This Song Saved My Life
Chapter 12 For Good Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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This Song Saved My Life: Chapter 12 For Good

E - Words: 5,928 - Last Updated: Jul 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Mar 19, 2012 - Updated: Jul 17, 2012
358 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: his chapter doesnt really have anything huge in it but I think it turned out well. Calm after Puck got his ass handed to him twice last chapter.

I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you

As soon as Kurt arrived at school he went on the hunt for Blaine. He needed to see him and let him know that he didn't care what Puck thought. Over night Kurt had spent far too much time thinking about the day they had both had and needed Blaine to know that no matter what Kurt did like Blaine.

Regardless of everyone else's opinion, his view of Blaine didn't change. It was one thing to promise not to let other affect them, it was another to tell Blaine how he felt. Kurt never really did do well with expressing his feelings in any other way then sarcasm and anger.

Kurt turned down the hallway that Blaine's locker was down and frowned when he wasn't there yet. He sighed and slowed his pase, his sholders slightly slouching.

"Hey! Hummel!" Kurt heard from behind him and stiffened.

He slowly turned around, his best bitch face firmly in place. "What do you want No-Puck?" Kurt said, he wasn't in the mood to use any form of endearment with the boy in front of him.

Puck slowed down in his strides, Kurt could tell he felt bad, that he secretly hated it when he called him Puck. "Uh… Kurt… I just wanted to apologize for yesterday…" He said uncomfortably and looked around the hall. "I get that you can handle yourself and shit."

Kurt shook his head and rolled his eyes "That's why you decided it was a brilliant idea to go to Blaine's and threaten him right after I got angry at you? Puck, I know that you care. But you don't think. You don't listen." Kurt was shaking his head ad looking anywhere but at Puck.

It was quiet for a few seconds before Puck continued, "Look, I made a mistake. I get it. I got the lecture from Berry." Kurt could tell he was getting frustrated but couldn't bring himself to care. "Look, I still don't like the whole thing with Anderson. I'm going to keep an eye out like a freaking badass hawke"

Kurt opened his mouth to respond but was cut off again by Puck "But, I did listen to Anderson when I was over there. Maybe I don't trust him yet, but I do trust you. It's just weird… you acting like this. I don't want you to get hurt."

Kurt wanted to snap and lash out again but knew it was pointless and counter-productive. "Oh finally, you decide to trust me?" he took a deep breath "I'm glad you have come to that realization Puck. Does that mean that you're gonna leave us alone?"

Noah breathed in a nodded "Yeah, Kurt, I am. Like I said, badass hawke skills and my guns are gonna be laying in wait. But yeah, I'll give it a chance. I'll let you take your own risks and shit." He said shrugging.

Kurt nodded; feeling like this was at least one battle that was over "Thank you Puck."

Kurt heard footsteps from behind him and turned his head around, smiling when he saw it was Blaine. Of course, he saw the look of panic cover the other boys face as he saw Puck. Kurt shook his head slightly and smiled reassuringly. "Bye Puck" he said as he turned around fully and headed towards Blaine.

"Hey, Kurt… uh…" He said shifting on his left foot.

Kurt looked at him over his shoulder. "Yes Puck?" he asked, itching to go to Blaine.

"Can… you know, I don't really hate it when you call me Noah… only you though." He said attempting to still look tough.

Kurt had to smile with a small chuckle. "I'll see you later Noah." He said and started back towards Blaine.

As he approached Blaine he was feeling a lot lighter. He hated fighting with anyone on Glee, but it was so much worse when it was Puck or Rachel. He could handle almost everyone else, but those two were his closest friends.

Blaine smiled at him as he fiddled with the lock "That looked very calm…" he said raising an eye brow as his lock popped open.

Kurt nodded "Yeah. He apologized. He said you got through to him. Of course he said it in his 'Puck' way and also made it very clear that he doesn't like you… but he did say that he'd leave us alone. So I'd call that a success." He shrugged and shook his head. Things happened so fast in McKinley he was shocked anyone managed to keep up.

Blaine seemed pensive as he grabbed his books for his locker out as the hallway started to fill with half-asleep teenagers. "So, I don't have to fear for my life?" he questioned skeptically.

Kurt smiled and shook his head, Blaine was so adorable. He was shocked by it daily, it hit him anew every time Blaine did something he found cute. "No. Come on. Lets go to class" he suggested tilting his head towards the English room.

Blaine raised an eyebrow as he looked at the clock on the wall "Class doesn't start for twenty minutes." He said sounding confused.

Kurt nodded "I am aware, come on. Trust me." He said with a smirk and turned around, trusting Blaine would follow him.

The door to Ms. Tardiffs room was unlocked but she wasn't in it. Kurt assumed that she had just ran out for a couple minutes to copy something for class. She often did forget to lock the door. Sometimes he thought she would lose her own head if it weren't screwed on. It was part of her charm.

Blaine walked in after him and he pushed the door closed, it didn't click shut but allowed for some privacy. Kurt dropped his bag at his desk then walked up to Blaine.

He wrapped his arms around the other boys shoulders and held him tight, resting his face against his shoulder. He felt Blaine tense for a moment, but quickly felt his arms wrap around him, holding him just as tightly. "Thank you" Kurt muttered in his hear.

Without separating Blaine replied "For what?"

"For being you, for being here. For not letting Noah scare you off. For defending me. For forcing me out of my shell. For everything."

They stood like that for a few more moments before the door opened and Marnie walked in mumbling about thinking she closed the door, she looked up just as the two boys were jumping apart, Kurt a deep red.

"Oh, hello boys. You know, I really don't think you're supposed to break into classrooms to make out in. Isn't that a little cliché? I know I'm the cool teacher but I'm not that cool. Save it for home time boys."

Kurt's jaw dropped "! No! We… we weren't making out." He said hiding his face.

Blaine couldn't help but laugh and shake his head. "We really weren't. But I really don't think that matters. She's already got all the ideas in her head." He said as he took his seat.

Marnie sat at her desk stapling assignments together "Oh Blaine, I had those ideas in my head the second I read your file. I'm a psychic matchmaker. Maybe I should quit teacher and pick that up full time." She said punctuating the statement with a loud staple.

Kurt laughed rolled his eyes "I wouldn't. I don't see Blaine and I dating right now so I'd second guess your "matchmaker" skills" he teased as he pulled out his note book and pens.

She raised an eyebrow and rolled her eyes like a teenager. "Not together my butt. I know you aren't like labeling or anything. But really, what else is this? I've seen you in class, in the halls, in the lunch room, you may be fooling the people who don't want to see it, but I can promise the rest of us see what's happening. Stop lying to yourselves" she shook her head "That's my piece of wisdom for the day. Cause that's all you're doing."

Blaine laughed "Ms. Tardiff I don't think its any of your business…" he said, he knew she was right but it didn't matter.

She looked at him and leaned back in her chair "Blaine, you hurt me. Fine. I get it. Butting out. Though I am right. Listen to your elders."

As lunch rolled around Blaine fished his lunch out of his locker, since his parents were gone on business and Cooper was staying with him it was a brown bad filled with PB&J along with lunch snacks better suited for a grade school kid. He was used to it though.

Blaine's parents had started going on more and more business trips since Blaine had turned 15, now that he was almost 18 they were almost never home, and while he didn't need his brother to look after him it was nice to have Cooper around again.

He closed his locker and turned around, almost jumping out of his skin as he was faced with Rachel smiling brightly in front of him. "Hello Blaine."

"Um, hi Rachel. What's up?" he asked, slightly on edge. Other then Kurt, Brittany, and by extension Santana, none of the New Directions had made any effort to talk to him outside of Lunch or Glee. They all seemed fine with him being around, just never put in the effort.

Not that he minded, he enjoyed the time he spent with Kurt, and Brittany was very amusing. Santana wasn't even that bad. Considering the amount of free time he had at school Blaine hadn't really felt any need to grow closer to the Glee club yet.

"I feel that as two of Glee clubs strongest vocalists we should make an effort to get to know each other better. We should start working on a duet straight away." She said and grabbed his elbow, leading him away from the cafeteria and towards the Choir room. "Also, you have shown an interest in Kurt, and while I am completely supportive of what ever you two choose to do I feel it is my responsibility as Kurt's best friend to get to know you. We are going to spend today's lunch period together. Just the two of us" She rambled as they walked down the hall.

Blaine smiled, while he could understand how people got annoyed with Rachel he found her amusing. She had so much energy and had a good heart, deep, deep down. "Okay Rachel. That sounds nice," he agreed as they got to the choir room.

She smiled brightly at him as she pulled two chairs out to face each other and bent a music stand into a makeshift lunch table between them. "This will be perfect! This way Kurt doesn't have to choose between us! Since we are all going to be friends we can just do things together. The three of us." She said as she unpacked her lunch, an excited look in her eyes. "Oh, of course I'll give you guys your time alone. I wont intrude on your relationship. I do have Finn after all!" She rambled on.

It was then that Blaine realized how threatening he must be to Rachel. She was Kurt's best friend, and from what he had heard, aside from when the boys were playing video games with Finn, she was the only one he spent time with outside of school. They were really close.

Then suddenly Blaine appeared and Kurt had been spending a lot of time with him. He was surprised Rachel was so warm and inviting to him, she wasn't trying to make him disappear to save her friendship, she was trying to include him to build a stronger one. He had to admire that.

"Yeah, for sure! When we were watching musicals the other night Kurt kept talking about your favorite parts and your dream roles. I think you really would be amazing in Spring Awakening." He said as he took a bite of his sandwich.

Rachel's face beamed, he could see her heart glow. Rachel was such an open book, a lot like himself. You could always read the emotions on her face, at least from what he had experienced of her.

"I like you already. That is one of the roles I plan to do when I make it to Broadway! Of course Kurt and I are going to NYADA next year and will be on Broadway in no time. What are your aspirations Blaine?" She asked curiously. "Music?"

Blaine shrugged and shifted in his chair. He hated that question. "Uh, Well I'll end up in New York like you two, I think. But I'm not sure yet. I'm not really into theater. I would love to be a recording artist but, my dad doesn't really approve of the arts as a long-term thing. He wants me to go into Law. I dunno, I might go into that." Cooper was studying to be a Doctor; their father was a lawyer as was his father. And Blaine just wanted to be a singer.

Rachel frowned "Blaine, I have heard you sing. You could be a recording artist if that was what you really wanted! It just takes determination. At all cost." She said supportively. "Of course, you could go to a school that offers both a law program and a musical theater department. That way you can do both. You can try and get a record deal, while keeping your dad at bay." She said with a shrug.

Blaine really did like Rachel. He liked how she could set her eyes on something and knows exactly how to get there. "You know, that sounds really good. It could work."

She smiled nodding, looking happy with herself. "Quinn is actually doing the same thing I think. She was looking at schools that she could do both at. She's applying to Yale. And she applied to a couple other schools in New York… there was one awfully close to NYADA…" She trailed off suggestively.

Blaine laughed "Oh?" He asked raising a joking eyebrow at her.

She nodded again "Yup, close enough to, say, share an apartment in between the two…" She said with an innocent shrug and a glint of plotting in her eyes.

"You really like to get ahead of yourself don't you Rach? You make it seem like Kurt and I are engaged or something. We aren't even together you know?" he said, he wanted to sound annoyed at her plotting, but he couldn't.

She sighed heavily and shrugged. "I have this vision Blaine. I have a sixth sense you know, and I see Finn and I living with Kurt in an apartment in New York, or at least in the same building, right across the hall. Finn and I are happy, he's going to some school, taking general classes, Kurt and I are at NYADA, and it's perfect. And it's all lining up. Except in my vision Kurt has a perfect boyfriend. He is sweet and quirky and silly and driven, not into Broadway but still very driven and creative. They live together, either with Finn and I or across the hall like said. We go out on double dates, and when Kurt and I get our first starring roles on Broadway, playing opposite each other, our two boys are sitting there in the front row holding bouquets of roses." Rachel seemed to be zoning off a little, her eyes glazing over as she got lost on her own fantasy.

She snapped out of it and smiled at Blaine again "Maybe it's a stupid fantasy, unrealistic, but you know what Blaine? I think you could be that man. I think it was fated. You were brought back to Kurt's life for a reason. I refuse to believe that you two met randomly, and were thrown back together for no reason, for nothing to come out of it." She said confidently as she folded up her lunch back and put it back in her purse.

Blaine was also lost in thought, imagining the scene she had just described. It did sound nice. He laughed and gazed at her, amazed that she could be so sure of something. "That is a wonderful image you have their Rachel, but you are way ahead of yourself. Kurt and I aren't together." He said with a shrug.

"Oh I know. But you will be. I see the way you guys look at each other. Especially you. Kurt tries to hide it, sideways glances and trying to sneak a peak when he thinks no one is looking. Its adorable, but you aren't subtle. Kurt doesn't want to rush it. And you are willing to sit and patiently wait. That's what makes me think you could be the one." She stood up and looked at the clock.

"The bell is going to ring in 5 minutes. We should get to our classes. We will discuss duet options at a later date. Good day Mr. Anderson" She said with a smirk and turned around and walking out of the room.

Rachel had done exactly what she had intended, she had planted a seed. Now she just needed to plant the same seed in Kurt's mind that evening.

Glee club was drawing to a close for the day and Shue stood at the front of the room. "So, I think you guys all know what time of year it is! Duets Time!" he said clasping his hands together.

The room burst into excited chatter; everyone trying to pair up quickly. Kurt sat back and watched the excitement, not knowing what to do. He wanted to ask Blaine, who was sitting awkwardly beside him, looking around the room. But he could hear Rachel arguing with Finn in a hushed voice about how she thought it would be "beneficial for the team" that she sing with Blaine instead of him.

Finn of course, was having none of it. Who was he going to sing with if she sung with Blaine? On her suggestion that he could sing a nice brotherly duet with Kurt, Finn almost exploded.

Mr. Shue was obviously not oblivious to the commotion. "Guys! Guys! Quiet down! Obviously this isn't working out with you guys choosing partners. But to be honest I never intended to let you anyways." He said with a smirk and whirled around to grab the clipboard that had been resting on the piano.

"So, just like last year the winners get dinner for two at Breadsticks! It really did work out well last year. This year though I thought I'd pair you all up. Now, none of you should have a problem with this and if you do, tough, there are other assignments to sing with who ever you want. "

The room groaned collectively, except for Kurt and Blaine who were actually both more then a little relieved to have the choice taken away from them.

Kurt recalled the year before when he had tried to sing with Sam. That had been a disaster and a half. He still went red when he thought about it. And that duet he had done with himself? Yes he had sounded wonderful but even he knew it was ridiculous.

Shuester went over the list once mentally, double checking his choices before he continued "Now, I kept all the couples together, so that means, Rachel and Finn, Brittany and Santana, Mike and Tina, Kurt and Blaine," he said checking off the names as he went

Kurt looked at Blaine and sighed heavily, in unison they groaned, "We aren't together!" They both jumped, startled at the other speaking at the same time, they started to laugh as they looked at each other, unable to believe they had just done that, shaking their heads.

Shue looked at them skeptically "Uh huh, either way. I would have paired you together regardless. But I'm sorry for the confusion." He said and Kurt knew Shuester was aware of their status. Shuester was playing matchmaker. It made Kurt want to throw his shoe at him. If it hadn't been a very expensive designer boot of course.

"Anyways, next pair is Sam and Mercedes, before you argue, I think you have some stuff you need to work out from the summer. It's not good for the group. There is no better way to work things out then through song!" he said excitedly. Feeling as though he was helping to mend bridges.

He heard the groans from the whole room. Kurt rolled his eyes, he agreed that Sam and Mercedes had a lot to work out, but he didn't think a Glee assignment was the best way to do it. Especially when they were being forced into it. It was obvious the situation was not going to work out well. Kurt could only imagine what drama the Glee club would face because of Shuesters pairing.

He smirked to himself; well maybe it will take the attention off of Blaine and I…

"Quinn and Puck. I had to think a lot about that one guys. Please don't argue… With Shelby back in town, I really think its best that you two spend some time together. Work some stuff out" Surprisingly, neither party objected they just nodded and glanced at each other.

Kurt was so proud of Quinn. Despite her two weeks of 'Punk Quinn' at the beginning of the year she seemed to be coming back to herself. With everything she had gone through, he really thought she was doing something good. Finally.

"Now the last group is a trio of Sugar, Rory and Artie." He said checking the last names off of the list "Okay, so that's due in two weeks guys. Take some time, think it out. The stakes are high. Who will go to breaksticks and who will be left behind?" He tried to joke; everyone gave the obligatory laugh and started packing up.

Blaine stood and waited for Kurt to gather all of his things as everyone filed out of the room, soon they were the only two left, Shuester having gone into his office and shut the door. "That man really likes to play with fire doesn't he?" Blaine asked shaking his head.

Kurt laughed as he stood and nodded "It would appear so. I'm really glad Marnie and him aren't friends, I think the school would collapse with all of their scheming." He said shaking his head at the thought.

"Yeah. I know I haven't been here long, but just from the stories I can tell this is going to get messy, and fast."

Kurt shrugged "Or it could end up fine. It will, end up fine, in the end. Like the very end. We will see blood and fire and hear screaming for the next two weeks, but by the time we present, I guarantee everyone's shit will be dealt with" That was how it always seemed to work with them.

"I guess I'll have to just take your word for it because I really can't see it happening" Blaine said with a sigh, how one club could have so much drama he would never know. The Warblers never had any drama, then again the only couple had been Nick and Jeff, and they had been pretty steady since sophomore year.

They hadn't really noticed but some how they had walked to the parking lot and were standing in between their two vehicles. "Just watch, Sam and 'Cedes will be together again, Quinn and Puck will figure out how they are going to deal with having Beth in the city, Sugar will choose one of them, and then everyone else is pretty stable"

Blaine laughed "And we will be together." He said confidently.

Kurt was taken aback and blinked a few times "um, excuse me?" he asked as he laughed, not knowing a better way to react.

Blaine shrugged with a cocky smile on his face "You heard me. Two weeks from now, when we win I'm going to ask you out when we are at Breadsticks." He said, quite proud of his plan.

Kurt was red and shook his head. "That is not how that is going to work out Mr. Anderson," he said, his voice carrying a flirty edge.

"Oh? It's not is it? Please, do share how you see it turning out." Blaine retorted.

Well, I don't know if I want to wait two weeks. Kurt thought to himself, but kept that particular comment in his own head "Our first date will not be paid for by Mr. Shue, nor will it be because we won. You will come up with something perfect that has nothing to do with Shuester trying to set us up." Kurt said with a shrug "Because you are forever the gentleman" he teased.

Blaine laughed, his head tilting back slightly "Ah, I see. That is quite right, well then Mr. Hummel, I'll put the celebratory dinner from Mr. Shue as the plan for our second date."

Kurt laughed and played along "oh? Well then, aren't you confident? Who's to say that I'll want to go out with you again?" he poked fun at Blaine.

They hadn't really realized or meant to but they were standing awfully close now, Kurt back barely brushing up against the door of his Navigator.

Blaine smirked, their faces only about a foot apart. "Oh, trust me. You will." He said quietly.

Kurt's mind started to short circuit, having Blaine's lips so close to his, he wanted to close the gap.

Not yet. He told himself. Before he realized it, he was pressing the unlock button on his keychain, sending a loud beep through the air, causing Blaine to jump back at the start.

"I-I'll see you tomorrow Blaine. Bye." He said as he got into his car and watched Blaine shake his head in confusion and walk to his own car.

As soon as Blaine got into the drivers seat Kurt laid his head against the steering wheel. He was so stupid.

He couldn't decide why though. Was he stupid because he had let Blaine get that close to begin with without noticing? Or was he stupid because he was too afraid to just close that gap and do what he knew they both wanted.

Kurt's mind was a very complicated place as of late. He didn't even know what he was doing. As he took a deep breath and drove home he wondered how long it would be until he would let himself be even stupider and just let Blaine kiss him. He didn't think he could hold out in that electricity much longer.

He felt like when ever it was juts him and Blaine he was standing outside in a lightning storm, bolts of lighting filling the air and landing next to him but he always kept dodging them. He didn't know how long it would be until one of them caught up to him.

And what would be the consequence?

Hours later Kurt was sitting in his room on his computer typing up the last of Ms. Tardiff's essay that was due on Friday.

He rolled his shoulders as he hummed along to iPod, which sat on shuffle in its dock.

He could feel the kink in his shoulders and it was bugging him, he knew it was horrible but half of the draw of having a boyfriend at that moment would be to give him a nice back rub and get the wretched knot out of his back.

He sighed heavily as he pushed the send button to Marnie. Better getting it in early then late. At least this way it was done and over with.

He had done the essay to get his mind off of everything else, but now that it, along with all his other major assignments were done and sent in he had nothing to do.

He hummed and twirled slowly around in circles in his chair. What to do, what to do? He questioned himself before he heard a knock at the door and the clomping of Frankenteen stumbling down the stairs.

He looked towards the door and noticed not only was it Finn but it was also Rachel, trailing behind him, her hand pressing firmly into his lower back, propelling him forward.

Finn looked back at her glaring slightly "I've got it Rach" he mumbled and turned back to Kurt. "Uh, hey Kurt…" he said and shifted his feet.

Kurt looked at them both skeptically "Hello you two… how can I help you this evening?" he asked, steadying his chair.

He saw Rachel push Finn forward slightly, he rolled his eyes and shrugged "Well, uh, I just wanted to apologize for going along with Puck and his hate on Blaine… and for kind of encouraging it I guess…" he said and looked at Rachel who tilted her head back towards Kurt. "It wasn't very brotherly of me dude, Blaine seems like a pretty good guy. I was a total douche and I'm sorry." He said finally. Kurt saw Rachel roll her eyes at his language but nodded.

Kurt smiled and nodded as well "Thank you Finn. Even though Rachel made you I know that took a lot of courage. As long as you promise to stay off of Blaine and I, and also promise to keep the rest of the guys at bay, I guess I forgive you."

Finn got his really happy look on his face; he seemed to look even bigger when he was happy "Thanks dude! You rock!" he said and turned back to Rachel "Can we go back upstairs now? While mom and Burt are still out for date night?" He asked, not so subtly implying something excitedly.

Kurt shuddered and made a face. "Ew, I do not want to hear about you two going to go have sex. Get out of my room and have that discussion." He said and turned back to his computer.

"Finn! No!" Kurt could hear her hit his arm with a loud thud, and also Finn's grumble of a response along with a whiney string of complaints that Kurt really didn't want to hear. Finn truly needed to learn how to whisper.

He knew that Finn's apology was forced, but he also knew that Finn felt badly about how things had unfolded. Finn might not be the smartest guy around, and he wasn't at all tactful or even that kind, but he did have a good heart. Goofy and easily distractible, but good. Kurt could never stay mad at him, an oaf or not he was for all intents and purposes his brother.

"Actually Finn, I plan on spending the evening with Kurt. So why don't you go kill something or something?" She said frustrated, waving her hand flippantly.

Of course Finn tried to argue but she wasn't having it "Go Finn. Now." She said pointing towards the stairs.

Kurt heard Finn climb the stairs before he turned around and got out of his chair, he pulled Rachel into a hug. "I feel like I haven't seen you enough, with the whole Blaine thing…" he confessed sadly and led them over to the couch.

She nodded "Yes. I agree we haven't spent enough time together. But I think I solved our issue today" She said excitedly.

"Oh?" He asked curiously as he brought his legs up under him on the couch.

She smiled brightly as she dove into her story. "I spent the lunch hour with your suitor! He is a very nice boy Kurt. I approve of him for you. I think he will fit in wonderfully in our future endeavors. He wants to go to New York after graduation, as I'm sure you were already aware"

Kurt was slightly taken aback, actually he hadn't known. They hadn't really talked about the future at all. "Uh… no, I didn't… but that's not surprising, no matter what you want to do in the world you can do it there." He said with a shrug. He felt slightly bad that he didn't know these things. Did he even know Blaine at all?

Of course he did! He couldn't think like that. They had just focused on different things than Blaine and Rachel had. There was nothing wrong with that. Kurt was focusing in the chemistry and emotions of now. The future was so far away he hadn't felt the need to explore it just yet. While Rachel was always driven towards tomorrow, towards the future. Sometimes to a fault Kurt had realized. It was very like her to start her relationship with Blaine talking about things that would happen years from then.

She sighed dreamily as she went into her own little world as she spoke, as she often did. "Just think of it Kurt! He fits perfectly! Remember I told you during the summer about how I had one of my sixth sense moments and saw us in New York! Living across the hall from each other in a great apartment with your great boyfriend! Doubling with Finn and me? I swear Blaine's the guy. I just knew the second I saw him! Its perfect! It's all coming together!"

Kurt rolled his eyes at her fantasy. She got so carried away so quickly. "That would be nice Rach, but Blaine is just a boy. It doesn't have to be Blaine. Who knows, it could be but lets not get ahead of ourselves okay?" he asked feeling exhausted, he wanted to fall into the fantasy right next to her but he couldn't. She already had her perfect ending; Kurt was still at his beginning. His story could shatter at any moment; hers had gone through enough already to prove it would take a lot to destroy it.

Rachel shook her head "No Kurt! This is it! I know you don't believe it but it is! Its like his face fit into place! Our future is coming together!" She said excitedly "I just want you to be happy Kurt. Please, let yourself be happy! For once" she begged grabbing his hands.

He knew she cared about him, and about his happiness. But this was just as much about her perfect ending and happiness. Having a happy, committed, best friend fit into her perfect life she had planned. Yes, it was also for him. But it was her illusion, her mind that had created this path for them.

Of course Kurt wanted it, exactly as Rachel had described it. But still he knew her investment in his half wasn't totally selfless. Either way though, he knew she had the best intentions.

"We'll see Rach. He has informed me that by the end of this Duets competition we will be together," he laughed, blushing slightly.

Rachel's face lit up and she hopped up and down in her spot "Oh my! He informed you! That is so… hot!" She said excitedly "He is so perfect!" She said hugging a pillow to her chest "How do you not just swoon at that Kurt?" She said leaning against the back of the couch.

Kurt laughed at her antics "Oh trust me, I did my fair share of swooning, and freaking out. I almost hyperventilated when he got close to me." He said, starting to get excited about spilling the gossip now that he was starting to become more comfortable with the whole situation.

She squealed and buried her face in the pillow as she listened to all the stories Kurt had to share. He pulled out his phone and showed her texts, described how he smelled and swooned when he described Blaine's eyes.

The night went on like that, Kurt feeling a huge sense of relief to be around someone who thought he was totally normal for being so smitten by Blaine so quickly, to giggle like he wanted to and to just have fun. It actually solidified everything that happened in his mind.

He wasn't making it all up in his head, this was real. This was solid, he could share it with Rachel, it existed outside of Kurt and Blaine's own little world.

The feeling was exhilarating.


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