This Song Saved My Life
Chapter 19 Strut Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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This Song Saved My Life: Chapter 19 Strut

E - Words: 4,508 - Last Updated: Jul 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Mar 19, 2012 - Updated: Jul 17, 2012
319 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

So, this chapter is dedicated to DemitriMP who is currently my favorite person in the entire world. They were the first to guess correctly that COOPER is going to be Marnie's love interest as well as gave them a ship name (Carnie) AND gave me the idea for what song they are going to do for the duets competition which is in the next chapter! They asked for Cheerio!Kurt so i give you all Cheerio!Kurt. Also some other little requests that are going to make it into the Carnie story line! woot woot!


SO this is shorter then they have been for a long time, but thats mainly because i had another scene i wanted to put at the end of this but then i realized it would basically be a chapter on its own. So that would have meant having a really long chapter that i couldn't get done till tuesday, because i don't have time tonight nor tomorrow. So, i decided to give a short chapter tonight and a really long one on tuesday. Sound good? good.

Anyways if your ever curious about how the chapters going and what i'm doing, why i'm taking for ever and what not, i live blog the writing of this under the tag fic:tssml so yeah.

never end authors note done? i think so

I'll be your mirror
Darlin' let your hair down
Show me what you're workin' with
And let me see you strut

Blaine rubbed his eyes slowly as his phone buzzed on his nightstand. Yawning, he felt around the wooden surface for the device and yanked it from the charger clumsily. He brought the screen to life and blinked against the light in the otherwise dark room.

Ariel: I think I'm going to drive myself in today, I have some stuff I need to do after school since there's no Glee. Don't worry Finn is insisting in following me in and parking right beside me. I'll see you at school okay?

Blaine frowned as his heart sank a bit. It was now Thursday and he had already started to rely on his morning doses of Kurt. The quick kisses they could share in the privacy of the car in the early morning that would have to tide him over until the end of the day, usually after Glee and when they could get to one of their houses and relax a bit.

He was very aware that he sounded like an addict, Blaine was okay with that. If he had to be addicted to something, Kurt's lips were what he wanted to be addicted to.

Flopping back down on his pillow and realized he wouldn't be able to see Kurt much at all that day. He'd have Marnie's class with him, and then lunch, but with no Glee and Kurt's "stuff" he had to do. Blaine realized he might not get any real time with his boyfriend until the next day.

Blaine: If you're sure… you know I could wait around while you did your stuff. Is it bad that I'm actually doing the math in my head till I can kiss you?

He typed in the message and smirked as he sent it. He could imagine the light blush that Kurt would get when he read the last part of the message, the way he would bite his lip, making it that light pink it became when Blaine kissed him.

With a loud groan and sleep stiff muscles Blaine pushed himself out of bed as he waited for Kurt's response. He knew it would be a couple minutes while Kurt thought about the offer and the longer he stayed in the warmth of his bed the harder it was to get up.

Blaine was pulling on a deep blue cardigan as his phone finally buzzed again. He reminded himself that he couldn't get his hopes up, and that he did have to learn to not see Kurt everyday. He knew it wasn't healthy for them to spend every minute together, it would end up causing problems, but he just couldn't get enough of the boy. Maybe it was the fact that it was a new relationship or the fact that Kurt was simply a work of art, inside and out, all he knew was the thought of not being with Kurt for even a day was unsettling.

Ariel: It wouldn't be till tomorrow would it? If you're sure, but I don't want you to be bored waiting around.

Blaine smiled in triumph. He wanted to ask what Kurt's "stuff" was but he knew it wasn't his business. He was working hard to fight off his need to know everything. There were some things Blaine needed to know, he needed to know the stuff that had gone down with Karofsky, what Kurt wanted to do with his free time after school he didn't need to know about.

Blaine: I'm sure I can find some homework to do, or a book to read. So I'll see you at the usual time then?

Soon enough Blaine was dressed and throwing things into his school bag as he rand down the stairs. His keys were in his hand and he was slipping on his jacket before he noticed the extra pair of shoes by the door.

He raised a triangular eyebrow as he heard the TV quietly on in the living room. He sighed and walked through the house to see his brother slumped on the couch, a large, messy, bowl of fruit-loops in his hands. He was still in his scrubs and his feet were bare hanging off the edge of the couch as he watched early morning cartoons.

Blaine slowly walked into the room. "Coop, what's going on?"

Cooper turned, startled, to his brother. He placed the bowl down on the antique wood coffee table and shrugged. "Katy said she needed some time to think about stuff. She's debating moving to some state, I wasn't really listening that much. All I really got was that she was probably leaving." He sighed heavily and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"She grabbed some stuff and went back to her apartment for a few days. It's weird Blainers, I never loved her. I know that, you know that, mom and dad knew that. But now that she's not there all the time my place just seems empty. I didn't really like it."

Blaine nodded as he walked to the couch, leaning over the back of it. "So you two are done then?" if he was being honest he'd be happy to hear they were, sure, Katy was beautiful, but she was a stuffy med student. She had a good heart and was intelligent but she was lacking a real personality. Blaine had always wondered how her and Cooper had actually even ended up dating. He assumed it was because she was hot and in a lot of Coopers classes.

Cooper shrugged again, Blaine smiled to himself, the shrugging thing; it was a family trait. They all did it, when something was really bugging them they tried desperately to make it seem like they were indifferent.

"I guess. But you know, I think it says a lot that I'm more upset about the empty apartment then her actually not being there." Cooper said chuckling darkly.

Blaine nodded, he couldn't argue, the statement made it really clear that Cooper didn't have feelings for Katy. "Well, why don't you stay here for a few days? Mom and dad aren't home till who knows when. It's kinda lonely around here too." Blaine said casually, faining the same disinterest Cooper had been.

Really Blaine would love it to have Cooper there for a few days. The house seemed so quiet and Cooper's constant energy always made the bland walls feel alive.

His brother seemed to think for a few seconds. "Okay, sounds good. I already put my stuff in my room." He said and stuck out his tongue at Blaine.

Rolling his eyes Blaine laughed and shook his head. "Of course you did." He said as he picked his bag up off of the floor again. "Look, I'm late to get Kurt, and he has some stuff to do after school, but after that maybe, just maybe, I can convince him to come meet you. Maybe." He said, smiling slyly. While he had really wanted to push back this introduction for a while, he knew it would cheer up his brother. It had to happen sometime. Two birds with one awkward stone.

His plan seemed to work, Cooper shot up straight, a huge smile on his face. "Really? Yes! Score! You go pick up the boyfriend, do well in school, what not. And I'm going to go find the baby books. Not the cute parents ones, but the personal Blaine Anderson Blackmail Book." He said as he ran out of the room and up the stairs leaving Blaine shaking his head and laughing as he walked out the front door.

"Anderson, what are you doing here?" Puck asked as he walked down the hall towards Blaine who was sitting with his back against Kurt's locker, a book in hand.

He sighed, sticking his thumb in the book. He had just sat down too. "Reading Puckerman, what do you want?" Blaine knew very well that he had a lot to thank Noah Puckerman for, but he just couldn't bring himself to like the guy. Maybe it was his jealously and his possessive streak but every time he saw Noah he couldn't get past the look he gave Kurt.

Puck held up his hands in mock surrender "Just a question Lover Boy. Chill out. I can see you're reading, that wasn't my question." He said as he leaned against the wall of lockers across from Blaine.

"Then what was your question again Puck?" Blaine asked as he shoved the book back into his bag, knowing this conversation wasn't going to end anytime soon.

Puck rolled his eyes and shook his head "What are you doing here? Don't you have a better place to be right now?"

Blaine really had no idea what Puck was getting at and already he could feel the feeling of annoyance getting worse in his gut. "What are you getting at Puckerman? I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to wait for my boyfriend at his locker."

Another eye roll and Puck shrugged, laughing darkly. "Defensive much Anderson? Just thought you would rather be watching our Princess then reading a book is all." He said as he pushed away from the row of lockers. "Obviously I was wrong. Later Anderson."

Blaine could feel the anger in him start to bubble slightly. "First off, He isn't a princess Puckerman, secondly he isn't ours, he's mine." Blaine said as he pushed himself off the floor.

Puck laughed loudly, shaking his head. "You're the one who calls him Ariel. Who I do believe is a Disney princess.Also, you may be his boyfriend, but he is just as much mine as yours. Just in different ways. If you don't want him to be your princess fine, he will always be mine." Puck's tone had gone from laughing to serious very quickly.

Taking a couple breaths Blaine tried to keep himself calm. It was usually easy to keep his annoyance and anger in check. He could usually do it without really thinking about it, but Puck just got on his nerves. "He will never be yours. In anyway." Blaine almost growled.

"Woah, hold up man. You're acting like I want to steal Hummel away from you. I think you actually do believe that, but I'm not. Really, haven't I made it pretty clear that I'm kinda not into dick? Yeah, sure, your boy has a great ass. I don't want to tap it though. So just take a breath. I'm not going anywhere but I'm also not trying to make you go anywhere so back the hell off Anderson." Puck said calmly.

Blaine shook his head, "You sure look at him like that's exactly what you want to do." Blaine challenged.

"Dude, I watch Hummel cause I'm worried about him. Because I care, because, like I know he's already told you, I was the one who had to pick him up and get his beaten ass to a hospital after Karofsky used him as a punching bag." Blaine noticed anger flicker in Puck's eyes and it felt like he was being knocked over for a second.

They were the same. The realization was a brick wall. The anger. It was the same. Blaine calmed instantly when he realized that Noah Puckerman had a better control over his temper then Blaine did. It was a very sobering moment.

Blaine took a step back, his blood no longer boiling and nodded, his mind trying to sort out the knew knowledge. Of course it had always been right in front of him, Noah had always had the fierce look of protection in his eye but Blaine had never before connected it to his own rage. It was like a light bulb had gone off.

"Look, Anderson, you gotta stop with this. We are all protective over Kurt. And yeah, he probably finds it cute and a turn on right now that you're so protective but one day, it's not going to be me. It's going to be someone who really does have a thing for Kurt, and you're gonna drive him right into that guys arms with this anger. Trust me, I know."

Blaine felt like a bucket of water was being dumped over him. Could that really happened? "I'm just worried for him Puckerman."

Noah nodded his head. "No Blaine, you're not. You're jealous. You're jealous that Kurt clings on to me like he does you. You're jealous that I can protect him more then you can. We are all worried for him, we are all just as angry and worried as you are. This between us, this isn't anything other then Jealously and you really need to get off of it." Puck said with a shrug "Remember Lover Boy, on Monday, when he got slushied, he was out of my arms and into yours as fast as he could be. Maybe I can kick more ass then you can, but he feels safer with you for some reason. I personally don't get it, you're a hobbit. But he does."

Blaine was silent as he nodded, he felt like he was 5 inches tall as Noah lectured him. The last person he'd ever thought would be giving him a reality check.

There was a silence for a few moments as they both reassessed where they stood. "Out of everyone here Blaine, we should be the two working together for Kurt. This isn't helping with us being idiots towards each other. So, as a peace offering I'm going to inform you that we have some pretty comfortable bleachers looking out on the football field. You can see everything pretty nicely from the top of the far left set." He said as he started backing away from Blaine.

"What are you talking about Puckerman, there is no football practice today." Blaine asked in confusion. Why was Noah sending him out to some bleachers? He knew where going to be very much uncomfortable regardless of what he said and there was no reason to subject himself to that for a little sunlight.

Puck laughed. "Football isn't the only thing they use the field for after school you know? In fact I think there's a Cheerio's practice right now." He finished as he turned his back and walked away from Blaine.

"What? Why would I care about the Cheerio-" Blaine's eyes got wide as it all clicked. "You're not half bad Puckerman!" He shouted down the hall, receiving a wave of acknowledgement from Noah before he booked it down the opposite hall towards the football field.

Kurt knew it was the end of September and could see the leaves changing around him but he felt like it was boiling hot outside as they went through the routine for what felt like the hundredth time. In reality it was the 7th.

He also knew the fabric of his uniform was designed to be wearable during these routines as they jumped around and contorted themselves to meet Sue's expectations but he felt the fabric sticking to his skin uncomfortably. He felt gross; his hair was sticking up at odd angles he was slightly flushed by the heat.

The song ended and Kurt was very aware of how long it had been since he had been active in the Cheerios. He wasn't out of shape in the least but Sue's practices made him feel like he was an overweight 50 year old.

"You think this is hard? Try watching a bunch of pathetic teenagers butcher your choreography! Sloppy babies! Grab some water and be ready to do that seamlessly or you're all going to be running laps till midnight!" Sue yelled through her megaphone and stormed off to yell at one of the new Cheerios.

Kurt gulped down a full bottle of water, thankful that no matter how insane Sue was, she at least didn't let them die of dehydration. After all, that would ruin her routine.

"San, can we go skinny dip in your pool now?" Kurt heard Brittany ask as she leaned against San's shoulder.

Santana laughed and stroked the girl's blonde hair "Soon Britts. Just as soon as Hummel manages to get the routine to Coach Sue's standards."

Brittany sighed heavily. "But that could take hours and I'm hot." She whined

"Damn straight you are" San teased.

Kurt had mixed feelings as he listened into their conversation, opening a second bottle of water. On one hand he felt like shouting at them that he was trying his best, the year and a bit out of Sue's clutches had made him forget exactly how intensive and hellish Sue's routines were. It wasn't like riding a bike and he couldn't learn one of the mind-boggling routines as quickly as the other Cheerios could anymore.

On the other hand he could see how exhausted and annoyed the other Cheerio's were getting with him. He could see the sideways glances and could hear the whispers that he knew were criticizing him and Sue for including him again. While he really didn't give a rats ass what most of the cheerleaders around him were thinking he did have a soft spot in his heart for Brittany and even a little bit for Santana. He didn't like knowing he was keeping them there just because he kept messing up the off beats.

"Breaks over ladies! Get your butts back onto that field and get it right this time!" Sue shouted through her mega-phone as everyone groaned, pushing their sore bodies to go over the dance at least one more time.

He was going to get it this time. No questions asked. He was going to get this one right. Then they could all go home. He could go for a shower and meet his boyfriend and cuddle the night away, making Blaine do all the moving for him.

As Kurt got into position behind the double lines of Cheerio's he smirked to himself, images of the moving Blaine could do above him. He shook his head quickly, getting his head back in to the game as Nicki Minaj's Turn Me On exploded from the Boas Speaker system.

The girls started moving in front of him, dancing for a few seconds before splitting away. As they cleared the path in front of him Kurt saw Blaine sitting on the bleachers directly in front of him. He almost missed his queue, distracted and suddenly self-conscious.

He didn't let himself falter though. Instead he imagined Blaine's eyes, just a little too far away to see clearly glinting as they had when Kurt had first informed him he had been a Cheerio.

Messing up was even less of an option now. As the music sent vibrations through him Kurt walked forward, his hips swaying slightly in his confident strut.

All his attention was on the boy in front of him, the only boy who has ever called him sweetheart, the only one who had kissed him properly and showed him what it was like to feel sexy.

When Kurt was with Blaine he not only felt sexy and wanted but also beautiful and confident. That confidence, the feeling of knowing exactly what he was doing to Blaine was what kept Kurt on mark every move. Every cartwheel and backflip that he forgot he had the ability to do. They all worked out in his favor as he ended the number with a high kick and a deep gulp of air.

As he was inhaling large amounts of air he heard Sue's voice once again fill the empty field "That was not a total disgrace. I will see you Sunday. Now get your sweaty hormonal bodies off of my field before I lose my lunch."

With that Kurt sunk down to the soft grass, lying on his back. All the Cheerio's were around him in a similar state. All lying on the grass letting their bodies give out after such an intense work out. He knew he should go and see Blaine but he couldn't find the motivation to move, nor did he really want Blaine to see him all sweaty. Perhaps a shower would be the best option first. Of course that involved movement.

Kurt groaned as he started to push himself off the ground, eyes still shut as a shadow passed over him. He squealed as a cold, damp object was pressed against his neck. His eyes shot open to spot a chuckling Blaine holding an ice-cold water bottle to his pulse point.

Kurt frowned for a second when he remembered the state he was in but took the water bottle, desperate for hydration. He could freak out about his appearance when he could breathe again.

Blaine sat down cross-legged next to Kurt as he gulped down the bottle. "So, I'm not going to lie, that was probably the hottest thing I have seen in my entire life. Please, remind me how I got so lucky?" he said smiling as he watched his boyfriend.

It had taken a couple minutes for Blaine to have the brain capacity to even get up and go see Kurt. He could only hope no one would realize he was half hard and trying to not jump on his boyfriend.

Kurt laughed and shook his head smiling brightly "Yay! I'm really glad you thought so. It was all for you I hope you know."

Blaine smiled; he loved hearing things like that from Kurt. "Well I would hope you weren't trying to use your fantastic moves to impress any of the girls around here, or we could have a problem," he teased lightly.

"I have actually been meaning to tell you, I was trying to impress Brittany, I'm sorry Blaine. I don't know how to say this, but I'm straight" Kurt joked back, pushing some of his hair out of his face.

Blaine looked all around the now abandoned field before be pushed Kurt down onto the grass and got on top of him. "You sure about that?" He challenged in a deep voice, his face hovering two inches above Kurt's.

Kurt shrugged "Having my doubts, but I don't know… She has a really killer body…" he poked as he looked up into Blaine's honey eyes.

"Something tells me her body can't do what I can for you." He said suggestively. He so badly wanted to thrust his hips down into Kurt's it was like a magnet. Of course he couldn't and wouldn't not only were they very obviously not at that point in their relationship, regardless of how badly they both wanted it, but they were also in a wide open field.

Blaine did however concede to the magnets in his lips and kissed Kurt fiercely for a few moments.

He looked down at dazed Kurt below him, his eyes slightly dilated and his lips pink once again. "You know Kurt, you can see my mark in this uniform. It's fading though. Maybe I should make another?" he teased and kissed down to the fading bruise on Kurt's collarbone.

Blaine really couldn't get enough of Kurt in the red and white Cheerio's outfit. His mind was going to amazingly fun and dirty places that really weren't helping his situation in the least. He couldn't help it though, with a boy as perfect as Kurt he couldn't stop his mind from wondering. All he could do was keep telling himself that one day Kurt would be his in everyway. It was kind of like a mantra when they were in situations like this.

Kurt moaned slightly as Blaine kissed the flesh of his neck. "Blaine," he whined weakly "Blaine stop." It came out breathy and barely audible but Blaine stopped immediately and got off of Kurt, sad to lose the contact but determined to always listen to that one word. Stop. Or no. Especially with Kurt, those words were extremely important.

Kurt took a couple deep breaths as he sat up. "While this is quite enjoyable I am sweaty and gross and we are in a field where the football players like to randomly come and hang out. We are begging to get hurt. I'm going to go for a shower. I'll be out in about 15 minutes. Okay?" Kurt said as he pecked Blaine's lips and pushed himself to his feet with a loud groan.

Blaine nodded "Probably a smart idea. No matter how much I would love to continue. You're right. Like you're proving to be most of the time. Go, shower. Before I come in after you" he teased with a wink causing Kurt to blush a even deeper pink then the heat flush as he shook his head and walked away from Blaine.

He watched as Kurt walked away, his hips lazily moving as he walked, not like they swayed when he was walking down the field during the routine but just his everyday walk. One that Blaine didn't really get much time to sit and stare at.

"Hey, Kurt?" Blaine shouted after him, smiling when Kurt turned around to face him again.

"Yeah hon?" Kurt asked his head tilting slightly to the side, the water bottle hanging from his hand.

Blaine smirked as the light of the early evening washed over Kurt, his hair glowing slightly. "Nothing, just wanted you to turn around so I could admire you in that uniform. How many of those do you have anyways?" Blaine wondered, finally giving into his minds little games, if Kurt was heading to the shower he had some time to rid his mind of its perversion after this.

He could see Kurt roll his eyes at him and shake his head. "If you're wondering if you can get me into one of these outside of practice your answer completely rides on what activities would be involved." Kurt yelled back with a wink and walked away.

Blaine chuckled, his mind going to a lot of different places but they all sort of stopped when he thought about what Kurt had said. Really, how fast was their relationship progressing? He wouldn't complain no matter what speed, whether they didn't move any farther for a year or whether they were naked in bed writhing against each other tomorrow. He was curious though; he knew Kurt said things that he wasn't really ready for, as everyone did. But Blaine was wondering how far Kurt was ready for. He guessed he would just have to let it play out. He was fine experimenting with Kurt's limits and seeing how far they could stretch them. That was part of the fun, part of what he loved about Kurt. He loved how new it all was.

He was aware that this side of Kurt was one only he saw and he took a certain pride in knowing that he made Kurt confident enough to be sexy around him, to joke about their future sex life. It made him feel like he was doing his job in repairing what Karofsky broke.

"Seriously though Kurt, do you wanna die on the couch at your place or are you up for a little adventure? I promise you'll get a kick out of it." Blaine questioned as he remembered Cooper at home, probably marking all the pictures he wanted to show Kurt and making a list of all the stories he wanted to share.

Kurt turned around, he was too far away now for Blaine to see his face, but his stance looked as though he was confused. "What exactly do you have in mind Mr. Anderson?" Kurt shouted back to him.

Blaine laughed, "How'd you like to meet Cooper?"

End Notes:

I don't think anyone can even grasp how excited i am to write this meeting. Its going to be Anderbro story after Anderbros story and a mild twist/ piece of information that i've been dying to sneak in! So stay tuned! Thats on tuesday... Probably... Depends if i get it done before the episode and if i dont how dskfjnadskjfdksaf the episode is.

Love and what not. Review? Please? I actually jump up and down and squeal when i get them. So know the second you press submit, i get an email to my phone and you cause a dancing Fallon. Mhm, you get a special dance. And a HUGE smile. EVen if i get the email in the middle of the night, i do a half asleep happy dance. true story

anyways im rambling a lot today. Bye bye.


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