This Song Saved My Life
Chapter 16 Aftermath Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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This Song Saved My Life: Chapter 16 Aftermath

E - Words: 8,316 - Last Updated: Jul 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Mar 19, 2012 - Updated: Jul 17, 2012
395 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: sdjsfdsakfj FINALLY! I KNOW!!!! its been forever and ever. Anyways. Here it is~ its kinda really long. kinda got carried away in a few places. But i really hope you like it!!!i own nothing but my pretty little plot lines. I also do not own Adam Lambert. just like the Glee cast if i did own them they would be for my sexual enjoyment meaning id watch them have sex with each other constant.

Wanna scream out, no more hiding
Don't be afraid of what's inside
Gonna tell ya you'll be alright
In the aftermath

Anytime anybody pulls you down
Anytime anybody says you're not allowed
Just remember you are not alone
In the aftermath


“Kurt!” He heard his name being shouted from the top of the stairs the next morning as he was slinging his bag over his shoulder, smiling at his reflection quickly. It was just another day at McKinley, but he didn’t feel the pull to hide in his room. He was excited to get to school, to see Blaine.

It wasn’t just Blaine though. Kurt had always known who he was. He never tried to hide it, maybe at first he hadn’t been out and proud, but he never hid from the person he was. But he had always felt worthless. Maybe worthless wasn’t the right word but it was the only one Kurt could think of for himself before he met Blaine. Worthless to the town he lived in.

He had people who cared about him, his dad and the Glee club, Shue and Marnie. But for all those people there were twice as many pushing him into lockers, tossing him into dumpsters and making him feel like garbage.

He tried not to believe what they kept pushing on him, but it had worn him down, of course then there was Sam, yet another example of why Kurt couldn’t be happy, he was just that gay kid. The one and only. Sam was a great guy, a great friend and someone Kurt had grown to love in a very platonic way. Then there had been Karofsky.

What had happened with David had been the last straw; it had broken Kurt down into almost nothing. Sure, Kurt had been strong for his dad, for Rachel, for Finn, for everyone. He made it seem like everything was perfect and that he had made it out of the situation unscarred.

He hadn’t though. After that day all Kurt wanted to do was hide in his room with fictional words building up walls from the outside world. His room where the only pain he felt was fictional. He could turn it off and exchange it for a happy ending.

He let Rachel in, he laughed and joked with the Glee club but every interaction felt forced. As time went on he got more comfortable with Puck and Rachel. Only them though. With everyone else it was a face, one identical to who he was before. He wanted to be a performer after all, his face had to be perfect. And it was. No one doubted him.

Everything he said, he knew it was what was expected, what everyone knew he would say or do. He didn’t say things because he wanted to but because he had to. That had been his life for months. He had been a shell for 10 months. Sure, he was starting to be happy again, little by little, it wasn’t the same though. He found himself relaxing once and a while around Noah and Rachel. Not anyone else. Only feeling truly at ease when he was alone in his room surrounded by hundreds of fiction characters.

Then he had met Blaine. Sure, he had been a little relaxed from the drink Puck had given him, but he hadn’t felt so instantly at ease around anyone in 10 months. He hadn’t even really realized it. Hadn’t noticed how simple it was to fall into mindless banter with Blaine, saying things because he wanted to not because he had to. The stress he found around people hadn’t existed around Blaine.

Now, nearly a month after meeting him Kurt wasn’t dreading school. His stomach wasn’t twisting with fear of the jocks. They had mostly laid off since Karofsky was forced to transfer, though their threat was ever present. It didn’t matter now though. He was going to see Blaine. It didn’t matter that they didn’t have a label or that he knew people would be watching them all that mattered was Blaine.

It was such an odd feeling as Kurt nodded at his reflection, the absence of fear or stress that he had forgotten he was carrying.  After so long of being terrified of those halls, to be excited was exhilarating.  He hadn’t realized it was happening, hadn’t noticed his tension dissipating until it was all gone and Kurt was free again. He felt like he found his voice again.

He made it up the stairs and grabbed his keys from the bowl in the kitchen before sliding down in a chair. “Yes dad?” he asked as he and finished tying up his boots, looking up at his dad who had walked into the kitchen.

Burt looked at the keys in his son’s hand and chuckled “I don’t think you’ll be needing those today kid.” He said as he sipped at his coffee, leaning heavily against the countertop.

Kurt looked at him with a raised eyebrow and sighed heavily “I am not going in with Finn, he’ll leave me at the school again when he decides to go to Rachel’s” he sighed and put his pant leg back over the boot.

Burt laughed again and snatched the keys out of his sons hands “I’d go look out the front window if I were you Kurt” he said with a wiggle of his eye brows as he dropped the keys back into the bowl, an all knowing smirk etched on his face as he tilted his head towards the window.

Kurt looked at him quizzically but did as he was instructed, curiosity getting the better of him and pulled back the curtain on the window and saw a familiar car in the lane, with Blaine sitting behind the wheel.

Kurt smiled as he watched Blaine who seemed to be deep in thought about something. He was starring at nothing, the little triangles above his eyes slightly furrowed, Kurt could almost see his lips moving, as if he was talking himself through something. Kurt sat there, peering out the window for a few moments, his heart fluttering as he went unnoticed. Watching Blaine when he didn’t know he was being watched. It registered vaguely in Kurt’s mind that he was being creepy, but the adorable looks on Blaine’s features kept that inclination at bay. It wasn’t creepy if the boy he was watching was just simply adorable, he justified.

“I guess you’re right.” He called back to his dad as he let the curtain fall closed. He walked back into the kitchen and grabbed his fall jacket. “I’ll see you after school.” Kurt hurried down the front steps, careful not to slip on the slick ledges and opened Blaine’s passenger door. “What ever are you doing here Mr. Anderson?” He asked as he slipped into the seat.

Blaine jumped lightly and laughed, looking as if he hadn’t even noticed Kurt leave the house, too caught up in his own thoughts. “Would it be totally creepy if I said I just wanted to see you so decided to come pick you up? If you want of course, you can go in the Navigator if you want.” Blaine said, and Kurt tried not to laugh at how adorable the boy beside him was.

Kurt leaned over the center console and kissed Blaine’s cheek quickly “I missed you too.” He said, his cheeks heating slightly “I’d be happy to get a ride with you.” He said as he leaned back in his seat and did up his seat belt.

As they drove down the stretch of highway Blaine drove with one hand and slowly brushed his fingers over the back of Kurt’s hand. While his focus was clearly on the road, Kurt could make out the question in the gesture and the hope in the lines of Blaine’s features. He couldn’t see the other boys eyes, but Kurt was sure that Blaine was just as nervous about their first encounter since their date as he was. It was a comforting thought for Kurt, it made the butterflies in his stomach more enjoyable than nerve wracking.

Kurt turned his hand palm up and moved it into Blaine’s, letting their fingers intertwine on the center console, a huge smile creeping its way onto both of their lips. This was a good sign. It was something.

Blaine leaned against the locker beside Kurt’s as he watched the boy in front of him organizing what he needed for the day. Blaine was aware of the other boy’s ramblings, going on about how they really needed to get working on their duet because it was due next week. He subconsciously calendared in the “practice dates” Kurt was mentioning, but really he was just paying attention to the way Kurt’s lips moved. He remembered back to how it had felt to have those very lips moving against his on the weekend.

            He stood very close to Kurt, his arm almost brushing the other boys waist. He wanted very much to stop the rambling that was pouring out of Kurt’s mouth with his lips but knew it wasn’t the time or the place. Was he even allowed to kiss Kurt? Sure, he had during their date, and while they had only been small chaste kisses Blaine longed to feel them again, and longed for more. But was he allowed to kiss Kurt in their day-to-day life? Of course he wouldn’t risk such a thing in the halls of McKinley but, what about in the Choir room or an abandoned hallway? Or Kurt’s bedroom for one of their “practice dates”? Blaine’s mind wondered to fantasizing about kissing Kurt in all those places and the moments that would lead up to them, he was still aware of the words Kurt was speaking and even managed to reply when he knew he was supposed to but his mind was far too busy getting far too out of hand with his day dreams.

            When his fantasies caught up to the practicing in Kurt’s bedroom Blaine mentally shook his head. This was no place to be getting hard with ideas about Kurt’s bedroom. He would revisit those when he was alone and had time to properly appreciate them. He tried to clear his mind and tuned back in to what Kurt was saying fully.

            “We are kinda behind on the whole thing. With everything we’ve been doing we haven’t even picked a song. Everyone else has been practicing already. Rachel said she walked into the Lima Bean yesterday to see ‘Cedes and Sam having a full on near yelling match about their song choice.” Kurt said as he shut his locker and leaned against it.

            Blaine smiled and let his hand land on Kurt’s arm. It wasn’t a far reach and Blaine was aware in the back of his mind that they were standing too close for this school but he didn’t care, he could smell Kurt. Strawberries and Vanilla, but this time he could almost make out something citrusy, perhaps an orange scented hand cream.

            “It will be fine. We’re gonna do a great job. We will pick a song tonight and then we still have loads of time to perfect it. You always sound amazing.” He said gazing up at the blue eyes in front of him. He always felt like he was drowning in those eyes.

            The blue orbs rolled up towards the ceiling and a smile played on Kurt’s lips. “I know. You’re amazing as well. This should be a piece of cake, even up against Rachel and Finn. While Rachel is unbelievably talented, Finn lacks actual voice training. He has a decent voice but doesn’t know how to use it properly all the time. San and Britt might be some competition as well. But we should be able to win this thing” Kurt said smugly.

            Blaine smiled and nodded “Exactly, so lets get to class.” He said, tugging once on Kurt’s shirtsleeve before dropping it and turning towards class, wishing he could hold Kurt’s hand.

            It hadn’t happened all year. Hadn’t happened in at least seven months. He had hoped it would never happen again.

            But Kurt stood petrified, ice and Red dye #2 dripping down his face. He couldn’t even move a muscle. It took a few seconds for the shock and realization to set in. It had happened. It was all starting again.

            “Listen up lady, you may have converted Karofsky with your sick little fairy ways but the rest of us don’t appreciate you running around with your little mini butt buddy.” He heard Azimio’s voice but couldn’t see him. His eyes burned. He hadn’t had been prepared enough to close his eyes in time.

            His eyes were now shut as he tried to whip all the ice off of his face. This couldn’t be happening. He didn’t see Azimio coming as he shoved him into a set of lockers. Kurt could feel the lock digging into the left side of his lower back, guaranteed to leave an unpleasant purple bruise, just like the one’s he thought he’d left behind last year.

            He could here the whispers all around him, the hushed voices of shock. No one had seen a slushy thrown since half way through last year. Some of the voices held fear, others shock, he could even hear some of them laughing at him.

            Before he even knew what he was doing he was pushing his way into the nearest girls bathroom. They had always been his refuge. For years when he got slushied he’d hide out with the Glee girls and get straightened up. He was thankful to find it appearing to be empty.

He dropped his bag at the ground and turned on the faucet, rinsing out his eyes. He had done it time and time again; the skill of washing out the burning syrup and dye came back quickly, as if he had never stopped using it. Quickly he washed it from his hair and his face, taking cold water to his outfit.

            His mind was reeling as he tried to clean himself up. He hadn’t expected this. He should have. Of course it was stupid for him to ever feel like he wasn’t at risk of this. He had let his guard down and this was what his punishment was. Hell at McKinley was about to start again.

Everyone always described Hell as hot, flames and pitchforks. Kurt and the rest of the Glee club knew though it was ice cold, sticky and the only matching characteristic was the red of the slush tossed on his face, staining his clothes.

            His clothes. He didn’t have a spare set. He had stopped bringing spares to school last year, hadn’t even thought of it this year. His pants were fine, he got the few flecks of red slush off of the dark, tight denim easily enough, his white shirt and grey vest were done for though, even as he cleaned it off as fast as possible. The white shirt was splattered in pink, drenched in water from trying to get it clean, the vest was simply covered, the pink mixing into a hideous colour Kurt couldn’t even name.

He looked in the mirror and saw his red eyes, matching his destroyed outfit and didn’t know what to do. He could text Rachel or Noah, tell them where he was, but he didn’t want to deal with them. He couldn’t. He walked over to the bathroom door and closed the empty room, locking himself in. There were other bathrooms the girls could use and frankly he wasn’t in the mood to be walked in on like this. Even if it was Rachel or Noah, even Blaine. He knew they would know soon, if they didn’t already. The first slushy in almost a year would spread quickly. He fished his phone out of his bag and turned it off before the texts and calls could start streaming in. He didn’t want anyone’s pity.

He let himself slide against the painted brick wall. He wrapped his arms around his knees and let his tears start flowing. Half from the burning that still flooded his eyes and half from the knowledge that it was all about to begin again. There was no way around it. This was just the beginning. How was he supposed to deal with this? It wasn’t only going to be him though. It was going to be Rachel and the rest of Glee as well. It was going to be Blaine. The guilt of knowing Blaine would have to go through this made a loud sob rip from his chest.

Blaine, and the rest of Glee club, were safe for today at least. He knew the jocks just wanted to make a statement today, make it clear they were back in full force. Tomorrow it would really begin, tomorrow the days of raincoats and umbrellas in school would return. 

            He didn’t know how long he sat there, but his own sobs seemed to stop and he took a deep breath. He knew he was going to have to face the world sooner or later and he sighed. Pushing himself off the floor he resigned to sooner being better than later.

As he was about to head to the door though he heard a shift from one of the stalls, the door moving slightly, then a frustrated groan of annoyance, barely audible.

Kurt cursed himself for not checking the bathroom fully. Had someone actually been here through all of that?

He knew he should just leave and hope the girl didn’t know who it was but he couldn’t. There was something about the sound the girl made that was familiar. He walked towards the stall door and pushed it open gently, fairly certain that if it was open he wasn’t going to embarrass the girl too much.

He gasped lightly though when he saw the blonde head of hair. “Quinn?” He asked stepping into the stall quietly. He was very thankful that the girl’s room was a lot cleaner than the boys so he knelt down in front of her, seated on the toilet, his pants were ruined anyways. “Quinn, honey?” He asked her face was buried in her hands and her shoulders were shaking with quiet sobs.

            She shook her head in her hands and just collapsed into Kurt’s arms, burying her face in his shoulder. He wondered how she could have silence herself while he was breaking down himself, perhaps she hadn’t and he just hadn’t heard her over his own sobs.

“Shh, it’s okay honey, its okay.” He said and rubbed her back, mumbling reassurances into her hair.

After a few minutes she pulled away and looked at him “How did you do it Kurt?” She asks shaking her head, taking a deep breath in.

Kurt knew exactly what she’s talking about. His heart ripped apart for her. He had been in almost the exact situation she was in. He had been there; he could remember what it felt like. He pushed some of her blonde hair behind her ear and looked at her in the eyes. “It’s different Q. I just had a crush on the Quarter back, and a brief infatuation with a trouty mouthed new kid.” He said trying to make her laugh.

It worked a little. Quinn laughed shallowly at the nickname for Sam “But how did you deal with the constant pull, and knowing you can never have them?” She asked again.

Quinn had never confessed anything to him, never told him of her problem before, but he knew, and he knew she knew he knew. It was a silent understanding and he was fairly sure Quinn was very thankful it had been him in the bathroom today.

He paused to think about his wording. “Quinn, I was never in love with Finn or Sam. I had a school boy crush on Finn and Sam was just knew and quite honestly hot, also my gaydar went horribly wrong” he laughed lightly. “It’s not the same. I never had that draw to them.” He looked at her and realized he wasn’t helping and decided to take a different approach. “If it were Blaine though, I know that pull. I know what you’re feeling Quinn, and to be honest if I was in your situation I don’t know what I would do, I don’t think I would be handling it as well as you are.” He said and rubbed her arm.

This time the laugh that escaped Quinn’s lips was bitter, her eyes angry and resentful “I’m not handling it very good Kurt. I’m trying so hard.” The tears started again “I just want her to be happy. I know she loves him. I know she wants to marry him but then there is me, watching her, loving her. And she doesn’t even notice. I don’t think I’m exactly subtle.”

Kurt chuckled a little and whiped away her tears with his thumb “No, you aren’t. But Quinn, you were head Cheerio, you dated Finn and got knocked up by Puck, no one looks for those signs. I see them because I know what you’re going through. They way you look at Rach, I can tell how much you care.” He said and stroked her hair.

Quinn’s body was shaking with tears again. “Why did this happen to me Kurt? I understand we don’t choose our sexuality, we don’t choose who we fall for, but why Rachel fucking Berry?” She said angrily, her fists clenching together. “I would have been able to just stay here, get Beth back maybe, marry some guy, maybe even Noah, and be a relater!” Her tears were streaming anew and Kurt just wished he could do anything to help her.

“I really don’t know why Quinn, you know, Rach believes in Fate, so do I… Destiny. Who knows what the point of you falling for her is, but it’s not for you to be miserable.” He soothed.

Kurt really didn’t know what to do, he loved Rachel, he wanted what was best for her. He loved Finn and he loved Quinn. He only wanted what was best for Rachel, he wanted her to be able to decide what would make her happiest, but she just wouldn’t look.

“Maybe it is. Maybe this is punishment, I slept with Noah, lied to Finn, gave up my child, turned my back on God, maybe this is Fate punishing me. It’s hopeless after all. Rachel is straight, and she’s engaged to Finn.” She sniffled and whipped her face with the back of her hands.

Kurt had to chuckle “Quinn, she may be engaged to Finn, but she isn’t as Hetro as you think. Rachel doesn’t like someone because of their gender, she likes them because she just does. I’ve heard her go on some pretty long rampages about girls looking hot before. I don’t think it’s a sexuality thing, it’s a her being oblivious thing.” In fact, Kurt had heard Rachel comment on Quinn in her Cheerio uniform before. Not that it was his place to mention such a thing.

Quinn smiled but shook her head. “She loves Finn.” She said simply.

Kurt nodded “She does.” He agreed. “But, I don’t know if she loves him in the right way. I’m not going to claim to know what is going through her head or her heart. But think about it, Jesse was a complete disaster, Noah gets around through any every girl in the school, he doesn’t count, and then there was Finn, who cares about her and keeps her around but I don’t think either of them are in that relationship for the right reasons. If we are being honest I think Finn isn’t mature enough to even realize what he is saying when he asked her to marry him. I think they are rushing into things. I’m not saying they aren’t in love, its not my place to say whether they should get married or not… but I do think they both have blinders on because its easy.” Kurt rambled.

Maybe he shouldn’t be giving Quinn hope, especially since all evidence would prove it to be false hope, but he couldn’t help but root for Quinn. Maybe it was some homosexual allegiance thing.

“What difference does it make, what could I do? Go up and confess my feelings? She’d get scared and never talk to me again, not because she’s homophobic obviously but because I ruined our friendship. All I can do is keep dropping fucking hints all the time and hope she catches on for herself. Hope that maybe, by some miracle she decides to leave Frankenteen and take a chance on me. It’s not fair.” Quinn complained.

It wasn’t fair. No one knew that better than Kurt. “Tell you what, you keep dropping your hints, and I’ll try and nudge her in the direction of realization. Not saying that I’m going to out you or tell her to choose you, but just nudge her in the right direction to opening her eyes and making a fully informed decision. Its only September Quinn, you have time. We can figure it out.” He said as he rubbed one of her legs gently.

Quinn hiccupped lightly “R-really?” She said a smile playing on her face.

Kurt nodded “Of course. I wouldn’t want you to feel like you had that tragic “what if” hanging over your head. I almost did, I almost pushed Blaine away because I was scared, and now I realize I would have had that “what if” hanging over me. And that “what if” is a lot scarier than the risk of getting hurt in the end. You deserve to have your chance Quinn. At least this way if she doesn’t choose you, you can move on and know you tried. Yeah?”

Quinn nodded, her energy seeming drained “yeah.” She agreed quietly.

Kurt stood up and helped Quinn up as well “Okay, lets get out of this bathroom shall we?” he said with a smile.

She nodded and stepped out of the stall with him. “Oh Kurt!” She said as she looked at him up and down for the first time without tears pouring from her eyes. “They didn’t…” She said as she lightly touched his top.

He nodded with a frown. “They did. Looks like it was a bad day for everyone uh? Let’s just get through the day shall we?” He said with a shrug.

With that, they both tried to look as if they hadn’t been crying for the last who knows how long, straightened their backs and walked out of the bathroom, trying to keep their pride in tact as long as they could.

Kurt made it half way down the hall before an arm was thrown around his shoulders protectively “I am going to kill Azimio. You’re a mess dude,” Noah said from beside him.

He sighed heavily but felt himself leaning slightly into Noah’s embrace. Puck was safe. He doubted anyone would comment with Noah Puckerman’s arm protectively over his shoulders. “You don’t say Noah, hadn’t noticed” Kurt drawled frustrated. “I thought my shirt just changed colour with my mood.” He said sarcastically.

Noah laughed and ruffled his wet hair, at that point Kurt didn’t care about his hair anymore. He was just emotionally drained. It took a lot to get Kurt to the point of not caring about his hair, but there he was, too drained to even scold Noah for running his hand through it. He had missed all of lunch and a full class. One more plus Glee and he could be at home in bed with a good book. He knew he was retreating into his old solitude but it was so tempting after the day’s events.

“Oh ha ha ha man. Come on, I have a clean shirt in my locker.” He said leading him towards the pre-mentioned location.

“Really? That would be great.” Kurt said excitedly. He couldn’t wait to get out of his damp top.

“Of course dude. It’s not exactly up to your exquisite style but its dry and not stained with our worst enemy Red Dye #2” he said as he fiddled with his lock.

Kurt laughed and nodded “Oh Noah! What a big word! I’m so proud.” He said and elbowed his friend gently. “I think even something out of your gym bag would be better than this mess.” He said sadly. At least it was an older outfit. At least as old as Kurt would wear.

Noah chuckled and tossed an old grey t-shirt at him. It was well worn and Kurt couldn’t make out the print that used to be on it but it smelt clean.

A few minutes later Kurt walked out of the boys’ washroom with the new shirt on. He never wore anything like this unless he was at home, but it worked. He wasn’t used to his pale arms being out in the open or the lack of layers. He felt naked as he walked along and hid under Noah’s strong arm.

He just wanted Blaine. He wanted Blaine to be the one holding him and making him feel better. For now though Noah would do. Kurt took solace in the fact that he had his last class with Noah and that right after that Blaine could kiss away the stress of the day. Perhaps that last part was a bit of a fantasy, but after the day he had he was more then willing to fall into it. 

Blaine had texted Kurt numerous times and kept calling even though every time his calls went straight to voice mail.

Rachel had run up to him in the hall ten minutes into lunch and dropped the bomb on him. His blood had instantly run cold as he bolted to try and find Kurt. His heart was pounding as he imaged what must have been going through Kurt’s mind at that moment. Blaine didn’t know a lot about what the Glee club used to deal with but he knew enough about the slushies to know it was a horrible experience. One that had been left in the past. Until today.

He had searched the entire school, feeling helpless as every room he searched was empty.

Eventually he had gotten a text from Rachel. She had found him, but wouldn’t tell him where. When he found her five minutes before the final lunch bell he ran to her side panicking “Where is he? Is he okay? Why isn’t he with you? Did he go home? Just tell me he’s okay.” Blaine worried, he knew he must have looked crazy, as panic and worry coloured his voice.

Rachel placed a hand on his arm. “He’s fine Blaine… He’s locked himself in one of the girl’s bathrooms. I tried to get him to open up but I don’t think he heard me. He was a bit of a mess…” She admitted.

“Which bathroom Rachel? Is he still there?” he asked looking down the halls, ready to race to the bathroom as soon as she told him.

Her grip tightened on his arm. “Blaine, leave him. He turned off his phone and locked himself in a bathroom. He obviously doesn’t want to talk to anyone. I know this is hard for you, you care about him. But you haven’t ever been hit with a slushy Blaine. It’s humiliating, degrading and just simply horrid. After so long of thinking it was over, he just needs some time. He’ll text us when he’s ready. Until then don’t go looking for him. Please Blaine. I know you care but I know Kurt. He’s too proud to ask for help right now. He’s probably beating himself up about letting his guard down. And I know, you want to tell him it’s not his fault but he needs to figure that out. He’ll come to us when he’s ready” She rambled on and on.

Every time Blaine opened his mouth Rachel stopped him, already knowing exactly what he was going to say. Because right now, they were on equal footing. They were both people who cared about Kurt. She knew what he was feeling; she wanted to do the same things. Perhaps she wanted to sing with him instead of kiss him but the need to make it better was still there. She knew Kurt better though.

Blaine nodded, taking a deep breath. “Okay… okay, I’ll give him space.” It was the hardest thing to do, it was going to kill Blaine to wait on a text or a call, but the second he got one he was going to be right there for Kurt.

“Thank you Blaine. I’m going to hug you now” She said and threw her arms around his neck and squeezed him gently. “You’re good for him. Remember that.” She said before patting his arm and turning away back down the hall.

Now Blaine was waiting by Kurt’s locker. The final bell had rung and he still hadn’t gotten so much as a text. He waited biting his lip, hoping Kurt would walk down the hall.

Maybe he went home. Blaine thought to himself as he scanned the halls. The not knowing was what was driving him insane.

Then he saw him, he had missed him the first scan of the hall because his outfit had changed. It wasn’t designer anymore… in fact he could have sworn he had seen Noah wearing the same thing on his first day.

Speaking of Noah, he had his arm wrapped lazily around his boyfriend’s shoulders. How dare he put his hands on Kurt like that. Blaine could feel his anger pooling in his stomach.

Then something else hit him, hurt. Because Kurt was leaning into the touch, gently resting a tired head on Puck’s shoulder. Blaine knew he was being ridiculous, knew that Kurt had a rough day and was just taking comfort in Puck, but he should have been taking comfort in Blaine.

That look in Puck’s eyes. It worried Blaine. He couldn’t pin point it but the way he looked at Kurt sent Blaine’s stomach into knots as Jeff’s words played over in his mind. Blaine, if tomorrow you got to school and Kurt was walking down the halls holding hands with Puck would you be okay with that? Blaine felt sick. Was that what he saw in Puck’s eyes?

Blaine was definitely not okay with that. He knew he wouldn’t be when he had the conversation with Jeff, but it felt even worse then he thought it would. Perhaps it was horrible and caveman esque but all Blaine could think was mine. Kurt was his, not his possession but his boyfriend.

Of course Blaine had to stop that train of thought because, no, Kurt wasn’t his boyfriend. He was just a boy he had feelings for, a boy he had gone out with once. This wasn’t okay.

He saw Kurt laugh at something Puck whispered in his ear, the same ear that Blaine had whispered in only days ago. Blaine had never realized before how possessive he was. He knew he had anger issues, he had found that out the hard way, but he had never realized how protective and possessive he could be. It made him mad at himself that he wanted to pull Kurt away from Puck and pin Kurt gently to a wall and kiss him in front of everyone. Make sure that everyone knew what they were. Because they were something.

Very soon Kurt caught Blaine’s eyes and Blaine’s anger ebbed away a little at the way Kurt’s face lit up at seeing him. He broke out of Puck’s hold and ran into Blaine’s arms.

Blaine could feel some wind being knocked out of him at Kurt’s body crashing into his but he couldn’t care. The halls were nearly empty and Blaine just wrapped his arms around Kurt tightly, rubbing his hand up and down the other boys back as Kurt hid his head in the junction between his neck and his shoulder.

Blaine’s anger ebbed further away as he inhaled the smell of vanilla, strawberries and what he was now sure was oranges. Kurt was okay, and he was back in his arms.

“You okay sweetheart?” he asked quietly into his ear. He glanced around and saw that the halls were now completely empty other then Puck leaning against a row of lockers, looking down each hallway around them in turn.

Blaine kissed Kurt’s ear lightly as he felt Kurt nod into his hiding place. “Good. You had me a little worried” Blaine admitted as he squeezed the boy in his arms just a little tighter.

He was so happy to have Kurt back in his arms until he heard the hiss of pain and felt the recoil of Kurt’s body. Blaine knew he had tightened his hold on Kurt, but nothing that should have caused that sort of reaction.

“Kurt, sweetheart what’s wrong?” he asked forcing Kurt out of his arms until he could look the boy up and down.

He watched as Kurt wrapped his arms around himself and looked at Blaine. “Nothing. I’m fine Blaine. Don’t worry about it Honey.” Kurt said trying to smile, but Blaine could see it didn’t make it to the other boy’s eyes.

Blaine raised an eyebrow  “Honey?” he asked with a smirk on his lips.

Kurt blushed slightly and nodded “Because your eyes look like honey in the sunlight.” Kurt said, relaxing a fraction at the change of subject.

“I like that. But Kurt, we aren’t done. What’s wrong? Something is obviously hurt.” He pushed gently.

He watched Kurt tense once again and sighed, this was getting nowhere. “It’s nothing. I swear I’m fine. Just a little bruise.” Kurt said, and that’s when Blaine saw Kurt’s hand move towards the left side of his lower back.

Blaine stepped closer to Kurt, his eyes softening, “Please show me Kurt? You can’t see it. You hurt your back right? When they threw the slushy at you?” he asked quietly.

Kurt looked down, and Blaine could see frustrated tears in the other boy’s eyes. “How did you know it was my back?” he asked sounding defeated.

“Because I can read your body language. You reached for it. What happened?” he asked as he ran a hand along Kurt’s side, carefully avoiding what he assumed to be the sore spot.

Kurt sighed heavily, Blaine knew he didn’t want to talk about it, but Blaine knew they should. Firstly they had to be honest with each other and secondly Blaine really had to see it for himself. He knew it was probably just a little bump, nothing over the top but for his sanity he had to know for sure.

“After they threw the slushy, Azimio started rambling about me turning David gay, and how I can’t walk around here with you and expect them not to care… then he shoved me into the lockers, a lock dug into my back. It’s fine. Just a little sore.” Kurt said quietly to Blaine.

Blaine could tell he hadn’t told Puck about this, he noticed how Kurt glanced at Puck as he spoke quietly, as if to make sure the other boy didn’t hear him.

Blaine nodded “Can I see? Please? Just so I don’t worry about it?” he begged quietly.

Kurt sighed heavily and nodded. Blaine could tell he was uncomfortable but took it as a good sign that Kurt didn’t protest too much. He watched as Kurt lifted his top and exposed the angry purpling mark on his back.

It had only been a few hours and it already looked bad, the skin wasn’t broken and it wasn’t as bad an injury as it could have been facing the jocks. Blaine knew that, he knew it was a minor injury in the long run, but the mark on his boys perfect skin made his blood boil as he ghosted his finger over the mark, making sure to put no pressure on it at all.

“Kurt that is not nothing.” He said, his tone steady and louder than he intended. “Azimio did this?” He questioned and got a nod from Kurt.

“I’ve had a lot worse Blaine. Trust me, before my whole back was covered like that, I had scraps and cuts from dumpsters and handprints on my arms. This is a lock bruise, its nothing.” He said and shook his head. He started to lower his hand and shirt back down but his hand was caught by Puck’s. Neither had noticed him approach.

“Azimio did this?” Puck asked angrily as he himself inspected the damage done to Kurt’s skin.

Blaine could see Kurt’s frustration. “It’s fine Noah. Really. He just shoved me. It’s nothing new and I’m going to have to get used to it again anyways. Leave it.”

Puck let go of Kurt’s hand and shook his head. “No Kurt. Not gonna happen. I’m ending this now. This isn’t gonna start again. I remember what it used to be like, hell I was the one to do it to you for years. I know the scars you have because of them.” He said angrily. He walked passed them and threw open the choir room door a little ways down the hall. “San, Finn, Mike, We got some ass to kick.” He said and slammed the door again. Quickly walking back to Kurt and Blaine.

Blaine wondered what scars Kurt had, the one’s Puck was mentioning. He knew he could be referencing emotional scars but as much as Blaine wanted to believe that, something made him doubt it. How much of Kurt’s skin was forever marked by the bullying he went through here?

Kurt curled back into him as the door to the Choir room opened and the three members Puck had called upon walked out.

“What’s this about Puckerman? Call us out here to watch the hobbit and princess make out?” San asked her arms crossed over her chest.

Finn rolled his eyes “What’s up guys? Why aren’t you in practice? Rach said to leave it alone but… Kurt, why are you hiding in Anderson’s shoulder? What’s going on?” He asked looking back and forth between Puck, Blaine and Kurt.

Puck rolled his shoulders; Blaine had to admire the look of murder in Puck’s eyes. While he didn’t like the look of adoration Puck gave Kurt, he was thankful he was willing to fight for Kurt.

“We all know Azimio and the jocks slushied Kurt today. What we were previously unaware of was how the douche bag also sent Kurt flying into a set of lockers. He’s got a bruise the size of a baseball that lover boy there can’t even touch without princess howling in pain. This isn’t gonna stand. The other football players have practice right now. We are going to end this tonight.” Puck said making fists.

“I am going to go all Lima Heights on their asses. No one messes with anyone from Glee, let alone Britts two dolphins.” She said and gently put her air into the bun atop her head. “I gots razor blades up in my hair and they be coming out tonight.” She said fuming.

“Guys, seriously. Leave it alone. Its not a big deal. Its just a bruise.” Kurt whined from Blaine’s side.

Finn shook his head. “No! I didn’t stand up for you before that Karofsky incident and look at where that got you! Never again Kurt. I’m not watching those homophobic closet cases near you again. You are not ending up in a pile on the floor of the janitors closet again Kurt. I won’t let it happen.”

Blaine looked to Kurt, who’s eyes were brimming with tears. What was Finn talking about? The more Blaine found out about the Karofsky incident the sicker it made him feel. He pulled Kurt to him again, by the upper back and rubbed his back soothingly.

Mike spoke up this time. “Kurt, dude, I know you don’t want this violence and crap, but its gotta end.” He said and put a hand of Kurt’s shoulder gently “This is ending tonight. It will be over soon I promise”

Blaine nodded “They’re right Kurt. So look, lets go get Rach, and you can go back to Glee and I’ll come get you when this is done okay?” Blaine said as soothingly as he could while his blood and anger boiled under the surface.

Puck shook his head “No. Anderson you’re not coming with us. You’re gonna take Kurt home.” Puck said sternly. A finality to his tone that Blaine didn’t want to listen to.

“Um, excuse me? Someone beats up on the guy I like and I’m supposed to sit around and do nothing? I have more to do with this then any of you do!” he said almost shouting, but trying to keep his anger rained in for Kurt.

“Hey! I’m his brother dude, I actually think I have more of a right to kick their asses then you do. And what good are you gonna do anyway? You’re tiny. I bet you can’t even through a decent punch!” Finn half yelled, his anger boiling up like everyone else’s.

Blaine could tell Kurt was getting very annoyed and didn’t seem to want any of this argument; he pushed away from Blaine and sat down against a wall in defeat. “Not that any of you are listening to me but I don’t need to be babysat nor do I need you to defend me.” He mumbled.

Blaine sighed, “That’s not what we are trying to do Kurt. We just don’t want you to get hurt anymore. You’ve been through enough today.” Blaine reasoned ignoring Finn’s comment in favor of Kurt’s.

Puck interrupted all of them “Everyone shut the fuck up. Lover boy, you totally get to want to kick some ass. But right now I actually think you’ll be more help with Kurt at home. Not because you can’t fight, cause trust me Finn, I’ve seen that midget anger directed at me and I wouldn’t want to take a tumble with him. Princess, listen to me,” Puck said and bent down in front of him. “You are strong witted and crazy good with insults. You fight with your words and that pretty little bitch face of yours. That goes a long way when the jocks are taunting you and you cut them off pretty damn quick. But this isn’t about wit today babe.” Blaine tensed at Puck using such forms of endearment on Kurt. He wouldn’t pick a fight at the moment but under any other circumstances he wouldn’t have let it slide.

Kurt pouted looking up at Puck. “Noah! I’m one of the guys! I should get to defend myself, I get I’m not a fighter like you guys but I should at least be there. And San gets to go!”

Puck laughed and shook his head at the whiny tone Kurt was taking on. “She gets to get because she has razor blades in her hair and nails like knives. When she goes all Lima Heights you best not be on the receiving line.” He joked lightly “Listen, in a fight you wouldn’t know what to do. You know that. And you also realize that everyone here cares about you, if you were there we would be worried about you getting hurt. You’re going home and that’s final.” He said and stood up again and looked at everyone else in turn.

“San I know you know how to throw some punches and can have a man down in 5 seconds, but if it gets crazy you get out got it? If I tell you to leave you leave or we aren’t taking you.”

San rolled her eyes but nodded “What ever you say skunky” She said with a little laugh.

“Good. Finn and Mike, keep an eye on everything, I don’t expect this to get too bad but if it does we know what we gotta do. Any weapons or anything get pulled, and that does include your razor blades San, its over and we walk away.” He got nods of approval from the boys “Kurt, why don’t you go home with your boy toy and relax a bit? I can see some crazy tension in you that I’m pretty sure only lover boy can work out for you. Blaine, I’ll text you when this is all said and done. If you don’t hear from one of us by 9… I don’t know but it means something went seriously wrong.” He said and looked around nodding.

Blaine extended a hand and helped Kurt up. He pulled Kurt into his arms and whispered in his ear “You are the strongest person I know Kurt. Never doubt that” before kissing his cheek and wrapping a gentle arm around his waist.

Puck rolled his shoulders. “Okay. Here we go. See you later Princess,” he said with a smile to Kurt “Lover boy” he said with a nod as the group of fighters walked away down a hall towards the football field.

“How about we go pick out a song for us to kick ass with uh?” Blaine asked trying to sound chipper.

Kurt shook his head tiredly. “Can we just go back to my place and watch a movie? I don’t want to think about school.” He said with a light yawn “I kinda just want you to hold me” He confessed quietly, Blaine wasn’t even sure he heard it.

Blaine nodded “Of course we can sweetheart. Lets get out of here”


End Notes: Um there we go... I track the fic:tssml tag on Tumblr (justxlosersxlikexme) if you have opinions but dont want to message me or what not,anyways any reviews? anyone? anything? a hello?bye bye


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