Chapter 9: Theres A Moment Previous Chapter Story
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Endgame: Chapter 9: Theres A Moment

T - Words: 1,115 - Last Updated: Aug 13, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Aug 13, 2014 - Updated: Aug 13, 2014
130 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Thank you for reading.  There is a sequel of sorts - where the boys finally do have their talk, titled "Tuesday".  Please note, Tuesday carries a Mature Audience rating for sexy times. k8

Sunday afternoon, Blaine had crossed the auditorium stage and received his high school diploma from Principal Figgins.  Looking out into the crowd, he couldn't help but grin.  Sebastian, Nick, Jeff and Wes were out in the audience.  Kurt, Burt, Finn and Carole cheered loudly when his name was called.  And while his parents had found some important reason they couldn't be there, Cooper Anderson had arranged his film schedule so he could make a special trip out to Lima, Ohio to see the more talented Anderson brother achieve this milestone.  At least that's what he asked his publicity team put in the press release. And if Blaine happened to shed a few hot tears when he finally found himself wrapped in Coop's tight embrace, no one commented.


At the conclusion of the ceremony, the Hummels and Evans families had already planned for everyone to meet at the Hummel house for a family BBQ.  Sam had looped an arm around Blaine's neck and dragged him over to where both families were taking pictures.  And then, with a total lack of subtly, insisted that Kurt and Blaine take a picture together.  “No, dudes, stand closer,” he demanded, until they cautiously looped their arms around each other's waists, leaning into each other.


Kurt ducked his head so his lips were pressed up against Blaine's ear.  “I'm proud of you,” he whispered.  “You have no idea.  And if I never said it before, thank you for being brave enough to leave Dalton to be here with me.  You made my senior year magic…and I'm so sorry…that yours…wasn't.  Congratulations, Blaine.”  Closing his eyes, Kurt pressed his lips to Blaine's temple, hoping that Blaine's fingers tightening on his waist was a good thing. 


Sam managed to capture that moment on his camera before Cooper wedged his way in between the boys, grinning widely.  When Carole insisted that Cooper and Blaine attend the family celebration, Blaine tried to beg off.  “It's family Carole,” he explained with a small shrug.


Shocked, Carole cupped the young man's face.  “When did you ever stop being part of this family, Blaine Anderson?  You were there for Burt the same as Finn and the same as me.  So you and your brother are going to come to the BBQ and if you don't, so help me, I will personally hunt you down and drag you back to the house by your ear.  And you are more than welcome to invite your friends from Dalton, if you'd like,” she offered with a smile.


So the Anderson brothers showed up, along with Blaine's Warbler contingent.  It had been really nice to celebrate graduation surrounded by friends and family.  And, later in the evening, when Carole and Mrs. Evans carried a large sheet cake decorated with lit sparklers, emblazoned with ‘Congratulations Sam and Blaine! Best Wishes!', Blaine finally understood that the Hummels truly did still think of him as family.


Late that night, the teenagers gathered around the fire pit roasting marshmallows and making s'mores. Not asking permission, Kurt plunked down next to Blaine, wordlessly handing him a navy Dalton sweatshirt. Taking the wooden skewer from his hand, Kurt continued turning Blaine's marshmallows as the graduate shrugged into the warmth of the sweatshirt.


“Thanks,” Blaine said quietly brushing fingers with Kurt as he took the skewer back.  They were pressed together from the shoulders down to their thighs – neither one of them moving to put more space between them.


“Anytime.”  They listened to the crackle of the fire and Sam's guitar.  Deliberately switching the skewer from one hand to the other, Blaine dropped his hand down to rest next to Kurt's.  Then, taking a leap of faith, he moved his fingers so they brushed against Kurt's.  When Kurt intertwined their fingers, Blaine felt elated.  And hope.  For the first time since Thanksgiving, he actually felt hope.


Pulling Blaine's hand up and into his lap, Kurt carefully switched hands, so he could wrap his right arm around Blaine's shoulders, turning into Blaine's side.  “You still take my breath away,” he whispered quietly into Blaine's ear.  “I know you don't get time with Cooper, like ever, and I don't know how long he's staying for – but I leave next Saturday.  And…and I'd really like to spend some time alone with you.  If…if that sounds even the least bit appealing.”


Blaine pulled the marshmallows from the fire and pressed them between two graham crackers.  Sucking the molten marshmallow from his thumb, he offered the sandwich to Kurt who took a bite, chewing slowly.  “Tuesday?  Coop's leaving tomorrow evening, so I'd planned on spending the day with him before taking him to the airport.  If you'd like, you could come to lunch with us.  If you don't have other plans.   Besides, Coop wants to catch up with his favorite New Yorker.  But, Tuesday would work…for some time alone.  I'd…I'd like that.”  Blaine dropped his eyes, staring off into the darkness.


“Tuesday works just fine,” Kurt murmured.  Watching as shadows from the firelight played across his face, Kurt was stuck by how truly breathtaking Blaine was.  There's a moment, when you say to yourself, ‘oh, there you are.  I've been looking for you forever.'  Watching you in the firelight, that was a moment…for me…about you.  Kurt knew it was a risk.  Maybe Blaine wasn't ready.  But, then again, hadn't their entire relationship basically started out with a focus on one word. 




“Blaine?”  It came out barely a whisper.  But he heard.  And turned his head towards Kurt.


Drifting forward, Kurt watched for any sign of discomfort, for any sign that Blaine wasn't ready to take this step.  Instead, Kurt felt a flare of heat in his belly as Blaine's tongue flicked out to moisten his lips.  Cupping the back of Blaine's head with the hand that had been on his shoulder, Kurt brushed their lips together softly.  He placed sweet, chaste kisses on Blaine's forehead, cheeks and chin before capturing his warm lips again.


Twining his fingers in Kurt's hair, Blaine held him in place as he teased the tip of his tongue against Kurt's lower lip then sucking on it gently.  They spent several long minutes reacquainting themselves with the wet slip and slide of kissing, before finally separating to rest their foreheads together. 


“Still think we need to practice?” Kurt teased with a shy smile.


“Oh, yeah,” Blaine sighed, pressing their lips together one more.



Everyone else was only too happy to keep quiet and watch as Kurt and Blaine finally found their way back to each other.  


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