This Song Saved My Life
Chapter 6 Dangerous To Know Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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This Song Saved My Life: Chapter 6 Dangerous To Know

E - Words: 3,620 - Last Updated: Jul 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Mar 19, 2012 - Updated: Jul 17, 2012
401 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: hiiiii. well these are getting longer and that makes me happy... I dont really know what to ramble about today. I was really happy with how this chapter turned out. i had a lot of fun with it! lyrics are Dangerous To Know by Hilary Duff. Yes i like Hilary Duff, feel free to judge. My childhood right there! LIZZIE MCGUIRE FTW!

Who needs all the answers?

Who takes all the chances?

Who said the truth's gonna save you?

When the truth can be dangerous

Kurt groaned as his alarm clock filled the room with the Wicked soundtrack. He really didn't want to get up. He had no idea what the day was going to look like, every time he tried to imagine a possible outcome all that showed up in his mind was grey fuzz. Blaine would undoubtedly make his presence known again today and Kurt didn't know how to feel about that.

All he wanted to do was throw the covers up over his head and roll back over to hide from the fuzz. Unfortunately he knew there was no way he could get away with that so he threw his feel over the edge of his bed, shivering at the cool air, and stood up. He stretched his arms over his head with a yawn and shuffled over to the closet.

The house was silent other then the soft sound of the music and the cracking of Kurt's still muscles as he made his way across the room, humming along to one of the songs.

Tearing through his clothes he pulled out a pair of white skinny jeans, and a red button up before turning back to the mass of clothes as he nibbled his lip. The outfit wasn't done but he wasn't sure what was missing. The vest. That's what it was. He looked over at the black vest that he had neglected since the night of the concert. He sighed heavily and pulled it off the hanger. He was found out anyways, might as well wear it.

He laid the clothes down on his bed and headed to the bathroom to start the rest of his morning routine, hoping a shower would clear his mind of the grey cloud in his head.

"Hey, kid, everything alright?" Burt said as Kurt entered the kitchen an hour later.

Kurt smiled at his father and grabbed a granola bar from the cupboard. "Yeah dad, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" he said as he noticed Burt eating the healthy cereal Carole had bought him. Good, he was glad Burt was starting to eat healthy without a nagging eye on him all the time.

His dad ate a spoonful of the cereal and visibly shuddered at the taste. "I assume I can't put any sugar on this?" he said with a hopeful look in his eyes, which quickly went out when he caught the expression on his sons face. He sighed, "You kind of just got home and locked yourself in your room. Then your music kind of went from the normal stuff, that whinny break up girl and Wicked, to like, hard rock." Burt said raising an eyebrow at his son

"Maybe some cinnamon, but that's it" he said with a heavy sigh and a roll of his eyes as he walked over to the cupboard to grab out the packet of cinnamon. "I can listen to hard rock. It was just Three Days Grace. I went to their concert last month. Its not that big of a shock." Kurt mumbled as he sprinkled on the spice for his father.

So what? He had let himself indulge in some self-destruction the night before. He had laid on his bed, starring at the ceiling, repeating all the songs they had done at the concert. A few of them sparked memories about his time with Blaine, some didn't. Riot had made his heart start pounding like it had the moment Blaine had taken his hand that very first, and only time.

The loud, rough music had helped him think. He still didn't know what he was going to do, or how it was going to work out. But the overflow of memories from that night had made him giggly and he realized that it was impossible to run from his fantasy any more. Truly resistance was futile. While he wasn't about to go jumping into Blaine's arms confessing his obsession, he was now going to accept what ever happened.

He was going to take long, deep breathes and trust fate. As he thought those words his fingers gingerly touched the pendent around his neck.

Burt didn't look convinced but he decided to change the subject, "Did you go talk to that boy like I wanted you to?" He asked gruffly as he took another bite of his food, not cringing so much since the addition of the cinnamon.

Kurt tensed slightly; he had forgotten his father had asked him to talk to Blaine "Um, yeah. Actually Ms. Tardiff set up a meeting with for us yesterday. He is gay. She thought I could keep an eye on him, get him into Glee. He seems nice enough." Kurt would never fully lie to his father, but selected amounts of truth was vital to their relationship. Burt didn't want to know everything and Kurt didn't want him to either.

Burt nodded "Good. I'm glad you're doing this son. I'm proud of you" he said and picked up the paper.

Every time Burt said he was proud of him Kurt's heart swelled. In those moments he was reminded how lucky he was to have Burt as his father. He was nothing but supportive and amazing. He could have had it a whole lot worse.

Then it hit him like a wall of cold water, for all he knew Blaine did have it worse. He realized then that aside from all their personal issues with each other Blaine could very possibly really just need someone to relate to. Beyond the chemistry and butterflies he was just a kid at a new school who needed some friends. With that in mind Kurt's decision to accept what ever came at him was made easier. At least in thought, in practice would be another story.

Kurt stood up from his seat, and grabbed his backpack, a new sense of courage for the day ahead flowing through him. He kissed Burt on the head and walked towards the door, a light skip in his step, despite the nervous feeling tearing at his insides. "I'll see you tonight. Text me if you need anything" He said as he walked out the front door, twirling the keys in his hand.

Lunchtime at McKinley had been something Blaine managed to avoid for his first two days, the first day in his look for Ariel and the yesterday in meeting Kurt. Now he had nothing to do other then find a place and sit down.

Part of him wanted to go track down Kurt but he didn't want to go searching and scare him even more then he already was. Jeff had pointed out the night before that Blaine could be a little… intense, when he got excited. So, with that information Blaine decided it was the best idea to go sit in the cafeteria and approach Kurt casually if he happened to be there.

As luck would have it, Kurt was in the cafeteria when Blaine arrived with his tray of food. He was with a very large group though. They were all chatting amongst themselves, smiling and laughing. He could pick out a few couples mixed in, including two girls who had enough love in their eyes to brighten the whole room. Blaine smiled to himself and looked at all 14 faces in turn.

He saw a spare seat at the end of the two large tables that had been pushed together, it was right across from Kurt. Blaine smiled, put on his most charming face and placed his tray down on the table "Hi. I'm Blaine. You guys are the New Directions right?" He said waiting to sit down until he was welcomed. While he had been told by numerous people that he could find a home with the Glee club he was still nervous facing such a large group of strangers. He let his gaze meet Kurt's who smiled politely back at him.

The group looked at him skeptically up and down as they confirmed that they were in fact the Glee club.

Blaine could feel his face heating up and they all scrutinized him. Was there something wrong with him? Did they hate bow ties?

"Guys stop starring like he's a monkey with three heads. Blaine take a seat. You're welcome to sit with us" Kurt said only making eye contact for a second before blushing red. Did any of them know about him? Was that why he was getting the looks of appraisal? Was he being judged on whether he was good enough for Kurt? or perhaps just if he was good enough for the Glee club. Either way he felt like he was on sale.

"Um, thanks. I want to join the Glee club." He said, getting it out in the open right off the hop. He mentally added and date Kurt.

One of the girls he had noticed were together earlier looked at him skeptically. She was a very pretty Latina in a cheer-leading outfit. "Can you even sing grandpa?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

The blonde girl next to her looked up at her " San, he's not your grandpa!" She asked in shock.

The girl, who he now knew was 'San' laughed lightly and shook her head "No, he's not Britt. He just dresses like one" she clarified sweetly and then turned back to Blaine, the sweet gone out of her eyes.

"Cause we plan to take Nationals this year hobbit, and we already have Sugar over there who can't sing." She said motioning to a tiny girl who made a pouty face.

"That's not very nice Santana. You're just jealous. Daddy says I sing like an angel" Sugar said smugly

Santana opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by the girl he had seen talking to Kurt yesterday, she was sitting comfortably on a tall boys lap, his arms wrapped around her. "Shush! This is no way to welcome a new comer! And by the way, do none of you pay any attention to in information packets I give you before every completion?" She didn't wait for a response. "Obviously not. Because if you did you would know that this boy is Blaine Anderson. He was the lead vocalist for the Warblers, who we did compete against last year. Seriously, he did Raise Your Glass. I swear, this is why we are never prepared." She huffed and leaned back into her boyfriend who cooed at her lightly.

Blaine blushed lightly. Oh, she knew who he was. "Uh, yeah. That would be me…" he said and rubbed the back of his neck. "But I'm not here to be a lead vocalist! I know you guys will have had your ranks worked out already. I just would like to be a part of it. Even just from the background." He didn't care if he never opened his mouth during a completion as long as he was close to Kurt to be honest. The fact that it was a Glee club that Kurt was part of only made it better.

A voice came from the other end of the table "Good white boy. We already have enough clawing for solos; we don't need you fighting for them. We already have enough people to compete." She pointed out.

"It's better to have too many then not enough Mercedes" a pretty Asian girl as she held hands with an Asian boy.

He nodded "Yeah, Mercedes, remember when we didn't have enough? How many issues that caused us? Need I remind you of when Finn wasn't going to show and we had to get Jacob Ben Israel to sub? I'd rather have three too many then one too few" he pointed out and cringing at the memory.

The whole time this exchange was going on Blaine was watching Kurt, of course when a new person would speak up he would glance in the direction and see who it was, but his eyes always landed back on Kurt quickly. Taking in his reactions things, he had to smile as Kurt's eyes seemed to almost constantly be rolling at one comment or another.

"Guys, chill out. We could always use another voice. Especially one like Blaine's. But, I do have an issue with the way he is constantly starring at my little brother." The tall boy under the brunette snapped.

Blaine's eyes got wide as he looked at the large teenager. Brother?

All eyes were suddenly on Blaine as he started to splutter not knowing what to say, he couldn't deny it.

"For Gods sake Finn I'm three months older then you!" Kurt practically yelled. "First you go and tell dad that I have a stalker, and then, even after I explain it, you have to go and attack the poor guy! You are such a Neanderthal sometimes!" He said throwing his fork down.

Blaine had never seen Kurt lose his temper before, of course that wasn't shocking in the limited time they had spent together. He had to admit though, it was kind of attractive.

Everyone else at the table though seemed to be used to the outburst and knew to tred lightly after it.

Finn gulped slowly and seemed to think very hard about what he was going to say next "Sorry dude… I just don't like it. Especially after the whole thing in sophomore year with Jesse…"

Kurt's eyes blazed brightly with frustration at Finn. Though they quickly softened and landed on Blaine "You aren't some spy for the Warblers, who's only using me as a means to get information just to run back right before completion right?"

Had that really happened? "Uh… Does that even happen?" Blaine asked raising an eyebrow. As he looked around the group he realized, apparently it did. "Uh, I'll take that as a yes… but no. I'm not. I just wanted a fresh start at a new school…" He didn't know what to do next, but he decided it was best to mend as many bridges as he could. "I'm sorry for showing an interest in your brother Finn, I didn't realize it was a problem…" he said trailing off, feeling stupid for having to apologize. He shouldn't have to apologize. But it was no time to let his anger get a hold of him. If he wanted to get in Glee he had to keep his mouth shut.

"Fuck!" Kurt shouted angrily and got up. "You do not need to apologize to my Neanderthal brother! Or anyone else for that matter. If I had a problem with it I would say something. Now everyone else needs to leave Blaine alone!" he grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder "Welcome to New Directions Blaine. We rehearse Mondays and Thursdays no exceptions. But we tend to meet up every day unless there is a conflict. I will see you all in Glee later." With that Kurt stormed off out of the cafeteria.

Blaine was in a bit of a daze as he watched Kurt leave. "Um. Well… I…" He stuttered looking from face to face.

A boy in a wheel chair broke the silence with a laugh "Breathe man! Kurt has explosions like that almost as much as Rachel does. Get used to it. Especially if those looks we all saw meant anything." He said and rolled away from the table "Peace." He said before leaving the caf.

Five minutes later Kurt was standing at his locker, spraying obscene amounts of hair spray into his already perfect hair. He was fuming and he didn't know what to do. How could everyone be that rude to Blaine? He had done absolutely nothing to them.

Kinda like you did after you re-met him? The voice in the back of his mind pointed out. Kurt sighed heavily. It wasn't the same… he had trying to keep himself safe. Keep his sanity in tact

Wasn't that what Finn was trying to do? Could that voice just shut up? He knew he was being a hypocrite and knew that it was completely the same but Kurt really did love living in his own delusional mind. Unfortunately his mind was losing its delusions and being annoyingly about picky on reality.

His locker slammed closed and he jumped away to see Noah standing starring at him. "Yes Noah?" he asked carefully, unsure of what the look in the other boys eyes was.

"That was him wasn't it? The boy from the concert?" Noah said his arms folded over his chest.

Kurt sighed heavily "Yes, it was him. I told you about him why are you being so dramatic Noah?" he questioned and reopened his locker to get his books for his next class. Advanced French.

"I don't like him. He's short. And dresses like an old man. And he could be a spy! He was looking at you like you were something to eat." Puck said shifting on his feet.

Kurt wondered why Noah even cared. "I told you he was short, and I do believe that he dressed like a grandpa. I also believe you told me to get in his pants. I'm still not seeing how this is making any sense." He grabbed his notebook and pens before closing the locker. "Also you used to look at San like she was something to eat. Before her and Britt came out" Kurt felt the need to point out, even though he didn't think that was the look Blaine had been giving him.

"Yeah, that was how I looked at Santana. Which is how I know that its bad road. And I only told you to get in his pants to tease you! Come on! It's you Hummel; I didn't think you'd actually see him again. I was like 100% sure you were going to hide away from the guy like the blushing virgin you are! Not go and get him into Glee! I. Don't. Like. It." He said firmly. "And neither does Finn. We are your boys! Listen to us!"

Kurt shook his head and rolled his eyes "Puck, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were sounding jealous." He put a hand up before Noah could cut in "Yes, I know. While I have a nice ass you have no need to tap it. All I'm saying is that's how you are coming off. I can take care of myself. And might I just say that you and Finn are in no way good relationship role models!" He said getting annoyed at Puck.

"Finn has been in a longer term thing with Rach for like ever." Noah proudly pointed out.

Kurt laughed loudly "Puck! Come on! That relationship is rocky at best. They started it while he was under the impression Quinn was pregnant with his baby! While they were still together. Lets ignore the fact that actually you're the baby daddy. Then they have both cheated, broken up who knows how many times, and they frankly treat each other like crap half the time. I'm not about to look up to that relationship. And my last note, before I turn around and stalk off to class is that, Blaine and I aren't together, or about to be. We basically just met and I'm helping the only other gay kid in the school not get murdered and get some friends. Goodbye Noah." And with that Kurt turned drastically on his heels and stormed off for the second time in less then an hour.

Usually Kurt sat front and center in his French class. He viewed French as a window into the future. While he sat there and learned how to speak flawless French he could picture himself one day standing a top the Eiffel tower looking out across all of Paris with a gorgeous French boy on his arm. It was a good image and one that always calmed him down.

Today however, Kurt was so far from happy that he decided to sit in the dark back corner that was usually left empty. It was a movie anyway. A French dubbing of The Lion King. What a way to teach. Kurt thought sarcastically as he leaned back in his desk and closed his eyes. He could understand the movie without even trying. He might as well get a nap in.

About 15 minutes into class his phone vibrated.

Unknown number: Soon I'll have that little Mermaid and the ocean will be mine~

Kurt hadn't been this confused in a very, very long time. Who would be texting him Disney lyrics. Then a light bulb went off in his head. The Little Mermaid.

Kurt: While I think I get your meaning, you do recall that song was sung in quite a violent manner correct?

Unknown Number: … shhh lets not think about it that way Ariel.

Kurt shook his head and tried not to laugh out loud. He knew he was blushing already and was thankful for the blackened room.

Kurt: Who gave you my number Blaine?

Blaine: Scuttle.

At that Kurt did let out a small laughed and bit his lip to keep it from continuing. Once he was sure no one noticed he turned back to his phone.

Kurt: Oh? Not Flounder?

Blaine: Nope, he would have told you! And we both know Sebastian would never have given it to me. I was thinking about the Sea Witch, but that just seemed like bad road…

Again Kurt had to bite down on his cheek to keep from laughing. How was this boy real?

Kurt: Well considering I'm the one whose supposed to sell my voice to get with you. That would be quite the role reversal.

Blaine: Exactly! See it all works out for the best. I even got my self a snarflat to go along with my bowties. Oh damn! Grimsby is looking. I'll talk to you later Ariel.

His whole body was shaking trying to keep his smile and laughter under control. Kurt felt like he couldn't breathe as he tried to remain calm. With one last laugh to himself he changed two settings in his phone.


Prince Eric


Ring Tone: Kiss The Girl

End Notes: Let me know what you thought via reviews or Tumblr! justxlosersxlikexme


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