Somewhere Only We Know
Chapter 5 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Somewhere Only We Know: Chapter 5

K - Words: 5,345 - Last Updated: Oct 21, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: May 28, 2012 - Updated: Oct 21, 2012
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Author's Notes: Here's the next chapter, thank you all of you who have added this to their favourites or added any alert on this.Aright, so enjoy this one, it's my longest chapter yet and I liked writing it. I was very inspired by 'Wicked' therefore explaining the choice of songs...Oh yeah, and i still don't own anything.

Chapter five.

It's now around a week and a half since Kurt's incident with Karofsky.

Not like he's counting or anything.

Kurt had woke up that morning sweaty and panting for breath after having a very vivid dream of what had happened between him and Karofsky, how his bitter, rough lips crushed his and how it had shattered everything Kurt was. It didn't make things better that Kurt hadn't seen much of Karofsky at school, It just made things worse, the fact that he was being quiet was nerving– but Kurt guessed that if he had pretty much assaulted someone, that he would keep quiet too.

Kurt reluctantly got up from bed and stretched, his muscles sore from moving around so much in his dream trying to fight the stronger boy off him, never succeeding in his struggles.

Kurt decides that he smells disgusting so he heads to a shower– gets dressed and heads downstairs to join his dad for breakfast before school.

"Morning, Dad."

"Morning kid, toast is already in the toaster for you– I figured you might be hungry."

Come to think of it, he kind of was…


"So how's school? Haven't heard you talk much lately about Glee Club, how's that going?"

Kurt stiffens– he didn't want to tell his dad what happened, the he was being bullied and that he had in fact been kissed not on his own accord.

But this was his dad. Wasn't he supposed to make things better? Kurt could never lie to him, he knew his dad would find out anyway, but he really didn't want to worry him– things had been going really well for him and Carole, Kurt had an inkling that their might be a wedding on the cards soon the way his dad had been going on, his dad was happy and he deserved that the most.

"Kurt are you okay? You look a little pale."

"I'm always pale dad– but yeah, I'm fine…I just have a…headache, yeah, just a headache, I'll take some pain killers before school and I should be fine."

"Alright." Burt said standing up to go and make himself a cup of tea, Kurt had always shook his head and roll his eyes, because tea? Really? Coffee was so much better.

Kurt hears his toast pop up so goes and takes the honey from the cupboard and spreads it onto his toast. The colour resembling an eye colour that Kurt had been coming so familiar too–

His thoughts were stopped when his phone vibrated in his pocket.

Hey! I was wondering if maybe you wanted to stay over at my house tonight, my mom's offering to cook and I think it's an offer you should take– she's a great cook ;) –B xx

Things with Blaine had been progressing. Kurt would hang out with Blaine almost every night after school, Blaine would come over to Kurt's house, which had been an interesting conversation with his dad– but was sceptical of Blaine as he was from a posh school, but, his original impression of Blaine had stopped as soon as the innocent, curly haired boy stepped into their house and called him 'Sir.'

Kurt knows that it's Friday and that they are having their infamous 'Friday Night Dinner' and that Finn and Carole will be coming, but he really wanted to go to Blaine's, just to spend time with his best friend, possible soon to be boyfriend– who knows…

Who is Kurt trying to Kid? Blaine's not interested in Kurt in that way.

Kurt had very quickly realised that he did, in fact, have a crush on Blaine and the thought that yes, maybe he could end up falling in love with him, was already implanted in Kurt's mind.

But that didn't quite explain why Blaine would text him pretty much twenty-four seven, not that Kurt was complaining at all, in fact, he loved that, he loved the way Blaine would often to hold him when needed, or how he tell Kurt how amazing he was. Kurt didn't want to get his hopes up; he had heard from the man himself that Blaine was quite a tactile person so Kurt just chose not to think too much about it.

"Hey, Dad– I was wondering if maybe it was okay for me to miss Friday night dinner tonight."

"And why is that?"

"Blaine asked if I wanted to have dinner at his– is that okay?"

"I guess its okay this once," Burt joked "– are you staying at his?"

"Well he asked if I wanted to, but only if it's okay with you."

"Of course it is," Burt's expression suddenly turned serious "– no funny business."

Kurt nearly choked on his coffee "Dad, really?"

"Just, be safe, y'know."

"Yes dad– but I'm not even dating him, so, it's fine."

"Well good." Burt laughed and Kurt joined him, he did love the way his dad always had his best intentions at heart.

Kurt quickly shot Blaine a text back.

Yes, sure, sounds good to me. What time will I come over? And I bet she is a good cook! Hey, maybe she can give me tips! –K xx

Just when you're finished school and ready– I'm sure she would love to give you cooking tips, she's dying to meet you –B xx

Oh so you talk about me a lot then? Good things I hope ;) –K xx

You wish, Hummel, you wish ;) but yeah, I've mentioned you –B xx

Alright, ill probably just text you when I'm heading over, alright? I'll text you later –K xx

Sure thing! :) –B xx

Kurt is sitting in Glee club having to put up with yet another solo by Rachel, seriously, does she need to sing every single song that had ever been written? No.

He honestly does try too understand why she gets all the solos, but honestly, it just doesn't hit him – Mercedes or Santana should have a shot they are just as good, if not better.

He decides to try and block out Rachel and once again pulls out his phone.

Lord help me, another Rachel Berry solo extravaganza, there's only so much I can take –K. xx

That sucks, to be honest; The Warblers aren't much more interesting. Im currently having a gavel being waved at me by Wes. –B xx

At least you actually get solos– aren't The Warblers sort of like 'Blaine and the pips'? – That's it, that is what you guys are getting called now. –K xx

Hey! No fair– do I not even get a choice in this? –B xx

Nope. –K xx

Im changing the subject– tonight should be fun :) –B xx

Kurt couldn't lie, he now was biting his lip from trying to not so obviously fight the huge grin that was threatening to appear on his face at this, he wasn't even sure why

Yeah, im looking forward too it! Just French to go and then I can go home! –K xx

"What are you doing tonight, lady face?" Santana said coyly from behind Kurt. He hadn't even noticed she was there.

"N-nothing, not like you care anyway."

"Jeez Hummel, sorry for invading you're life, y'know, I am your friend."

Santana being Kurt's friend? No.

"What do you want Santana? You never talk to me, so why are you bothering now?"

"Listen fancy smurf– it has become apparent to me that you are currently sexting with someone, therefore I need to know. And because believe it or not, I just wanted to talk."

"Yeah right." Kurt was getting angry, why was she even trying? She never tried to be his friend before. "Why don't you just go back to ignoring me and butt out of who I am, in fact, texting– not 'sexting' like seriously? Who does that? In fact–" Kurt said standing up out of his chair and turning to face the entire Glee club. "Why don't you all just stop pretending to care– don't you think I've noticed how you're all trying to be ever so nice– you all want something from me and it's not happening." Kurt said trying not to let tears fall.

Finn, noticing how upset Kurt was stood up and walked over to him trying to pull his almost-brother into a hug, but Kurt shoved him off.

"Kurt please, we're doing this because we care." Rachel said in a quiet voice noticing how Kurt had shoved her boyfriend off him, she needed to try and do something "You haven't been auditioning for solos or eating righ–"

"And why would that be Rachel huh? Not one of you has even bothered to ask– apart from 'Cedes."

He looked around the room at all of the new directions shocked faces, Puck looked shocked that Kurt was this angry, Tina and Mike were looking at the floor awkwardly, Quinn, Brittany and now Santana suspiciously pulling their phones out to avoid eye contact, Sam, and Artie looking guilty. He finally looked at Mercedes, Kurt wordlessly asking for her confidence to tell them all what happened. And there was that word again that Blaine had told him…


"If you all must know," Kurt continued "I …I've been g-etting bullied, quite badly…I've been pushed around, called absolutely every name under the sun and beaten up and I've just taken it–" Kurt considered maybe telling them about Karofsky kissing him, but then realised that was a ridiculous idea.

"How long?" Sam asks in the awkward silence.

"About 2 months now. And not one of you has noticed." Kurt said bitterly towards them all, not meaning it maliciously. It just hurt that they where his so called friends and they were supposed to be there for him.

"Who the hell has been doing this to you, Kurt? Why haven't you told me? I'm your brother." Finn was getting upset by it all.

Kurt thought about it…maybe he should tell them who had been doing this… he had been closing himself of to them all for so long that he just didn't want to anymore.

"Karofsky," he said looking at Finn who looked like he was about to explode with anger.

"Puck, Mike, Sam, c'mon– we're going to end this."

"Thank god, I've been dying to lay a punch on that asshole for a while" Puck said with the other two joining him and Finn to go and sort out Karofsky.

"GUYS STOP." Mr Schue shouted causing the four boys to retreat back to their seats "Violence is not the way– I understand that you want to hurt Karof–"

"He should be in prison for what he's done Mr Schue, I can't let him get away with this." Finn said obviously infuriated.

"Yes, but we aren't going to stoop to his level – this is going to be resolved properly– Kurt you need to tell Principle Figgins about this."

"No– I can't. I haven't told my dad yet." Kurt said quickly.

"Kurt, you are telling dad as soon as we get home."

"Finn I can't, okay, not yet, I will, but in my own time, please– all of you, can we keep this in the choir room?" they all shook their heads in agreement.

"Kurt I'm sorry, we should have been there for you." Quinn said, finally speaking up.

"It's fine– I realise that I probably should have told you guy's about it sooner, but I couldn't." Kurt said finally calming down, it felt so much better getting this all off his chest.

"I know, but we just let you go thorough this all on your own." Tina said softly.

"I haven't been alone– well, I was, but I told Mercedes and I have Blaine now–"

"Who's Blaine?" Finn suddenly snapped his head up comically at the sound of his brother confiding in another male.

"He goes to Dalton Academy and he understands me, he was also bullied at his old school."

"I knew you were sexting before," Santana smirks

"Please Santana, I was not and you know it."


"Can we please just stop pretending that this is okay?" Rachel said standing up "Kurt, They are our competition for sectionals."

"Yes Rachel I do know."

The bell ring's signalling the end of the lesson.

"Guy's I appreciate you're concern and I'm sorry for not telling you guy's and for being so uptight about it all."

"We love you my little dolphin." Brittany said as they all gathered in a group hug before all going their separate ways for their next class, Kurt being French.

French had been fun, he and Tina had spent the time chatting about Lady Gaga's latest fashion statement, Kurt really had missed Tina, she had been a good friend to him in his sophomore year, and she started asking him questions about Blaine and Kurt quite happily told her about what he and Blaine go up too and how he was crushing on him, quite badly. but still, nothing would stop Kurt from wishing school to end and when it did, he practically ran out the classroom to his car and raced home.

In his car he had turned the radio on and plugged his Iphone into his navigator's sound system and clicked on his first play list.

He grinned when he heard the first lines of Defying Gravity and started singing softly in perfect tune with Idina Menzel herself before really projecting his voice.

So if you care to find me

Look to the western sky!

As someone told me lately:

Everyone deserves the chance to fly!

And if I'm flying solo

At least I'm flying free

To those who'd ground me

Take a message back from me.

Tell them how I am Defying gravity

I'm flying high, defying gravity!

And soon I'll match them in renown.

Kurt quickly caught his breath before singing the next part– this time he was definitely going to hit that high F.

And nobody, in all of Oz,

No wizard that there is or was,

Is ever gunna…





'Perfect.' Kurt thought to himself, he did feel rather pleased with himself and that felt good, he hadn't felt good about himself in a long time, but thing's were changing and this was positively affecting Kurt.

Kurt eventually parks his navigator outside his house, making sure he had everything from his car and heads inside; his dad should be in by now.

"Hey dad!" Kurt called as he opened the front door to the house and placing his key's on the side table in the hall.

"Hey, I'm in the living room." Burt calls in return so Kurt follows the voice. Burt notices how his son is happy and…springy? "You're in a good mood."

"Yeah, just a good day at school that's all, how was work?"

"Ah y'know the usual, busy. Some guy came in with a Chevy trying to tell me his breaks were faulty but he was just trying to get one over on me, that's all the drama you've missed."

"I miss it." Kurt laughed, he used to work with his dad in the shop when he needed but at the minute he was busy with his studies so didn't have time for it, he sort of felt guilty about that, but he knew his dad would understand, besides, he has Finn to help him now when needed.

"What time are you going over to Blaine's?" Burt asked switching the TV over to some football match.

"Oh he said just whenever, so I was thinking just picking up my stuff before going over."

"Alright, well, better go and get sorted, we all know how long that can take."

"Your funny dad, real funny." Kurt said sarcastically.

"You love it." His dad said as Kurt was now making his way up to his room to get a couple of things. He shoved his Journal, PJ's and other fresh clothes and underwear that he will need for the morning and grabbed his toothbrush and hairspray from the bath room before running downstairs.

"I'm going now." Kurt said as he walked back to were he left his dad watching the game.

"Wow, record timing."

"Bye dad." Kurt said as he kissed his dad on the head and headed out of the house, bumping into Carole and Finn as they were coming in.

"Hey sweetheart." Carole said hugging Kurt upon seeing him.

"Hey Carole, bye Carole."

"Bye honey."

"Kurt can we talk?" Finn asked taking a hold of Kurt's arm lightly.

"Not now Finn, I'm going out, please don't say anything to dad, okay?"

Finn looked at Kurt for a moment, but then agreed to not tell Burt, it wasn't his story to tell, and so long as he was going to be there for Kurt now, then that's what mattered, Kurt would do this in his own time.


"Thank you, can I go now?"

"Yes– hang on, where are you going?"


"So im stuck here with mom and Burt?"

"Yup. Have fun!" Kurt called as he left the house and drove to Blaine's house.

As Kurt pulled up outside Blaine's house his mouth fell open.

Blaine's house was beautiful.

Well, of course it was, it was what Kurt had been expecting, but it was so much more at the same time.

The slate roof contrasted the light brickwork; Kurt could make out at least three floors to this beautiful building, the windows where huge and let in plenty of light into the house.

It had ivy growing up the side of the house, making the modern styling of the house look very traditional, it had tree's down one side keeping it secluded but not so much in a way that it was shut off.

Kurt could see a balcony on the right hand side of the house and Kurt wondered if that was Blaine's room.

As Kurt walked up the pathway leading to the black front door that had the number '74' on it with silver swirls, he noticed that the garden was well kept, Blaine's mom, must like to garden.

He knocks tentivly on the door and wait's patiently for it to open.

A woman in her late 30's appears at the door and instantly had a very friendly smile on her face. She has long dark hair and tanned skin, she also has those warm honey coloured eyes that reminded Kurt of someone else's eyes who were that colour–

"You must be Kurt," She say's smiling. "Im Isabelle, Blaine's mom."

"Hi Mrs, Erm…" Kurt isn't too sure what to say, he remembered Blaine telling him about his parent's divorcing so he was hesitant.

"Please Kurt, Isabelle is fine." The woman laughs "Come in," she gestures the action "He's in his room, I'll just shout on him– BLAINE ANDERSON GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE NOW." She shouts and Kurt is intimidated by her, but then she smiles and winks and knows she's just kidding.

"WOAH! MOMMA, WHERE'S THE FIR–…Hey, Kurt." Blaine says suddenly feeling embarrassed and rubs his hand on the back of his neck, but is smiling upon seeing Kurt.

"Hi." Kurt smiled. This was the first time he had seen Blaine out of his blazer and slacks. He was wearing dark denim jeans, a black and white stripy v-neck and a burgundy cardigan. His hair had broken free of the layer of gel that was usually applied. Kurt unintentionally licked his lips.

"Well I'll get started on dinner– it could take a while." Isabelle said smiling between the two boys.

Kurt then follows Blaine up the staircase and too what is presumably his room.

As Kurt walks in he immediately giggles to himself as he looks around the room. There is wooden flooring with a huge expensive looking rug with his walls covered floor to ceiling in posters of different bands and pictures of Blaine and his friends– presumably The Warblers, perfectly aligned and very well organised. There were a few pictures of Blaine and his family, his mom and his grandparent's. It was like his very own scrap book. The fact their was no pictures of his father was quite startling, he never thought that Blaine wanted to cut him out of his life, but obviously thing's had happened that made him feel that way, he couldn't blame him after all.

Kurt also noticed that he had been right about the balcony leading off of Blaine's room as he saw the French door's.

In the corner of the room there stood a guitar, Kurt had no idea that Blaine played, he smiled because now that he thought about it– that would explain why Blaine's finger's looked rough.

"I didn't know you played." Kurt said walking over to the obviously well used guitar.

"Yeah, I've been playing for a couple of year's now. It's what I do when I'm not being a Warbler." Blaine explained as he ran his fingers over the strings.

"Oh so you do have another side to you?" Kurt joked.

"Doesn't everyone? – I like to think of it as my escape from the madness that is Dalton Academy."

"I guess everyone does have an escape yeah."

"What do you want to do? We could play the Xbox?" Kurt shook his head in disagreement. "Nah didn't think so. We could watch a movie?"

"Sounds good." Kurt beamed.

"You better be a fan of Disney. If you're not you can get out of my house."

"I love Disney."

"Well then by all means, stay."

Kurt walked over to where Blaine was looking at his selection of films; Kurt scanned the variety of DVD's to choose from, one catching his eye. Cinderella.

"Oh my gosh! I have not seen this in like forever." Kurt said pointing to the film.

Blaine grinned "Cinderella it is then." He said taking the DVD out of the case and putting it in the DVD player.

While the movie was playing the opening titles, Blaine had decided to make a sort of bed on the floor out of duvets and blankets and pillow's and the two boy's quickly got settled and got comfy as the movie started.

By the end of the movie, Blaine was silently crying.

"Blaine, what's the matter?"

"It's just– why are they so mean to Cinderella? She's so nice to everybody, always trying to please them."

Kurt normally would have burst out laughing seeing the sight of a 16, nearly 17 year old boy crying at a Disney film, but the sincerity in Blaine's voice stopped him.

"Because not everyone in the world is nice?" Was all he could offer.

"At least the mice are her friends, and her fairy god mother– she gets what she deserves in the end…happiness."

"Isn't that the general theme of Disney? That good always succeeds?" Kurt mocked.

"Shhh." Blaine said trying to narrow his eyes but the smile gave it all away.

Kurt's attention was taken by the guitar, Kurt really did want to hear Blaine play, and he really wanted to hear him sing again, after hearing The Warblers sing Teenage Dream, hearing Blaine sing again was something Kurt was looking forward too.

"Do you want me to play something?" Blaine asked seeing Kurt eyeing up his guitar.

"Yes!" Kurt said a bit too enthusiastically but Blaine just picked up the guitar and sat back down next to Kurt twiddling the string's thinking of something to play.

"Your favourite musical is Wicked, right?"


"Okay, bare with be…" Blaine said before he started playing the opening lines of 'For Good.' Kurt was in heaven, he had no idea how Blaine was managing to play this on guitar, but heck was it amazing. Blaine started singing…

I'm limited,

Just look at me – I'm limited

And just look at you

You can do all I couldn't do, Kurt.

So now it's up to you

For both of us - now it's up to you...

Kurt's heart jumped when Blaine said his name, obviously changing the lyrics to suit the two of them.

"Come on, join in." Blaine said smiling.

"I can't."

"C'mon, I know you love this song so I'm not taking no for an answer." Blaine pleaded still strumming his guitar so Kurt cleared his throat and began to take the role of 'Glinda.'

I've heard it said

That people come into our lives for a reason.

Bringing something we must learn

And we are led

To those who help us most to grow

If we let them

And we help them in return

Well, I don't know if I believe that's true

But I know I'm who I am today

Because I knew you...

Blaine just smiled at Kurt, this was the first time he had heard the boy sing and his voice was just angelic and so sincere and just perfect, but Blaine hadn't expected anything less than that. He gestured to Kurt to carry on singing.

Like a comet pulled from orbit,

As it passes a sun.

Like a stream that meets a boulder,

Halfway through the wood.

Who can say if I've been changed for the better?

Because I knew you,

I have been changed for good.

Kurt couldn't mean that line any more if he tried, Blaine really had helped Kurt in so many way in the short time they had known each other, he had gained courage and faced up to Karofsky and told his friends, he had just yet to tell his dad. Blaine continued with the song…

It well may be,

That we will never meet again in this lifetime.

So let me say before we part

So much of me is made of what I learned from you.

You'll be with me like a handprint on my heart

And now whatever way our stories end,

I know you have re-written mine by being my friend...

This was also entirely true for Blaine; he knew that whatever happened between him and Kurt that they were friends, he knew that if he ever needed Kurt, he would be there, so Blaine was going to do the same for Kurt. He continued singing and playing his guitar.

Like a ship blown from its mooring,

By a wind off the sea.

Like a seed dropped by a sky bird,

In a distant wood.

Who can say if I've been changed for the better?

But because i knew you

Kurt smiled at Blaine before singing the next line.

Because I knew you…

They both sang the next line in unison.

I have been changed for good.

Both boy's took a sharp intake of breath at how well their voices blended together and created the perfect harmonies. Blaine continued.

And just to clear the air

I ask forgiveness

For the things I've done you blame me for

And Kurt followed on really getting into the song, he loved that he and Blaine were just singing perfectly together, nothing practised, this was just completely raw.

But then, I guess we know

There's blame to share…

Their voices once again coming together and the way they sounded sent chills down both boys' bodies.

And none of it seems to matter anymore…

Like a comet pulled from orbit as it passes a sun,

(Like a ship blown from its mooring)

Like a stream that meets a boulder

(By a wind off the sea)

Halfway through the wood

(Like a seed dropped by a bird in the wood)

Kurt took the higher melody for the next part as it was more suited to his voice and Blaine taking the lower, wordlessly coming up with this arrangement.

Who can say if I've been changed for the better?

I do believe i have been changed for the better.

Kurt sang sweetly and softly

And because I knew you…

Blaine following his example.

Because I knew you…

They both harmonised again for the ending, Blaine picking away at his guitar string's.

Because I knew you...

I have been changed for good...

They both smiled at each other once again, they seemed to be doing that a lot, but they couldn't help it, singing together made them both so happy.

"You have an amazing voice." Blaine stated putting his guitar back in its place.

"Thank you, but I'm not as good as you."

"Are you kidding? You're amazing, one thousand times better than me."

They were interrupted by a knock on Blaine's bedroom door shortly followed by Blaine's mom appearing at it.

"Dinner's ready." She smiled. Noticing how the two of them were looking at each other, she had been listening two the two of them singing and her heart immediately swelled. Her boy was in love.

"Okay mom." Blaine said snapping out of his loved-up haze and they all went downstairs to go and eat.

"Oh my god," Kurt said tucking into the pasta dish Isabelle had made "This is amazing."

"Thank you." She replied

"I told you she was a good cook." Blaine said stuffing a fork full of food into his mouth.

"Seriously, this is amazing, is it your own recipe?"

"It's my grand-mothers, it's been passed down. I guess the Italian blood in me helps to cook a lot." She laughed.

That's when it all clicked for Kurt, he knew their was something about the Anderson's, he could tell from Blaine's olive skin and dark hair now– of course he was part Italian.

"Blaine can speak Italian y'know." Isabelle added.

"Mom shut up, no I can not."

"He can. Fluently."

"Well this is something I gotta hear!"

"No you really don't." Blaine said with a blush growing on his face.

Kurt took the sign and he would try and bug Blaine to speak Italian to him some other time, he really did want to hear it. What if he can sing in Italian? Wow.

Once they have finished eating they go back upstairs and decide to put on another film, Harry potter and the goblet of fire to be exact, and soon enough they were cuddled up on Blaine's bed with their pyjamas on watching Harry try to solve the mysteries and clues for the tri-wizard cup. They aren't sure when they ended up cuddling each other, but it just felt right.

Blaine had his arms safely around Kurt's waist and Kurt's head leaning on Blaine's shoulder. Blaine feeling the heat of Kurt's hand warm him up, they ended up falling asleep at this.

Around the part where Harry is battling the dragon, Blaine jumps up at the loud noise from the television. Luckily not waking Kurt up.

He notices that they are both still onto of the cover's so Blaine silently slips out of bed and grabs the large blanket from their make-shift bed from before and pulling it over the top of the two of them.

He looks at Kurt sleeping and had the urge to kiss Kurt, but after what happened with Karofsky, Blaine doesn't want to risk anything, so instead, he places a soft kiss on his forehead and falls back to sleep again.

The next morning the two boy's had woken up still in each other's arms, not saying anything about it, they didn't need to.

They had breakfast and went back upstairs, Blaine getting ready while Kurt was in a shower.

Once he was ready he went downstairs to find his mom sitting at the table in the kitchen sipping away at a coffee.

"Morning sweetie."

"Morning." Blaine moaned as he still hadn't fully woken up.

After a few minutes of silence Blaine's mom asked.

"So what's going on with you and Kurt?"

"WHAT! N-nothing is going on, what do you mean?"

"Blaine, honey, I can tell a mile off that you're head over heals for him."

"I am not."

"Are too." Isabelle childishly replied.

"Fine. But he doesn't feel the same, so no need to get excited." Blaine said with sadness filling his voice.

"Hurm." Isabelle responded, she however, had a very different opinion as to Kurt's feelings towards her son. Blaine really was oblivious at times.

At that moment Kurt came downstairs fully dressed and came into the kitchen.

"Morning Kurt." Isabelle said in a cheery voice.


"Ah, not a morning boy either, huh?"

"Not so much, no." he laughed. "Well I'm going to head home; my dad called and asked if I wanted to help him out down at the shop. Apparently Finn can't help today."

"Oh okay, I'll see you out." Blaine said as he led Kurt to the door and opened it for him.

"Bye Kurt!" Isabelle called from the kitchen.

"Bye," he called to Blaine mom before turning back to Blaine. "I had a nice time, thanks for having me over."

"The pleasure is all mine, feel free to come back any time you wish." Blaine said pulling the taller boy into a tight hug before letting him go and watched as Kurt drove away in his car.

Blaine closed the door and went back upstairs to go an switch his laptop on to attempt some homework.

As he walked in, he saw a black book lying open on the floor, he went to investigate and picked it up without thinking and turned it over to the page it was lying open on, he started to read and then slapped his hand over his mouth.

This was Kurt's Journal.

He immediately closed it and put it on his desk ready to give back to Kurt next time he saw him. He had read about how Kurt felt when Karofsky forced himself onto Kurt, and about how Kurt could trust him but he thing that stuck out to Blaine was 'I guess the main reason that I'm so upset about all of this was because before today, I had never been kissed.'

Blaine was taken by surprise, he had expected someone as good looking as Kurt to have been kissed before that, surely.

Then an idea came to Blaine's mind.

He would Kiss Kurt.

Blaine smiled as plans and idea's begun to form in his head.

End Notes:

Please Review :)


-Defying Gravity- Wicked

-For Good- Wicked

Up next: Kurt finds out he has left something important atBlaine's, WillBlainego through with his plan? How will Kurt react? Will Kurt finally tell his dad? Will Kurt stay at McKinley?


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