Chapter 8: Snoopy & The Red Baron Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Endgame: Chapter 8: Snoopy & The Red Baron

T - Words: 1,210 - Last Updated: Aug 13, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Aug 13, 2014 - Updated: Aug 13, 2014
144 0 0 0 0

Early June…


Kurt plunked a large vanilla latte, no foam with extra whip on the table where Sebastian was sitting, studying for final exams.  Not waiting for acknowledgement, he pulled out the extra chair and sat down.  “Peace offering, Smythe.  Coffee and a sincere apology.”  He offered a shy smile as Sebastian took the drink, reading the black markings on the side of the cup and grinned that Hummel knew his coffee order – or had bribed one of the baristas for it.


“Not poisoned, right?” he said with a chuckle.


Kurt's smile brightened slightly.  “No.  Not today.”


“Glad to hear there's still a chance you'll take me out another day,” Sebastian teased.


Tilting his head to the side, Kurt smirked.  “Even Snoopy and the Red Baron made peace occasionally.”  Thinking things over in his head, Kurt became embarrassed at his past actions.  Dropping his head, he stared at his hands folded on the table. 


“I'm sorry for causing a scene at prom.  I'm sorry for the insults I tossed your way and for generally ruining your evening with Blaine.  I acted like a jackass and despite all of that, you still had his best interests at heart.  It wasn't easy hearing everything he had to say.  And it really wasn't easy hearing what you had to say.  But I listened.  So in all sincerity, thank you for saying the things I needed to hear.”


Sebastian reached out a hand, covering Kurt's.  “You're welcome,” he offered quietly.  “Bet you never thought you'd be sitting across from me at The Lima Bean,” he teased softly.


Chuckling, Kurt shook his head.  “Not without wanting to scratch your eyes out.  Or completely make you over.  One of the two.  Or both.”


“I have decent fashion sense, Hummel,” Sebastian defended with his trademark smirk.


Rolling his eyes, Kurt held up a finger.  “You do remember our night out at Scandals. Jeans and a rugby shirt, Smythe?  That's not fashion sense.  And certainly not if you want to meet someone at a gay bar.”


Crossing his hands across his uniform clad chest, Sebastian raised an eyebrow at Kurt.  “My boyfriend's got no complaints about how I look,” he purred glancing over Kurt's shoulder.


“It's true, Hummel.  I don't have any complaints about how Seb dresses,” replied Dave Karofsky as he dragged up a third chair.  “Of course, that's probably because I'm usually trying to talk him out of his clothes,” he said with a shy smile, a pink blush covering his cheeks.


Reaching a hand out, Dave took Sebastian's coffee out of his hand and took a long sip.  “Hi, babe,” he said in way of greeting.  “Sorry I'm late.  Class ran long and then I had to stop at the bookstore to get you this,” he reached down into a plastic bag he was carrying, tossing a black Ohio State University t-shirt at the lanky teen.


“Hummel might be offended by the poly-cotton blend.  But I'm not.  You need something to wear when you spend the night in the dorms.  At least when my roommate's around,” teased Dave with a smile. 


Folding the t-shirt carefully, Sebastian slipped it into his messenger bag, a knowing smile on his face.  Looking back at Kurt, he snickered at the look of astonishment on the other teen's face.  “Unexpected? Yeah, we didn't really think it'd work either.  But it does.  And we're happy.  What about you and the Warblers' biggest loss?  You two manage to work things out yet?” Sebastian asked quietly.


Kurt's face fell slightly.  “You were right when you said he'd burned the bridge between us.  It's been really slow going.  Learning to trust again.  It's just…it's really hard, because we both know how great it was between us – and we both want that again.  I just…really want it now.  These baby steps are killing me.”


Dave reached out and gently squeezed Kurt's shoulder in support.  “It'll happen, Kurt.  If you'd have told me three years ago that I'd be sitting here with you and my boyfriend and that I'd be out to my parents and my college friends – and that I'd be okay with that.  I would have laughed in your face – or maybe punched you.”


Giggling at the image, Kurt replied, “Nah, tossed me in a dumpster.”


“True.  Probably,” Dave agreed.  “My point is…it was like twelve thousand baby steps between who I was then and who I am now.  And fuck, Kurt, you saw me at my lowest points.  Like, all three of them.  But I came out stronger.  And I like who I am now.  You helped me with that more than you will ever know, and more than I can say here in a coffee shop because fuck if I'm gonna start crying here.”


Helping himself to another long drink of Sebastian's coffee, Dave gathered his thoughts.  “You and Anderson are gonna make it over this hill.  You're gonna be that much stronger for having made the journey together.  And that's about as deep as I'm gonna get in a coffee shop,” he smirked, knowing the levity was needed.  Seeing Sebastian open his mouth he added, “Don't say it, Seb.”


“Ah, babe, you're taking my fun away,” whined Sebastian.


“Well, I can take it away here, or away at home, your choice,” Dave replied smoothly.


Pouting, Sebastian pretended to take notes from his government textbook.  “So how long are you in town for?” he asked, not looking up at Kurt.


“I'm staying for a week after graduation.  Then I have to go back to New York for my job and hopefully I'll pick up a class or two during the summer session at NYADA.  I'm hoping to convince Blaine to come stay with me for part of the summer.  Well, truthfully, I'm hoping to convince him to move in with us.  Rachel and Santana and I split a flat in Bushwick.  We could section off a portion for him, or…” Kurt hesitated not wanting to voice his deepest desire.


“Or he could move in to your bedroom,” Sebastian filled in smoothly. 


“Yeah,” Kurt breathed out.  Shaking his head to clear it, Kurt glanced at his phone to check the time.  “I've got to get going.”  Standing up he clapped a hand on Dave's shoulder.  “It was really good seeing you, Dave.  I'm glad to see you're happy.”  Looking over at Sebastian, he held out his hand, “And thank you again, Smythe.”


Sebastian looked at Kurt's hand, shaking his head slowly.  Standing up he moved around the table to hug Kurt before he could react.  “You're welcome.  We both were idiots.  Let's just put it in the past, ‘kay?  And if you and Anderson wanna double to Breadstix…or god, anywhere else, please god, let it be anywhere else, give us a call.  Seriously.  I think it'd be good for all of us,” offered Sebastian.



“I'd like that.  I'll ask him when I see him,” Kurt said pulling away.  Waving one last time, Kurt left The Lima Bean feeling a lot better than when he walked in.


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