This Song Saved My Life
Chapter 22 One Thing Previous Chapter Story
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This Song Saved My Life: Chapter 22 One Thing

E - Words: 4,580 - Last Updated: Jul 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Mar 19, 2012 - Updated: Jul 17, 2012
234 0 12 0 0

Author's Notes: Okay, so. Its been basically 3 months. i am a horribel human being and what not. I know. Trust me, i feel like i've kicked a small child for not updating... But i'm here now. I wont even make excuses about how the Avengers kidnapped me and Glee's finale killed me. Here you go, chapter 22. Finally... i'm afraid it's not fluffy... well the first part is... well... just read it. :P


Something's gotta give now
'Cause I'm dying just to know your name
And I need you here with me now
'Cause you've got that one thing

Blaine was standing off to the side of the crowd, his eyes scanning the faces in the room as the energy kept rising. He could feel it buzz under his skin. He was leaning against a metal bar with a small smile on his face. He liked Three Days Grace, but the concert wasn't exactly a place he wanted to be. He was standing away from the mass of people, keeping an eye on Nick and Jeff who were pulsing with the crowd. Nick was pressed tightly against Jeff's back, his arms protectively locked around his boyfriend's waist.

Blaine smiled at them. Maybe if he had someone to hold and enjoy the concert with it wouldn't seem so overwhelmingly boring. He hated that he was in such an exciting situation and couldn't muster anything other then mild amusement at the crazy people and good music. Being a third wheel to his two best friends really wasn't the most amazing way to spend a night. All he could do was look at Nick and wish he had someone to hold like Nick held Jeff. He wanted to be that protector.

As the beginning notes to Riot started to play, Blaine could feel the change in the air, the tension building and the energy charging the whole room. His eyes scanned the crowd again on their way to find Nick and Jeff. Before he could find them, his eyes landed on a boy.

He was looking around frantically, the panic evident on his face. Blaine was moving before he even realized it. Perhaps it was that desire to protect someone, emphasized by watching his friends and the adrenaline of the bass.

He found himself pushing his way through the crowd. Half way through the bodies, he wondered what he was doing. Why was he throwing himself into the ocean of battling bodies towards this boy? He wondered as he fought his way through what was so special about him, and Blaine couldn't figure it out. Maybe it was adrenaline blocking his mind, but he just knew this boy needed him. It was in his eyes. Blaine shook his head as he approached. This boy needed someone, not specifically him. Why, then, did he feel like this was something only he could do?

Soon his hand grasped the other boy's and started to pull him back through, dodging the flailing bodies as best he could.

When they finally made it out of the crowd he let out a long breath. As soon as they were free Blaine knew he should drop the stranger's hand, but he couldn't bring himself to. It was strange, Blaine had held boys' hands before, but theirs almost seemed to be magnets not wanting to separate.

"People are insane." The boy next to Blaine let out a breath. Blaine nodded even though he was pretty sure the boy wasn't looking at him.

When this boy turned to face Blaine, he was hit with something, an attraction, a connection. He didn't really know what it was. Blaine usually didn't look twice at guys who dressed like this, with spikes, piercings, and eyeliner. There was more, something underneath the makeup. Blaine was fairly certain that the piece of metal on the boy's brow was fake; he could see it slipping slightly.

Blaine couldn't help but smirk slightly as he caught the other boy studying him just as intently as he was doing. The feeling he was getting, it was very odd. Nothing he had felt before. No, it wasn't love, and he didn't even think it was lust. It was just something different. Something that made him want to keep the boy close. It was an aggravating feeling to say the least. But yet, it was one that calmed him down in a strange mixture of feelings that he couldn't bring himself to hate.

All he knew really was that he had to keep this boy close, had to get to know him. Fascinated. That was the right word, Blaine decided. This boy was fascinating. Like a puzzle Blaine needed to solve. The word games Cooper and him used to play in the basement on rainy days. This boy was a game. Though Blaine was sure fascinated was the correct word, he knew there was something more then curiosity. He stopped trying to figure it out though. The thoughts and the music were giving him a headache. This wasn't the time to think he realized. At least not the time to over think.

Blaine felt his face fall a fraction as the boy dropped his hand. He mentally shook his head and put a smile back on his face. The loss of contact was unfortunate, but it did allow for Blaine's mind to become a little less hazy.

"Um, thanks. I would have been fine though" The other boy tried to say bitingly, though he was still breathing a little heavy from the scare he had gotten. Blaine raised an eyebrow at the other boy's snappiness.

Blaine smiled, the boy was trying to seem so tough, but he just wasn't. It was amusing to see this boy, who Blaine was sure didn't truly belong in the clothes he was wearing, try and act so confident. Small ticks in his posture and way he played slightly with his hands showed he wasn't as comfortable as he was trying to be.

"You looked absolutely terrified in that mosh pit! You would have been trampled in there, Mr. Badass," he countered. He wanted to strip this boy of the mask he was obviously wearing. He didn't know why, or how, but he knew that there was something being buried just beneath the attitude. It was that hidden piece that Blaine wanted to find.

He knew he had to remind himself though, this boy was by all likelihood straight. Even if he was wearing a designer vest. Maybe the odds were 50/50.

The boy's eyes flashed angrily and that made Blaine blink in surprise. "I would have been fine. It's just a mosh pit. I'm not some breakable doll." He scoffed angrily and adjusted his vest, his actions showing his annoyance.

That wasn't good. Not at all. If Blaine wanted to keep this boy around him, which he did, desperately, then he couldn't make him storm off. "Never said you were. Just said the crowd was overwhelming you. Not that anyone could blame you. I truly don't know what comes over people. Its like they lose all sense of decent human behavior" Blaine rambled, trying to backtrack as well as he could.

"Yes. It would appear that knowledge had temporarily escaped them," Blaine relaxed as he heard the boy laugh lightly. The sound was infectious and Blaine smiled back brightly, happy they were on better footing again. "That crowd is pathetic. No one even cared about the music. Just beating each other to the rhythm. I'm done with it. I'm going to go sit in the back."

Blaine's heart sank. The boy was just walking away and Blaine's mind was reeling with how to go after him without seeming like a total creep. He couldn't let this boy just walk away, but what could he do?

His train of thought was interrupted by the voice again, "You're welcome to join me if you want, Hobbit" Blaine laughed and rolled his eyes at the insult.

He didn't need to be told twice.

A few minutes later, the two boys were sitting on the steps in the back of the stadium with four inches between their thighs. There was a comfortable silence as they watched the concertgoers from afar.

"That crowd is a fashion failure." The boy mumbled, more to himself, Blaine assumed.

Of course, Blaine wasn't going to waste a chance at conversation. He raised an eyebrow at him, looking him up and down skeptically. "You are dressed the exact same as they are." Blaine pointed out with a small chuckle.

The boy gasped with fake shock, obviously trying not to laugh too hard. "How dare you, sir! Compare my designer clothes to their ratty thrift store knock offs? For shame."

For the first time Blaine felt like he was talking to the real boy next to him. Not the mask. He laughed loudly, filled with happiness at the small victory.

The boy shook his head as he continued. "Do you know how much this vest cost?"

Blaine laughed and looked at the vest again. Yes, actually, he did. "Yes, I do actually. Alexander McQueen circa 2008, Winter collection if I am correct. Which I am." He said with a smirk.

He watched as the boy beside him seemed to look at him in a new light, like he was finally seeing Blaine as a worthwhile use of his time. Blaine just smiled back at the boy.

"10 points for you." The boy said as he nodded and went back to watch the pulsing mass of bodies. "Either way, I look hot in punk. They, however, don't know when to put a cap on it." He continued lazily. Blaine watched as he readjusted the vest again, noticing that it was half a size to a size to small by now. Understandable, since the vest was 3 years old. This boy would have bought it new. He had grown out of it, but the snug fit didn't do anything but make the vest go from classy to sexy.

"Yes, you do." Blaine agreed quietly without really thinking about it, more to himself then to anyone else.

After a small silence the boy spoke up again. "So, what brings you to a Three Days Grace concert? You don't really look like you belong. A girlfriend perhaps?"

It was obvious that the boy was fishing, at least Blaine hoped to what ever God was out there that this boy was trying to subtly ask if he was gay. And if that was in fact what he was asking then he would be asking it because he was gay as well. The last thing Blaine wanted was to have this boy be straight. That would just be depressing.

Blaine laughed and shook his head as he answered. "No, definitely not a girlfriend. Girls aren't really my thing, if you get what I am saying." He wasn't about to beat around the bush about this. He wanted this boy, he didn't know why but he did. He turned and looked the boy in the eyes, hoping he would understand what he was saying, and more so that he would share the same preference. Was that too much to ask from a random guy at a concert? Probably. But he could hope.

When the boys face broke into a smile, Blaine could have sworn that the heavy rock music was replaced with a choir. Yes, he was that cheesy. "Ah, yes. I think I understand quite well."

Blaine smiled and nodded. "Do you?" He questioned, he needed a direct answer and his patience was wearing thin.

"Well, we were just discussing Alexander McQueen circa 2008. I think we understand each other quite well in that sense." The boy said as they locked eyes, they held eye contact for a fraction of a moment longer than was normal, but neither of them seemed to care. At the very least, Blaine didn't. He was doing excited cartwheels in his head.

He was getting far too ahead of himself and he knew that. This boy was gay, but that didn't mean he was going to run into Blaine's arms. They knew virtually nothing about each other. They hadn't even exchanged names yet. Still, Blaine felt as if he was walking on air, like anything was possible with this boy. Yeah, he really needed to stop reading cheesy teen romance novels…

"Good… oh… I mean, cool? I mean… I don't know what I mean." Blaine started to ramble again as he subconsciously fiddled with his fingers. Now that this was all laid out on the metaphorical table, Blaine wondered how he was going to play his cards. Once again just like the games he played with Cooper, he needed to have a strategy. But his mind was running in excited circles to quickly to really think of anything other than the twinkle in the other boy's eyes.

"I think I like that I make you flustered." The boy said, causing Blaine to seize up and blush.

Blaine shook his head quickly, trying to clear his mind of that statement. He would over think that statement all night long, but he couldn't start that analysis until he was alone in his room, not wasting his time here and now. "So… What about you? Boyfriend? Or did you come of your own accord?" He questioned.

He smiled as the boy made a small noise shaking his head jokingly. "You never answered my question to begin with, but no. Well, a boy who is a friend."

It was ridiculous, but Blaine did feel a pang of irrational jealously. He was confused. Why would he be jealous of a friend? Perhaps because this friend actually knew the boy beside him, while Blaine didn't even know his name. At the very least, Blaine calmed the new and unsupported feeling by reminding himself that this boy was with him, and not his friend.

"Though I'm here because I like Three Days Grace. Not because I was dragged." Blaine was pulled from his thoughts as the boy continued, how long had he been worrying over the stupid jealousy? Had the boy noticed?

"Fair enough. I like them too. But a couple friends of mine are really into them. They got tickets and decided I needed to go out and be daring. Here I am." Blaine replied, his eyes drifting to find Jeff and Nick once again, after losing track of them for at least 45 minutes.

After finding them in the crowd Blaine quickly decided he was done waiting around for introductions. There was no point waiting for this guy to make the introduction. "I'm Blaine by the way. And what's your name?" he asked politely and held out his hand, hoping the boy didn't find him too snoopy.

"Very nice to meet you, Blaine" The boy said, as he smiled and shook his hand lightly, sending small volts through Blaine's veins, tickling his nerves or at least that was the only comparison he could come up with.

"However, my name is for me to know and for you to wonder about for the rest of your life." The boy continued and Blaine felt his heart drop.

The rest of his life? Did that mean that this boy had no intention of ever seeing him again? What else could Blaine expect? They randomly met at a concert. This wasn't a book or a TV show, not a silly drama on Fox. This was real life, and he should have prepared himself more for the fact that this captivating boy was going to walk out of his life forever. The thought made his stomach heave. Even more so now that the boy's hand wasn't resting in his own anymore.

Blaine swallowed and cleared his mind, he wasn't going to show how that statement effected him. He was going to make the best out of the situation and hope that he could get this boy to change his mind. He had to.

"Oh? That's not very fair. What will I call you then?" he asked with a bright, playful smile. The witty banter was fun, he just needed to keep a clear head and enjoy it for what it was.

"You can call me whatever you want," the boy flirted. Blaine's heart almost stopped as he winked at him. His mind was shorting out, how was he supposed to keep up with this banter when he winked like that? So suggestively. Oh, the things Blaine wished he could do… but no, this wasn't at all the time for those kinds of thoughts.

Blaine had to give himself credit for keeping his cool exterior when his insides were running amuck "Oh! Yay! Let me think."

He watched the boy as he thought, his eyes running over his body. He was using the excuse as long as he could to take this boy in. He knew that he would haunt his mind for a long time, even if he were to never see him again. He may as well take the chance to engrain the image and face into his mind. Who knew, perhaps one day he'd run into him on the street, and he wouldn't want to miss such an opportunity. He listened as the boy started to sing softly as he watched, obviously trying to distract himself from the eyes that were glued to him. It was truly an amazing voice.

Blaine wondered to himself if this boy was in choir, or part of a group like Blaine was. The idea of sitting and listening to the boy sing for hours, or better yet, singing together, was one that was greatly appealing.

"How about Porcelain? I really like that song from Marianas Trench and you have very nice, pale skin." Blaine said finally, knowing he was out of time to gaze, and feeling like he had found an almost perfect name. He was every bit as gorgeous as a piece of porcelain. Not a doll, but a plain piece of shinning material. Though unlike porcelain, Blaine doubted it was easy to break this boy. Though he couldn't pin point why.

Blaine was taken aback by the loud laughter that came from beside him, he couldn't help but feel a little hurt, he had really thought I was good fit.

"No! Sorry! That sounded mean! It's just, a teacher at my school calls me that. She's really mean to most people, and gives everyone nicknames. She likes me though… I don't really know why… But she does. And she calls me that. I just thought of how she yells it down the hall at me whenever she sees me. Usually with a megaphone actually. Sorry. I'm rambling but yes! No! It's not that that's a bad thing!" Blaine felt immediately better as the boy rambled on and on, getting more and more nervous as the words tumbled out. It was absolutely adorable, a boy with such a hard and dark look, blushing and rambling, further proof to Blaine that the boys exterior had been changed for the evening. It made him giddy, seeing the boy like this. He never wanted this encounter to end.

Blaine smirked at the boy, "I think I like that I make you flustered…" he mocked jokingly before sighing and accepting the defeat. "Okay, so Porcelain is out." Blaine laughed lightly as he eyed the boy longingly.

As the boy pulled out his phone, Blaine was forced to realize that the concert was over, that this meeting was over. This was it.

The boy said his goodbye but Blaine wasn't really listening to it. Of course he wanted to cherish every moment, but he couldn't really focus. He heard the boy express interest in bumping into each other again, but what were the chances of that. He watched the boy get up and walk away.

It hit him, he didn't know why, didn't know what train of thought got him there, but just like how he found himself running to save this boy an hour earlier, he found himself shouting after him.

"Ariel. Not because you're a girl, or a princess or anything. Just because you have the most beautiful voice." He called, and watched as the boy blushed, nodded and left the venue. Walked straight out of Blaine's life. The feeling in the pit of his stomach was horrible. He just watched the door, only shaken when Jeff and Nick ran up to him, regaling him with stories he would never remember because he never really heard them. The only thing Blaine would remember about that night was the boy who got away.

Blaine had so many emotions flooding through his body he didn't know what to do with them. He sat next to Burt in the hospital waiting room. His elbows were resting on his knees as he leaned his face into his hands, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

It hadn't been that long ago when Blaine had saved Kurt from the crowd of rowdy rock fans, but ever since he first laid eyes on Kurt all he ever wanted to do was protect and love him.

It was that hazy time that could be considered both night and morning. He was still shaking, refusing the coffee that Burt kept bringing him, waiting. Nothing but waiting.

They had allowed Blaine to ride with Kurt into the hospital. That had been a fight and a half. Kurt throwing a fit saying that if Blaine wasn't allowed to ride with him then he wasn't going to the hospital, Blaine almost punching a emergency nurse in the face, and Finn towering over everyone until they were allowed to climb in to the ambulance, together.

Kurt had seemed fine. He hadn't spoken to anyone other than Blaine, refusing to acknowledge the emergency workers who were fussing over him. Only answering questions Blaine asked, never letting go of his hand.

The way he clung to Blaine's fingers reminded him of that night. It felt like years ago. Blaine was too tired to even think about how long it had really been since they had met.

Everything had actually seemed okay in the ambulance, as weird as that was. Kurt was talking to him, being his usual self. Blaine could see the angry cut on his collarbone and the gash in his cheek, but it was all so surreal. They were together, and it was going to be okay.

David was in jail; Kurt was alive, bruised and broken, but alive. They were together, he was going to get help, and his father was going to meet them there. For such a horrible situation, things were looking up.

But that was in the adrenaline of the moment, of things being over.

Eventually they arrived at the hospital and they were torn apart, quite literally, Blaine had scratches on his hands from Kurt's nails trying desperately to hold on to Blaine.

Blaine was pretty sure he hadn't cried so hard in his entire life then when they forced Kurt around a corner and out of sight while Blaine could still hear him screaming his name.

All Kurt wanted was him, the only thing that was keeping Kurt calm was him, and he couldn't be there for him.

He had been a mess on the floor of the waiting room when Burt had come and pulled him up. He knew Burt liked him, but the way he pulled Blaine into a huge hug and patted his hair and held him tight, telling him that everything would be okay, that was when Blaine realized that Burt truly did approve of him, and that Burt actually loved him.

Now they sat in silence in uncomfortable plastic chairs and waited. It was the worst feeling in the entire world. Waiting. Who knew what they were doing to Kurt locked into a room with no one he knew. They wouldn't even let Burt in until they were done the exam. Something about violent crimes and victim shame. Blaine had only been half listening through his rage.

He didn't know what to do with himself. It was all too much, too much fear and the tugging in his stomach to find Kurt that made him want to throw up.

Then a doctor came out. He looked exhausted, and let out a sigh as he called for the Hummels. Blaine was out of his chair faster then even Burt, though he knew that was simply because he was younger and able to move faster.

"Is my boy okay?" Burt demanded even before he made it to the doctor.

The man in the white coat nodded "The cut on his collarbone needed stitches, it's going to scar, I'll leave a list of anti-scarring treatments in his discharge pack but it will only help. The cut on his cheek should go away fine without a mark. He has a few bruised ribs and a mild concussion. But other then that, physically he's fine."

Blaine let out a sigh of relief at the same time as everyone else who had gathered around. Carole, Finn and Puck along with Burt and Blaine.

The doctor let out some air before continuing. "We are, however, having a few issues with him. Because of the nature of the attack, we need to get a statement of what happened. He needs to talk to an officer. A male officer arrived here a half hour ago. He works with sexual assault cases. It was expressed on scene that there was sexual intent in this crime. This is taken very seriously. We need him to talk to someone."

Burt was fuming, hearing that again. They had already gone through that when Burt had arrived and signed all the papers for Kurt's treatments and test. "Yeah. We know that. I already signed your goddamned papers so go get what you need so I can take my son out of the hell hole!" Burt yelled. Carole put a hand on his arm lightly and shushed him slightly, trying to calm him down.

Blaine would have been the one to yell if Burt hadn't gotten to it first, and if Finn's hand wasn't firmly on his shoulder warningly and Noah at his side, ready to pounce if needed.

The doctor, while obviously used to outraged parents, took a fraction of a step back. A smart move when you anger Papa Bear Hummel. With this group of angry men in his hospital, the doctor was treading on pretty thin ice.

"We are trying Mr. Hummel. Your son refuses to speak with anyone. He wouldn't speak to any of the nurses or myself. We only know about his injuries through tests. Not a word since he got here. Even the specially trained victim councilor here to take his statement didn't get a word." He said and then sighed "Well, we got a few words. He said he wanted someone named Blaine. That he would only talk to Blaine."

All eyes landed on Blaine and his blood boiled. "How long has he been asking for me?" Blaine growled angrily.

The doctor took a deep breath, knowing what was about to happen. "Since he was admitted. But you have to realize that it is policy that in these situations that there is no external presence to taint the statement." The white coat defended.

"Who do you think you are?" Burt shouted right as Blaine opened his mouth. "My son was just attacked and the one thing he needs is his boyfriend and you keep them apart? What kind of sick homophobic bastard are you! Do you realize what we have been through out here? What Blaine has been through? Who gave you the right?" Burt yelled, the walls of the hospital almost shaking as every eye in the room was on them.

The doctor shook his head "Sir, this has nothing to do with your son's sexual preference. It is simply company policy." He said nervously, eyeing the security team that was watching them.

Burt glared at the doctor for a moment longer before he turned to Blaine. "This lovely doctor is going to take you to Kurt. You go and you make sure our boy is okay. You got it?" Burt asked placing a hand on Blaine's shoulder lightly.

Blaine nodded fiercely. "Good. Go."

With that Blaine ran down the hall, not waiting for the doctor, just taking the first turn he had seen the doctor take. He would find Kurt.



End Notes: So there you go. Hey, wanna review? Please? is anyone still with me after the three month hiatus? anyone? please for the love of the fates someone review for my sanity.


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Oh Fallon dear. I know I already messaged you on Tumblr, but still.*Tackle Hug* You needed another one. c:

I love you and this story. Please never leave me for this long again! I didn't know what to do with myself and now life has purpose again! Please don't take it awayyyy :)

I think I've never reviewed this fic before but OMG, I really missed it. I hope you keep updating. My poor Klaine T_TLove you and your amazing writing <3

awwwwe i've been waiting for this for forever

Hahaha I'm SORRY about not writing that many reviews -.-I'm just so captured by what happened in a new chapter that I don't even know what to write ;) But I'll read it in a bit and I promise I'll review :D

WOW. Sorry this took me so long, but I just had to read the previous chapter again. It was really intense *points finger seriously*So, well ... I absolutely loved the last chapter because it was, well, intense. And exciting. And I felt soo bad for Kurt and Blaine, but still it was a really great chapter.I also liked the new one, although I thought the flashback to the beginning was a little too long. Don't get me wrong, it was a great idea to show how this all started from Blaine's point of view and I liked the "not a silly drama on FOX"-part but I just wanted to know what had happened to Kurt after they took him to the hospital so desperately, that I could barely focus on Blaine's story :DStill, I'm so glad you finally updated, I was about to think you never would :( ... I don't know what I would have done in that case ... Please don't stop writing this fic, I'm constantly waiting for updates (even though I'm not always reviewing) !!!And please don't let Karofsky get in the way of their relationship, it was so perfect until he arrived! (I've actually started to sympathize with him after he was beaten up for being gay at his new school and I think I like him in Glee, but in your fic, I hate him for what he's done to Kurt.) And I'm not so sure about that Kurt-Noah-relationship either, for a moment I was really worried when Kurt flinched away from Finn, but said Noah's name ... I really hope they stay friends and just friends....So here it is, your review and my opinion about the last two chapters. I hope you'll read it and you won't think it's too long or that I'm crazy ... well I might be a little crazy, but whatever ;) I love this fic and please continue writing! <3

o.o Can i just hug you forever and ever? Like keep you and never let you go. Because i have NEVER gotten a review like this one. So long and so perfect and in depth and just... i love you. There are not words to describe how amazing it was to wake up to that review! Seriously, when i wake up i check my phone for emails and read it on there, grabbed my laptop and opened this. I havent even left my bed yet :P The last chapter was indeed very very intense. Maybe too much so, from a writing standpoint. it was one of the 3 main reasons i stopped wriitng. I personally had to take a steph back for a litlewhile. I was bawling the whole time i was writing chapter 21. Thats a very good point, and one i hadn't really thought about. It was difficult, since I had to take directly from the version i wrote in the first 2 chapters. Perhaps on a rewrite i'll do a short intro that does kind of resolve the situation a little before i move to the flashback, since i can't really cut it down. I feels extremely long because we are waiting for Kurt and the hospital. Thank you for letting me know about that!I would never stop. I had three major reasons for not being around, 1) The finale made me want to kick a small child 2) The last chapter left me needing space 3) The Avengers stole me. But i always did intend to come back. But after a month it got easy to keep putting it off. i can't let myself do that again. Karofsky is over. Thats done. The after effects will obviously play a very large part in the story but as far as him coming between them don't worry. Obviously Kurt is going to have a hard time, but as we have seen he doesn't plan on letting Blaine go anywhere. After letting Blaine in this far he's the only thing he really trusts. Well that and Burt. I don't even know where the Noah thing is going. All in good fun i promise though. I always intended him to just be a flirt, for Kurt to just feel at ease with him. But then everyone was liek "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!" and it made me go "WHAT AM I DOING!?!?! AM I DOING ANYTHING!?!! COULD THIS BE SOMETHING!!?!" but naaaah, i wouldn't ruin Kurt and Noah's cute little awkward friendship. SO there that is, the longer then the long review reply :P A review could NEVER be too long, ad we are ALL more then a little bit crazy so don't worry about it! If you would like to continue talking about the story and happen to have a tumblr give me an inbox, i'm under the same username everywhere. I would really love to keep talking with you, perhaps bounce some ideas off of you if thats okay? I hope to hear from you. -Fallon

Wow, this chapter is intense. I was sitting here and getting angry on the doctor as well...I hope you can write more soon :)!

Um, well, I certainly didn't expect that ... your response is even longer than my review o.OActually I also read your chapter right after getting up, so we have that in common :DAs much as I understand the part about the Avengers and you needing space, PLEASE do NOT kick innocent children! The season finale isn't their fault, you know :DI'm glad that Karofsky is gone and you don't have anything huge planned or Kurt and Noah, and I'm sure he and Blaine will work things out in the end ... because ... you know ... it's a fanfic ... and it just HAS TO have a happy ending ... :DI'd also like to keep talking to you, but I'm not on tumblr (yet) and scarvesandcoffee won't let me send personal messages :(

I talk a lot :P lol i wont kick a small child. but damn it that finale made me almost hate Glee. i drowned it all out with Avengers. I'm better now lol. lol yes fanfic generally has to end wall. unless its a death fic or something. which i avoid at all costs. You should definitely get a tumblr. it's life consuming but a lot of fun. ive met some of the best people ever on there. I think of tumblr as home. If you decide to get it follow me and leave me a mesage! scarves really needs to get on PMs...

Me i am this is good but if u leave me with one more cliff hnager im going to throw my laptop

Are you going to continue this fanfic?