June 1, 2012, 2:39 p.m.
June 1, 2012, 2:39 p.m.
“Not so tough now, are you, your highness.” Lady Corcoran stretched her hands. “Now about that Rebel base...”
The Torture-bot reached out one of its many arms towards Blaine. This one had a syringe at the end. Blaine subconsciously took a step backward earned a laugh from Lady Corcoran. The cell door slammed shut muffling the Prince’s screams.
The ride back, gave Rachel time to compose herself, by they time they made it back to Brad, she no longer clung to Q. She put her legs over the edge of the hovership and sat staring up at the sky.
“There’s nothing you could have done, Rachel. Don’t blame yourself.” Brad walked over to her. “You should thank the stars you weren’t there. The Stormtroopers would not have hesitated to kill you as well, and then the droids would be in the hands of the empire.”
Rachel sighed. “I know...” She turned to look at him. “I’ll do it.”
Brad arched an eyebrow.
“I’ll go to Alderaan with you. There’s nothing left for me here. I want to learn the Force, I feel like being a Jedi will bring me closer to my mother.”
Brad nodded.
With Brad’s direction, Rachel sped across the Dune Sea towards Rhodes Canyon. The local folk were sketchy at best, everything was very worn out and several creatures ran about.
“Rhodes Canyon Spaceport. Full of drunks, squatters, and scum. Stay alert, and be very cautious.”
Rachel shifted a bit in her seat and forced a smile. She continued driving until a unit of Stormtroopers, stopped them.
“How long have you had these droids?”
F1NN and Q stayed perfectly still. Rachel was more than glad to practice her acting. “Three or four seasons.”
“They’re actually up for sale if you’re interested.” Brad added.
The Stormtrooper advanced closer to the ship. “Show me you identification.”
Rachel took a shuddery breath as she digs around her pockets and utility belt for her ID.
Brad stared the Stormtroopers down and spoke in a calm but powerful force. “You don’t need to see her ID.”
“We don’t need to see her ID.” The trooper repeated.
“These are not the droids you’re looking for.” Brad continued, while Rachel hid her shock.
“These are not the droids we’re looking for.” The trooper stated to the others.
“Move along.” Brad added a small hand wave and the trooper followed.
“Move along, move along.” He backed away and waved them off.
After they were far enough away Rachel turned to Brad. “How did you do that?”
Brad smiled. “The Force is a powerful ally. It’s a rather strong influence on the weak-minded.”
Rachel nodded.
“Ah stop here.” Brad pointed to an old and battered Cantina. “Rhodes Canyon Cantina, the best whiskey in the Galaxy.”
Rachel made a face. “I’m not a fan of drinking.” She climbed out of the hovership. “Is this really the best place to find a pilot? I don’t know how I feel about being taken somewhere by a drunk...” She shooed off a handful of Droids N Things workers who were inspecting F1NN and Q. Q even zapped one with a set of wires from her system.
“That’s payback.” She thought.
Brad led Rachel to the entrance. “The best freighter pilots frequent this place, like I said, best whiskey in the Galaxy. You are right, though, this place can be rough, so stay alert.”
They walked in to the large cantina. There were more aliens and creatures than Rachel ever dreamed existed all sitting and drinking in one place. There was a barely an empty seat and Rachel could faintly hear a band playing music in the background. Brad easily found his way to an empty spot at the bar and engaged in a conversation.
Rachel was still in a state of shock. She felt a bit uncomfortable in a place like this, but the bartender broke her from her thoughts.
“We don’t serve their kind here!” She was short, blonde and had quite an attitude, but it was clear she owned this bar.
“I beg your pardon.” Rachel felt offended.
“Droids. They are not allowed in here, leave ‘em outside.” She waved her hand.
Normally Rachel would protest for Droid rights, but it’s clear that this woman made the rules around here, and the rest of the cantina was already glaring in their direction.
“Um, F1NN, Q” She turned to them. “While I would love to advocate your right to stay. I am sufficiently outnumbered. It’s probably best if you waited by the hovership. I don’t want to draw more attention to us.”
Q beeped in approval.
“Totally agree, let’s go.” F1NN and Q left quickly as Rachel squeezed herself into an opening at the bar. Brad had moved on to talk to a rather tall man, wearing a furry brown, hooded vest, with matching knee high furry brown boots, furry arm warmers and a metal sashed satchel. Rachel decided that since she knew little of other places, that the furry get up must be normal for him.
“Could I umm...get one of those?” Rachel asked the bartender, it was weird to stand at the bar if you didn’t have a drink in front of you. The smiling blonde gave her a glass of pink liquid. Rachel smiled. “Thanks.” She raised the glass and then stopped before taking a sip. “One sip couldn’t hurt.” She took a tiny sip then set it down. “Tastes like pink...” Before she could decide if she liked it a strange looking creature shoved her.
It spoke in a strange language and Rachel couldn’t tell if the slurring was part of it or if the creature was extremely drunk.
“He doesn’t like you.” A young drunk girl said from behind it. She was taller than Rachel, but not by much, her goggles were lopsided on her head, and she wore a chain of peppers around her neck.
“I’m sorry.” Rachel turned away trying to ignore them, but the girl came up next to her and tapped her on the shoulder.
“I don’t like you either.” The creature grumbled in agreement. “You best watch yourself. We’re wanted criminals. Even Jabba wants us.” She hiccuped.
“Okay well if I see him I’ll let him know. You’re here.” Rachel should have thought before she spoke.
“What?! No! Jabba’s mine!” The drunk girl thrust herself towards Rachel who nearly screamed before Brad stopped the girl.
“She is not worth the effort. Let be buy you a drink...” Brad offered, but the girl was not listening. She shoved Rachel into a nearby table. Bran instantly had his lightsaber out and ready. The music and everyone around them stopped.
Unharmed Rachel grabbed the nearest glass to her, which just happened to be filled with red liquid and thrusted it at the drunk girl. Brad quickly withdrew his saber, thanking the stars he didn’t have to injure someone just for being a violent drunk.
She screams in pain. “Ahh! It burns!!” She and the creature disappeared into the crowd. Brad walked over to help Rachel to her feet.
“Good thinking, using the Pepper Juice on her.” Brad smiled.
“The what?”
“Pepper Juice, spiciest drink here.”
“I just grabbed a glass and threw.” Rachel shrugged.
Brad laughed. “Nevertheless, come I want you to meet someone.” Brad turned to the furry man from before. “This is RoryChewbacca. He’s a first mate on a ship that can take us to Alderaan.” Rachel got to see his face. He looked extremely young, maybe younger than Rachel but his height made him appear so much older. Maybe his race just looked young all the time, Rachel didn’t know how to judge the ages of alien races.
The furry boy reached out a hand, “Nice to meet you.” He said in his native tongue.
Rachel just blinked at him, but shook his hand. She had no idea what he was saying at all.
00000 Outside F1NN sat in the Hovership as Q paced in her wheeled form. Q stopped and watched as someone frantically exited the Cantina and went straight for the Stormtroopers in the street.
“That’s not good is it?” F1NN looked at Q and she shook her head.
“I hope they are ok in here.” F1NN stared at the entrance and Q beeped in agreement.
The music had resumed and the drunks went back to their drinking as Rory led them to sit at a table. A pale, slender man approached �the table, his head held high as if he felt like he was better than a place like this. He wore a skintight, collared white shirt, with the top button’s popped, coupled with a buttoned black vest. He had skintight dark pants with knee high black lace up boots over them. A chrome belt and gun holster hung low on his hips and glinted in the light as he walked over. He slid into the seat next to Rory and looked towards Rachel and Brad with his piercing blue eyes.
“Kurt Solo.” He said in a voice much higher than Rachel was expecting. “Captain of the Millennium Warbler.” Rachel and Brad shook his hand introducing themselves as well. “I hear you’re looking for a ride to Alderaan.”
Brad nodded. “What we need is a fast ship.”
Kurt raised an eyebrow. “I take if you’ve never heard of the Millennium Warbler.”
“Should I have?” Brad glanced at Rachel and she shrugged.
“I thought you chose us for the ship.” Kurt let out a hollow laugh. “Anyway, yes my ship is fast. We’ve outrun Imperial ships, big and small. We can get you where you need to go. Any cargo?”
Brad shook his head. “Just me, Rachel, two droids, and no questions asked.” He said seriously and bit harshly.
Kurt smirked. “Trouble in paradise?” he joked.
“We’d just like to avoid any...Imperial trouble, if you catch my drift.” Brad said in a lowered voice.
“My specialty.” Kurt leaned forward on the table. “but it’ll cost extra. Imperials are practically everywhere. We’ll need ten thousand in advance.”
Rachel finally spoke up. “Ten thousand!? We could buy our own ship for that.” She turned to Brad who seemed completely un-phased.
Kurt laughed. “A ship is useless without a pilot.”
“I could fly it.” Rachel argued. “In fact, I’m quite skilled in flying.” Rachel stood up. “We don’t have to be subjected to this kind of--”
“We don’t have that much on us. How does two thousand now, plus fifteen once we arrive sound?” Brad continued calmly and Rachel stared at him with her mouth slightly open.
Kurt raised an eyebrow. “Seventeen?” He turned to Rory who muttered something to Kurt and shrugged.
“Alright, you have a deal. We’ll leave as soon as your ready. Docking bay G-one thirty-three.
“One, thirty-three.” Brad repeated. He gets up and sees Rachel staring apprehensively towards the entrance. A couple Stormtroopers stood with the bartender, asking her questions.
“Looks like someone enjoyed your handiwork.” Kurt smirked at Rachel who returned it with a scowl.
The bartender looked towards their table, but Brad and Rachel had disappeared.
Kurt turned to Rory. “Seventeen! I hate to play on desperation, but we are desperate ourselves. We can finally get Jabba off our backs and that price off our heads.”
“I’m not sure if money will be enough for him, Kurt. He wants to make an example out of you.” Rory said in his native tongue.
“What I did was not wrong,Rore. Trusting Jabba was.” There was a faint sadness in his voice. Kurt composed himself. “Come on, let’s get the ship ready.”
Outside the Cantina, Brad and Rachel have their hoods up, avoiding unwanted attention.
“We’ll have to sell thehovership.” Brad hurried them away from more troopers.
“I figured, but it’s not like I’m ever coming back here.” Rachel said with a sigh.
As Kurt approached the Cantina a gun jams in his side. Kurt rolls his eyes and sees a strong dark skinned alien with an arrogant smirk on his face.
“Goin’ somewhere, Solo?” He spat out the words in disgust.
Kurt isn’t even phased by this at all. “Well since you asked, yes, I am going somewhere and I would prefer to go solo. And all this time Azimio, I thought you were stupid.” Kurt winces a bit at Azimio digs the gun further into his side.
“I think you’re the one who’s stupid, seeing how I got a gun and you got a price on your head.” Azimio led him back to the table. Kurt sat across from him crossing his legs in a rather relaxed position.
“You can tellJabba, that I’ve got the money.”
“Do I look like your messenger boy? It’s too late for your money. Jabba’s price on your head is so big, more than just bounty hunter gonna come looking for you. Lucky for me I found you first.”
Kurt laughed. “Oh so lucky.” He silently put his hand on his gun from underneath the table.
“You think this is funny?” Azimio aimed for Kurt’s head.
“Well a little. I have Jabba’s money. How will he feel when he finds out you killed me before I could pay him?”
Azimio scowled at him. “Fine. Maybe you just give me the money, and I’ll forget I even saw you.”
“You think I carry around that kind of money? You can tell Jabba--”
“I ain’t your messenger! Jabba’s got no time for smugglers quit at the first sign of Imperial troops.”
“Is that what they told you?” titled his head in amusement.
“Yeah, I’m sureJabba would love to hear your side of the story, maybe he’ll just take your beloved ship.”
Kurt tensed a bit. “Over my cold lifeless body.” He shifted so his gun was ready under the table.
“That’s the idea. Bounty never said you had to be alive. Been looking forward to this for a long time.”
Kurt smirked. “Me too.”
Two simultaneous blasts were fired leaving smoke in their wake. The cantina freezes again staring towards the smokey table. Kurt emerged waving the smoke from his face. He holstered his gun and dusted himself off, leaving the dead bounty hunter behind.
“Sorry about the mess.” Kurt tipped an imaginary hat towards the bartender and tossed her a sack of coins. The drunks and other patrons make a clear path to let Kurt through.
Lady Corcoran stomped around the control room of the Death Star venting to Ryerson. “His resistance to the torture is greater than I expected.” She growled. “It will take several more sessions before I can get any information out of him.”
St. James entered the room with some good news. “All systems are fully functional, everything checks out. Do we have a new destination?”
Ryerson turned to Lady Corcoran with an evil smirk. “There might be another way to get that information.”
She stopped pacing. “Oh?”
“It’s time we demonstrate the capabilities of this station.” Ryerson turned to St. James. “Alderaan. Set a course for Alderaan.”
St. James nodded and left the room.
F1NN and Q finally found a place to hide from the many Stormtroopers that flooded Rhodes Canyon. They squeezed into a small compartment in the wall.
“Can you lock it?” F1NN whispered.
Q beeped at him. “Of course I can.” The door slid shut just at troopers came by.
They checked the door and knocked several times. “Locked.” a trooper stated. “Move on to the next one.”
Q opens the door and she and F1NN peek out.
“I’d feel better if we’d stayed with Rachel, but I have a feeling this is our fault.”
“I’m not the one who decided to put secret plans on my memory drives, don’t blame me.” Q beeped at him.
“So it’s Blaine’s fault.” F1NN concluded.
“No...I mean...kind of, but no. It’s the Empire fault for being filled with such...”Q finished her sentence with a series of long and angry beeping sequences.
“Jeez Q I didn’t even know half those words.”
Rachel grabbed her few belongings from the hovership as she and Brad sold it. It wasn’t for as much as they had hoped.
“I know my haggling, and its the best I could do.” Rachel gave Brad the money. “Ever since the newer models came out, mine’s not in demand.”
Brad took the money with a small smile. “Don’t worry. We’ll have enough.”
Rachel takes one last look at her hovership and mentally says goodbye, to it and the only home she’s known. “Let’s just hope this ship of is as fast as he said it was.” They walked off towards the G section of docking bays. Behind them a cloaked figure watched them and muttered into a com link.
The Millennium Warbler sat in the docking pack, the entry hatch open. Various armed creatures lurked around it waiting for their prey. The slimiest and grossest of them all was an over grown slug like creature, with two arms, a square shaped face and beyond greasy curly hair on its head. The sight of him would send shudders down anyone’s spine.
He turned towards the ship, yelling in his equally gross and slimy tongue. “Come on out Kurt! I know you’re in there!”
“ActuallyJabba, �I’m not, but your observation skills never cease to amaze me.” Kurt walked up to the ship, Rory followed behind him.
“Did you really think you could keep avoiding me?” Jabba, or Jabba Schuester, the Hut, or by his enemies known as Schuester the Slut, slithered closer to �Kurt.
“Well, actually I kind of am the running type.” Kurt held his ground as Jabba circled him.
“Kurt, my boy” He was piratically purring and Kurt wanted nothing more than to barf preferably on Jabba. “You disappoint me, why don’t I have my money?” he pointed at slimy finger at Kurt’s chest, centimeters away from actually touching him. Kurt stealthily leaned backwards. “You had such promise, how could you betray me like that? After all we have been through?”
“Look, Jabba. I made my choice and I will pay you back your money.” Kurt spoke with confidence that he didn’t truly have. “And stop sending your brainless followers after me. If you’ve got something to say you best say to me in person.”
“If you had just done your job, Kurt. We wouldn’t be in this mess.” Jabba stopped circling and stood in front of Kurt. “You’re lucky I like you.” He signaled for his men to put away their weapons. “I’ll give you more time, but it’ll cost you. If you fail again, the price on your head will be so large, even those children you helped won’t hesitate to turn you in.” Jabba glared at him and left.
Kurt and Rory let out long breaths. Kurt let out a much needed shudder as well. “Oh my...ugh” he stuck out his tongue in disgust. “Blech, I hate him. Schuester the slut.” Kurt muttered.
“I wish we didn’t have to put up with him.” Rory sighed.
“It’s the price I have to pay.” Kurt sighed sadly. “No good deed goes unpunished right?”
Before Rory could reply Brad, Rachel, Q and F1NN entered the docking bay.
Rachel stared up at the ship. “This is the Millennium Warbler?” She made a face of faint disgust.
“Hey watch it.” Kurt snapped. “Pav, here has seen me through thick and thin. He may not look like much, but he’s there when you need him.”
Rachel looked uneasy. “Pav? He?”
“Pav’s what I named him, and yes I know people refer to ships as ‘she’ and ‘her’, but Pav just seemed to be a he.” Kurt shrugged.
Rachel nodded and smiled. “No, I totally understand. I am a strong supporter of Droid rights and such. I believe that droids and computers and even ships can have genders.”
Kurt nodded and stared at the strange girl. “He’s got quite a few extra modifications too.”
Rachel turned to him, “You mean...”
Kurt laughed. �“Don’t worry. My father was a mechanic, I was taught well.” Kurt stroked the side of the ship.
Rory let out a muffled shout from inside the ship.
“That our cue.” Kurt ushered his passengers on the the ship. “Quickly now, no time like the present.”
Rachel, Brad, F1NN and Q set themselves up in seats of the ship.
Rory set himself up in the pilots seat and prepared Pav for take off. Outside Stormtroopers were making their way towards the docking bay tipped off by the cloaked figure that had followed Brad and Rachel.
Kurt looked up just in time to see Stormtroopers aiming at his head. “Twice in one day, I’m on a roll.” Kurt dodged and shot back as he ran into the entry hastily closing the door. “Rory! Let’s go!!”
The passengers quickly found their safety belts and strapped them. F1NN groaned as the ship shook and he fell out of his seat. “I hate flying.”
Q and Rachel giggles at F1NN’s expense.
Kurt quickly joined Rory at the cockpit. “Kurt we’ve got company and lots of it.” He said as they took off.
“Son of a...” Kurt looked at the radar screen. “Imperials already? What the heck kind of passengers are these?” Kurt pushed several buttons and moved around the pit. “Send power to the shields while I calculate the jump to light speed.”
Pav was fast, the the two Imperial ships were gaining on them with open fire. Eventually Brad and Rachel crowd the cockpit.
“I thought your ship was fast?” Rachel crossed her arms at him. “I’d rather not die out here.”
“Careful what you say, or it just might come true.” Kurt turned to Rory. “You know what to do.” I suggest you strap in.” Kurt joined Rory at the controls as they steered the ship with carefully skilled choreography, dodging all the blasts. The computer was still processing the calculations.
“Can’t we just jump to hyperspace? They are going to blow us to bits soon!” Rachel �clutched her seat, trying to stay still through the complicated maneuvers.
“Hyperspace calculations must be precise or we could, I don’t know run into a star, end up in a black whole or something worse. A few seconds under laser fire is surely better than that.”
The computer finally beeped at them. “Finally!” Kurt hovered his hand above a lever. “Hold on to something.” Kurt pushed the lever up and the ship jumped through light speed.
F1NN, predictably, found himself sprawled out on the ground. “You know maybe I just shouldn’t get up.”
Q laughed at him as she held on to the chair near them with a retractable arm.
Admiral Goolsby cautiously entered the control room. Governor Ryerson stood before a huge window with the view of a small planet.
Goolsby cleared his throat and Ryerson turned around. “We’re in the Alderaan system, sir.” He nearly jumped when Lady Corcoran entered the room. Prince Blaine followed her, his hands bound, and a Stormtrooper on either side of him.
He looked at and recognized the governor immediately. “Governor Ryerson, I should have known. Only you would be bold enough to keep Corcoran on a leash.”
“Charming as always. You’ve made my decision to terminate your life so difficult.” Ryerson retorted.
Blaine swallowed audibly, but scowled at him. “I’m surprised you’re capable of making decisions by yourself.”
Ryerson’s lip twitched. “Lucky for me I won’t have to listen to you prattle on for much longer.” He turned to the window. “Now young Prince, before your ultimate end, I’d like to show you the power of this battle station. May it be a lesson to Rebels everywhere.”
“The systems will respond well to your tyranny. If anything you’ll cause more to join the Rebellion.” Blaine inched forward, but Lady Corcoran gripped his shoulder and held him in place.
“No will dare oppose us, after today. I must thank you. You played a major part in our decision of what planet to destroy.” Blaine glanced out the window and saw Alderaan, his face blanched as Ryerson continued. “Since you refuse to give us any information about your Rebel base, it’s seems the only fitting planet to test our power on, is your home planet...”
“Alderaan...”Blaine whispered.
“Very good, your highness.”
Blaine struggled in Corcoran’s grip. “No! You can’t! Alderaan is a peaceful planet! Would you attack a planet that has no weapons?”
Ryerson turned around, a smug look on his face. “We could, find another target, perhaps your military base?” He stared down at Blaine. “Name the system!”
Blaine stared at him in fear and took a shuddering breath.
Ryerson advanced forward, all Blaine could do was cower backward into Lady Corcoran. “Nothing to say Prince Blaine? I’ll give you one last chance.” His face was mere inches from Blaine’s “Where. Is. Your. Base?” After each word he moved closer and Blaine could smell his foul breath.
St. James called over the intercom. “We are in range of Alderaan, awaiting your command.”
Blaine closed his eyes and sighed. “Dantooine.” It was bare above a whisper, but Ryerson was still, literally, in his face. Blaine opened his hazel eyes and spoke in defeat. “The base is on Dantooine...”
Ryerson smirked and turned his attention to Corcoran. “See? That’s wasn’t so hard. There are other kinds of torture, don’t you agree, Lady Corcoran?” She seemed slightly amused, but not impressed. Ryerson turned to Goolsby. “Give the order, tell them to fire when ready.”
Goolsby nodded and left the room.
Blaine wrenched out of Corcoran’s grip. “What!? No!” She quickly grabbed back.
Ryerson laughed. “You, my young Prince, are far too trusting. Dantooine is much to far away, I want to test this station now, but don’t worry, they’re next on my list.”
“NO!” Blaine let out a strangle sob and stared out the as his home planet was blown to bits by a large green light. He collapsed to his knees and stared up at Ryerson with hatred. “You are a terrible, horrible, sorry excuse for a human being.”
Back in the Millennium Warbler, Rachel stood with her mother’s lightsaber practicing with a small ball droid that shot weak lasers. Brad suddenly gasped and sat down as if he was going to faint.
Rachel stopped and looked over to him. “Brad? Are you ok? Did I do something wrong?”
Brad shook his head and rubbed his face. “There was a great disturbance in the force.” His eyes were distant. “Something...something terrible...I fear a large population of people were just destroyed.”
Rachel stared at him in worry.
Brad shook the thoughts away and looked directly at Rachel. “Continue your training, that’s what’s important right now.”
Kurt slid into the room. “The Imperials are long gone. Told you we could outrun them.” he smirked.
Rachel was focused once again on her training, Brad was almost meditating, and the droids were in a strange game of chess with Rory.
“Oh it was nothing, not like we could have died and I just saved us all.” Kurt rolled his eyes.
Rory smiled as he made his move, he appeared to be winning.
“Careful Q, we don’t want to lose.” F1NN tried to make a move, but Q stopped him.
“We? You don’t even know how to play. Sit back and don’t touch anything.” She beeped at him.
Q’s move caused one of her pieces to destroy one of Rory’s and he starting yelling in anger.
“Hey, calm down. Yelling won’t bring your piece back.” F1NN tried to pat his arm, but Kurt stopped him.
“Not a good idea.” Kurt leaned against the door frame and watched the game.
F1NN put his arm down. “Why not? Just trying to calm him down.”
Kurt shook his head. “Calming down is not something he’s good at. Best not to upset him in the first place.”
“No one worries aboutupsetting a droid...” F1NN paused and turned to Q remembering her red moments. “Never mind, I got it.” F1NN turned to Q, “It might be a good idea to just let him win.”
Q just glared at him.
Kurt rolled his eyes and sat at a control chair in the room, glancing at Rachel.
She stood in the center of the room, her lightsaber at the ready. The ball droid shot its lasers towards Rachel and she moved the saber to block them. Brad sat and analyzed her form.
“You must feel the force, flowing through you.” Brad reminded her.
Rachel dodged a few more laser, just barely. “So it controls me? Not sure if I like the sound of that.”
Brad shook his head. “Not exactly. While it can control you in some ways. It also obeys your commands.”
Rachel watched the ball droid carefully, trying to feel the force flowing through her. The droid circled around her and lunged, Rachel reacted, but the droid did not shoot a laser. It tricked her once more before shooting a laser and grazing her leg.
“Ow!” Rachel retracted the lightsaber and hopped on her good leg.
Kurt let out a small chuckle.
Rachel glared at him. “It’s not funny.”
“Yeah, actually it is. Religious nonsense and ancient weapons are nothing compared to a trusty gun.”
“You don’t believe in the force?” Rachel settled back on her feet.
Kurt let out a short breath. “I’ve been all over this galaxy, seen, heard, and dealt with enough crap to last a lifetime. Nothing I’ve seen has ever made me believe there’s some all powerful something that controls it all. I firmly believe in making your own choices. No mystical force can control me or my destiny.”
Brad smiled at his speech an Rachel thought about it for a moment.
Kurt stretched his hands above and behind his head. “Some people just feel the need to believe in something bigger than them.”
“And you don’t?” Rachel wondered.
Kurt shook his head. “I believe in me.” Kurt sighed. He didn’t mean to come off as arrogant or selfish, but it sure sounded that way. He didn’t care what they thought. They’d be off his ship soon, he’d have his money, and he could get on with his life.
“Try again, Rachel” Brad stood up and held out a helmet. “But where this.”
Rachel took the helmet and put it on, effectively covering her eyes. “Um...I can’t see.”
“Your sight can be deceiving, rely on your instincts. Feel the force and use it to your advantage.” Brad sat back down and watched.
Rachel took a deep breath and stood still, lightsaber ready, as the ball droid flew around her. The droid made and lunge and fired. Rachel expertly deflected it without hesitation.
“See?” Brad smiled.
Rachel lifted the helmet. “I did it! You sure it wasn’t just a lucky shot?”
Kurt mumbled. “There no such thing as luck.”
They ignored his comment. “You did it. You are more talented than you realize.” Brad patted Rachel on the shoulder.
Kurt turned to them. “Don’t get your hopes up. Battling a training machine is nothing compared to fighting someone in person. Trust me.” The control panel next to him started beeping and flashing. “We’re almost at Alderaan.” Kurt got up. “Rore, let’s go.” He and Rory left to go to the cockpit.
Rachel turned to Brad. “Despite what Mr. Skeptic says, I did feel something. I felt like I knew exactly where the droid was.” She smiled.
Brad nodded. “Congratulations, you’ve taken your first step into understanding the Force.”
St. James entered the conference room of the Death Star where Governor Ryerson sat talking with Lady Corcoran.
Ryerson looked up. “Any news?”
St. James nodded. “The scout ships have reached Dantooine, but all they only found the remains of a Rebel base. Evidence shows it has been abandoned for some time. I instructed the units to search the nearby systems, but so far we have had no luck.”
Ryerson stood from his seat in anger. “He lied to us! How dare he!”
Lady Corcoran was not surprised. “I did tell you that he would never betray his people, not consciously at least.”
“I’ve had it! Kill him! Kill him now!” Ryerson flew out of the room in a huff.
“Prepare for arrival.” Kurt and Rory sat at the controls of the cockpit, reading screens and pushing buttons. Kurt pulled back the hyperspace lever and the ship slowed down.
Through the window asteroids and debris come flying at them, rocking the ship. There was a faint crash and groan withing the ship, as what they assumed was F1NN crashed to the floor again.
“I calculated this perfectly. How in the stars did we end up in an asteroid field?” Kurt kept his cool and Rory was unphased as he flipped some switches and held on to the controls.
“This isn’t on any of our charts.” Rory agreed.
Kurt turned to the computer screen reading and rereading their coordinates.
Rachel stumbled into the cockpit, trying not to get jostled by all the shaking. “Is it supposed to be shaking? I don’t think I like hyperspace travel.”
“No its not supposed to be shaking!” Kurt snapped.
“Then what is going on?” Rachel snapped back.
Kurt pointed to the screen. “Our position is correct other than the fact that the damn planet isn’t here.”
“What?” Rachel clutched the wall. “How does a planet just disappear?”
“What makes you think I know? Something obviously blew it up. I think those asteroids are all that’s left.”
Brad entered the cockpit and looked at the window, sad realization swept over his face. “The Empire...”
Kurt and Rachel turned to him. “what?”
“The empire destroyed Alderaan.” his voice was void of any emotion.
Kurt shook his head. “They don’t have a weapon capable of this. An entire fleet couldn’t even do that.”
Before anyone could respond an alarm went off.
“That’s not a good sound.” Rachel looked at the flashing red light on the computer.
“We’ve got company.” Rory warned.
“How many?” Kurt turned his attention to the computer, meanwhile the whole ship is still shaking.
A single short range fighter flew right past them.
“I think it’s just one.” Rachel pointed.
“Where is it going? Better yet where did it come from, there are no bases around here.” Kurt had the computer do a scan of their immediate area.
“We can’t let it identify us.” Brad warned.
“Jamming transmissions.” He responded automatically.
“Short range ship can’t get this deep into space by themselves...”Brad thought out loud.
“Look!” Rachel pointed. “It’s going towards that small moon.”
In the distance the fighter made its way towards a small gray moon or maybe even planet. Kurt fiddled with some buttons. “It’s almost in range, I can take him out from here.” As they get closer the moon turned out to be none other than the Death Star, unfortunately none of them know that.
“Wait.” Brad put his hand on Kurt’s shoulder. “That’s no moon. It’s a space station.”
They all stare at it. “Isn’t that a bit big for a space station?” Rory asked.
“I agree,Rore, it’s too big for a station.”
As the ship got closer and closer, they realized Brad was right. Rachel bit her lip and stared at the station. “I have a very bad feeling about this.”
“Turn the ship around.” Brad spoke quickly and forcefully.
Kurt nodded slowly then the words sunk in. “Yes, turn around. Rory full reverse! Hurry!”
Try as they might, they were still moving towards the station.
Rachel waited for the ship to move away. “Guys...why aren’t we leaving?”
Rory spoke in a worried voice and Kurt grabbed the bridge of his nose and cursed on his breath.
“What? What did he say?” Rachel turned from Rory to Kurt.
“We’re caught in a tractor beam.” Kurt stared forward. “Nothing we can do. It’s pulling us in.”
“There must be something! Anything?” Rachel prayed to the stars there was a way out, but Rory and Kurt shook their heads.
“We’re at full power, and it’s doing nothing. We’re gonna have to shut down, but don’t worry they won’t get me or my baby without a fight.”
“We can’t win this round, there are alternatives to fighting.” Kurt stopped and looked at Brad. A smile lit up his face.
Kurt’s had his far share of experience in the alternatives to fighting category. “I’ve got an idea.”
The Death Star successfully pulled them into a docking bay, filled with armed Stormtroopers and laser guns along the walls. Pav set down with a soft thud in the docking bay. In the main corridors St. James was gathering units. “To your stations!” He called to a group of Stormtroopers. “Follow me.” he said to another. �More troopers spill out into the docking bay, prepared and ready to fire on the ship and its passengers.
Ryerson is back in the conference room still steaming from the lies the prince told him when the intercom buzzes at his desk. “WHAT?”
St James’s voice comes through the speaker. “We caught a freighter that was entering the remains of the Alderaan system. It’s similar to the ship we found in Rhodes Canyon.”
Lady Corcoran approached him at his seat. “They must be here to return the plans to the Prince. He is once again useful to us. Don’t kill him just yet.”
Lady Corcoran made her way to the docking bay, as St. James and a unit of troopers exit the ship.
“There’s no one on board, milady. The log states that the crew abandoned ship shortly after takeoff. Perhaps it is a decoy.” St. James informed her.
“Any droids on board?” Lady Corcoran asked.
St. James shook his head. “No ma’am. Like I said it’s empty.”
Lady Corcoran was not convinced. “Send a scanning crew on board. I want ever inch of this infernal ship checked.
St. James nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”
Lady Corcoran stopped in her tracks. “This presence...I’ve not felt this since...” She quickly turned around and left the docking bay.
St. James stared after her in confusion, but turned to follow orders. “This is Commander St. James.” he said into a com link. “Requesting a scanning crew to docking bay 300 and make it quick. Lady Corcoran want ever inch of this ship checked.”
The last of the Stormtroopers finally left the ship and after a few seconds of waiting, the crew of the Millennium Warbler pop up from under the seamless floor boards. Rachel, and Kurt push the floor out of their way as Brad and Rory emerge from another.
“Lucky...I mean good thing you have this secret compartments.” Rachel commented.
Kurt scoffed. “I used them for smuggling. Never though I’d be the cargo.” Kurt gracefully lifts himself out of the compartment and sits on the edge, his gun ready in his hand. “There’s no way out of here. Even if we found a way to take off, the tractor beam would just pull us back in.”
Brad smiled. “Leave that to me.”
Rachel, Rory and Kurt stared at him. “I had a feeling you would say that.” Kurt seemed more annoyed than anything else. “That’s a fool’s mission and I’m sure you know it.”
Brad just laughed. “Ah, but who is more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?”
Rachel smiled at the metaphor, while Kurt and Rory muttered to each other.
The scanning crew finally arrived at the docking bay and the two troopers standing guard sent them in. There was a loud crash and the troopers turned to look at the ship.
Kurt lowered his voice and called out. “Hey could you give us a hand with this?”
The guards shrugged and entered the ship. Two quick and fast blasts echo in the ship.
Several commanders checked on the troopers from a command office that oversaw the docking bay. He chief officer got up to leave only to be met with Rory, and two troopers. In one quick blow Rory knocked him out. The taller trooper blasts another officer before he can even grab his gun. A shorter trooper, Brad and the droids follow quickly behind them and they shut the door.
The short trooper takes off her helmet to reveal Rachel. “With all the noise you guys are making, I’m surprised they haven’t been alerted of our presence.” Rachel scolded.
Kurt took off his helmet and subtly checked his hair. “I’d much rather fight face to face than sneak around.”
F1NN and Q went straight for the computer, Q quickly plugged in to the network. She accesses the maps of the entire station. “Found it!” Q beeped.
F1NN translated. “Q’s got the location of the power...the what?”
Q groaned. “The place the powers the tractor beam! Just tell him I have where he needs to go to shut it down.”
F1NN repeats the message to them, with far less attitude. “The tractor beam is attached to the main reactor in...seven locations.” Q kept beeping. “You just need to shut down one, and the tractor beam will be useless.”
Q beeped and had the monitor zoom in on the closest location Brad leaned forward and began to memorize the maps.
“You stay here, it’s better if I do this alone.” Brad walked to the door.
“Sounds good to me.” Kurt agreed. “I just want my ship back. This little trip is already enough of a disaster.”
Rachel followed Brad to the door. “Can’t I come?”
Brad shook his head. “You place is here. You must be patient. You need to make sure the droids get to the prince safely.”
“Rachel. Your destiny is your own path, not mine. The Force will be with you, always.” He gave her a smile, but it felt more like a goodbye. He pushed the button to open the door, put on his hood and disappeared down the hallway.
Rachel shut the door and sighed against a chair. Rory muttered to Kurt, “You remember we kind of have a deadline right, Kurt?”
“Ugh I knowRore, not much we can do right now.” Kurt turned to Rachel “That Brad of yours better come through for us. I’ve got more than a bargained for on this damn trip already.”
“Brad is a great and powerful man.” Rachel pouted.
“Sure, if his power is getting us into trouble. This is worse than any situation I’ve ever been in and that saying something.” Kurt mumbled to Rory.
“It’s not like you had any bright ideas.” Rachel countered.
“Anything is better than being a sitting duck. Those Stormtroopers could come in and find us at any minute!” Kurt huffed, never taking his hand off his gun.
“What would you have us--”
Q started beeping frantically and grabbed F1NN. “F1NN!! F1NN!! He’s here! Holy Cheesus! �We found her!”
Rachel ran to Q who was still plugged into the network. “What she saying?”
F1NN pulled out of Q’s vice grip. “He’s here.” F1NN turned to Q. “Wait who’s here?”
Q beeped rapidly. “The Prince you hunk of junk! Prince Blaine!”
“Blaine?” F1NN was taken aback.
“Who?” Rachel crowded around the screen. Kurt raised an eyebrow at the commotion and shrugged at Rory.
“The Prince. Prince Blaine. The one from the message.” F1NN clarified.
“The Prince!” Rachel swooned.
“Prince?” Kurt sat up. “Ok, someone better tell me what’s going on.”
Rachel went on about the boy in the message in elaborate and partially inaccurate detail. Kurt soon realized she was just babbling and tuned her out.
Q grabbed F1NN again. “F1NN! He’s about to get executed! Tell them! Tell them!!!”
Rachel was still talking on, and on about her imaginary prince tale.
“Guys?” F1NN said meekly and Q whacked him. “GUYS!” They all looked at him. “Umm...it’s just that Prince Blaine’s execution is scheduled for like soonish.”
“What?! Execution!” Rachel stopped and turned back towards the screen. “We’ve got to help him!”
“You can’t resist can you?” Rory muttered to Kurt.
“Shut up.” He grabbed the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily.
“Kurt! please!” Rachel ran up to Kurt and grabbed his hands. He instinctively backed away and made a face of confusion mixed disgust.
“Please, what?” Kurt fumbled with their hands. “Ugh let go of me.”
“These droids, they are rightfully his. The Prince. He’s the reason we wanted to go to Alderaan in the first place. We’ve just got to help him.”
Rory gave Kurt a knowing look, but Kurt shook his head. “What if...what if Brad comes back looking for us? He did tell us to stay here.”
“He has no idea Blaine is here.” Rachel turned to Q and F1NN. “Where is he being held?”
Kurt put his hands to his head and paced the floor. Rory moved to speak but Kurt put a hand in front of his face. “Don’t. I don’t want to hear it.” He sat away from him and Rory rolled his eyes waiting for Kurt to break.
“Level eleven. Detention block A.” F1NN spoke as Q beeped at him. “Block A twenty-eight.”
“What’s the fastest way there?” Rachel watched as Q pulled up a series of maps on the screen.
“We really should stay here.” Kurt said more to convince himself than anyone else.
“He’s gonna get killed! You just said you don’t want to be a sitting duck, yet here you sit!”
“Walking straight into the Detention blocks of an Imperial space station is in no universe a good plan.” Kurt glared at her.
“Don’t you care? He could die!” Rachel pleaded.
Kurt shook his head and groaned.
“You don’t care...”
“I never said that.” Kurt snapped, obvious hurt in his voice.
“So you’ll help?”
Kurt stayed silent and wouldn’t meet her gaze.
“I bet he’s rich.” Rachel tried for bribery. “You like money right.”
“Are you trying to bribe me with money?!” Kurt was offended. “Yes, I do happen to NEED money, but that doesn’t mean I want it.”
“Kurt, I’m sorry I didn’t mean...” Rachel faltered.
Rory stood up and put a hand on his shoulder. “I know you want to help him Kurt and we really do need that money. We still don’t have quite enough for Jabba.”
Kurt turned to Rachel, the hurt still on his face. “For the record, I never said I wouldn’t help.”
“Oh Kurt!” Rachel smiled and hugged him. He didn’t return it and shot a look of annoyance to Rory who was giggling at him.
“So, genius, you have a plan?”
Rachel looked around the room. “Oh! F1NN! Hand me those cuffs.”
F1NN looked around and Q handed them to him shaking her head. “Oh thanks.” He gave them to Rachel.
“Thank you” She smiled, then turned to Kurt and Rory. “Since we are already in perfect Stormtrooper attire” She curtsied. “It’s only fitting that we act the part.” She held the cuffs toward Rory who gave her an apprehensive look.
Rachel excited explained the plan to Rory and Kurt and once they had the maps layout from Q and went over the plan several times Rachel was confident they could pull it off.
“Alright everyone! Play your parts!” Rachel ran to the door and opened it.
Kurt grabbed her by the collar and dragged her back into the office. “Hey genius, you forgot your helmet.” He settled his on his head and handed Rachel hers.
“Come on Rory, let’s get this over with.”
Rachel turned to Q and F1NN. “Be careful while we’re gone and keep the com link handy.” She shut the door behind them.
“I have a feeling I’ll be in pieces on the floor before this day is over.” F1NN told Q.
“Oh don’t exaggerate. You won’t be in pieces.” Q unplugged from the network
“Gee, thanks.”
Luckily for our trio, their route to the detention block was fairly empty. A small cleaning bot scurried around the floor, but a startling yell from Rory scared it away.
They finally made it to the elevator and avoided the suspicion of a few passing officers. Once the elevator door was closed. Rachel turned to Kurt. “No wonder their aim is so bad. I can’t see anything in this helmet.”
“Good thing you got the Force then.” Kurt muttered. Rory let out a soft chuckle.
Among the many corridors of the ship Brad slipped around like a ghost, quickly and unnoticed. Further down the corridor Lady Corcoran stopped in her tracks. She glanced about like someone what watching her. Brad caught a small glimpse of her cape as she continued onward, but he path did not follow hers.
“Guys...” Rory nudged Kurt. “I don’t think this is going to work.” He raised his arms.
“Oh stars. Rachel look.” Kurt pointed to Rory’s cuffs. “They’re broken. Now what?”
The elevator doors opened to the detention block. The immediate room was full of several guards and a very proper officer. She walked up to them.
“This was not on my schedule.” She took a pad of paper from her pocket to double check. “Nope. State your business.”
Kurt lowered his voice to match the troopers. “Prisoner transfer to block A twenty-seven.”
The officer huffed. “Confound these people and their lack of communication. Can no one stick to a schedule?!” She turned to Kurt and Rachel. “Well I guess I’ll just have to call to verify.”
Kurt nudged Rory and he lunged forward, dropping the broken cuffs.
“Oh no he’s loose!” Rachel screamed.
Kurt slipped Rory his laser crossbow and the three of them fired. Kurt and Rory took out the guards with perfect accuracy while Rachel blasted the cameras. She really didn’t want to kill anyone. Kurt rushed over to the panels in the room and ripped off the annoying helmet. “His cell is that way.” He pointed and Rachel took off.
The com buzzed a voice. “What’s going on up there?”
Kurt put his hair back to a manageable state, cleared his throat, and pushed the com button. “We had a slight weapons malfunction, a bit of an explosion, but everything is fine. All personal are accounted for.”
The muffled voice spoke again. “We’re send a squad up.”
“No, negative. I repeat negative. Do not send a squad. There’s a uh...”
“Leak?” Rory offered Kurt nodded and mouthed a “thank you”.
“Reactor leak. It’s everywhere. We’ll need a few minutes to isolate and contain it. It’s very dangerous.”
“Reactor leak? Who is this? Miss, state your clearance code.”
“Miss?” Kurt turned his blaster to the com and blew it up. “Miss.” Kurt shook his head. “What a jerk.” Kurt turned towards Rachel down the hall. “Hey Rachel! We’re gonna have company!”
Rachel groaned. “Great.” She counted as she read the door numbers until she got to cell 28. In case of guards inside Rachel had her blast gun ready. She pushed the button to open the door and stepped inside.
Blaine was turned towards the wall, curled up on the ledge asleep. When he heard the door open he quickly snapped away and turned around. His gelled hair was starting to curl, but his clothes were still impeccably white. Rachel stood and stared and Blaine stared back. He realized this trooper was probably shorter than him, and that was saying something.
“Aren’t you a little short for a Stormtrooper?” His eye brows shot up in a quizzical look.
“Huh?” Rachel stared then remember she was still in a trooper uniform. “Oh right, the costume! How silly of me.” She ripped off the helmet and dropped it to the floor. “I’m Rachel, Rachel Skywalker and I’m here to rescue you.” She announced proudly.
“Prince Blaine Organa, charmed.” He took her hand. “Not to be rude, but should how did you even know I was here, or in need of rescue?”
“I’ve got your droids, and I’m here with Brad Kenobi--”
“Brad Kenobi!” Blaine interrupted. “He’s here? What are you waiting for? Let’s go.”
Rachel led him out of the cell.
Lady Corcoran paced around the conference room. “He is here.”
“Nonsense.” Ryerson brushed it off. “Kenobi? Here? Who put that idea in your head?”
“I felt his presence.” Lady Corcoran spat with finality.
“He’s probably dead, the Jedi are extinct. You are the only one left who believe in that silly religion.”
Lady Corcoran stopped in her tracks and glared at him. “Don’t you dare underestimate the power of the Force.”
The com in front of Ryerson buzzed. “What now?” He answered.
St. James spoke over the com. “There’s an alert in detention block A.”
“The prince!” Ryerson interrupted. “St. James, make sure all sections are on alert, do not let him escape!”
“Understood.” St. James replied.
Lady Corcoran turned Ryerson’s chair to face her. “I told you he was here, and the Force is in his favor.”
“Should I tell the troops to be on the lookout for a washed up old Jedi fool, too? We can’t let him escape either.” Ryerson mocked, luckily Corcoran ignored him.
“Escape is not his plan. I must face him.”
Ryerson raised an eyebrow.
“Alone.” Corcoran all but flew out the room.
The elevators to the detention bay were all stopping on their floor. Rory and Kurt were about to be outnumbered.
“Rore, get your bow and get behind me.” Kurt grabbed a second gun from his boot and aimed them towards the elevators. About a dozen troopers spilled from the first elevator. Kurt and Rory shot and dodged, until the room was filled with blast smoke. Kurt and Rory backed up towards the hallway while Rachel and Blaine ran towards them.
Kurt stopped them, not looking back. “Sorry, no more people beyond this point.” He shot a couple more times with each gun. “Unless of course you want to become target practice for these guys. Seriously, they can’t aim at all.” Kurt shot two more down.
“Some rescue.” Blaine muttered. “We’re cut off from our only exit.”
Kurt turned to offer a retort but stopped when he met Blaine’s eyes. A warm amber hazel coupled with rather triangular eyebrows. Both of their expressions softened, a small smile starting on Kurt’s lips. The few second they spent staring felt like hours, before a blast shook them from their thoughts. Kurt returned to his normal demeanor. “Well, maybe you’d be safe back in your cell. Should we all hide in there?” He asked.
Rachel hid behind the wall and took her com link from her belt. “F1NN, F1NN, come in!”
“Rachel? Oh yeah. I’m here, We’re here. What’s up?” F1NN’s voice came through the link.
“We’re in the detention block, is there a secondary way out? Suffice to say we can’t get out the way we came.”
There was a pause. F1NN turned to Q who plugged back into the computer, scanning for an escape. She beeped at him and he relayed the messages to Rachel.
“The whole station knows you’re here. I think the elevator is the only way out. Information about the detention area is restricted.” F1NN turned to Q. “Can you hack it?”
Q shook her head. “There’s not enough time.”
“Open up in there!” Q and F1NN turned to the door as a trooper banged on it.
“We’re doomed.” F1NN backed up towards Q.
squeak am gonna run off and watch a new hope now to satisfy my growing addiction to your verse
I think I've watched it about 4 times since I starting writing. I'm glad you like my crossover! Thank you!