Nov. 24, 2014, 6 p.m.
Nov. 24, 2014, 6 p.m.
This entire chapter came from BilliMonroes simple comment to a preview: "I wonder when they started saying I love you". I asked the guys, this is what they answered with. Totally not where I thought this story would be going, but I am happy with the result. Thank you for reading and chocolate fondue to those of you whove taken the time to review. In the interest of full disclosure, The Warblers Song is based on a local restaurant that I love. Going to make reservations now...
-Early December-
Blaine drove. Everywhere they went together, if they took one car, Blaine drove. And surprising himself a little, Kurt was okay with that arrangement. He didnt mind the perspective from the passenger seat, seeing as it allowed him more time to ogle his entirely too attractive boyfriend.
Boyfriend. Theyd made things official – to their friends and family – right before Thanksgiving. It amused Kurt to no small extent that his father and Blaine got along so well. So well, in fact, that Carole had shared that, on more than one occasion, Blaine had stopped by the house early into his shift, just to check up on Kurts dad. Neither his father, nor Blaine had said anything about it, so Kurt was keeping mum that he knew. He chalked it up to Blaine Anderson escaping with one more piece of his heart.
The darkened residential street they were meandering down gave way to trees decorated with white lights and shops and restaurants. People dressed in warm coats, scarves and hats carefully dashed across the street, waving in gratitude at the cars that stopped to let them do so.
Blaine waited for two cars to pass before making a sharp left into a poorly marked driveway that led back behind a large building. There were a few parking spaces back here in the darkness, and Blaine took one.
"Are you sure its safe back here?" Kurt asked.
Smiling, Blaine turned off the engine. "You know Ill keep you safe," he rasped just before connecting their lips in a slow kiss. All he wanted was to drag his fingers through Kurts hair, mussing it up – but he knew, unequivocally, that his boyfriend would never forgive him – especially once he realized where they were eating tonight.
"When is our reservation?" murmured Kurt, very deliberate in the kisses he was placing along Blaines slightly scruffy jaw line.
Glancing at the dashboard, Blaine sighed and moved back. "Now."
"Well, Mr.-Im-Highly-Trained-In-The-Art-Of-Observation, I expect to find you repeating this scene in approximately two to two and a half hours. Got it?" Kurt ran his thumb over Blaines lower lip until he nipped at Kurts finger playfully.
"Oh, youll get your make out session, Kurt Hummel. I expect Ill find you wanting to thank your boyfriend …repeatedly for the date hes planned out for you." Blaine held his hands up, palms out, making sexy know-it-all faces at Kurt until he couldnt keep the giggles contained any further. "Come on, Hummel. Let me show you a good time."
After they climbed out of the car, Blaine helped Kurt into his coat, then carefully wrapped Kurts scarf around his neck for him. Kurt did the same for him, and then, linking fingers, they strolled around the building into a cobblestone courtyard. Here, too, the trees were bedecked in thousands of white lights, and six or seven heating lamps were strategically placed so the large crowd, sitting on wooden benches or standing, wouldnt become too cold in the night air.
Kurt lifted his gaze to a large wooden sign above the stairs that led down into the restaurant and stopped.
Mouth gaping, Kurt stared. "How?" he breathed. "How did you get reservations to The Warblers Song? They book six months out."
Blaine played with Kurts scarf, adjusting it to keep out the bitter chill. "I have connections. Besides, I owe you for missing most of Thanksgiving. That was an amazing spread you put together and Im sorry your assholeboyfriend couldnt attend longer than 30 minutes."
Shaking his head in awe, Kurt murmured, "If this is how he intends to make things up to me, I might not even require the sexual favors I was going to insist on."
Blaine stepped closer, wrapping his arms around Kurt. "Your boyfriend is more than happy to perform any sexual favors. Please. Insist away," he teased quietly. Leaning in, Blaine enjoyed brushing his lips against Kurts pink mouth, lightly running the tip of his tongue over Kurts bottom lip.
"We should go inside before we become indecent," Blaine said upon breaking their kiss. "I asked for a special table, and Nick said he would make it happen." Holding out his gloved hand, he waited for Kurt to take it before leading him down a series of steep stairs. "When Nick was renovating this space into his restaurant, he wanted it to feel like you were entering a converted wine cellar," he explained.
"Who is this Nick?" asked Kurt, a small amount of jealousy creeping in to his voice.
"Nick Duvall. He owns The Warblers Song. Well, co-owns," Blaine continued rather oblivious to the direction Kurts feelings had gone. Blaine tucked his gloves into the pockets of his wool coat before sliding it off with his scarf. Helping Kurt with his wool coat, Blaine gave them over to the young man working the coat check, slipping the coat check ticket into his pocket.
In a slightly possessive move that turned Kurt on more than hed ever admitted, Blaine placed his hand low on Kurts back, subtly guiding him over to the hostess desk. Kurt smiled when Blaine tucked his fingers inside the belt at Kurts waist, letting anyone who cared to know, that they were together.
"Reservation for two under Anderson."
Blaine used his formal tone, the one Kurt teased was his cop voice – his official dealing with the public voice. In the almost three months theyd been seeing each other, Kurt had learned to recognize many of the different voices Blaine used. His favorite, by far, was the gravely, deep voice Blaine woke up with after a solid nights sleep.
"Yes, sir. Mr. Duvall said you were his personal guests and to tell you to let any of the staff know if something isnt up to Dalton standards. Im not sure what that means, but he assured me you would understand, Mr. Anderson." She picked up a leather bound menu and led the men through the restaurant.
It was dimly lit and the tables were spaced far enough apart so as to allow privacy for all the guests. The hostess led them into a secluded room with four tables in the center surrounded by booths that wrapped around the wall. Blaine and Kurt were seated at the rounded booth furthest away from the other tables – the only empty place theyd seen.
When theyd settled in, the hostess smiled shyly. "If you would like more privacy, you can release the draperies on either side of the booth. Mr. Duvall has taken care of the menu for you – but your server will be by shortly, so if you have any questions, or allergies that the kitchen should know about, please let him know. I hope you enjoy your evening, gentlemen."
"She was sweet," observed Blaine who was taking in the Tuscan influences of the decor. When Kurt failed to answer, Blaine glanced over at Kurt, taking in the arms folded across his chest, and knew Kurts defenses were up. "You disagree?"
Shaking his head, Kurt picked up the spoon in front of him and turned it over nervously. "How … how do you know Nick Duvall, Blaine?"
"Were friends," Blaine answered smoothly, watching Kurts reactions acutely.
Sighing quietly, Kurt continued to stare at the silverware.
"Kurt? I cant read your mind. I wish I could, but I cant. Talk to me, sweetheart." Blaine took a moment to unhook one of the drapes, allowing it to swing free and hide half of the table from view. Once that was done, he slid closer to Kurt wrapping his arms around him, pulling him gently against his chest.
When Kurt continued to not answer, Blaine grew more nervous. Voice tight he said, "I thought youd like coming here. Would you rather go somewhere else? Because we can do that. Anywhere you wanna go. Shit, you wanna go to Dennys, were there."
Kurt couldnt hold back the hot tears at the sadness in Blaines voice. "No," he whispered, swallowing around his tight throat. "Im sorry. I … Im sorry for being so dramatic. I just … he must have been a really special friend. You know. To agree to get you reservations so quickly."
Blaine looked perplexed. "Who? Nick?"
Kurt nodded.
"Nick and I are the best of friends, Kurt. We went to Dalton Academy together. We were part of their glee club, roomed together for two years. You want crazy stories about me and boarding school – Nicks the one to cozy up to," Blaine explained with a little laugh.
Turning more serious, he continued, "But if what youre worried about is whether we were ever together together – thats a decided no. Hes a friend. Period. Not an ex-boyfriend." Blaine brushed his lips over Kurts temple, keeping his arms wrapped tight around Kurts waist.
"Im an idiot," Kurt sniffled.
"Youre my idiot," Blaine replied affectionately. "You being kinda, maybe, just a little bit jealous – of the idea I might have been with someone in my past? Thats … hot. And for the record – I dont like thinking about you kissing some other guy either," Blaine sighed. "Anyway, Nick has only ever had eyes for one guy. Hes into blonds. And Im clearly not. A blond that is," he added, gesturing towards his own dark curls.
"Oh, shit," Kurt murmured, with a teasing smile. "I hadnt noticed." Pursing his lips, Kurt made a show of considering Blaine and his hair. "Maybe I need to rethink our relationship," he said with a wink.
Blaine pressed his lips against Kurts ear, "Shut up, Hummel. I know you love my hair."
Giving Blaine a shy smile, Kurt took a moment to stare into the warmth of Blaines eyes. Then, sitting up straight, he took both of Blaines hands in his. "Hi. Im Kurt Hummel. Ill be auditioning for the role of your slightly dramatic-"
"Slightly?" Blaine whispered under his breath.
Kurt rolled his eyes, "Slightly dramatic, confident, appreciative boyfriend." Pressing his lips together, he let out a slow breath before adding, "Thank you. For doing all of this. For me. It really does mean the world to me. And youre right – we could be at Dennys or IHOP and Id still love it, because Id be with you. I-"
The sound of a throat being cleared drew their attention away from each other. A smartly dressed brunet stood in the narrow opening not covered by the heavy drapes. Wine bottle tucked under his arm, he smiled widely towards the couple.
"Nick!" Blaines face lit up at realizing his friend had taken the time to stop by.
"Blainers." Holding out his hand to Kurt, he introduced himself, "Nick Duvall. Its a pleasure to finally meet you, Kurt."
"Thank you, Nick."
Nick began opening the wine bottle. "Look, I know this is a little unusual, but I went ahead and placed your order with the kitchen. Its a little on the menu and a little off menu. And this," he said, starting to pour the clear, white wine into their glasses, "should be the perfect accompaniment to your salad."
Blaine swirled the light golden liquid in the light before taking a sip. "Thats delicious," he said appreciatively.
Nick nodded. "Its one of our favorites." Placing the bottle on the table, pocketed Blaines place setting with a wink. "Jeffs idea," he shrugged. "He thinks itll be more … romantic – if you share. Peter will be serving you tonight. If you need anything, anything at all, let him know or have him come find me. And B? Jeff says next time, the two of you are coming over to our house for dinner."
"Wed love that," Blaine grinned. "Thanks, Nick."
Shrugging, Nick added, "We miss you and your crazy on-the-job stories. And Im sure we could come up with an interesting story, or four, for Kurt about our Dalton days."
"Oh, God," groaned Blaine, dropping his head down.
Laughing, Nick and Kurt shared a smile. "Ask him about Nightbird, Kurt. Then email me - Ill send you the pictures," Nick added conspiratorially.
"Nick! You promised!" whined Blaine.
Raising an eyebrow, Nick shook his finger at Blaine. "As I recall, I promised to make sure that neither Jeff nor Sebastian snuck those pictures into the yearbook. Which I did – at great personal sacrifice, not that you noticed. Not once did I promise that I wouldnt pull them out later to share with someone you care about as much as you care about Kurt. How else am I supposed to earn his trust?"
Folding his arms across his chest, Blaine opened his mouth to answer Nick when Kurt draped an arm around Blaines shoulder, sliding up behind him and dropping a hand high on Blaines thigh.
"Should I use the email contact on the restaurants web page? Im not sure I can trust Mr. Anderson to give me your actual email address," Kurt teased, his knuckles grazing Blaines zipper.
Huffing, Blaine turned on his best pout. "I am too trustworthy. Geez."
Nicks attention was drawn to something on the other side of the velvet curtain. "Your salad is here. Im going to head back to the kitchen. Enjoy your meals, gentlemen. And yes, Kurt, any of the email addresses on the web page will come to me. Youre right to be wary of this one." Winking, Nick wandered off as Peter set their salad plate in the middle of where they were cuddled together.
"Mr. Duvall hopes youll enjoy the Orchard Harvest Salad. Youll be sampling the finest orchard pears, apples and candied pecans on a crisp bed of mixed greens. Mr. Duvall substituted a creamy chevre instead of the traditional gorgonzola and the entire salad is dressed with a citrus vinaigrette," Peter explained with enthusiasm. "Is there anything I can get for you at this time?"
Mouth watering at the sight of the beautiful salad, Blaine shook his head. "No thank you, Peter."
"Very good. Ill be back in a bit to check on you. I believe your next course is the traditional Swiss and Gruyere fondue. Enjoy." Closing the drapes, Peters footsteps faded into the distance.
Kurt reached for his fork and dug into the colorful salad. Holding up the bite to Blaines lips, Kurt watched with delight as Blaines eyes lit up. Chewing slowly, he took the fork out of Kurts fingers and fed him his first bite. Kurt couldnt contain the moan of pleasure as the flavor burst across his tongue.
"I know. Best. Salad. Ever."
Stealing the fork back, Kurt rested his head on Blaines shoulder. "Can we eat here every day? Does Nick have an extra room and we could just move in with him and he could cook for us every day?"
Blaine brushed a kiss on Kurts forehead, chuckling quietly. "Having roomed with Nick … I have no desire to repeat that experience in this lifetime. And I dont think that either one of us wants to make the commute from Westerville to Lima every day we go in to work – although we could do it together, so that would be a bonus."
They continued feeding each other bites of the salad, happy to allow the silence to stretch between them as they ate.
"Youll just have to bring me back," Kurt concluded.
"Can do," Blaine said, lifting the last bite of salad to Kurts lips. When Kurt had finished, and sipped on the white wine, Blaine leaned in to capture his lips. They could hear the clinking of silverware on plates and the low murmur of other voices – but from their position behind the curtain, no one could actually see them kiss. Blaine wanted nothing more than to take advantage of this fact.
Eventually he pulled back, blushing deeply. "The wine tastes even better on your lips," he murmured hoarsely.
Kurt blinked slowly, Blaines words taking their time sinking into the lust-filled haze of his brain. Dipping a finger into his glass of wine, Kurt painted his lips and smothered Blaines wanton moan by forcing their lips back together.
It was unclear how long Peter had stood there, softly clearing his throat, before they realized they had an audience of one. Judging from the pink tips of Peters ears, it had been longer than either of them had realized.
Shaking his head as if to clear it, Peter gave a shy smile. "This is the Lobster Cachapas. Its a Venezuelan dish of corn pancakes that have been filled with spicy, roasted red peppers, lobster meat, a creamy Monterey jack cheese. Its been paired with a tropical fruit salsa and an aioli made with Chipotle peppers." As he described the dish, Peter took the bottle of wine from the table and topped off their glasses.
"All the ingredients have been harvested locally, except for the Maine lobsters, which are flown in every other day. I also included a small dish of our cucumber yogurt. Its not typically part of the dish – but it can be a bit spicy, depending on how well you tolerate heat – and the yogurt curbs the burning better than water or wine."
Kurt eyed the colorful dish closely. "It looks wonderful. Thank you, Peter."
Peter carefully filled their water glasses and again replaced the drapes, dropping the couple into seclusion once again.
Three bites in, Kurt let out a quiet moan, eyes closing as he savored the flavors. Nudging the dish closer to Kurt, Blaine fed him another bite, content to watch his boyfriend fall apart over his food. "That good, babe?" Blaine inquired seductively.
Smirking, Kurt fluttered his eyes open and ran his tongue across his lower lip. "So good. Almost better than sex, good." He took the fork from Blaines fingers and helped himself to another bite, watching Blaines eyes as he slowly drew the fork from his mouth.
"Almost?" Blaine growled, scooting closer to Kurt, who slid further into the rounded booth. "I mean, yes, the food is amazing." Dropping his hand onto Kurts belt buckle, Blaine moved forward until his lips brushed Kurts ear. "But I dont think it comes close …"
Claiming Kurts lips with his own, Blaine made quick work of Kurts buckle. "Can you be quiet for me, babe? Like, really quiet?" Blaine breathed into Kurts ear.
Shuddering under Blaines ministrations, Kurt offered a meek, "Blaine."
"Ssshh. No one can see. And if you stay quiet, no one will know. You just keep eating your dinner, babe. Let me take care of you." Resting his forehead against Kurts, Blaine added quietly, "Wanna see if I can get you to make those same faces you keep making with every bite of food."
Kurt had to be extremely vigilant while finishing the cachapas – doing his best not to choke on the food every time Blaine found a particularly sensitive spot. Somehow hed managed to keep quiet – although judging from the dark, blown pupils of his boyfriend, Blaine had heard every gasp and sharp intake of air.
By the time Peter had returned with the next course, theyd both caught their breath and the tell-tale rosy flush from their activities had faded. It was Blaine who had a difficult time keeping a straight face as Peter described the filet mignon as the finest cut of meat they would ever have in their mouths.
"So the meat should just … melt in our mouths?" Fully aware of his double entendre, Kurts voice had taken on a slightly deeper tone.
"Oh, yes," Peter answered. "Especially with the truffle beurre blanc sauce.
Scooping up a bit of the white sauce onto his finger, Kurt licked it off with a flick of his tongue. "Heavenly," he breathed, his hand creeping up Blaines thigh.
After Peter had left again, Blaine turned his gaze on Kurt, eyes narrowed. "Tease," he growled.
Kurts response was to rub the beurre blanc sauce on Blaines lips. "Oh dear. Youve got something right … there. Let me get that for you."
The rest of their dinner could more accurately be described as an hour and a half of foreplay – the gentle teasing and kissing and fondling continued. Blaine rolled his eyes when Peter presented them with their chocolate fondue course for dessert, knowing that Kurt would be eating more chocolate off of his lips and fingers than off the cookies and berries that came with it.
Eventually though, they were left with only a mocha and a latte in front of them, staring lovingly into each others eyes. Running his fingers through Blaines curls, Kurt gave a shy smile. "I know you were really pissed off that night, but Ive never regretted driving around those train gates – because I met you."
Kurt could tell Blaine disagreed with his statement by the way he pursed his lips. "You dont agree?"
"Id like to think," he bit his lower lip lightly as he gestured between them, "that this … us … was meant to be. That if I hadnt pulled you over for risking your life, we would have met another – safer – way. You know, a flat tire I couldnt change or at The Lima Bean. I dont, however, for one minute, regret meeting you." Blaine ran his hand down the beginnings of stubble on Kurts jaw.
"The idea of you getting hurt … it terrifies me, Kurt. The idea that we could have ended before I got to meet you?" Blaine had to look away from Kurt.
"Now you understand how I feel," Kurt said with a small shrug.
That brought Blaines gaze back to him.
"Every day you put on your vest and your gun and go out to uphold the peace. Protect and serve and all that. Every minute of that time, Im petrified that something will happen to you, Blaine." Kurt took Blaines hand and held it tight.
"Kurt," Blaines voice cracked with emotion.
"Its okay. I mean, its not, but it is. Its who you are. And Im not giving you up because of my fears about whatmight happen." Kurt was quiet for a moment, content to stroke his fingers along Blaines knuckles.
Bringing their foreheads together, Blaine toyed with the soft hair at the nape of Kurts neck. "Kurt … I"
Unfortunately, whatever Blaine was going to say was interrupted by Peter – who had had impeccable timing up until this moment – holding the leather bill holder. "Im so sorry," he whispered.
Offering a reassuring smile, Blaine waved away Peters concerns. "Youve been a fabulous server, Peter. Thank you."
"Youre welcome, Mr. Anderson."
Flipping the cover over, Blaine stared for a moment at the printout of their bill; Nick had compd the entire meal –and their wine. Rubbing his hand across his face, Blaine looked up at Peter. "This … Peter, no. Can you ask Nick to come back out here? This is too much."
Smiling widely, Peter waved off Blaines protests. "No, sir. Mr. Duvall insisted. Your meal is on the house, tonight."
Looking more than a bit flustered, Blaine shook his head. "Seriously. I didnt expect … him getting us a table was enough." Sighing, Blaine took a different route. "What about you, Peter?"
Eyebrows shooting up, Peter shrugged. "Please dont worry about that. Mr. Duvall and Mr. Sterling took care of that as well."
Blaine eyed Peter carefully. "Are you sure? Because the very least I should be doing is making sure that you receive a proper tip for your service tonight."
"Oh, yes, sir. Mr. Duvall and Mr. Sterling always … look out for me. I … graduated from Dalton four years ago. Mr. Sterling was my government teacher. When my parents … thought it would be best for me to move out when I turned 18," Peter visibly swallowed hard. "They made sure I had a place to stay. Later Mr. Duvall hired me to work here. I would have worked your table for nothing for them."
Peter stared at the picture on the wall for a few moments, before shaking himself. "Anyway, Ive never seen the two of them more excited to receive a reservation request. And weve had a few celebrities come by. You obviously mean quite a lot to them."
Taking Kurts hand in his, Blaine smiled wryly. "Theyre two of the best friends a man could ask for."
"Well, unless you have any other requests gentlemen, Ill leave you now. I hope youll come dine with us again – sooner rather than later," Peter remarked.
Groaning, Kurt patted his belly with his free hand. "Its gonna take at least a month for me to need to eat again. I feel like a boa constrictor that just ate an entire goat. But it was so good. Ill be back for sure."
"Good. Then Ill see you soon. Have a pleasant evening."
After collecting their coats, Blaine had helped Kurt with his before shrugging on his own. Blaine held out his hand and intertwined their fingers together, gently tucking their clasped hands into the deep pocket of his wool coat. The night air was frigid, but clear and Blaine made sure to stay close to Kurt as they strolled around the building to the secluded back parking lot.
Walking around to the passenger side of the car, Blaine unlocked it but pressed closer to Kurt before his boyfriend could open the car door. Brushing his nose against Kurts, Blaine whispered, "Hi." His mischievous grin grew.
"Hi," Kurt whispered back.
Blaine continued gazing into the depths of Kurts eyes their bodies pressed close.
"What?" asked Kurt quietly.
Refusing to give an answer, Blaine raised his hands and buried them underneath Kurts scarf, gently holding Kurts neck and jaw. Eyes focusing on the beautiful pink lips in front of him, Blaine drifted forward until his tongue could flit softly across Kurts lips. Humming appreciatively, he muttered the word chocolate before deepening the kiss.
Most of the time, their kissing was – equitable. One of them might take control for a while, but in the end, the give and take was exactly that – a give and take.
This kiss was different.
Blaine wanted and Blaine needed.
Kurt couldnt help the whimpers and moans that escaped as Blaine claimed his mouth. He was caught between wanting to push Blaine away and suggest they go home to finish things there, or giving in to temptation and wrapping his legs around Blaines waist like a needy teenager. As he felt a familiar tingle building swiftly, he wrenched his mouth away from Blaine, panting, "Stop, honey. You gotta stop. Im too close."
Biting down on Kurts ear, Blaine growled, "I dont see a problem. Wanna watch you fall apart. Again."
Pushing firmly on Blaines shoulders, Kurt got the other man to move back a step although he instantly regretted it, as the chilly night air came flooding in. "Its not the falling apart I have an issue with, honey. I rather enjoy that part," Kurt smirked. "Its the driving home for over an hour, sticky – that I have qualms about."
Raising an eyebrow, Blaine offered, "I could make sure you werent sticky."
Sighing deeply, Kurt scrubbed a hand down his face. "Im not being clear. Im sorry." Lifting one of Blaines hands to his mouth, Kurt kissed his knuckles before pulling him closer. "I dont want to have sex here, Blaine. Not in the back lot of your best friends restaurant."
Wrapping his arms around Blaines shoulders, Kurt held him tight. "Maybe its just because Im not as adventurous as you … but I think one act of public sex is all I can do in a night." Kurt cupped Blaines chin in his hand and guided him closer until their lips were brushing softly. "Tonight was … everything."
Humming appreciatively, Blaine left a trail of kisses up Kurts jaw to his ear. "Then youve completely forgiven your asshole boyfriend for missing Thanksgiving? I did good?" While he managed to keep up the façade of confidence most of the time, the shakiness of his voice gave away how worried he still was that Kurt might be upset over his missing the holiday dinner.
Moisture flooded Kurts eyes and he tried to blink it away before Blaine saw – but that wasnt going to happen. "Blaine Devon Anderson – no one, and I mean absolutely no one – has ever gone to as much trouble, has put as much thought and effort, into making me feel … like this. Like Im the most important person in the world."
"You are. To me," breathed Blaine.
"I know. I know it because its in every look you give and in every touch and in every kiss. And I hope – from the bottom of my heart – that you feel the same thing from me," he managed to push out around his tight throat."
Nosing Kurts scarf away from his neck, Blaine buried his face there. Kurt could feel the vibrations as Blaine spoke.
"Every day and every night."
"So take me home, Blaine. Lets go home. Because please note – I said not here in the parking lot not no, not tonight. And I seem to recall my boyfriend saying he wasnt opposed to sexual favors as part of his plan to win back my favor. Not that he ever lost it."
Kurt gazed into Blaines eyes, slowly stroking his curls, watching – waiting for the acknowledgment that Blaine understood that Kurt never had felt upset over his having to work the holiday. Finally, Blaine pressed his lips together tightly and just barely nodded. "Good, but dont tell him," Kurt teased gently, "Im rather looking forward to seeing what hes dreamed up."
"Noted," Blaine said with a chuckle, swiping at his eyes. "Our drive will be somewhat shorter than what youre anticipating, though."
"Whys that?"
Grinning as he opened the car door for Kurt, Blaine said mysteriously, "Youll see."
The logs in the small fireplace crackled loudly, stirring Blaine. Half sprawled across Kurts body, he shifted slightly, moaning appreciatively at the sensation of their warm, naked skin sliding against each other. After theyd finished the most luscious meal Blaine had ever eaten, hed surprised Kurt again by taking him to a nearby Bed and Breakfast that offered private cottages to its guests.
Settling in, Blaine had knelt in front of the fireplace, and used the matches left nearby to light the kindling and then the vanilla scented pillar candles on the mantel. When the room was lit by the soft glow of flames, Blaine turned to find Kurt perched on the edge of the queen-sized bed that took up most of the room. Beckoning Blaine over with his finger, Kurt had taken his time undressing Blaine before slipping out of his own clothing.
Their love-making had been slow and deliberate, and had gone on until the logs had burned down to glowing red embers. Eventually theyd made it into the shower, washing each other with care. Once theyd dried off, they returned to the bedroom and Blaine had thrown another log on the fire before crawling across the soft bed to wrap his arms around Kurt, drifting off to sleep.
Awake again, Blaine slid his palm across Kurts lower belly, reveling in the tactile sensation of warm, smooth skin – warm, smooth skin that was his to touch whenever he wanted. Blaine knew, without a doubt, that hed fallen in love with Kurt Hummel.
"Mmmm," hummed Kurt, turning to snuggle further into Blaine. "Not sure Im up for another round, honey," he murmured. "The mind might be willing, but this old body is plumb worn out," he groaned, dropping a hand to rest on the top of Blaines ass.
Snorting into Kurts shoulder, Blaine dropped a kiss onto his collarbone. "Youre hardly old, babe. And Im not Superman either." Propping his head up on his elbow, Blaine smiled down at Kurt. "I cant help it if my hands want to wander over the real estate of my gorgeous, sexy, lover," Blaine growled, dropping a series of slow kisses on Kurts swollen lips.
"Flattery will get you everywhere – with a couple more hours of sleep," Kurt laughed, his hand reaching to hold Blaine by his curls.
Leaning into the touch, Blaine gazed seriously at Kurt. "Im everywhere Id want to be. Im with you."
Kurt rolled his eyes affectionately at Blaine. "Youre such a cheeseball. Im not sure why I put up with you."
Blaine smirked. Rolling Kurt onto his back, Blaine straddled Kurts waist and began ticking off reasons on his fingers. "I can get you out of a parking ticket."
"But you wouldnt," scoffed Kurt.
Shrugging, Blaine agreed. "True. But I could. Your dad loves me."
"He loves that you speak football and root for the Buckeyes."
Blaine squeezed Kurt with his knees. "Thats not the only reason he loves me and you know it. I look hot in my uniform."
Kurt sighed dramatically. "Okay, Ill give you that one."
Leaning forward, Blaine kissed Kurt softly. "Thats for not arguing that you find me hot. I may not always be able to be there for events and holidays – but I will make up for it."
Snaking his arm around Blaines neck, Kurt tugged him down for another languid kiss. "You didnt have to make up for working on Thanksgiving, Blaine," he whispered into Blaines ear. "I get it, I really do. That being said, Ive enjoyed every moment of you making things up to me."
Blaine took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Stretching out next to Kurt, he intertwined their fingers. "Im glad to hear that." He was quiet for several minutes, playing with Kurts fingers while he worked up the courage to say what was on his mind.
"You know the biggest reason you put up with me, Kurt Hummel?" he asked quietly.
Kurt brushed a kiss on Blaines temple, pulling the shorter man closer into his side. "Because, silly, youre head over heels in love with me," Kurt answered simply. "Which is good," he added, "because realized I was in love with you a while ago."
"Duh. Its not every day you find an intelligent, courageous, attractive man who can give you four amazing orgasms in under two hours," Kurt teased quietly.
Blaine snorted, burying his face in Kurts shoulder. "Dont forget I have access to handcuffs," he giggled.
"Dont think Ive forgotten that, Blaine Anderson. And if you end up having to work Christmas – well, Im just saying you might just have to bring them to bed with you – to make things up to me." Kurt carded his fingers through Blaines curls. "When will you find out?"
"If Im working Christmas? Another week. But if I work Christmas, Ill have New Years off. Or vice versa – so if you have a preference, tell me now," murmured Blaine, who resumed tracing patterns with his fingertips over Kurts stomach and hip.
Kurt cleared his throat nervously. "If you had New Years off … would you … would you be interested in going to New York with me? For a long weekend? Meet some of my friends, see a show." He could feel Blaine tense beneath him, and was confused why his invitation might cause such a reaction.
Biting his lower lip, Blaine took his time to look up at Kurt. "Id love to visit New York with you at New Years, Kurt," he answered softly, gripping Kurts hand firmly.
Canting his head to the side, Kurt studied Blaines face, watching the shadows play across his face. "I sense a but coming," he concluded.
Shaking his head, Blaine kissed Kurts jaw. "No. Really. Id love to go with you… but,"
Nudging Blaine with his elbow, Kurt tried to joke, "See!" When Blaine dropped his gaze, Kurt knew something significant was upsetting Blaine. Kurt wriggled down so he was eye level with Blaine and slotted their legs together, pulling Blaine flush against his body. If anything, Kurt had learned that Blaine often took his time expressing the things he felt most deeply.
"Kurt?" Blaines voice was barely a whisper. "Are you … do you … where do you see yourself – in three months? Six months? A year?"
Head resting on Kurts shoulder, Blaine kept his gaze down. "You came back to Lima to take care of your dad … and hes better now. Things are settled … and you and Finn could hire someone to manage the shop … so you could, you know, go back to your life in New York. Weve never talked about it."
Pressing his forehead against Blaines, Kurt didnt rush to answer. "New York was my dream when I was a teenager desperate for a place that would accept and love me for who I was. I got to live that dream for fifteen years, Blaine. But dreams change."
Kurt moved to sit up, pulling Blaine with him so they could sit cross-legged, foreheads still pressed together. "Lima wouldnt be the first place Id choose to live. Its still a little too … small town, country for my tastes. But I can earn a living here, and my family is here, and most important – the man Ive fallen in love with – the man I cant see living my life without – hes here, in Lima. So as wonderful as New York is – New York doesnt have you."
Taking a deep breath, Kurt tilted Blaines chin until they were looking at each other. "I want to give us a chance, Blaine. Because you make me dream about … other … things. Things that I had kinda given up on having in my life." Lifting his thumb to Blaines cheek, he slowly wiped away the moisture he found there.
"I see myself next to you. Three months. Six months. One year. Ten." Kurt leaned forward, kissing Blaine. "I love you."
"I love you too, so much," Blaine managed to squeeze out.
"So New Years in New York?"
"Sounds perfect, Kurt Hummel." Blaine slid off the bed and crossed to the fireplace, tossing another large log onto the glowing embers.
When he turned back to the bed, he found Kurt leering at him. Rolling his eyes, Blaine crawled across the mattress and lowered himself down onto Kurts body. "Mmmm," he hummed appreciatively. "Pencil me in on Team Naked Time is Good, please."
Kurt wriggled until Blaines weight was properly adjusted over his body so he could breath. "Make sure you pack your handcuffs, honey. Because I have this secret fantasy that involves being pressed naked against a floor to ceiling window, the city lights sprinkled below, while you slowly take me from behind."
Blaine whimpered.
"Thought youd like that," rasped Kurt, closing his eyes.
"Someday Im going to go down on you in the back of a taxi … or a limo," Blaine growled, nibbling on Kurts collar bone.
Sleep came … sometime after they did.