Somewhere Only We Know
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Somewhere Only We Know: Chapter 6

K - Words: 4,639 - Last Updated: Oct 21, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: May 28, 2012 - Updated: Oct 21, 2012
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Author's Notes:

A/N: Okay so i guess this is a pretty important chapter, i had fun writing it, so i hope you all enjoy it!

I would love to hear what you guy's think Kurt should sing to say goodbye to Mckinley, so send your suggestions my way :D

Enjoy... oh and i am still yet to receive the rights of Glee.

Chapter six.

At Dalton.

Blaine had been thinking a lot about what had happened at the weekend.

How he had now practically fallen in love with a boy he had only recently met. But that wasn't a bad thing, right? Kurt was amazing. Blaine was a sucker for love at first sight and he believed that this was happening to him.

Blaine's initial plan had gone down hill. He had planned to kiss Kurt and to tell him everything about what he felt but he wasn't sure it was such a good idea anymore. What if Kurt didn't want that? What if Kurt never wanted to speak to Blaine again after he told him?

The Warbler's were currently in the middle of a meeting about their set list for sectionals.

Blaine hadn't really been playing much attention, his mind was on other thing's, he wasn't all too fussed about what they ended up singing, Blaine loved pretty much any song, and since he was doing the solo, he though he would at least let the warblers pick.

As it turn's out, the song which they had chosen was a rather good choice, they had chosen to do Katy Perry–Waking up in Vegas, but, knowing how awkward The Warblers where, Blaine knew that this was just a first idea and that it would probably get hanged 3 or four times before finally deciding.

After the meeting, Blaine had taken the opportunity to talk to Wes about what he should do about Kurt. Wes himself had been in a stable relationship with his girlfriend Emily for 2 years now, so he must be doing something right.

"Wes?" Blaine said taking his friends arms as he was about to leave the common room.


"I was erm, wondering if, um, you could... maybe help me with something…" Blaine said nervously.

"This isn't about your addiction to apple juice is it?"

"What? I am not addicted to apple juice…no, that's completely irrelevant Wes."

"Oh you're being serious? This is serious Blaine."

"No, I'm just panicking for no reason."

"Well Mr 'I'm being sarcastic' why are you panicking?"

"Kurt… that's why I'm panicking"

"Wait. Has something happened to Kurt? Is he hurt?"

"No! I'm panicking because…alright, this is going to sound stupid."

"Most of what you say is stupid."

"I'm not even– yeah, I'm ignoring that. Anyway, Kurt stayed at mine on Friday and we had the most amazing time ever, like, he is just so funny, smart, witty, selfless, amazing, beautiful…"


"YES! And that is my problem, I kind of think he is perfect."

"So just kiss him already." Wes said nonchalantly.

"I can't just kiss him Wes, he's um…look…I can't say much, but he's been through some stuff."

"Well, I can't really help if you don't give me at least some sort of background."

Blaine made a conflicted face, he really didn't want to share Kurt's secrets, but he knows that telling Wes wouldn't do any harm.

"Well you know how he's being bullied?"

"Yes, and you're his 'mentor' or whatever you kids are calling that these day's."

"I'm being serous here Wes." Blaine hit his friend on the arm with some force.

"Jeez, fine. Yes, I know how he's getting bullied."

"Well, the other day, the jock who bullies him…kissed him."


"I know, that's what I thought."

"But that makes no sense; does that mean the guy who's bulling him is gay?"

"Yes Wesley, it does…are you really that oblivious?"

"This coming from you? Blaine, really?"

"Shut up. Anyway, well he stayed over at mine and he left his Journal, and it was left open and I picked it up and I read it and then he said he had never been kissed and then I felt bad for reading it and now I feel awful for telling you."

"Blaine!" Wes took a hold of Blaine by the shoulders in order to hold him still as he was pacing around the room "calm down, look, I'm sure Kurt wont mind you reading his journal if it was left open so calm down."

"That's not why I'm panicking. It's just I don't know what to do, I mean, I really like him, really like him and I want to kiss him, but I can't because I don't know how he would react. What if he hates me?"

"I'm pretty sure he won't ever hate you Blaine, you're impossible to hate. Believe me…I tried."

"Awh! Love you too Wes!"

"Okay so from what I'm guessing…you need my help to try and convince you to actually kiss him and to help you come up with a plan on the perfect speech to say to him. Am I right?"


"Okay, c'mon, let's go." Wes said as he and Blaine went up to Blaine's dorm to conjure up the perfect plan.


As Kurt lay in his bed that night, he did was he always did, went in his desk drawer and went to pull out his journal.

Except when he went go pull it out, it wasn't there.

Kurt's heart was racing like crazy. Where could it be?

As he realises where it is. He calms down. It's at Blaine's…His journal is at Blaine's…

Oh God.

What if Blaine read it? Kurt has written so much about him in that book that it would just be so embarrassing for him to read it and to find out what Kurt really thought of him. He couldn't be doing with Blaine hating him. Kurt couldn't have Blaine hating him. He really needed him.

Kurt pulls out his phone to text the shorter boy.

Hey! I was just wondering if I had maybe left my journal at your house? I can't find it anywhere. –K xx

Kurt put his phone down and picked up the book he was currently reading to help him become tired so he could sleep, a few minutes later he had a reply.

You did, but I left it at my house when I was heading back to Dalton, but I could go home and get it for you and bring it over if you need it? –B xx

No, it's fine– I will get it from you tomorrow. Can you meet me at the Lima Bean? –K xx

You know I can ;D –B xx

Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then, G'night Blaine –K xx

See you tomorrow, Good night, Kurt. Sweet dreams –B xx

Kurt held his phone in his hand and just smiled Blaine really was the sweetest.

Kurt feel asleep with thought's of Blaine on his mind.

The next morning at school Mr Schue set the New Directions an assignment for the week.

"I want you all to pick a song that mean's the most to you and then I want you all to explain what Glee club really mean's to you."

"Not that I'm complaining about singing, but Mr Schue, why do we have to explain what this club mean's to us?" Rachel said.

"Yeah, we all joined because it's what we like to do." Santana seconded.

"Because I feel like we have all lost the reason why we became a group in the first place. Because we all have something different about us, you are all from different groups of people, yet, we can come together as one person and sing."

"Well I think we're just fine." Quinn said folding her arms over her chest.

"I don't. After everything that had happened with Kurt this week it just show's that we aren't a group, so we are doing this."

"Oh Mr Schue, you don't have too–"

"No, Kurt, this is something I want to do. So, does anyone have anymore questions or problems with the assignment?"

There was a murmur of No's and then the end of class bell went and the group dispersed to their next classes, so Kurt headed to Chemistry with Mercedes.

"So 'Cedes, what song are you gunna do this week?"

"Oh you just know I am gunna bring the roof down with some Aretha. I'm taking Mr Schue seriously and I am going back to where it all started. I'm going to sing my Glee audition song!" She said excitedly.

"Oh my god, yes! You're going to kill it!"

"I know. What about you, what song are you going to sing?"

"I actually have no idea. I do not want to ever hear 'Mr Cellophane' ever again."

"I'm sure you'll think of something amazing." Mercedes encouraged as they walked into their lesson.

"Hey, Merc…do you want to come for coffee with me after school? I'm meeting up with Blaine."

"Yeah sure! I need to make sure he's appropriate for my boy now don't I? Does he have any cute friends?"

"Mercedes Jones! Don't think I don't see the way you and Sam look at each other." Kurt tilts his head matter of factly and Mercedes just laughs confirming all to Kurt.

"So, how are thing's with you and prep boy?"

"He is amazing Merc, I stayed at his at the weekend and we sang a song together, we watched Disney movies, his mom cooked a meal and is just the sweetest."

"Oh, Hummel, you got it bad don't you?"

"Urgh, I hate to admit this…but yes, I really do."

"Oh my gosh you love him…"

"…I guess I do. But it's ridiculous; I can't be in love with him."

"And why the hell not?"

"Because good things like him don't happen to me, ever."

"They will… and they already have, haven't they? You have become so much stronger since you met him."

"I know…Oh Mercedes, he's just… the best thing that's happened to me..." Kurt say's sighing as their teacher comes on to start the Chemistry lesson.

"So class, today we will be doing Titration calculations and how different halogen's react with various chemicals."

"Great." Mercedes say's standing up off her stool to go and get a lab coat and some goggles.

"Titration calculations…my favourite." Kurt rolled his eyes following Mercedes.

Thankfully, the tedious task of Titrations calculations had been outweighed by testing different halogen's which turned out to be quite fun.

Kurt and Mercedes continued to talk about Kurt's situation with Blaine and Mercedes talked about the situation with her and trouty mouth himself, Sam Evans.

As Kurt and Mercedes pulled outside the Lima bean Kurt could see through the glass windows that Blaine, Wes and two other Dalton boys where there which Kurt hadn't been introduced to yet.

"You're staring." Mercedes laughed at Kurt who hadn't even realised that he had been. Blaine just looked as charming and beautiful as ever.

They walk into the coffee shop and head over to where the four boys in Dalton blazers sat.

"Hey Kurt!" Blaine said standing up and practically running to Kurt pulling him into a hug.

"Hi, Blaine. This is Mercedes." Kurt said gesturing to her.

"Hey." Mercedes said smiling at the shorter boy.

"Hey!" Blaine said pulling her into a hug also.

"He likes hugs." Kurt whispered.

"I figured– oh and he get's my seal of approval, he's cute." Mercedes winked at Kurt causing him to blush slightly.

"Okay so, Kurt, Mercedes, this is Nick…" Blaine said gesturing to the dark haired boy "…and this is his boyfriend Jeff." He gestured to the blonde boy.

"Hey." Nick said smiling at them both.

"Hiiii!" Jeff practically shouted.

"Jeff is pretty much hyper at all times, we blame the Redvines." Wes said "Oh and I'm Wes." He said looking at Mercedes.

"–Wesley–" Blaine coughed.

"Shut up Blaine."

"Hi Wes." Mercedes smiled as to which he returned.

"So who wants coffee?" Blaine asked.

"That's generally why people come to a coffee shop Blaine." Nick said leaning on his boyfriends shoulder.

"Alright smart ass." Blaine remarked and he and Kurt both went to order the groups coffee's.

"I'll have a medium drip, a non–fat mocha for this guy, two latte's and…what does Mercedes drink?" Blaine asked quickly turning to Kurt.

"Medium drip."

"Make that two medium drips." He said to the Barista apologetically.

"You know my coffee order?" Kurt asked slightly shocked at this.

"Of course I do… you can tell a lot about a person from their coffee order y'know."

"Oh really? And what does mine say about me?"

"That you're sweet, but that you can have a feisty kick in you when needed."

"Is that so…then what does yours say about you?"

"That I'm strong." Blaine flirted a bit winking leaving Kurt flustered.

"That will be thirteen dollars eighty." The Barista said putting out the coffee's onto a tray.

Kurt went to pull out some money to help Blaine pay.

"Don't be silly dummy, it's on me." Blaine said taking out his wallet.

"Oh…are you sure…I really don't mind…"

"One good thing that comes from a dad trying to make amends…he will give you as much money as you need in order to try and win you over…it's not working but I figured hey… let's take some, he owes me it."

"Ah right. Have you heard much more from him?"

"Just last night… he came over..." Blaine looked down to the floor. "Can we talk about this some other time?"

"Of course." Kurt smiled at Blaine taking the trey and heading back to the table to drink their coffee with the others.

English language, Kurt had always liked doing, he did enjoy learning about the different theories and being able to write descriptively, however, Kurt did not enjoy doing essays, which was exactly what he was currently doing. Luckily he could hear his phone ringing with teenage dream playing, which can only mean one person.

"Hey Blaine."

"Hey Kurt. I was wondering if you're busy right now."

Kurt looked at his computer screen sick of the sight of that stupid essay.

"Nope, why?"

"I was wondering if you could meet me…at our place…?"

Had Blaine just called the meadow their place?

"Yeah of course… I'll be there in five."

"Okay, I'll see you there."

"Bye." Kurt said hanging up the phone.

Kurt went down stairs to go and put his shoes on before shouting to his dad that he was going out.

"Okay kid, remember, ten o'clock curfew."

"Okay Dad." Kurt said as he set out to go to the meadow.

Once Kurt got there he noticed Blaine waiting for him, he was out of his Dalton uniform and wearing a more relaxed outfit which still made him look amazing and once again, had chosen to not have product in his hair. Kurt internally sighed.

"Hey." Kurt said as he approached Blaine.

"Hey." Blaine said barley above a whisper as he pulled Kurt into a hug.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to see you…c'mon…follow me." Blaine said holding his hand out for Kurt to take, which Kurt did not decline as Blaine led them into the meadow and lay down in the grass, Kurt following.

"The sky is very petty tonight." Kurt said as he looked up to the stars, his hand still entwined with Blaine's as they lay on their back's looking up.

"It is indeed." Blaine smiled.

"So… is their anything in particular you wanted to talk about?" Kurt had noticed that there was something different about Blaine tonight, he seemed a complete ease and that he was comfortable.

"Yeah… um, I just want you to listen to me first…okay?" Blaine said turning on his side, his hand's grip tightening on Kurt's.

"…sure." Kurt said unsure of where Blaine was going with this.

"Okay… so… ever since you tapped me on my shoulder that day at Dalton, i have been trying to figure you out, well, not you, more my feeling's towards you. it was like you were just there and you turned my world upside down, in a good way, a very good way."

"…Then I figured it out… and please don't freak out or anything when I say this but… I'm in love with you, Kurt. At first I thought it might have just been a crush or something, but… it's not." Blaine said looking Kurt straight in the eye, his voice low.

"I don't know how you…feel about me or whatever, but I just thought that you deserved to know. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met and I want to make you happy, I want to be there for you and I want to be able to protect you in a way that nobody else can."

"I also realised that you make me happy… you have also helped me in a lot of ways that maybe you don't even realise you have but, you have been there for me with my dad…I want to meet him, I want to tell him exactly how I feel about him but I can't do that without you. I want to tell you everything, and I know that you'll help me with that…so there you have it, I love you Kurt Hummel." Blaine finished smiling sweetly, a slight tear in his eye.

Kurt had been completely caught off guard; no way did he expect that… Blaine was in love with him. Kurt was full of emotions he was in tear's at Blaine speech and he couldn't keep the grin off his face…Blaine was in love with him.

"C-can I… kiss you?" Kurt said nervously... he had no idea where this confidence had come from but he couldn't think cognitively right now, he just had to kiss Blaine, thankfully Blaine nodded his head.

Kurt slowly moved closer to Blaine, he had never done this before– at least out of his choice. This was a big thing for Kurt, and for Blaine two as he had never kissed someone either, so he was glad Kurt was taking control, he needed Kurt to take control with this as he needed to know Kurt's feeling's even if he couldn't exactly say them out loud.

Kurt hesitantly brushed his lips over Blaine's causing the both of them to take a sharp breath in. They both pressed a few closed mouth kisses to each other's lips before both of there confidences grew.

Rolling Blaine onto his back, Kurt was now hovering over Blaine as they deepened the kiss, Kurt lightly running his tongue on Blaine's lips to ask permission to deepen the kiss which Blaine gladly gave in to.

They explored each other's mouth cautiously and slowly, really wanting to take advantage of this moment, Blaine rolled Kurt onto his back matching Kurt's kissing with his.

When they pulled back, both of them where breathless. They gazed into each other's eyes lovingly.

Kurt had sparks going off inside of him and jolts of energy were going through his body. Blaine had been so gentle with Kurt that Kurt's heart just swelled up.

"I love you too, Blaine." Kurt said looking at Blaine.

"Really?" Blaine said trying to hide the grin appearing on his face.

"Yeah, I' not as good with word's as you are but, you make me feel safe and happy and that's all I want, for someone to be there for me and to love me."

They just held each other in hoping to express everything they felt for each other in a single embrace.

"We better be heading back, It's gotten Dark."

"Do you want to come to mine? I think I should tell my dad."

"...about us? I mean… oh my god; I haven't even asked you yet…Kurt… will you do me the honour of being my boyfriend?"

"Of course I will!" Kurt said flinging his arms around Blaine neck smiling. "And actually I meant Karofsky… I think there is only so much he can handle in a day… maybe tomorrow."

"Are you sure you're ready to tell him?"

"I'll have you there, so yes." Kurt smiled at Blaine as they took each other's hands and headed to Kurt's house.

Burt had been sitting in the living room doing some paper work for the shop when Kurt walked back in to the house, Blaine following him.

He saw the nervous look on Kurt's face and instantly knew something was wrong.

"Kurt, what wrong?" he said walking into the hallway where the two boy's were.

"I have something to tell you."

"Kid, you're scaring me…what is it?"

"Can we sit down?" Burt nodded as the three of them walked into the living room, Burt sitting in his chair and Kurt and Blaine sitting on the sofa.

"What is it?" Burt said looking anxiously at his son.

Kurt looked at Blaine for confidence; Blaine gave him a small smile and nodded his head reassuringly giving Kurt the confidence he needed.

"I–I'm being bullied…"

Kurt told his dad about everything that had happened with Karofsky and how he was making his life a living hell. Kurt however didn't tell Burt about Karofsky kissing him, he didn't believe in outing people so he kept that to himself.

"Wait where has Finn been in all of this?"

"Dad, none of them knew, how could they have? I only told them yesterday."

"Yes Kurt but Finn is your step-brother, practically, so he should have been looking out for you."

"Please don't be mad at him for it, he's apologised so much to me and I forgive him, please dad?"

"Okay, but I will be having words with that principle of yours, I don't know what kind of a school he think he's running but I am going to give him a piece of my mind, that Karofsky kid too."


"Kurt, you can't stay at that school, it's not safe."

"I have no other choice, Dad."


"Yes, sir?"

"It's Burt, kid."

"Sorry, Burt."

"How much is tuition at Dalton?"

"I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I'm sure if you phone them they will be able to help you with that." Blaine said looking between Kurt and his dad unsure of what was going on.

"Dad, you can't afford it."

"Kurt now is not the time, can you go to your room, I have a phone call to make."

"Okay… Dad?"

"Yeah, son?"

"Thank you." Kurt said meaning every word of it.

"Not a problem…I should have done something sooner." He said hugging his son after which, Kurt and Blaine went up to Kurt's room.

"Well done, I am so proud of you." Blaine said to Kurt as Kurt sat on the end of his bed Blaine going over to hug him.

"Thank you; I couldn't have done that without you."

"No, it was all you. You are amazing."

"Thank you."

"I'm so happy you said yes, I don't know what I was expecting when I told you."

"Well let's not think about that, let's just think of the fact that we are together now and that we love each other."

"I like the sound of that." Blaine said placing forehead on Kurt's and playing with a bit of Kurt's hair on the nape of his neck.

Burt walks into the room a few minutes later.

"Kurt, I wanna talk to you about something…" Burt said sitting down on Kurt's bed. "I spoke with Principle Figgins on the phone and arranged to have a meeting with him tomorrow about David. I also spoke to Mr Walker at Dalton, I explained you're situation and he said that if you would like to start on Friday at Dalton, then we just have to call and arrange an appointment with him to get thing's sorted out."

"D -dad, you can't afford Dalton…"

"Kurt no worrying, please… if I couldn't manage it, I wouldn't do it okay?"

"I…I…T-thank you… dad." Kurt said hugging his dad.

"I want you to be safe."

"Love you, Dad"

"Love you too kiddo." Burt says ruffling Kurt's hair and heading back downstairs.

He doesn't say anything about the way he saw Kurt and Blaine look at each other, he doesn't need too right now, them two boy's are in love and he will talk about that with them later…and have a talk with Blaine later, right now, they need each other.

"I can't believe it!" Kurt exclaims

"I know! It's going to be amazing, you'll love it."

"Oh god, what am I going to say to everyone back at Mckinley?"

"Did you say something about having to pick a song that means a lot to you? Maybe you could tell them through that?"

"Yes! I don't know what song though…"

"We'll think of something." Blaine says placing his hand on Kurt's knee.

"I feel bad… leaving them; I mean they are my friends…"

"I know, but I'm sure they'll understand… they will realise that it's the right choice."

"It's going to be hard to say goodbye to them."

"Don't look at it like that, I mean you'll still see them out of school, so it's not goodbye, they are a part of your life and they have had an impact on you, who say's you need to say goodbye?"

"How are you so knowledagble?"

"How are you so perfect?"

"Am not."

"Are to!"

Soon, both Kurt and Blaine are snuggling up with each other watching re runs of 90210, and soon Kurt is asleep in Blaine arms.

Blaine looks as his boyfriend and smiles, not just on his mouth, but his whole being smiles. He has never felt so much love for a person before and he loved it.

He looked at how Kurt's hair was now tussled and signed at how beautiful he truly was.

He noticed the time, ten-thirty, and decided that he should really be getting home.

He went home every Tuesday to stay at his mom's, he always felt bad for leaving her so he wanted to make sure she was okay, especially with his dad on the scene again.

He wants his mom to be happy, she had been going out on a few dates with new men but none of them seemed to be the right one. Blaine was sure that someday, his mom would find someone who treated her right.

Blaine slowly moved to get up being careful not to wake Kurt up, he finds a piece of paper and jot's down a quick note for Kurt to read when he wakes up.

Dearest Kurt,

You were asleep and looked too precious so I couldn't wake you up. I just wanted to say thank you for today and for letting me tell you my feelings and for returning them.

I hope you realise that I love you so so much I don't think it's healthy, but anyway, I don't mind.

I love you and I will see you tomorrow!


PS, I'm pretty sure you'll get to dorm with me, I have no sharing mine with me so I'm pretty sure that will happen.

Blaine places the note on Kurt's nightstand and goes over to his sleeping form, crouches down beside him and moves a few stray hair's from his face.

He leans in and presses a small kiss to Kurt's lips before pulling back and whispering "Ti amo, Kurt."

Kurt smiles in his sleep as Blaine says this and Blaine just lightly touches his face and leaves his boyfriend to sleep.

Blaine walks downstairs and notices that Burt is sitting in the living room.

"You heading home kid?"

"Yeah, my mom will probably be worried."

"Alright, but c'mere a minute Blaine."

Oh god, Blaine was internally panicking, what if Burt knew already about him and Kurt… Kurt had told him that his father had a gun… oh god.

"I just want to say thank you for being there for Kurt. I know I haven't been and from what he's told me, none of his friends from school have been either, so I appreciate that you've been there for my son."

"Oh that's no problem, sir…Burt… um…"

"No need to be nervous kid, I don't bite."

'Yeah but you have a gun' Blaine said to himself.

"I know you're in love with my son too, and I want you too know that I'm fine with it. I can tell you make him happy, which is my number one priority."

"Burt… I um… I would never, ever hurt him, I swear that to you."

"And I believe you, I saw the way you look at each other, reminded me of when I was you're age, the way myself and Elizabeth used to be around each other."

"I would have loved to have met her; Kurt's told me about her, she sounds like a wonderful person."

"She was, yeah… she was a lot like Kurt, sweet and naïve, sometimes a little bitchy, but had a huge heart."

"I'm sure."

"So are you and my son 'official' or whatever it is you kids say these day's?"

"I think it would better hearing that from you're son…" Blaine nervously laughed. "I think he would like to tell you."

"Blaine, you are a part of this family now too, alright, so technically, that makes you my 'sort of' son to."

"Thank you Burt, that means a lot. And well to answer you're question, yeah. We are official." Blaine beamed.

"Okay, so yeah… hurt him, I have a gun…lalala. All that jazz." Burt laughed ruffling Blaine hair. "But in all seriousness, I'm happy for you both kid, I see that you both bring out the best in each other."

"Thank you."

"Look after him Blaine; he's sensitive, but not as fragile as he looks."

"I will, I promise."

"Go on, get home, tell you're mom I kept you, that's why you're late."

"Alright, G'night Mr Hummel."

"Night Blaine."

End Notes:

Please Review :)

Up Next: Kurt goes to see principle Figgins, Karofsky is there. Kurt say's goodbye to Mckinley, has his first day at Dalton and meet's the crazy student's, meanwhile Blaine get's a surprise visit from his dad and leaves Blaine confused.


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