July 17, 2012, 7:01 a.m.
July 17, 2012, 7:01 a.m.
Cause life starts now.
You've done all the things that could kill you somehow
And you're so far down
But you will survive it somehow because life starts now
"Don't dream too far,
Don't lose sight of who you are
Don't remember that rush of joy
He could be that boy
I'm not that girl"
Kurt's voice echoed through his basement as he sang along at top volume to the Wicked sound track that was almost constantly playing in his room. He was seated at his vanity inspecting his completion. The time on his clock showed mid-afternoon though one couldn't tell in the windowless Dior Grey room.
"Ev'ry so often we long to steal, To the land of what-might-have-bee-" Kurt Jumped a good two inches in his chair, struggling to keep is balance as the music in his room suddenly cut off. "Hey! Finn! What do you THINK you are doing?" He shouted as he turned around in his chair.
His eye brows raised as he slightly scrunched his features. "Noah what are you doing in my room? You know better then to turn off Wicked" He scolded as he rose from his seat. His arms crossed at his chest as he awaited a response from Puck.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry dude. Finn is sick." Noah replied simply before unceremoniously flopping down onto Kurt's couch, one leg hanging off of the armrest.
Kurt remained in position as he looked down at Puck "Your deductive skills are stunning Noah. I am aware of Finns state of health. I do live with him" He said before giving up on his stance and taking a seat on another chair in the room.
It wasn't that Kurt minded Noah's presence. Quite the opposite in fact. He enjoyed the rare time he spent with his unlikely friend. It was just odd; he couldn't remember the last time Noah had ever been in his room. Had he even ever been?
"Well, Finn was going to go to a concert with me tonight" Puck stated with a shrug as his gaze swept through the room. "You know it smells like a chick in here," he said with a slight smirk playing on his face.
Rolling his eyes Kurt huffed loudly "Well, its much better then smelling like a locker room thank you very much" He said his eyes watching Noah as he looked at every corner of the room. "That still doesn't answer my question. What does Finn's being sick have anything to do with me? Or are you just dying for my company?" Kurt teased as he allowed himself to relax and lean back into his chair.
The smile on Noah's face grew "Actually Hummel, that is exactly why I am here" He threw both his legs onto the ground and rested his elbows on his knees gazing at Kurt with a playful grin. "You are coming with me to the concert"
A laugh actually escaped Kurt's lips "uh, good try but I don't think so Noah. Those concerts aren't exactly my thing," He said as he played with the buttons on his white military style jacket.
"Bullshit! I know you listen to Three Days Grace! Don't you lie to me! Remember last year, when I forgot my iPod and you were the only one who trusted me not to swipe yours? Well I happened to notice you have every single song. On your top rated. Right next to your Wicked. There is a bad boy somewhere in there Hummel. Take a chance! Let him out! Come be a badass with me for ONE night!" Puck's voice was almost begging.
A blush at being caught covered Kurt's face. He had been jealous when he found out that Puck and Finn were going to the concert without him. The idea of going was thrilling. "I'd die in one of your mosh pits Puck." He said using Puck instead of his usual Noah. He always tended to look at Puck and Noah as two sides of the same person. There was a correct name for each situation. This was a definite Puck moment.
A mow-hawked head shook "Nah! You can totally hold your own! And I wouldn't let anyone hurt you! Come on! Come with me! Please?" Puck said getting up and standing in front of Kurt, a fake pout painted on his lips "You can't make me go all by myself"
Kurt rolled his eyes shook his head "Noah, I have no doubt you could find any number of friends, or girls, to go with you." Kurt got up and slid past Puck and back to his vanity. He really did want to go. He couldn't though. He wouldn't survive. He would be lucky if he lived in the stands at a concert like that. Let alone a mosh pit.
Noah nodded "yeah, I could" he said shrugging as he started to make his way to the door slowly. "Too bad, I just really wanted to go with my man Hummel. But I guess if you'd rather spend the night painting your nails and singing show tunes with Rachel…" he said, fishing for the response he wanted.
And he got it too. With a huff Kurt looked sideways at Puck and bit his lip. "Fine. I'll go with you Noah. But If I get hurt, or someone gets blood on my designer clothes I will have your head on a platter" He said sternly, even though there was a large grin creeping its way onto Kurt's pink lips.
Noah did a small jump and practically bounced his way back to Kurt from where he had been, about to head up the stairs "I knew you would come through for me! But first, to make sure you don't get hurt. You're gonna have to let me do a little make over of my own" Puck said wiggling his eye brow and reached for the eye liner.
The Reflection in the full-length mirror hanging from his bathroom door was one Kurt never expected to see. Ever. Kurt was known for pulling some crazy outfits out of his closet. Some very unique looks had passed by the face of that mirror but this was a new one.
Kurt stood in front of his reflection, eyeing himself up and down. The outfit itself was pretty simplistic. Black skintight jeans; pretty run of the mill in the life of Kurt Hummel. A dark grey long sleeved t-shit covered with an old, worn out black vest from the very back of his closet hugging his body. The outfit, though a little dark for his taste, wasn't out of the ordinary.
Even the combat boots and studded jewelry were staples in his wardrobe. But as accent pieces, worn separately for a little bit of pop. Everything thrown together in one outfit, combined with spiked hair, a little bit of eye liner and a fake eye brow ring was the oddest thing Kurt had ever seen in his life.
"I look ridiculous" He scoffed as he fussed with his hair. Why had he let Noah touch him? He had a dead animal on his head half the time for God sake!
Puck rolled his eyes and came up behind Kurt looking at him in the mirror from behind "No you don't. You look fucking badass. Hot bad ass too" he said with a joking wink and flopped back down onto the couch. "That make over stuff is hard Hummel. I don't get how you enjoy all that work"
A smirk covered Kurt's lips as he looked at himself in the mirror. Okay, maybe he did look pretty hot… It was the pants. There was a reason they all fit like this. "Oh you are so hetero Noah" Kurt joked as he glanced over his shoulder at Puck.
The boy on the couch shrugged "What, a fine ass is a fine ass" he said boredly as he picked up a Cosmo, flipping through it shaking his head at some of the articles. "These women are bat shit crazy" he mumbled to himself before tossing it back onto the coffee table.
While puck had been immersed in the travesty of women's magazines he had failed to notice Kurt's face as he bit his lip looking into the mirror.
"You are really over thinking it Hummel. You look fine. Stop being a chick and lets get out of here." He said fishing his car keys out of his pocket. He popped up off of the couch with a jump and grabbed the back of Kurt's vest. "You're done with the mirror we are leaving," he said as he dragged Kurt backwards up the stairs.
"NOAH! Let go of me! I am not some cave woman! You can not drag me around!" he protested as he stumbled backwards up the stairs almost falling flat on his behind.
Puck let go of the garment half way up the stairs "Thank me Hummel, I saved you from yourself." He mumbled as he headed towards the front door.
Kurt laughed to himself as he observed Noah tip toeing his way through the house. He rolled his eyes as he shoved his phone in his pocket and headed towards the door close behind Puck.
"And where exactly are you going with my son Puckerman" Burt asked from his seat in the living room.
Instantly Noah straightened up and turned to face the man who he had deemed Papa Bear Hummel. "Uh, well Sir, I'm taking Kurt to that concert Finn was supposed to go with me to…" he said trailing off, subconsciously rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Not a lot of things made Noah Puckerman nervous, but fathers were one of them. Even if it was the father of a gay boy he had no romantic interest in. He felt like Burt kept a special shotgun in the closet just for him.
"I'll be back late dad don't wait up." Kurt said and walked over to his father, giving him a quick hug. "We will be fine I promise. And if not feel free to shoot Puck" he said with a wink.
"What the hell is on your face" Burt said in a tired and disapproving voice. Watching Kurt grow up he had seen a lot of weird style choices. This was a new one. "I don't even know if it's the make up or that thing on your eye brow but I don't like it" He said gruffly.
"Eye liner and its fake dad. It's a rock concert. I have to look the part. This is safer anyways." Kurt said as he backed towards the door. "Like I said, I'll be late. Please don't wait up. You need your sleep. I will call Carole at 11, and if your still up I will set her on you" he said seriously as he started to push Puck out of the door. "bye" he said chipperly, not waiting for an answer from his father before he closed the door behind them.
Noah's face looked drained "dude your father is one scary man. Your first boyfriend better be a dapper ass motherfucker who can run damn fast"
Quiet music played from speakers hidden behind the large, dark stage in front of Kurt. He stood alone, though surrounded by a crowed of people, dressed similarly to himself, chatting and laughing while they waited for the concert to start. It wasn't uncomfortable on the floor at the moment. He couldn't move around freely but he didn't feel like he was being suffocated either. Kurt bit his lip as he looked around the large venue. Seats were slowly filling and more and more people were cramming onto the floor. Where was Puck? He had gone to get something to drink almost 15 minutes ago.
He knew he was being ridiculous. Lines at concerts were long and Puck had probably found some girl to chat up, but standing alone in the crowed made Kurt very nervous. He nibbled on his lip, one arm wrapped around his waist as he searched for the mow-hawked head.
Kurt jumped five feet in the air as a hand handed on his shoulder "holy fuck" he breathed and clutched his chest as he saw it was Puck, laughing quietly to himself.
"Chill Hummel. You look like you think everyone here is gonna kill you." Noah said and handed Kurt a red cup. "Here, drink this. Calm the fuck down" Puck said with his eyes rolling. "You are like, dripping with fear."
Kurt smelled the liquid in the cup and felt his face bunch up slightly. It didn't smell like beer, it looked like Coke, but he new better then to trust anything Puck handed him at a concert. "What is in this Noah?" he asked taking a testing sip. It tasted like Coke, with a slight bitter edge. "Is there vodka in this? How did you get vodka at a concert?" he asked as he took another sip. Anything to calm his nerves and excitement. He had never been to a concert. Musicals? Symphonies? Plays? By the dozens. But never a concert like this. It was exciting and scary at the same time.
"I have my ways Hummel. And a classy man like you wouldn't down a beer so I had to get creative" Puck chuckled and winked as he took a sip of the beer he had gotten for himself.
The conversation went on, getting easier and easier as Kurt's cup got lighter and lighter, as did his head. He was no where near drunk, or even tipsy, but the small alcohol content of his drink had calmed him down and given him a confidence in the nights future events.
The lights in the venue dimmed and Kurt felt himself being pushed towards the stage as his personal bubble was popped. It wasn't as bad as he thought it would be though. He wasn't in pain and he could breathe. But when did Noah get so far away?
As the music started that train of thought was cut off. The base overtook Kurt's body, thrumming through his chest like bolts of lightning sending him into an adrenaline high. He felt his body move and jump with the beat and the rest of the crowd as he soaked in Adams voice.
The familiar melody started to play, the feeling of the crowed soared to a dangerous height and Kurt felt his heart race. He needed to get out. He needed to get away from the heart of the mosh pit. He knew what was coming. What always happened when that song played.
Adam's voice rang through the venue
If you feel so empty
So used up, so let down
If you feel so angry
So ripped off so stepped on
You're not the only one
Refusing to back down
You're not the only one
So get up
Kurt looked around frantically as the crowds energy rose to a new height. He had expected it, but the impact of the bodies beating him from every direction overwhelmed him. He was taken back to the days when he was thrown into lockers, thrown back and forth between the footballers. He knew it was only going to get worse.
"LETS START A RIOT!" At those Lyrics Kurt's eyes grew large and he breathed out profanities.
Then, there was a hand in his, pulling him through the thick crowd. Past the men fighting in a ring, through the bodies wracking against each other. All Kurt saw as he was pulled to the safety of the back of the floor was dark gelled hair.
I've never read a fic with this prompt- awesome idea!
Nooo you can't let bad things happen, I'm enjoying all the happiness and fluff :p. Can't wait to read more, as usual!
Ok. So I'm absolutely in love with this story. Please update soon!
Fallon, dear. Your story truly is lovely. Even though you know that I know this already. :pBut, I think all of your readers are needing more, hon. <3
Are you going to update this anytime soon?