Chapter 6: Post-prom 2013 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Endgame: Chapter 6: Post-prom 2013

T - Words: 1,702 - Last Updated: Aug 13, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Aug 13, 2014 - Updated: Aug 13, 2014
149 0 0 0 0

Sunday, Post-prom 2013


The Sunday morning sunshine poured through the windows into the Senior Commons at Dalton Academy.  Dressed in sweatpants and a lacrosse team t-shirt, Sebastian sat across from Blaine throwing dry Captain Crunch cereal at his friend who was trying to catch it with only his mouth.  Blaine had borrowed a pair of cotton shorts and a t-shirt from Sebastian, and since his hair product was at home, his after prom shower had left his hair in full curl mode.  Thanks in no small part to Sebastian's intentionally poor aim, Blaine's hair contained multiple Crunch Berries.


Nick and Jeff, who were never far from each other, came stumbling into the room carry dining trays full of breakfast pastries and fruit.  “How was the dance?” asked Jeff after removing the bagel from his mouth.  Settling down on the couch across from Blaine, they looked expectantly at Blaine, who had dropped his face into his hands.


“What?” asked Jeff.


Sebastian rolled up and snagged an apple from the tray.  “Hummel showed up,” he gave in way of explanation before taking a large bite.


Nick started choking on his muffin so Jeff handed him a bottle of water.  Once the coughing fit had ceased, Nick looked wide eyed at Sebastian.  “Wait.  Kurt showed up?  As in Blaine's Kurt?”  Ignoring Blaine's mumble of ‘he's not my Kurt,' Nick continued.  “Kurt Hummel came down from New York to show up to McKinley's prom?  Dude, details – please and thank you.”


Nudging Blaine with his knee, Sebastian got him to look up.  “You wanna share your Oscar winning performance, or shall I?”


“Sebastian,” Blaine said weakly.


“Come on.  It was epic.”  Seeing that Blaine wasn't in the mood to relive the evening's events, Sebastian turned to the other boys and grinned.  “The dance was…nice.  Blaine looked stunning in his tuxedo of course.  I hear his date also looked handsome in his Dalton blazer.”


Blaine rolled his eyes at Sebastian.  “You know you looked handsome, you ass.”


“Yes, I do.  But it never hurts to hear someone else confirm that,” he teased reaching across the couch to ruffle Blaine's curls, causing the cereal to tumble out.  “So we were slow dancing in the gym…I mean, they made an attempt to decorate and all, but really?  The gymnasium?”


“Sebastian!” chastised Blaine, munching on the cereal from his hair.


Looking put upon, Sebastian continued.  “Anyway, there we were, slow dancing when someone taps me on the shoulder really hard.  I look over my shoulder and who is it, but one Kurt Hummel, looking pissed beyond belief.  Doesn't even acknowledge my presence, just glares at Blaine and demands to know what he's doing at prom with me.”


“Dancing, Kurt.  What does it look like we're doing?” answered Blaine sarcastically, pulling Sebastian back to him.


Kurt caught Blaine under the arm, pulling him from Sebastian's grip.  “I need to talk to you,” he said sharply, trying to guide Blaine away from the smirking meercat.


Wrenching his arm away from Kurt, Blaine folded them across his chest, and glared.  “No.”


Reeling around, Kurt couldn't have looked more shocked if Blaine had morphed into a sparkly werewolf.  “I'm sorry?”


“No, Kurt.  No, I'm not going to talk to you.  This is my senior prom and I am going to spend it dancing with my date – something you got to do at both your junior and your senior proms if I recall correctly.  And, if my memory serves, you don't go to school here any more – so I don't know why you're here.  Frankly, I don't care.”  Reaching a hand out to Sebastian, Blaine tried to pull him away into the crowd of dancing students.


“Don't walk away from me, Blaine Anderson,” Kurt yelled over the music.  Unfortunately, the song ended just as he said it, so every student in the gym ended up staring at them.


“But that's exactly what our boy Anderson did.  Walked away, out of the gym, into the parking lot.  And then shit got real,” Sebastian emphasized with a head nod.


Blaine groaned, throwing his head back against the leather couch and rubbing his face with his hands.  “Fuck.  I can't believe that happened.  Is there coffee? I need coffee.”  Ignoring the others, he threw himself up off the couch and went in search of caffeine.


Nick watched until he left the room then looked pointedly back at Sebastian.  “And…” he prompted.


“Blaine chewed Kurt out for being a jackass.  For having the audacity to question who he brought to prom, and for promising that they'd talk things through, and breaking that promise.  A couple times by the sound of it.  And for hooking up with Blaine and then telling everyone they were just friends.  Basically trifling with Blaine's emotions.”  Sebastian threw the apple core into a waste bin and wiped his hands on his sweat pants.


“I was pretty proud of him, all things considered,” he concluded.


“Proud of me for what?” asked Blaine, returning with a ceramic mug of liquid gold.


“For letting Hummel know how you feel.  You're never gonna get back together if you keep hiding your emotions,” Sebastian commented blithely.


Sighing deeply, Blaine placed his coffee on the side table before flopping back on to couch.  “We're not getting back together,” he said forcefully.


Nick laughed loudly.  “I call bullshit, Anderson.”

“Seriously,” seconded Jeff, “me too.”  Then he started humming that Taylor Swift song.


“Guys!” remarked a frustrated Blaine.


Holding up his hand, Nick shook his head.  “Bullshit!  You and Hummel are like peanut butter and jelly.  Yin and Yang.  Aladdin and Jasmine – if she were a guy.  Point is: you cannot exist without the other.  It's fated, Blaine.  And now, it finally sounds like you've both pulled your heads out of your asses – sorry for the graphic image – so it's gonna happen.  You're gonna go to New York, go to school, go be successful, have lots of sweaty, gay sex, get married, have babies, and grow old together.  Stop trying to protect your heart by denying that's what you want more than anything.”


Walking over to where Blaine sat, Nick straddled the curly-haired teen's lap and grabbed his wrists.  “Come on, Anderson.  Say it.  Say you want Kurt more than anything,” he teased.


“Fuck, Nick, get off me!” grunted Blaine, trying to shove Nick off his lap.


“Not until you say it,” Nick sing-songed.


Blaine's face was turning red from the effort to throw Nick to the ground.  “Why are you my friend again?” he rasped.


“Because you love me.  Not in the way you love Kurt, but you love me.”  Nick forced both of Blaine's wrists into one hand and used the other one to tickle Blaine.  “I'll stop when you say it, Anderson.”


“Fuck.  I give,” Blaine shouted.  “I'm still in love with Kurt.  I never stopped.  And you're a fucking ass, Nicholas.”


Laughing, Nick stood up and looked back at his butt.  “But it's a cute ass, and you love it,” he teased swinging it back and forth until Blaine tried to kick him.


“Besides,” he said moving back to sit with Jeff, who was putting his phone away, clearly having filmed their whole interaction, “I owe Hummel for taking you McKinley.”


Blaine took long sip from his coffee.  “How's that?”


“You left. I finally got a solo,” smirked Nick.


Picking up an apple from the table, Blaine threw it at Nick's head.  “Ass.”


Sebastian threw his head back and laughed.


Kurt's phone pinged repeatedly announcing a series of new text messages.  Feeling around blindly, he managed to find the rectangular contraption on his side table and brought it up to his face, blinking away the last vestiges of sleep.


To: Warbler Kurt

Watch this. <link attached> - Warbler Jeff


To: Warbler Kurt

Seriously.  It's time. – Warbler Jeff


To: Warbler Kurt

Pull your head out your ass – Warbler Jeff


To: Warbler Kurt

COURAGE KURT! – Warbler Jeff


To: Warbler Kurt

I'm not above arranging a Warbler/ Nude Erections ‘Gap Attack' – Warbler Jeff


To: Warbler Kurt

Did you watch it yet? – Warbler Jeff


To: Warbler Jeff

You woke me up.  Hold on. – Kurt


Kurt fiddled with his phone, pulling up the video link Jeff had sent him.  Nick Duvall appeared to be wrestling with Blaine on the leather couch in the senior commons.  He could hear Nick's laughter as he said, “Come on, Anderson.  Say it.  Say you want Kurt more than anything.”


Kurt couldn't breathe.        


Pausing the video, he reread each of Jeff's texts, trying to determine why Jeff had sent him the video.  Did Blaine tell him what had happened the night before?  Was he pissed at Kurt and wanted to show him that Blaine had completely moved on?  But why would he threaten a ‘Gap Attack'?  Or mention ‘courage'?


Biting hard on his lower lip, Kurt went back to the video and, finger shaking, pressed play.


“Fuck.  I give,” Blaine shouted.  “I'm still in love with Kurt.  I never stopped.  And you're a fucking ass, Nicholas.”


For the first time in months, Kurt felt the tension in his chest release.  Tears wetting his cheeks, Kurt pulled up a new text message.


To: Warbler Jeff

When? - Kurt


To: Warbler Kurt

10 minutes ago – Warbler Jeff


To: Warbler Jeff

Thank you – Kurt


To: Warbler Jeff

I was such an ass last night – Kurt


To: Warbler Jeff

Thought I'd destroyed my last chance – Kurt


To: Warbler Kurt

You're welcome. I ship Klaine. – Warbler Jeff


To: Warbler Jeff

??? - Kurt


To: Warbler Kurt

Kurt + Blaine = Klaine – Warbler Jeff


To: Warbler Kurt

Don't fuck this up. Don't wait too long – Warbler Jeff


To: Warbler Jeff


I don't intend to - Kurt


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