out on a Tauntaun.” Kurt groaned. He really did not like the beasts.

“Kurt, wait!” F1NN caught up, almost tripping. “Q’s been analyzing stuff and the temperature is dropping too fast.”

“I don’t leave people behind.” With a swift jump Kurt mounted a Tauntaun and rode out into the freezing terrain.

“But...”F1NN called but Kurt was gone. “You could die...” He turned to Q. “What do we do?”

Q stared out into the quickly darkening sky. “All we can do now is wait.”


Rachel hung from her ankles, a bit of blood frozen on her face. The groan of the monster echoed through the large ice cave. Rachel stirred, barely managing to open her eyes. She groaned and shivered realizing where she was.

She twisted as best she could with her ankles frozen in the ceiling. All around her were the bones of dead animals and the ominous growls of the monster as it ate her Tauntaun. She pulled herself up to reach her ankles, digging and scratching at the ice, but it was no use. She dropped back to hanging and noticed her lightsaber, next to the rest of her gear well out of her reach. She stared at the saber then closed her eyes and reached for it. The saber started to shake and inch towards her, she could hear the creature approaching.

At the last possible second, the saber flew into her hand and instinct took over. She cut herself loose from the ice, landed in an almost graceful heap on the snow, and quickly turned and sliced off the arm of the monster. Rachel had no time to think about harming animals as she ran out of the cave, the beast's howls of pain fading behind her.

Rachel had no idea where she was, or where the base was. Everything was white, snowy, white and freezing. Her run soon turned to a walk and then to a miserable crawl through the cold snow before her. Eventually her strength gave and she couldn't move any longer.


Kurt rushed around on his Tauntaun, trying to retrace Rachel’s last steps. Every once and a while he’d stop and scan with his set of electrobinoculars, but so far he found nothing.


Back at the base, Q hovered by the main entrance, scanners out, at full range. F1NN walked up to her, solemn. “Q...I don’t there there’s anything we can do...”

“We can’t just stand here and do nothing!” Her hovering stuttered in the cold.

“Q, the cold is freezing my joints and effecting your hovering. Come on. We can watching the scanners in the main room.”

Q reluctantly agreed and followed F1NN back inside, with one quick glance back at the entrance.


Rory paced around the Millennium Warbler, while Blaine at chewing on his thumb, both of them glancing towards the entrance every couple seconds. F1NN and Q slowly make their way towards them from the entryway.

A young girl with a blonde ponytail quickly walked towards one of the officers in the room.


An tan, slender officer, with black hair pulled back in a ponytail, turned around, her hard expression softening at the sight of the blonde and her solemn face. “What’s wrong Brit?”

Brit glanced back at Blaine and Rory then to Santana. “The patrols are all in. They said there was no contact from Kurt or Rachel...”

“Uh Blaine?” F1NN watched his distant expression as they walked up to him. “Q’s scanners didn’t pick up anything, but her range isn’t as strong as the main scanners. Maybe we should go watch them?”

Blaine stared off into the distance, and nodded, still lost in his own thoughts. He couldn’t bear to lose either of them. Rory eventually stopped pacing and sat with Blaine letting him lean against him for comfort.

Santana and Brittany walked over to them. “Sorry, Blaine, but we can’t do anything else tonight. We’ve gotta get the shield doors closed. Don’t worry so much your lover’ll be just fine. She’s pretty tough.”

Blaine wasn’t functioning enough to correct her, on either accounts, he simply nodded again.

Santana turned to Brittany. “Tell them to close the door for me?”

Brittany nodded. “You want to come with me?” She held out her hand. Santana smiled, took it and they walked off.

Rory sighed next to Blaine and put an arm around him. “They’ll be ok. They just have to be...”

Even though Blaine couldn’t understand him, his tone, and arm were comforting.

Q beeped quickly with sadness and anger. “How can he say that? Their odds of survival are seven hundred and seventy five to one!”

F1NN turned to her quickly. “Don’t say things like that! They will be fine!”

Rory and Blaine stare at the doors as they close, both desperately hoping, Kurt and Rachel are alright.

F1NN turned to them to offer comfort. “Don’t worry guys. Kurt and Rachel are pretty clever humans, they’ll be ok.”

Q rolled her eyes at him in disagreement.


Rachel was covered with a light layer of snow, lying face down, almost unconscious. A voice echoed in her head. “Rachel...Rachel...” She used what little strength she had to look up. She stared, it was Brad, he bluer, more transparent, but it was definitely Brad.

She momentarily wondered if she was dead. “Brad?”

“Rachel. You need to go to the Dagobah system.” His voiced echoed.

“What? Dagobah?”

“There you will learn from Yoda, my Jedi Master. Don’t worry Rachel, help is on the way.” His image faded but his voiced echoed one last time. “Remember. Yoda, Dagobah system.” and he was gone.

“Brad...wait...” Rachel groaned weakly. She stared at the place Brad once stood, another figure slowly approached. It was Kurt, on his Tauntaun. Rachel barely registered his presence before her head collapsed back down to the ground.

“Rachel!” Kurt jumped off his Tauntaun and pulled Rachel into his lap. “Rachel! Come on! Don’t you dare die on me!” He slapped her face lightly, but firmly. “Rachel give me a sign here!” He rubbed at her arms trying to warm her up. Kurt heard a soft thud and turned around to see his Tauntaun collapsed to the ground. “Oh lovely.”

Kurt picked up Rachel and walked her over towards, his now dead, Tauntaun. Rachel twitched a bit in his grasp. “Stay with me, Rach.”

Rachel began to mutter incoherently. “Brad...Brad...”

“Don’t go joining him just yet, Rachel. You’re still alive.” He set her down next to the stomach of the Tauntaun


“ you lost me.” Kurt shook his head and used Rachel’s lightsaber to cut the beast’s stomach open. “Ugh, this is worse than the trash compacter.” He did what he can about the Tauntaun’s insides and then started to push Rachel inside.

“She’d kill me, if she knew I was doing this.” Kurt muttered. “But it’ll keep you warm, till I can build the shelter.” He gave a final push and Rachel was snugly wrapped in dead Tauntaun. “You know if you take away the smell, add a few buttons, you might have a nice coat.” Kurt walked to the back of the Tauntaun and removed the shelter pack. “The things I do for you people.” He muttered to himself, silently grateful, he had found Rachel alive.


Blaine, Rory, Q and F1NN were the only ones left in the main control room. Blaine sat huddled in a blanket, near Rory, who was wearing more fur than usual. He how had a fur hat, a long sleeved fur jacket and fur gloves. Q was shut down in the corner, in order to keep her from worrying herself into a literal meltdown and F1NN paced around the main scan board in the center of the room.

“F1NN?” Blaine startled him out of his pacing.


“Can you come here and translate for me?”

F1NN walked over and sat near Rory and Blaine and translated the necessary parts of the conversation.

“How long have you know them?” Blaine directed his question to Rory.

“Them? Well we met Rachel shortly before you did. Picked her up on Tatooine. I’ve known Kurt since we were kids...well since he was a kid. My kind age differently.”

“Oh I know Rachel’s life story. She sat me down and told it to me on one of our longer trips through space...I’m curious about Kurt.”

Rory laughed and stretched, silencing a shiver. “Yeah. Kurt’s a curious one alright, but his is not my story to tell.”

Blaine looked a bit disappointed, but he understood. “Can you tell me how you met?”

Rory thought for a minute, “Yes, I s’pose I could.” Rory took a breath wondering where to begin. “Well, I think it was about thirteen years ago...Kurt would have been eight. Now I don’t want to reveal his past without his permission. He thinks I have a temper, but you should see his.”

Rory shook his head and Blaine managed a laugh. “I guess the most detail I can give you, is that he saved my life the day I met him. Some nasty Imperial guards were gettin’ a bit too rough. They didn’t like my kind, they couldn’t understand my language. I could barely understand them, but Kurt knew my language. He could understand me. The guards were usin’ some high tech electric weapon of theirs, takin’ it a bit too far, when Kurt came to my rescue. He spoke to me in my native tongue and I was so relieved to have someone. I’d been a prisoner of sorts traveling with these Imperials before we landed on Kurt’s home planet. It had been years since I had someone to talk to...”

Rory cleared his throat. “Long story short he nursed me back to health as best he could, taught me his language. I’m still unable to speak it, but I can understand it just fine now. We got ahold of Pavarotti and we’ve been friends and copilots ever since.” Rory purposely left out a slew of details, but even if Kurt wanted to talk about them, there were things in Rory’s past that he preferred to forget, too.

Blaine nodded, “Kurt’s got a big heart doesn’t he?”

It was only when Rory chuckled that Blaine realized he had said it out loud. “Yeah, it’s still somewhere in there.” Rory patted Blaine’s knee and got up.

“Where are you going?” Blaine looked after him.

“I’m not used to just sitting around. I’m gonna work on Pav some more.” Rory waved and left.

F1NN joined Q and powered down. Blaine eventually fell asleep leaning over the scanner.


At first light, a squad of speeders were dispatched to check the area. Santana was among the four pilots. She flew low and kept an eye on her scanners. A low beep went off a moment later. She spoke into her headset. “I think something’s here. Could be Porcelain and Blabbermouth”

“Try to be professional over the com, Sandbags.” General Sylvester snapped at her.

Santana rolled her eyes. “This is Snix. Kurt? Rachel? You out there?”


Santana continued flying towards the marker on her scanner.

“Nice of you to stop by Satan-Santana.” Kurt’s voice rang through the com an obvious smirk on his face.

Santana spoke into her headset making sure to transmit back to the base as well as the other pilots. "Echo base, I found them. You can stop freaking out and come over to my location. I can't fit both their damn egos in my speeder."

Back at the base Blaine jumped with excitement and hugged Rory, as they heard the news. F1NN and Q were relieved and she finally stopped her hover pacing.


Another speeder accompanied Santana as they brought Rachel and Kurt back to the base. Rachel was immediately taken to the medical center, while Blaine and Rory rushed to greet them.

Rory grabbed Kurt in a tight hug. “Ow, Rore. I’m fine.” Kurt patted his arm and pulled free. “Thanks Santana.” Kurt half saluted her. She smirked and nodded in reply, then was dragged off by Brittany who gave Kurt a smile before they disappeared.

Blaine stood timidly behind Rory, unsure if it was okay to hug Kurt, especially since their last conversation didn’t end well. They make eye contact. Blaine expression was apologetic, but also filled relief. He managed a small smile. Kurt glanced away, but couldn’t help meeting Blaine’s gaze again. He simply nodded.


They all gathered in the medical room. Rachel was suspended in a tank to help with her hypothermia among other things. Blaine paced around the room while Kurt leaned against the wall calmly. Rory stood by his side trying to get Kurt to talk, but he was to busy watching Blaine.

“Do you think she’ll be alright?” Blaine asked no one in particular.

Kurt sighed, a bit jealous of how much Blaine seemed to care about Rachel. He felt a bit guilty especially since Rachel was currently unconscious, but he had been out there in the freezing cold too. In fact, he willingly went out to save Rachel, but no one had even thanked him.

“You know he was just as worried about you, if not more, yesterday.” Rory muttered in Kurt’s ear.

He stared at Rory in disbelief. “What?”

“She’s awake!!” Blaine interrupted their conversation. Rachel had finally opened her eyes and they prepared to remove her from the tank. Blaine rushed over and grabbed Kurt’s arm. “Come on! She’s awake!” Kurt let Blaine drag him into the recovery room, Rory trailed behind them.


Rachel sat in a bed, blankets over her lap. She looked weak, and she had small bandages over the cuts on her face. F1NN and Q bursted into the room.

“Rachel! You’re ok!” F1NN tried to hug her in her seated position. “Q and I were worried.”

“Was not.” Q huffed.

Rachel laughed at them.

“Rachel!” Blaine rushed in. “How are you feeling?”

Rachel sighed a bit. “I’m alive. Thanks to Kurt, here.” Rachel turned to face Kurt, who had looked over at the mention of his name. “Thank you, Kurt.”

Kurt smiled. “That’s two you owe, me now.”

Rachel laughed.

“I know we should make sure she’s better, but if you want to leave we should get the ship ready.” Rory said quietly to Kurt.

He turned to Rachel. “Rory here hopes you’re feeling better too. We’re gonna check on Pav. I seem to remember trying to leave yesterday.” Kurt gave Rachel a one handed hug and left with Rory.

Blaine settled himself on a chair by Rachel’s bedside, staring at the empty doorway.


“Hmm?” He turned back to Rachel.

“Were you really that worried?”

Blaine nodded and took her hands. It was weird. He felt like he had an odd connection with her, different than his connection with Kurt. ”Of course I was. You could have died out there.”

“So you really care about me?” Rachel’s eyes lit up. She had felt the strange connection too ever since, she saw his message on Q’s projection.

Blaine laughed. “Of course Rachel.” Suddenly their faces were really close and Rachel was staring at him then his lips. “Oh no.” Blaine thought.


Meanwhile Kurt just got news that he couldn’t leave. “No good deed goes unpunished.” He muttered to himself. General Sylvester had decided that no ships were allowed to leave the entire system until the energy shields could be activated. Kurt and Rory made their way back to the recovery room to tell the rest of the gang they’d be staying for a while longer. Kurt heard Blaine’s voice as he approached, “Of course Rachel.”

Before Blaine could pull away Rachel squeezed his hands and closed the space between them with a kiss. F1NN and Q stared in shock, neither of them able to move to leave.

Kurt stopped in his tracks in the doorway and stared. Blaine’s eyes were open wide in shock and he met Kurt’s hurt gaze in the split second of horrible timing that Rachel chose to kiss him. From Kurt’s point of view Blaine had just said “Of course” and now he was kissing Rachel. The small hope Kurt had about his chances with Blaine disappeared.

Blaine stared at Kurt in horror, not because he saw, but because Rachel was assaulting his mouth. He practically shoved her as he stood up and backed away from her. When he looked back up Kurt was gone.

Kurt ran right into Rory.

“Hey, whoa, what happened?”

Kurt’s eyes were near tears, his jaw clenched and his fists shaking at his sides. He shook his head. “Nothing.” he managed through gritted teeth.

“Kurt!” Blaine voice echoed through the corridor.

Kurt groaned and pushed passed Rory. “Tell him I’m busy or make something up I don’t want to talk to him right now.”

“You do realize he can’t understand me?”

Kurt waved his arms in annoyance. “I don’t care. Whatever!” He stalked off towards nowhere in particular.

“Have you seen Ku-” Blaine’s voice was cut off by the alarm.

Becky’s voice echoed through the base. “HQ personal report to command center.” Her voice continued with commands as Blaine tried to talk to Rory.

“Rory, where’s Kurt?”

Rory shook his head and motioned for Blaine to follow him. They were needed in the command center.

General Sylvester was waiting for them at a console screen, F1NN and Q were already inside.

“What’s going on?” Blaine walked over and looked at the screen, Rory at his side.

“Our sensors picked up something outside zone eleven, its moving slowly towards us.” General Sylvester traced its path with her finger.

Brittany looked up from her own control screen. “Scans say it’s metal.”

“Then it’s not what attacked Rachel...” Blaine thought for a moment.

“Is it a droid or a speeder?” F1NN offered.

“Wait!” Brittany put her hands to her headphones. “It’s’s really quiet though.” She hit a switch and the faint static hummed through the control room. They all turned to F1NN.

He listened for a moment then shrugged. “I’ve never heard a language like that. It’s not even close to any of our codes.”

General Sylvester groaned. “It’s probably Imperial.” She shut off the audio.

Rory muttered to F1NN and quickly left.

“He’s gonna go get Kurt and check it out.”

General Sylvester nodded and spoke in her com to Becky. “Send two speeders to accompany Captain Solo and Rory.”

“Roger that.”


The little Imperial probe droid flew around the icy tundra. Kurt and Rory each hid behind a ledge on either side of the droid, watching it. It raised it’s antenna to send another signal. Rory yelled to distract it and the droid fired at him, but the blasts hit the icy ledge. From behind the droid, Kurt jumped out and fired two precise shots, then hid behind his ledge as the droid exploded.

Kurt spoke into his com, “Whatever it was, it’s gone now.”

“What happened?” Blaine’s voice rang through.

“What was it?” General Sylvester spoke as well.

Kurt pointedly ignored Blaine. “It was some sort of droid. I only shot it twice, to disarm it. Must have self destructed.

“Just as I thought, Imperial Probe droid.” General Sylvester groaned.

“It sent out a signal before it blew up. Chances are, the Empire is already on its way.” Kurt sighed and looked at Rory. “This never ends.”

Back in the station, Genera Sylvester gave Becky the orders for evacuation. Luckily they hadn’t finished all of the unpacking and the Rebels quickly prepared to leave their base, yet again.


Lady Corcoran had reassembled an Imperial fleet, complete with new Star Destroyers and short range fighters. She walked through the main control room, her mere presence caused the crew to look up from their controls. She continued towards the main window and stopped to look out into space. A dark skinned, blonde woman and a shorter light haired, fair skinned general approached her.

“Admiral Hitchens.” Commander St. James stood from his controls to get the admiral’s attention.

She stopped in her tracks. “Yes? Commander?”

He looked at the screen then back to her. “We might have something, ma’am. One of the droids sent a fragment of the code, from the...” He looked back to the controls again. “Hoth system. It’s not much, but it’s the only lead we’ve got.”

Irritated, she crossed her arms. “Lead? There are thousands of those damn droids searching every inch of this galaxy. A lead is not good enough. We need proof.”

“The scans showed life readings, is that proof enough?” St. James tried hard to keep his tone professional. “Ma’am.” he quickly added.

“Humans aren’t the only life forms in the galaxy, Commander. It could have picked up any number of other things.” She shook her head.

“But the Hoth system is known for having little to no life. What are the chances the droid found the one bit of life on the planet?”

Lady Corcoran quickly strode over to the console, startling the nearby officers. “I hear you found something?”

St. James smiled a bit, “Yes, my lady.” He turned to the screen to reveal the short video captured by the droid, a perfect view of the Rebel Base. “The droid sent us this, shortly before it’s transmission was interrupted.”

Lady Corcoran stared at it intently. “That’s it, That’s the Rebel Base.” She spoke with confidence and finality but Admiral Hitchens dared to question her.

“Even if it the signal means human life, who says that it’s the rebels? It could be thieves, smugglers, criminals-”

“That.” Lady Corcoran leaned in close to Admiral Hitchens face, her defiant expression faltered immediately. “is the system. I am sure of it and on top of that I know that young Jedi, Skywalker, is with them.” She quickly turned to the chipper general next to Hitchens. “General Denham, prepare your squad.”

“Yes, my lady.” General Denham practically skipped away.

Lady Corcoran turned to Commander St. James. “Commander, set our course for the Hoth system.” She did not wait for a reply and flew out of the room.


Back at on Hoth, General Sylvester, and Becky sent orders over the loudspeaker, directing the Cheerios and other fighters to their stations as others prepared to evacuate. An alarmed continued to blare throughout the base, forcing everyone to rush around like crazy. In the middle of all the chaos, amongst the rows of armored speeders Kurt sat on top of the Millennium Warbler, doing some last minute repairs.

Kurt sighed and spoke into a com. “Okay Rory try it now.”

From the cockpit Rory started Pav up. The part Kurt was working on sparked a minor explosion, releasing smoke all around him.

“Turn it off!! Holy...Turn it off, Rory, OFF!!” Kurt practically shrieked at him.

“Okay, Okay, Okay!!” Rory shut it off, but the part continued to smoke.


Rachel stared at the bland walls of the recovery room, replaying what had happened with Blaine. She shuddered. She felt a connection with him, but kissing him was just awkward and felt wrong somehow. It was almost like kissing a brother. She shook the thought from her head, she knew she was an only child.

She jumped up from the bed and gathered her things, donning the uniform the Cheerios had given her from their last mission. A medical droid stopped her as she tried to leave.

“You are still not at full health, you should rest. It will take some time before they can evacuate your ship.”

Rachel shook her head but smiled at the concern. “I’ll be fine, besides, I plan on helping with the fight, I’m sure those ships are available.”

“Take care, miss.” The robot offered as Rachel ran out of the room.

“Thank you!” She yelled back as she ran through the corridors.


Rachel finally made it to the main hangar, pilots, gunners and droids still scurried about. She made for a speeder right near Pav. Kurt and Rory worked on the piece that had finally stopped smoking.

“Rory,” He looked up from his work from the underside of the part Kurt was working on. “Take care of yourselves, okay? I’ll miss you.” She smiled and Rory pulled her into a hug. She walked toward her speeder and glanced up at Kurt who was having a heated discussion with a random repair droid.


He turned, still a little miffed from the kiss, but it’s not Rachel’s fault Blaine chose her. “You okay to fly?” Kurt eyed her Cheerios flight suit.

“Yeah, I’ve got to do my part.” Rachel nodded. There was an awkward silence as Rachel hoped Kurt would suddenly decide to join their cause.

“Don’t get into to much trouble without me.” Kurt smirked.

Rachel let out a laugh. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” She waved and ran off to the speeders.


General Sylvester rushed about the main control room as the alarms blared throughout the base.

“General Sylvester!” Santana called from her station. “There’s a fleet of Star Destroyers coming towards us.”

“Where?” She demanded.

“Sector four.” Brittany piped up from her station.

“Reroute power to the shields. We’ve got to buy the transports some time.” General Sylvester turned to leave, Becky on her tail.

Brittany leaned to Santana, “I don’t know how to do that.”

Santana smiled fondly and redirected the power herself, then opened the general com for the base. “Prepare for ground assault.”


Lady Corcoran sat, meditating in her chambers, her back to the door. General Denham walked through the open door cautiously, afraid to disturb her concentration.

“What do you want, Denham?” Her voice startled the General.

“I-” His voice squeaked and her cleared his throat. “The fleet has arrived, but scans show an energy field already up in the Hoth system. It’s quite strong, ma’am.”

Lady Corcoran sighed and turned to face him, “Damn Hitchens came out of light speed to close.”

“ thought the element of surprise would-”

“That woman’s clever ideas are as bright as she is. Prepare for a surface attack.”

“Yes, my lady.” Denham nodded and quickly left.

Lady Corcoran let out an annoyed sigh as she contacted Admiral Hitchens on her view screen.

Both Hitchens and St. James turn at the call.

“Ah Lady Corcoran, we’ve just exited light speed and--” Hitchens clutched at her neck as she began to choke.

Lady Corcoran fumed. “I tire of your sass, Admiral. You have failed me for the last time.”
Hitchens backed away from the screen gagging.

“St. James?” Lady Corcoran’s voice was neutral once again.

He took a confident step forward. “Yes, my lady?”

“Prepare your troops for a ground assault. No one escapes that system.”

“My troops, my lady?” The young commander’s face lit up.

“Yes.” Hitchens fell ungracefully to the ground. “Congratulations, St. James. You’ve made Admiral. I trust you won’t let me down.”

“Thank you, my lady. I won’t.” Admiral St. James nodded, smirking down at Hitchens’ lifeless body. “Clean this up will you?” He signaled to the others as the Lady Corcoran ended the transmission.


A group of Cheerios, and rebel pilots surrounded Blaine in a circle. His confidence and authority overpowered just how tiny standing amongst them.

“All troops will assemble at the north entrance. Transports are to leave as soon as they are loaded. Two fighters per speeder. The shield can only be opened for a short time, so keep close to your transports.”

“Hold up. Two fighters against a Destroyer? Are you insane?” Santana interrupted.

Blaine continued slightly louder than before. “The ion cannons here on our ground defense will take out enemy ships in your flight path. Once you get past the shield, head straight for the rendezvous point. Understood?”

The pilots agreed.

“Good luck.”

“We’re gonna need it.” Santana muttered under her breath to Brittany.

“To your stations! Let’s go, go go!” Becky called and the pilots quickly dispersed.

Blaine and Becky made their way back to the commander center to meet up with General Sylvester.

“They’re gonna go after the power generators. Becky, check on the troops.”

Becky walked off to her own stations, talking on her headset.

“How do you know?” Blaine stared at the floor plan of the base.

“Because that’s exactly what I would do.” General Sylvester said without looking up. “Prepare to open the shield.”

The speeders and their transports began leaving the planet, the the imperial troops quickly pick up their signal.

“Cannon at the ready?” General Sylvester turned to the cannon operator, she nodded. “Fire.”

The rebel’s ion canon quickly took out the first imperial ship, granting the first set of rebels safe passage.

Becky’s voice echoed through the base. “First transport is safely away.”

The remaining rebels cheer as they all prepare to leave the planet. Rachel finally makes her way to her speeder. Her partner and gunner is already settled, eager to get into battle.

“How are you feeling, Miss Skywalker?”

“Miss Skywalker...” Rachel laughed. “You can call be Rachel, and I feel wonderful, how about you Harmony?”

“Ready to just about take on the Empire, myself.”

Rachel smiled. “I know the feeling.”

Their ship soon took of to join the other fighters out in Hoth’s icy �terrain.


The ground fighters hurry to their positions and the rebel lookout scans the ice before them. In his electrobinoculars he suddenly saw a giant Imperial snowwalker, a giant four-legged mechanical beast coming right for them. He continued to scan and found more and more of them, armed with guns ready to destroy their rebel base. The young rebel spoke quickly into his comlink. “Echo Station Three-T-Eight.”

The officers voice echoes throughout the rebel base, as the ice collapses.

“We have spotted Imperial walkers. I repeat. We have spotted Imperial Walkers.”

The Rebels that weren’t running before, clamored about the base. More and more fighters and pilots raced to the speeders.

The Rebels’ handguns were no match for Imperial walkers fire power. Explosions surrounded the Rebel troops as the speeders flew to their aid.

Rachel led her small group of fight speeders towards the Imperial walkers, expertly flying while her gunner attacked. Despite the talents of the group, the speeders did little damage to the giant machines. The walkers effortlessly took out ground cannons and the Rebel troops.

Rachel thought quickly and spoke to her team. “There’s no way our blasters will get through their armor. Use harpoons and tow cables. Aim for their legs. Let’s see if we can trip these guys.”

She continued flying, maneuvering around the walker blasts. More and more rebels are gunned down and their bigger weapons have been exploded. After a long round of fire, the back of Rachel’s ship is hit, killing her gunner. She has no time for sadness as she continues fighting this losing battle.


Within one of the walkers, General Denham and his pilots watch the smoke rise from the Rebel base. He sends a short message to Lady Corcoran.

“We’ve reached the main power generator, we’ll have the shield down in no time. You may prepare your landing.”


Without her gunner Rachel had no way of using her harpoon, she quickly called another speeder. “Star to Snix. Do you copy.”

“Loud and clear as usual.” Santana called through the com.

“Lost my gunner. You guys will have to make the shot. I’ll cover for you. Follow my lead.”

Santana rolled her eyes, but followed the orders nonetheless. “Ready Brit?” She called back to her gunner.

They fly around one of the walkers, Santana right behind Rachel.
“Steady...” Rachel called.

They pass right by the walker’s legs. “Now, Brit!”

Brittany quickly launched the harpoon and it latched on to one of the walker’s legs. While still covering her ship, Rachel and Santana fly around the walker’s legs several times.

“Cable out. Let’s go!” Brittany yelled and they flew off as the walker tripped, fell and ultimately exploded.


While the battle outside took a turn for good, the command center was not holding up so well. Large chunks of ice were falling as the explosions shook the base. Their ice-made hideout was crumbling to pieces before them. General Sylvester and Blaine took once last look at the screens. An explosion boomed around them and F1NN, who had just walked in, fell flat on his face with a �groan.

“We can protect two transports at a time.” General Sylvester turned to Blaine.

“We don’t have a choice, the base is not going to last much longer. We need to evacuate now.”

General Sylvester sighed in defeat and nodded towards Becky.

Becky spoke into her headset, “Evacuate all remaining personal. I repeat. Everyone get to a transport, the base is collapsing.”

As F1NN finally managed to get up, another explosion shook the base and her fell again. “I hate ice.”


Kurt and Rory were working double time on Pav, the roof to the main hangar was about two explosions away from collapsing on them.

Kurt turns just in time to see Rory put a piece in wrong. “No, no, no!” Kurt jumps down to where Rory is working. Rory can tell Kurt is bordering on hysterical. “This one goes here and that one goes there!” Kurt grabs the parts from Rory. “Ugh never mind. I’ll do it! You fix that!” He pointed to the open part he had previously been working on.

Rory grumbled to himself.

Down on the ground F1NN scrambled after Q towards Rachel’s X-wing fighter. “Q! Wait!” he managed to catch himself before falling.

Q turned towards him before flying up to her place in Rachel’s ship. “What.”

“I umm. Take care of...Rachel ok?” F1NN mumbled.

Q rolled her digital eyes.

“And Q?”

“What, F1NN?” Q hovered above the ship.

“Take care of yourself too.”

Q settled into the fighter and F1NN stood by it awkwardly.

“F1NN” Q beeped.

“Yeah?” He sounded a little too hopeful.

“Unless you want your circuits to freeze you here, you had better find transport off of here. I suggest you find Blaine.”

“Oh. Right.” F1NN waved at her once more and left.


The walkers continued their ruthless assault on the base, despite their disadvantage the Rebel ground troops still continued to fight back. Almost all of their strong weapons are gone or out of ammo.

Within the walker cockpit, General Denham contacts his troops. “Prepare for ground assault. Target the main generator.”

Rachel, Santana and Brittany were among the few fighters left. Another fighter near Rachel explodes, the impact sending her and her ship crashing into the ground.

“You okay, Hobbit?” Santana’s voice came distorted through the ship.

“Still alive, get back to you later.” Rachel said quickly. An Imperial walked what coming straight at her, her ship directly in it’s path. She grabbed her saber and leaped from the ship as the walker’s foot crushed it to bits.


Kurt and Rory are close to finishing up with Pav when a huge explosion shakes the room. “Oh that’s not a good sound.” Kurt looked up as a chunk of the ceiling fell right near the ship. Hushed and worried voices echo beneath him.

“Hey what’s going on?” Kurt called down to the few workers left.

“The command center has been hit. I suggest you get out of here as quickly as possible.” An officer called back, then left towards the last of the transports.

“Command center.” Kurt whispered, then dropped his tools. “Blaine.”

“Kurt!” Rory yelled.

“Finish without me!” Kurt was barely audible as he raced out of the main hangar.

His footsteps echoed through the quiet and empty corridors of the base, chunks of ice falling with each explosion. Pipes were broken the walls and cracked, another hit rocks the ground and Kurt grabbed the wall to stay upright. There’s hot steam coming from the direction of the command center. “Blaine.” He whispered.

Kurt ran towards the steam flailing his hands around to keep it from burning his skin. The command center was covered in chunks of ice, computers, stations and everything he can see broken to pieces. Some of the broken wires spark every once and a while, causing Kurt to flinch. “No time for that.” He mutters.

“Blaine?” Kurt called out louder and far more worried than he expected.

Blaine grunted and pushed a barrier away, revealing several stations and officers still intact.

“Kurt? You’re still here?” Blaine turned and hid at the blush creeping up his cheeks. That came out for more hopeful than he intended.

Kurt cleared his throat. “Heard command center was hit. I’ll be on my way soon enough. This place is in pieces. What are you still doing here?”

F1NN walked up behind Blaine. “Yeah...we should go. Can we go? There’s only one transport left.”

Blaine turned to the officer. “Send all remaining troops to the south to protect the fighters.”

Another explosion breaks more parts of the commander, a large spark from the computer sent Kurt jumping forward while F1NN tripped, knocking Blaine towards Kurt. Kurt caught Blaine instinctively and neither moved as Becky’s voice echoed through the base.

“Imperial Troops have entered the base. I repeat Imperial Troops have entered the base.”

Kurt finally realized Blaine was in his arms. Up close Kurt could see just how worn and exhausted Blaine looked despite how strong he made himself sound. Kurt knew this was his only chance so he grabbed him around the waist and began pulling him towards the corridor. “Come on. Time to go.”

Blaine tried to ignore Kurt’s strong grip and turned back to the officers. “Give the evacuation signal again. Get yourself out of here.” He turned back to Kurt who was now half carrying him. “I can walk.”

“Didn’t say you couldn’t.” Kurt continued dragging Blaine with him.

“Kurt. Put me down.” Blaine said, clearly annoyed.

“You’re just going to go back to your princely duties and I’ll never hear the end of it if Rachel finds out I left you here to freeze.”

Blaine flinched at the mention of Rachel. He still hadn’t had a chance to explain to talk to Kurt about it. “Kurt. About Rachel...”

F1NN stumbled into them. “Wait! Don’t leave me here!”


The rebel troops finally retreated in defeat, running across the icy tundra, passed the burning heaps of metal. Rachel quickly chased after the walker than nearly crushed her, firing her harpoon towards the metal hull. She pulled herself up towards it and used her lightsaber to cut open a small hatch. She ripped one of the mines from her belt and threw it into the hull quickly releasing the harpoon cable. She fell to the ground with a thump and watched the walker take two steps before exploding.

General Denham continued his assault on his path to the generators. “Are we in range?”

“Yes, General.” A pilot answers.

Denham pulled the scanner down from the ceiling and locked on to the target. “Maximum fire power.”

As the last of the rebels ran towards the base, General Denham fired at the generator sending a series of explosions through the base.


Kurt, now holding Blaine’s hand, ran through the halls, F1NN stumbling and clanking behind them. The reaction from the explosion finally reached where they are, shaking the base worse than before. Kurt yanked Blaine close and pinned him to the ground, shielding him from the immanent cave in. Kurt grunted in pain as a chunk of ice bounced off his back. Before Blaine could say anything Kurt turned to look at their path. It was blocked by a stack of ice and bits of the wall.


“Transport, this is Solo. Take off as soon as you can. There was a cave in. I’ll take the prince out on Pav.” Kurt spoke quickly into his comlink. Kurt turned back to Blaine who was still on the ground. Without a word he took his hand, pulled him up and ran back the way they came.

F1NN finally caught up, but now they were running the other way. “Hey, wait. The transport is this way...” F1NN turned to follow them. “Wait for me!”


Yet another explosion and Imperial troops stampeded through the base, Lady Corcoran on their heels. She walked flawlessly through the base despite the explosions and began her search for Skywalker.


Kurt pulled Blaine through the crumbling corridors, avoiding falling ice, occasionally taking a hit, if it mean Blaine didn’t get hurt. They finally made it to the entrance to hangar, Kurt pushed Blaine in first and ran in after him. As F1NN approached the door it closed.

“Guys! Wait! Kurt? Blaine?” F1NN slumped against. “I swear my metal must be unlucky.”

Kurt reopened the door causing F1NN to topple over. “F1NN! Good lord, you need to get your balance fixed or something.” Kurt pulled him up and towards Pav.

Rory had been pacing so long there was a well worn path on the ground. When he finally heard someone coming. “Kurt?”

“Get him started Rore! We don’t have much time.”

“We?” Rory then saw Blaine and F1NN trailing after them. Smirking, Rory runs up the ship’s ramp towards the cockpit, Kurt and Blaine not far behind.

“Wait!” F1NN tripped.

Kurt ran back down the ramp and pulled F1NN into the ship. “Come on, you big klutz.”


Lady Corcoran continued calmly waling through the collapsing base, avoiding ice before it even fell. Soon she was in view of the Millennium Warbler. A large explosion breaks the rest of the ice ceiling, landing on the ship.

Inside Kurt and Rory run from control panel to the gauges to the cockpit.

“Rory, try now!”

“Still nothin’”

Blaine walked up behind Kurt. “Can I help?”

“Not unless you want to go outside and push.” Kurt quipped and ran back to the control panel.

“Uh Kurt...Kurt.” F1NN tried to speak, but a death glare from Kurt shut him up quickly.

“Hmm...” Kurt ran back to the cockpit flipping more switches, Blaine not far behind.

“Not that I don’t like the ship, because I do...but does Pav have it in him to even make it past that blockade.”

“Pav's got a few surprises left in him, sweetheart.” Kurt was too focused to notice the pet name or Blaine blush.

Blaine turned to make sure Kurt couldn’t see, and he stared out the window to see stormtroopers filling the hangar.

Kurt flipped a couples switches then settled in the pilot’s chair. “I suggest you strap in.”

“Kurt! They’re gonna shoot!” Blaine braced for impact, but a sensor gun appeared on Pav and took out the troopers in a flash of laser fire.

Rory ran into the cockpit. “Status is the same. Any luck in here?”

Kurt shook his head. “Come on baby. You can do it.”

Within seconds Pav started to power up. “See? Told you.” Kurt smirked back at Blaine, who just fondly rolled his eyes. “Let’s go!”

Rory and Kurt now in sync finally get Pav to take off. They fly quickly out the hole in the hangar roof, just as Lady Corcoran approached. Pav flew over the battlefield, Rachel included. She looked up at the ship and smiled as she made her way to Q and her X-wing.

“Hey Q! Ready for takeoff?”

Q beeped in agreement.

Santana and Brittany enter the only two-man X-wing. “Nice to see you’re alive, see you at the rendezvous.” Santana saluted her and they took off.

“Rachel we don’t have all day!” Q beeped impatiently.

“Alright, alright. I’m coming.” Rachel strapped herself in. “Let’s get out of here.”

They make it safely off the planet but Q is still uneasy.

“This isn’t the right course Rachel, the rendezvous is the other way.” Q’s translation typed onto Rachel’s screen.

“I know. I’m setting a different course.”

“So we’re not going to meet up with the others?”

“Not yet, there’s something I have to do.”

“What? You’re serious?” Q beeped in disbelief.

“We’re going to the Dagobah system. Don’t worry Q, we’ll see everyone soon enough.”

Q let out a annoyed hum, but let Rachel continue her strange quest.


Unlike Rachel, Kurt and the other were quickly spotted and chased by Imperials. With a Destroyer and imperial fighters on their tail, hope was dim for the rebel group. Kurt and Rory flew Pav as fast as they could, but only trouble lay before them.

Kurt was swiveling in his chair checking scanners, flipping switches, flying, but his thought process was interrupted by Rory’s yell.

“Kurt! Star Destroyers at 12 o’clock.”

“I know! I saw them.” Kurt turned again to flip another switch.

“Saw what?” Blaine asked wearily.

“Two Star Destroyers. Headed right for us. No big deal. We’ve been through worse.”

“Really? When?” Rory said.

F1NN stumbled his way into the cockpit, “Umm Kurt. If I could just.”

“F1NN, so help me, I will shut you off if you break my concentration one more time!” Kurt turned to Blaine. “Please get him to stop talking.” Kurt sent another death glare to F1NN then turned to Rory. “Shield?”

“Not gonna last long.” Rory muttered as he flipped the switch.

“Well we’ll just have to out maneuver them.”

Kurt took full control of flying, leaving Rory to the rest. He waited til the last moment then took a nose dive between the Destroyers, setting them on a collision course. While the Destroyers worried about that, the Imperial fighters chased after Pav.

“We’ve got to jump to light speed and fast.” Kurt steered the ship away from a set of blasts, tipping F1NN over...again.

“Light speed? Wait a sec!” F1NN reached to get up and Blaine helped him to his feet.

“We’ve not much time, they’re gettin’ closer.” Rory did what he could to route power to the shields.

“Yeah, yeah. Light speed will take care that. Ready?” Kurt pulled the lever.

“...wasn’t something supposed to happen?” Blaine mumbled.

“We’re in trouble.” Kurt tried again, but nothing happened.

“I was trying to tell you! I was talking to the ships computer...the hyperdrive...uh thing is damaged, We can get to light speed.”

“Oh we are in trouble.” Blaine repeated.

Several blasted from the Imperials shake the ship.

“The shield’s not gonna last much longer, Kurt.”

“Blaine. You stay here, let us know if anything changes.” Kurt and Rory stood to leave.

“What! I don’t know how to fly this ship!”

“It’s autopilot sweetheart.” Kurt smirked and left with Rory to repair what they could.

Blaine flushed, then shook his head. No, Kurt’s just being...Kurt. High stress situation, no reason to look into anything. Blaine sighed, and diverted his attention to the scanners and the window.

Kurt opened and panel and carefully climbed in and sat himself on a large sturdy pipe, examining the damage. He quickly spotted it, down at the bottom, past a ton of wires and pipes, was the problem. It would take some contortion on his part to reach the necessary wires and bolts. Lucky for him, he was flexible and strong, but another small hit from the asteroids and Kurt fell backwards into the depths of the ship. Rory reached in and caught him.

“Thanks.” Kurt wrapped his arms around the pipe, his legs dangling dangerously close to the delicate parts of the ship’s underbelly. A set of quiet alarms sounded in the ship.

“Ugh Rory, that’s not good, take care of that.”

“What about you?”

“His highness can help me out.”

Rory grabbed the tools he needed and Kurt positioned himself back on the pipe.

“Hey Eyebrows!” he yelled.

Blaine grumbled and poked his head out from the cockpit. “What?”

“Get in here I need your help.”

Desperate to contribute Blaine ran toward Kurt’s voice. He stared down at the maze of wires and metal below Kurt. “Uhh What do you need?”

Kurt laughed. “You’re just here to hand me tools while I try to fix one damn wire, that’s not supposed to be able to come out.”

Blaine leaned over the open panel. “Which one?”

Kurt pulled gloves onto his hands, then pointed. “See that one down there? It’s bright red and unplugged.”

Blaine stared at him. “Kurt. That’s all the way at the bottom, literally. How are you going to fix this mid-flight?”

“Like this.” Kurt carefully flipped himself so he was hanging on the pipe by his knees and wrapped his arms around the large vertical pipe that ran to the bottom of the ship. “Now just hand me the tools when I say so okay?” He straightened his legs slowly above him as he lowered himself down.

“Kurt...” Blaine just stared. It was like gravity didn’t even matter, Kurt was crawling down the pipe upside down using only his arms. Kurt slowly and carefully locked his legs around the pipe and reached a hand backwards.

“Okay Blaine,” Kurt’s voice was a bit strained as he put all of his weight on the rest of his body. Blaine had to lean into the pit to reach Kurt’s hand, but gave him the tools. “Grab my legs.” Kurt shifted his weight and arched his back to reach the wire.


“I may be strong, but I’m hanging upside in a sensitive part of my ship, while we are being chased through space by imperial troops, so forgive me if I need some extra support.”

Blaine let out a sigh. “No, sorry, just...” Blaine leaned forward and held onto Kurt’s legs trying to look anywhere but at him.

Kurt repaired the wire quickly and Blaine helped him out of the pit. Something big hit Pav with a thump, causing the whole ship to lurch worse than before. Kurt tripped his last step out of the pits and fell onto Blaine.

Kurt pushed himself up, his hands on either side of Blaine. “That was not from a blast. What the hell is going on out there?”

Blaine stared up at Kurt, his neck and chest inches from his own. He tried to get up, but his movements would only bring them closer. “Kurt? You-” Blaine lost his words as Kurt turned back and met his gaze. Their faces were far too close to each other. Blaine could feel Kurt’s breath on his face, his eyes were much more intense up close. Not just blue, but like tiny swirling galaxies filled with too many emotions for Blaine to place. Kurt’s gaze hardened.

“Blaine.” Kurt said firmly.

“I...umm. Maybe it’s asteroids?” Blaine managed. “Let’s go.” Both of them got up and scrambled to the cockpit, Rory already in his seat.

Kurt stared out the window, Blaine was right: asteroids, in fact, it was a whole field of them. He turned to Rory. “Remember our first chase?”

Rory turned to him confused. “What..I..Oh!” Realization covered his face. “Ready when you are.”

“We are not going in there are we?” F1NN yelped.

“Only a crazy person would follow us.” Kurt answered.

“Only a crazy person would fly into one.” Blaine muttered.

“Chances of not dying is like a million to one!” F1NN grabbed a chair for support.

“Never tell me the odds, even if they are fake. When it comes down to it, it’s our flying versus theirs and those troopers aren’t known for their pilot skills.”

As if rehearsed, Rory and Kurt fly expertly around the asteroids, causing the Imperial fighters to run into them. They flew further and further into the field searching for a bigger one to land on.

“Why are you flying closer to them! You’re going to get us killed!” Blaine clutched his seat.

“I’ve kept you alive so far, your highness, so I suggest you shut up and let me focus on flying.” Kurt snapped.

As they flew further and further into the field the asteroids got bigger and soon, the small fighters following them had been blown up.

“Come on Rore, closer.”

“Closer!?” Blaine jumped out of his seat.

“The Empire has endless ships, they’ll be on the look out for our escape. Besides we need to land somewhere we can repair the ship properly.”

“We’re going to die here aren’t we?” F1NN hid behind his chair.

“Can you even die? You’re a droid.” Kurt muttered.

They finally approached a large moon sized asteroid and flew into a crater.

“How ‘bout there?” Rory pointed.

“Yes, that looks pretty good.” Kurt shifted and flipped switches around the cockpit.

“What does?” Blaine watched his movements trying to figure out what Kurt was doing.

They flew into a hole within the crater, completely hidden from view and the deeper they went the darker it got.

“Please tell me you know what you’re doing.” Blaine almost whined.

“When I figure it out, I’ll let you know.” Kurt and Rory exchanged a worried glance as everything around them went black.


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Wow, I really love this story, the attraction between Kurt and Blaine is just amazing and eyebrows, so funny. I'm really looking forward to the next part. And also Blaine in a gold bikini...and now I want to read the chapters again. and once more it's absolutely WONDERFUL.