This Song Saved My Life
Chapter 2 Get Out Alive Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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This Song Saved My Life: Chapter 2 Get Out Alive

E - Words: 2,349 - Last Updated: Jul 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Mar 19, 2012 - Updated: Jul 17, 2012
497 0 1 0 0

If I stay, it won't be long
Till I'm burning on the inside
If I go, I can only hope
That I make it to the other side

The second his body was free of the pressure from the crowd Kurt took a deep breath and closed is eyes. "People are insane" he breathed looking back over his shoulder at the pulsating mass of bodies. He shook his head, a hollow chuckle making its way out of his mouth.

That was when he Kurt realized his hand was still wrapped in another strong hand. He turned back around and saw a boy who he never would have imagined seeing in such an environment. He was short, but that fact barely registered. His hair was gelled back with enough product to kill a small child and his clothes would have been perfectly at home at a City and Colour concert. He stuck out like a sore thumb in the crowd of black and studs.

Yet, he managed to have no attention brought on to him at all. No one even glanced at the oddly dressed boy. Yet, Kurt now could not take his eyes off of him. He was adorable. It was the only word Kurt's mind could come up with to describe the guy in front of him.

The boy just stood there watching Kurt, watching the different emotions and thoughts pass through Kurt's bright blue eyes. The dark haired boy was captivated by Kurt. There was something about him that was just so interesting, it sparked his curiosity and was the reason he had grabbed his hand before realizing what he had been doing.

It had seemed like at least ten minutes to Kurt but in reality it had been only seconds since they had escaped the Riot induced riot. Kurt slowly removed his hand from the other boys and rubbed it on his jeans. "Um, thanks. I would have been fine though" He said standing up straight and crossing his arms over his chest. He didn't know why, but he felt the words blurting out of his mouth before he even realized what he was doing. All he knew was Kurt Hummel never needed saving. Even when he did.

The gelled haired boy in front of him looked taken aback at Kurt's blunt attitude. "I think not." He scoffed looking up at the taller boy in front of him. "You looked absolutely terrified in that mosh pit! You would have been trampled in there, Mr. Badass," he countered.

Kurt felt his cheeks burn as he was called out. "I would have been fine. It's just a mosh pit. I'm not some breakable doll." Kurt scoffed getting annoyed. Why did everyone look at him like he was maid of glass? Even dressed to the nines in punk gear this boy looked at him like a breakable object.

"Never said you were. Just said that you were getting overwhelmed with the crowd. Not that anyone could blame you. I truly don't know what comes over people. Its like they lose all sense of decent human behavior" the short boy rambled.

Kurt let himself laugh slightly "Yes. It would appear that knowledge has temporarily escaped them," Kurt agreed, even though he had gone to the concert trying to be one of them. He looked at the raging crowd and shook his head. "That crowd is pathetic. No one even cared about the music. Just beating each other to the rhythm. I'm done with it. I'm going to go sit in the back." He said and started to walk away. He would enjoy the music more from a safe distance from the violence.

He got a few feet away before he felt a tugging from deep in his belly. He turned his head over his shoulder "You're welcome to join me if you want Hobbit" he said playfully and kept heading towards the stairs. He hoped more then he had ever hoped for anything before that the boy would follow him.

The pulsing base was much quieter from the very back of the venue, no longer sending vibrations coursing through Kurt's body. "That crowd is a fashion failure" Kurt mumbled to the boy beside him as he lounged on the stairs, gazing at the mass of bodies.

Kurt had been thrilled when the short stranger had sat down on the stair under him, though he would never let that on. Just because he was adorable and kind of sexy in an odd way did not mean Kurt was going to let his guard down. Even if his stomach was prematurely knotting itself up.

The boy next to him raised a triangular eye brow at Kurt "You are dressed the exact same as they are" he pointed out as he motioned to Kurt's wardrobe for the evening.

Kurt made a face of mock terror "How dare you Sir! Compare my designer clothes to their ratty thrift store knock offs? Shame" he said half glaring half smiling at the boy. "Do you know how much this vest cost?" a good three years ago bow, but the point was still there.

The new boy chuckled "yes, I do actually. Alexander McQueen circa 2008, Winter collection if I am correct. Which I am." He said with a smirk before turning his attention back to the stage.

Kurt let his head tilt to the side as he reappraised the boy in front of him. "Very impressive" he said approvingly "10 points for you" he followed the other boys gaze back to the stage and inevitably the badly dressed crowd. "Either way, I look hot in punk. They however don't know when to put a cap on it" Kurt said readjusting the vest he wore. He didn't know where his confidence was coming from. The drink Puck gave him? The concert high? The knowledge that he would never see this boy again? Either way Kurt could hardly believe himself.

The hazel eyes of the other boy met Kurt's as his gaze traveled over Kurt's body, taking in the whole outfit. "Yes, you do" he confirmed quietly before his gaze swiftly traveled back to the stage once again.

Kurt could see a faint blush on the boys cheeks. Was he gay? Or just confident in his heterosexuality enough to say something like that, just like Puck? Kurt shook his head. Wishful thinking. That's all it was. Every guy he liked was straight. This would be no different. That was of course if Kurt had been crushing on this new boy. Which he wasn't. Of course not.

Kurt didn't know what to say, which didn't happen often and left Kurt internally flustered. He pushed his hair to the side as he often did. "So what brings you to a Three Days Grace concert? You don't really look like you belong. A girlfriend perhaps?" Yes, Kurt new he was fishing. He needed to know. Even if he would never see this boy again, there was a nagging in his mind that needed to know.

A musical laugh danced into their air as the gelled head fell back. "No. Definitely not a girlfriend. Girls aren't really my thing. If you get what I am saying" He said looking Kurt in the eyes, and Kurt could see just a sliver of fear in the hazel.

Even though he wanted to deny it, Kurt's heart did a flip and a smile made its way onto his lips, no matter how hard he tried to hide it "Ah, yes. I think I understand quite well." He said with a small nod.

The boy raised an eye brow too. "Do you?" He questioned, Kurt almost felt as if the other male was doing some fishing of his own now.

"Well, we were just discussing Alexander McQueen circa 2008. I think we understand each other quite well in that sense" Kurt said and felt himself looking just a little too long into the eyes before him.

The boy chuckled and fiddled with the gunky hair on his head, a few stray curls popping out of the gel hold. "Good… oh… I mean, cool? I mean… I don't know what I mean." He said and started fiddling with his fingers.

Kurt smiled and bit his lip trying not to laugh at the overwhelmingly adorable behaviors. "I think I like that I make you flustered" Kurt said before he even realized the words had made it to his lips. Since when did he have lack of filter issues when it came to boys? Since he had never really bee in a situation with another openly gay male he supposed.

The boy blushed and nodded "So… What about you? Boyfriend? Or did you come of your own accord"

Kurt tsked at him "You never answered my question to begin with. But no. well, boy who is a friend." He said shrugging. "Though I'm here because I like Three Days Grace. Not because I was dragged." He confirmed.

"Fair enough. I like them too. But a couple friends of mine are really into them. They got tickets and decided I needed to go out and be daring. Here I am." He said with a shrug. He then turned fully to face Kurt and held his hand out to him. "I'm Blaine by the way. And what's your name?" he said politely.

Could this boy, Blaine, be for real? Kurt was having trouble believing so. No one real could be this, gentlemanly, kind, and dare he say dapper? "Very nice to meet you Blaine" Kurt said and shook his hand firmly. He tried very hard not to dwell on the feeling of Blaine's hand back in his. Even if it did make his stomach clench. "How ever, my name is for me to know and for you to wonder about for the rest of your life" he said as he took his hand back with a smirk.

Blaine raised one of his eyebrows "Oh? That's not very fair. What will I call you then?" he asked with a bright, playful smile.

The smile was contagious and covering Kurt's lips. "You can call me what ever you want," he teased lightly with a wink. Did he really just wink at him? Perhaps Puck's presence was wearing off on him…

"Oh! Yay! Let me think" Blaine said as he watched Kurt, who nervously started singing along to the song Get Out Alive as Blaine looked him over numerous times before speaking again. "How about Porcelain? I really like that song from Mariana's Trench and you have very nice, pale skin." He said with a kind smile.

Kurt laughed loudly before he could catch himself. He frowned at the hurt look on Blaine's face. "No! Sorry! That sounded mean! Its just, a teacher at my school calls me that. She's really mean to most people, and gives everyone nick names. She likes me though… I don't really know why… But she is. And she calls me that. I just thought of how she yells it down the hall at me whenever she sees me. Usually with a megaphone actually. Sorry. I'm rambling but yes! No! it's not that that's a bad thing!" Kurt tried to recover but he new when he started to babble it just didn't stop.

It was Blaine's turn to laugh at Kurt's flustered expression "I think I like that I make you flustered" Blaine teased lightly. "Okay, so Porcelain is out." He studied Kurt a bit more as the concert drew to an end without either of them really noticing.

Before Blaine could answer Kurt's phone started buzzing. It was a text.

Puck: Hummel. Get out here. I'm leaving in 5.

Kurt frowned at his phone. "I'm sorry Blaine. I must cut this short or I'll lose my ride home." He said and pushed himself up off the dusty step. "Perhaps we will meet again. Think on the nick name" he teased and smiled down at Blaine. It felt wrong to leave.

Blaine nodded, not saying anything, still gazing at Kurt. As he made it down five steps he heard Blaine's voice through the hushed, broken voices of the concert goers leaving. "Ariel. But not because you're a girl, or a princess or anything. But just because you have the most beautiful voice." He said, still sitting on the step.

Kurt blushed a smiled to him. Nodding, before he turned around and left the venue without a backwards glance, because he new that if he looked back, even for a second, he would never want to leave.

Twenty minutes later Kurt was sitting in the passenger seat of Puck's car as they drove down the eye way back towards the Hudmel house. "Where did you disappear off to anyways Hummel? I was kinda worried. Do not repeat that. You one second I had my eye on you and then Riot started and you were gone. To be honest I was kinda worried about you being in the pit during that anyways but I just lost tabs on you all of a sudden. Again I say, no repeating any of that worried crap" he said occasionally glancing over at Kurt during his small rant.

Kurt shrugged and tried not to blush. He didn't want to tell anyone about Blaine. It was ruin it. Blaine was his little secret, his prince charming of the concert world. No one could ruin that for him. He would never mention Blaine again. He would just live in Kurt's mind forever. Become a fun fantasy he would play with before bed, perhaps even in the shower on occasion.

"I just didn't want to be there during Riot. I've heard the stories. I got out of the pit as soon as I realized they were about to play it. Then it just seemed like too much work to make it back in. So I just hung around on the stairs. It was all for the better anyways. I could actually breathe," he said casually. Even though he had his breath taken away for very different reasons from the sidelines.

Puck seemed to accept the answer and nodded "Just text a guy next time. Seriously, you could have been dragged off by some random pervert. Weird shit happens at these things man." Noah said as they turned down a residential street and the conversation died.

End Notes: jdfjaksd so yeah... anyways, please review


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