Somewhere Only We Know
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Somewhere Only We Know: Chapter 8

K - Words: 4,707 - Last Updated: Oct 21, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: May 28, 2012 - Updated: Oct 21, 2012
572 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hello lovely readers. I told you i would update on the 11th :D (woooohoo)

Okay, so i kind of wanted to maybe write some smut in this chapter but then i got all nervous and stuff, so i settled for... well, you'll see. I know this may sound ridiculous, but if any of you have any tips for writing smut please send them my way as that would be much appreciated.

I am going to London next week so i'm not sure when my next update will be.

Anyway, i hope you like this chapter, i had fun writing it :) There is quite a bit of stuff in it, so just go with it...

Chapter eight.

As Blaine walked to English, he saw Kurt and smiled instantly. He was standing with Wes, Sebastian, Ryan and Trent. Blaine was happy for him; he seemed to be settling in to Dalton just fine. He was making friends and Blaine hadn't heard him complain about any of his classes, so that was a plus.

Blaine walked up behind Kurt and places his finger over his mouth to let the other guys know not to give anything away. He put his hands over Kurt's eyes "Guess who?"

"The hobbit I have the pleasure of calling my boyfriend?"

"How did you –?"

"Because I have eyes at the back of my head Blaine." Kurt said jokingly. "Everything okay?"

"I saw my dad." Blaine decided to tell Kurt now as they where a little early for class.

"Yeah? What happened? Are you okay?" Kurt said turning his attention to Blaine from the others.

"Yeah, it was strange actually. He wants to actually try and get to know me."

"That's great!"

"Yeah I guess– it could end in disaster though. My dad seems to cause that wherever he goes."

"Well as least this time you can both say that you tried right?" Kurt said placing his hand on the top of Blaine's arm.

"Yeah." Blaine said as the teacher called the class in for English, which Blaine and Kurt were sat next to each other.

That night, Blaine drove home to go and see his mom. Lately, he had been going back home to see his mom more often. He didn't like that she was in their big house all by herself. Besides, Blaine had to talk to her about his dad just showing up.

He got his keys out of his pocked and unlocked his door and stepped inside and wiped his feet on the doormat.

"Hey mom!" Blaine shouted not quite sure of the whereabouts' of his mother.

"Blaine, honey? Is that you?" she said walking out from the kitchen.


"I just didn't expect you tonight. Not that I'm complaining."

"I know. I just thought that maybe you could use the company."

"I do miss you."

"I miss you too."

"So how was school today? Everything as brilliant as ever?"

"Yeah… of course," Blaine paused. "Dad came." He said quietly.

Isabelle stopped in here track but kept looking straight ahead. "He did?"


"And what did he say? I swear if he was a dic– an idiot to you–"

"No, he actually apologised to me."

"That's great sweetie."

"Yeah, I mean I know that I can't trust him. Not one hundred percent, but he really did sound genuine."

"I'm sure he was."

"Mom, if you don't want me to see him or anything, I understand."

"Blaine, he's your father. No matter how much pain he has caused us, I won't ever stop you from seeing him. Not if you don't want to."

"Thank you."

"No need, just doing what I do best."

"No, you're the best at cooking."

"I'm going to pretend that you just didn't move the feminist movement back sixty years and go back to baking."

"But– I didn't…"

"Blaine. Relax, I'm kidding." Isabelle laughed.

"And I'm supposed to be the child."

"You're my baby."

"He's changed. He's a teacher now and he told me that's what he loves."

"He has?"

"Yeah, Mom, I'm not asking you to like, forgive him or get back together with him or anything, but do you think that maybe you can try to be civil?"

"Of course honey."

"Thanks Mom"

"Anyway, I baked some brownies. I thought me and you could watch one of those Harry Potter films you love so dearly."

"Oh my gosh! Your brownies are the best!"

"I know. And speaking of love. How is Kurt?"

"He's doing well actually. He seems to be getting along with everyone so I'm happy that he's happy and that he's safe."

"He's so sweet. Definitely a keeper."

"I plan on doing just that. He has his Warbler audition tomorrow."

"He does? Oh he has the most angelic voice I have ever heard." Blaine coughed "You're the dreamiest." Isabelle joked knowing full well that Blaine knew she supported him and though the best of him with everything he does.

"I know. He really is the most amazing person."

"It's good to see you happy."

"It's nice to see you happy too mom." Blaine said with a smirk on his face.


"Oh c'mon. You're practically skipping when you walk."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You're dating…"

There really was no point in her trying to deny it, Blaine could tell when she was lying or not.

"Okay, so I have been on a couple of dates. Nothing huge."

"A couple?"

"Alright. A few."

"Who is he?"

"Blaine those dates could have all been with different people."

"I just get a feeling that most of them have been with just one." There was a few moment's of silence. "Who is he?"

"He's called Andrew. I have been out on three dates with him and that is all. He's nice."

Blaine looked at his mom. He was proud of her. It had taken her a long time to get over what had happened with his dad and everything but now she was actually moving on, this was a big step.

"If you don't like the idea then I can just–"

"Are you crazy? No! I'm happy for you Mom, really."

"Are you sure? I mean I understand if it makes you uncomfortable."

"I'm sure. I mean it will take me a while to get used to it all, if I do meet him that is, but I'm sure things will be fine."

"Thank you."

"So… is he the one?" Blaine joked with his Mom.

"Well like I said, it's only been three dates. But he seems genuine."

"Then that's good enough for me, I'll go get Harry Potter okay?"

"Alright honey." Isabelle smiled at her son.

Hey Blaine. There's a football match at McKinley tomorrow night. Finn asked if we wanted to go, are you up for it? –K xxxx

Yeah! I love football. But is he sure? Are you sure he wants me to come along and that he's not just being polite? –B xxxx

Of course he wants you to go! We can go back to mine after school if you want? –K xxxx

Sure okay :) –B xxxx

My dad will be in so no funny business –K xxxx

Mmhumm, whatever you say, love– B xxxx

I hate you Blaine– K xxxx

I love you too. –B xxxx

Kurt smiled. He loved that he and Blaine were so close and fitting together just nicely. Kurt was so head over heels for this boy.

"Texting lover boy, are we?" Mercedes asked seeing Kurt was in his own world with his phone.

As Blaine was at his mom's, Kurt decided to ask Mercedes if she wanted to sleep over at his. He missed her and took an opportunity to see her whenever he could.


"Oh I know you are. So c'mon. Details."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes. Have you guy's made out yet?"


"Aww, I bet you're both like really, really romantic. Like, the type that would make you feel sick."

"Thanks Merc–"

"It's cute because it's you! So c'mon any dirt?"

" –'cedes no. Blaine is in fact a romantic. Awful at it, but he tries." Mercedes just looked at him expectantly. "Okay, I'll read a couple of texts…"

"You are the most beautiful thing in Gods creation."

"You are truly amazing and I can't wait for you to amazing me even more with everything that you do."

"You're smile is one of the best part's of my day."

"Aww! And you said he was awful at romance? Hummel you are so wrong."

"I love it though… he makes me feel loved."

"I'm happy for you boo."


Kurt's phone chose that moment to play Teenage Dream, a picture of Blaine showed up as caller ID. Kurt looked a Mercedes.

"Go on…" She said smiling. So Kurt answered smiling back.

"Hey, everything okay?"

"Hey! Yeah everything's good. I just wanted to ask if you maybe wanted to stay at my house tomorrow after the game? My moms going out on a date and…yeah… I don't like being in the house by myself…"

"Mmhumm, sure you don't. But yeah, it should be okay. I'll ask my dad though…"

"Of course… I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Alright. I love you."

"Love you too, goodnight."

"Goodnight." Kurt said hanging up the phone.

"Can you two get more adorable?"

"If we're feeling particularly cutsie, yes."

"So, what did he want?"

"Just asked if I wanted to stay at his tomorrow night… don't look at me like that…"

"What? I'm saying nothing."

"Oh my gosh," Kurt said changing the subject. ", there's this things that I've been wanting to try with your hair forever…" he pleaded.

"Do what you like boo."

The next day, on Kurt's way back to Dalton, he dropped Mercedes off at McKinley and headed to school. He most definitely did not break any speed limits in order to see his boyfriend before class.

"Hey you." Blaine said as Kurt walked into their shared dorm. He walked over to Kurt and wrapped his arms around his neck and placed a small kiss to his boyfriend's lips.

"Hey." Kurt said slightly flustered.

"We better go… don't wanna be late for your audition. Which by the way… I still have no idea what you're singing."

"You'll just have to wait and see then, hm?"

"Kurt Hummel, you will be the death of me."

"Nobody's dying. C'mon before I get nervous." Kurt said and the walked down to the senior commons in time for Warbler practise.

"Okay, fellow Warblers, as you know, Kurt Hummel will be auditioning today, so all take a seat and Kurt, take it away."

"Is he always this patronising?" Kurt said.

"No," Blaine chuckled. "Just when he is in full Warbler council mode. Good luck, you'll kill it." Blaine said kissing his boyfriend.

Kurt took a deep breath and mentally prepared himself. He was nervous, but in a good way.

He was ready for this. He pressed the play button on his Iphone (which had been hooked up to the speakers in the common room) and started to sing.

It's been a long time since I came around.

Been a long time but I'm back in town.

This time I'm not leaving without you.

You taste like whiskey when you kiss me, oh.

I'll give anything again to be your baby doll.

This time I'm not leaving without you.

Blaine swallowed the lump in his throat. He had never heard Kurt sing like that before. And oh my god was his boyfriend amazing.

He said, "Sit back down where you belong,

In the corner of my bar with your high heels on"

Sit back down on the couch where we

Made love for first time and you said to me.

Something, something about this place.

Something 'bout lonely nights and my lipstick on your face.

Something, something about my cool Nebraska guy

Yeah, something about, baby, you and I.

Kurt had looked at Blaine while he was singing and for Blaine, the room was definitely getting a lot warmer. He readjusted himself in his seat and reminded himself to breath.

It's been two years since I let you go

I couldn't listen to a joke or rock 'n' roll

Muscle cars drove a truck right through my heart.

On my birthday you sang me A Heart of Gold

With a guitar humming and no clothes

This time I'm not leaving without you, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Sit back down where you belong

In the corner of my bar with your high heels on

Sit back down on the couch where we

Made love for first time and you said to me.

Something, something about this place.

Something 'bout lonely nights and my lipstick on your face.

Something, something about my cool Nebraska guy.

Yeah, something about, baby, you and I.

Blaine stared at his boyfriend as the rest of the Warblers erupted into applause and cheering for Kurt.

Kurt Hummel was sexy.

"Alright there Blaine?" Ryan asked seeing Blaine's current flustered state.

"Uh-hu, yeah. I'm fine."

"You look a little flustered to me, Blaine." Sebastian smirked.

"Hummel got you a bit hot under the collar?" David laughed.

"Shut up." Blaine said, playfully smacking David's arm.

"I can't say I Blaine you. If I wasn't so in love with this guy here, then I would totally tap that." Sebastian laughed.

"Well he's mine, so back off Smyth." Blaine laughed and Kurt came out from the crowd.

"How did I do?" Kurt said out of breath.

"You were amazing!" Blaine said kissing Kurt.

"I had no idea you could sing like that Kurt." David smiled innocently.

"Yeah, Blaine especially found it… mesmerising." Ryan smirked.

"Okay, okay, shut up all of you."

"Fine, we'll see you two later, alright?" David said heading to go and talk with Wes. Sebastian and Ryan following.

"Yeah, later guy's." Kurt said as they left.

Kurt noticed that one of the Warblers, James? Had been staring at him throughout his performance. There was just something about him that Kurt just did not like.

"What's his problem?" Kurt asked Blaine.

"I have no idea. He's always like that." Blaine said trying to satisfy Kurt's question.

Kurt just looked at him once more before deciding that Blaine was probably right and walked out of the common room.

"Hey Blaine" Isabelle said as Blaine walked through the door with Kurt, holding his hand "Hey Kurt."

"Hey Isabelle."

"Hey mom."

"Kurt! I am so glad you're here. I am having a dress crisis."

"Say no more." Kurt said as Isabelle and Kurt practically ran upstairs. Blaine chuckled and slowly made his way up, and stood in the doorway of his mother's room.

"Y'know, I can't help but to think I have created a duo from hell here."

"Blaine, not now, you're mother is in a dilemma, how is she supposed to chose between all of these gorgeous clothes?"

"I don't know, but I'm glad it's you helping. Otherwise it would be me."

"God only knows what he would pick out." Isabelle laughed.

"Okay, so where is it he's taking you?"

"Enchanted Garden, that new place that's just opened."

"Oh my god! Isn't that like really expensive?"

"Apparently. So I need to be suited and booted."

"Okay well, I think this is the perfect dress. Not too overdressed, but guaranteed dress to kill."

"I like your thinking." She winked.

"God! Mom… I'm right here. I don't need to hear that!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yaddayaddayadda. Out, I need to get dressed."

The boy's did as they where told and walked into Blaine room. As soon as Blaine made contact with his bed, he flopped down. He was exhausted.

"Tired?" Kurt smiled sweetly to his boyfriend.

"A little." Blaine looked at Kurt. "C'mere." He said gesturing to the space behind him on his bed.

Kurt, straight away, knew what Blaine meant and placed himself behind Blaine wrapping his arms around him and placing a kiss to the back of his head.

"You should sleep, you'll feel better. Besides, you'll want some energy for the football game later."

"Don't wanna."

"Blaine c'mon, just for like an hour."

"I'm not that tired, I just want to rest here with my beautiful boyfriend, is that okay?"

"Of course it is." Kurt nuzzled into him. "You're okay though, right? I mean with you're dad and everything."

Blaine sighed. "Yeah, I am. It's going to be hard and stuff but…he's my dad."


"Hey, Kurt?"


"Do you even like football?"

Kurt smiled then laughed "Truth is… no. Not particularly. I just go to support Finn. I used to be the kicker on the team–"

"No way."

"Yes way. And you better believe it."

"Oh I do! I bet you looked hot in your uniform." Kurt blinked a few times. He had never been in a situation like this before. This was completely new to him, and wow, it actually felt good someone saying that about him. That someone was attracted to him in that way. "…Kurt, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"You didn't I promise, it's just nobody's ever said that to me before… ever…"

"Well then they must be out of their mind. You're sexy."

"Um, thanks."

"No problem." Blaine winked and Kurt bit the inside of his lip.

"So… football. I didn't know it was you're thing either…" Kurt changed the subject.

As Kurt and Blaine walked in the deserted corridors of McKinley, Kurt couldn't help but feel as though he was visiting ghosts from his past. Sure, he has only just moved to Dalton, but that already felt as though it was years ago since he was here. Yes, he had good memories of this place, but his heart was now at Dalton. Kurt wouldn't look back. At least not right now.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Ladyboy." Karofsky said coming out from the changing rooms "Who's this, your boyfriend?"

"David. Yeah, it is actually," Kurt said tightening his grip on Blaine's hand. "And his name in Blaine."

"Whatever. Looks like some hobbit, buttboy if you ask me."

"You know what, David? You have absolutely no right to even be with a metre of me. You see the thing is, I, am not scared of you any more," Kurt said looking into Karofsky's eyes. "So will you just back off?"

"Ha! Oh my god. Who are trying to fool? Me?" Karofsky said stepping a few inches closer to Kurt. "You know you're scared of me, I terrify you."

"Alright," Blaine said stepping between the two of them. "You, David whatever, I don't particularly care what your name is. You can say what the hell you like about me. But as soon as you threaten my boyfriend, then that is just gunna piss me off."

"Oh trying to act the hero here are we grandpa?"

"You really don't wanna be messing with me."

"What are you gunna go? Punch me."

"Not until you hit me first." Blaine said just as Karofsky swung a punch to Blaine, who missed, grabbed Karofsky by the arms and twisted it, throwing a punch to his stomach. Karofsky tried to hit back but Blaine was just avoiding all of his hits.

Kurt was trying to stop but Karofsky and Blaine were really going for each other…

"Hey! Tubs!" Santana shouted walking down the corridor. "Leave Lady Lips and Pretty pony alone, got it?"

"Yeah? And what are you gunna go, Lopez?"

"Oh you see. I dunno if you heard, but I'm from a town called Lima Heights Adjacent. Do you know where that is ham hawk? No? It's on the wrong side of the tracks. So I'd run along, and go play nice."

"Yeah right."

She just gave him one of her best bitch glares "I've got razor blades… just all up in there." She said motioning to hair. And with that Karofsky disappeared back to the changing rooms presumably to prepare for the match.

"Thanks Santana." Kurt said making sure Blaine was okay after the scrap.

"Hey, no problem. Gotta protect you still, don't i?"

"I could have handled it," Blaine said "I mean thank you Santana. But I did actually used to go to Dalton's fight club."


"I can't talk about it."

"Right." Santana said looking between the two of them "Well I gotta go back out their and cry and convince coach Sylvester not to shoot Brittany out of a human cannon."

"I swear the woman needs to go and see a doctor."

"Anyway, I will see you later Hummel"

"You too, and Santana?" Kurt said and she turned back around. "It was nice seeing you."

She smiled "You too Kurt." She said walking back out to the football field.

"Well she seems nice." Blaine said unsure.

"She's harmless." Kurt laughed. "C'mon, let's go." Kurt said as they headed out to the football match, which was about to start.

After the match, Kurt, Blaine, Carole and Burt all waited around for Finn as he had quickly told them that he was going to get changed and that he would be out soon.

The Mckinley High Titans had won their match with Finn scoring the winning point with just 2 seconds left.

About 5 minutes later, a very happy looking Finn came out of the changing rooms and walked to meet everyone.

"Honey! I am so proud of you!" Carole said taking her sons face in her hands and kissing his cheek emphasising the 'Mwah' .

"Nice one kid!"

"Thanks Burt"

"You're like, amazing at football. Kurt, why didn't you tell me?" Blaine said as he really was amazed at how good Finn was.

"Thanks dude." Finn said smiling at Blaine.

"As much as I would love to stand here and make Finn's ego even bigger, Blaine and I have to go."

"Alright, see you later Kurt." Burt said as Kurt and Blaine started to leave. "NO FUNNY BUISSNESS!" He shouted and Kurt turned the most crimson shade of red, ever.

"You're adorable when you blush." Blaine said with a smirk on his face.

"Thank you for earlier by the way." Kurt said settling down next to Blaine at the coffee table where their pizza was.

"No problem. Karofsky needs to know that you're not to be messed with. Sooner or later he will get bored."

"Honestly though, just thank you for everything. I never would have had the confidence to stand up for him if it wasn't for you."

"No, you did that all by yourself. You honestly underestimate how strong you are. Y'know that, right?"

"Is there any point in my arguing this?"

"No." Blaine said smiling at Kurt who smiled back. "Besides it wasn't all me, Santana is to thank too."

"I guess. And anyway, you went to boxing? Why don't I know about this?"

"Urgh, I just took up boxing after the whole bully thing. Joined the fight club, but I don't really talk about it much, okay?"

"Okay." Kurt smiled.

"So, what do you want to do?" Blaine said as they finished eating the pizza and picked up the box and took it through the kitchen to put in the rubbish.

"I don't know…" Kurt said following.

"Well, my mom is currently out so that means I have the house to myself with my gorgeous boyfriend."

Kurt smiled at this. "Let's take advantage of that time then, shall we?"

"Let's." Blaine said biting is lower lip, taking Kurt's hand and leading him back through to the living room and on the couch.

Kurt partially lies down on Blaine's couch and pulls Blaine down with him so that Blaine is hovering over him.

Blaine then smiles at Kurt and it tells him that he is safe, that there is nothing to be afraid of, that Blaine would never hurt him. Although Kurt already knew that of course.

Blaine slowly leans in and closes the small gap that once separated their lips, Kurt meeting him half way crashing their lips together.

Kurt's fingers find their way from Blaine's waist to his curls and soon enough Kurt's fingers and wrapping themselves around the curls that once had gel in them. Kurt felt the urge to experimentally pull of them just to see what reaction Blaine would have. The moan that escaped Blaine was Kurt's indicated that Blaine was enjoying this.

Blaine starts to rub his thumbs over Kurt's well defined hip bones, lifting up the bottom of Kurt's shirt as he did so, causing Kurt to whimper slightly.

As the kiss get's more passionate, more hungry, needy. Kurt places a trail of open mouthed kisses down Blaine jaw line. Blaine felt every single one of those kisses leave a tingling sensation where Kurt's mouth had previously been.

Blaine can't resist much longer. He had always found Kurt's neck particularly attractive and right now. Well it was just screaming for attention. Blaine lifted up Kurt's hands gently and pinned them above Kurt's head. He kissed Kurt's neck and places teasing little kisses and nips to his neck before sucking at it with full intention to leave a mark. He pulls back and admires his work. A comical smirk on his face.

"I hate you." Kurt breathed out noticing the mark.

"No you don't." Blaine said raising his eyebrows suggestively, equally as breathless.

Kurt grabbed Blaine collar and silenced him with another kiss.

Things are starting to heat up and Kurt can feel that his jeans aren't exactly getting any looser.

Kurt doesn't panic as such, but the realisation of what he and Blaine could end up doing is very daunting for Kurt. Not that he didn't want to go further with Blaine, that was something he really did want. Kurt just didn't know if he was ready for this yet, or even if Blaine was ready for this.

"What's wrong?" Blaine said as Kurt regretfully ended the kiss.

"It's nothing, don't worry." Kurt said readjusting himself on the couch so that he and Blaine were in a more comfortable position.

"Are you sure?" Blaine said sweetly stroking a finger down the side of Kurt's face. A simple gesture, but a loving one. "You can tell me…"

Kurt took a breath. "I'm just not sure that I'm one hundred percent ready. I mean it's not that I don't want to, believe me. I do. I mean you're gorgeous. I just want to wait– what are you grinning at?"

"Nothing! I swear. I just– you amaze me. I agree with you by the way. I think we should wait. I want our first time to be the most amazing and best experience of our lives so yeah, if you want to wait, I do to."

"I would like that."

"Me too. I plan to have like candles and fairy light's and–"

"So long as I'm with you, I'll be more than happy."

"I love you."

"I love you too. Do you want to just watch a movie or, something?"

"Yeah, I would love to."

"Do you have the notebook?"

"Of course I do." Blaine said as he went to go and get the DVD from his collection putting it on for him and Kurt to snuggle up with each other and fall asleep.

"Hey boy's. I'm back–" Isabelle stopped at the front door and saw Blaine and Kurt asleep on the couch still with the TV on.

She was happy that her son had found someone that was as kind, gracious and selfless as Kurt. He really brought out the best in her son. Blaine needed Kurt in his life, something good.

She felt like an awful mother after what she had put Blaine through with everything that had gone on with his father, he had been so miserable. But now, looking at the sight infront of her, her son clinging onto someone that she knew he loved more than words could possibly say, gave her hope.

She takes off her heels and places them down wit the other shoes in the hallway and walks into the living room and places a small kiss to Blaine forehead.

"Huh? Mom?" Blaine said sleepily rubbing his eyes, causing Kurt to wake up to.

"Hey honey."

"How was your date?"

Isabelle brightened up at this. Her date had gone amazing. She really did like Andrew. He treated her properly and everything just felt right with him.

"Yeah, it was really good."

"Oh my god." Kurt said sitting up properly.

"What?" Isabelle panicked.

Kurt studied her for a moment. "You're in love."

"I am not. I've been on a few dates. But I do really like him."

"Do you, mom? Love him I mean?" Blaine asked looking at her with innocent eyes. "It's okay if you do."

"…I…I think I might be falling for him." There was no point in lying to her son. She had done that before and that didn't turn out too well.

Blaine smiles at her. "You deserve someone like him. He sounds nice from what you've told me."

"He is. You should meet him, I'm sure you would get along with him."

"I would like that."

"Me too." Kurt said.

Isabelle thought for a second. "Blaine, I know he's not your father, and I'm not expecting you to–"

"Mom. I haven't even met him yet. Can we just…slow things down?"

"Of course." Isabelle looked at her son…there was something different… "…oh my god! What happened to your eye?"


"He got into a fight," Kurt interrupted. "At the football game, the guy who used to bully me started to call me names–"

"Kurt he threatened you."

"–So Blaine decided to go all Rocky Balboa and get into a scrap with him."

"Oh honey, are you okay?"

"Yeah mom I'm fine."

"Did you use some of those moves you learnt at Dalton fight Clu–"

"Mom! What have I said? I don't talk about it."

"Okay. Sorry. Anyway, I'm tired so I'm goin' to bed. Goodnight, Blaine." She said kissing him on the forehead.

"Night mom."

"Night Kurt." She said going the same.

"Goodnight Isabelle." And with that, she disappeared upstairs.

"Are you okay with all of this?" Kurt said after a few moments. "Your mom dating again?"

"Yeah, of course I am. It's just different. I want her to be happy; if she is then I'm happy too."

"You're too nice sometimes, you know that, right?"

"Well I'm sure he is a good person."

"I'm sure he is too."

"I just don't want my mom to get hurt anymore. My dad really messed up."

"I know baby–"

Blaine smiled at the endearment. It had just came so naturally for Kurt to say.

"Did I just say that?"

"Yup, but don't worry. I kinda like it."

"Oh god."

"Hey, it's sweet. And thank you."

"What for?"

"Just being you."

"No problem." Kurt said as Blaine yawned. He stretched his arms above his head and stretched into a funny position before returning to his natural posture. "You're cute when you yawn."

"Oh, shut up. Wanna go to sleep?"

"Yeah okay, I'm tired too."

They went upstairs into Blaine's room, got changed into pyjamas and climbed into bed. Kurt taking position as big spoon tonight.

Sweet dreams where inevitable.

End Notes: Reviews are more than welcome :D (hint hint)


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