Nov. 24, 2014, 6 p.m.
Nov. 24, 2014, 6 p.m.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for sharing this journey with me. Stay safe, and never move faster than your guardian angel can fly.
~Four years later~
Deputy Blaine Anderson had worked swing shift – 1700hrs to 0300 – for almost ten years. At 38, he had enough seniority with the Allen County Sheriffs Office to be able to put in – and get – his most desired shift. For Blaine, that still meant working his 40 hours, Tuesday through Friday, on the third shift. Swing shift now provided him with the opportunity to be home in the mornings, get the kids ready for school, and drop them off. It made him feel like an equal member of the parenting equation with Kurt.
Despite words of encouragement from his colleagues and friends, Blaine didnt intend to apply for promotion to sergeant. Ever. Working patrol was where he was meant to be; it was where he made a difference. Married to Kurt for almost four years now, they had settled into their roles as parents almost as smoothly as they had their relationship. There were ups and downs occasionally – but for the most part, the Anderson-Hummel family was content. And complete.
Oliver, Owen and Annie took great pleasure in pointing out the spot where Blaine and Kurt first met, every time they drove past. And once a year, on the anniversary of that fateful night, Blaine and Kurt, with sons and daughter in tow, would go out to that patch of dirt to have a picnic lunch and reminisce.
Years ago, when Nick Duvall had stood up to give his toast at their wedding, he had mentioned how Blaine and Kurt had been sentenced to a life together, without the possibility of parole. At that point, Jeff had reached over, attaching shiny silver handcuffs to the mens wrists. Everyone had laughed and the two of them had continued eating and dancing despite the small hindrance.
During their spot light dance, slowly rocking back and forth to Come What May, it had been Blaine whod whispered in Kurts ear, "Youve had me handcuffed to you since the start, Mr. Hummel. And I never, not once, thought about looking for the key."