Aug. 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Aug. 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
They'd ended up back on the picnic blanket, shirts tossed carelessly aside, Blaine on his back as Kurt sat, straddling his hips, fingers mapping the dips and valleys of Blaine's chest and stomach. “That was-”
“Nice?” teased Blaine, one arm tucked beneath his head. He dipped the fingers of his other hand into the waistband of Kurt's shorts, deliberately scratching the coarse hair that trailed downwards.
Eyes fluttering shut, Kurt whimpered at the touch. “Intense…is what I was going for, silly. Mmmm. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but B, we need to stop.”
“Kuuurt,” whined Blaine, lifting his hips underneath Kurt. “Nooo, Kurt,” he pouted.
“Yes, Blaine. We still need to talk,” he tried to move off of Blaine, whose hands were suddenly clamped down on his hips.
“Don't, Kurt,” he pleaded. “Don't move. We can talk. I promise to behave,” Blaine assured.
Quirking an eyebrow up at Blaine, Kurt leaned down, bringing their noses together. “Will you promise me to not behave after we're done talking? Because, in case you didn't know, I love watching dapper Blaine Anderson melt into a puddle of animalistic need. I love that I'm the one to do that to you,” Kurt's voice had deepened significantly as he looked Blaine up and down.
“I don't have my blazer here,” Blaine smirked.
“It's fine. I'd only tear it off you anyway,” Kurt remarked blithely, sweeping his bangs back into place.
Flushing at the image, Blaine schooled his face into a more serious demeanor. “What else are we talking about then?”
Breathing deep, Kurt reached over to take Blaine's hand to hold. “I think the last thing we were talking about was how we were going to let the other person know when we feel like we aren't being heard. I mean, for something really important. Like before, when you were clearly worried about us going long distance and I kept putting your fears aside instead of really listening.”
Blaine began chewing his lower lip nervously. “I've been thinking about that for a while. And…and, I think we need, like a safe word,” he blurted, trying to get the words out before he became too embarrassed.
“A safe word?” Kurt tilted his head to the side. “You aren't going to ask me to start calling you Mr. Grey are you?” he giggled.
Rolling his eyes, Blaine shook his head. “Um, no. I'm serious though. I think you're right, we need a signal of some sort. Something that's between us, something that says ‘Hey, pay attention. I need you to hear me.'”
Kurt considered Blaine's suggestion and wracked his brain for something that might work – something that would be meaningful for them, but would also be innocuous enough that they could use it in front of others, without calling too much unwanted attention. Without raising too many questions they'd rather not answer. Finally, he had something that he thought might work.
“Remember after the Warbler Gap Attack, when I told you how I felt – well, at least that I thought you were going to ask me out on Valentine's Day…and I said we were sorta like When Harry Met Sally? What if our signal was me calling you Billy Crystal, and you could call me Meg Ryan. What do you think?”
Blaine's eyes lit up with enthusiasm, “I like it. It's meaningful to us, but no one else would really think twice about it.”
“Hey, Billy Crystal?” Kurt peered down into Blaine's honey eyes.
“Yes?” he answered with a whisper.
“I love you. Warts and all,” Kurt declared affectionately dropping a kiss on Blaine's rather swollen lips. “Is there anything else you want to talk about? Because, honestly? I think I've covered everything on my list. And I'm kinda getting hungry. For food.”
Considering he thought they had completely hashed things out, Kurt was surprised to realize Blaine was struggling to verbalize something. He could see it in the way his beautiful honey colored eyes were avoiding his and in the way Blaine's lips were white from being pressed tightly together.
Caressing them with his thumb, Kurt watched as Blaine relaxed, bringing the rosy tint back to his mouth. “Blaine, we promised…everything on the table. Talk to me. Don't hold it in.” He bent down to kiss Blaine, who twisted his head at the last minute so Kurt's lips ended up on his cheek.
“Kurt?” Blaine's voice was shaky. “I…I don't wanna know, but it's killing me to not know.” He hesitated again, bringing his hands rest on Kurt's thighs. “Kurt, how far…did you get…with Adam?”
“Oh Blaine,” exhaled Kurt.
Struggling to sit up until Kurt swung off of him, Blaine clarified. “Look, I know we weren't together at that time…I know. I just…I know it's different than what I did with Eli, but…I can't explain why I need to know. Just…that I do, Kurt.”
“Stop, Blaine,” Kurt said, putting an end to Blaine's babbling explanation. “It's fine. I don't mind telling you. Just…come here.” Kurt sat on the ground, gesturing for Blaine to sit between his legs, so that Blaine's back was against Kurt's chest. Holding him securely in the safety of his arms, Kurt spoke of his friendship with Adam. Of their coffee dates and movie dates. Conversations about theater, film and fashion. The Adam's Apples.
Kurt held on to Blaine's hands, wrapping himself around the smaller boy as he got to the part he knew would be the most difficult for Blaine to hear. “We kissed. Multiple times. He spent the night a couple times,” Kurt heard Blaine sniffle and rushed to continue. “We shared my bed. But things never went further than kissing. No ‘South of the Border' visas were granted,” he chuckled at the terminology he and Blaine had once used to describe where their sexual boundaries were drawn.
“You're right, though. We weren't together at that point. So, honestly, if we had been intimate with each other, I wouldn't feel guilty about it. I don't feel bad about trying to move on.”
“You shouldn't, Kurt. That's not what I want,” Blaine said forcefully.
“I know. And I know you. And somewhere in the back of your curly topped mind, there's a little voice saying ‘I wonder…I wonder how I compare. I wonder if he kisses better than I do. I wonder if Kurt's gonna wake up one day and regret coming back to me.'” Kurt ran his hands along Blaine's arms soothing the other boy who had begun to tense at Kurt's words.
“And now you're wondering how the hell I knew that, right?” he stated confidently.
“Yeah. It's kinda scary,” Blaine answered honestly.
“I want you to remember this, sweetheart. Back in February, at the wedding, when I kept going on about how everyone ‘hooks up' at weddings? That was bullshit. Since when have I ever cared about what everyone else does? I knew I wanted you. I just didn't want you to know how much I needed you. I was still…hurt. And let's be completely honest – if I hadn't slid my hand up your thigh in the back of that Prius, basically granting you permission to make a move – you wouldn't have. I knew how much you wanted me, wanted to be back together. But you're too much of a gentleman. If I hadn't given you a clear green light, your tongue would have stayed in your mouth the entire time.”
“Then later, when I dragged you – albeit willingly – into my hotel room and launched you at the bed so I could ravage you…shit, Blaine, I can't imagine doing anything like that with Adam. You need to smack that little voice upside the head, and tell him – and you know this is the truth: I never would have crossed that line with you at the wedding if Adam and I were together together. In fact, I wouldn't have crossed it if we had a chance of being together. It was just easier for me to lie to you and lie to myself than to face the truth that I still loved you – despite everything.”
Kurt shifted the two of them, cradling Blaine's head in his arm so he could look at him in the eye. “You can play dapper really well when you need to – but you're a freaking animal in bed.” Connecting their lips together, Kurt immediately deepened the kiss, licking his way into Blaine's mouth as he carefully lay Blaine back down. Not breaking the kiss, Kurt nudged his way between Blaine's legs, lying on top of him, pressing his body weight onto Blaine.
Feeling Blaine begin to respond to their heated actions, Kurt nibbled and sucked his way along Blaine's jaw line until he reached Blaine's ear lobe which he took between his teeth, sparking a long moan from Blaine. “You listening, Billy Crystal? That guy, Adam? He's a nice guy and I still hope we, all three of us, can be friends eventually. But you're Fourth of July fireworks and he's…just…not.”
Blaine had one hand holding Kurt's head in place against his neck and the other moving up the back of Kurt's leg under his shorts. Breathing heavily, he commented, “Thought you said you were hungry. For food.” That he sassed Kurt showed how relieved he felt about the information Kurt had shared.
“Oh, so you want to play it that way?” smirked Kurt right before he rolled off of Blaine and reached for the backpack containing their food. Unzipping the large pocket he began to lay out the food on top of Blaine's chest, despite the other boy's protests to come back and finish what he started.
“Don't you worry your pretty little head, Blaine Anderson. I'll finish what I started. Only now, it's gonna be on my timeframe. Apparently you never learned the preschool rule: you get what you get and you don't throw a fit. Besides, I went to a lot of trouble to make us lunch, so the least you could do is appreciate it.”
Sighing, Blaine adjusted his swollen erection with the heel of his hand. “I do appreciate it, Kurt. I appreciate you. I just…appreciated what you were doing just now a little bit more.” From his position on his back, Blaine popped off the lid on a plastic bowl to find cut up fruit which began to feed himself.
“I have a fork,” Kurt remarked pointedly as Blaine continued to use his fingers.
“And I have the utensils God gave me,” Blaine teased, waggling his eyebrows.
“And where have those utensils been today, Blaine?” Kurt asked pointedly.
“Nowhere my tongue hasn't gone at some point already,” Blaine blurted before blushing a brilliant crimson red. “I can't believe I just said that. I'm sorry, Kurt,” he said quietly, covering his eyes with his forearm in embarrassment.
He felt Kurt remove the bowls from his body and then a very cold sensation of liquid being poured onto his belly. He hissed at the contact, body arching off the ground.
“Ssshhh. It's just suntan lotion. We've been shirtless for too long. Let me do this. You just keep eating,” Kurt placed the fruit bowl near Blaine's left hand and another bowl with pasta salad near his right.
Blaine could barely keep from choking on the delicious food for the amazing sensation of Kurt's hands running across his chest and arms in wide strokes as he smoothed the lotion into Blaine's skin. Fingertips glided over his forehead, nose and cheekbones then down to his neck, across his shoulders and lower still along his chest and stomach. There was a tug, and then Blaine knew Kurt had undone the button to his shorts.
“Lift your hips,” came Kurt's quiet command, as he removed Blaine's shorts, leaving him in just a pair of tight black briefs. He continued spreading the lotion over Blaine's lower belly and inner thighs, working himself down lower and lower. After finishing Blaine's toes, Kurt moved forward and mouthed Blaine's sizeable erection through his underwear causing the other boy to thrust upwards. Taking a deep breath, Kurt let it out slowly, knowing the heated breath would feel delicious.
“Not quite yet, honey,” he commented. “Need you to turn over so I can do your back.” Admiring the play of muscles under the unclothed flesh, Kurt sighed. “You always did keep yourself in shape, but I'm really liking what those Cheerio workouts have done to your body, Blaine.” Repeating his actions from earlier, he drizzled the cool lotion across Blaine's back, leaning forward on his arms to give Blaine a decent massage at the same time.
He took his time. Proper skin care always took time. So did bringing your lover to the brink of begging for release. Kurt wasn't going to rush things now. After he had finished with the suntan lotion, Kurt straddled Blaine's knees, pulling down his underwear so it caught under the pale globes of his perfect ass. Reaching back into the backpack, Kurt removed some wet wipes, using them to clean the suntan lotion from his fingers. They'd learned that lesson the hard way last summer – suntan lotion was not lubricant. It stung like a bitch.
“Kurt?” Blaine's curiosity was apparent.
Caressing Blaine's ass with the palm of a hand, Kurt continued to search the backpack finally finding the small bottle of lubricant he'd packed – just in case. Quickly shucking off his own shorts, Kurt moved to lean down into Blaine's back, taking his earlobe into his mouth again. “Don't tell me we dissected our entire relationship only to have you decide we're better off as just friends. Please tell me you want me,” he rasped, slowly moving his hips against the exposed flesh of Blaine's backside.
“God, Kurt…yes, but. Yes I still want you, but…” Blaine groaned at the contact, pushing backwards to create more friction.
Kurt turned on his side, dragging Blaine with him. He held one hand low on Blaine's belly, fingernails scratching lightly through the coarse hair, Blaine's cock brushing against the back of his hand. Propping his head up with the other hand, he asked softly, “But, what?”
“I don't want to rush things, Kurt,” Blaine said distractedly while taking Kurt's hand from his belly and guiding it lower until Kurt gently began to massage his balls. “Fuck, baby, just like that. God, I missed this so much,” he exhaled tightly.
Kurt chuckled softly. “So what would be acceptable, for me to do to – or with – my boyfriend?”
“Boy.boyfriend?” stuttered Blaine, twisting and pushing up to look at Kurt who smirked and pushed his shoulder until he lay back down.
“Is that rushing things?” Kurt asked, a hint of concern creeping into his voice for the first time.
“No!” Blaine replied vehemently. “No, that's not what I meant. I would … really love to be your boyfriend again, Kurt.” Voice cracking as he answered, Blaine swallowed hard and blinked away the tears that had filled his eyes.
“Good. Because that's what I want.” Kurt carefully kissed Blaine's shoulder, snuggling up behind him.
Kurt continued with his original line of questioning. “Are we going back to our needing visas to travel ‘South of the Border' rule? Because if so, I'm totally confused,” Kurt teased, sliding his hand up along Blaine's cock. “What do you mean when you say ‘rushed'? What don't you want to rush, honey?” he asked. Kurt could feel Blaine's chest rise and fall as he took a deep breath.
“Iwanttowaittohavesexagain,” Blaine blurted quickly.
Kurt's laughter jostled both their bodies. “Sorry, hon, I didn't quite catch that. Could you maybe try to separate the words you're using?” He ran a hand soothingly over Blaine's torso.
“I want to wait to have sex again. Sex sex, anyway. I want … I want to be sure. I want us to be sure. About us. Not that I'm not sure … I am sure. I'm not making sense.” Blaine rolled, repositioning himself to face Kurt, bringing up his hand to brush Kurt's cheek lovingly. “We've been through so much these past months. I want a chance to make it special. I want our first time together – like that – to be perfect. Like our first, first time was. Does any of that make sense?”
Seeing Blaine's concern that he wasn't making himself clear written on his face, Kurt attempted to allay his fears. “Honey, we have always waited until we both were ready before doing something new. Why would this be any different?”
“Because this isn't new,” insisted Blaine.
Kurt kissed his boyfriend softly. “Blaine,” he breathed, “okay, yes we've messed around before. A lot. Even after we broke things off. But if you're not comfortable, I'm not comfortable, remember? I just want to be clear on our boundaries –because I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or feel like I'm taking advantage of you or the fact we're back together. So, to clarify, when you said you didn't want to rush things, by things, you meant having penetrative sex, correct?”
“Yes,” Blaine whispered, flushing lightly.
“Okay. Anything else you don't want to rush?” Kurt brushed his thumb across Blaine's lips.
Blaine shook his head.
“Then, if he doesn't object, I'd like to show my boyfriend just how much I've missed having him around.” Kurt slowly slid an arm underneath Blaine's arm, pulling the shorter boy closer, so their chests were touching. “Is that acceptable, Blaine? Can I kiss you now?”
“Yes, please,” he whispered, wetting his lips with his tongue as he felt Kurt's hand drift down to stroke his ass.
Tightening his hold on Blaine, Kurt rolled them so that Blaine lay securely between his legs. Blaine's toned arms framed Kurt's face and Kurt pulled him down into a steamy kiss – wet and hot and slow. Each time Blaine tried to move his lips to Kurt's jaw, or his neck, or his cheeks, Kurt would guide him back to his lips –needing more of the touch and taste of Blaine.
It was the loud growl of Kurt's stomach that eventually had them separating, laughter bubbling forth from both of them.
“It's okay. I can take a hint,” giggled Blaine, reaching his fingers up to brush against his swollen lips. Sitting up on his knees, he helped Kurt to sit and then to stand. Snapping his underwear back into place, Blaine bent and grabbed the plastic bowls he'd been eating out of earlier and sat in one of the camp chairs. “Come here and eat something.”
Surprisingly unembarrassed about being dressed only in his underwear, Kurt grabbed up the sunblock and joined Blaine in the other chair. “Feed me,” he requested. “I need to slather some of this on myself,” he observed with a smirk, pouring out the cream colored liquid into his hand.
“You know, I'd be happy to apply it myself,” Blaine offered.
“I'm sure you would be,” commented Kurt slyly. “But I think you need to watch. I want you…to watch.” Kurt took a strawberry from Blaine's fingers with his mouth and began rubbing the sunblock over his chest and arms – watching Blaine watch him.
Blaine carefully fed Kurt several bits of the pasta salad before going back to the fruit. “So hot,” he exhaled quietly. His eyes carefully followed Kurt's fingers as the rubbed the lotion along his inner thighs.
Kurt smiled seductively. “Isn't it. Kinda like Christmas. You can look but not touch,” he replied while standing up so he could rub the lotion on the areas of his body the chair was touching. “Blaine? I've been meaning to ask you if you would come up to New York to spend some time with me this summer.”
Continuing with his application of the sunblock, Kurt missed the opportunity to see Blaine's reaction to his offer. “You can stay with us in loft – which would totally give you the chance to see what it's like to live with Rachel and Santana. I mean, yeah, it's crazy sometimes – but we've done a pretty decent job of setting up boundaries and household expectations.”
“And you can figure out what you need to bring with you when you move.” Finally looking up, Kurt noticed Blaine staring studiously at his feet. It was at that point that Kurt began to realize that the perfect picture he'd painted in his head might have a few flaws.
“Kurt,” Blaine's voice cracked. “Kurt, I need to talk to you about that, actually.”