Somewhere Only We Know
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Somewhere Only We Know: Chapter 10

K - Words: 4,681 - Last Updated: Oct 21, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: May 28, 2012 - Updated: Oct 21, 2012
481 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hello wonderful world of fanficton *waves*

Thank you all for reading this :)

I know i have already asked, but i would literally cry and love you forever if someone was kind enough to do some fanart for this. Please, get in touch with me if you would like too :)

Here is chapter 10 :D

Oh and... Ryan Murphy still has all rights to characters and known locations. Dammit

Dear Journal,

James Sutherland, the complete oath, is scaring me. Blaine has been telling me that I shouldn't worry about him, that I'm wasting my time, but I just can't help it. I found out that James used to have complete control over Blaine. He stopped him from seeing and talking to his friends and that James used to make Blaine follow him everywhere. It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that James used to violent towards him, though Blaine would never tell me if he was. I don't even want to think of that so in a way I'm glad he hasn't told me, but, I also would like to know what went on. I am worrying all of the time. The kid id nothing short of a complete psychopath and should really be locked up. I love Blaine so much; I don't want to loose him over someone as pathetic as James Sutherland.

Also, I found out recently that Karofsky has transferred schools. Nobody knows as of yet where he is. Some people have said that he has moved town, some say he has moved city's… I even heard that he is now living in England, which I find completely ridiculous and I highly doubt it. I just pray that he isn't making some other innocent person's life a living hell and that he has finally saw some sense. Maybe he came out? Who knows…?

Blaine's father also wants to meet me. I didn't even know that Blaine had told him that he had a boyfriend, so that was a bit of a shock when Blaine asked me. I'm really very nervous about meeting him. Yes, because of the obvious. I am meeting my boyfriend's father, but mostly because of his past with gay people. Blaine has assured me that he has changed and I believe him. Blaine has been going out with his dad and Cooper more often which I guess is some reassurance, but I guess it will always be at the back of my head as I'm sure it is in Blaine's. I'm actually really happy for him. He is over the moon that he is spending time with his dad and it makes me happy.

Seeing the girls from McKinley at the Lima bean the other day really made me miss them. We have our weekly meet up's, as well as the guy's from glee club. I really do miss them all. I know that if I where to go back there now I would be safe. But my heart is at Dalton. Blaine is here and I would miss him more. It would be weird to not wake up in the same room as him… okay… most of the time same bed, but I'll not tell dad about that one. I would also miss everyone here at Dalton, even the twins! They have all made me feel so welcome here and I really love being a Warbler… Blaine was right… being one is like being a rockstar here. I would probably even miss Pavarotti, who is still surviving and singing beautifully.

Anyway, I must go. Blaine is getting impatient like a puppy and wants to watch Lady and the Tramp and however much I love him, it get's annoying after half an hour.


Kurt was washing his hands in the bathroom. He was currently in an English lesson and if Kurt was honest, the only thing holding his interest in that lesson was Blaine. He liked going to English for this reason.

As the water was running over Kurt's hands he heard the bathroom door opened. His face dropped when he saw who it was standing there with a stupid cocky smile on his face.

"What do you want, James?" Kurt snarls. He just seemed to appear everywhere he could.

James just smiles at Kurt innocently. "Now, now, don't be like that Kurt… Frowning gives you wrinkles. And we wouldn't want that on such a pretty face now, would we?"

Kurt get's a paper towel and dries his hands and throws it in the bin and tries to exit the bathroom, but James stood in Kurt's way stopping him from doing so.

"Let me past." Kurt said as politely as he could considering who it was.

"How is Blainers?"

"He's fine." Kurt said slowly. "Can I go now?"

"What's the rush?"

"I have class." Kurt deadpanned.

"I just want to have a chat, Kurt."

"Yeah well I don't want to chat with you. Now if you'll excuse me." Kurt said, but James blocked him again.

"That's a shame…" The taller boy said. "Blaine used to like having conversations with me…"

Kurt was about to just punch James. But he couldn't be violent. He just couldn't. He had too many morals and James wasn't worth it. He took a few breathes to calm down.

"Why are you doing this?" Kurt asked trying to get a straight answer out of him.

"Because, your sweetheart, is made for me, not you. But you both fail to get that into your heads."

"No James, you see, Blaine and I are in love. Do you know what that means? …That we don't use mind tricks to mess with each others heads okay? Got it? Good." Kurt said getting very bitchy.

"No, he just thinks he is. He loves me and I love him."

"Yeah right. Like you even know how to love someone…"

"Ouch, I'm offended." James mocked. "…You'll be surprised."

"Oh my god! Just stop this. He doesn't love you! How many times do we have to say this..." Kurt cried.

"He does."

"You are a psychopath!"

"Cute. I'll take that as a compliment."

"Urgh," Kurt scoffed. "Do whatever… I'm sick of this." Kurt say's pushing past James forcefully to the bathroom door.

"Keep an eye out on that Warbler of yours, Kurt." James called as Kurt walked out the bathroom. "And I'm not talking about Pavarotti."

Kurt just rolled his eyes and walked down the hallways back to his English class. He sat back in his seat next to Blaine.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

"Yeah," Kurt lied. "Just fine." He smiled which seemed to satisfy Blaine as he carried on writing in his notebook.

Kurt popped his pen in his hand and tried to concentrate on the video that the class had been watching and making notes. But it was no good. He couldn't concentrate. Not now.

He took Blaine's hand under the desk and gave it a squeeze. Blaine returned and smiled back. He could see that Kurt was sitting ridged in his seat.

"Are you sure you're okay? You seem… tense…"

"Yeah, Blaine. I'm fine." Kurt said. "…I'm just nervous about meeting your father, that's all." He smiled. This wasn't a lie, Kurt was nervous about meeting Mr. Anderson, but that is not what was bothering him right now.

"I was exactly the same when I met Burt. My palms where just sweating the whole time…"

"Gorgeous." Kurt laughed.

"It'll be fine. I promise. He's changed and he promised me he would be on his best behaviour"

Kurt just smiled. He knew Blaine dad would be.

Kurt looked out of the classroom door and spotted James. He was just looking at him with his beady green eyes. He hadn't said anything, but he had still managed to say one thousand words to Kurt from one look. Kurt turned pale.

Blaine followed Kurt's panicked eyes. He found James looking at the two of them. Blaine was confused as to what was going on and why Kurt had gone paler…. James walked away.

"What was that about?" He asked.

Kurt watched James disappear from the doorway and then turned to Blaine. "…I have no idea."

"Seemed like something to me…"

"He's is just being his old creepy self– Ignore it."

"You're pale."

"I'm always pale." Kurt said. He gave Blaine a look as if to say 'please leave it, it was nothing.' So Blaine decided to leave it and carried on making notes.

"Where's you mom?" Kurt said as the headed into Blaine's kitchen after school the next day.

Today was the day in which Kurt was meeting Blaine's dad and he could be picking them up later, so Kurt went to Blaine's.

"Oh… she has gone out with Andrew." Blaine smiled. "She said something about going out to lunch and then some shopping.

"Oh… I see. Sooo we have the house to ourselves… do we?"

Blaine turns around to look at Kurt. "…we do." Blaine says smirking. Kurt walks over to Blaine and puts his finger under his chin and kissing him deeply.

The kiss soon becomes heated. Kurt's finger running through Blaine curls and Blaine is fisting the bottom of Kurt's shirt which had been un-tucked from his grey slacks.

Blaine pulls away and took Kurt's hand and leads him upstairs to his bedroom, falling onto his bed and hovering over Kurt.

The blazers had long been ditched somewhere on the floor. Blaine pulled Kurt up to meet his lips by his tie and then undid it and threw it away.

Kurt was unbuttoning Blaine shirt slowly; he knew what this was doing to Blaine.

"You're such a tease…" Blaine whispered

Kurt said nothing. He just continued to unbutton the shirt and throw it with the pile of clothes. He flipped them over so Blaine was beneath him and trailed kisses down his body.

He was at Blaine's hips and pressed kisses to them causing Blaine to moan. Kurt took that as an invitation to go on. He sucked at the skin there and bit it gently. He looked up at Blaine and then to his hips. Kurt had marked Blaine hips. The purple mark contrasting on Blaine's olive skin.

Kurt undid the button on Blaine's jeans and waited for Blaine to see if he looked uncomfortable. He didn't.

"Please Kurt." Blaine begged. Kurt trailed kisses down from Blaine bellybutton to the waistline of Blaine's boxers–

"Hey boys!" A voice came from downstairs. It was Isabelle.

They rolled their eyes at each other. That had been the second time that week she had interrupted them.

"I am going to kill her." Blaine says. His voice raspy and low.

"Better get rid of your bedroom voice first. Oh and… put some clothes on…" Kurt laughs.

"You will be the death of me."

They put their uniforms back on and headed downstairs to the living room.

"Hey mom." Blaine mumbles sitting on the couch.

"Someone's moody." She laughs shrugging it off. "Hey Kurt, are you okay? Please tell me you're not moody..."

"No, I'm fine. Blaine is just being childish" Kurt laughs looking at him.

"Oh… I wasn't interrupting or anything was I?"

"No mom. I'm fine." Blaine said.

"Kurt are you okay? You've gone a bit…pink there." Isabelle says noticing Kurt's blush

"Yes Kurt. You have." Blaine said smoothly. "Please do tell…" he asked innocently making Kurt give him one of his best bitch glares.

"How are you Isabelle?" Kurt says choosing to ignore Blaine.

"Yeah honey, I'm great. I had a nice lunch with Andrew and then he took me shopping."

"Get anything nice?"

"Nothing special, just a couple of nice tops"

"Okay, okay, okay, save the fashion talk for later." Blaine laughs.

"What time is your father picking you up?"

"In about… 10 minutes" Blaine looks at the time.


"Have you seen Coop lately?"

"Yeah… he came around yesterday to see how I was."

"Cool… I might go around and see him sometime."

Blaine feels his phone vibrate in his pocket.

I'm outside –Dad

"Dad's outside." He says to Kurt who looks nervous. "It'll be fine, c'mon." Blaine says. They say goodbye to Isabelle and walk outside and get into Blaine's dad's car.

"Hey son." Michael says to Blaine as they put their seatbelts on.

"Hey dad."

"…Kurt is it?" He says looking at Kurt.

Kurt's attention is snapped to Mr. Anderson. He was like and older Blaine in so many ways, they had the same mannerisms. They had the same smile, but Blaine's a much more childish version. Then that's when it hit Kurt. Blaine dad was talking to him…

"Y-yeah… I'm Kurt." He said tying to hide the nervousness in his voice.

Mr. Anderson chuckled. "It's nice to finally meet you. Blaine talks about you the whole time when he's at mine."

"Good things I hope." Kurt said looking at Blaine.

"Always." Blaine smiles.

Michael coughed. "So I was thinking on going out for dinner tonight?" He said. "Nothing fancy… it's just I can't cook. Blaine's mom used to do all the cooking…"

Blaine looked out of the window. He didn't need that. Kurt felt awkward.

"Yeah… That's sounds great, thank you Mr. Anderson."

"Michael." He corrected.

The pull up outside Blaine's dad's apartment and get out the car. Blaine takes Kurt's hand as they walk into the building and into the apartment.

Michael's apartment is nice. Well kept and very modern, but it didn't feel like a home… not like Isabelle's place. But Kurt still felt comfortable there.

"So Blaine how's school?" Michael asks putting on the TV but turning the volume down low for them to talk.

"Yeah, it's good. Kurt goes to Dalton now… he transferred."

"Oh I see." Michael said not asking any questions about it. "How are you settling in then? Is it treating you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm enjoying it. The classes are a lot harder but I feel better there."

"Do you know what you want to be when you leave? Or do you not want to think about it yet?"

"I am really interested in fashion design. I'm thinking of doing that at collage or something."

"And what about you Blaine? Still wanting to be a music teacher?"

"Yup. I'm going to look for some work experience. I figured it would help."

"That's a great idea." Michael smiled. They continued to make small talk like this. It wasn't awkward, there was just that little bit of uncertainty that made the conversation… a bit formal?

"So, Kurt, what does your father do?" Michael asked sounding genuinely interested.

"He owns a garage." Kurt started. "Hummel Tyres and Lube."

"I recognise that name… is your dad by any chance called Burt? Burt Hummel?"

"Yeah. That's him."

"He fixed my Chevy up not so long ago. Nice man"

"That's my dad for you."

"It's a small world." Blaine laughed.

"So I was thinking that we go eat at about 6:30, how does that sound?"

"That is fine with me."


"Is it okay if Kurt and I go for a walk?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah, don't be too long though." Michael smiled at the two of them.


"Where are we going?" Kurt whispered as they headed out the door.

"You'll see."

They walked down the street and to the left as Blaine lead them.

"The meadow?" Kurt said as the approached a familiar set of trees.

"Yeah, I just wanted to come here with you. We haven't been in a while."

"We haven't." Kurt smiled. They walk to the grass and sit down facing each other holding each others hands.

"So… I want you to tell me something." Blaine said. "I want to know what it is that you have been stressed out about lately."

"Blaine, I already told you. I'm fine. I'm not stressed." Kurt sighed.

"Well something's the matter. You're edgy."

"I am not!" Kurt snapped. Blaine just lifted his eyebrows as if to say 'told you so.' Kurt sighed. "Okay. I'm sorry."

"I forgive you."

"It's just everything. I'm worried about my dad because I'm not there all the time to look after him. I still have nightmares about Karofsky. I miss everyone at my old school, not that I don't love Dalton, it's just weird not seeing them everyday. I was anxious about meeting your dad. And on top of all of that… I have James Sutherland adding to it all. He really is the cherry on top of the cake."

"Wow… okay, I'm sorry." Blaine smiled sympathetically. "You know your dad is going to be fine. He has Carole there looking after him. And Finn. I know it's hard but you know if anything happens, and I'm one hundred percent sure that nothing will, they will call you and you will be with him in a second."

"You're right."

"And those nightmares? They are going to stop."

"And how are they going to? …they aren't just going to disappear."

"I know, but I'm going to make sure that, when you wake up from them, that I'll be right there to hug you, to kiss you and to hold you until you aren't afraid anymore." Blaine said rubbing circles on Kurt's palm.

"Why are you so perfect?"

"I am far from it."

"Your not, you honestly are the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. I'm so lucky to have you."

"I'm luckier, because I have you." Blaine smiled kissing Kurt's nose. "And please let's just not talk about James… he is a toad and I'd rather not acknowledge his existence."

Yeah it was easy for Blaine to ignore him, James haden't been stalking Blaine…

"Yeah, probably for the best."

"Don't let him get to you. That's what he does. He get's into your head and he knows it. He figures out your weaknesses and uses them."

"Is that what he did to you?"

Blaine looked at Kurt with pained eyes. "…Yeah." Blaine bit his lip. "He built up my confidence and knocked it straight back down."

"I'm sorry he did that to you."

"Don't be. It happened and I've moved on." Blaine put his hand and Kurt's shoulder. "I'm just glad Wes was there. He made me see sense. Literally slapped me out of it."

"Well I'm glad he did."

"Me too." Blaine smiled. "So… no more worrying. Okay?"


"Now come on, we better get back." Blaine said helping Kurt up.

"Wait. I just want to do one thing." Kurt said. He put his hands on either side of Blaine's face. Blaine put his arms around Kurt's waist. Kurt kissed him slowly and passionately. Both of them melting into the kiss. "You always talk about everyone else being amazing and brave." Kurt said resting his forehead on Blaine's "But you. You're brave. You have been through a lot and you still always put others in front of you."

Blaine blushed. "C'mon… let's go." He said taking Kurt's hand and walking back to his dad's apartment.

Thet get back and head out for some food. They end up having a very good nice. The original formal conversations had been replaced by casual chit chat and making fun of Blaine, in the nicest way possible.

"Are you two at Dalton tonight or your mom's?" Michael asked as he was taking them to wherever they wanted.

"Dalton." Blaine said. "It has been a while since we actually stayed in our dorm."

"Yeah… I feel like we just always ditch them all the time." Kurt laughed.

The radio was playing quietly in the background of their conversation. Kurt just shook his head and laughed up on hearing the song. Blaine was grinning like an idiot.

"You think I'm pretty without any make-up on."

"What are you two laughing at?" Blaine's dad asked.

"Oh nothing." Blaine laughed.

"…o-kay then." Michael said puzzled. "We'll, I'll see you two soon." He said pulling up in Dalton's car park.

"Bye dad."

"It was nice meeting you Mr. Anderson." Kurt smiled.

"You too, Kurt. And remember, it's Michael." He laughed.


Blaine's dad pulled away and drove off.

"Well that wasn't so bad." Kurt giggled.

"See, told you that you had nothing to worry about."

They walked back in the grand building and headed to there dorm and sat on their beds.

Blaine twitches his head. "Do thing's seem… odd to you?"

"Odd… how do you mean?"

"Listen." Blaine said.

Kurt lay perfectly still trying to figure out what Blaine was talking about. "…I hear nothing."

"Exactly…" Blaine knitted his eyebrows together. "…it's quiet…"

"Hey Kurt!"

"Arrghhhh!" Kurt screamed. He must have jumped seven foot in the air. "…tweedles!" he sat hitting them both on the arms.

"I'm scared as to how you managed to get in here."

"Yeah, probably easier if you don't ask"

"You gave me a heart attack!"

"We're sorry Kurt."

"Just don't do that… ever again!" Kurt said before collapsing on his bed.

"What do you guy's want? I'm pretty sure you didn't sneak in via invisibility cloak for no reason." Blaine asked.

"I wouldn't put it past them."

"We just came because we miss you guy's here."

"You two are like… never here. And annoying Seb and Ryan just isn't the same anymore."

"So giving people heart attacks is what you do for fun now?" Kurt said.

They heard a knock at the door and looked between each other.

"Come in… might as well the twins already did…" Blaine shouted.

They door opened and Wes, Sebastian and Ryan walked in.

"Hey guy's" Sebastian smiles as them all."

"Hey Seb." Justin says.

"Look what I have!" Ryan says pulling out a bottle of vodka.

"Uh-oh!" Blaine says.

"We where thinking of having a little bit of never have I ever." Said Wes sitting on the floor.

"Are you guy's up for it?"

"I am… how about you Kurt?" Blaine asked.

"Hell yeah" Kurt grinned joining Wes on the floor.

"Okay, so who wants to ask first?"

"ME!" Ryan shouted. He poured the vodka into the shot glasses for them all. "Never have I ever… kissed a girl."

Wes, The tweedles, and Kurt all took their drink.

"Spill." Ryan said.

"Well obviously mine would be my girlfriend." Wes said obviously.

"Justin, Jamie?"

"If we say our mom, does that count?" They asked blushing.

"No. you have to tell the truth. No getting out of it."

"Fine. I kissed this girl called Lily" Jamie said giving up. "I really liked her but she didn't feel the same."

"I had a girlfriend called Melissa." Justin said.

"Woah! Why didn't you tell us?" Sebastian asked baffled.

"I dunno. Doesn't matter. I had a girlfriend. Past tense."

"Okay… Kurt, do share." Blaine said looking at him.

"It was in my sophomore year. My dad was hanging out with Finn a lot and I thought he was finding it awkward because I was gay. So I tired to impress him by dressing in flannel shirts and awful trousers and hats. And my friend Brittany, who now has a girlfriend, Santana, posed as my girlfriend."


"You did not tell me that." Blaine laughed.

"Bad point in my life. Never again."

"Okay so who's turn next?"

"Mine!" Jamie shouted. "Never have I ever… lied about being in love with someone… or my sexual preference to avoid a date."

Blaine, Kurt and Justin took a drink.

"Some guy who had gotten in touch with me from my like, first school, asked me out, but he was really creepy and at the time…I was seeing… James… so I told him I had a girlfriend." Blaine said looking down at the floor.

"Kurt… what about you?"

"Well, my best friend Mercedes had a crush on me, like, years ago. And at the time I hadn't come out so Instead of just telling her I was gay, I made up that I was in love with my other friend, Rachel."


"Oh… just some girl from Crawford. She had been like stalking me and in the end I just told her I was gay."

"Blaine… you're next."

Blaine thought of a question and smirked at Kurt…who was wearing a scarf. And he remembered the hicky he had given him the day before. "Never have I ever worn some clothes to hide a hicky?"

Kurt and Sebastian took a drink.

They all look at Kurt.



"I have nothing to tell…"

"Oh so the scarf you're wearing, inside, might i add is for nothing?"


"Don't lie."

"Fine. Yeah…I have a hicky."

"How is it holding up? It was pretty big." Blaine said teasing.

"Why Blaine? Why would you do that?"

"Okay, let's move on…" Wes said. "We all know Sebastian get's them all the time." Sebastian just winked at Ryan, who smirked back.

"Who's go is it now?" Kurt asked.

"Mine" Justin said. "Never have I ever…. skinny dipped."

Jamie, Wes and Blaine took a drink.

Kurt raised his eyebrows.

"It was a dare." Blaine explained.

"And he enjoyed it so much that the next time he did it, it was out of choice…"

"Okay… never have I ever… been south of the border as it is put these days…" Sebastian asked.

Kurt, Blaine Sebastian and Ryan took a drink.

"Woah, wait a sec. Kurt… Blaine?"

They just laughed nervously. "What?" Blaine smiled.

"Something to tell us?" Wes asked.

"I think by taking a drink to Sebastian's question is all the information you need Wesley…" Kurt said.

"Oh no… not you too with the Wesley thing…"

"Afraid so." Kurt said. "Anyway… my go… never have I ever… made out under the stars."

Kurt, Blaine, Sebastian, Ryan and Wes took a drink.

Nobody asked any questions. The twins just awed at them all causing them to turn red.

"Okay my go." Wes said. He look at Sebastian and Ryan. "…never have I ever fooled around on a roommates bed."

Sure enough, Sebastian and Ryan took a drink.

"What?! When?" Jamie said.

"Let's just say Thad was not impressed." Ryan laughed.

"We were just making out… he went to the bathroom and left us there…"

"Okay then." Blaine said. "I'll have another go. Never have I ever been walked in on… by my roommate." He said also looking at Sebastian and Ryan.

They took another drink.

"You found it hot Blaine… admit it." Sebastian laughed.

"I did not! I was mentally scarred!"

"Oh my god. I feel sorry for you, baby." Kurt said gesturing for Blaine to hug him.

"Thank you." Blaine said hugging Kurt and kissing him on the shoulder.

They carried on with this till 1am… none of them had ever realised the time, they where having a lot of fun and they all got, let's just say… very drunk.

"G-guys! I'm gunna h-head back now." Wes managed.

"Haha! Wes is drunk!" The twins laughed. Wes hardly ever got drunk.

"I think it's time we all got to bed. I'm tired!" Blaine complained.

"Night guys." Ryan and Sebastian said leaving the room. Followed by the tweedles.

"Wes… are you okay man?"


"Do you need me to walk you back?"

"Mmhumm." Wes nodded.

"Alright." Blaine said Puttig Wes' arm around his shoulder. "I'll be back in a second, baby." He said turning to Kurt.


"B-Bye Kurt."

"Bye Wes."

Blaine walked down the corridor with Wes and knocked on Wes' room door to get David to unlock it.

"Oh my god, Wesley is drunk."

"Yeah…he is going to have a sore head tomorrow." Blaine laughed.

"Alright, I'll get him to bed. C'mon Wesley." David said taking Wes to his bed.

Blaine headed back to his dorm and opened the door.

Blaine stood back against the door, closing it. "Hey you."


"Tonight was fun."

"Yeah. I've never seen you drunk before… or drink alcohol now you mention it."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Nope… not at all." Kurt bit his lip. It was probably more to do with the beer, or should we say, vodka goggles, but Blaine looked extremely irresistible.

"Can I just say… you look super hot right now." Blaine said sitting next to Kurt on his bed.

"Mm, you do to. Rugged non- gelled hair suits you."



"Well as much as I would love to just ravish you right now, we're drunk and I don't want to rush into anything."

Kurt sighed. "I know."

"I probably wouldn't be able to stop myself."

"Don't temp me." Kurt grinned.

"You are such a tease." Blaine said straddling Kurt.

"But like you said," Kurt said moving so Blaine would move too. "We're drunk…"

"Goodnight." Blaine said taking Kurt's hand and kissing it.

"I love you."

"I love you, too." Blaine smiled and headed to his bed and fell asleep.

It was dark, cold and Kurt felt claustrophobic. He was in a dark, small room.

He heard footsteps coming along from the corridor. He jumped with every heavy footstep.

He saw them stop out side the door. The small amount of light that managed to creep through the bottom of the door showed the shadow of the feet that terrified Kurt to the core.

The door opened slowly. Then Karofsky appeared.

He walked over to Kurt, picked him up by his shirt collar a shoved him back to the ground. Kurt falling and surely breaking something.

Kurt felt Karofsky kicking him and beating him. He just wanted it to stop.

All of the pain all of the suffering to stop.

For it all of it to stop.

To stop.

"Kurt!" A familiar voice echoed. It sounded safe, warm and full of hope and promise.

"Kurt! Wake up!"

Kurt felt himself being shaken. He panicked and jumped to sit up. He opened his eyes and saw Blaine sitting next to him. A worried expression on his face.

"You were having a nightmare."

Kurt closed his eyes. He was sick of these nightmares. "Thank you." He said to Blaine sniffing. He must have been crying.

"No problem. I'll go back to bed. Wake me up if you need anything. Blaine said kissing Kurt before getting up off of Kurt's bed.

"Blaine… wait." Kurt said and Blaine tuned back around. "…Don't leave."

Blaine looked at Kurt. Wordlessly, Kurt scooted over to allow Blaine in his bed. Blaine slid into the bed behind Kurt and wrapped his arms around Kurt kissing the back of his head.

"It's okay, you can sleep now. I've got you."

"I love you."

"I love you too, so much Kurt."

Kurt smiled and melted into Blaine arms. He was soon fast asleep.

He wouldn't be having any more nightmares tonight.

End Notes:

Please Review! :)

Wooohooo, drunken Warbler parties. I would give up anything to go to one of those.


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