Oct. 21, 2012, 12:52 p.m.
Oct. 21, 2012, 12:52 p.m.
Hallooooooooooo :)
I am back! ...i was in London and then went all the way up to Scotland with my family which i totally forgot about, so sorry it took me so long to update!
Enjoy this chapter :)
Oh and thank you to Emily (EmKay) who is in the process of Betaing this story for me :D Muchos love.
"What if she ends up getting hurt again? Kurt I don't think she cope if she has to go through that again!" Blaine panicked.
"Blaine, I think you're over exaggerating here." Kurt sighed. "She only wants you too meet him. Not for you to start calling him Dad or anything."
Isabelle had called Blaine that day and asked Blaine to come home for dinner and that Andrew would be there and that she wanted them to meet.
Things between the two had become a lot more official now. It's not that Blaine didn't like Andrew; it was just, Blaine was…being cautious.
Isabelle had been through so much abuse and hurt that Blaine felt if she was to go through that again, she couldn't be able to cope.
"Blaine, your moms stronger that she seems y'know."
Blaine already knew this.
"Your right…She's happy." He said throwing his hands up.
"She certainly seems it."
"Okay fine, but you're coming too."
"Alright." Kurt smiled.
Just at that, Kurt and Blaine heard a knocking at their dorm room door. Kurt got up to answer it. "Justin, Jamie, if this is you playing another trick..." Kurt said opening the door. "OH MY GOD! Hi!" He said excitedly.
Rachel, Mercedes, Tina, Santana and Brittany where standing outside the door with grins on their faces. Kurt told them to come in so they settled themselves around the room. Blaine was slightly confused as to why they where here, as was Kurt.
"Not that I'm happy you guys are here, but…why are you here? …wait a sec…how did you get in...?"
"Yeah," Blaine asked. "You would have to have gotten through the gates…"
"God, you two are such boys." Rachel scoffed. "…Hairpins and Santana's art of persuasion, which apparently means flirting with some of the prefects to let us up in the dorms...that's how we got in."
"Watch it midget. It got us in here, didn't it?"
"Ladies, can we not fight right now? We came here to see Kurt, remember?" Mercedes said before anything had started.
"It's great go see you guys."
"Yeah well we missed you, boo. So, what's been going on? How's Dalton."
"It's great. Classes are harder but the people are kinder. Did I tell you guys I'm in the Warblers now?"
"No! You did not."
"Rachel, please."
"You're competition now, Kurt!"
"Rachel, do not insult my dolphin." Brittany warned. Kurt and Blaine smiled at her.
"Anyway," Santana said. "We came to tell you some gossip from McKinley. Ham Hawk closet freak has gone."
"Good." Blaine muttered.
"Wait- how do you guys know he's in the closet?" Kurt said sounding worried.
"Oh please, lady lips. He makes it blatantly obvious… don't worry, we haven't let him know that we know, not that we can." Santana said as Rachel flashed her evils. "He's not around for us to do that."
"Where has he gone?"
"I heard that Figgins made him transfer or something." Tina said.
"He started to throw slushies and stuff at us again, but this time Figgins just wasn't having any of it. He went absolutely ballistic at him."
"Well it's nice to think that I made a change at that school. Obviously there is some sort of sustainable bullying policy now."
"Yeah well, he can't touch you any more, right?" Blaine said reassuringly at Kurt.
"Well actually…I don't want to worry you but… we don't know where he is...what school he's at." Rachel said ruining the moment. "For all we know, he could come back, and be worse this time. But like I said, we don't know."
"Jeez Rach, frickin' good one." Santana scorned.
"Well, all we can do right now is just…forget about him, right?"
"Right." They all said at the same time.
Kurt could see that this had really worried Blaine. His boyfriends eyebrows where knitted together and he seemed tense.
"Well Kurt, we better get going. It's close to your curfew thing, right?" Mercedes said.
"Yeah, unfortunately."
"We really do miss you Kurt." Tina said giving him a hug.
"I miss you guy's too, everyday." He said hugging everyone.
They all said there goodbyes to both boys. Santana had even given a hug to Blaine, which he was a bit cautious about after seeing her with the way she was with Karofsky after the football match, but however.
"Blaine, what's the matter?" Kurt asked upon seeing his boyfriend in a reflective trance again.
"Huh? Oh, nothing. Doesn't matter." He smiled.
"Is it about the whole Karofsky thing?" Blaine looked up at Kurt and sighed. "Look, we don't have to worry about him anymore."
"What if he comes back, Kurt? He could hurt you again…or worse."
"Please stop thinking like that." Kurt said closing his eyes tightly.
"Why not? Do you not think we should be being careful? God knows where he is!"
"Blaine I highly doubt David Karofsky, Neanderthal, is capable of doing anything like what you're thinking."
"But we can't just not forget about it. What do we do if he comes back?"
"Then we'll figure that out when and if that time comes. But for now we just have to get through each day. I don't want to concentrate on him I want to concentrate on us."
Blaine was going to say something, but he knew not to argue with Kurt. He sighed and gave up. Kurt was right. Right now, they didn't have Karofsky to worry about, he wasn't here.
"You're right."
"Thank you."
"So… you're definitely coming for dinner?" Blaine said not wanting to think about Karofsky anymore that he had to.
Blaine stood in his bedroom as Kurt was fixing his bowtie. Blaine had struggled with it for the past half hour but Kurt intervened and it was now done.
"Thank you."
"No problem." Kurt smirked. "By the way, I like the bowtie, very dapper."
"Mmm, thanks, might I add that you look super hot?"
"Thank you Mr. Anderson." Kurt giggled and kissed Blaine softly.
Blaine's mom had decided to have a formal meal for her boys to meet Andrew. So semi-smart attire was mandatory.
They made their way downstairs as to where Isabelle was finishing the last bits of cooking. The house was filled with aromas that smelt so good; Blaine felt he could just die because of how good the food smelled.
"Isabelle, the food smells amazing!" Kurt said as they walked into the kitchen.
"Aww, thank you." She said stirring the sauce. He gasped seeing the two of them. "Look at you two, you look perfect."
"Thanks, Mom."
"And look at you're little bow tie!" She fussed over Blaine pinching his cheeks as if he where a baby with full intent on embarrassing him.
"I hate you." He said flapping her hands of his face.
"No you don't." She smirked. "Kurt, could you keep an eye on this sauce while I quickly go and get dressed. Andrew will be here soon."
"Yeah, mom. Sure." Blaine said walking to the cooker.
"I said Kurt. You'll burn the house down."
"Fine. Go make yourself look pretty." Blaine said realising that it was probably true.
About half an hour later, Isabelle came down stairs.
"Kurt, can you fasten my dress up for me honey?"
"Of course." He said as he did so. She stepped away and did a little twirl in the middle of the kitchen.
"You look amazing!" Kurt said.
"Are you sure? It's not too big? Too short? Too slutty?"
"Absolutly not."
"Mom you look beautiful. Stop fussing." Blaine said smiling.
"Thank you."
"Remember, it's only dinner… not a wedding. Stop fussing and relax."
"Okay, okay, now, shoo out of my kitchen while I sort the food. Andrew will be here soon."
"Okay mom."
"So, what do you think he's gunna be like?" Kurt asked as they sat on the sofa.
"I have no idea. I just hope that he can treat my mom right and be okay with the fact I'm gay and you're my boyfriend."
"I hadn't even thought about that. What if he is a homophobe?" Kurt panicked.
"Relax, he won't be. My mom would never date a homophobe after everything." Blaine noted. "So at least if he is, he keeps it quiet."
Just at that, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." Isabelle chirped as she, skipped? To the door.
"Remember, be nice." Kurt said as he heard Blaine mom and Andrew come into the living room. Blaine took Kurt's hand immediately.
"Blaine, Kurt, this is Andrew." Isabelle said.
"Nice to meet you two." Andrew smiled. He had a kind smile which made him look quite young. He was around the same age as Isabelle. He had short, blonde-but-sometimes-brown hair what was spiked using gel. Blaine could definitely get to like this guy.
He was around 6ft and had blue eyes. Not at bright or as piercing as Kurt's but still very blue.
"He looks like Jude Law..." Kurt whispered to Blaine, his eyes wide.
"Nice to meet you," Blaine said smiling. "This is my boyfriend, Kurt." Blaine decided to test the water.
"Hello Kurt." Andrew said smiling at the both of them looking at their joint hands and seeing that they seemed nervous. "You don't have to be so cautious about that around me." he chuckled.
"Andrew's sister is married to a woman." Isabelle smiled.
"Oh, cool." Blaine said feeling relived. Kurt just laughed at the change in Blaine's physical appearance. He had gone from Captain Tense to usual laid back Blaine.
"So, I'm just going to bring some plates in, I'll let you three talk." Isabelle winked and wondered off.
"So, tell me a bit about yourselves, what music are you into? Your mom tells me you are in Glee club?"
"Yeah, we're both part of the Warblers."
"Blaine is our lead tenor." Kurt said proudly.
"You guy's must be awesome!"
"We would be nowhere without Kurt. He is amazing."
"We have regionals coming up soon, so we are busy getting things together for that."
"I used to be in a Glee club." Andrew said.
"Yeah? Where you guy's good?"
"We ended up coming second in nationals, got beaten by a club called vocal adrenaline I think..."
"Tell me about it! They beat my old Glee club to it last year too!"
"Boy's, food is ready." Isabelle said walking in with plates and placing them down on the table, Andrew went to go and help her with the rest. They all sat down and enjoyed the food.
"So Andrew, what do you do? Y'know, for a living." Blaine asked as he stuffed his face with pasta.
"I work as a PA for a lawyer. It is actually really interesting. I get to go in the court rooms sometimes, so that's fun." He laughed.
"Sounds cool. Is that what you've always wanted to do or?"
"Well actually, I was a car salesman, and then I figured I hated it, so I went back to Uni to do law, and that's what I'm doing now, well, I'm on an appreniship kind of thing. Once this year is over I will be a fully qualified lawyer myself." Blaine smiled at him and continued to eat. "What do you want to do, Blaine?"
Blaine was finding it so easy to talk to Andrew, he seemed really nice and genuine and the way he looked at his mom, he knew that they where head over heels for each other.
"I want to be a music teacher. I love playing my guitar and I love working with kids, so… it makes sense."
"That sounds great! What about you Kurt, what do you want to do?"
"Oh, Broadway. I have always wanted to be on the stage. But if that doesn't go to plan, I was thinking fashion design. I don't want to not have options."
"He's really good. He's like my own stylist." Isabelle laughed.
"I'm sure you'll do great things, both of you."
For the rest of the night, all four of them enjoyed each others conversations and company. The night was good. Blaine really thought Andrew was great.
"Well, I best be off, early start at work tomorrow, I'll see you guy's soon?"
"Yeah." Said Kurt.
"It was nice to meet you."
"You too Blaine, Kurt." He smiled and the two boys walked off back into the living room leaving just him and Isabelle in the hall.
Andrew was taken a back by Kurt and Blaine. It was refreshing to see such young, true love, and how supportive of each other they where. He may have only met a few hours ago, but Andrew knew that they where made for each other.
"What are you smiling at?" Isabelle questioned.
"Nothing, it's just, you have such a nice boy. I'm sure he and Kurt where made for each other."
"I know right, sometimes it's almost as if they are in there own little world."
"They are both great kids."
Isabelle smiled. "Well, I'll talk to you tomorrow then."
"Yeah, I'll call you when I can. Goodnight Isabelle." He said kissing her on the cheek.
"Night Andrew." She said as he walked out of the door. She closed it behind her and leaned against it and grinned before walking back in to the living room to talk to Kurt and Blaine.
"So, is he acceptable?" she asked her son.
"Of course he is! He seems like a great guy." Blaine told her.
"You love him don't you mom?"
Isabelle just nodded her head and smiled so hard she thought she might have damaged her mouth muscles. "Now goodnight, I'm going to bed. Love you both." She said kissing them both on the cheek. "Feel free to stay Kurt, just make sure you phone your dad to let him know."
"Thanks Isabelle."
After a rather, shall we say, stressful day in classes, The Warblers had decided to hang out and relax in Justin and Jamie's dorm. Due to the fact that they had almost burnt down the school again, they all chose to hang there to find out what had happened. Everyone had heard Kurt scream like banshee at them and where intrigued.
"They almost burnt everyone alive!" Kurt almost shouted. He, being in their chemistry class, had been working with the pair and was far from impressed by their lack of hand-eye co-ordination.
"Kurt, it wasn't that bad." Jamie said trying to defend himself and twin.
"You knocked over a whole bottle of ethanol. You then somehow managed to knock over the Bunsen burner right next to the stuff! YOU SET THE TABLE OF FIRE!"
"Ok so we had a bit of bon fire in chemistry class. Nobody got hurt." Justin laughed. Kurt just shook his head at them and rested his head on Blaine shoulder.
"So, are you guys kicked out of that class yet?" Blaine asked, slightly amused by it all, although he would never say that to Kurt. He stroked his boyfriend's hair to calm him down.
"Nope, Mrs. Murray loves us to much." They said at the same time. For some reason it was true, she did actually like them even though they where the chemistry students from hell.
"I don't know how she puts up with you two." Kurt spoke bluntly.
"I'm surprised Mr. Hawthorne hasn't expelled you both by now." Wes said astounded that he hadn't.
As they had been talking James, who had been rather quiet had once again been looking over at Kurt and Blaine. Kurt always catching his eye to make sure James knew that he had been seen.
It had been going on for a few weeks now and Kurt was getting really fed up with it.
"Well, it's curfew. We should all go." Wes spoke.
"Wes, you are no fun." Sebastian commented.
"Do we not think that there had been enough drama been caused today?"
"Alright, alright… we're going." Ryan said leading him and his boyfriend out of the twins' dorm followed by the rest of the Warblers.
Kurt saw James about to walk out the room. He took this as an opportunity to find out what was going on.
"What is your problem?" Kurt said causing the dark haired boy to turn around. He looked over Kurt one and made eye contact. His snake green eyes intimidating Kurt. He breathed out a laugh.
"Ask Blaine." Was all he said before turning around and heading back to his dorm.
Kurt stood still. What did that mean?
"Kurt, you okay?" Blaine said coming up behind him and placing a hand on the small of his back.
Kurt smiled "Yeah… I'm good." He lied.
Blaine tilted his head to look at him. "Okay…fine." Blaine said not fully convinced by it. They walked back to their dorm.
Kurt sat on the end of his bed thinking over what James could have meant by 'Ask Blaine.'
"Are you sure you're okay? Did James say something to you? I saw you two talk."
Kurt shook himself out of the thoughts he was in. "Yeah… I asked what his problem was and he asked me to ask you."
"Okay, yeah…you should know." Blaine said nervously. Kurt just looked and Blaine wanting an explanation. "It was last year, when I transferred. James sort of…took me under his wing I guess and I ended up having a crush on him and then we dated…"
"What? You dated him?"
"Yeah, but please, let me explain."
"You'll be explaining alright! Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't think it was important. He is not important. Why is this such a big deal?"
"Because, he is giving me like these death glares and there is just something weird about him okay." They sat in silence or a few moments until Blaine spoke.
"It was for three months. I had told him about my bullying and he helped. Then he started to become all weird and possessive so I ended it. That's it."
"That's it?" Kurt echoed.
"Yeah, he just doesn't seem to have gotten over it…"
"Yeah well he better. He needs to get over the fact we are together." Kurt said getting rather catty. He could quite easily rip that stupid psychopaths eyes out. Blaine just smiled and tried to hold back a laugh. "What?"
"Nothing… I just love you."
"Mmm, I love you too." Kurt said kissing his boyfriend and pushing Blaine back so that they landed on his bed. They fell back Kurt landing on top of Blaine.
"As much as I really wanna make out with you right now Mr. Hummel, I know we are far to tired for that, so how's about I play big spoon and we get some sleep?"
"Sounds perfect." Kurt said. They got up, but their Pyjamas on and crawled back into bed.
"Relax." Blaine said feeling that Kurt was still all wound up, he massaged Kurt's shoulders a little to get hi to do so.
"You don't think he's anything to be worried about, do you?"
"Who, James? No, of course not."
Twenty minutes later, Kurt and Blaine where fast asleep.
"James, do you not think it's a bit much?" Tomas said as he just looked at his roommate. He had officially gone bonkers.
"Blaine needs to be reminded that he belongs with me. And that Hummel girl–"
"Okay… Kurt's a boy… and he's pretty cool."
"Whatever… Hummel needs to be warned."
"You are officially mad. Can you not see that Blaine isn't interested in you anymore? He loves Kurt."
"No, he thinks he does, but he doesn't. Kurt is not good for him."
"James, okay, this is coming from a friend. This is bad, do not do this."
"I'm just doing something that should have been done a long time ago."
Thomas sighed in frustration. He didn't know what to say anymore. "…Just don't do anything stupid."
Something had gone off inside of James then. He looked at his roommate and smirked coldly. "I won't." He said with sarcasm dripping in his voice.
Kurt had been in French; unfortunately James was also in that class and had that stupid expression on his face for the whole lesson.
Kurt just rolled his eyes, picked up his bag and walked to the door of the classroom. He felt someone grab his shoulder and was shocked to see who it was.
"What do you want?" Kurt said turning back around and walking to his locker.
"So… did you ask Blaine what my problem is?"
"Yeah… and he told me everything, and that you're a psycho. If I where you, I would give up. Right now."
"Oh yeah, and what is a girl like yourself going to do?"
"Me? Nothing, I don't do violence." James laughed. Kurt raised his delicate eyebrows. "But I have a six foot two step brother who is the quarter back of his football team who does." That certainly shut James up. Kurt stepped closer to him. "Whatever it is that you're planning. Stop. You won't win."
"I wouldn't be to sure..." James snarled.
Just at that, Blaine came out of his class and automatically found Kurt. He was alarmed by the sight of Kurt and James staring at each other as if they could kill each other. "Everything, okay?" Blaine said warily standing next to Kurt.
"Yes baby," Kurt said smirking. "Everything's perfect." He smiled and placed a kiss on Blaine cheek and they walked off.
"What was that all about?" Blaine asked once they had gotten a little further away from James.
"I don't like him. Not one bit."
"Just ignore him, he will be persistent. All we can do is ignore it." Blaine shrugged.
"Yeah, I know."
"Trust me, you have nothing to worry about. You are my everything and he is not going to get in the way."
"I love you."
"I love you too, now c'mon. My mom just called me and she needs us both over."
"Oh okay… why?"
"She didn't say."
On the way back from school, there had been an accident that had caused a build up of traffic. Blaine was getting rather frustrated but eventually, they got home.
His mom had sounded excited on the phone… what was it?
Kurt and Blaine get out of Blaine's car and walk up the path that took them to the door, Blaine fumbled for his key's and let the two of them in.
Isabelle must have heard the lock and shouted "Blaine, were in here." She called from the living room.
Kurt and Blaine exchanged a puzzled look. "We?" Kurt mouthed to Blaine but he just shrugged.
There, sitting there on the couch was the person Blaine least expected to see ever.
"Copper?" Blaine said not believing his brother was here.
"Hey buddy" Cooper smiled and walked over to him and gave his brother a long awaited hug.
"Um, Kurt, this is...this is Cooper, my brother." Blaine said.
"Nice to meet you." Kurt said politely.
"You too, my mom has been telling me all about you."
"Where have you been? It's been a long time." Blaine asked.
"I've been all over, I'm acting so I've been doing little bit's anywhere. It's been an adventure I have to say." Cooper then frowned. "I'm sorry I haven't been here, Blaine"
"Don't worry about it."
"Mom do you mind if young Blainers and I go in the garden to talk?"
"Of course. Kurt you'll keep me company for a bit, won't you."
"Yeah, course." He smiled.
"Okay." Blaine said as he and Cooper headed out to the garden and sit on the swing that they used to love in their childhood.
"Do you remember I used to lie on here all the time and you would try and come to sit on it too, but I kept shoving you off?"
Blaine smiled at the memory. "Yeah, you always told me I had to be a least two inches taller if I wanted too, and then I had a growth spurt," Cooper laughed at this. "What? I did! And then you changed your mind and said I wasn't old enough."
"You'll always be my little short ass brother to me."
"Gee, Coop, thanks." Blaine laughed.
"Dad told me that you and he talked."
"Yeah, he came to my school and we pretty much talked everything out. It's going to take some time to build a relationship with him again. But he's been making the effort so, that's all I asked."
"You where always way to kind for your own good. I was always the self centred one."
"You weren't that bad." Blaine said playfully nudging Cooper's shoulder. "So… what brings you to wonderful Ohio?"
"I felt awful for not keeping in contact with you and mom, so I thought, why not? I missed you both."
"I missed you too."
"Well that's good, because I got a place not to far from here. I decided that travelling the world isn't for me so maybe we could hang out and do brother like things like… I dunno, what are you into… golf? Fishing? Who knows?"
"That would be great Coop. I'd love that…Has mom told you about Andrew?"
"Yeah…she wouldn't stop, well apart from when she was talking about Kurt, but yeah… he sounds like a great guy, what she needs."
"He is…Coop, are you okay?"
"Yeah…it's just I feel like the worst person ever. I was off gallivanting anywhere I could and all of this was going on…"
"Don't worry about it… you're here now, right?"
"Well then, that's what's important."
"…When did you get so smart?"
"I've always been smart."
"That's not how I remember it. Remember that time I convinced you that Barney the dinosaur was going to come and get you in your sleep?"
"That was not funny! That petrified me. And i was four! Of course i'm going to believe it" They both laughed and joked about this for a while catching up on their lives.
"So… Kurt." Cooper said so that Blaine would talk about him.
"Yeah… Kurt." He grinned.
"How long?"
"About a couple of months now. He's amazing. You'd love him."
"Hey, if he makes my baby brother happy, then of course I do. Does dad know?"
"Well I think he knows that I have a boyfriend. I try to not bring it up so much around him; I'm slowly weaning him into the idea. Kurt is the best this ever to happen to me. "
"I bet." Cooper said suggestively.
"No Cooper." Blaine rolled his eyes.
"Alright… just… be safe and all." Cooper said laughing.
"Mhumm." Blaine said less than impressed but still laughed at his brother.
"Aw, I missed embarrassing you man."
"Thanks Coop, love you too."
"Good, 'cause you don't have a choice. Now c'mon, let's go back inside. It's cold."
"You're right."
"Dammit, I should have gotten that on tape or something."
"Tape, seriously Coop? Who uses a tape recorder?"
"Mommy!" Cooper called walking back into the house. "Blaine is picking on me." He mocked.
"Yes, well that certainly makes a change." Isabelle laughed. "Did you boy's have plenty to talk about?"
"I'm afraid I have work in an hour so I have to leave you guys."
"Will we been seeing you soon Cooper?" Isabelle asked.
"Of course." He winks and goes over to Blaine to ruffle up his hair. "Blaine… way to much gel."
"Thank you!" Kurt said
"Oh god, no. Please don't start Cooper."
"Just saying." He held up his hands in surrender.
"Bye Cooper." Kurt said as they shook hands.
"Later, Kurt." He then turned to his mom "I'll see you soon, okay?" He kissed her on the cheek.
"Look after yourself, honey."
"I will." He said and left.
Blaine was up in his room doing some homework. Kurt had gone home about an hour ago and he now had nothing to do and he had an essay in for two days time.
Just as he was writing about how Shakespeare represents woman in his plays, his phone went off.
"Hey, Dad."
"Hello Blaine, how's it going?"
"Yeah, I'm great. Just finishing off some homework."
"That's great son. Um… is your mom there?"
"Yeah, she's downstairs. Why?"
"Could I talk to her?"
"Dad, I dunno if that's such a good idea–"
"All I want to do is talk." Blaine wasn't sure what to do. His dad had seemed to have changed, so, there was no harm in letting them talk, right?
"…yeah ok, I dunno if she'll want to talk, but I'll go ask."
"Thanks, son."
So Blaine did exactly that. He took his phone downstairs and walked into the living room.
"Mom, um…Dad's on the phone." Blaine saw the was Isabelle's face changed from content to uncertainty "…You don't have too…"
"No… it's okay. Pass the phone here." So Blaine did.
"Hello Michael." She said. Blaine decided to give them a bit of privacy while they where talking. So he went into the kitchen to get a drink.
He couldn't here shouting or screaming so he took that as a good sign. A few minutes later he couldn't hear any talking so he went back into the living room to get his phone back so he could ring Kurt before he went to sleep.
"Everything okay?" He said worried about what might have happened.
"Yes, dear. Everything's fine." She smiled re-assuringly at him handing his phone back.
"No shouting matches? No wanting to kill each other?"
"Blaine, your father is your father. That means something to me. Okay? And we just talked like humans; we're going to be civil… for your sake. I know how much it would mean to you."
"Thank you mom."
"No problem, honey." She said giving him a hug. "Now go on, bed. You have school tomorrow."
"Yeah, yeah mom. Okay." Blaine said walking upstairs to call Kurt.
Things seemed to be getting better.
Surprise! Cooper :D and the twins and evil James... oooo :D haha!
Please Review :)