Oct. 21, 2012, 12:52 p.m.
Oct. 21, 2012, 12:52 p.m.
Chapter two.
Kurt flickers his eyes open the next morning, he gives a small moan before turning to lie on his back to rest for a little while before he is even thinking about getting ready.
His face is soar from crying last night- about how lonely he is, he just needs somebody who understands him.
Kurt suddenly starts to panic- his face is soar- which means only one thing is Kurt’s mind.
He forgot to do his daily skin care routine.
He gets up out of bed and makes his way to his en-suite bathroom to start the tedious task of the skin routine.
As he is applying some cream that Kurt doesn’t really care about at this moment in time, he is just rubbing and rubbing the cream more into his face, but it’s no use, it’s not making him feel normal, not enough skin products will help him right now, so Kurt gives up with that.
It doesn’t matter anyway, nobody will notice.
Kurt makes his was downstairs after getting dressed and attempting to coiff his hair the way he normally does, but it somehow just doesn’t seem right.
He sits down at the table in the kitchen and sips away at his coffee that he previously made.
“Hey, Kurt.” His dad say’s as he enters the kitchen.
“Mornin’, dad.”
“Listen, I gotta run off to the shop, an emergency repair is needed, so I’ll see you tonight?”
“Yeah, sure…see you tonight.”
“Are you alright, Kiddo?” Burt asks his voice concerned.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just tired.” Kurt hoped that this would be convincing enough.
“All right.” Burt says simply “I would ruffle you’re hair up, but I know you’d kill me.”
“Nah-Uh, nobody touches the hair.”
Kurt is quite pleased with how, when needed; he can act okay when he really isn’t, maybe he isn’t acting with his dad though, maybe his dad just makes things seem easier…who knows.
“Right, I’ll see you tonight then, bye, Kurt.”
“Bye, Dad.”
Kurt decides to put some bread in the toaster, his stomach has just growled loudly, so he must be hungry.
As he’s waiting for the toast to pop up, he starts to think about how much he and his dad have bonded since he told him that he was in fact gay. It had been a scary thing to admit it, but Kurt knew he had to.
He admires his dad a lot, it wasn’t easy for Burt to deal with the fact that he had a gay son, and Kurt knew that, but he had, and he was accepting of it, Kurt couldn’t ask for a better father, he was lucky that way.
He knew that it would have been tough for Burt because of the fact that he had lost his wife, Kurt’s mother, about how heart broken he was when he found out that she had passed away, this though suddenly sent a shot of guilt up through Kurt, he was selfish. He felt awful about those thoughts that he had shared in his journal last night, he couldn’t leave his dad to be all alone, he couldn’t have his dad lose not only a wife, but a son as well, he couldn’t do that, Kurt and his dad were best friends, and then Kurt also feels guilty for not telling his dad about Karfosky.
He bangs his head off the table n frustration and hears the toaster pop up, so gets the Nutella out of the cupboard, yes; Kurt was eating chocolate, and spread it on his toast.
In English, Kurt doesn’t really listen to a word that Ms Thomas, his teacher, is going on about, he can’t concentrate, being at school makes him paranoid about Karfosky, he could just be waiting for Kurt anywhere, ready to shove him into more lockers, to beat him up.
The bell rings and Kurt heads straight to Glee Club, even though he wasn’t enjoying it, or really talking to anyone there, he still felt a sense of security, which was the only reason Kurt still went.
“Okay, guy’s…split of into you’re groups and let’s talk about ideas for you’re mash-up’s. Go.” Mr Schue ordered, and so everyone did as told, the girls went to find some free classroom and the boy’s stayed put in the choir room.
Kurt once again, just sat in silence fidgeting in his chair, fiddling with his thumbs and chewing the inside of his lip.
Kurt wasn’t sure how long he must have been doing this but suddenly he heard Artie’s voice.
“-Earth to Kurt, Hello?”
“Huh? Sorry I um- spaced out.”
“We were just asking if you have any ideas for our mash-up.”
Now ideas, Kurt had plenty of those, he practically spent all of his time doing this sort of thing, and he was experience in singing girls songs, so this, Kurt could do.
“Um- Yeah sure.” Kurt said getting out of his chair and going to the front of the class, he started to quickly draw sketches and write notes around them on the board Mr Schue had provided.
“So, I propose that we do a song by Ms Whitney herself, and then of course there will be feather boas-”
“Hold up a minute” Artie interrupted, and Kurt just looked at him expectantly “That’s exactly what they will be expecting from you…dresses and feather boas.”
“Okay, who said anything about a dress?” Kurt said exasperated.
“I think what Artie’s trying to sat Kurt, is that, maybe it’s not the best idea…with the feathers…and the…” Finn said walking towards him.
This shocked Kurt, he though Finn would maybe not get him exactly, but certainly not shoot his ideas down like that, since his mom was dating his dad.
“Fine, I’ll go sit down.”
“Kurt, look, I didn’t mean-”
“Save it, Finn.” Kurt said sitting back down in his chair.
“Why don’t you go and make yourself useful.” Puck says throwing a piece of paper at Mike, but looking at Kurt, so Kurt presumed he was talking to him. “Why don’t you go and check out our sectionals competition, the garblers.”
“You mean The Warblers, Noah.” Kurt scoffed
Kurt had heard of the Warblers before, of course when Mr Schue told them their competition for sectionals, but Kurt had even heard of them before that, he had check out a few of their video’s on youtube, they were amazing, their a capella dreamy harmonies where enough to make any body swoon.
Kurt has an idea.
Since he was just getting crap at Mckinley, it wouldn’t hurt to maybe go and check out new schools, right? After all, nobody cared for Kurt here, not anymore.
Noah Puckerman had just given him the perfect opportunity, Kurt would pretend to be a spy, pretending to be a new kid, when really he was just checking out the school, nobody would know any different.
Kurt has heard that the school, Dalton Academy, has a no bullying policy and it is in force, so he decides to do as he is told, go and check out The Warblers.
“Fine.” Kurt says picking up his bag and leaving, he didn’t care that he was just skipping school, to be quite frank; he only had a social studies lesson after this so he could miss at least one lesson.
Looking at Dalton Academy, was like a huge breath of fresh air to Kurt, the exterior of the large, grand building made the place look more like a country manor than a school, the red bricks and the glass dome really made the place look appealing, Kurt appreciated the tranquillity of the building, but who was he kidding, he saw it was a private school, the place must cost a fortune in tuition fee’s, his dad would never pay extortionate amounts for this, but still, it was nice to dream.
The interior of the building surprises Kurt even more; the place looked even bigger from inside, which at first seemed impossible, but some how it managed.
The marble floor, the velvet drapes that hung from the large windows with the gold tassels wrapped around them practically screamed wealth, it all seemed like a huge wonderland to Kurt. There where chairs dotted around and the hanging chandeliers really added to it.
Kurt had somehow ended up going up some stairs at some point, the place was huge so Kurt had gotten lost, soon enough he found himself at the top of yet another staircase, marble of course. He looks up and sees the large glass dome that he remembered from seeing outside, it seems so much more beautiful than it did from there.
He took a deep breath and started to walk down the stairs. A bell signals for the end of a class presumably and Kurt is very soon, surrounded by a sea of people in navy blue blazers with red piping and grey slacks- So they have a uniform. Kurt is suddenly aware that he must look like a total outsider, here he is in his dark grey Mark Jacobs coat, not fitting in.
As he got nearer the bottom of the stairs, he looked up and saw the back of a curly haired boy, who was wearing far too much gel in it, Kurt decided.
Kurt tapped his shoulder and the shorter boy turns around, closing what looks like a pocket watch? ‘What era is he from?’ Kurt thinks to himself, but the boy flashes him this smile that would honestly just light up a whole room- this boy is absolutely gorgeous, his dark gelled hair really honestly suited him, much to Kurt’s conscience telling him that gel was wrong. His amber eyes where friendly, they had flickers of gold in that that just made Kurt so intrigued- Kurt then realises he’s staring.
“I’m Kurt, I’m new here.” He says after shaking his head to snap back into some sort of reality.
“Blaine.” The boy says sticking his and out for Kurt shake. “Blaine Anderson.” He smiles
Kurt looks at the hand, takes it and shakes it.
“So…what’s going on?” Kurt gestures around to the mob of people who all seemed to be going to the same place.
“Oh…The Warblers are giving an impromptu performance.” Blaine says smiling at him again.
“So…Glee Club, is…kind of…cool, here?”
“The Warblers are like…rock stars.” Blaine says enthusiastically “C’mon, you’ll love it…I know a short cut.” Blaine grabs Kurt’s hand and leads him down a corridor to the left.
To Kurt, it felt like one of those scenes from a horribly tacky rom com that would be in slow motion, he was running down the corridor with Blaine and although he usually would find this cheesy, he was secretly loving, being whisked off his feet, so to speak.
Sure enough, they arrived at the room where everyone had been heading. He stood in the doorway noticing the blazers once again.
“I stick out like a soar thumb.” Kurt laughed turning to Blaine.
“Well then next time don’t forget you’re jacket, new kid.” He said taking off his bag and placing it next to Kurt, before joining the Warblers as they start to hum a familiar tune.
You think I’m pretty, without any make-up on,
You think I’m funny, when I tell the punch line wrong,
I know you get me.
So I let my walls come down, down.
Now under any normal circumstances, Kurt would normally scoff and roll his eyes at anyone sang Katy Perry, but Blaine’s voice was just dreamy.
Before you met me, I was a wreck,
But things were kinda heavy,
You brought me to live, now every February,
You’ll be my valentine, valentine.
Let’s go all, the way tonight,
No regrets, just love,
We can dance, until we die,
You and I,
We’ll be young forever.
Kurt was smiling like an idiot, he couldn’t help it, The Warblers were just simply amazing, the way they harmonised with each other really paid off, as the group of boy’s sang into the chorus, Kurt really couldn’t keep that smile off his face.
You make me; feel like I’m living a teenage dream,
The way you turn me on,
I can’t sleep,
Let’s runaway and don’t ever look back,
Don’t ever look back,
And now Blaine was looking at Kurt and smiling as he sung, Kurt had quickly forgotten that he had insulted Katy just yesterday in the car, he now liked Katy Perry.
My heart stops, when you look at me,
Just one touch, now baby I believe,
This is real,
So take a chance,
And don’t ever look back, don’t ever look back.
We drove to Cali, and got drunk on the beach,
Got a motel and built a floor out of sheet’s
I finally found you, my missing puzzle piece,
I’m complete.
Kurt was transfixed by Blaine, he really was a very good looking boy, probably the most beautiful boy Kurt had ever seen, and the fact that he was still looking at Kurt as he sang, was just causing Kurt’s emotions to go jump around everywhere- rather like Cornish pixies.
Let’s go all, the way tonight,
No regrets, just love,
We can dance, until we die,
You and I,
We’ll be young forever.
You make me; feel like I’m living a teenaged dream,
The way you turn me on,
I can’t sleep,
Let’s runaway and don’t ever look back,
Don’t ever look back,
My heart stops, when you look at me,
Just one touch, now baby I believe,
This is real,
So take a chance,
And don’t ever look back, don’t ever look back.
Kurt was just in owe at The Warblers, they where honestly spectacular.
I’ma get you’re heart racing, in my skin-tight jeans,
Be you’re teenage dream, tonight
Let you put you’re hands on me in my skin-tight jeans,
Be you’re teenage, tonight.
You make me; feel like I’m living a teenage dream,
The way you turn me on,
I can’t sleep,
Let’s runaway and don’t ever look back,
Don’t ever look back
My heart stops, when you look at me,
Just one touch, now baby I believe,
This is real,
So take a chance,
And don’t ever look back, don’t ever look back.
I’ma get you’re heart racing, in my skin-tight jeans,
Be you’re teenage dream, tonight
Let you put you’re hands on me in my skin-tight jeans,
Be you’re teenage, tonight.
As the a capella group finished their last notes, everyone body in the room burst out in applause for them. So Kurt joined them, applauding their magnificent arrangement, he was very different, but Kurt liked it.
He saw Blaine walk over to him with a small smile on his face and stood in front of Kurt picking up his bag he had put down before.
“So, what did you think?” the shorter boy said rather breathless from the singing.
“You were spectacular!” Kurt exclaimed, hoping that Blaine hadn’t picked up on Kurt’s emphasis on ‘You’
Blaine grinned “Thank you.” he said looking rather uncomfortable.
Okay, so he’s drop dead gorgeous, and modest, could he possibly get any more perfect?
“So, um, are you going to be boarding here or…?”
“Huh, what?”
“Well you have the choice, you can either board at Dalton, or…not.”
Oh that.
“I think I’ll just be at home actually, tuition must be steep enough- for my dad, that is.”
“Oh right, yeah, of course, um do you want to maybe hang out somewhere? I could give you a tour if you wanted?”
“Yeah, that sounds great actually.”
So for the next hour Blaine escorts Kurt around this magnificent building, it has just about everything, the library, Kurt could see himself getting lost in books for days, outside they had little winding paths that lead you to different smaller building from the main, Kurt presumed that these must be the dorm building or something, there were tree’s that surrounded the school, secluding it off from the outside world, not in a isolation kind of way, but in a good way.
Kurt could easily see himself getting quite comfortable here.
Kurt actually had a lot in common with Blaine too, they both shared an interest in musicals, Kurt’s obviously being wicked, where Blaine’s was Rent.
They also shared a similar interest in ‘Teen Vogue’ magazine, and Blaine had told him that he also loved fashion, although, he admitted to not being able to string an outfit together ‘That’s why I like the uniform, saves people’s eyes from burning’ Blaine had said.
Kurt and Blaine just got lost in conversations about absolutely nothing, and that came very easily to the pair, they had only just met, but Kurt really enjoyed spending time with Blaine, it would distract him from what happened at the other place.
“God, it’s late.” Blaine says checking is pocket watch again.
“Seriously, what era are you from?” Kurt laughed
“Oh, not you too, Wes and David always torment me for that, It was actually my grandfathers; it got given to me when he passed away.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, I lost my mom when I was seven.”
“Oh, Kurt.” Blaine said giving him a hug that made Kurt’s heart flutter as if it where bursting with butterflies. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” He said coming out from the hug “It was years ago.” Kurt smiled at him, and Blaine seemed to have gotten the message.
“Do you want my number?” Blaine spoke out rubbing the back of his neck “Y’know in case you get lost or anything.”
“Yeah, sure.” Kurt said getting his phone out and getting his number up for Blaine to tap into his phone, and vice versa. “Thanks.”
“Hm? What for?”
“For um, showing me around, thanks.”
“No Problem.” Blaine smiled softly “I’ll see you around then, Kurt.”
“Yeah, see you around, Blaine.” Which both boys hugged once more before Kurt returned to his car to drive home.
Once he’s home, once again he helps his dad with dinner and watches TV before going up stairs to bed as he was tired and it was getting quite late.
Before slipping out of consciousness and going to sleep, Kurt jotted something down in his journal.
Dear journal.
Today was better, I met a boy named Blaine Anderson, he seems nice, he has an incredible singing voice.
He showed me around Dalton Academy, I feel bad for lying to him about being new there, but what can I do?
I think I might like Katy Perry.