Aug. 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Aug. 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Meandering down the main trail for some time, Blaine had noticed a smaller path and encouraged Kurt to join him in taking it. While they'd passed a few people hiking the main trail, they hadn't passed anyone in the twenty minutes they'd been on the smaller path. That was when Blaine stopped, dropped what he was carrying, and pretty much yanked the backpack off of Kurt's shoulders only to push him up against a nearby tree.
Eyes blazing, he held Kurt's gaze as he deliberately opened each of the buttons on Kurt's shirt, pushing it open before reaching for the button on Kurt's shorts making quick work of that one too. Reaching one hand up to pull Kurt's head down for a fierce kiss, Blaine plunged the other into Kurt's underwear, wrapping his fingers around the solid length of Kurt finding him already hard. He knew exactly how Kurt liked to be stroked – how he needed to be stroked, and Blaine worked quickly to bring Kurt to the edge.
When Kurt's moans and whimpers of pleasure turned higher in pitch and more desperate, Blaine broke off their kiss, bending to take Kurt's nipple in his mouth and sucking hard. Kurt's near scream almost had Blaine coming in his pants. Moving across his chest to the other nipple, Blaine laved his tongue across it, before blowing cool air, forcing it into a tight nub.
Moving lower still, he placed a series of open-mouthed kisses along Kurt's abdomen and pelvis, knowing that if Kurt wasn't okay with this, he would have stopped Blaine when he'd moved to unbutton his shirt. Shifting Kurt's underwear, Blaine took Kurt's cock into his mouth, suckling on the tip and flicking the bottom of his tongue along the leaking head. He didn't fight it when Kurt's fingers entangled themselves into his hair, as he tugged Blaine forward, trying to get more of his cock into the sweet heat and suction of Blaine's mouth.
Gripping Kurt's hips tightly, he force him back against the tree, taking him as deep as he could and slowly sucking up the length, lips tight around Kurt's swollen cock, until he reached the tip, only to repeat the action over and over. Kurt was a babbling mess above him, mumbling incoherent syllables in between his loud groans and tight hisses of pleasure. Knowing it wouldn't take much more to push Kurt over the edge, Blaine carefully moved his hands from Kurt's hips to grip his ass cheeks, pulling them apart so he could run a knuckle down the center.
That was all it took.
Blaine carefully cleaned Kurt with his tongue, mindful of Kurt's oversensitivity, before carefully tucking him into his underwear and pulling up his shorts, fastening them into place. Next, he buttoned Kurt's shirt, tucking that into his shorts before finally looking him in the eyes. Kurt looked completely debauched and it made Blaine even harder. Offering a sultry smile, Blaine winked and bent over to pick up the camp chairs and blanket.
Confused, Kurt put a hand on his arm to stop him. “Blaine? What about-“
“Come on. We still need to find a place to talk,” he said, voice gravely while he adjusted his shorts to relive some of the uncomfortable pressure.
Taking the backpack from Blaine, Kurt shrugged it onto his shoulders. “Not that I'm complaining, because I'm not complaining. So not complaining…but what was all that about, then?” he asked, taking Blaine's hand and intertwining their fingers.
Blaine flushed a little – surprising given he'd just given Kurt a blow job in the middle of a state park where anyone could have walked by. “I, uh…having sex in a public place…well, um. Bucket list,” he explained shyly starting down the trail again.
“Oh,” Kurt answered.
“Yes, Kurt?”
“That may have been the single fucking hottest sexual experience I've ever had,” Kurt said with a grin. “I might need to put that on my bucket list – just so we can experience that again.”
“You were here, you know,” Blaine pointed out.
“Um, yes, I was indeed aware that my cock was in your mouth at the time, dear. No, what I was thinking,” Kurt paused, moving to stand behind Blaine, pulling him close to his chest, rucking up Blaine's t-shirt so he could run his fingers over Blaine's abs. “What I was thinking was that we could have sex…in public. You know…you inside of me, fucking me with your cock, until we both explode. Somewhere where we might get caught.” Kurt allowed his hand to drift down over the erection Blaine' was still sporting. “That's what turns you on the most, right? The fact that we could have an audience.” Kurt purred pulling Blaine's earlobe into his mouth, caressing it with his tongue.
“Fuck, yeah,” admitted Blaine with a moan, moving his hips into Kurt's hand. “Kurt?” he said brokenly.
“Yeah, sweetheart,” Kurt murmured, not stopping his attention to Blaine's body.
“Did I ever tell you my fantasy about having sex…in your dad's tire shop?” he asked roughly.
Kurt froze. “Nooooo,” Kurt couldn't believe how high his voice had climbed. “Why don't you share the details while we look for our picnic spot,” he offered, swallowing hard at the images that filled his mind.
“Oookaaay,” breathed Blaine, trying his hardest to will away his erection. The damn thing made walking incredibly…difficult.