Second Chances
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Second Chances: Chapter 8

M - Words: 2,117 - Last Updated: Sep 19, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Apr 30, 2012 - Updated: Sep 19, 2012
272 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes:

Okay, so here is chapter 8!

First of all. I just want to say wow. You guy's are amazing, since my last update on this i have had over 1,000 views (on, which was less than a week ago. Now i don't know about what the average is, but 1,000, to me is just so much more than i had ever expected :D so yeah, thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read this :)

So yeah, I hope you all like this chapter :D! I have not actually been to a psychiatrist myself so i am sorry if some of the infomartion is wrong or whatnot :)



The previous night, Blaine had not had any dreams or nightmares, just a peaceful night's sleep, so that was a good thing.

He had woken up the next morning in Kurt's bed, with Kurt lying next to him, keeping a hold of him. He had no idea how he had gotten there as he remembered falling asleep on the couch… not that he minded.

'Blaine… can… we need to talk,' Kurt said in a quiet voice, some time shortly after breakfast. Blaine nodded; he had a feeling of what this was going to be about, he had heard Kurt on the phone to some doctor earlier.

Kurt just looked at Blaine as if to say 'I have no idea where to start' and he understood why Kurt was looking at him like that, because what happened yesterday was completely sudden and unexpected, it just happened and Blaine still felt awful about being such a burden on Kurt; things were quickly spiralling out of control.

'Okay, I want to help you… I really do… but yesterday-'

'Kurt I'm sorry,' Blaine said cutting in. 'I'll just leave, you shouldn't have to do this.' He felt like crap for dragging Kurt into this, because that was exactly what he was doing, he was dragging Kurt down, dragging Kurt into something he didn't need to be in… it would be better if he just left…

'Blaine, no stop!' Kurt said placing his hands on Blaine's lap to keep him there. 'That's where you're wrong… what I was going to say was, I can't help you on my own,' and then Blaine remembered the doctor Kurt was talking to earlier. '…Icalledapsychiatrist' Kurt said quickly.

'Kurt! No, I-I…'

'Blaine, please just listen, after yesterday… seeing you like that really scared me… I want to do everything I can to help you, I don't want to see you like that again.'

'And sending me to a shrink will do that?'

'Yes.' Blaine just stared at Kurt with an exasperated look on his face, struggling to find the words. 'He's called Dr Lynch.'

'You booked an appointment?'

'No! I said that I would talk to you about it… I wasn't sure how you would feel about it, so I told him you would call him back.'

'Kurt, I am not going to see a shrink.'

Kurt closed his eyes and put his head in his hand for a few moments before shaking his head and looking back up straight into Blaine's eyes.

'Please, Blaine… you need to… he has messed you up…'

'Yes, but I'll get better by myself… I don't need Dr Finch-'


'Whatever, I don't need him Kurt, I have you.'

'I know… but Blaine, I had no idea how to react yesterday, I freaked out… what if that happens again, and it's much worse… I can't do this by myself.'

This hit Blaine. Kurt was right, what if that did happen on a much worse scale?…Now you mention it… what would happen if Kurt wasn't there next time… if Blaine went out by himself when it happened, Kurt couldn't help him all of the time…

He needed to do this.

'At least if not for me… do it for yourself, Blaine… you need this,' Kurt said stroking Blaine's arms in a soothing manner.

'Fine… I'll do it… I'll call him.'

Seeing Kurt's face relieved is what really done it for Blaine, he knew that he needed to do this, not only for himself, for the both of them… if they were going to work out… he had to do this properly. So Blaine called Dr Lynch and booked himself an appointment.

'He said one of his clients cancelled, so if I wanted to go down today at 4, that would be great,' Blaine said as he hung up the phone and put it on one of the kitchen benches.

'Great!... Do you want me to come with you?'

'Yeah… I don't think I could do it without you Kurt,' Blaine said, joining Kurt on the couch and settling into his arms.

'Okay… I'll drive us there alright?'

'Alright… thank you Kurt.'

'No problem… I would do anything to help you.'

'I know, and I'm sorry for snapping before, it was just hard to admit that I really do need help'

'And I am so proud of you for admitting it… that's half the battle.'

Blaine scoffed trying to hold back a laugh, a smile appearing on his face when Kurt said he was proud of him.

'I want you to be… proud of me that is,' Blaine said, wrapping his arms around Kurt's neck and holding tightly. 'I love you.'

'I love you too, and of course I'm proud of you!' Kurt replied rubbing small circles onto the nape of Blaine's neck as he knew this comforted him.

Blaine lifted his head from Kurt's chest but still keeping his head close to Kurt. They stared at each other lovingly for a few seconds before they both started to move a little closer to each other, Blaine was now practically sitting on Kurt's lap.

They closed the gap that separated them and kissed. At first it was nothing too much, it was just two people telling each other how much they loved each other, as if they shared some sort of secret bond that only they knew about, the lightness of the kiss still managing to tell each other exactly what was needed.

Blaine, whose confidence had grown a little, decided to deepen the kiss. He ran his tongue along Kurt's bottom lip, parting them, before anxiously allowing his tongue to enter Kurt's mouth, immediately finding his tongue, the kiss suddenly becoming needy, as if Blaine needed it as if the world was ending.

They broke apart a few minutes later and Kurt rested his head onto Blaine's as they shared small smiles between the two of them. Kurt was massaging Blaine's head by gently rubbing his fingers in his curls.

'I love you so much, Kurt Hummel.' The truth in Blaine's voice was scary, but Kurt knew this already, he knew Blaine loved him.

'I love you too, Blaine Anderson.' Kurt also returning the same amount of truth as Blaine had given, as it was true for Kurt too, he was in love with Blaine, and Kurt was sure that Blaine knew that.

Before long, it had turned 3:30, Kurt and Blaine had spent most of the morning and afternoon watching Disney movies. They had gotten through The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast and Cinderella, the two of them would share kisses throughout the movies… just because they could.

They got ready to go and see Dr Lynch. Blaine was scared, he had no idea of what to expect from today, what he would be asked…he figured out that he would probably have to tell Dr Lynch about what he had been through, so he was mentally preparing himself for that.

'It's going to be alright,' Kurt said standing in the doorframe, watching Blaine tousle his curls into some sort of order… hair gel had been long abandoned, but Kurt and Blaine both preferred it like this.

'I know,' Blaine replied, turning around to face his boyfriend. 'I'm just preparing myself.'

Kurt just smiled. 'C'mon, we better go.'

'Yeah, okay,' Blaine said as he put his shoes on, grabbed his jacket and headed out the door interlocking his hand with Kurt's.


The small room in which Blaine and Kurt had been told to go and wait in was quite daunting, it wasn't due to the fact that the room was drab or dreary, in fact it was quite the opposite, the thing that was daunting for Blaine was that this was a psychiatrist…a medical professional. Never in Blaine's 21 years of life did he ever think he would be in here, but never had he thought he would end up in a relationship like the one he had with Sebastian.

'Mr Anderson.' A man of about 5ft 11 came out, he had blonde hair that was far to bright to be natural and wore glasses. He was a bit older than Blaine, in his early 30's maybe.

Kurt took Blaine's hand and they walked together into the room the blonde man came out of, they both presumed that he was Dr Lynch, so they went in and sat down.

The room was like the waiting room, it was bright and optimistic, but Blaine still felt nervous. He had every right to be, this was a huge thing, especially for someone of 21.

'Okay so I'm Dr Lynch, it's great to meet you both,' he said holding his hand out in which he shook both Blaine and Kurt's hand.

'Mr Anderson, there really is no need to be too nervous, I'm not going to ask too many questions today, I usually spend the first session getting to know my clients and their situation, it seems to help.'

'Oh okay, and please… call me Blaine, Mr Anderson makes me sound old,' he said with a hint of a laugh.

'Very well, so, Blaine, tell me a bit about yourself first, what sort of stuff do you like to do?'

Blaine went bright red at this, he would say that he loved to sing and play the guitar and piano, but he hadn't done that in years… he couldn't.

'He sings,' Kurt said seeing Blaine wasn't answering, 'he also loves to play the piano and I swear he knows how to play everything on the guitar.'

'Well yeah,' Blaine said being as modest as ever '…but I haven't been able to in years,' Blaine said nervously looking at the floor as he felt Kurt's hand give his a squeeze.

'Would you like to talk about it?' Dr Lynch asked sensing an opening to find out Blaine's story.

Blaine gave it thought… he guessed he would have to tell it sometime, and the quicker he could tell Dr Lynch about what happened with Sebastian, the quicker he could start to heal.

'Well… um, y'see…'

'In your own time Blaine, I'm not going to rush you; you don't have to talk about it today.'

'No! I want to, just give me a second.' Blaine was going to tell Dr Lynch one of the most vivid memories that he still had, but he was hesitant about telling it as he didn't want to worry Kurt by telling him. Apparently this showed on Blaine's faces Kurt squeezed his hand again, a little harder this time, causing Blaine to look at him

'You can do this, Blaine' Kurt said offering a smile, which Blaine returned of course, because how could he not ?

'Okay… well...' Blaine started telling them the story of how this whole thing started, how Sebastian had threatened to kill Kurt and that he had been trying to split them up. He told Dr Lynch about how Sebastian would beat him up, how he would assault him… even sexually most of the time. He told Dr Lynch about how on one occasion when Blaine refused to sleep with Sebastian, he had pulled out a knife and had threatened him with it. At this, he heard Kurt gasp in horror, he really didn't know the true extent of what had been happening. Blaine could feel himself reliving the stories he was telling, but he was in control, he had Kurt next to him, he was going to do this.

'Wow,' Dr Lynch said after Blaine had finished telling him his story, 'you've gone through quite a lot haven't you?' Blaine took this as a rhetoric question and just got himself together again as he was upset from sharing what had happened, feeling a little better that he had that out in the open. 'Are you having trouble sleeping or anything? I know that with past clients, people in a similar situation to yours usually have nightmares or halluc-'

'Hallucinations,' Blaine finished, 'Yeah I have those, I actually had one yesterday, it gave Kurt here a bit of a fright… he's the one who got me to come here.'

'Ah I see, well I can give you tablets to help you sleep… if you want.'

'Um… yeah… sure,' Blaine said and Dr Lynch filled out some paperwork, and then handed Blaine a prescription for the sleeping tablets.

'Well if you all done for today then I will see you same time next week?'

'Yeah, that sounds great.'

'Thank you,' Kurt said getting up to go and shake Dr Lynch's hand.

'No problem… My pleasure Mr Hummel.'

'Oh please… It's Kurt.'

'Very well.'

'Thank you,' Blaine said, also shaking Dr Lynch's hand as to which he just smiled.

'Keep him close, Blaine,' Dr Lynch said motioning towards Kurt who was picking up his satchel, '…I can tell that you love each other and that's something special… it can help with recovering… I can only do so much, it's the people like Kurt who really help.'

'Yeah, thanks, he's been amazing so far,' Blaine smiled. 'I guess I'll be back next week then.'

'Yes, see you then, Blaine, Kurt,' he nodded in acknowledgment as the two of them walked out of the room, once again with their fingers intertwined.


End Notes: Please Review :)


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Awwwhh KURT IS SO GODDAMN CUTE! I think I love Klaine just a little bit more now :3

Awh, i know right! I just love them both ahahah :)And yey! I'm glad you're love for the best couple ever has increased :D

oh my poor blaine been through so much.. Hope he can heal with the help of kurt DR im sure he will recover.

Oh there's plenty more where that came from :D but good things come to good people :D